Taiwanese–English dictionaries full-text search

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(_): chiøx bin (Lim08)

Htb (cache) (5)

chiørbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
laughing face; smiling face
笑面; 笑臉
chiørbin-hor [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
slick; person with kindly face and cruel heart
巧言令色; 笑面虎
chiørthaau chiørbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
very happy; joyful or jubilant
笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
alls smiles; smiles radiantly
pan-chiørbin [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] [p.]
扮笑面; 賠笑臉

DFT (3)

chiørbixnhor/chiørbin-hor 🗣 (u: chiøx'bin-hor) 笑面虎 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
笑裡藏刀的人 , 臉上掛著善意的微笑 , 心裡卻陰險狡詐 。
chiørthauchiørbin 🗣 (u: chiøx'thaau'chiøx'bin) 笑頭笑面 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
笑逐顏開 、 眉開眼笑 。 形容心中非常高興 , 連臉上都充滿著歡喜的神情 。
paxnchiørbin 🗣 (u: pan'chiøx'bin) 扮笑面 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
賠笑臉 。

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