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Searched DFT for thj:跤, found 2,
-khaf/khaf 🗣 (u: khaf) t [wt][mo] kha [D]
1. (Mw) (finger) ring; suitcase; piece; etc || 只。計算戒指、皮箱等物的單位。
1: cit khaf sviw'ar (一跤箱仔) (一只箱子)
2: cit khaf chiuo'cie (一跤手指) (一只戒指)

tonggi: ; s'tuix:
-khaf/khaf 🗣 (u: khaf) [wt][mo] kha [D]
1. (N) leg; foot || 腿、足。
1: khaf'ciafm'chiuo'iux (跤尖手幼) (手細腳細,形容讀書人的樣子。)
2. (Pl) (used as a suffix meaning "at or near the foot of") || 在……下。
1: svoaf'khaf (山跤) (山下)
2: chiu'khaf (樹跤) (樹下)
3. (N) member || 加入互助會或參加賭局的人。
1: hoe'khaf (會跤) (互助會會員)
2: kiao'khaf (筊跤) (賭友)
4. (N) base; bottom || 指器物的下方、底部。
1: thiau'ar'khaf (柱仔跤) (柱子下方)
2: khox'khaf (褲跤) (褲腳)

tonggi: ; s'tuix: