
aw au aux ao aau auq auh

aw	te'aw-->au'ar
	                     Zef si goar ee te'aw.
	                     Zef si goar ee te'au'ar.
                             This is my tea cup.

kaw	zuykaw--> zuykau'ar
	                     Gurn taw auxbin u cidtiaau zuykaw.
	                     Gurn taw auxpiaq u cidtiaau zuykau'ar.
                             My house back has a ditch.
	kaw-->  kauthofng
	                     Ciaf ee kauthofng cviaa hongpien.
                             The traffic here is pretty convenient.

paw	paw                  Bahpaw si paw baq`ee, ar zhaepaw si paw zhaix`ee.
	paw`khylaai          Chviar lie ka ciaf ee miqkvia paw`khylaai.
        paupaw`khylaai       Chviar lie ka ciaf ee miqkvia paupaw`khylaai.
                             Meat bun filled with meat, and vegetables-bun filled with vegetables.
                             Please you here stuff wrapped.
	paw-->pauzofng       Chviar lie ka ciaf ee miqkvia pauzofng`cide.
                             Please you here stuff cosmetic.

khaw	khaw`cide
	                     Chviar iong khau'ar khaw`cide.
	                     Chviar iong khau'ar ka aang-zhaethaau khaw`cide.
                             Please use scraper to scrape it.
                             Please use scraper to scrape carrots.
	khaw--> khaukhaw`leq
	                     Chviar ka aang-zhaethaau khaukhaw`leq.
	                     Chviar ka peh-zhaethaau ma khaukhaw`leq.
                             Please have carrots scraped.
                             Please have daikon scraped.

thaw	zhadthaw
	                     Yn taw tiøh zhadthaw.
                             His house was broken in.   thaw--> thautheh
	                     Yn taw ee tiexnsi khix ho zhad'ar thautheh`khix aq.
	                     Cit'hang taixcix, y bad thauthau'ar ka goar korng`koex.
                             Their TV was stolen by  thief.
                             This issue, he secretly told me.

zhaw	thefzhaw
	                     Papaf ti hiaf zøx thefzhaw.
	                     Zef si iong zhaw`ee.
	zhaw--> zhausiar
	                     Zef si y zhausiar`ee.
                             Dad is over there stretching.
                             This was copied.
                             This was copied by her.

au au Gurn ee zhuo'au u cviaa zoe hoef. Cidlefpaix-au, larn ciaq køq kviebin. au--> auxpiaq, auxpae Gurn taw ee auxpiaq u cviaa zoe hoef. Larn auxpae ciaq køq keasiok thøflun. My house's backyard has many flowers. A week later, we will see each other again. Mine house's backyard has many flowers. A week later, we will continue discussing. hau hau--> hauxtviuo, hauxkør Y si Taigie Haghau ee hauxtviuo. Afnny zøx, cyn u hau. Afnny zøx, hauxkør cyn hør. He is Taiwanese school's principal. Doing this way is very effective. Doing this way the result is very good. kau kau--> kauxzoar Cittviw zoar cviaa kau. Zef si cidtviw kauxzoar. Hittviw zoar kaao'kauxkau. Y ee bixnphøee cviaa kau. Y cviaa kau bixnphøee. This piece of paper is very thick. This is a piece of thick paper. That piece of paper is so so thick. He has a very thick-skinned. lau lau--> lauxlaang Hit'ee laang uxkaux lau. Hit'ee lauxlaang cincviax lau. Ciah thotau, ciah kaq laaolauxlau. That guy is so old. That old person is really old. Eat peanuts made you live longer.(eat toward very old) nau nau--> nauxnau, nauxtviuu Chviar lirn mxthafng køhzaix nau`laq. Lie cyn aix nauxtviuu. Y cyn aix zhafzhar-nauxnau. Please don't again make a scene. You really enjoy making a scene. He really enjoys making a scene. tau tau--> tau'ar, tauxhu Thotau cyn høfciah. Tauxhu ma cyn høfciah. Y siong aix ciah tau'ar. Papaf aix ciah angtau, ar mamaf aix ciah tauxhu. Peanuts are delicious. Tofu are also delicious. She loves eating peas. Dad loves eating red bean, and mom loves tofu. thau thau`sie Niawzhuo khix ho laang thau`sie. Thviakorng, y si khix ho laang thau`sie. thau--> thauxsie Boexsae opeh thauxsie toxngbut. Mice were poisoned to death by people. People said, he was poisoned to death. Don't randomly posion animals. zau zau`lie Karm tiøh zau`lie? Goar karm tiøqaix zau`lie? Goar tiøqaix zau goxkhof ho lie. Tarn`cide, goar zau`lie. Should I give you changes? I should give you $5 back. Just a second, I'll give you change. zau--> zauxcvii Tarn`cide, goar mafsiong zauxcvii ho lie. Should I give you any change? Just a second, I'll right away give changes back to you. Should I give you any change back?
aux aux`khix--> aobi, ao'aux Hii aux`khix aq. Hii aux`khix aq, ykefng u aobi aq. Y ee bin ao'aux. Y sviuxkhix ee sii, bin lorng aotuxtu. haux haux--> haozuo, haosun Hit'ee gyn'ar cyn iwhaux. Hit'ee gyn'ar cyn iwhaux, si cidee haozuo. Hit'ee gyn'ar tuix yn pexbuo ciog haosun`ee. kaux kaux`aq Y karm ykefng kaux`aq? uxkaux Afnny karm uxkaux? Afnny si uxkaux iafsi bøkaux? kaux--> kao'ui, kaokaux, kaokaokaux Y karm kao'ui aq? Lie mxthafng ciah goar kaokaux. Y uxviar ciah goar kaao'kaokaux. khaux aekhaux Lie nar øe hiahniq aekhaux? Siøfti cviaa aekhaux, ti hiaf khaux kaq toaxsoex sviaf. Siøfmoe aekhaux, ma aechiøx. khaux--> khaosviaf Siøfmoe ee khaosviaf cviaa phvaythviaf. laux laux--> laosae Y thox køq laux. Laosae laux kaq cviaa kankhor. phaux phaux--> phao'ar, phaosviaf Lie karm exhiao parngphaux? Kekef-hoxho teq parngphaux, phaosviaf cviaa toaxsviaf. Koeanii sii, phao'ar tvoa kaq moafmoar si. saux saux`tiøh Taipag khix ho hongthay-boea saux`tiøh. saux`cide Chviar lie ka ciaf saux`cide. Ka ciaf chirnzhae saux`cide. saux--> saochiuo Chviar lie iong saochiuo ka ciaf saux`cide. Iong saochiuo ka ciaf saux-hof zhengkhix. taux taux`cide Chviar lie ka yn taux`cide. Goar oextaxng ka lie taux khachiuo. taux--> taotin Larn taotin laai zøx. Goar oextaxng kab lirn taotin zøx. thaux thaux Y ee hagbun giefnkiux kaq cviaa thaux. Goaxbin ee hofng cviaa thaux. thaux--> thaothaux, thaozar Ka nngxvoar thngf thaothaux zøx cidee. Y zoankog kviaa thaothaux. Thaozar, y tø khix sioxngpafn laq. Y thaozar tø khix sioxngpafn laq. zaux iefnzaux Iefnzaux, cviaa sengkofng. Y ee kngrkhiim iefnzaux, cviaa sengkofng. Yn beq khaisie iefnzaux`aq, chviar taixkef anzeng. zaux--> zaogak Gagthoaan beq khaisie zaogak aq, chviar taixkef anzeng. zhaux zhaux`khix Tauxhu zhaux`khix aq. Sviafmih laang parngphuix? Cviaa zhaux! zhaux--> zhaozhaux, zhaophuix Tauxhu ykefng zhaozhaux, zhaux`khix aq. Sviafmih laang paxng zhaophuix? Ai'iøq! Zhaophuix sidzai uxkaux zhaux!
ao ao`cide Chviar lie ka zoar ao`cide. ao--> awkhiaw Ka chiwkud siøfkoar awkhiaw`cide. hao aehao Siøfmoe sidzai uxkaux aehao. Siøfmoe cviaa aehao, siøfkoar taixcix y tø hao. hao--> hawsviaf, hawhao`cide Siøfmoe ee hawsviaf ciog toaxsviaf. Na sviuxtiøh yn amar, y tø khix pangkefng hawhao`cide. kao kao Mamaf aix niaw, ma aix kao. Gurn taw u chi nngxciaq kao. kao--> kaw'ar Cidciaq si oseg ee kao, cidciaq si ngseg ee kaw'ar. Hitciaq kaw'ar ee mngg tngg køq suie. khao zhutkhao Y si zøx zhutkhao`ee. Y si cidee zøx zhutkhao ee senglie-laang. Y si cidee zhutkhao-siofng. khao khao? khawzaai, khawkhix Lie ee khawzaai cviaa hør. Y ee khawzaai hør, mxkuo khawkhix cviaa mxhør. lao lao`tiøh Bøo siøfsym, khakud soaq khix lao`tiøh. lao cide Khaf khix lao cide, cviaa thviax. lao--> lawsit Lie si cidee lawsit laang. nao nao`tiøh Lie ee oe ho y thviaf kaq cviaa nao. Y ho lie ee oe nao`tiøh laq. Citmar si tiexnnao ee sitai. Y ee thaunao cviaa hør. nao--> nawkyn Y ee nawkyn cyn hør, kietii cviaa kioong. tao extao Y ee extao hortao-hortao. tao--> Tawlak Y si Tawlak ee laang. thao thao`cide. Chviar lie ka søh'ar thao`cide. thao--> thawpaxng Chviar ka kad thawpaxng`cide. zao zao`cide Ti uxntong-tviuu zao`cide. zao--> zawlo, zawlaai-zawkhix Mxthafng ti hiaf zao-laai zao-khix. Ti uxntong-tviuu zao-laai zao-khix. Y citmar ti teq zawlo. zhao iafzhao Mngkhao hoad cviaa zoe iafzhao. zhao--> zhawpof, zhaw'ar Mngkhao ee zhaw'ar hoad kaq cviaa zoe. Zhawpof ee chvizhao hoad kaq cviaa suie.
aau na'aau Lie ee na'aau ti tøfui? na'aau--> ausviaf Tuy na'aau hoad zhud`laai ee sviaf tø si ausviaf. Where is you throat? gaau gaau Siøfmoe cviaa gaau thagzheq. Ahviaf cviaa gaau thiaobuo. gaau--> gauzar Taixkef gauzar! Thaozar khvoartiøh laang tø aix korng: Gauzar! kaau kaau Siøfti phø cidciaq kaau. Hef si cidciaq søeaciaq kaau. kaau--> kausafn Kausafn aix ciah kinciøf. Kausafn ee mngg kaao'kauxkau. laau laau`løqlaai Bagsae ittit laau`løqlaai. Siøfmoe ee bagsae ittit laau`løqlaai. Siøfmoe ee bagsae laau bøtheeng. laau--> launoa, laukvoa Siøfti ti teq launoa. Siøfti ee noa laau bøtheeng. Joaqthvy sii, laukvoa laau boe theeng. taau taau`cide Gurn beq laikhix tauphiøx-sor taau`cide. Exkietid ka pøfkuix ee 1-phiøx taau`cide. Chviar lirn ka pøfkuix ee 1-phiøx taau ho goar. taau--> tauphiøx Tauphiøx sii, exkietid ka lirn ee irn'ar tngx hof hør. thaau thaau Zef si goar ee thaau. Goar u cidliap toa liap thaau. thaau--> thaukhag, thaumngg Goar ee thaukhag cviaa toa liap. Thaukhag tefngbin u thaumngg. kauq juxnpviar-kauq Taixkef ti teq ciah juxnpviar-kauq. Juxnpviar-kauq cviaa høfciah. kauq`koex Chialiern kauq`koex. Hitciaq niaw ho chialiern kauq`koex, cviaa zharm. kauq--> kauhsie Hitciaq niaw ykefng ho chiaf kauhsie`khix aq.