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(⬆︎): chi chi () [[🔍all]]

Htb (cache) (14) thaau-10-zoa:

chi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
city; to feed; cerium; market place; market; place for bartering goods; city; municipal
市; 飼; 鈰
Chi niawchie, ka porte. [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
to have someone you helped turn on you (Lit. Feed a rat and it bits a hole in the sack.)
飼老鼠咬布袋; 吃裡扒外
chi niuar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
engage in sericulture
飼蠶仔; 養蠶
chi phafng [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
keep bees
chi zabor [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
keep a concubine
飼查某; 養女人
chi zengsvef [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
feed; raise and care for domestic animals
飼畜生; 養畜生; 餵家畜
chi'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
chi-søea'ii [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
keep a concubine
飼細姨; 納妾
honghwn-chi'ar [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
evening market
Kagi-koan-chi [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
Chiayi County-City

DFT (90) thaau-10-zoa:

🗣 Biaulek Chi 🗣 (u: Biaau'lek Chi) 苗栗市 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
縣市 ( 附錄 - 地名 - 臺灣縣市行政區名 )
🗣 chi 🗣 (u: chi) [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
1. (V) to rear; to bring up; to nurture 2. (V) to raise (animals); to keep (pets) 3. (V) to feed 4. (V) to provide for; to keep (a mistress)
養育 。 畜養 。 餵食 。 包養 。
🗣 chi 🗣 (u: chi) [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
1. (N) market; marketplace 2. (N) city; town 3. (Adj) business condition or situation
進行買賣 、 交易的地方 。 人口密集 、 工商發達的城鎮 。 交易買賣的狀況 。
🗣 Chi kviar bølun png, chi pexbuo sngx tngx. 🗣 (u: Chi kviar bøo'lun png, chi pe'buo sngx tngx.) 飼囝無論飯,飼爸母算頓。 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
父母養育兒女 , 不會去計較孩子的飯量 , 兒女奉養父母時 , 卻會計算父母吃了幾頓飯 。 這句話說明有些人養育子女和奉養父母時心態上的差異 , 以及兄弟輪流奉養父母時常常斤斤計較的現象 。
🗣 Chi niawchie, ka porte./Chi niawzhuo, ka porte. 🗣 (u: Chi niao'chie/zhuo, ka pox'te.) 飼鳥鼠,咬布袋。 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
餵養老鼠 , 老鼠卻咬破布袋偷吃米 。 比喻善待親信卻遭其背叛 , 亦即養虎貽患 。
🗣 chi'bee 🗣 (u: chy'bee) 痴迷 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
著迷 、 入迷 。 極端迷戀 。
🗣 chi'bwchiqzhu 🗣 (u: chy'buo'chih'zhu) 嗤舞嗤呲 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
說話小聲怕別人聽見的樣子 。
🗣 Chi'hoe Tionghak 🗣 (u: Chii'hoe Tiofng'hak) 徐匯中學 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
🗣 chi'iuo 🗣 (u: chii'iuo) 持有 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
1. () (CE) to hold (passport, views etc)
🗣 Chi-zernghuo 🗣 (u: Chi-zexng'huo) 市政府 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]

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