Taiwanese–English dictionaries: MLT segmenter & full-text search

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Q or 0 may be used in place of ø. Uppercase Ø is not case-folded in current setup

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u: svaf u:peq [HTB]

DFT (1)

🗣 Svaf jit bøo liu, pehcviu chiu. 🗣 (u: Svaf jit bøo liu, peq'cviu chiu.) 三日無餾,𬦰上樹。 [wt][mo] [h] [[m]] [[u]] [d#]
三天不溫習 , 學過的東西就爬上了樹梢 。 說明學過的東西要勤加溫習 , 稍有怠惰 , 很快所學的東西就會忘得一乾二淨 。

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