Examples - Palatal Audio files available by clicking the speaker image

MTL English Harnji Phrase/Sentence English
ciah eat Cyn-høfciah Taste good.
ciøq borrow Exsae ka lie ciøq`cide bøo?. May I borrow you a second?
cirnpo progress 進步 Lie cirnpo cyn-zoe. You make a lot of progress.
cvii money Y cyn-u cvii. He/she is rich.
chid wipe Goar laai chid y'ar. Let me wipe the chair.
chiøx laugh Y aix chiøx. He/she loves smiling.
chiafm sign Chivar lie chiafm miaa. Please sign your name.
chviar please 且/請 Chviar ze. Please sit down.
chviseg green 青色 Zhawpof si chviseg`ee. Grass filed is green.
sy poem Sijiin aix zøx sy. Poet love writing poems.
siar write Y aix siar phoef. He/she loves writing a letter.
sviu think Mxthafng opeh-sviu. Don't think irrationally.
jiblaai come in 入來 Chviar lie jiblaai ze. Please come in.
jiog chase Kao ti teq jiog`y. Dog is barking at him/her.
jidkix diary 日記 Y muyjit lorng siar jidkix. He/she writes diary every day.
jixtiern dictionary 字典 Goar u cidpurn jixtiern. I have a dictionary.