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Searched DFT for rice, found 36,
arm 🗣 (u: arm) t [wt][mo] ám [#]
1. (N) rice-water; water in which rice has been cooked; top layer of water of rice porridge || 米湯。
1: lym arm (啉泔) (喝米湯)
2: liøo arm (撩泔) (舀取稀飯最上面的湯汁)
2. (Adj) watery; sparse; thin || 稀的。
1: zuo liao sviw arm (煮了傷泔) (煮得太稀)
2: arm'moee'ar (泔糜仔) (稀飯)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
bie 🗣 (u: bie) [wt][mo][#]
1. (N) hulled or husked uncooked rice || 去殼的穀實或種子。
1: zhøx'bie (糙米) ()
2. (N) small grain-like things || 細小成粒似米的東西。
1: tee'bie (茶米) (茶葉)
2: hee'bie (蝦米) ()
3. (N) fruit or pulp resembling grain of rice || 指狀如米粒的果實、果肉。
1: hoafn'beh bie (番麥米) (玉米粒)
2: kafm'ar bie (柑仔米) (橘子果肉中的顆粒)
4. (Mw) metre (kongchiøq) || 計算長度的單位。
1: cit bie (一米) (一公尺)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
cyn 🗣 (u: cyn) p [wt][mo] tsin [#]
1. (Mw) (capacity; volume) ten kab to one cyn; ten cyn per one tao || 計算容量的單位。十合為一升,十升為一斗。
1: cit cyn bie (一升米) ()
2. (N) implement to measure rice (bycyn) || 用來量米的器具。
1: bie cyn (米升) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
hoksiuxlee 🗣 (u: hog'siu'lee) 福壽螺 [wt][mo] hok-siū-lê [#]
1. () (CE) giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas spix), that has devastated rice paddies in China since its introduction in the 1980s || 福壽螺

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
hw 🗣 (u: hw) b [wt][mo] hu [#]
1. (N) powdered bran of cereal grains such as rice, wheat, barley, oats, etc || 米麥等穀物的穀皮粉。
1: bie'ar'hw (米仔麩) (米磨成的粉)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
khog 🗣 (u: khog) [wt][mo] khok [#]
1. (N) small measuring cup for rice or liquid || 盛裝米或液體的小量杯。
1: zuie'khog'ar (水觳仔) (小水瓢)
2: khie'khog'ar (齒觳仔) (漱口杯)
2. (N) small box || 小盒子。
1: zoar'khog'ar (紙觳仔) (紙盒)
3. (Mw) measuring cupful(s) || 計算量杯容積的單位。
1: zuo svaf khog bie (煮三觳米) (煮三杯米)

tonggi: khok'ar; s'tuix:
kngr 🗣 (u: kngr) p [wt][mo] kńg [#]
1. (N) various vessels, tracts, channels, tubes, or ducts in the body || 身體上的各種管道。
1: hoeq'kngr (血管) ()
2: hix'kngr (肺管) (氣管)
2. (Mw) cups of rice || 計算用量杯盛米的單位。
1: Zuo svaf kngr bie. (煮三管米。) (煮三杯米。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
køea 🗣 (u: køea) 粿 [wt][mo] kué/ké [#]
1. (N) cakes of various sorts (usually made of rice flour and usually steamed); soft rice cake; pastry (mostly made of glutinous rice) || 糕的總稱,指用糯米或粳米等做成的食品。因所加的原料不同而有不同的稱法。
1: tvy'koea (甜粿) (甜糕)
2: zhaix'thaau'koea (菜頭粿) (蘿蔔糕)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
køefzhøex 🗣 (u: køea'zhøex) 粿粞 [wt][mo] kué-tshè/ké-tshuè [#]
1. (N) || 糯米磨成漿後,裝在布袋裡頭,壓上石頭把水分過濾掉,使米漿變成固體狀,可用來搓湯圓或做年糕的材料。

tonggi: 25651; s'tuix:
køf 🗣 (u: køf) [wt][mo] ko [#]
1. (N) steamed cake of glutinous rice or other cereal grain; cake || 用糯米或穀類等磨粉加糖,再用糕模印成所要的樣子,將它蒸熟成糕。也有不加糖而加油和鹹配料的鹹糕。

tonggi: bykøf, kø'ar; s'tuix:
kui 🗣 (u: kui) t [wt][mo] kuī [#]
1. (N) swollen bulging belly. in livestock or domestic animal means pregnant. used for people in ridicule || 脹大凸起的肚子,指家畜類懷有身孕,若用於人則有嘲笑意謂。
1: ty'bør toax'kui (豬母帶膭) (母豬懷有身孕)
2. (N) ears formed by rice plant. grain-bearing tip part of stem || 稻子結成的一粒粒稻穗。
1: tiu'ar zøx'kui (稻仔做膭) (稻子結穗)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
lao 🗣 (u: lao) t [wt][mo] láu [#]
1. (N) one kind of New Year festival food. fried wheat or glutinous rice flour coated with maltose and peanuts or sesame seed || 一種年節食品。以麵粉或糯米粉製成圓餅,經過油炸成橢圓柱狀後,裹上麥芽糖,再黏上花生、芝麻等,便可做成各種口味。
1: bie'lao (米粩) ()
2: thoo'tau'jiin'lao (塗豆仁粩) (花生粩)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
liap 🗣 (u: liap) [wt][mo] lia̍p [#]
1. (N) tiny fine granular material || 細小的顆粒狀的物品。
1: png'liap (飯粒) ()
2. (N) ingredients within soup (not liquid) || 湯菜裡頭的食材。
1: Ka liap khad`khie'laai, thngf maix lym. (共粒𣁳起來,湯莫啉。) (把湯料舀起來,湯不要喝。)
3. (Mw) round object || 計算顆粒狀物品的單位。
1: cit liap ciøh'thaau (一粒石頭) ()
4. (Adj) (cooked rice) tough; stiff; hard || 形容米飯因品種的不同,或炊煮的火候不夠,造成口感較不黏糯。
1: Kyn'ar'jit ee png u khaq liap. (今仔日的飯有較粒。) (今天的飯稍微硬了點。)
5. (N) running sore; skin boil; abscess || 膿瘡。
1: liap'ar (粒仔) (皮膚上的瘡粒)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
loah 🗣 (u: loah) [wt][mo] lua̍h [#]
1. (V) to comb; to stroke; stroke with long strokes all in one direction; stroke (the beard); harrow a field before planting the rice || 梳、撫,也用於抽象的撫平。
1: loah thaau'zafng (捋頭鬃) (梳頭髮)
2: loah sym'kvoaf (捋心肝) (撫胸順氣)
3: loah'pvee (捋平) (撫平)

tonggi: søef; s'tuix:
moacii 🗣 (u: moaa'cii) 麻糍 [wt][mo] muâ-tsî [#]
1. (N) sticky rice cake; sticky rice balls; mochi || 餈粑、麻糬。一種傳統的米食,做法有兩種,一種是將糯米浸泡之後磨成漿,然後將水分瀝乾,變成米胚,再把米胚蒸熟就完成了。另外一種是將糯米煮成飯之後,直接將糯米飯放入舂臼捶打,讓飯變成糊狀的飯糰。吃的時候可以沾糖粉或花生粉。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
my/mef 🗣 (u: mef/my) t [wt][mo] me/mi [#]
1. (V) to take up a handful of || 用手抓一把。
1: mef thoo'tau (搣塗豆) (抓一把花生)
2: mef bie chi kef (搣米飼雞) (抓一把米餵雞)
2. (Mw) handful of (rice, sugar, salt, sand) || 一把。計算一手抓起的份量的單位。
1: cit mef giin'kag'ar (一搣銀角仔) (一把銅板)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
ngciuo 🗣 (u: ngg'ciuo) 黃酒 [wt][mo] n̂g-tsiú [#]
1. (N) || 以糯米、大米或黍米釀成的酒,因顏色偏黃,故稱黃酒。有許多種類,除名為「黃酒」者外,紹興酒亦為黃酒的一種。

tonggi: siauxhefng-ciuo; s'tuix:
ngf 🗣 (u: ngf) p [wt][mo] ng [#]
1. (N) rice seedling; young rice plants (sprout; shoot) || 稻子的幼苗。
1: ngf'ar (秧仔) (秧苗)

tonggi: ng'ar; s'tuix:
peh 🗣 (u: peh) p [wt][mo] pe̍h [#]
1. (N) white; color like snow or milk || 顏色名。像雪或乳汁般素淨的顏色。
2. (Adj) plain; clear; obvious; colloquial; vernacular || 淺顯的、口語的。
1: peh'oe (白話) ()
3. (Adj) flat; dull; tasteless; nothing added (i.e. white rice) || 平淡無味、不添加其他東西的。
1: peh'png (白飯) ()
2: peh'kurn'zuie (白滾水) (白開水)
4. (N) secret language; codeword; lines (of an actor or performer) || 具有特殊性的話語,如臺詞或隱語。
1: khao'peh (口白) (臺詞)
2: zhat'ar peh (賊仔白) (小偷之間的隱語)
5. (Adv) vainly; going to waste (one's energy etc) || 徒然、白費。
1: peh'liao'kafng (白了工) (白費功夫)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
peqbie 🗣 (u: peh'bie) 白米 [wt][mo] pe̍h-bí [#]
1. () (CE) (polished) rice || 白米

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phoax 🗣 (u: phoax) p [wt][mo] phuà [#]
1. (V) to destroy; to damage || 毀壞。
1: Phoax`khix`aq! (破去矣!) (破掉了!)
2. (V) to cut open; to cleave; to split open || 剖開、劈開。
1: phoax kafm'ciax (破甘蔗) (劈甘蔗)
3. (Adj) shabby; incomplete; fragmentary || 破舊、殘缺不全。
1: phoax zhao'zhux'ar (破草厝仔) (破舊的房子)
4. (V) specialized term in making rice cake: to add in proportion || 用糯米做糕米食的時候加入粳米的一種特殊用語,也就是按比例攙混的意思。
1: Go kyn ee zut'bie phoax cit kyn ciafm'ar. (五斤的秫米破一斤尖仔。) (五斤的糯米加一斤的在來米一起混合。)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phof 🗣 (u: phof) p [wt][mo] phoo [#]
1. (N) powdered bran of cereal grains such as rice, wheat, barley, oats, etc || 米麥等穀物的穀皮粉屑。
1: beh'phof (麥麩) ()
2. (N) fragments; particles; scurf || 碎屑、皮屑。
1: thaau'phof (頭麩) (頭皮屑)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phøex 🗣 (u: phøex) [wt][mo] phuè/phè [#]
1. (V) to eat sth along with; to use a food item (as a condiment) to accompany rice or other staple food || 以食物佐膳。
1: Ciah png phoex zhaix. (食飯配菜。) (吃飯配菜。)
2. (V) to mutually counteract; to counterbalance; to cancel out || 互相抵銷。
1: Cit mia phoex cit mia. (一命配一命。) (一命抵一命。)
3. (V) to match; to integrate || 結合,搭配。
1: Cid nng seg bøo phoex. (這兩色無配。) (這兩種顏色不搭配。)
4. (Adj) serving as background in order to bring out the subject with greater brilliance; serving as a prop or foil; as counterpart || 陪襯的。
1: phoex'kag (配角) (陪襯的角色、次要或指做輔助工作的人)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
phwn 🗣 (u: phwn) p [wt][mo] phun [#]
1. (N) water in which rice has been washed || 洗米後剩餘的水,呈乳白色,可用來清潔或飼養家畜。
2. (N) slop; swill for pigs || 廚餘、餿水。因早期農家常將洗米剩餘的水與廚餘放在一起,所以也衍申指廚餘。

tonggi: phunzuie; s'tuix:
piq 🗣 (u: piq) [wt][mo] pih [#]
1. (V) to use ladle to press down soup solids; to decant rice water or soup by tilting pot || 以湯瓢壓住鍋內的米粒或湯料,或用傾斜鍋子的方式,將飯汁或湯倒出來。
1: piq arm (湢泔) (倒出飯汁)

tonggi: at; s'tuix:
poo 🗣 (u: poo) t [wt][mo] pôo [#]
1. (N) food salted, pickled, cured, marinated in soy sauce and able to keep long-term || 以醬油醃製而能長期保存的食物。
1: tau'poo (豆酺) (豆豉)
2. (N) fermented beans or grains that may be used to make other fermented products || 豆穀類發酵之後可用來製酒的酒釀。
1: ciuo'poo (酒酺) (酒釀)
3. (N) when making vi'ar, take a small piece from the zhøex (rice mass). first, steam it, it becomes like køea, sticky and/or viscous. take this poo, knead it well into middle of zhøex. now can be used roll vi'ar. || 製作湯圓時,將糯米團「粞」(tshè),取一小塊先蒸熟,便成為像「粿」(kué)一樣且具有黏性的「酺」(pôo),再將它揉入「粞」(tshè)當中使其均勻,就可以用來搓成湯圓。
1: koea'poo (粿酺) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
pviar 🗣 (u: pviar) [wt][mo] piánn [#]
1. (N) flat food made of rice flour or flour; cakes; biscuits; pastries; cookies || 用米粉或麵粉做成的扁平狀食品。
1: goeh'pviar (月餅) ()
2. (N) round and flat item || 扁平狀像餅一樣的東西。
1: iøh'pviar (藥餅) (扁圓形藥錠)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
tiu 🗣 (u: tiu) t [wt][mo] tiū [#]
1. (N) rice; Oryza sativa (tiu is paddy rice. haxntiu is dry or upland rice) || 禾本植物。高約三、四尺,結實累累成穗,有水稻和旱稻兩種。果實呈橢圓形,有硬殼,去殼後就變成米。是一種重要的糧食作物。

tonggi: 26990; s'tuix:
tviar 🗣 (u: tviar) p [wt][mo] tiánn [#]
1. (N) cauldron; broad, round, shallow metal vessel used as a rice boiler and/or frying pan || 烹飪的大鍋。
1: toa tviar (大鼎) (大鍋)
2. (N) duration and degree of heating || 指烹飪時的火候。
1: jiet tviar zhar zhaix (熱鼎炒菜) (大火炒菜)
3. (N) specialized ware to burn paper offerings || 專門用來燒紙錢的器具。
1: kym'tviar (金鼎) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
urn 🗣 (u: urn) [wt][mo] ún [#]
1. (V) originally means to cover up; to conceal; to go into hiding. by extension, to seal underripe fruits in vessel or rice vat to ripen || 本義為藏匿,引申為將青澀瓜果密封於容器或米缸中,使其成熟。
1: urn bok'koef (隱木瓜) (使青木瓜成熟)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
vi'ar 🗣 (u: vii'ar) 圓仔 [wt][mo] înn-á [#]
1. (N) || 湯圓。一種以糯米所製成的食品。由糯米粉揉製成圓糰狀,分有餡、無餡兩種,也有分甜鹹兩種口味。

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zaxng 🗣 (u: zaxng) [wt][mo] tsàng [#]
1. (N) traditional Chinese dumpling of glutinous rice stuffed with filling || 端午節節慶食品,以竹籜或月桃葉包裹糯米及餡料,綁成角錐形,蒸煮之後撥開竹籜食用,有多種口味。
1: pak zaxng (縛粽) (包粽子)
2: zaxng'hah (粽箬) (包粽子用的竹籜)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zheg 🗣 (u: zheg) p [wt][mo] tshik [#]
1. (N) unhulled rice || 稻子的穀粒。
1: zheg'ar (粟仔) (稻穀)
2: phak zheg (曝粟) (曬穀)

tonggi: zhek'ar; s'tuix:
zhøex 🗣 (u: zhøex) [wt][mo] tshè/tshuè [#]
1. (N) mass of glutinous rice with water removed. zudbie is soaked, then ground to starch paste, put into cloth bag, pressed with rock or stick, getting rid of water. can be used to make køea, vi'ar, etc || 去水的糯米團。糯米浸泡後磨成漿,裝入布袋中,上放石塊或木棍壓一段時間,使其排去水分成糯米塊,可用來做粿、湯圓等。
1: koea'zhex (粿粞) ()
2: bie'zhex (米粞) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zhwn 🗣 (u: zhwn) [wt][mo] tshun [#]
1. (N) spring, the first season of the year || 一年四季中的第一季。
1: zhwn'thvy (春天) ()
2. (N) small flower made of red silk, worn in the hair bun by women during festivals || 用紅絲綢扎成的小花朵,婦女在節日或喜慶的時候會插在髮髻上做為裝飾。
1: zhaq'zhwn (插春) (插春花)
3. (N) small flower made of red paper with gold leaf, inserted into hoatkøea or cooked rice offered to gods || 用紅色紙剪成小花朵,貼上金箔,過年時插在發糕或米飯,供于神桌。
1: zhwn'ar (春仔) (春花)
4. (N) New Year || 指新年。
1: kviaa'zhwn (行春) (新年時去拜訪朋友)
5. (N) young years; youth || 指年輕的歲月。
1: zhefng'zhwn (青春) ()

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
zwsit 🗣 (u: zuo'sit) 主食 [wt][mo] tsú-si̍t [#]
1. () (CE) main food; staple (rice and noodles) || 主食

tonggi: ; s'tuix: