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Searched DFT for 停止, found 11,
hiøq/heq/hennh 🗣 (u: hiøq heq hennh) [wt][mo] hioh [#]
1. (V) to rest; to stop for a brief rest; to halt; to cease || 休息、停止。
1: Zøx cit jit hiøq cit jit, beq zøx kaux tafng'sii? (做一日歇一日,欲做到當時?) (做一天休息一天,要做到什麼時候?)

tonggi: hiuseg, thengkhuxn, hiøhkhuxn; s'tuix:
kanhiw 🗣 (u: kafn'hiw) 干休 [wt][mo] kan-hiu [#]
1. (Adv) || 停止、罷休。
1: Goar bøo beq paxng y kafn'hiw. (我無欲放伊干休。) (我不會放過他。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
laau 🗣 (u: laau) p [wt][mo] lâu [#]
1. (V) to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to retain; to save || 保存。
1: Lie ee png'zhaix goar u ka lie laau`leq. (你的飯菜我有共你留咧。) (我幫你留了一份飯菜。)
2. (V) to stop; to suspend; to stay; to remain in place || 停止。
1: laau tiaxm ciaf (留踮遮) (留在這裡)
3. (V) to allow to grow || 蓄留。
1: Thaau'mngg laau tngg'tngg, khiam'cvii ciah thoo'tau'thngg. (頭毛留長長,儉錢食塗豆糖。) (頭髮留那麼長還不剪,莫非是想把錢省下來買糖吃。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pa 🗣 (u: pa) [wt][mo][#]
1. (V) to stop; to halt; to cease || 停止。
1: pa'kafng (罷工) ()
2: pa'chi (罷市) ()
2. (V) to excuse; to exempt; to relieve; to suspend; to repeal (a law); to put an end to || 免除、廢止。
1: pa'biern (罷免) ()
3. (Part) auxiliary word indicating completion and means have no way out or have no alternative || 表示完成的語助詞,表示無可奈何,多用於書面語或戲文中。
1: pa`liao (罷了) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
siw 🗣 (u: siw) [wt][mo] siu [#]
1. (V) to come together (to form sth); to assemble together; to bring into; to channel into; to integrate into; to incorporate || 聚合,納入。
1: siw'sog (收縮) ()
2: siw'jip (收入) ()
2. (V) to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing); to store; deposit || 保存,儲藏。
1: siw'zuun (收存) ()
3. (V) to harvest || 割取成熟的農作物。
1: siw'seeng (收成) ()
4. (V) to arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out || 整理。
1: Ciah'par liao'au aix ka tøq'terng siw'siw`leq. (食飽了後愛共桌頂收收咧。) (吃飽飯後要把桌上收拾整理一下。)
5. (V) to terminate; to finish; to end; to conclude; to close; to stop; to halt; to cease || 結束,停止。
1: siw'kafng (收工) ()
6. (V) to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke; to retrieve || 收回,取回。
1: siw'sym (收心) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
soaq 🗣 (u: soaq) p [wt][mo] suah [#]
1. (V) to end; to conclude; to terminate; to finish; to bring to an end; to come to an end; to stop; to halt; to cease || 結束、停止。
1: soaq'hix (煞戲) (戲散場)
2. (V) to give up; to abandon (a goal etc); to let sth go || 罷休、放手。
1: soaq'soaq`khix (煞煞去) (算了)
3. (Pron) (rhetorical) how?; what?; why? || 怎麼、哪有。表反詰語氣。
1: soaq u (煞有) (哪有)
2: soaq bøo (煞無) (怎麼沒有)
4. (Adv) unexpectedly; to one's surprise; in spite of everything; in that crazy way; actually; to go as far as to || 竟然,表意外的意思。
1: Y soaq zao khix kex'afng. (伊煞走去嫁翁。) (她竟然跑去嫁人。)
5. (V) to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress; to prevent; to block || 抑制、阻止。
1: soaq cviu (煞癢) (止癢)
6. (V) to be injured by demon || 為凶神所傷。
1: soaq`tiøh (煞著) (被鬼神傷到)
7. (N) demon; fiend; devil || 凶神。
1: hiofng siin og soaq (凶神惡煞) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thengcie 🗣 (u: theeng'cie) 停止 [wt][mo] thîng-tsí [#]
1. (V) || 不繼續、不進行。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thengkhuxn 🗣 (u: theeng'khuxn) 停睏 [wt][mo] thîng-khùn [#]
1. (V) || 停止、休息。
1: Y zu thaux'zar zøx kaq cid'mar, lorng bøo theeng'khuxn. (伊自透早做甲這馬,攏無停睏。) (他從一早做到現在,都沒有休息。)

tonggi: hiuseg, thengkhaf, hiøq; s'tuix:
tiam`khix 🗣 (u: tiam`khix) 恬去 [wt][mo] tiām--khì [#]
1. (V) || 住口、閉嘴。
1: Lie ka goar tiam`khix. (你共我恬去。) (你給我閉嘴。)
2. (V) || 停止。
1: Sviaf'ym nar e lorng tiam`khix`aq? (聲音哪會攏恬去矣?) (聲音怎麼都停了?)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
toxng`leq 🗣 (u: toxng`leq) 擋咧 [wt][mo] tòng--leh [#]
1. (V) || 站住、停止。
1: Lie ka goar toxng`leq. (你共我擋咧。) (你給我站住。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tvia 🗣 (u: tvia) p [wt][mo] tiānn [#]
1. (V) to stop; to halt; to cease motion || 停止、不動。
1: Sym'zong kiong'beq tvia`khix. (心臟強欲定去。) (心臟快要停止了。)
2. (Adv) tranquil; serenely; quietly; settled; steadily || 平靜、安定、穏定。
1: Erng khaq tvia`aq. (湧較定矣。) (海浪比較平靜了。)
2: sym'thaau liah ho tvia (心頭掠予定) (不三心二意)
3. (Adv) definitely; certainly; fixedly || 確定。
1: korng ho tvia (講予定) (約定好)
4. (N) betrothal gifts; token or deposit as guarantee of good faith in marriage || 指婚姻中預約的信物或聘禮。
1: saxng'tvia (送定) (下聘禮)
2: thex'tvia (退定) (退聘禮,表示退婚。)
5. (V) to schedule in advance; to place an order; to subscribe || 預定、訂購。
1: tvia hoex (定貨) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix: