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Htb (cache) (3)

loah-thaumngg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
comb one's hair (Women use the expression, "søethaau", but men use the expression, "loah-thaumngg")
梳頭; 梳頭髮
sethaau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
comb one's hair (Woman use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.)
梳頭; 梳頭髮
søethaau [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
comb the hair

DFT (4)

loah thaumngg 🗣 (u: loah thaau'mngg) 捋頭毛 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
梳頭 。
phoax 🗣 (u: phoax) p [wt][mo] [h] (h,u) [d#]
1. (V) to destroy; to damage 2. (V) to cut open; to cleave; to split open 3. (Adj) shabby; incomplete; fragmentary
毀壞 。 剖開 、 劈開 。 破舊 、 殘缺不全 。 用糯米做糕點食品的時候加入粳米的一種特殊用語 , 也就是按比例攙混的意思 。 使顯露 、 使明白 。 梳頭使分邊 。
søethaau 🗣 (u: sef soef'thaau søef'thaau) 梳頭 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
用梳子整理頭髮 。
søezngf-tvafpan 🗣 (u: sef soef'zngf'tvar'pan søef'zngf-tvar'pan) 梳妝打扮 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
梳頭化妝 , 打扮得美麗體面 。

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