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Searched DFT for put put, found 174, display thaau-15:
a'puttøfar 🗣 (u: af'pud'tør'ar) 阿不倒仔 [wt][mo] a-put-tó-á [D]
1. (N) || 鳳頭潛鴨、澤鳧。禽鳥類。身長約四十公分,體型屬於中、小型,身體特徵有清晰的黑白兩色對比,頭頂羽冠明顯。
2. (N) || 指不倒翁玩具。
1: Lie u sngr'koex af'pud'tør'ar`bøo? (你有耍過阿不倒仔無?) (你有玩過不倒翁嗎?)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
alyputtat 🗣 (u: af'lie'pud'tat) 阿里不達 [wt][mo] a-lí-put-ta̍t [D]
1. (Adj) || 不三不四。沒什麼價值、沒什麼水準。
1: Lie m'thafng kaw cit'koar af'lie'pud'tat ee peeng'iuo, tuix lie bøo hør'zhux. (你毋通交一寡阿里不達的朋友,對你無好處。) (你不要交一些不三不四的朋友,對你沒好處。)

tonggi: putsafm-putsux, puttapputchid; s'tuix:
baxnput'heng 🗣 (u: ban'pud'heng) 萬不幸 [wt][mo] bān-put-hīng [D]
1. (Adv) || 不幸、萬一。萬一發生不幸的情況。
0: Ciah'lau ma tiøh khiam koar cvii'giin, ban'pud'heng na phoax'pve, ciaq u thafng khy ho y'sefng khvoax. (食老嘛著儉寡錢銀,萬不幸若破病,才有通去予醫生看。) (年老時也得存些錢財,如果不幸生病了,才有辦法去看病。)

tonggi: 萬不二, baxn'id; s'tuix:
baxnputtek'ie 🗣 (u: ban'pud'teg'ie) 萬不得已 [wt][mo] bān-put-tik-í [D]
1. (Adj) || 非常不得已、極度無奈。
1: Goar si ban'pud'teg'ie, ciaq e laai paix'thog`lie. (我是萬不得已,才會來拜託你。) (我是非常不得已,才會來拜託你。)

tonggi: ko'putjiciofng, bønai, bøta'oaa, 姑不將; s'tuix:
biefnputliao 🗣 (u: biern'pud'liao) 免不了 [wt][mo] bián-put-liáu [D]
1. () unavoidable; can't be avoided || 免不了

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
boaa 🗣 (u: boaa) p [wt][mo] buâ [D]
1. (V) to use whetstone or millstone etc to make it sharp and smooth; to sharpen; to hone || 用磨石等磨東西使其鋒利、光滑。
1: boaa'tøf (磨刀) ()
2. (V) to grind; to polish by grinding; to abrade || 研磨。
1: Ka iøh'oaan boaa zøx iøh'hurn. (共藥丸磨做藥粉。) (把藥丸研磨成藥粉。)
3. (V) to delay; to put off; to procrastinate; to defer; to postpone; to put off; to retard; to slow sth down || 拖延、延緩。
1: boaa sii'kafn (磨時間) (消磨時間)
4. (V) to work hard; to toil; to endure; to steel oneself || 操勞、磨練。
1: Zøx guu tiøh thoaf, zøx laang tiøh boaa. (做牛著拖,做人著磨。) (當牛就得拖犁,做人就得操勞。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
borng 🗣 (u: borng) t [wt][mo] bóng [D]
1. (Adv) for the time being; tentatively; accepting reluctantly; put up with || 姑且、將就。
1: Zef borng khix`aq. (這罔去矣。) (姑且這樣子吧。)
2: borng ciah (罔食) (將就著吃)
3: borng'chi (罔飼) (姑且餵養著)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bun 🗣 (u: bun) t [wt][mo] būn [D]
1. (V) to put food in inner vessel, set that in outer vessel, put water in between, then cover and cook over low heat; to use bain-marie or water bath || 一種烹飪的方法,將食物置於容器中,放水在外鍋,加封蓋後以慢火悶煮。
1: bun iuu'png (燜油飯) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
Buu safm pud seeng lea. 🗣 (u: Buu safm pud seeng lea.) 無三不成禮。 [wt][mo] Bû sam put sîng lé. [D]
1. () || 比喻禮多人不怪。後也用在負面說法,指錯誤一再發生是自然的現象。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
chieen 🗣 (u: chieen) [wt][mo] tshiân [D]
1. (V) to delay; to put off; to procrastinate; to be held up; to miss (an opportunity) || 拖延、延誤。
1: Lie cid ee pve si be'taxng chieen sviw kuo. (你這个病是袂當延傷久。) (你這病不能拖太久。)
2. (V) to politely decline (an honor, position, etc.) || 推讓。
1: siøf'chieen (相延) (互相推讓)
3. (V) to drive away sb or eliminate sth to substitute self || 驅離某人或排除某事,自己取而代之。
1: Lie ka y chieen zao, kaf'ki ciaxm hør'khafng`ee. (你共伊延走,家己占好空的。) (你把他弄走,自己占盡了便宜。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
chiesad 🗣 (u: chix'sad) 刺殺 [wt][mo] tshì-sat [D]
1. () to assassinate; (military) to fight with a bayonet; (baseball) to put out (a baserunner) || 刺殺

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciaxm 🗣 (u: ciaxm) [wt][mo] tsiàm [D]
1. (V) to occupy; to hold; to take for one's own; to expropriate in an overbearing manner; to seize; usurp; to take by force || 占據。以強勢霸道的方式據為己有。
1: ciaxm'ui (占位) (占據位子)
2. (V) to be distributed according to a proportion of the whole || 在整體之中所分配的比例。
1: ciaxm tai'tøf'sox (占大多數) (占大多數)
3. (V) to advise against; to dissuade; to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit || 勸阻、制止。
1: Hid nng ee girn'ar teq oafn'kef, lie kirn khix ka ciaxm. (彼兩个囡仔咧冤家,你緊去共占。) (那兩個小孩在吵架,你趕快去勸阻一下。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ciedcie 🗣 (u: ciet'cie) 截止 [wt][mo] tsia̍t-tsí [D]
1. () to close; to stop; to put a stop to sth; cut-off point; stopping point; deadline || 截止

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
eng 🗣 (u: eng) p [wt][mo] īng [D]
1. (V) to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of; to put in place; to put into practice; to take effect || 使用、施行。
1: Y ka goar ee tien'nao eng phvae`khix`aq. (伊共我的電腦用歹去矣。) (他把我的電腦用壞了。)
2. (V) to spend money || 花錢。
1: Y eng cvii cviaa siofng'tiong. (伊用錢誠傷重。) (他花錢很兇。)
3. (V) to take a meal; to eat; to drink || 進食、吃喝。
1: Chviar eng tee. (請用茶。) ()
4. (Part) indicates manner/mode/style how action is done || 表示行為的方式。
1: eng kviaa`ee (用行的) (步行)
5. (Prep) indicates by means of || 表示憑藉。
1: eng chiuo theh (用手提) (用手拿)
2: eng zuie sea (用水洗) (水洗)
6. (V) to send; to assign; to appoint; to order sb about || 差使、使喚。
1: zhef eng (差用) (差遣)
7. (Exp) usefulness; utility || 「有路用」(ū-lōo-īng)指有用,「無路用」(bô-lōo-īng)指沒有用。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
Giaam kvoa'huo zhud kau zhat; giaam pexbuo zhud alyputtat. 🗣 (u: Giaam kvoaf'huo zhud kau zhat; giaam pe'buo zhud af'lie'pud'tat.) 嚴官府出厚賊;嚴爸母出阿里不達。 [wt][mo] Giâm kuann-hú tshut kāu tsha̍t; giâm pē-bú tshut a-lí-put-ta̍t. [D]
1. () || 嚴格的官府反而出現很多小偷;父母太嚴格,小孩越是不成材。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:

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