Kefngzhad kab Vickie

Vickie ti konglo 270 6B zhutkhao zhutlaai ee sii, kefngzhad-chiaf ittit ka y toex. Y lorng mxzay kefngzhad siensvy toex y auxpiaq ykefng u 2-ee chvi'angtefng aq. Kefngzhad ka y toxng`løqlaai liawau, y ciaq zaiviar taixcix toaxtiaau laq.

Vickie was trying to get out of 27ø exit 6B and didn't notice the
policeman was chasing her for two lights. The siren is blowing.  
Then, the policeman stopped Vickie's car.  Vickie finally realized some 
serious thing happens.  

K: Ka chiaf sae laai ciaf. 
   Lie karm bøo thviaf tiøh kefngzhad chiaf ee siren? 
   Chivar lie (Lie ka goar) zhud`laai.
   Ka (lie ee) siangchiuo khngx ti chiaf ee tefngbin.  
   Lie kuyhoex? Khuichiaf khuy kuynii aq? 
   Cipciaux theh ho goar.

   (Kefngzhad-kvoaf phaq tiexn'oe kiøx zabor-kefngzhad laai.)

P: Pull over your car? Didn't you hear the siren? Step
   out of your car and put your hands on the hood?  How old are you?  
   How many years do you drive? Give me your driver's permit? 
   (The policeman called another female officer to come over.)  

V: Goar kinnii (si) 38-hoex.  
   Goar khuichiaf ykefng u cidnii.
   (Goar sviw kyntviw, soaq theh hagsefng-zexng ho kefngzhad.)

   I am 38 years old.  I have one year driving experience.  
   (I was so nervous. I gave the officer my student ID.) 

K: Siøfciar, zef si lie ee hagsefng-zexng neq. 
   Lie ykefng chiaukoex zablak-hoex.
   Ui'symmih lie m theeng chiaf.
   (2-ee kefngzhad ti`leq thauchiøx.  
    In'iu Vickie bøo seeng cidee hoaxnlaang.)

P: Hey!  This's your student ID. What! You are not under 16 years
   old. Why don't you pull over your car? (Two officers laughed 
   at Vickie and said obviously she is not a criminal.) 

V: Goar cyn kyntviw. Sofie bøo zuo'ix tiøh lie teq jiog`goar.  
   Goar koeakhix lorng mxbad afnny.
   Chviar lie ka goar korng auxpae goar su'iaux afnzvoar zøx ciaq hør? 
   (Goar khvoax`khylaai karm hiahniq siaolieen.)

V: I was so nervous and didn't know you are chasing me.  I never had
   this experience before. So, what should I do? (Do I look that

K: Lie na si khvoartiøh kiuoho-chiaf ee tiexnhoea ti teq siq`cide siq`cide sii,
   lie tiøqaix kvoafkirn ka chiaf sae khix loxpvy theeng`løqlaai. 
   Ar niu kiuoho-chiaf sefng koex.

   Every time you see an emergency vehicle with flashing light, you
   should pull over to the right lane.   
   Give the emergency vehicle the right of way. 

V: Auxpae goar itteng oe khaq zuo'ix laq.

   I am sure I will do next time.

K: Citpae goar kantvaf ka lie kefngkøx`cide. Yau lie tiøqaix khaq zuo'ix. I just give you a warning ticket this time. V: Tøsia lie ee naixsym kab thefliong. Thank you for your patience and understanding. V: Cit'hoee cincviax ka goar kviaf`sie, chinchviu teq phaq-tiexnviar. Kin'afjit uxkaux høfun. Kerngjieen oe hoatsefng citciorng taixcix. Laang korng: "Thvikofng thviax goxnglaang." Goar tiøqaix laikhix boea ciofngkoaxn. Goar itteng oe tiorngciorng. (This is really more scared than the haunted hayride and it's like a real movie. Today is a weird to have this kind of situation. God bless humble people. I should get a lottery. I will win!!!)