Taiwanese-English dictionary full-text search
Searched DFT for hj:搜****, found 4,
- 🗣 chiaw 🗣 (u: chiaw) 搜t [wt][mo] tshiau
- 1. (V) to stir; to agitate
|| 攪拌。
- 🗣le: (u: Zuo iuu'png aix nar zhexng nar chiaw.) 🗣 (煮油飯愛那熗那搜。) (料理油飯的時候要邊蒸邊攪拌。)
- 2. (V) to rummage through; to search
|| 翻找搜索。
- 🗣le: (u: Kuy kefng zhux chiaw'thaux'thaux, lorng zhoe'bøo.) 🗣 (規間厝搜透透,攏揣無。) (把整間房子都翻遍了,還是找不到。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 chiaw sinkhw 🗣 (u: chiaw syn'khw) 搜身軀 [wt][mo] tshiau sin-khu
- 1. (V)
|| 搜身。搜查身上有無夾帶危險或違法物品。
- 🗣le: (u: Kerng'zhad hoaai'gii y u zaq tok'phirn, ka y chiaw syn'khw.) 🗣 (警察懷疑伊有紮毒品,共伊搜身軀。) (警察懷疑他攜帶毒品,遂進行搜身。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 so'kiux 🗣 (u: sof'kiux) 搜救 [wt][mo] soo-kiù
- 1. () (CE) search and rescue
|| 搜救
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- 🗣 sof 🗣 (u: sof) 搜 [wt][mo] soo
tonggi: ; s'tuix:
- dictionary: DFT (24567 rows)
- columns: sbid, M, u, hj, h_j, buun_peh, lmj, ns, en, zh
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- time: 26