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Searched Maryknoll for u: ji u:zap, found 47,
- zabjixcie-tngg [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zap'ji'cie'tngg; zap'ji'cie-tngg [[...]][i#] [p.]
- duodenum
- 十二指腸
- zabjixcytngg khuieioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zap'ji'cie'tngg khuix'ioong [[...]][i#] [p.]
- duodenal ulcer
- 十二指腸潰瘍
- zabji-gøeh [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zap'ji'goeh; zap'ji'gøeh [[...]][i#] [p.]
- December
- 十二月
- zabji hwn [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zap'ji hwn [[...]][i#] [p.]
- fully, in full, sufficiently, thoroughly, satisfactorily
- 十二分
- zabji-svisviux: zhuo, guu, hor, thox, leeng (loong), zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, køef, kao, ty [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zap'ji-svef'sviux: chie, guu, hor, thox, leeng (loong), zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, kef, kao, ty; zap'ji-svy'sviux: zhuo, guu, hor, thox, leeng (loong), zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, køef, kao, ty; (zap'ji-svy'sviux) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- the twelve signs of the zodiac; The animals used as the signs for the characters of the cycle of twelve: (rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig
- 十二生肖(鼠,牛,虎,兔,龍,蛇,馬,羊,猴,雞,狗,豬)
- zheid, zheji, zhesvaf...zhezap [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zhef'id, zhef'ji, zhef'svaf...zhef'zap; zhøef'id, zhef'ji, zhef'svaf...zhøef'zap [[...]][i#] [p.]
- the first, second, third... the tenth day of the month
- 初一,初二,初三 ...,初十。
- chiato [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: chiaa'to [[...]][i#] [p.]
- gradient, grade, inclination
- 斜度
- gøeh [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: goeh; gøeh; (geh, goat) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- moon, month
- 月
- huieioong [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: huix'ioong; (khuix'ioong) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- ulcer
- 潰瘍
- jixzap [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ji'zap [[...]][i#] [p.]
- twenty, 20th of the month
- 二十
- jixkuie? [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: ji'kuie?; (ji'zap'kuie?) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- how many above twenty? Which day of the last decade of the month?
- 二十幾?
- jiap [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: jiap; (liap) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- twenty. Only used when combined with "it" as in the following:
- 二十
- khengsiaa [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: khefng'siaa [[...]][i#] [p.]
- slant, slope, inclination
- 傾斜
- svazabji khay [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: svaf'zap'ji khay [[...]][i#] [p.]
- thirty-two mo (printing)
- 三十二開(紙張)
- seakie [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sex'kie [[...]][i#] [p.]
- century
- 世紀
- svesviux [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: svef'sviux; (zap'ji svef'sviux) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- the twelve signs of the zodiac, animal signs of the 12 year cycle
- 生肖,十二生肖
- sviux [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: sviux [[...]][i#] [p.]
- animal signs used in the twelve year cycle, be born in a particular year of the twelve year cycle, represented by one of twelve animals.
- 屬,生肖
- zabji svesviux — zuo, thviuo, iin, bao, siin, ci, gvor, bi, syn, iuo, sud, hai (chie, guu, hor, thox, leeng, zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, kef, kao, ty) [wt] [HTB] [wiki] u: zap'ji svef'sviux — zuo, thviuo, iin, bao, siin, ci, gvor, bi, syn, iuo, sud, hai (chie, guu, hor, thox, leeng, zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, kef, kao, ty); zap'ji svef/svy'sviux — zuo, thviuo, iin, bao, siin, ci, gvor, bi, syn, iuo, sud, hai (chie/zhuo, guu, hor, thox, leeng, zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, køef, kao, ty) [[...]][i#] [p.]
- the year of the animal in which one was born: (the year of the) rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, chicken, dog, pig — corresponding to the duodecimal cycle
- 十二生肖 — 子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥(鼠,牛,虎,兔,龍,蛇,馬,羊,猴,雞,狗,豬)