Taiwanese-English dictionary full-text search
Searched Embree for m: ee m:ee OR u: ee u:ee, found 37,
- baxn'zuo ee Zuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ban'zuo ee Zuo [[...]][i#] [p.9]
- N/Bib : Lord of lords
- 萬主之主
- baxn'kwn ee Zuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ban'kwn ee Zuo [[...]][i#] [p.9]
- N/Bib : Lord of hosts
- 萬軍之主
- baxn'pux u ee Zuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ban'pux u ee Zuo [[...]][i#] [p.9]
- N/Xtn : Owner of the world, the all-rich One
- 萬富有的主
- baxn'u ee Zuo [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ban'u ee Zuo [[...]][i#] [p.9]
- N/Xtn : Owner of the world, the all-rich One
- 萬有的主
- binkafn`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: biin'kafn ee; biin'kafn`ee [[...]][i#] [p.13]
- eph : public, of society
- 民間
- bør`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: bør'ee; *bør`ee [[...]][i#] [p.14]
- eph : female (animal)
- 母的
- buo`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: buo'ee; buo`ee [[...]][i#] [p.18]
- eph : female (animal. cf zabor)
- 母的
- zaixtøe`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zai'te'ee; zai'tøe`ee [[...]][i#] [p.21]
- eph : local, native
- 本地的
- zaixtøe`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zai'toe'ee; zai'tøe`ee [[...]][i#] [p.21]
- eph : local, native
- 本地的
- ciah'ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ciaq'ee [[...]][i#] [p.27]
- Det : these
- 這些
- zørthoo`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zøx'thoo'ee; zøx'thoo`ee [[...]][i#] [p.37]
- eph : mason
- 泥水匠
- zofthoaan`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zor'thoaan ee; zor'thoaan`ee [[...]][i#] [p.37]
- eph : traditional, handed down from one's ancestors
- 祖傳的
- zoanleeng`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zoaan'leeng ee; zoaan'leeng`ee [[...]][i#] [p.38]
- eph : almighty
- 全能
- zoanpvoaa`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zoaan'pvoaa ee; zoaan'pvoaa`ee [[...]][i#] [p.38]
- eph : whole (affair), overall (plan)
- 全盤
- zøeathoo`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zoex'thoo'ee; zøx/zøex'thoo`ee [[...]][i#] [p.39]
- eph as N : mason
- 泥水匠
- chviax`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chviax`ee [[...]][i#] [p.54]
- N : amah, house-boy, maid
- 佣人
- chin'aix`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chyn'aix`ee; chyn'aix`ee [[...]][i#] [p.56]
- eph : Dear… (salutation of letter addressed to a social equal or inferior), Beloved… (term of address in preaching)
- 親愛的
- chinchviu...ee khoarn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chyn'chviu...ee khoarn [[...]][i#] [p.56]
- Smod : It appears that…, It looks as though…, <chhin-chhiu7N beh loh hou7 e5 khoan2: It looks like it may rain>, <I chhin-chhiu7N beh chhut-khhut-khi3 e5 khoan2: It looks as though he is going out>
- 好像…的樣子
- zhux`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhux'ee; zhux`ee [[...]][i#] [p.62]
- eph : inferior, second grade, substandard
- 次等的
- ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ee [[...]][i#] [p.65]
- : Attributive marker (may be used following almost any form or construction to form a nominal or attributive) <Goa2 ai3 hiah e5 ho2 e5: I prefer those better ones>, <I si7 chin ai3 phah gou-lu2-huh e5 lang5: He is an ardent golfer.>
- 的
- ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ee [[...]][i#] [p.65]
- : Possessive marker (following personal names with or without titles, or following personal pronouns, forms a possessive) <Hit ki si7 goa2 e5 ian5-pit: That is my pencil>, <Chit ki ian5-pit si7 i e5: This pencil is his.>
- 的
- giøo`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: giøo'ee [[...]][i#] [p.71]
- N : namesake (same given name)
- 同名
- hiah'ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiaq'ee [[...]][i#] [p.84]
- Det : those
- 那些
- hiexnseeng`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hien'seeng'ee; hien'seeng`ee [[...]][i#] [p.84]
- eph : ready made
- 現成的
- hiorng`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hiorng'ee; hiorng`ee [[...]][i#] [p.86]
- eph CT : that kind, that sort (var of hit chiong2 e5, hit khoan2 e5)
- 那種
- kag`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kag'ee [[...]][i#] [p.122]
- ph : cock… (male bird)
- 公的
- kafng`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kafng'ee; kafng`ee [[...]][i#] [p.124]
- eph : male (of animals)
- 公的
- kea`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: kea'ee [[...]][i#] [p.128]
- êph : false, counterfeit, imitation
- 假的
- køto`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: køf'to'ee; køf'to`ee [[...]][i#] [p.140]
- eph : a high degree of, a high level of, high power, high
- 高度
- kørjiin`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: køx'jiin; køx'jiin`ee [[...]][i#] [p.140]
- eph : personal
- 個人
- kuxtøea`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ku'tea/toea ee; ku'tøea`ee [[...]][i#] [p.149]
- eph : former, old (job, home, etc.)
- 以前的
- piao`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: piao`ee [[...]][i#] [p.204]
- N ê : relative (mother's side)
- 表親
- pongpvy ee laang/pongpiefn ee laang [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: poong'pvy/piefn ee laang [[...]][i#] [p.209]
- Nph : bystander
- 旁觀者
- sinkhuy`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: syn'khuy ee [[...]][i#] [p.232]
- SV : newly opened
- 新開的
- sintiok`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: syn'tiok ee; syn'tiok`ee [[...]][i#] [p.232]
- eph : newly built
- 新築的
- sirntitkøex`ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sixn'tid'kex'ee; sixn'tid'køex`ee [[...]][i#] [p.233]
- eph : credible, trustworthy
- 信得過的
- ux'ee [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: u'ee [[...]][i#] [p.291]
- V+M=Pn : some
- 有的