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(⬆︎): loan loan () [[🔍all]]

Htb (cache) (16) thaau-10-zoa:

hoatsefng loan'aix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
fall in love
loan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
disorder; chaos; anarchy; distraction; tumult; confusion; commotion; rebellion; revolt; confused; perplexed; disarranged; raveled; out of order; out of sorts; put out of order; confuse; confound; disturb
loan'aix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
love affair; be in love; love between sexes; passionate love; fall in love (with)
loan'aix kiet'hwn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
love match; love marriage
loan'uu [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
imperial carriage; sedan chair
loan-chixzha [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
(idiom) in a mess
loan-karkax [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
(idiom) in a mess
loan-zhauzhaw [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
(idiom) in a mess
亂七八糟; 亂紛紛; 亂操操; 亂糟糟
loan`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
svakag loan'aix [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
love triangle

DFT (26) thaau-10-zoa:

🗣 Kaf høo baxnsu hefng, kaf loan baxnsex keeng. 🗣 (u: Kaf høo ban'su hefng, kaf loan ban'sex keeng.) 家和萬事興,家亂萬世窮。 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
家庭和樂則事事興旺 , 家庭不睦則代代窮困 。 強調家庭和樂與否對家道的發展影響深遠 。
🗣 loan 🗣 (u: loan) b [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
1. (Adj) disorderly; chaotic 2. (V) to kick up a fuss, shout and scream to achieve some goal
無條理秩序的 。 用吵鬧的方式來達到目的 。
🗣 loan 🗣 (u: loan) [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
🗣 loan'aix 🗣 (u: loaan'aix) 戀愛 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
男女互相思慕而相愛 。
🗣 thvy-hoarn-tøe-loan 🗣 (u: thvy'hoarn'te toe'loan thvy-hoarn-tøe-loan) 天反地亂 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
亂世 、 天下大亂 。 形容國家或局勢動亂不安 。
🗣 beloan 🗣 (u: bee'loan) 迷亂 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
迷惑慌亂 。 由於社會規範弱化或衝突所產生行為誤導或偏差的現象 。
🗣 ciernloan 🗣 (u: ciexn'loan) 戰亂 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
因戰爭引起的混亂狀態 。
🗣 hunloan 🗣 (u: hwn'loan) 紛亂 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
1. () (CE) numerous and disorderly
🗣 huxnloan 🗣 (u: hun'loan) 混亂 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
雜亂無章 , 沒有次序 。
🗣 imloan 🗣 (u: iim'loan) 淫亂 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
違背禮法的男女關係 。

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