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Searched DFT for load, found 9,
ciah 🗣 (u: ciah) p [wt][mo] tsia̍h [D]
1. (V) to eat; to consume || 吃。
1: ciah koea'cie (食果子) (吃水果)
2. (V) to drink || 喝、飲。
1: ciah tee (食茶) (喝茶)
2: ciah siøf'ciuo (食燒酒) (喝酒)
3. (V) to suck; to inhale || 吸食。
1: ciah'hwn (食薰) (抽煙)
4. (V) to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on || 依靠、以……為食。
1: ciah'miaa (食名) (依靠名聲、浪得虛名)
2: ciah'thaau'lo (食頭路) (依工作過活)
3: ciah'pøf (食褒) (喜歡被稱讚)
5. (V) to live; to be alive; to survive || 活、活命。
1: Ciah kaq lau'lau'lau. (食甲老老老。) (活到長命百歲。)
6. (V) to be corrupt; to embezzle; to appropriate; to steal || 貪汙、偷取。
1: ciah'cvii (食錢) (吃錢、貪汙)
2: ciah'chixn'thaau (食秤頭) (偷斤減兩)
7. (V) to bear; to support (e.g. ship's load) || 受力、承受。
1: Zuun ciah'zuie u goa chym? (船食水有偌深?) (船在水中受力有多深?)
2: ciah'hofng (食風) (承受風力)
8. (V) to dye (fabric etc); to apply color || 上色、著色。
1: Cid tex pox ee seg aix ciah khaq tang`leq, ciaq e suie. (這塊布的色愛食較重咧,才會媠。) (這塊布的顏色要染深一點才漂亮。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
jip 🗣 (u: jip) [wt][mo] ji̍p/li̍p [D]
1. (V) to go forward; to advance; to go in; to enter || 進。從外面進到裡面。
1: jip`khix (入去) (進去)
2: jip`laai (入來) (進來)
2. (V) to put in; to load; to wrap || 裝進。
1: jip phoe (入被) (把被子裝進被套裡)
3. (V) to receive income or payment || 收進帳款。
1: siw'jip (收入) ()
2: jip siaux (入數) (入帳)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
lofng 🗣 (u: lofng) t [wt][mo] long [D]
1. (V) (clothing) to (be able to) put on; to get into (some garment) || 穿進去。
1: Cid niar svaf chiuo'ngr sviw eh, goar ee chiuo lofng be jip`khix. (這領衫手䘼傷狹,我的手囊袂入去。) (這件衣服的袖子太窄了,我的手穿不進去。)
2. (V) to load; to pack; to wrap (sth in a bag) || 裝入。
1: Ka phoef lofng jip'khix phoef'loong. (共批囊入去批囊。) (把信裝到信封裡。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pauhok/pau'hok 🗣 (u: paw'hok) 包袱 [wt][mo] pau-ho̍k [D]
1. () wrapping cloth; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden; funny part; punchline || 包袱

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
svia 🗣 (u: svia) 𣛮 [wt][mo] siānn [D]
1. (N) tray-like container carried by two people using shoulder pole. large, red, rectangular, usually wooden. for carrying wedding or birthday gifts || 扛臺。容器名。結婚或祝壽時裝運禮物的雙人抬的紅色長方形大木箱,通常為木製。
1: kngf toa svia (扛大𣛮) (抬𣛮)
2. (Mw) load carried on shoulder-pole, platform, basket || 擔、臺、籃。
1: nng svia køf'ar (兩𣛮糕仔) (兩扛臺的糕餅)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tøea 🗣 (u: tøea) p [wt][mo] té/tué [D]
1. (V) to load; to pack; to fill; to put in; to contain || 裝、盛。
1: tea mih'kvia (貯物件) (裝東西)
2: tea e løh (貯會落) (裝得下)
3: tea thngf (貯湯) (盛湯)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tvax 🗣 (u: tvax) p [wt][mo] tànn [D]
1. (N) stall-keeper; peddler || 攤販。
1: zhaix tvax (菜擔) (菜攤)
2: zuie'kør tvax (水果擔) (水果攤)
2. (Mw) a load || 計算成挑物品的單位。
1: cit tvax zuie (一擔水) ()
3. (N) carrying pole and the loads on it || 擔子。
1: tvaf tvax (擔擔) (挑擔子)
4. (Mw) (unit of weight) 100-kyn to 1-tvax (approx 60 kg) || 計算重量的單位。一百斤為一擔。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zaejip 🗣 (u: zaix'jip) 載入 [wt][mo] tsài-ji̍p/tsài-li̍p [D]
1. () to load into; to record; to write into; to enter (data); to go into (the records); to go down (in history) || 載入

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zngf 🗣 (u: zngf) p [wt][mo] tsng [D]
1. (V) to fill or stuff; to load; to pack || 填裝。
1: Y ka pviar zngf jip'khix ap'ar'tea. (伊共餅裝入去盒仔底。) (他把餅乾裝進去盒子裡頭。)
2. (V) to feign; to pretend || 假裝。
1: zngf'siao`ee (裝痟的) (裝瘋,多用在罵別人耍了自己。)

tonggi: tøea; s'tuix: