
afng ang axng arng aang

afng               Y si gurn afng.
                   Yn si ang'afbor.
                   He is my husband.
                   They are a couple.

hafng hafng`cide   Ho goar hafng`cide.
                   Thvy cyn lerng, ho goar hafng`cide.
                   Paethog lie ka pharng, hafng`cide.
                   Let me bake/toast.
                   Sky(it) is cold, let me warm up.
                   Please have toast toasted.

phafng             Phangzuie cyn phafng.
                   Lie ee thaumngg cyn phafng.
                   Perfume is very fragrant.
                   Your hair smells good.

safng              Ka png la ho safng.
                   Soefsengkhw liaw'au, kafmkag cyn khinsafng.
                   Have rice stirred to loose.
                   After taking shower, feels very fresh.

tafng              Køq cidtafng koex`khix'aq.
                   Chviar lie hioxng tafng kviaa.
                   Chviar lie hioxng tangpeeng kviaa.
                   Another winter passed by.
                   Please toward east and walk.
                   Please toward east-side and walk.

thafng             Mxthafng afnny korng.
                   Cit'ee mngg u 4-ee thafng. (4-ee thang'ar)
                   Don't say that.
                   This door has 4 windows.
bang               Y za'axm køq zørbang.
                   Gyn'ar aix zørbang.
                   He last night again dreamed.
                   Kids love dreaming.

kang               Mxthafng ka y kang.
                   Don't tease her.

lang               Mxthafng opeqlang.
                   Mxthafng ka y lang`cide køq lang`cide.
                   Don't black and white play. (behaved)
                   Don't keep teasing him.

tang               Cit'ee mngg sviw tang.
                   Y ciog tang, goar moq boe tyntang.
                   This door is too heavy.
                   He is so heavy, I cannot nestle him up.

axng               Gurn taw u 2-ee axng.
                   My house has two stoves.

kaxng              Chviar lie ka kokkii kaxng`løqlaai.
                   Citpeeng siør kaxng`cide.
                   Y teq hoatsiøf, thefwn lorng boexkaxng.
                   Please flag pulled down.
                   This side a little bit down.
                   She is having temperature, it won't dropped.

saxng              Zef si beq saxng`lie.
                   Hef si y saxng`ee.
                   This is for you.
                   That is (a gift) from him.

taxng              Zuie cyn taxng.
		   Zuie oe taxng`laang.
                   Y ee chiuo khix taxng`tiøh.
                   Water is freezing.
                   His hands congealed.

thaxng             Y tuix lie cyn thviarthaxng.
                   Cittiaau lo, tuy ciaf thaxng kaux hiaf.
                   Cittiaau lo, oe thaxng khix chixtviuu.
                   He treated you as a treasure.
                   This street from here all the way to there.
                   This street leads to the market.

zaxng              Zaxng u tvy`ee. Ma u kiaam`ee.
                   Y aix ciah kiaam bahzaxng.
                   Y bøo aix ciah tvizaxng.
                   Rice ball has sweet favor, and salty favor.
                   She loves salty rice ball.
                   She does not like sweet rice ball.

zhaxng             Kirn zhaxng`khylaai
                   Ka tiexnnao zhaxng ho hør.
                   Hurry hide it.
                   Have the computer hidden.

arng               Y ee sviaf arngaxng.
                   Here voice sounds unclear.

barng              Ciaf lorng bøo barng.
                   Taioaan cyn zoe barng.
                   Y lorng pvix bøo barng.
                   Here has no mosquito.
                   Taiwan is has many mosquito.
                   He cannot play any tricks.

                   Mxthafng khix ho y harng`khix.
                   Don't be intimidated by him.

karng              Zuun beq zhutkarng.
                   Cittiaau karng, cyn toa tiaau.
                   Ship is leaving harbor.
                   This is river is a big one.

pharng             Chviar lie ka zuie pharng`cide.
                   Goar ee pid pharng`kvix'aq.
                   Please have water spinned.
                   My pen is lost.

tharng             Ciaf u cidtharng zuie.
                   Pngxtharng, pngxtharng, lorng si pngxtharng`ee.
                   Here has a barrel of water.
                   Clumsy, clumsy, all are useless.

aang               Huiq si aang`ee.
                   Y ee svaf lorng si aang`ee.
                   Blood is red.
                   Her dress are all in red.

baang              Zuiebangbaang.
                   Y lym kaq baarng'bangbaang.
                   Drunken and unconscious.
                   He drank and became unconscious.

haang              Ciaf u 5-haang.
                   Cidhaang køq cidhaang, sngx boe oaan.
                   Here has 5 rows.
                   Rows and rows, never ends.

kaang              Yn 2-ee cyn kaang.
                   Yn nngxee svef(svy) zøx cyn kaang.
                   They two look alike.
                   They two grew alike.

laang              In'ui y ee zhuix cyn tvy, sofie laang-laang aix.
                   Zoealaang, bøo kafntafn.
                   Because she mouse is so sweet, therefore people love her.
                   Being a person is not easy.

paang              Citkefng zhux u 5-kefng paang.
                   Zef si langkheq paang.
                   This house has 5 bedrooms.
                   This is guest room.

phaang             Phangzuun ti beq zhutpaang`aq.
                   Chviar lie iong chiuo phaang`cide.
                   Sailboat is almost leaving.
                   Please use your hands to hold it.

thaang             Thaang cyn kvialaang.
                   Thaang ti hiaf søo cyn kvialaang.
                   Thoo`niq u cyn zoe thaang.
                   Insects are very scary.
                   Insects are there crawling
                   Soils have full of insects.