Lømar Sw

羅馬 (Romans)

Te-2 Ciofng

第二章 (Chapter Two)

[1] ; [2] ; [3] ;

[4] 現代中文譯本; MLT–Modern Literal Taiwanese/MLT漢羅; [6]巴克禮漢羅;


2:1 [1] 你這論斷人的、無論你是誰、也無可推諉、你在甚麼事上論斷人、就在甚麼事上定自己的罪.因你這論斷人的、自己所行卻和別人一樣。

Sofie, bølun lie si symmih laang, na gytoaxn padlaang, bøo jixnhøo ee ciarkhao, lie ciuxsi ti kaxngkhoarn ee tiaxcix teq teng kaki ee zoe, in'ui lie kaki maxsi afnny teq zoex.

所以, 無論 lie si 甚麼 人, 若 擬斷 別人, bøo 任何 ee 藉口, lie 就是 ti 同款(相同) ee 代誌 teq 定 自己 ee , 因為 lie 家己/自己 maxsi afnny teq .

[NIV] You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

2:2 [3] 我們知道, 神必照著真理審判行這些事的人。

Taxnsi larn zay Sioxngtex si ciaux cinlie laai symphvoax afnny zoex ee laang.

但是 larn() 知 上帝 si 照 真理 來 審判 afnny ee .

[NIV] Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.

2:3 [1] 你這人哪、你論斷行這樣事的人、自己所行的卻和別人一樣、你以為能逃脫 神的審判麼。

Lie cit’ee laang, lie gytoaxn padlaang, kaki khiog zoex kaxngkhvoarn ee taixcix, lie sviu lie kiarm extaxng tøsiarm Sioxngtex ee symphvoax maq?

Lie 這個 人, lie 擬斷 別人, 家己/自己 卻 做 同款(相同) ee 代誌, lie lie kiarm() extaxng(能夠) 逃閃 上帝 ee 審判 maq?

[NIV] So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?

2:4 [3] 還是你藐視 神豐富的恩慈、寬容和忍耐,不曉得他的恩慈是要領你悔改的嗎?

Iafsi lie biawsi Sioxngtex kegtoa ee jinzuu, khoan'ioong kab thunlurn, mxzay Y ee jinzuu si boeq zhoa lie hoefkae maq?

抑是(還是) lie 藐視 上帝 極大 ee 仁慈, 寬容 kab 吞忍, 不知 Y ee 仁慈 si boeq() zhoa() lie 悔改 maq?

[NIV] Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?

2:5 [3] 可是你一直硬著心腸,不肯悔改,為自己積蓄 神的忿怒,就是他彰顯公義審判的那天所要發的忿怒。

Mxkuo lie korcid, laixsym mxkherng hoefkae, thøex kaki luyzeg hurnno, ciuxsi Sioxngtex titboeq hiefnbeeng Y konggi ee symphvoax ee jit, Y boeq ho lie ee henghoat.

不過 lie 固執, 內心 不肯 悔改, 替 家己/自己 累積 忿怒, 就是 上帝 快要 顯明 Y 公義 審判 ee , Y boeq() ho lie ee 刑罰.

[NIV] But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.

2:6 [1] 他必照各人的行為報應各人.

Y boeq ciaux koklaang sor zoex`ee laai pørexng y.

Y boeq() 照 各人 所 做`ee 來 報應 y.

[NIV] God "will give to each person according to what he has done."

2:7 [1] 凡恆心行善、尋求榮耀尊貴、和不能朽壞之福的、就以永生報應他們.

Kviena kienchii zørhør, tuikiuu engkngf, zunkuix kab bøexpaixhoai ee sviemia`ee, Y ciu sviwsux yn efngsefng.

見若(凡是) 堅持 做好, 追求 榮光, 尊貴 kab 不敗壞 ee 性命`ee, Y 就 賞賜 yn 永生.

[NIV] To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.

2:8 [3] 卻以震怒和憤恨報應那些自私自利、不順從真理而順從不義的人;

Taxnsi hiah’ee zuxsw-zuxli, bøo suxncioong cinlie, ar suxncioong putgi`ee, Y ciu eng hurnno kab sviuxkhix laai pørexng yn.

但是 那些 自私-自利, bøo 順從 真理, ar 順從 不義`ee, Y 就 用 憤怒 kab 生氣 來 報應 yn.

[NIV] But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

2:9 [3] 把患難和愁苦加給所有作惡的人,先是猶太人,後是希臘人,

Sofu zoeaphvae ee laang, boeq ho yn hoaxnlan kab thorngkhor, taixsefng si Iuthaix-laang (Jews), jien’au si goaxpafng-laang (non-jews).

所有 作歹(作惡) ee , boeq() ho yn 患難 kab 痛苦, 代先(首先) si 猶太-(Jews), 然後 si 外邦-(non-jews).

[NIV] There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;

2:10 [1] 卻將榮耀、尊貴、平安、加給一切行善的人、先是猶太人、後是希利尼人.

Taxnsi sofu zørhør ee laang, ciu ka engkngf, zunkuix kab peng’afn sviwsux yn, taixsefng si Iuthaix-laang (Jews) , jien’au si goaxpafng-laang (non-jews).

但是 所有 作好 ee , ka 榮光, 尊貴 kab 平安 賞賜 yn, 代先(首先) si 猶太-(Jews), 然後 si 外邦-(non-jews).

[NIV] but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

2:11 [1] 因為 神不偏待人。

In'ui Sioxngtex tuiethai laang bøo phiensym.

因為 上帝 對待 人 bøo 偏心.

[NIV] For God does not show favoritism.

2:12 [3] 凡不在律法之下犯了罪的,將不按律法而滅亡;凡在律法之下犯了罪的,將按律法受審判。

[4] 外邦人沒有摩西的法律,他們犯罪就不在法律下滅亡;猶太人有法律,他們犯罪就按照法律受審判。

Bøo Mosef (Moses) ludhoad ee goaxpafng-laang na hoaxnzoe, bøe ciaux ludhoad laai biedboong; u Mosef (Moses) ludhoad ee Iuthaix-laang (Jews), na hoaxnzoe, ciu beq ciaux ludhoad laai siu symphvoax.

Bøo 摩西 (Moses) 律法 ee 外邦-人 若 犯罪, bøe(不會) 照 律法 來 滅亡; u 摩西 (Moses) 律法 ee 猶太人 (Jews), 若 犯罪, beq() 照 律法 來 受 審判.

[NIV] All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.

2:13 [1] 因為在 神面前,不是聽律法的為義,而是行律法的得稱為義。

In'ui ti Sioxngtex ee bixnzeeng, mxsi thviaf ludhoad ee laang si gixlaang; si hogcioong ludhoad ee laang ciahsi gixlaang.

因為 ti 上帝 ee 面前, mxsi 聽 律法 ee si 義人; si 服從 律法 ee 人 才是 義人.

[NIV] For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.

2:14 [1] 沒有律法的外邦人、若順著本性行律法上的事、他們雖然沒有律法、自己就是自己的律法.

Bøo Mosef (Moses) ludhoad ee goaxpafng-laang, na ciaux pwnsexng laai kviaa ludhoad sor kuiteng ee taixcix, yn suijieen bøo Mosef (Moses) ee ludhoad, yn pwnsyn ciuxsi kaki ee ludhoad.

Bøo 摩西 (Moses) 律法 ee 外邦人, 若 照 本性 來 行 律法 所 規定 ee 代誌, yn 雖然 bøo 摩西 (Moses) ee 律法, yn 本身 就是 家己/自己 ee 律法.

[NIV] (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,

2:15 [3] 這就表明律法的作用是刻在他們的心裡,有他們的良心一同作證,他們的思想互相較量,或作控告、或作辯護。

Zef ciu hiefnbeeng ludhoad ee kongleeng kheg ti yn ee simlai, yn ee liongsym ia svakab zoex zerngkux; yn ee sym uxsii khorngkøx kaki, uxsii thoex kaki piexnho.

這 就 顯明 律法 ee 功能 刻 ti yn ee 心內, yn ee 良心 ia svakab(相互) 作 證據; yn ee 心 有時 控告 家己/自己, 有時 替 家己/自己 辯護.

[NIV] since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)

2:16 [3] 這也要照著我所傳的福音,在 神藉著耶穌基督審判各人隱情的那一天,彰顯出來。

Ciaux goar sor thoaan ee hok'ym, Sioxngtex thongkøex Iasof Kitog laai symphvoax laang simlai ee piebit hitjit, zef ciu e hiefnbeeng zhud` laai.

goar 所 傳 ee 福音, 上帝 通過 耶穌 基督 來 審判 人 心內 ee 祕密 那日, 這 就 e() 顯明 出`.

[NIV] This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.


2:17 [2] 但是你呢、你既名為猶太人,既依靠著律法,并拿上帝來夸口﹔

Tvaf lirn ciah’ee zhefng kaki si Iuthaix-laang`ee (Jews), lirn kiejieen oafkhøx ludhoad, ia liah Sioxngtex laai khoakhao;

lirn(/你們) 這些 稱 家己/自己 si 猶太-`ee (Jews), lirn(/你們) 既然 倚靠 律法, ia() () 上帝 來 誇口;

[NIV] Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God;

2:18 [2] 你既由律法受教訓,知道上帝的旨意,也能驗別是非﹔

lirn siu ludhoad ee karsi, zaiviar Sioxngtex ee cyix, ma exhiao hunpien symmih si sioxnghør`ee;

lirn(/你們) 受 律法 ee 教示, 知影(知道) 上帝 ee 旨意, ma 會曉 分辨 甚麼 si 尚好`ee(最好的);

[NIV] if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law;

2:19 [3] 自信是瞎子的嚮導,在黑暗中的人的光,

køq chimchym siongsixn kaki si teq ka chvimilaang zhoaxlo`ee, si ti o'axm-tiofng ee laang ee kngf,

køq 深深 相信 家己/自己 si teq ka 青盲人(瞎子) 導路`ee, si ti 黑暗-ee ee ,

[NIV] if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark,

2:20 [3] 愚昧人的導師,小孩子的教師,在律法上得了整套的知識和真理;

goxnglaang ee tøxsw, gyn’ar ee kaosw, ti lie ee ludhoad-lai, u kuithøx ee tieseg kab cinlie;

戇人(愚人) ee 導師, 囡仔(孩子) ee 教師, ti lie ee 律法-, u 歸套(整套) ee 知識 kab 真理;

[NIV] an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—

2:21 [3] 你既然教導別人,難道不教導自己嗎?你傳講不可偷竊,自己卻偷竊嗎?

lie karsi padlaang, kiarm bøo karsi kaki maq? Lie kiøx laang mxthafng thautheh, kaki soaq laai thautheh maq?

lie 教示 別人, bøo 教示 家己/自己 maq? Lie 叫 人 mxthafng(不可) 偷竊, 家己/自己 soaq 來 偷竊 maq?

[NIV] you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal?

2:22 [1] 你說人不可姦淫、自己還姦淫麼.你厭惡偶像、自己還偷竊廟中之物麼.

Lie korng laang mxthafng kviaa kan'iim, khiog kaki kviaa kan'iim maq? Lie iarm'og gvofsiong, khiog kaki khix chviwtoat biøxlai ee mih maq?

Lie 講 人 mxthafng(不可) 行 姦淫, 卻 家己/自己 行 姦淫 maq? Lie 厭惡 偶像, 卻 家己/自己 去 搶奪 廟內 ee maq?

[NIV] You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?

2:23 [1] 你既然以律法誇口,自己卻因犯律法而羞辱 神嗎?

Lie liah ludhoad zoex khoakhao, kiarm bøo in'ui kaki hoaxnhoad laai ho Sioxngtex ee miaa siu bwjiok maq?

Lie () 律法 做 誇口, kiarm() bøo 因為 家己/自己 犯法 來 ho 上帝 ee 名 受 侮辱 maq?

[NIV] You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?

2:24 [3] 正如經上所說的:“ 神的名,因你們的緣故在列邦中被褻瀆。”

Ciaux Serngkefng sor kiezaix`ee korng: “Sioxngtex ee miaa uixtiøh lirn ee ienkox, ti goaxpafng-laang-tiofng siu porngtok.”

照 聖經 所 記載`ee : “上帝 ee 名 為著 lirn(/你們) ee 緣故, ti 外邦人-中 受 謗瀆.”

[NIV] As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you."

2:25 [3] 你若遵行律法,割禮固然有益處;但你若是犯律法的,你的割禮就不是割禮了。

Lie na zunheeng ludhoad, katlea ciu u lixeg; taxnsi lie na uihoarn ludhoad, lie ciu kab bøo katlea`ee kaxngkhvoarn laq.

Lie 若 遵行 律法, 割禮 就 u 利益; 但是 lie 若 違犯 律法, lie kab bøo 割禮`ee 同款(相同) laq.

[NIV] Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, you have become as though you had not been circumcised.

2:26 [3] 這樣,沒有受割禮的人,如果遵守律法所規定的,他雖然沒有受過割禮,不也算是受過割禮的嗎?

Afnny hiah’ee bøo siu katlea ee laang, na zunsiuo ludhoad ee kuiteng, yn suijieen bøo siu katlea, kiarm bøextaxng ka yn sngrzoex u siu katlea maq?

Afnny 那些 bøo 受 割禮 ee , 若 遵守 律法 ee 規定, yn 雖然 bøo 受 割禮 , kiarm() bøextaxng(不能) ka yn 算做 u 受 割禮 maq?

[NIV] If those who are not circumcised keep the law's requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised?

2:27 [3] 那本來沒有受割禮卻遵守律法的人,就要審判你這有儀文和割禮而犯律法的人。

Køq hiah’ee pwnlaai bøo siu katlea, taxnsi u zunsiuo ludhoad ee laang, yn ciu boeq teng lirn ciah’ee suijieen u ludhoad ee bunji ee kuiteng, ia u siu katlea køq laai hoaxnhoad ee laang ee zoe.

Køq 那些 本來 bøo 受 割禮 , 但是 u 遵守 律法 ee , yn boeq() lirn(/你們) 這些 雖然 u 律法 ee 文字 ee 規定, ia u 受 割禮 køq 來 犯法 ee ee .

[NIV] The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker.

2:28 [1] 因為外面作猶太人的、不是真猶太人、外面肉身的割禮、也不是真割禮.

Kantvaf goaxpiao si Iuthaix-laang`ee (Jew), y mxsi cyn ee Iuthaix-laang (Jew); cyu goaxpiao jiogthea ee katlea, ia mxsi cyn ee katlea.

Kantvaf(僅有) 外表 si 猶太人`ee (Jew), y mxsi ee 猶太人(Jew); 只有 外表 肉體 ee 割禮, ia mxsi ee 割禮.

[NIV] A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical.

2:29 [3] 唯有在內心作猶太人的才是猶太人;割禮也是心裡的,是靠著聖靈而不是靠著儀文。這樣的人所受的稱讚,不是從人來的,而是從 神來的。

Cyu ti laixsym zoex Iuthax-laang`ee (Jew), ciahsi cyn ee Iuthax-laang (Jew); katlea iaxsi afnny, laixsym ee katlea ciahsi cyn ee katlea, zef si khørtiøh Serngleeng, mxsi khøx bunji. Citkhoarn laang siu ee ølør mxsi tuy laang laai`ee, si tuy Sioxngtex laai`ee.

只有 ti 內心 作 猶太-`ee (Jew), 才是 真 ee 猶太-(Jew); 割禮 也是 afnny, 內心 ee 割禮 才是 真 ee 割禮, si 靠著 聖靈, mxsi 靠 文字. 這款 人 受 ee 呵咾(讚揚) mxsi tuy() 人 來`ee, si tuy() 上帝 來`ee.

[NIV] No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God.