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Searched Htb for u:tøf u:toax, found 0,

🗣u: AF'beeng`ar toax ti hak'hau hux'kin, tvia'tvia tøf khuxn kaux beq siong'khøx`aq ciaq beq khie`laai, kied'kør laang toax khaq hng`ee lorng kaux hak'hau`aq, y soaq pud'sii lorng khaq voax kaux, bok'koaix laang teq korng “kin svoaf zhøx bøo zhaa, kin khef tvaf bøo zuie.” 阿明仔蹛佇學校附近,定定都睏到欲上課矣才欲起來,結果人蹛較遠的攏到學校矣,伊煞不時攏較晏到,莫怪人咧講「近山剉無柴,近溪擔無水。」 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]  [d#]
🗣u: Laang korng, “Keq'piaq chyn'kef, lea'sox goaan'zai.” Suy'jieen beq zhoa ee syn'niuu toax ti zhux'pvy, tuix zhoa'lo'kef kaux toa lea'chiaf, cit hang tøf be'serng`tid. 人講:「隔壁親家,禮數原在。」雖然欲娶的新娘蹛佇厝邊,對𤆬路雞到大禮車,一項都袂省得。 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]]  [d#]

u: toax'siafng'tøf 帶雙刀 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0426] [#63915]
帶兩支刀 。 < ~ ~ ~ 來出世 = 意思 : 生來帶殺人e5相 。 >
u: toax'tøf 帶刀 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0434] [#63925]
身軀chah刀 。 <>
u: tøf'toax 刀帶 [wt] [HTB] [wiki] [[...]][i#] [p.B0471] [#65240]
刀e5下垂帶 。 <>