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Searched DFT for copy, found 13,
biøo 🗣 (u: biøo) p [wt][mo] biô [#]
1. (V) to trace over or copy according to model or template || 照範本摹寫。
1: biøo ji (描字) (以半透明的紙張覆蓋在範本上,依樣畫葫蘆,照寫照畫)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bo'horng 🗣 (u: boo'horng) 模仿 [wt][mo] bôo-hóng [#]
1. () (CE) to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model || 模仿

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bun'axn 🗣 (u: buun'axn) 文案 [wt][mo] bûn-àn [#]
1. () (CE) (newspapers etc) copy; copywriter; (office etc) paperwork; (old) secretary; clerk || 文案

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
horng 🗣 (u: horng) 仿 [wt][mo] hóng [#]
1. (V) to learn; to study; to imitate; to follow the example of || 學習、效法。
1: boo'horng (模仿) ()
2. (N) a copy; imitation (product etc) || 仿製的東西。
1: horng'ar (仿仔) (仿製的、非原產的)
3. (Adj) bogus; ersatz; fake; mock; phoney || 假的。
1: Cid pag too si horng`ee. (這幅圖是仿的。) (這幅畫是仿冒的。)
4. (N) something to let others follow the example of; sample; example || 讓人效法、學習的東西。
1: khvoax'horng (看仿) (樣品)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
itboit'viu 🗣 (u: id'boo'id'viu) 一模一樣 [wt][mo] it-bôo-it-iūnn [#]
1. () (CE) exactly the same (idiom); carbon copy; also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4] || 一模一樣

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
oar 🗣 (u: oar) p [wt][mo][#]
1. (V) to press close to; to approach; to come near || 貼近、靠近、將近。
1: Ze oar`laai. (坐倚來。) (坐過來一點。)
2. (V) to adhere; to attach oneself to; to append || 依附。
1: Sy'koef oar toa peeng. (西瓜倚大爿。) (挑西瓜挑大的那一半。引申作人為了眼前的利益,甘願放棄原則,而採取附和的態度。)
3. (V) to refer to; to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic || 參照、模仿。
1: Oar viu zøx svaf. (倚樣做衫。) (仿照某個樣式做衣服。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
øh 🗣 (u: øh) p [wt][mo] o̍h [#]
1. (V) to learn; to study || 學習。
1: øh zuo'ciah (學煮食) (學作菜)
2: øh chiaq phoxng'sef (學刺膨紗) (學打毛線)
2. (V) to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic || 模仿。
1: Lie maix køq øh y korng'oe`aq. (你莫閣學伊講話矣。) (你別再學他說話了。)
3. (N) place of studying or learning || 學習的地方。
1: øh'ar (學仔) (學校)
2: tiofng'øh (中學) ()
3: toa'øh (大學) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
siar 🗣 (u: siar) [wt][mo] siá [#]
1. (V) to take pen, pencil, etc and record down; to transcribe or copy; to write || 拿筆記錄、抄錄文字。
1: siar'ji (寫字) ()
2. (V) to describe; to portray; to depict || 描繪、描寫。
1: siar'cyn (寫真) (照相)
2: siar'sefng (寫生) (畫風景圖)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
sun 🗣 (u: sun) [wt][mo] sūn [#]
1. (V) to trace or copy a picture, diagram, etc anew verbatim || 照著原來的樣子重新再描一次。
1: Sun cid tviw too oe`løh'laai. (循這張圖畫落來。) (照著這張圖畫下來。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tox 🗣 (u: tox) 𪐞 [wt][mo] tòo [#]
1. (V) to dye; to catch (a disease); to acquire (bad habits etc); to contaminate; to infect || 染、傳染。
1: Karm'mo e tox`laang. (感冒會𪐞人。) (感冒會傳染給別人。)
2: Peh svaf tox kaq pvix of`ee. (白衫𪐞甲變烏的。) (白衣服染得變黑了。)
2. (V) to blot (art technique. ink spreads on blotting paper or watercolor paper) || 暈開。液體滴在紙或布上而散開、滲透。
1: Ho of'bak tox`khuy ma si cit ciorng oe'too ee chiuo'hoad. (予烏墨𪐞開嘛是一種畫圖的手法。) (讓墨汁暈開也是一種畫圖的手法。)
3. (V) to trace (a drawing); to copy; to depict || 描。以半透明紙覆蓋原圖上,照著線條畫。
1: Goar be'hiao oe, bøo, goar tox cit tviw ho`lie. (我袂曉畫,無,我𪐞一張予你。) (我不會畫,不然我描一張給你好了。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
viafpurn 🗣 (u: viar'purn) 影本 [wt][mo] iánn-pún [#]
1. () (CE) copy (of a document); book with model calligraphy for copying || 影本

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zhausip 🗣 (u: zhaw'sip) 抄襲 [wt][mo] tshau-si̍p [#]
1. (V) || 抄錄他人的作品,作為自己的創作。

tonggi: zhaw; s'tuix:
zhaw 🗣 (u: zhaw) [wt][mo] tshau [#]
1. (V) to transcribe; to copy out || 謄寫。
1: zhaw'siar (抄寫) ()
2. (V) to search for and seize; to seize property || 查緝扣押。
1: zhaw'kef biet'zok (抄家滅族) (查抄整個家族)
3. (V) to plagiarize; to copy || 抄襲。竊錄他人的作品。
1: Zhaw pat'laang ee buun'ciofng. (抄別人的文章。) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix: