Taiwanese–English dictionaries full-text search

Q or 0 may be used in place of ø. Uppercase Ø is not case-folded in current setup
(_): cid lie (Maryknoll)

Htb (cache) (1)

Citlie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
the Weaving Maid; a constellation celebrated in song and fable as lover of Cowboy; another constellation; who are separated by the Milky Way and permitted to meet once a year; worshipped on July 7 along with Gunngg

DFT (1)

Citluo/Citlie 🗣 (u: Cid'lie/luo) 織女 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
星座名 。 七夕故事的女主角 。 傳說是天帝的女兒 , 後與牛郎結為夫婦 , 但荒廢了織布工作 , 被天帝處罰 、 分居銀河兩岸 , 在每年農曆七月七日才能相會 。 從事紡織的女子 。

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