Taiwanese-English dictionary full-text search
Input was: u:hofng u:loan. Searched Maryknoll for u:hofng u:loan, found 3,
- hongzhuxn putloan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hofng'zhuxn pud'loan [[...]][i#] [p.]
- remain calm, cool and collected, maintain composure
- 方寸不亂
- hongloan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: hofng'loan [[...]][i#] [p.]
- hurry and confusion
- 慌亂
- sym hofng ix loan [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sym hofng ix loan [[...]][i#] [p.]
- lose one's wits totally, be shaken and perturbed, extremely nervous
- 心慌意亂