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Searched Htb for ns: 1 m: thvoaf OR u: thvoaf OR m: thvoaf OR u: thvoaf, found 1,
thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]] 
open and spread out (for sale); apportion; divide amongst; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale

🗣 thvoaf 🗣 (u: thvoaf) [wt][mo] thuann [#]
1. (N) beach; shoal || 水邊的沙石地,當水淺時會露出,水深時則淹沒。
🗣le: (u: hae'thvoaf) 🗣 (海灘) (海灘)
2. (N) (river) rapids || 江河中水淺石多而流急的地方。
🗣le: (u: cviu thvoaf) 🗣 (上灘) (離開急流)
🗣le: (u: løh thvoaf) 🗣 (落灘) (涉入急流)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
🗣 thvoaf 🗣 (u: thvoaf) p [wt][mo] thuann [#]
1. (V) to evenly distribute; to assign in equal proportions || 平均分配。
🗣le: (u: Tak'kef siør thvoaf`cit'e.) 🗣 (逐家小攤一下。) (大家稍微分攤一下。)
2. (Mw) job; work; task; business; dinner party; banquet; installments || 計算工作、生意、飯局,或者分期攤還的回數單位。
🗣le: (u: Y kyn'ar'jit ciah kuie'na thvoaf.) 🗣 (伊今仔日食幾若攤。) (他今天吃了好幾攤。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:

thafn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thafn; (thvoaf) [[...]][i#] [p.]
sand bank, a beach, foreshore
thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thvoaf; (thafn) [[...]][i#] [p.]
open and spread out (for sale), apportion, divide amongst, distribute, a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale

thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thvoaf [[...]] 
an occasion, one time
thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thvoaf [[...]] 
divide into equal shares
thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thvoaf [[...]] 
rapids (in the river), sandbank, shoal, beach, shore

thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thvoaf [[...]][i#] [p.287]
V : divide into equal shares
thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: thvoaf [[...]][i#] [p.287]
N : rapids (in a river)

u: thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0420] [#61003]
水濱e5淺所在 。 < 海 ~ ; 上 ( chiuN7 ) ~ ; 落 ~ 。 >
u: thvoaf [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0420] [#61004]
( 1 ) 分批支付 。 ( 2 ) ( 戲 ) 次數 。 ( 3 ) ioh數字e5 poah8 - kiau2 e5一種 。 <( 1 ) 按月 ~ 還 。 ( 2 ) 一 ~ ; 前 ~ ; 幾na7 ~ 。 ( 3 ) tau5 - a2 ~ ; mi ~ ; 做 ~ 。 >