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Searched DFT for 冒犯**, found 8,
chiofng 🗣 (u: chiofng) [wt][mo] tshiong [#]
1. (V) to use water to inject or mix; to infuse || 用水澆注或調和。
1: chiofng guu'lefng (沖牛奶) ()
2. (V) to splash with plenty of water or spray wash || 潑灑大量的水或用水刷洗。
1: chiofng bea'tharng (沖馬桶) ()
3. (V) to offend supernatural beings or to be mutually destructive; to be ill-matched || 冒犯鬼神或相剋。
1: chiofng'hoan (沖犯) ()
4. (N) (fortune telling, divination) avert misfortune || 術數用語。命理學上指厄運的破解。
1: chiofng'hie (沖喜) ()
5. (V) to rise straight up in the air || 向上直升。
1: chiofng'thiefn'phaux (沖天炮) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
chiok'hoan 🗣 (u: chiog'hoan) 觸犯 [wt][mo] tshiok-huān [#]
1. (V) || 干犯、冒犯。
1: M'thafng khix chiog'hoan tiøh y ee kixm'khi. (毋通去觸犯著伊的禁忌。) (不要去觸犯了他的禁忌。)

tonggi: chionghoan; s'tuix:
chionghoan 🗣 (u: chiofng'hoan) 沖犯 [wt][mo] tshiong-huān [#]
1. (V) || 冒犯、觸犯。
1: Lie arn'nef loan'korng, e khix chiofng'hoan tiøh siin'beeng. (你按呢亂講,會去沖犯著神明。) (你這樣亂說話,會冒犯神明。)

tonggi: chiok'hoan; s'tuix:
gegthvy 🗣 (u: gek'thvy) 逆天 [wt][mo] gi̍k-thinn [#]
1. (Adj) || 違背天理。
1: Lie sit'zai cyn gek'thvy, ho lie ciah baq køq hiaam. (你實在真逆天,予你食肉閣嫌。) (你實在很不知好歹,給你肉吃還嫌。)
2. (V) || 冒犯長輩。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
hoan`tiøh/hoaxntiøh 🗣 (u: hoan'tiøh) 犯著 [wt][mo] huān-tio̍h [#]
1. (V) || 冒犯、觸犯。語氣完結時唸作huān--tio̍h。
1: Lie na hoan'tiøh goar, goar tuix lie bøo kheq'khix! (你若犯著我,我就對你無客氣!) (如果你觸犯我,我就對你不客氣!)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
kafn 🗣 (u: kafn) [wt][mo] kan [#]
1. (N) a shield || 古代的防禦兵器,即盾牌。
1: kafn køf (干戈) (盾和矛,原指兵器,後多引申為戰爭。)
2. (N) ancient method of noting year, month, day, hour || 古代記錄年、月、日、時的方法。
1: thiefn kafn (天干) (甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸十天干)
3. (V) related; relevant; pertinent; implicated; linked || 相關、牽連。
1: Kafn lie sviar'miq tai'cix? (干你啥物代誌?) (關你什麼事?)
4. (V) to intervene; to get involved; to participate (in sth) || 介入、參與。
1: kafn'siap (干涉) ()
5. (V) to offend || 冒犯。
1: kafn hoan (干犯) (冒犯、侵犯)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
teksid/titsid 🗣 (u: teg'sid tid'sid) 得失 [wt][mo] tik-sit [#]
1. (V) || 得罪、冒犯。
1: Teg'sid Thor'ti'kofng, chi bøo kef. (得失土地公,飼無雞。) (得罪土地公,會惹得雞犬難安。)
2. (N) || 是非成敗。
1: Zøx'laang na sviw kex'kaux teg'sid, jit'cie e ciog phvae koex. (做人若傷計較得失,日子會足歹過。) (做人如果太計較是非成敗,日子會很難過。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tekzoe/titzoe 🗣 (u: teg'zoe tid'zoe) 得罪 [wt][mo] tik-tsuē [#]
1. (V) || 冒犯、觸怒。
1: Y tvia'tvia teg'zoe`laang. (伊定定得罪人。) (他常常得罪人。)

tonggi: teksid; s'tuix: