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lw 🗣 (u: lw) t [wt][mo] lu [#]
1. (V) to push; to move similar to pushing (eg mowing with hair clippers, mopping floor) || 做類似「推」的動作。
1: Lw khaq pvy`ar`leq. (攄較邊仔咧。) (推往旁邊一點。)
2: lw thaau'zafng (攄頭鬃) (用理髮器理頭髮)
3: lw thoo'khaf (攄塗跤) (拖地)
2. (V) to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck; to push onto sb else || 推卸、推給別人。
1: Cid kvia tai'cix lie maix lw ho goar. (這件代誌你莫攄予我。) (這件事情你不要推給我。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
øef 🗣 (u: øef) p [wt][mo] e/ue [#]
1. (V) to get near || 靠近。
1: EF khaq oar`leq, ciaq be kvoaa. (挨較倚咧,才袂寒。) (靠緊一點,才不會冷。)
2. (V) to husk, turn a hand-mill, grind (into flour) || 磨。
1: ef'koea (挨粿) (磨米漿)
2: ef thoo'laang (挨塗礱) (推動土礱以磨去粗糠)
3. (V) draw a stringed instrument with a bow || 用弓拉弦樂器。
1: ef hieen'ar (挨絃仔) (拉胡琴)
4. (V) push || 推、推擠。
1: Maix arn'nef ef laai ef khix, e poah'tør. (莫按呢挨來挨去,會跋倒。) (不要這樣推來推去,會跌倒。)
2: siøf ef'thef (相挨推) (互相推卸責任)
5. (V) to rub against or hook with elbows in passing, to elbow, to sideswipe, to jostle || 從旁邊碰到。
1: Ho teg'køf ef`tiøh. (予竹篙挨著。) (被竹竿拂到。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
sag 🗣 (u: sag) t [wt][mo] sak [#]
1. (V) to push with the hands || 推。
1: Sun'hofng sag'tør chviuu. (順風捒倒牆。) (順著風勢將牆推倒。比喻順著局勢推翻政權或在位的人。)
2: sag chiaf (捒車) (推車子)
2. (V) to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck; to shirk || 推卸、推拖給別人。
1: Cid kvia tai'cix lie maix sag ho`goar. (這件代誌你莫捒予我。) (這件事情你不要推拖給我。)
3. (V) to discard || 棄。
1: hvix'sag (挕捒) (丟棄)
2: paxng'sag (放捒) (遺棄)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thef 🗣 (u: thef) p [wt][mo] the [#]
1. (V) to shift blame or responsibility onto sb else; to shirk; to reject; to decline; to refuse || 委卸、推辭。
1: Zef si tak'kef ee zeg'jim, m'thafng thef'laai'thef'khix. (這是逐家的責任,毋通推來推去。) (這是大家的責任,不要互相卸責。)

tonggi: sag; s'tuix:
thuy 🗣 (u: thuy) b [wt][mo] thui [#]
1. (V) to have medical effect || 指藥物在人體內產生藥效。
1: Cid bi iøh'ar si thuy e kviaa iah thuy be kviaa? (這味藥仔是推會行抑推袂行?) (這個藥產不產生藥效?)
2. (V) to push (for acceptance of a plan); to promote; to reinforce || 推動、加強。
1: Cid kvia tai'cix aix thuy`cit'e. (這件代誌愛推一下。) (這件事要推動一下。)
3. (V) tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy) || 推拿。
1: Theh zhao'ar'køf ka of'zhvef jiaq thuy'thuy`leq! (提草仔膏共烏青跡推推咧!) (拿青草膏將瘀血處推拿推拿!)
4. (V) to gorge oneself; to pig out || 大吃、大喝,較粗俗的用法。
1: Kyn'ar'jit thuy kaq u'kaux par`ee. (今仔日推甲有夠飽的。) (今天吃得真飽。)
5. (V) to beat up || 打、毆打。
1: Y ho laang thuy kaq of'zhvef geeng'hoeq. (伊予人推甲烏青凝血。) (他被人家毆打得瘀血。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tw 🗣 (u: tw) t [wt][mo] tu [#]
1. (V) to push || 推。
1: Kex'ar tw khaq koex`khix`leq. (架仔㧣較過去咧。) (架子推過去一點。)
2. (V) to jam; to shove; to cram; to oppose or resist || 硬塞、推塞。
1: Y tai'cix lorng tw ho goar zøx. (伊代誌攏㧣予我做。) (他事情都硬塞給我做。)
3. (V) to present to the public; to recommend || 推出。指推某人做某事。
1: Tw y zhud'laai soarn. (㧣伊出來選。) (推他出來選舉。)
4. (V) to resist; to withstand; to put up with || 抵抗、抵擋、將就。
1: Cit niar phoax svaf tw cit tafng. (一領破衫㧣一冬。) (一件破衣服就可將就一年。)
5. (V) to retort; to refute; to wrangle || 出言反駁、爭辯。
1: Laang ka y phvae, y m'na m kviaf, køq kvar kaq laang tw. (人共伊歹,伊毋但毋驚,閣敢佮人㧣。) (別人兇他,他不但不怕,還與人爭辯。)
6. (V) to protrude; to stick out; to pout || 撅。
1: Zhuix tw hiaq koaan zhoxng sviar? (喙㧣遐懸創啥?) (嘴撅那麼高做什麼?)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zhuy 🗣 (u: zhuy) b [wt][mo] tshui [#]

tonggi: ; s'tuix: