Taiwanese-English dictionary full-text search


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Searched DFT for u:oef u:oef u:tin u:tin, found 1,
🗣 øe'øef-tixntin 🗣 (u: ef oef'ef oef'tin'tin øef''øef-tin'tin) 挨挨陣陣 [wt][mo] e-e-tīn-tīn/ue-ue-tīn-tīn [#]
1. (Exp) || 摩肩接踵、擁擠雜沓。眾人成群結隊,場面很熱鬧。
🗣le: (u: Go'jit'zeq kie'pan pee'leeng'zuun pie'saix, laai khvoax lau'jiet ee biin'cioxng ef'ef'tin'tin, laang zhaq'zhaq'zhaq.) 🗣 (五日節舉辦扒龍船比賽,來看鬧熱的民眾挨挨陣陣,人插插插。) (端午節舉辦划龍舟競賽,來看熱鬧的民眾擁擠雜沓,人山人海。)
tonggi: ; s'tuix: