Taiwanese-English dictionary full-text search


Copy and paste ø or Ø for searching, if needed. Number zero (0) may be used in place of them in the autocomplete.
Input was: u: go u:goeh u:zeq. Searched DFT for u: go u:goeh u:zeq, found 1,
🗣 Goxgøeh-zøeq 🗣 (u: Go'goeh geh'zeq zoeq Go'gøeh-zøeq) 五月節 [wt][mo] Gōo-gue̍h-tseh/Gōo-ge̍h-tsueh [#]
1. (N) || 端午節。農曆五月初五。與春節、中秋節並列為民間三大傳統節日。有吃粽子和龍舟競渡等風俗,也會插蒲艾、喝雄黃酒、掛鍾馗像來除瘟辟邪。
tonggi: ; s'tuix: