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Searched DFT for G, found 65,
ar/~ar 🗣 (u: ar) t [wt][mo] á [#]
1. () diminutive noun suffix. can become lar, when used after words ending in "t", e.g., padar, zhat'ar, khut'ar || 名詞後綴。放在名詞後面,表示小的意思。
1: girn'ar (囡仔) (小孩子)
2. () noun suffix that converts a verb or adjective into a noun (often a tool) || 名詞後綴。放在某些動詞之後,形成名詞,多屬工具。
1: birn'ar (抿仔) (刷子)
3. () noun suffix placed after a name or title, used endearingly || 名詞後綴。接在名字或稱謂後面,表示親切。
1: toa'peq'ar (大伯仔) (婦人稱夫兄)
4. () noun interfix used limitedly in certain temporal location adverbs || 名詞中綴。放在某些固定名詞中間。
1: biin'ar'jit (明仔日) (明天)
5. () noun infix connected after family name to express contempt || 名詞中綴。接在姓氏後,表示輕視的意思。
1: Khw'ar'borng'siax (邱仔罔舍) (邱大老爺)
6. () noun infix between two nouns to indicate relationship || 名詞中綴。用於並列名詞之間,表示兩者的關係。
1: afng'ar'bor (翁仔某) (夫妻)
2: pe'ar'kviar (爸仔囝) (父子)
7. () numeral infix, between two numbers to denote the value of 100 || 數詞中綴。放在數字中間,表示數目字「百」。
1: svaf'ar'go (三仔五) (三百五十)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
Binkog 🗣 (u: Biin'kog) 民國 [wt][mo] Bîn-kok [#]
1. () (CE) Republic of China (1912-1949); used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e.g. 民國六十年|民国六十年 is 1971, the 60th year after 1911) || 民國

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bogbeeng-ki'miau/bogbengki'biau 🗣 (u: bok'beeng-kii'miau bok'beeng'kii'biau) 莫名其妙 [wt][mo] bo̍k-bîng-kî-miāu [#]
1. () (CE) unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and ineffable; unable to make head or tail of it; boring (e.g. movie) || 莫名其妙

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciah 🗣 (u: ciah) p [wt][mo] tsia̍h [#]
1. (V) to eat; to consume || 吃。
1: ciah koea'cie (食果子) (吃水果)
2. (V) to drink || 喝、飲。
1: ciah tee (食茶) (喝茶)
2: ciah siøf'ciuo (食燒酒) (喝酒)
3. (V) to suck; to inhale || 吸食。
1: ciah'hwn (食薰) (抽煙)
4. (V) to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on || 依靠、以……為食。
1: ciah'miaa (食名) (依靠名聲、浪得虛名)
2: ciah'thaau'lo (食頭路) (依工作過活)
3: ciah'pøf (食褒) (喜歡被稱讚)
5. (V) to live; to be alive; to survive || 活、活命。
1: Ciah kaq lau'lau'lau. (食甲老老老。) (活到長命百歲。)
6. (V) to be corrupt; to embezzle; to appropriate; to steal || 貪汙、偷取。
1: ciah'cvii (食錢) (吃錢、貪汙)
2: ciah'chixn'thaau (食秤頭) (偷斤減兩)
7. (V) to bear; to support (e.g. ship's load) || 受力、承受。
1: Zuun ciah'zuie u goa chym? (船食水有偌深?) (船在水中受力有多深?)
2: ciah'hofng (食風) (承受風力)
8. (V) to dye (fabric etc); to apply color || 上色、著色。
1: Cid tex pox ee seg aix ciah khaq tang`leq, ciaq e suie. (這塊布的色愛食較重咧,才會媠。) (這塊布的顏色要染深一點才漂亮。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciaoho 🗣 (u: ciaux'ho) 照護 [wt][mo] tsiàu-hōo [#]
1. () (CE) care; treatment (e.g. nursing care); to look after || 照護

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciapsiw 🗣 (u: ciab'siw) 接收 [wt][mo] tsiap-siu [#]
1. () (CE) reception (of transmitted signal); to receive; to accept; to admit; to take over (e.g. a factory); to expropriate || 接收

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciaxmtheeng 🗣 (u: ciam'theeng) 暫停 [wt][mo] tsiām-thîng [#]
1. () (CE) to suspend; time-out (e.g. in sports); stoppage; pause (media player) || 暫停

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
cibkhoaan/cibkoaan 🗣 (u: cip'khoaan cip'koaan) 集權 [wt][mo] tsi̍p-khuân [#]
1. () (CE) centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party || 集權

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
cipgiap 🗣 (u: cib'giap) 執業 [wt][mo] tsip-gia̍p [#]
1. () (CE) to work in a profession (e.g. doctor, lawyer); practitioner; professional || 執業

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ee 🗣 (u: ee) [wt][mo] ê [#]
1. (Mw) generic classifier for people or for things lacking specific classifiers || 個。計算單獨的人、物的單位。
1: nng ee laang (兩个人) (兩個人)
2. (Pron) one (e.g., good one, this one, that one); someone; a certain person or thing || 指某人事物。
1: cid ee mih'kvia (這个物件) (這個東西)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
hongpø 🗣 (u: hofng'pø) 風暴 [wt][mo] hong-pō [#]
1. () (CE) storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc) || 風暴

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
høeliuu 🗣 (u: høee'liuu) 回流 [wt][mo] huê-liû/hê-liû [#]
1. () (CE) to flow back; reflux; circumfluence; refluence; backward flow; returning flow (e.g. of talent) || 回流

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
huxn 🗣 (u: huxn) [wt][mo] hùn [#]
1. (N) last (tool for shaping or preserving the shape of shoes) || 模子。用來製作鞋子的木頭模型。
1: ee'huxn (鞋楦) (鞋模)
2. (V) to expand; to enlarge || 撐大、擴大。
1: Eng ee'huxn huxn ee. (用鞋楦楦鞋。) (用鞋模把鞋撐大。)
3. (V) (running sore) to fester; to suppurate; to be infected; to swell || 膿瘡等化膿、腫脹。
1: Liap'ar teq huxn laang. (粒仔咧楦膿。) (膿瘡在化膿。)
4. (V) to expand (e.g. one's power or influence); to broaden; to widen (eg boundary) || 向外擴張,例如邊界。
1: Keq'piaq ee te'kaix id'tit huxn`koex'laai. (隔壁的地界一直楦過來。) (隔壁的地界一直擴張過來。)
2: Cid tiaau lo tuo teq huxn'khoaq. (這條路拄咧楦闊。) (這條路正在拓寬中。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
iaxkafn 🗣 (u: ia'kafn) 夜間 [wt][mo] iā-kan [#]
1. () (CE) nighttime; evening or night (e.g. classes) || 夜間

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
iensvoax 🗣 (u: ieen'svoax) 沿線 [wt][mo] iân-suànn [#]
1. () (CE) along the line (e.g. railway); the region near the line || 沿線

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
jiaq 🗣 (u: jiaq) s [wt][mo] jiah/liah [#]
1. (N) trace; impression (e.g. footprint); vestige; scar, or mark (left by a wound) || 印子、痕跡。
1: khaf'jiaq (跤跡) (腳印)
2: hoeq'jiaq (血跡) ()
2. (N) a particular area || 指特定的地方。
1: cid jiaq (這跡) (這一塊地方)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
jix'viu/jixviu 🗣 (u: ji'viu) 字樣 [wt][mo] jī-iūnn/lī-iūnn [#]
1. () (CE) model or template character; written slogan or phrase; mention (e.g. "air mail" 航空 on a letter, "first draft" 初稿 on a document etc) || 字樣

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
kexngky/kerngky 🗣 (u: keng'ky kexng'ky) 競技 [wt][mo] kīng-ki [#]
1. () (CE) competition of skill (e.g. sports); athletics tournament || 競技

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khefng 🗣 (u: khefng) p [wt][mo] khing [#]
1. (N) frame (e.g. door frame); casing || 指器物周圍可以嵌住東西的部分。
1: mngg'khefng (門框) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khiaux 🗣 (u: khiaux) [wt][mo] khiàu [#]
1. (V) to stick up; to curl up; to become erect; to turn up; to rise (e.g., one end of a seesaw) || 物體突出或一端舉起。
1: khiaux boea'liw (翹尾溜) (翹尾巴)
2: khiaux`khie'laai (翹起來) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khoktiofng 🗣 (u: khog'tiofng) 擴張 [wt][mo] khok-tiong [#]
1. () (CE) expansion; dilation; to expand (e.g. one's power or influence); to broaden || 擴張

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
kiawzexng 🗣 (u: kiao'zexng) 矯正 [wt][mo] kiáu-tsìng [#]
1. () (CE) to correct; to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision); to cure; rectification; correction; to straighten || 矯正

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
koaxn 🗣 (u: koaxn) b [wt][mo] kuàn [#]
1. (N) ticket; voucher; certificate (for use of proof of sth) || 可以用來作為憑證的票據。
1: zhae koaxn (彩券) (一種賭博性的投機票券,中獎者發給獎金。)
2. (N) written document e.g. negotiable security (financial instrument)/deed/bond/certificate/contract || 書面文件。
1: zexng'koaxn (證券) (代表金錢與物品的書面文件)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
koftviuo 🗣 (u: kor'tviuo) 股長 [wt][mo] kóo-tiúnn [#]
1. () (CE) person in charge of a 股[gu3] (section or department); head; chief; director; (in a class in a school) student responsible for a specific duty, e.g. 風紀股長|风纪股长[feng1 ji4 gu3 zhang3] discipline monitor || 股長

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
kong'iern 🗣 (u: kofng'iern) 公演 [wt][mo] kong-ián [#]
1. () (CE) to perform (e.g. on the stage); to lecture || 公演

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
konglip 🗣 (u: kofng'lip) 公立 [wt][mo] kong-li̍p [#]
1. () (CE) public (e.g. school, hospital) || 公立

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
køebuo 🗣 (u: køef'buo) 街舞 [wt][mo] ke-bú [#]
1. () (CE) street dance (e.g. breakdance) || 街舞

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
køf 🗣 (u: køf) [wt][mo] ko [#]
1. (N) elder brother || 兄長。
1: hviaf'køf (兄哥) (哥哥)
2. (N) respectful or familiar title suffix to another's given name (either older or younger than oneself, e.g., Pang-ti-køf or Gixhioong-køf) || 表示客氣或尊稱年紀大於自己的男性。
1: AF'zhaan`køf (阿田哥) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
laixhunpix 🗣 (u: lai'hwn'pix) 內分泌 [wt][mo] lāi-hun-pì [#]
1. () (CE) endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone) || 內分泌

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
leeng 🗣 (u: leeng) t [wt][mo] lîng [#]
1. (V) to raise (a heavy weight, water, etc); to lift || 抬高提起。
1: leeng zuie (拎水) (提水)
2. (V) to move (a large heavy box or cupboard) by placing the hands below || 在兩端共提一物的動作。
1: leeng afng'kex'tøq (拎尪架桌) (抬神桌)
3. (V) to hold; to grasp tight and keep from moving away (e.g., man or animal) || 拉引。
1: leeng hvi'ar (拎耳仔) (拉耳朵)
2: leeng bea'søq (拎馬索) (拉住馬韁)
4. (V) to remove; to dislodge; to peel; to strip; to peel off || 去除、剝離。
1: Kud aix leeng ho y li. (骨愛拎予伊離。) (骨要去乾淨。)
2: leeng oong'laai bak (拎王梨目) (削鳳梨皮上的斑節)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
lientui 🗣 (u: lieen'tui) 聯隊 [wt][mo] liân-tuī [#]
1. () (CE) wing (of an air force); sports team representing a combination of entities (e.g. United Korea) || 聯隊

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
loxhorng 🗣 (u: lo'horng) 路況 [wt][mo] lōo-hóng [#]
1. () (CE) road condition(s) (e.g. surface, traffic flow etc) || 路況

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
loxsvoax 🗣 (u: lo'svoax) 路線 [wt][mo] lōo-suànn [#]
1. () (CE) itinerary; route; political line (e.g. right revisionist road); CL:條|条[tiao2] || 路線

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
løf/thøf 🗣 (u: løf thøf) t [wt][mo] lo [#]
1. (V) (animals e.g. bird, reptile) to forage, scavenge, bite, nip, peck || 指動物(如禽類或爬蟲類)搖頭晃腦以覓食或咬、啄的動作。
1: Gøo'ar e ka laang løf. (鵝仔會共人叨。) (鵝會追咬人。)
2. (V) (driven by greed) to request, beg, ask over and over in a coaxing way; ask importunately (for money, employment or a favor); get money or a favor by constant asking || 因為心中的貪念而向他人糾纏。
1: løf cvii (叨錢) (纏著要錢)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
nitai/ni'tai 🗣 (u: nii'tai) 年代 [wt][mo] nî-tāi [#]
1. () (CE) a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties); age; era; period; CL:個|个[ge4] || 年代

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
oextoo 🗣 (u: oe'too) 畫圖 [wt][mo] uē-tôo [#]
1. () (CE) to draw designs, maps etc; picture (e.g. of life in the city) || 畫圖

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pafnbin 🗣 (u: parn'bin) 版面 [wt][mo] pán-bīn [#]
1. () (CE) page of a publication (e.g. newspaper or website); printing space (reserved for some content); page layout || 版面

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phiak/phiag 🗣 (u: phiak phiag) t [wt][mo] phia̍k [#]
1. (V) to shoot (e.g. with a catapult, rubber band) || 彈擊。
1: phiak chiu'lefng (擗樹奶) (彈橡皮筋)
2. (Ono) (onom.) bang; pop || 指小擊的聲音。
1: Goar kafn'naf thviaf'tiøh phiak cit sviaf, hoea tøh`khie'laai`aq. (我干焦聽著擗一聲,火就著起來矣。) (我只聽到啪一聲,火就燒起來了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phøeatuix 🗣 (u: phøex'tuix) 配對 [wt][mo] phuè-tuì/phè-tuì [#]
1. () (CE) to pair up; to match up; to form a pair (e.g. to marry); to mate; matched pair || 配對

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phy 🗣 (u: phy) [wt][mo] phi [#]
1. (V) to unfold and hang or drape (e.g. clothes to dry) || 把東西展開來披掛。
1: phy'svaf (披衫) (曬衣服)
2. (N) flat bamboo wicker utensil for drying things || 曬東西所用的扁平竹編用具。
1: teg'phy (竹披) (淺的盤形竹器)
2: mi'phy (麵披) (晾麵條的竹器)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
piencid 🗣 (u: piefn'cid) 編織 [wt][mo] pian-tsit [#]
1. () (CE) to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid; (fig.) to create (sth abstract, e.g. a dream, a lie etc) || 編織

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pwngiap 🗣 (u: purn'giap) 本業 [wt][mo] pún-gia̍p [#]
1. () (CE) business in which a company has traditionally engaged (e.g. before diversifying); original business; core business; (literary) agriculture || 本業

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
si'pøx 🗣 (u: sii'pøx) 時報 [wt][mo] sî-pò [#]
1. () (CE) "Times" (newspaper, e.g. New York Times) || 時報

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
sidhorng 🗣 (u: sit'horng) 實況 [wt][mo] si̍t-hóng [#]
1. () (CE) live (e.g. broadcast or recording); what is actually happening; scene; the real situation || 實況

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
sied 🗣 (u: sied) [wt][mo] siat [#]
1. (V) to establish some system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc), institution, office, agency, organ, organization; to found; to set up || 建立某種制度或機關單位。
1: Y ee kafng'chviuo sied ti Siong'hae. (伊的工廠設佇上海。) (他的工廠設在上海。)
2. (V) to set a trap or scheme to fool or defraud people; to scam || 布置陷阱或圈套使人上當。
1: Maix laai cid thøx, goar ho lie be sied`tid. (莫來這套,我予你袂設得。) (少來這套,我不會上你的當。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
siefn 🗣 (u: siefn) [wt][mo] sian [#]
1. (N) fairy; elf; genie || 經修練後長生不老、超脫塵俗的人。
1: kiuu siefn (求仙) ()
2: pad'siefn koex'hae (八仙過海) ()
2. (N) respectful appellation for someone of some special sinhun || 對某些特定身份者的稱呼,表示尊敬。
1: sioxng'mia siefn (相命仙) (算命先生)
3. (N) appellation for someone of some skill or hobby. has sarcastic or mocking sense (e.g. ciwsiefn) || 對從事某種技藝、具有某些嗜好者的稱呼,有諷刺意味。
1: oong'lok'ar siefn (王祿仔仙) (走江湖賣藝為生的人)
2: ciuo'siefn (酒仙) (嗜酒的人)
4. (Adv) no matter what or how; either way (followed by negative) || 無論怎樣都不……。
1: Siefn korng tøf m thviaf. (仙講都毋聽。) (怎麼說都不肯聽。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
siefn 🗣 (u: siefn) b [wt][mo] sian [#]
1. (Adj) head; chief; first (occasion, thing etc); number one; primary || 首、第一。
1: jiin'biin uii siefn (人民為先) ()
2. (Time) ahead; in front; preceding; before; former (in time or sequence) || 前。時間或次序上比較前面。
1: su'siefn (事先) ()
3. (Adj) honorific for someone already passed away || 對已經過世者的尊稱。
1: siefn hw (先夫) ()
2: siefn'jiin (先人) ()
4. (N) respectful appellation for someone of some special sinhun || 對某些特定身份者的稱呼,表示尊敬。
1: sngx'mia siefn (算命先) (算命先生)
5. (N) appellation for someone of some skill or hobby. has sarcastic or mocking sense (e.g. kiawsiefn) || 對從事某種技藝、具有某些嗜好者的稱呼,有諷刺意味。
1: oong'lok'ar'siefn (王祿仔先) (走江湖賣藝的人)
2: kiao'siefn (筊先) (賭鬼)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
siuxlan 🗣 (u: siu'lan) 受難 [wt][mo] siū-lān [#]
1. () (CE) to suffer a calamity; to suffer (e.g. under torture); distress || 受難

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
soafn 🗣 (u: soafn) t [wt][mo] suan [#]
1. (V) to writhe; to wriggle (e.g., eel, snake); climb up (e.g., a climbing vine); sneak away || 反轉回繞,也引申為逃跑,即溜。
1: Cit boea zoaa soafn`koex'khix. (一尾蛇旋過去。) (一條蛇溜過去。)
2: Kirn soafn! (緊旋!) (快溜!快逃!)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
soanthok 🗣 (u: soafn'thok) 宣讀 [wt][mo] suan-tho̍k [#]
1. () (CE) to read out loud to an audience; a prepared speech (e.g. to a party conference) || 宣讀

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
søfteng 🗣 (u: sør'teng) 鎖定 [wt][mo] só-tīng [#]
1. () (CE) to lock (a door); to close with a latch; to lock into place; a lock; a latch; to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten); to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection); to focus attention on; to target || 鎖定

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
svi 🗣 (u: svi) t [wt][mo] sīnn [#]
1. (V) to salt or pickle || 把生鮮的食物如蔬果、肉類、海鮮等,醃漬成醃漬品。
1: svi kiaam'zhaix (豉鹹菜) (用鹽來醃漬芥菜)
2. (Adj) to smart (e.g., from soap in the eye, medicine or alcohol in a wound) || 形容傷口或眼睛部位受到鹽或藥物刺激的刺痛感。
1: Khafng'zhuix boaq'tiøh iøh'zuie e svi. (空喙抹著藥水會豉。) (傷口在上藥的時候有刺痛感。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
taixsiaw 🗣 (u: tai'siaw) 代銷 [wt][mo] tāi-siau [#]
1. () (CE) to sell as agent; to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies); proxy sale (of stocks) || 代銷

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
taukør 🗣 (u: taau'kør) 投稿 [wt][mo] tâu-kó [#]
1. (V) || 將文稿投到報章雜誌中,希望能被刊載。
1: Lie ee buun'cviw siar kaq cyn hør, e'sae khix taau'kør`aq. (你的文章寫甲真好,會使去投稿矣。) (你的文章寫得很好,可以去投稿了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tengthah 🗣 (u: teeng'thah) 重疊 [wt][mo] tîng-tha̍h [#]
1. () (CE) to overlap; to superimpose; to telescope; to run together; to duplicate; one over another; superposition; an overlap; redundancy; reduplication (in Chinese grammar, e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll) || 重疊

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thaai 🗣 (u: thaai) t [wt][mo] thâi [#]
1. (V) to slaughter; to butcher; to put down || 宰殺、屠宰。
1: thaai laang (刣人) (殺人)
2: thaai ty (刣豬) (殺豬)
2. (V) to gash; to cut; to wound || 割傷。
1: Y bøo sex'ji khix ho tøf'ar thaai`tiøh. (伊無細膩去予刀仔刣著。) (他不小心被刀子割到。)
3. (V) to pare; to cut open (e.g. fruit) || 剖開、切開。指切水果。
1: thaai oong'laai (刣王梨) (切鳳梨)
2: thaai sy'koef (刣西瓜) (切西瓜)
4. (V) (of a surgeon) to perform an operation; (of a patient) to have an operation || 開刀。
1: Lie aix khix toa pve'vi thaai'koaq. (你愛去大病院刣割。) (你要去大醫院開刀。)
5. (V) to slash one's prices; to haggle over price || 殺價、討價還價。
1: Køq thaai khvoax e kiarm`tam'pøh'ar`bøo? (閣刣看會減淡薄仔無?) (再討價看能不能減價些?)
6. (V) to delete; to cancel; to lose || 刪除、畫掉。
1: Ho lau'sw thaai'liao'liao. (予老師刣了了。) (被老師刪光了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thab/lab 🗣 (u: thab lab) [wt][mo] thap [#]
1. (V) to cave in; to sink down || 凹陷。
1: bak'ciw thab`løh (目睭塌落) (眼睛凹陷)
2. (V) to decline; to lose (financially) || 虧、賠。
1: thab'purn (塌本) (賠本)
3. (V) to make up a deficiency; take from the long to supplement the short || 補足,把不足的補上。
1: siøf'thab (相塌) (截長補短)
4. (V) to overlap similar shaped objects (e.g. hats) || 將弧度相似的東西依其弧度互疊套在一起。
1: Nng terng bø'ar thab zøx'hoea. (兩頂帽仔塌做伙。) (兩頂帽子疊在一起。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thad 🗣 (u: thad) p [wt][mo] that [#]
1. (V) to kick; to play (e.g. soccer) || 用腳觸擊。
1: thad sviw sex lat (踢傷細力) (踢得力道太小)
2: thad kiuu (踢球) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
thongchiaf 🗣 (u: thofng'chiaf) 通車 [wt][mo] thong-tshia [#]
1. () (CE) to open to traffic (e.g. new bridge, rail line etc); (of a locality) to have a transportation service; (Tw) to commute || 通車

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tiongzhw/tiongsw 🗣 (u: tiofng'zhw tiofng'sw) 中樞 [wt][mo] tiong-tshu [#]
1. () (CE) center; backbone; hub (e.g. of transport network); the central administration || 中樞

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
uy 🗣 (u: uy) t [wt][mo] ui [#]
1. (Adj) worn thin by rubbing: e.g., a tire; or wheels in machinery; or the sale of a shoe || 磨損。
1: EE'tea uy`khix`aq, køq bea`cit'siafng. (鞋底萎去矣,閣買一雙。) (鞋底磨損了,再買一雙。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zeaseg 🗣 (u: zex'seg) 制式 [wt][mo] tsè-sik [#]
1. () (CE) standardized; standard (service, method etc); regulation (clothing etc); formulaic; (telecommunications etc) system; format (e.g. the PAL or NTSC systems for TV signals) || 制式

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zhaa 🗣 (u: zhaa) [wt][mo] tshâ [#]
1. (V) to inspect; to observe and study; to examine; to investigate || 考察、檢視。
1: zhaa ho'khao (查戶口) ()
2: zhaa'siaux (查數) (查帳)
2. (V) to leaf through; to scan; to thumb through; to flip through; to look up (e.g. a word in a dictionary) || 翻閱、檢尋。
1: zhaa ji'tiern (查字典) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zoankui 🗣 (u: zoafn'kui) 專櫃 [wt][mo] tsuan-kuī [#]
1. () (CE) sales counter dedicated to a certain kind of product (e.g. alcohol) || 專櫃

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zoansvoax 🗣 (u: zoafn'svoax) 專線 [wt][mo] tsuan-suànn [#]
1. () (CE) special-purpose phone line or communications link; hotline; special rail line (e.g. between airport and city); CL:條|条[tiao2] || 專線

tonggi: ; s'tuix: