"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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(kofng'oe, zørtaixcix)pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
Anpeeng kofpør | Fort Zeelandia in Tainan; built by the Dutch in the 17th century | 安平古堡
Bexngbiør samchiefn | The mother of Mencius changed her abode three times; in order to get a better environment for her son's education | 孟母三遷
Butiaxm Serngbør | the Immaculate Mother (Catholic) | 無玷聖母
Goadlør | God of Marriage | 月老
Harnpør | Hamburg (a city in Germany) | 漢堡
Hoefsiøtør | Green Island | 火燒島; 綠島
Hoklør-laang | Fukienese | 福老人; 福建人
Honglaai-tør | the island of Taiwan | 蓬萊島
Honglaitør | Formosa; Taiwan Island | 蓬萊島
Hongzex Serngbør Thoankaux Siulie Hoe | FMM: Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (Catholic) | 方濟聖母傳教修女會
Hoxlør | Taiwanese; Ho-lo; Holo; Hoklo | 福佬
Huiludpyn Kuntør | Philippine Archipelago | 菲律賓群島
Hølør | Taiwanese Hoklo | 福佬
Hølør-laang | Hoklo people | 福佬人; 河洛人
Høxlør | Fukienese | 福佬
Høxlør-laang | Fukienese | 福佬人; 福建人
Jinzuu Serngbør Thoankaux Hoe | MMB: Miss of O.L. of Mercy (Catholic) | 仁慈聖母傳教會
Koantør | Guam | 關島
Lamviuu Kuntør | South Sea Islands | 南洋群島
Legtør | a city in Taitung County; Green Island (off the southeastern Taiwan coast) | 綠島
Liap`si hanswpiør | Celsius centigrade thermometer; a Celsius | 攝氏寒暑表
Liautofng poarntør | the Liaotung Peninsula | 遼東半島
Liogtør | Green Island (off the southeastern Taiwan coast; site of a reformatory camp) | 綠島
Liuhongtør | Iwo Jima; one of the Bonin Islands | 硫磺島
Liukiutør | Ryukyu Island | 琉球島
Mafkhør Hok'imsw | The Gospel According to Mark (Protestant) | 馬可福音書
Pahamar-kuntør | the Bahamas | 群島; 巴哈馬
Palytør | Bali Island | 巴里島
Panykaxn poarntør | Balkan Peninsula | 巴爾幹半島
Panykaxn-pvoartør | Balkans Peninsula | 巴爾幹半島
Pengtør | Iceland | 冰島
Phørzuo | a city in Chiayi County | 朴子
Serngbiør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Siulyhoe | MIC: Miss Srs of the Immac Concept (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪修女會
Serngbør Bugoanzoe Thoankaux Siulyhoe | SMIC: Franc Miss Srs of the Imm Conc (Catholic) | 聖母無原罪傳教修女會。
Serngbør Hoe | Sodality of Blessed Mother (Catholic) | 聖母會
Serngbør Maflixaf | Virgin Mary | 聖母瑪利亞
Serngbør Serngsym Hoe | CICM: Cong Immac Cordis Mariae; Scheut (Catholic) | 聖母聖心會
Serngbør Serngsym Siulie Hoe | CSCM: Srs of the SH of Mary of Taichung (Catholic) | 聖母聖心修女會
Serngbør Sirnsimhoe | Children of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母信心會
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Serngbør butiaxm cy sym | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母無玷之心
Serngbør bøjiarm goanzoe | Immaculate Conception (Catholic) | 聖母無染原罪
Serngbør chitkhor | The Seven Dolors (Catholic) | 聖母七苦
Serngbør cirnkaux cy iu | Auxilium Christianorum (Catholic) | 聖母進教之佑
Serngbør niafpøx | annunciation (Catholic) | 聖母領報
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
Serngbør | Virgin Mary; Holy Mother | 聖母
Sexng ørsuteng Hoe | CR: Canonici Reg Sti Aug (Catholic) | 聖奧斯定會
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Siør Siuvi | Minor Seminary (Catholic) | 小修; (道)院
Siør-Luxsoxng | Manila | 小呂宋
Taioantør | Taiwan island | 台灣島
Thaepør | a city in Chiayi County | 太保
Thiensiong-Serngbør | a goddess | 天上聖母
Tiofnglør kaohoe | Presbyterian church | 長老教會
Tiofnglør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Tionghoaa Serngbør Hoe | CMRS: Congregation of Our Lady of China (Catholic) | 中華聖母會
Tviwlør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
abør | mother; mama | 阿母; 媽媽
ahbør | female duck | 鴨母; 母鴨
ahbør-leh | large rain-hat | 鴨母笠; 斗笠
ahbør-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 平底腳
aipexkiørbuo | screaming and shouting | 哀爸叫母
aix kati hør | egotistical; selfish; self love | 愛自己好; 自私的
angbeflør | cornelian; shrub or small tree that bears a small edible scarlet berry | 紅瑪瑙
angzør | red jujube; red date; red dates | 紅棗
anzoantør | safety island of a thoroughfare | 安全島
aplegpiør | pressure gauge | 壓力表
aptør | overwhelm; overpower; surpass; overwhelm; excel; win | 壓倒
aputtør | tumbling toy; a legless; round-bottomed roly-poly doll | 無倒翁; 不倒翁
armsør | secret lock; mortise lock; combination padlock | 暗鎖; 密鎖
asør | sister-in-low (elder brother's wife); sister-in-law (elder brother's wife) | 阿嫂; 嫂嫂
auxbør | stepmother | 後母; 繼母
auxkørgøeh | next month | 後個月; 下個月
batpør | know how to treasure; know the value of things; have a sense of values | 識寶; 識貨
baxnban putkhør | absolutely forbidden; by all means no; under no circumstance | 萬萬無可
baxnlengsør | skeleton key | 萬能鎖
baxnsiuxkør | papaya, melon-tree Carica papaya | 萬壽果
be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
bea bextør | too expensive to buy it | 買無倒; 買不起
beflør | cornelian; agate | 瑪瑙
befpiør | stopwatch | 馬錶
begkoankitør | contemplative prayer | 默觀祈禱
begtør | silent prayer; pray in secret or silently | 默禱
bengseapiør | specification; minute description; detailed statement | 明細表
beqafkør | stalk or straw of wheat or barley; without the ear | 麥仔莖
beqkør | stalk or straw of wheat or barley; without the ear | 麥莖; 麥稭
bexhør | describes an incurable sickness; a hopeless case; work which it is not possible to finish or get done | 未好; 好無了
bexphiørzhux | box office; ticket window | 賣票處; 售票處
biedkhiør | kill a person to prevent him from disclosing a secret | 滅口
bisiør | very small, unimportant | 微小
bixlør siensoef | prematurely senile | 未老先衰
biør | (a measure word); second | 秒
boeq hør`ax | just about finished; recovering sick person | 要好呀; 快好了
bongkør | mango | 芒果
buhoad khør sy | unable to do anything about it | 無法可施
buhoad khør ti | there is no remedy for it; there is no way to settle the matter | 無法可治
buhoakør | fig; fig | 無花果
bukaf khør kuy | homeless | 無家可歸
bukeapør | priceless treasure | 無價寶; 無價之寶
bukex cy pør | priceless treasure | 無價之寶
bukex khør sy | at the end of one's rope; helpless; powerless | 無計可施
bukhør naixhøo | having no alternative; have to; powerless | 無可奈何
bukhør-naixhøo | a helpless situation | 無可奈何
bunkør | manuscript; public notice, announcement in writing, manifesto, message from the president issued on an important occasion | 文稿
bunpaang suopør | the four instruments used in writing (the writing brush; the ink stone; the ink stick; and writing paper) | 文房四寶 (毛筆; 硯台; 墨; 紙)
buxnhør | to greet | 問好
byhør | fine; happy; glorious | 美好
bøe-zørlaang | unable to be accepted in a society | 未做人; 無會做人
bøehthaythør | what's next | 要怎好; 怎可
bøexciør | a lot of; not a few | 未少; 無少
bøextør | won't fall; fail | 未倒; 無會倒
bøkex-pør | priceless treasure | 無價寶
bøo kietkør | without result, in vain | 無結果
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo twhør | not just right, carelessly | 無拄好
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
bøo-twhør | not just right, carelessly | 無拄好
bør kar li | compound interest | 母絞利; 利上加利
bør | mother | 母; 畝
bør`ee | female animals | 母的
bøthafng hør | not very good | 無太好
bøtwhør | have no choice; ill-timed; unluckily; unlucky | 無湊巧; 無抵好
chiamtørpho | attendance book | 簽到簿
chiatør | push over; detrude; turn over; spill | 推倒; 捙倒; 翻倒; 車倒; 弄倒,翻倒
chinsvef pexbør | one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents | 親生爸母
chiongtør | rush; pour; knock down by collision | 沖倒; 衝倒
chiongtør`khix | be crushed or knocked down by a flood | 沖倒去
chiphiørjiin | bearer of a check or bill | 持票人
chitkhab pehtør | everything going wrong; topsy-turvy; in great confusion | 一塌糊塗; 七顛八倒
chitpør | seven treasures | 七寶
chittiefn pehtør | constantly stumbling and falling; in constant trouble and calamity; topsy-turvy; all in confusion | 七顛八倒
chiwkør | draft; manuscript | 手稿
chiwpiør | watch; wrist watch | 手錶
chiørbin | laughing face; smiling face | 笑面; 笑臉
chiørbin-hor | slick; person with kindly face and cruel heart | 笑面虎; 巧言令色
chiørbixnhor | friendly looking villain; wolf in sheep's skin; treacherous fellow | 笑面虎; 面善心惡
chiørbixsi | continually laugh or smile | 笑惟是; 嘻嘻哈哈
chiørchiøx | smilingly, with smile | 笑笑
chiørchiøx`leq | after singing the song | 唱唱咧; 唱唱`leq; 笑笑咧; 笑笑`leq
chiørhaihay | laugh | 笑咍咍
chiørioong | a smiling face; a smile; a smiling countenance; smiling facial expression | 笑容
chiørkhef | joke; funny; comical | 笑詼; 笑料; 詼諧
chiørkhoef | joke; jest; jocularity; comical; a comic or comedian; Nonsense! | 笑詼; 喜劇的; 滑稽
chiørkhøef | a laughing stuff | 笑詼; 笑話; 笑稽
chiøroe | joke; joke; funny story; ridiculous error; laughable mistake; Nonsense! | 笑話
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chiørpii | funny bone | 笑枇; 笑源地
chiørpoef | two ear-like bamboo devices used in divination; when one throw the devices and it touch down with both devices face upward; it means the God is laughing; he is allowed to throw the devices again.; cast two small moon-shaped pieces of wood; round on one side and flat on the other; to seek an answer from a spirit (When both flat sides come up; the answer is uncertain.) | 笑筊; 笑桮; 筊面朝上; 陽卦
chiørpvex | laughingstock; butt of a joke | 笑柄
chiørpvix | a matter of laughter | 笑片; 笑柄
chiørsiin | smile; smiling; kindly countenance | 笑神
chiørsviaf | laughing sound; laughter; laughter | 笑聲
chiørsylaang | shameless; make one laugh to death; extremely ridiculous | 笑死人
chiørtaam | joke, jest, funny story | 笑談; 笑話
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chiørtøflaang | LOL | 笑倒人
chvikør | fresh fruit | 青果; 鮮果
ciah y bextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for me | 吃伊未倒; 勝無過他
ciah y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 吃伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
ciah-bøextør | to be not afraid of consuming | 無怕吃; 吃未倒
ciah-hør | eat good thing, feel nice after eating | 吃好; 食好
ciah-liao bøo twhør | stomach upset | 吃了無適好; 吃壞了肚子
ciaqciør | eat less | 食少
ciauhør | all of them are good | 都好
ciaukhør | to publicly and selectively (through exams) recruit new employees; students; etc. | 招考
ciaux pørzoar | according to the paper | 照報紙
ciauzaai cirnpør | collect a fortune | 招財進寶
ciauzaai-cirnpør | to bring in wealth and treasure | 招財進寶
ciawbør | female birds | 母鳥
cibkør | correct manuscripts for publication | 集稿
cidbiør | one second | 一秒
cidtør | one fall | 一倒
cieciør | at least; at least; the least | 至少
ciedkør | enforce a deadline, last date for sending manuscript | 截稿
ciehør | the best; the closest friend | 至好; 至好,最好
cien'inhiøxkør | cause and effect | 前因後果
cien'yn hiøxkør | cause and effect; the whole story | 前因後果
ciepør | the most precious; most precious treasure | 至寶
ciernkør | the fruit of the battle, the result of war | 戰果
cierntørlam | battlship | 戰鬥艦
cietbogpiør | program of a concert or show | 節目表
cili phørzhuix | completely disintegrated | 支離破碎
cinciør | very little, a small quantity | 真少
cintwhør | by a happy chance; at just the right time | 真適好; 正巧
cioktør | benediction | 祝禱
ciongsiør | since childhood, from childhood | 從小
ciphiørpho | check book | 支票簿
cirntoxpiør | work schedule | 進度表
citbiør | this second | 這秒
ciukipiør | periodic table (physics; chemistry); statistical entry made on a weekly basis | 週期表
ciwbør | yeast for making wine | 酒母
ciwpør | bartender | 酒保
cixnhør | very good or very well | 盡好; 非常好
cixntiofng pørkog | be loyal and patriotic | 盡忠報國
ciøfciør | a little bit | 少少
ciøkhør | to publicly and selectively (through exams) recruit new employees; students; etc; advertise for employees or students through competitive examinations | 招考
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
ciør | tiny; poco; fewness | 少
ciør`khix | diminish, become little | 少去
ciørbeeng | photographic lighting | 照明
ciørbin | to reflect face from a mirror; look into a mirror; illuminate the face | 照面; 照臉
ciørciøx`leq | look into mirror, shine around | 照照咧
ciørhoe | memo; note | 照會
ciørjit | to bask in the sun; be illuminated by the sun | 照日; 晒太陽
ciørkngf | (Polite) excuse me; illuminate | 借光; 照光; 照亮
ciørkviax | to face a mirror; look at oneself in a mirror | 照鏡; 照鏡子
ciørlo | to illuminate the street | 照路
ciørsia | shine upon; illuminate; radiate | 照射
ciørsinkviax | full length mirror | 照身鏡
ciørsiong | take a photograph | 照像; 照相
ciørtiexnkofng | X-ray | 照X光
ciørtiøh | to shine upon | 照著
ciørtvoaa | pagan altar set up opposite a shrine for a celebration | 醮壇
ciørviar | photograph | 照影
ciørzurn | aim accurately | 照準
cviaciør | very little; few; seldom; little | 很少
cviahør | very good, very nice | 很好; 成好
cviarhør | proper, just right | 正好
cviarkhaw tørsiaq | sarcasm and mockery | 冷嘲熱諷; 正刮左削
cviarkhaw-tørsiaq | sarcasm and mockery | 正刮倒削; 諷刺
cviasiør | very small, very little | 成小; 誠小; 很小
cviatwhør | very coincidently | 很拄好; 成拄好; 很巧
cvii teq zørlaang | money makes others feel grateful to the giver | 錢在做人; 以錢度人
cvipør | treasure | 錢寶
cviulør | camphor | 樟腦
cviulør-iuu | camphor oil | 樟腦油
cviulør-oaan | a camphor ball; a mothball | 樟腦丸
cyhør | can but; cannot but; cannot help; have no choice but; the only alternative is to… | 只好
e cioong khiør zhud | The mouth is the primary source of calamities (literally)--Careless talk may land one in trouble | 禍從口出
eeng-kaq liah satbør siøka | Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other--don't know what to do with my leisure | 閒甲捉虱母相咬; 無所事事; 閒得無聊
ef`tør | to topple | 推倒
efngkhør | to apply for an examination | 應考
efngpør thaepeeng | remain peaceful for all time | 永保太平
efngpør zhengzhwn | remain youthful forever | 永保青春
enggiap pørkøx | business reports | 營業報告
erngkhør | participate in an examination; sit for an examination | 應試; 應考
erngkhør-jinsox | number of exam participants | 應考人數
erngsviaf jii tør | dead on the spot at the first shot | 應聲而倒
etør`khix | knock down by jostling | 推倒去; 以手肘推倒
exkhørtid | reliable; trustworthy | 會靠得; 靠得住
exkørgøeh | next month | 下個月; 下月
extør | will fall | 會倒
exzørtid | able to | 會做得
gaau zørlaang | kind and hospitable | 會做人; 待人好; 善於為人
gaau ølør | good at passing out compliments | 很會褒獎人; 很會讚美
gaau-zørlaang | know how to get along with people | 賢做人; 會做人
gagbiør | man's mother in law | 岳母
gagbør | mother-in-law (wife's mother) | 岳母
geqkhør | monthly examination | 月考
giabbu pørkøx | business report | 業務報告
giabør | female goose | 鵝母; 母鵝
gieen kuy uu hør | resume friendship; be on good terms again; reconciliate; be reconciled | 言歸於好
giefnthør | enter into; research; study and discuss | 研討
gipiør | instrument and meters | 儀表
gixbiør | relationship somewhat like that of godmother; cf.; khe-bo | 義母
gixbør | relationship somewhat like that of godmother; cf.; khe-bo | 義母
giør | blink; glance; Look out of corner of eye; glance quickly at; glance at momentarily (as shy girl at a boy) | 瞟; 眽; 睨; 一瞥; 瞥; 瞟一眼
giør`laang | give a contemptuous look to a person | 睨人; 瞟人一眼
goadlør | old man in the moon--he is supposed to unite by an invisible thread those persons destined to be married | 月老; 月下老人
goankør | manuscript | 原稿
goanlør | patriarch; elder person who has held high positions for long period of time and is highly respected by the nation | 元老
goanpør | Currency; coin | 元寶
goaxpiør | outer appearance | 外表
goaxtør | off shore of Taiwan; off shore of island | 外島
goeqkhør | monthly test | 月考
goeqsiør | twenty-nine-day moon of the lunar calendar; 30-day month of the Gregorian calendar | 月小
gubør | cow | 母牛; 牛母
gvaukhør | boil broth until it thickens | 藕濃; 煨湯
gvofkog-pekkør | all the agricultural products | 五穀百果
gykør | to draft a document; draw up a draft | 擬稿
gøbør | female goose | 母鵝; 鵝母
gøeqkhør | monthly examination | 月考
habøextør | can't help it; having no alternative; cannot cope with; cannot deal with | 下未倒; 奈何無了
hanswpiør | thermometer | 寒暑表
hap-zørhoea | to collect; put together in same place | 合做夥
hap-zørtuy | to collect; put together in same place | 合做堆
hauxkør | effect; the result of any course of action | 效果
hawkebør | woman who talks in a shrill high pitched voice | 大嗓婆; 哮雞母
haytør | island in the sea | 海島
hayzuie tørkeg | seawater pours in | 海水倒激
hayzør | seaweed | 海藻
hefkoebør | turkey hen which is used to describe talkative women | 火雞母
hegtai-hegsiør | either large or small | 或大或小
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
hiamciør | to think insufficient | 辣椒; 嫌少
hiefnkhør | one's own deceased father; late father | 顯考; 已逝尊父
hienzhef-liongbiør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hienzhef-liongbør | dutiful wife and loving mother | 賢妻良母
hiernkør | fruits offered in a temple | 獻果
himbør | she-bear | 熊母
hionglør | a country bumpkin; village elder | 鄉老; 鄉村長老
hisex-cy-pør | very rare treasure; an invaluable gem; timeless treasure | 稀世之寶
hitiørar | fishing rod; fishing pole | 魚釣仔; 釣竿; 釣魚竿
hiwbok putkhør tiaw | rotten wood cannot be carved | 朽木無可雕
hiør | no; not; negative | 否
hiøxkør | results; consequences | 後果
hmq`tør | hit to fall | 打倒; 撼倒
hoafnkhie-hoafntør | not dependable; always changing; fickle; capricious; can't determine things | 反覆無常; 時好時壞; 沒主見; 反起反倒
hoafnlør-hoantoong | regain youth; rejuvenate oneself | 返老還童
hoahkhie hoahtør | create confusion in directing | 亂指揮; 喝起喝倒
hoahkhie-hoahtør | person who likes to direct things and tell other people what to do; to direct as with sword on battlefield; to command a big army | 喝起喝倒; 指揮; 控制
hoanlør | worry; annoyance; uneasiness | 煩惱
hoanpør | environment protection | 環保
hoansør | tedious and annoying | 煩瑣
hoantør | a turnover, to turn over, to capsize | 翻倒
hoatkør | to send out a report or story for publication; journalism send out a story or report for publication | 發稿
hoatpiør | to publish; to issue; to announce | 發表
hoatpør | a magic tool; talisman | 法寶
hoatpørky | telegraph transmitter | 發報機
hoatør | flowers | 花朵
hoef hør gøeh vii | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hoefbør | kindling; tinder | 火母; 火種
hoefkebør | female turkey imply talkative women | 火雞母
hoefkørsw | written repentance pledging not to commit the same offense again (a form of punishment) | 悔過書
hoeq khør | blood impurity (INCL. cholesterol) | 血混濁; 血濃
hoexkhør | formerly; national examination; nationally unified examination | 會考
hoezhør | flower and grass (paintings) | 花草
hogtør | to prostrate | 腹倒; 伏倒
hokiørkhix | beeper or pager (bee-bee-call) | 呼叫器
hong'wpiør | barometer | 風雨表
honglør | to provide against old age | 防老
hongsør | to seal off; to blockade | 封鎖
hongtør | desert island | 荒島; 無人島
hoxkør | consequences; result | 後果
hud`tør | to brush to fall down | 拂倒
hudkør | any fruit like a peach; cherry or plum | 核果
huitoong siøfkhør | tremendously important; no small matter; very serious; having grave consequence | 非同小可
hulør-he'iux | help the aged along; and lead the young by the hand; go or appear with one's whole family regardless of age | 扶老攜幼
hun`tør | block out | 昏倒
hunbiør | second minute | 分秒
hunbør | denominator of a fraction | 分母; 雲母
huokhør | take part in an examination | 赴考
hutiørar | fishing pole | 魚釣仔
huxbiør | parents | 父母
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
huxbør | parents | 父母
huxlør | the elders (of a village); elders | 父老
huxntør | to faint off; faint; to swoon | 暈倒; 昏倒
hvaftør | to astound, to shock, frightened out of wits | 唬倒; 嚇倒
hviasør | sister-in-law; elder brother's wife | 兄嫂
hwkhør | allow of; permit; license; licence | 許可
hykhør | permit; licence; license; sanction; approval | 許可
høefbør | fire starter; tinder | 火母; 火種
høfchiørsiin | cheeful | 好笑神
høfhør siensvy | good natured man; soft guy who never quarrels with the world | 好好先生
høfhør | well; in good condition | 好好
høhør | make peace; make it up; be on friendly terms | 和好
høhør-laang | a healthy person | 好好人; 和好人
hør chiwsix | all going on well bringing up children or managing pupils | 機運好; 好手勢
hør gafnlek | good eyesight | 好眼力
hør khankhiøq | involved; implicated | 使連累; 好牽拾
hør khoafnthai | easy to serve | 好伺候; 好款待
hør kihoe | do things just at the right moment; strike while the iron is ht | 好機會
hør koeajit | lead an easy life | 好過日; 日子好過
hør kofng'oe | easy to bargain or deal with; easy to persuade | 好講話; 好商量
hør simtngg | kind hearted; compassionate | 好心腸
hør thefthaix | having a very good looking appearance; gait and manner | 好體態
hør | good; all right; fine; well; good to; easy to; time to; (indicates that the desired result of the action has been achieved); good; all right; O.K | 好
hør-bagseg | good eye; sharp eyed; good visual memory | 眼力佳; 好目色
hør-bixnchviw | favorable face | 好面像; 予人好感的臉
hør-bixsi | everything is fine | 好惟是; 什麼都好
hør-bixsox | good food | 好味數; 佳餚
hør-bunbek | good writing | 文筆佳; 好文墨
hør-chiwpid | good handwriting | 好手筆
hør-chiwsex | good gesture | 好手勢; 好身手
hør-chiwsix | good hand | 好手勢; 做事順當
hør-chiwtvoa | good hand | 好手段
hør-chiørsiin | is always smiling | 好笑神; 笑口常開
hør-cientheeng | good future before him | 好前程
hør-ciwliong | big drinking capacity | 好酒量
hør-gafnlek | good eyesight; good judgment | 好眼力
hør-gafnseg | good eyesigh | 好眼色
hør-gafnsiin | good eyesigh | 好眼神
hør-hagbun | good knowledge | 好學問
hør-hviati | good brothers | 好兄弟; 無緣佛(無主)
hør-ienhun | good fate | 好緣份
hør-iøchi | infant is healthy and can be brought up easily; good raises; easy growing | 好育飼; 容易養
hør-jidcie | auspicious day; good days | 好日子
hør-jinzaai | a man of talent | 好人材
hør-jixun | good fortune | 好字運; 幸運
hør-kahofng | good family tradition | 好家風
hør-kakaux | good family manner | 好家教
hør-kanghw | good work; good skill; good skill in martial arts | 好工夫
hør-khachiuo | good helper; quick in action or understanding, agile, quick and efficient | 好腳手; 伶俐,; 敏捷; 手足敏捷者
hør-khankhiøq | implicated, involved | 好牽拾; 連累
hør-khanseeng | implicated, involved | 好牽成; 連累
hør-khasiaux | good worker | 好腳數; 好傢伙
hør-khawzaai | good oratorical ability | 好口才
hør-khehzeeng | (adj) to enjoy having guests | 好客情; 好客
hør-khoafnthai | treat well, easily pleased | 好款待; 招待好
hør-khøehaai | humorous; laughter-provoking. | 好詼諧; 幽默詼諧
hør-kiernseg | good knowledge and experience | 好見識
hør-kiesexng | good memory | 好記性
hør-kietbøea | happy ending | 好結尾
hør-kietii | good memory | 好記持
hør-kiettiau | good omen | 好吉兆
hør-kihoe | a good chance | 好機會
hør-kikud | good gesture; lissome figure | 好肌骨; 體態優美
hør-kiøhsiaux | good worker | 好叫數 好傢伙
hør-kofng'oe | easy to talk to | 好講話; 好說話
hør-kuiejiin | good high-ranking person | 好貴人
hør-kutkeq | good skeleton; a body contour | 好骨骼; 體骼佳
hør-lixlo | profitable way to make money | 好利路; 賺錢的好法
hør-lwteg | good feminine virtue | 好女德
hør-miasviaf | good reputation | 好名聲
hør-mxhør | is it OK | 好無好
hør-nitafng | good year; year of abundance, a fat year, bumper harvest year | 好年冬
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
hør-phvixsay | good sense of smell | 好鼻獅; 嗅覺好
hør-phynheng | correct conduct; | 好品行
hør-phøebaq | nice appearance | 好皮肉; 皮膚好(健康)
hør-pwnlerng | ability; skill; talent | 好本領
hør-seabin | good situation | 好勢面; 情勢好
hør-serngte | good temper | 好性地; 脾氣好
hør-siausid | good news | 好消息
hør-siuseeng | good harvest | 好收成
hør-sofkviaa | the upright condut | 好所走; 品行好
hør-sviasaux | pleasant and gentle voice | 好聲嗽; 輕聲輕氣
hør-svizøex | beautiful or handsome | 好生做
hør-thauzhuix | courteous; polite; politeness | 好頭嘴; 懂禮貌; 會說話
hør-thefbin | have a sense of honor | 好體面
hør-thvinii | good year | 好天年; 豐年
hør-tiauxthaau | a good omen | 好兆頭
hør-toaxtvar | bravery (satiric meaning) | 好大膽
hør-zekteg | fortunate | 好積德
hør-zeng'ix | affectionate | 好情意
hør-zhaythaau | good start | 好彩頭
hør-zhuietao | good appetite; not picky with food | 好嘴斗
hør-zhuopvy | good neighbor | 好厝邊
hør-zw'ix | a good idea | 好主意
hør-zørhoea | easy to get along with | 好作夥
hør-zøxhoax | good fortune | 好造化
hør`boq | is it OK | 好否
hør`bøo | is it OK; is it good | 好否
hør`ee | good one | 好的
hør`laq | OK! | 好了
hør`m | is it OK (softer tone compared to hør`bøo) | 好無
høsu-lør | arbitrator | 和事佬
høsuxlør | peace maker | 和事佬
høxlør-høxsø | idle about; loaf | 游手好閒
iausørsøx | very hungry | 饑燥燥; 非常饑餓
iawkuo hør | excusable; tolerable; passable | 還好
ibør | maternal aunt | 姨母
ie-zw zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
iefnkafngkør | written text of a speech | 演講稿
iefntør | knock down; knock over; to topple; throw down; to overthrow; overturn; lay down | 推倒; 摔倒
iern`tør | fall down | 偃倒
ihør | healed; get cured | 醫好
imhiorng-hauxkør | effects of sound vibrations (physics) | 音響效果
inkør | karma; the chain of cause and result; cause and effect; conduct in a previous life producing its effect in this life (Buddhist) | 因果
inkør-koanhe | causation; causality; causal relation | 因果關係; 因果律
inkør-lut | the law of causation | 因果律
inkør-pørexng | automatic repayment in later life for whatever one does (Buddhist) | 因果報應
inkør-soad | causationalism | 因果說
iofngbiør | foster mother | 養母
iofngbør | foster mother | 養母
iofngjii-honglør | raise sons as insurance against the insecurity of old age | 養兒防老
iofngjii-thaixlør | bring up a son in preparation for old age | 養兒待老
iofnglør | take care of one's remaining years; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's past work | 養老
iofnglør-kym | pension, annuity for the aged | 養老金
iofnglør-nikym | old age pension | 養老年金
iofnglør-vi | nursing home | 養老院
irnhør | finish printing; commit | 印好; 應好
isafn tørhae | move mountains and empty the water out of the sea--mighty power | 移山倒海
isvoaf-tørhae | to remove mountains and drain seas; very capable | 移山倒海
itbiexntør | excessively dependent upon something somebody; lopsided political alignment with a certain party or country | 一面倒
itbixntør | excessively dependent upon something somebody; lopsided political alignment with a certain party or country | 一面倒
itlafmpiør | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itzhefng-jixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhengjixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itør | Island of Langerhans (body) | 一島; 胰島
itør-sox | insulin | 胰島素
iwhør | friendly; friendly; friendship; amity (treaty | 友好
ixbiør-hengte | brothers born of different mothers; half brothers | 異母兄弟
iøkør | cashew-nut | 腰果; (豆)
iør | hit sideways with a stick | 甌; 舀; 掃打
jih`tør | overwhelming | 壓倒
jiin lør sym putlør | young at heart; man may be old in years; but his heart need not be old; An old man chasing young women | 人老心無老
jiin putkhør mauxsioxng | Men cannot be judged by their looks. Don't judge a book by its cover | 人無可貌相
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
jiogsiør | small and weak; puniness | 弱小
jiogsiør-binzok | small and weak tribe | 弱小民族
jirm bukhør jirm | beyond one's endurance; cannot stand (an insult or provocation) any longer | 忍無可忍
jixbør | letter of the alphabet | 字母
jixkør | script | 字稿
jixmkhør | approve; authorize; sanction; authorization | 認可
jixnkhør | approve; authorize; sanction | 認可
jixsør | wife of second oldest brother | 二嫂
joaxhør | how good | 多好; 偌好
juhek ciepør | like acquiring a rare treasure (literally)--get what one has wished or desired for a long time | 如獲至寶
jukør | if, in the event of, provided that | 如果
juo-hør | become better, still better | 愈好
juzør | as left | 如左
kab-zørhoea | a mixture; welding together; mix together | 合做夥; 融合
kabiør | my mother (humble expression) | 家母
kabør | my mother | 家母
kaehør | tip top; excellent; first rate; best; first-rate | 蓋好; 頂呱呱; 最好
kafhør | not so good | 假好; 沒那麼好
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafngkør | manuscript of a prepared speech | 講稿; 演講稿
kailør | grow old | 偕老
kamzhør | liquorice; licorice | 甘草
kangbør | male and female (of animals) | 公母; 雌雄
kankør | dried fruits | 乾果
kansørkhix | desiccator; a drying agent or machine | 乾燥器
kansørseg | drying room | 乾燥室
kansørzef | desiccative; something that thoroughly dries something out; preservative | 乾燥劑
kaobiør | godmother | 教母
kaobør | godmother | 教母
kaoiok-khørtviuo | chief of the education section (under a city or county government) | 教育課長
kapør | heirloom | 家寶
karmkhør | supervise an exam; proctor an examination | 監考
karmphiørjiin | ballot supervisor; scrutator | 監票人
kaupør | bail; release (a suspect) on bail | 交保
kawbør | female dog; a bitch | 母狗; 狗母
kax e tør | fully able to teach | 教得了; 教會倒
kaxngbør-kørpe | having the same mother; but different father | 同母異父; 同母各父
kaxngpe-kørbuo | having the same father; but different mother | 同父異母
kaxngpe-kørbør | same father but not the same mother | 同父異母
kayphørhak | anatomy | 解剖學
kayphørsut | anatomy | 解剖術
keabiør | stepmother | 繼母
keabør | stepmother | 後母; 繼母
keasipiør | chronometer | 計時表
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
kebør thii | hen crows (a very bad omen); said of a wife ruling her husband; the wife wears the pants in the family | 母雞啼; (很困難)
kebør | hen | 母雞; 雞母
kee`tør | trip | 絆倒
kefhør | pretend to be good, be a hypocrite | 假好; 偽善
keghør | extremely good | 極好
kegsiør | the smallest, minimum | 極小
kegsiør-hoax | minimization | 極小化
kegzør | the ultra-Left | 極左
keklør | steamed camphor oil | 激腦
kektør | to knock down | 擊倒
kerngkør | fruits that offer to gods; offering fruits as in funerals etc. | 敬果; (為神明; 亡者)
kernglør | respect the old; venerate the aged | 敬老
kernglør-hoe | party in honor of old people | 敬老會
kernglør-vi | a home for the aged | 敬老院
kernglør-zunhieen | respect the old and honor the wise | 敬老尊賢
khafmtør | chop down | 砍倒
khahhør | better | 較好
khaikog-goanlør | elder statesmen or generals who participated in the founding of a new nation or dynasty | 開國元老
khakpør | ensure, guarantee, maintain | 確保
khan'goxpiør | list of corrections attached to a publication; errata | 刊誤表
khaope-khaobør | lament loudly for parents death ─ to complain or to scold (a curse word) | 哭爹哭母; 抱怨; 叱罵
kharmgoxpiør | corrigenda; errata; table of errors | 勘誤表
kharmkhør | rough; rugged; full of frustrations | 坎坷
kheabør | relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 乾媽; 契母
khee`tør | to cause to trip | 卡倒; 絆倒
khekhør | investigate; look into | 稽考; 考究; 查考; 追究
khengtør | pouring; empty out; dump; dump out | 傾倒
khiesiong-pørkøx | weather reports | 氣象報告
khinkhør | easy, light work | 輕許; 輕易
khitthør | entreat the god for | 乞討; 祈求; 祈禱
khiuo-tørtngr | pull back | 拉倒轉; 揪倒轉
khiuo`tør | pull down | 揪倒; 拉倒
khiwtørtngr | pull back | 拉倒轉
khiøq zørhoea | gather things together | 收集在一起; 拾做伙
khiørsiin | superstitious | 迷信; 竅神
khiørsiuo | kowtow to the ground | 叩首
khoaix zørmar | be grandmother soon | 快當祖母
khoanpør | environment | 環保
khoanpør-buxntøee | Environmental Protection Issue | 環保問題
khoantør | go around an island (by boat or car) | 環島
khoantør-lyheeng | make a tour of the island | 環島旅行
khoatciør | diminish | 缺少
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khuisør | to unlock; open a lock | 開鎖
khurn-zørhoea | tie together | 綑做伙; 綑在一塊
khykør | to prepare a draft; prepare a rough sketch; to draft; start writing | 起稿
khyzhør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans); drafting; make a draft | 起草
khøfkhøfkhør | thick; thick gruel | 洘洘洘; 少水份
khøfkhør | thick; thick gruel (congee) | 洘洘; 濃濃; 少水份
khøftør | fail | 考倒
khør hitii | drain a pond (in order to harvest the fish) | 排乾池水以捕魚
khør | thick, viscous; bitter, sorrow, suffering, painstaking, difficult, miserable, feel miserable about | 濃; 洘; 少水份; 考
khør-bøtiaau | failed in an examination | 沒考上; 考無著
khør-uxtiaau | passed the examination | 考有著; 考上
khørbexzu | unreliable | 靠無住
khørbok | topic or subject of study | 課目
khørbuun | text of school book; text | 課文
khørchiern | run aground | 擱淺
khørchiwtiafm | a cushion used as arm rest on couch | 靠手墊
khørciaxng | offer sacrifice to ghost (spirit) | 犒將; 拜鬼
khørgiap | homework; school work | 課業
khørgoa | extracurricular | 課外
khørgoa-hoadtong | extracurricular activities | 課外活動
khørgoa-zokgiap | homework (for a student) | 課外作業
khørgve | land lack of water | 濃硬; 水份少之土地
khørgvi | rely on the tough attitude | 靠硬
khørhan | drought | 乾旱
khørhii | deep-sea bass, bathrobe bass, Cephalopholis miniatus | 犒魚; 紅鱠; [*]
khørhvoa | draw alongside the shore, quay of pier | 靠岸
khørie | a couch; a lounge chair | 靠椅
khørkin | near to; in the neighborhood; to approach; draw nearer | 靠近
khørkwn | comfort soldiers with gifts or money; make offerings of food to the soldier spirits sent to guard a place | 犒軍; 拜鬼
khørloong | move closer | 靠攏
khørloong-hunzuo | affiliates | 靠攏分子
khørlorng | lean toward; draw close; affiliate | 靠攏
khøroaan | departmental staff | 課員
khørparn | a board used to lean on | 靠板
khørpoe | back of chair | 靠背
khørpurn | textbook | 課本
khørputzu | unreliable | 靠無住
khørseg | classroom | 課室; 教室
khørsex | rely upon some one's power (influence); be inattentive | 仗勢; 倚勢; 自負; 大意
khørsiok | go easy; very free and easy; informal; be on very friendly (intimate) terms with | 靠俗; 隨俗; 無客套
khørsiorng | give a reward to | 犒賞
khørsoex | levy taxes | 課稅; 抽稅
khørsviuo | give gifts; gratuities to troops or workers as encouragement | 犒賞
khørsvoaf | a patron; a supporter; a tower of strength | 靠山
khørsøex | tax; levy tax | 課稅
khørtaf | dry up | 乾涸
khørtee | homework | 課題
khørteeng | course | 課程
khørtehzu | dependable | 靠得住
khørtheeng | curriculum, schedule | 課程
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
khørthvy | rely on the nature | 靠天
khørthvy-ciaqpng | depend on heaven for food ─ to leave everything to fate | 靠天吃飯
khørtiam | arm-rest, leg-rest | 靠墊; 坐墊
khørtiøh | have a bruise (as fruit); bruise from a fall; sometimes with internal bleeding | 瘀傷; 壓傷
khørtngg | classroom | 課堂
khørtoee | topic | 課題
khørtviuo | section chief; head of a department | 課長
khørtøee | subject of study | 課題
khøruu | after school | 課餘
khørvoa | great drought | 乾旱; 旱災
kiafmciør | to decrease; to reduce; to diminish | 減少
kiafmthør | to review and discuss (past performance; etc); to make self-examination or soul-searching; review and discuss (past performance); make a self-examination | 檢討
kiauxtør | upset by leverage | 撬倒
kiboadkhør | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期末考
kibøefkhør | final examination | 期末考
kieliogpiør | record sheet | 記錄表; 記綠表
kietkør | to bear fruit (said of plants); result or outcome; in the end; result; consequence; an end; as a result of; consequently | 結果
kiexnpør | health insurance | 健保
kikhør | final examination of a school term; semester exam | 期考; 期末考; 期末考試
kikør | flagstaff, flag pole | 旗鼓; 旗桿
kimzør | dates | 金棗; 圓果金柑
kiongkexng Serngbør | devotion to Our Lady (Catholic) | 恭敬聖母
kiongthør | to force (one to give something); to demand; to extort | 強討; 硬討
kirmkør | forbidden fruit | 禁果
kitør | pray; prayer; pray to God | 祈禱
kitør-buun | written prayer | 祈禱文
kitør-hoe | prayer meeting | 祈禱會
kitør-seg | prayer room | 祈禱室
kiuthør | ask for beg | 求討; 乞討
kiwkiuo-piør | multiplication table | 九九表
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kiørbie | order rice to be sent to the house | 叫米
kiørbøe | to peddle goods in the streets by chanting; to hawk | 叫賣
kiørchiaf | hire a car | 叫車
kiørchvie | to awaken; to arouse | 叫醒; 喊醒; 喚醒
kiørhiaw | to vociferate, to clamour | 叫梟; 叫囂
kiørhiaxm | to shout; to yell; to scream; tp cry; to call loudly | 叫喊
kiørhør | to applaud, applause | 叫好
kiørixn | to be called and responded; echoed; echo | 叫應; 呼應
kiørkafng | call workers to do the work | 叫工; 雇工
kiørkheh'ar | person who canvases (solicit) | 叫客仔; 招攬客人的人
kiørkheq | canvass (customer) for business | 叫客; 招攬客人
kiørkhor | complain about hardships loudly; broadcast one's grievances | 喊苦; 叫苦
kiørkhor-lienthiefn | lament; cry to heaven; to mouth complaints about hardships | 叫苦連天
kiørkorng | to say by shouting | 叫講
kiørlaang | look for someone | 找人; 叫人
kiørma | to scream and use foul language--like a fishwife | 叫罵
kiørmiaa | call the name | 叫名; 點名
kiørmngg | to call at the door to get it opened | 叫門; 敲門
kiørmxkvar | begging for mercy | 叫毋敢
kiørnau | to raise a hue and cry, to shout | 叫鬧
kiøroar | to call (someone) to come closer | 叫近; 叫倚
kiørsi | think that; believe that | 叫是; 以為是
kiørsiaux | a role | 腳數; 角色; 叫數
kiørsviaf | yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals); cry sound; shout sound | 叫聲
kiørthvy | (literally) to scream to heaven | 叫天
kiørthvy-kiørtøe | cry for help to heaven and earth | 呼天叫地
kiørzhaix | order food (in a restaurant) | 叫菜; 點菜
kiørzhvea | awaken some one by calling him | 叫醒; 喊醒
kiørzoex | be called; be known as | 叫做; 號稱; 稱做
kiørzøex | be called, be named | 叫做
kiørzøx | be called; be known as | 叫做; 號稱; 稱做
koai`tør | to trip over; to trip | 絆倒
koakør | apple | 瓜果; 蘋果
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
koattør | to knock down; to floor | 決倒; 擊倒
koebør | hen | 雞母
koflør | old; antiquated; ancient | 古老
kofngchiørkhef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kofngchiørkhoef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kofnghør | to make a deal with | 講好
kofngkørhuix | outlay for advertisement | 廣告費
kofngkørlaan | advertisement column | 廣告欄
kofngkøroe | a poster, poster painting | 廣告畫
kofngkørtvoaf | handbill | 廣告單
kofngpørkiok | radio drama; radio play | 廣播劇
kofngpøroaan | radio; television announcer | 廣播員
kofpør | castle | 古堡
koklør | ministers, old national celebrities | 國老; 闆老
kokpør | a national treasure; national currency | 國寶
koksiør | elementary schools | 國小
konghunbør | common denominator | 公分母
kongkhørpiør | class schedule | 功課表
kongkhøx sikanpiør | class schedule | 功課時間表
kongkhøx-piør | schedule of classes | 功課表
kongkør | achievement and result; Buddhist (Taoist) mass for dead person die | 功果; 替死人祈禱 (做法事) 來幫助死人升天
kongpør | government insurance for public servants; government health insurance | 公保
kotør | a solitary island; an isolated island | 孤島
kovoaxsør | mutually marry daughter to each other | 姑換嫂
kudtør | to slip and fall | 滑倒
kuikørgøeh | whole month | 整個月
kunthaubør | the fist | 拳頭母
kuntør | archipelagoes; islands | 群島
kut`tør | to slip and fall | 滑倒
kuxsionghør | old friend; old friendship | 老相好
kvarbør | yeast; leaven | 酵母
kvetør | trip over; trip; stumble | 哽倒; 絆倒
kviaa-zhørlo | go the wrong way | 走錯路
kviahør | do good | 行好
kvielaang-hør | amiable (disposition); easy-going | 見人好; 八面玲瓏; 好相與; 隨和
kviubør | hard dry ginger root (used for medicine) | 老薑
kø'khør | higher level examination | 高考
køebør | hen | 雞母; 母雞
kør | fruit; manuscript | 果; 稿
køraxn | individual cases as subject of study | 個案
kørbirn | hyper-sensitive, to sensitive | 高敏; 過敏
kørbit | give secret information against someone; inform against somebody. | 告密
kørbynsexng | allergy | 過敏性
kørcviuo | row a boat | 過槳; 划漿
kørgoaxgøeh | over a month | 個外月
kørgøeh | a month | 個月
kørhiw | leave | 告休
kørhoad | inform against; lodge accusation against | 告發
kørjiin | individual; personally; personal | 個人
kørjiin-beng'u | personal reputation | 個人名譽
kørjiin-zwgi | individualism; egoism | 個人主義
kørjinkoaan | personal rights | 個人權
kørjinpaang | single bed room (in a hotel) | 個人房
kørjinzhngg | a single bed | 個人床; 單人床
kørkae | confess; Sacramental Confession. In Protestant Church chham-hoe is used instead | 告解
kørkaix | admonish | 告誡
kørkax | take leave | 告假
kørkaytaai | the Confessional | 告解台
kørkeg | excessive, radical, violent | 告擊; 過激
kørkib | make an emergency request for help | 告急
kørliin | individual | 個人
kørluxsexng-pvixtok | virus | 過濾性病毒
kørlør | request retirement of high age | 告老
kørlør-hoehiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
kørnor | tell the old | 告老
kørnor-hoanhiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
køroafn | complain | 告冤
kørpeh | confess one's secret; confession; confess (in a criminal case) | 告白
kørpek | confess one's secret, confession | 告白
kørpeqsw | written confession (in criminal cases) | 告白書
kørpiedseg | funeral; funeral service | 告別式
kørpiet | say good-by; bid farewell | 告別; 個別
kørpiet-kaoiok | individual teaching; teach separately | 個別教育
kørpiet-seg | farewell service, funeral service | 告別室; 告別式
kørpiet-suu | a parting speech, a farewell speech | 告別辭; 告別詞
kørpvi | report illness | 告病
kørseeng | announce completion of something important | 告成; 告承?
kørsexng | personality; individual character | 個性
kørsi | posted official proclamation; bulletin; a placard; a notice; to inform; announcement; notice; information; notify | 告示; 布告
kørsid | errors committed unintentionally; faults | 過失
kørsid-satjinzoe | accidental homicide | 過失殺人罪
kørsid-sionghaixzoe | bodily injury done to others through negligence fees paid to a writer on piecework basis | 過失傷害罪
kørsii | say good-by; bid farewell | 告辭
kørsixpaai | announcement placard | 告示牌
kørsixparn | bulletin board | 告示板
kørsorjiin | plaintiff | 告訴人
kørsorzng | letter of complaint; written accusation | 告訴狀; 告狀
kørsox | bring a suit against someone; accusation; accuse (a person of a crime); bring a charge. (in Mandarin) to tell or inform | 告訴
kørsw | lose a lawsuit; lose in a lawsuit | 告輸; 敗訴
kørtai | sue a loan | 告貸
kørthea | an entity | 個體
kørtheeng | course, procedure, process | 個程; 過程
kørthøex | dismiss | 告退
kørtiern | solo exhibition | 個展
kørty | notice; information; inform; notify | 告知
kørviaa | won a law suite | 告贏; 勝訴
kørviu | physical abnormality e.g. limp; cross-eyes; buck teeth etc | 異樣; 毛病; 殘缺
kørzng | letter of complaint; written accusation | 告狀; 告訴狀
kørzoe | relate ones sins | 告罪
kørzuun | paddle a boat; row a boat | 划船
lab`tør | being crushed down | 踏倒
lafmtør | take over; hold .. down | 攬倒
laixsør | inner lock | 內鎖
lam-zørhoea | put together; mix together | 濫做夥; 混合在一起
lamtør | southern island | 南島
lanpør | difficult to protect; difficult to guarantee; difficult to hold (a city; position); hard to guard; deep | 難保
latør | pull down | 拉倒
laukvoaxlaukhør | sweating hard | 流汗流洘
lauxbør | mother | 母親; 老母
lauxkebør | old lady; old chicken mother | 老雞母
lauxtørkiw | bent with aged; stooped | 老倒縮; 老而返矮
lauxtørthøex | dote; fall into dotage; become weak with age; be senile; be in one's dotage; worn out with age | 老倒退
lefngchiøroe | cold joke | 冷笑話
lengbør | wet nurse | 奶母; 奶媽
lengbør-chiaf | baby-carriage | 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengkhør | rather; would rather; it is better; had better.. | 寧可; 還是
liafmciør | to reduce the amount | 斂少
liah satbør siøka | catch lice and make them to fight in order to pass the time; nothing to do | 捉蝨子相咬; 閒著無聊; 無所事事。
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liaqkiørsi | thought .. was | 掠叫是
liedkør | dehiscent fruits | 裂果
liedpiør | to list | 列表
liedtør | archipelago; chain of islands | 列島
liefnpør | die for gambling; gambling game; dice | 輾寶; 撚寶; 賭骰子; 骰子
lienkhør | entrance exam | 聯考
lienlør | aged; old; aged | 年老
lienpør | mutual guarantee (of proper conduct) | 聯保; 連保
liensør hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liensør | to interlock; in a chain; chain; linked together | 連鎖
liensør-hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
liofngkhør | ambiguous; both are ok | 兩可
liogzør | algae; chlorophyceae | 綠藻
lionghør | fine; good; fine; desirable | 良好
lionglør | Borneo camphor | 龍腦
lioxngkhør | rather; would rather; it is better; had better.. | 寧可; 還是
lixtør | outlying islands | 離島
liør | to look down from a higher place; glance; glimpse; to gaze; ogle; give a quick glance | 瞭; 瞥
liør`cide | wink; quick glance | 瞥一下
liør`tiøh | wink; quick glance | 瞥著
loaxhør | How good? | 多好
lofngthogkør | read aloud transcript | 朗讀稿
logzhør | to join the bandits | 落草
lok putkhør cy | be beside oneself with happiness | 樂無可支
lorngtør | to knock down by bumping | 撞倒
loxkngf-piør | exposure meter | 露光表
loxngtør | destroy a person by falsehoods | 弄倒; 毀掉
lukør | if | 如果
luo-hør | still better | 愈好
luo-zar luo-hør | the earlier the better | 越早越好
lwkuo-lwhør | the longer (in time) the better | 愈久愈好
lwzøe-lwhør | the more the better | 越多越好
lylegpiør | one's personal history | 履歷表
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
løfzhør | scratchy; slipshod; careless in managing affairs; in a careless off hand manner | 潦草; 草率
løharnkør | mangosteen | 羅漢果
løpør | worker insurance | 勞保
lør | brain; camphor | 腦; 惱
lør`laang | tall person | 高人
lørafm | long neck | 高頸
lørkha'ar | tall guy | 躼跤仔
lørkhabarng | tall person (Lit. long legged mosquito) | 長腳蚊; 高個子
lørkhaciawar | long feet bird | 躼跤鳥仔
lørkhaf | long legs | 長腳; 躼跤; 長得高大; 高個子
lørkhalaang | tall person | 躼跤人
lørkhazaai | tall person | 躼跤才
lørlaang | tall person | 高人; 身高者
lørlørtngg | lengthy | 躼躼長
lørløx | tall | 高高
lørsafnkaau | skinny tall guy | 躼瘦猴
m hør | not good | 毋好
m-cinhør | Wouldn't that be wonderful | 該多好
m-twhør | intolerable, coincidently | 無拄好; 毋拄好; 有些不適
maxhør | ok | 也好
mngsør | door locker | 門鎖
mngxhør | give regards to | 問好
mngxtør | defeat by questioning, stump | 問倒
mo kørkae | sacrilegious confession (Catholic) | 冒告解
moakør | dried peeled hemp stalks | 麻莖; 麻桿
moape-phiernbør | deceive parents | 欺騙父母
muybiør | every second | 每秒
mxbad pør | unwareness- a person who has no cludes of a precious thing | 毋識寶
mxhør khvoax | not pretty; Don't look! | 毋好看; 不要看
mxhør | not good; not proper; not well | 毋好; 不好,不可
mxhør`khix | don't go | 毋去
mxtwhør | unfortunately; as luck would have it | 毋拄好
nafhør | How can.. | 那好; 怎麼可以
napør | sapphire | 藍寶
naxhør | If it's ok.. | 如好
neh kunthaubør | clench one's fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
niaubør | female cat | 母貓
nipiør | chronicle | 年表
nisiør | young | 年少
niupiør | graduated table | 量表
niwkørgøeq | two months | 兩個月
noafhør | rub well | 撋好
oafkhørlaang | rely on people | 倚靠人
oaioaitøftør | crooked and fell | 歪歪倒倒
oankør | completed the draft | 完稿
oantørtngr | turn around and go back | 彎倒轉; 轉回來
oaqpør | living treasure | 活寶; 搖錢樹
oat zar oat hør | the earlier the better | 越早越好
oexbør | words spoken from force of habit; word(s) which one uses constantly; but means nothing | 話母; 口頭語; 口頭禪
oexhør | finish drawing | 畫好
oexkør | a painter's sketch | 畫稿
okkør | ill-effect; evil result; disastrous results; serious; undesirable consequence | 惡果
ozør | black date; black jujube; dried black dates | 黑棗; 烏棗
paetør | to prostrate oneself | 拜堂; 拜倒
pafngphiørhoan | brigands | 綁票犯
paghør | tied well | 縛好
pahkør | all kinds of fruit | 百果
paisafn-tørhae | overthrow a mountain and upset the sea ─ of great ability; over-helming or sweeping | 排山倒海
pan kørkae | to make a confession | 辦告解
pan-chiørbin | pretending to be smiling | 扮笑面; 賠笑臉
patpør | eight treasures (choice ingredients of certain special dishes); the Eight Treasures (carried in the hands of the Eight Immortals) | 八寶
paukør | to wrap up; to bind up; a parcel; a package; parcel; package | 包裹
paupør | to discipline; to teach | 包保; 保證; 准保; 管教
paxkhør | walkout an examine | 罷考
paxnchiørbin | make up for the smile | 扮笑面
paxnhør | run it well | 辦好
paxnkør | to draft a document | 辦稿; 起草文件
pefngkhie-pefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngkhypefngtør | shilly-shally; sometime good sometime bad | 出爾反爾; 時好時壞
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
pefngtør | to subvert; to overthrow; turn upside down | 顛覆; 顛倒; 翻倒
pefngtørtngr | turn upside down or wrong side up; to invert; turn back into original position | 翻過來
pegsiuo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pekthør | press for payment | 逼討; 逼債
perng-tørtngr | turn upside down | 翻倒轉
pethiøo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pexbør svecviaa`ee | I was born so; be born (a cripple; blind) | 爸母生成
pexbør | father and mother; parents | 爸母; 父母
phaghør | exposed | 曝好
phahchiørkhoef | joking | 拍笑詼
phahciawbør | shoot birds | 打鳥母
phahkør | draft (a bill); draw up (plans) | 拍稿; 起草
phahtør | flatten; knock down | 打倒
phaq-tørtngr | return | 打回去; 回手
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phied tørpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇左爿
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phiørbin | on the face of a check; ticket; face value of a note; bond | 票面
phiørgiah | sum stated on check or certificate | 票額
phiørhurn | bleaching powder | 漂白; 漂白粉
phiøriuo | fancier | 票友
phiøriøh | bleaching medicine | 漂藥
phiørkex | ticket price | 票價; 漂價
phiørkiehoad | Law of Negotiable Instruments | 票據法
phiørkix | certificate; negotiable instruments | 票據
phiørkngx | tickets | 票券
phiørkoad | decide by casting ballots | 票決
phiørkoaxn | ticket | 票券
phiørkoex | be bleached | 漂過
phiørkux | receipt | 票據
phiørkyn | check stub; ticket stub | 票根
phiørlo | bleach | 漂露
phiørpaang | box office; box office; ticket window | 票房
phiørpauar | wallet | 皮包仔
phiørpeh | bleach; decolor | 漂白
phiørpeh-hurn | bleaching powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqhurn | bleaching powder; bleaching powder; chlorine powder | 漂白粉
phiørpeqzef | bleaching agent; decolorant | 漂白劑
phiørpox | bleached cloth; bleach linen | 漂布
phiørsoarn | elect by casting ballots | 票選
phiørsox | number of votes; ballots | 票數
phiørsviw | ballot box | 票箱
phofpiør | a music score | 樂譜; 譜表
phogkofng-piør | photometer, exposure-meter | 曝光錶; 曝光表
phongkør | apple | 蘋果
phorpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
phoxngkør | an apple | 蘋果
phud`tør | cut down | 砍倒
phut`tør | to cut something down | 斬倒
phør | about; almost; nearly; for the most part | 頗
phøraxn | crack a criminal case; distinguishing the truth of a case by minute examination | 破案
phørbiet | shattered | 破滅
phørgiam | to hold inquest | 剖驗
phørhai beng'u | ruin one's reputation; to slander | 破壞名譽
phørhai kauthofng | disrupt communications; block traffic | 破壞交通
phørhai tiedsu | cause damage or disruption to the social order; violation of the social order | 破壞秩序
phørhai tionglip | violation of neutrality | 破壞中立
phørhai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhaixlek | destructive power | 破壞力
phørheg | to break; solve a criminal case | 破獲
phørhied | bleeding | 破血
phørhoai | spoilt by a rent; to ruin; destroy; disrupt | 破壞
phørhoai-ciar | destroyer | 破壞者
phørhoaixliawliao | completely broken | 破壞了了
phørhoaixtiøh | broken; damaged | 破壞著
phørhuix | waste money; spend recklessly | 破費
phørhuo timciw | smash the cooking vessels and sink the boats ─ as 項羽 ordered his men to do; after crossing the river; indicates determination to succeed; cutting off all retreat; no turning back; determined; resolved | 破釜沉舟; 必死的決心
phørimji | read character with different pronunciation; representing different word | 破音字
phøriog | to break an agreement | 破約
phørkae | untie; unbind | 破解
phørkaix | to break a solemn promise; break religious precept; break vow of abstinence | 破戒
phørkhao | a crevice | 破口
phørkoea | some kind of rice cake | 泡粿
phørkofng | in vain; useless | 破功
phørlan | tattered and torn | 破爛
phørle | exception; break a precedent; make an exception (to a rule; common practices) | 破例
phørliet | burst; explode; erupt; rupture; cracked; torn; split; to end in a rupture; break off | 破裂
phørphiah | break habit | 破癖
phørphøx | hollow | 空脆; 濕韌
phørsafnciar | bankrupt; insolvent debtor; man of straw; lame duck | 破產者
phørsarn | become bankrupt; bankruptcy; go bankrupt | 破產
phørsiaw | report something as worthless; discard as useless | 報銷
phørsiofng | injury, wound | 破傷
phørsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phørsurn | breakage; damage; disrepair; broken or damaged; ruined | 破損
phørtau | arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; to chat; to gossip; idle talk; to chat | 聊天; 聊論時事; 內鬆豆
phørthienhofng | very first time; something never happened before; never before ─ for the first times; unprecedented; history making; break the record | 破天荒
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phørtii | eliminate; remove | 破除
phørtiog | broken bamboo | 破竹
phørtuu besixn | break down superstitions; get rid of superstition | 破除迷信
phørtuu | (v) get rid of; discard | 破除
phørzaai | waste wealth; lose money | 破財
phørzhaxn | a flaw in argument | 破綻
phørzhuix | broken (hearted; hope); to come to pieces; shattered | 破碎; 打碎
piekhiør | to shut one's mouth | 閉口
piernhør | become fine (of weather); clear up; (of a person) to reform; become good | 變好
piesør | close up, lock out | 閉鎖; 關閉
piexntør | defeat by argument | 辯倒; 辯贏
pinkør | bingo | 賓果; 蘋果
pitgiap-khør | graduation examination | 畢業考
pixkhør | for reference; submit for investigation; appendix for reference; for reference | 備考
piør | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 表; 錶
pngxkvoakhørsex | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
pngxkvoakhørsix | Clinging to the power of others | 傍官靠勢
poadtør | fell | 跋倒
poafntør | peninsula | 半途
poah cidtør | have a fall; fall down | 跌一跤
poaqtør | fall down (while walking); fall; make fall | 跌倒; 跋倒
poarntør | peninsula | 半島
poaxtør | fell | 跋倒
poeabør | fritillary (used as herbal medicine) | 貝母
poekhør | parent accompany students to entrance examination | 陪考
pofhør | repair completely | 捕好; 補好
pofkhør | make up examination; make up test; examination held for students who failed to take part in the regular one for legitimate reasons | 補考
pofphiøree | ticket replacement | 補票的
pog-tørtngr | return; turn down | 駁倒轉
pog`tør | rebut; contradict | 駁倒
poktør | to devastatingly refute and disprove | 駁倒
poktørtngr | refusal to grant permission | 駁倒轉; 駁回
porkørbuun | report | 報告文
porkørlaan | bulletin board | 佈告欄
poxngpiør | meter; meter for measuring electricity | 電錶; 計量器
poxngtør | fall down after being hit by something | 碰倒; 撞倒
puih`tør | pull up | 拔倒; 拉倒
purnsørchi'ar | dung market | 糞埽市仔
purnsørchiaf | garbage truck; Department of Sanitation truck | 垃圾車
purnsørchixtviuu | dung market | 糞埽市場
purnsørlarng | garbage can | 垃圾桶
purnsørtexar | trash bag | 糞埽袋仔
purnsørtharng | dust bin | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsørtuy | piles of garbage | 垃圾堆
purnsørtviulie | in the dung yard | 糞埽場裡
put'thørhiap | uncompromising | 無妥協; 不妥協
putkhør khornglek | irresistible force; act of God | 無可抗力
putkhør siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless (situation); out of control | 無可收拾
putkhør sugi | enigmatic; inconceivable; uncanny; mysterious; unimaginable; beyond comprehension | 無可思議
putkhør | not permitted to; not allowed to; should not; ought not | 無可; 不可
putlør tiongsefng | perennial youth and longevity | 長生無老
putlør | immortal | 無老
puttong sampør | a very fortunate person (Lit. hands don't need to move) | 無必勞動的富家人
puttør | does not fall | 無倒
puttør-ofng | tumbler, roly-poly | 無倒翁; 不倒翁
pve cioong khiør jip | diseases enter by the mouth (Therefore; one should be careful in his diet or eating habits) | 病從口入
pvexbør | long term effects; owing to incomplete cure | 病根
pvexlegpiør | chart | 病歷表
pviehør | weather become fine; clear up; (person) to reform; become good | 變好
pvipvii tør`teq | prostration | 平平倒著; 平臥
pvixlek-piør | patient's case history | 病歷表; 病歷單
pvoaa`tør | stumble | 絆倒
pvoahør | move well | 搬好
pvoarthetør | sit in a inclining position | 半躺倒
pvoarthvetør | recline | 半躺倒
pvoartør | half fell; a peninsula; to fall by an obstruction; half collapsed | 半倒; 半島; 絆倒
pvoax kørgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax`tør | to fall by an obstruction | 絆倒
pwntngg zwpør | patron Saint of a parish (Catholic) | 本堂主保
pwntør | main island | 本島
pwnzhør | a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine | 本草
pykaopiør | comparative chart; table | 比較表
pøepør | make restitution | 賠補; 賠?; 賠償
pøfbør | kindergarten teacher children's nurse; housekeeper; protector; nurse who looks after small children; a kindergarten teacher | 保姆; 褓姆
pøftør | treasure island | 寶島
pør | preserve; fortress; treasure; treasure; coin; jewel; gem; precious; valuable; honorable; respectable | 保; 堡; 寶
pør`zhutlaai | bail out (of custody) | 保出來
pørar | messenger | 報子; 傳令使
pøraxn | give information about a case to police office; report a case (theft; missing person; murder) to the police | 報案
pørbea | an informer | 報馬
pørbeeng | to report; state clearly to a higher authority | 報明
pørbefar | an informer; scout; spy; detective | 報馬仔; 探子; 打小報告
pørbøea | an informer | 報馬
pørciet | to report a victory; to announce a success | 報捷
pørciofng | newspaper | 報章
pørciuo | a banquet to announce the new birth | 報酒; 報產喜酒
pørernglaq | retribution | 報應啦
pørexng | retribution; payment; rebound; reckoning; wage; retribution (especially in the Buddhist concept that one inevitably reaps what he sows); reward or punish; to recompense justly | 報應
pørgee | the cry of insects or birds in cluster | 播牙; 成群而鳴; (蚊子)[*]
pørgiap | newspaper business | 布業; 報業
pørhiao | to announce the arrival of dawn | 報曉
pørhie | announce good news | 報業; 報喜
pørhoeatvoaf | application to pass goods through the customs | 報貨單
pørhok | take revenge | 復仇; 報復
pørhoxkhao | census report | 報戶口
pørhoxng | play; broadcast | 播放
pørhuix | newspaper subscription bill | 報費
pørhysu | announce good news; announce good news (such as births; marriages) | 報喜事
pørioong | declare, proclaim, spread abroad | 播揚; 宣揚
pørkaix | press circle; journalist circle | 報界; 新聞界
pørkerng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkex | quotation | 報價
pørkexng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkhafn | newspaper and magazine | 報刊
pørkhix | wrinkled | 襞去
pørkhør | participate in a entrance examination; enter one's name in an examination | 報考
pørkib | to report the urgency of | 報急
pørkoafn | to apply to the customs; declare at the customs | 報關
pørkoafn-haang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoanhaang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkoarn | newspaper office | 報館
pørkoex | reported | 報過
pørkog | serve one's country; devote oneself to the national cause | 報國
pørkuo | recommend for employment | 保舉; 推薦就業
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørkvy | retribution | 報更
pørkørpafng | bulletin board | 佈告欄
pørkørsw | written report | 報告書
pørkøx | report; make an announcement; report; information; memoir; to report; to inform | 報告
pørkøx-sw | written report | 報告書
pørkøx`aq | reported | 報告矣
pørlo | report the way | 報路
pørloxlaq | report the way | 報路啦
pørmiaa | enroll; report for duty; register; enlist; enter one's name (in an examination; competition) | 報名
pørmiaa-zhux | registration office | 報名處
pørniawchyafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pøroafn | to seek or take vengeance for injuries or wrongs; take vengeance for a murder or great injury; retaliate | 報冤
pøroaxn | to complain; requite an injury | 報怨
pørpaang | report | 報房
pørpeh | the announcement of death | 報白; 死亡通知
pørpeng'afn | report safety | 報平安
pørphexng | to announce the acceptance of a position | 報聘
pørpiør | report | 報表
pørsarngtiøh | broadcast | 播送著
pørsex | file return | 報稅
pørsia | a newspaper office | 報社
pørsiaux | to record the accounts and transactions of a business; present a bill of expenses (to the employer or the accountant) | 報數
pørsiaw | gone; out of order; out of service; send in accounts; something is spoiled or broken (slang); to report to one's superior on a useless article to be removed from the inventory | 報銷
pørsid | register loss | 報失
pørsie | announce a death | 報喪
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
pørsiuu | avenge a grievance; take revenge | 報仇; 報酬; 酬報
pørsixn | give news; give information | 報信
pørsoex | declare goods (at customs); report tax returns | 報稅
pørsofng | bereavement notice; announce a death | 報喪
pørsoxng | bereavement notice | 報喪
pørsviuo | to give a reward to or for; reward | 報賞
pørsøeq | telegraph | 通知; 報說
pørsøex | to file a report on one's liable taxation | 報稅; 報歲
pørtab | reward; give a return for; repay another's kindness; to recompense | 報答
pørteg | repay another's kindness; show gratitude | 報德
pørthaau | low pressure | 播頭; 低氣壓
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
pørthoaan | proclaim | 報傳; 宣布; 報導
pørtvoaf | an entry; an application to pass goods through the customs | 報單
pørty | inform | 報知
pørtø | to report (news); to cover | 報導
pørtøx | enroll; register; report one's arrival | 報到
pørwn | to pay a debt of gratitude; to repay another's kindness | 報恩
pørzay | to inform | 報知
pørzhud | broadcast | 播出
pørzhunlaan | primrose | 報春蘭
pørzoafsiang | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoar | newspaper; newsprint; newsprint | 報紙
sae lirn-lauxbør | this expression denotes disagreement (is not spoken nor taken literally) | 使恁老母
saibør | lioness | 獅母; 母獅
saiciørjit | afternoon sun; a house into which the afternoon sun shines is very uncomfortable | 西照日; 斜陽
saiciørlit | sunshine from west side | 西照日
saiguciørkag | imply people that are quarrel all the time due to disagreement | 犀牛照角
saipør | western treasure | 西寶
saktør | push over; to push and cause to fall | 推倒
sakzørhoea | push together | 推作夥
sakzørtuy | collect several elements into one whole; consummate a marriage between a son and a sim-pu-a | 送做堆; 圓房
sampør | the three jewels of Buddha | 三寶
sampør-tien | three treasures temple | 三寶殿
samtiaau-goanlør | high statesman of three reigns | 三朝元老
saotør | sweep down | 掃倒
satbør | lice | 蝨子
saxhør | broiled | 煠好
saysør | instigate action against somebody | 唆使; 嗾使
sefhør | washed | 洗好
sehør | comb well | 梳好
sekkhiakør | sweetsop; sugar-apple | 釋迦果
sekkhør | suitable | 適可
sengkør | achievements | 成果
sengzekpiør | reported card | 成績表
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹
siafhør | finish writing | 寫好
siahhør | cut well | 削好
siaktør | person to fall down; throw the opponent to the ground | 摔倒
siawkawbør | bitch in heat | 痟母狗; 發情的母狗
siawkhør | a bit, a little | 小可; 少可
siaxmlør | provide for the elderly | 養老
siaxnghør | samesame | 同好
sicitpiør | written resignation | 辭職表; 辭職書
sienbiør | my deceased mother | 先母; 先慈
sienbør | my deceased mother | 先母; 先慈
sienkør | fairy fruit | 仙果
sientør | fairy isles | 仙島
sierntør | slap down | 搧倒
siexnkør | good fruit | 善果
sikanpiør | time table; schedule | 時間表
sikeakør | passion fruit | 百香果; 時計果; 四季果
sikietkør | passion fruit | 百香果; 時計果; 四季果
sikør | resigination letter | 辭稿
simkongsørjiet | heart frenzy | 心狂燥熱
sinkaf lanpør | live in great danger; no safety for oneself and dependents | 身家難保
sinkefng zhørloan | nervous disorder; mental disorder | 神經錯亂
sintør | morning prayer | 神禱; 晨禱
siogtørtngr | ransom; redeem | 贖倒回
sioksiør | zoom out; reduction; deflation; shrinkage | 縮小
sionghør | be on good terms | 相好
sioxngciør | least; at least | 最少
sioxnghør | the best | 上好
sioxngkaehør | the best; better off | 上蓋好
sioxngkhør | still possible | 尚可
sipiør | watch (for telling time) | 時錶
sipiørar | watch (for telling time) | 時錶仔
siptoxpiør | hygrometer | 濕度表
sirn'giorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
sirngiorng-kørpek | confession of faith | 信仰告白
siuphiørkhao | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siuphiøroaan | ticket collector | 收票員
siuphiørzhux | ticket office; box office | 售票處; 售票口
siupørky | telegraph receiving set | 收報機
sixlegpiør | sight testing chart; visual acuity chart | 視力表
siøfkhør | special examination conducted for students by the teacher; a quickie exam | 小考
siøfliukiutør | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球島
siøfpør | little treasure | 小寶
siøfsiør | small, unimportant | 小小
siøftør | little island | 小島
siør | small; little; tiny; minor; young; humble; mean; junior; unimportant; petty; trivial | 小
siør-bøefbøe | small business | 小買賣
siør-chiuxnaa | grove | 小樹林
siør-lionghee | crayfish | 小龍蝦
siør-peng'iuo | little friends; children (a term expressing goodwill) | 小朋友
siør-piautøee | a subheading | 小標題
siør-poxhun | a small part | 小部分
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
siør-simgarn | petty-minded | 小心眼
siør-thekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siør-toxngmeh | arterioles | 小動脈
siør-tøebak | a smallsmal subject | 小題目
siør-zexngmeh | venules | 小静脉
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
siør-zuyliux | small water pipet | 小水鷚
soahhør | not good to do that; hardly; not at all | 無好; 怎麼好
soksiør | contract; draw in; reduce; curtail | 縮小
soktoxpiør | tachometer | 速度表
subiør | one's teacher's wife | 師母
subør | one's teacher's wife | 師母
suisinpør | some article counted very precious and always carried with one; e.g.; some rare and valuable ornament; a charm; a keepsake | 隨身寶
sukhør | think deeply; reflect on; ponder; contemplate; rumination; contemplation | 思考
sunzør | assistant police inspector | 巡佐; (警察官階之一)
suokør | four kinds of fruit (used in worship) | 四果
suttør | beat down; knock down | 鞭倒; 摔倒
suxhiø pørkøx | an ex post facto report | 事後報告
suxhong huxbiør | serve one's parents | 侍奉父母
suxnhofng saktør chviuu | Lit. take advantage of the wind and push down the wall ─ best a person by taking advantage of his adversity | 趁風勢推倒牆; 順水推舟
svaf-høhør | be in harmony, be reconciled | 相和好
svebør | one's own real mother | 生母
sviabør | consonant | 聲母
sviapør | castle | 城堡
sviatør | upset | 唌倒
sviu-tørtngr | think if over | 想倒轉
sviuxhør | decided | 想好
sviuxtørtngr | introspection; self questioning | 想倒轉
sviw khørsiok | undue familiarity; be fresh | 太靠俗
søfsør | lock | 鎖鎖
sør mngg | lock the door | 鎖門
sør | sister-in-law (elder brother's wife); elder brother's wife; it is appended to the personal name of the husband as an appellation of his wife; when we would use hia for himself; e.g.; Pang-tin-so; wife of a man called Pang-tin-hia | 嫂; 鎖; 瑣; 鎻
sør`khylaai | lock | 鎖起來
sørjiet | having a drying and heating effect to body | 燥熱
sørkib | hasty, quick-tempered | 訴急; 急燥
sørpiagpiak | love deeply | 愛極了
sørpø | of violet temper | 燥暴
sørsexng | quick tempered; irascible | 燥性; 躁性
sørsiab | dry | 燥澀
sørsib | dam | 燥濕
sørsøx | dry, dull surface | 燥燥; 乾燥
sørutzexng | symptom of depression | 燥鬱症
sørzuie | lack of moisture | 燥水
tagbiør | every second | 逐秒
tahhør | post well | 貼好
taixbør | female sponsor in Baptism or Confirmation; godmother (Catholic) | 代母
taixgi-tviwlør | representative elder | 代議長老
taixhuxbør | sponsors at Baptism (Catholic) | 代父母
taixkongkørseeng | | 大功告成
taixtør | pray for someone else | 代禱
takhør | dry | 焦洘
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
takør | dried fruit | 乾果; 焦果
tampør | guarantee; ensure; guaranty; warrant; to pledge; insure; stand security; be responsible for | 擔保
tangtør-saioay | tumbling about like a drunken man; all awry; in disorder | 東倒西歪
tangzør | an edible brown algae | 冬藻; 銅澡
tanhongsør | a spring-lock | 彈簧鎖
tanpør | to guarantee, to ensure | 擔保
taozørhoea | together | 鬥做伙
taq kørsi | to paste up a decree or edict on the wall; door; bulletin board; put up a proclamation | 貼告示
tasørzef | dry | 乾燥劑
taukhør | take an entrance examination | 投考
taukør | contribute an article (to a magazine); write for a magazine | 投稿
tauphiørhoad | laws and regulations governing balloting | 投票法
tauphiørjiin | voter | 投票人
tauphiørjit | voting day | 投票日
tauphiørkoaan | the right to vote; the franchise | 投票權
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
tauphiørsviw | ballot box | 投票箱
tauphiørzhux | the polls, a voting booth | 投票處
taupør | take out an insurance policy | 投保
taux-zørhoea | put together; assemble | 湊做伙; 裝在一起
taux-zørtuy | put together in the same place | 鬥做堆
tefngkørgøeh | last month | 上個月; 頂個月
tegkhør | special grade; class official exam | 特考
tehtør`khix | collapsed under the weight | 壓塌去
tekphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tengkhør | repeat the test for entering school or getting a job with an organization | 重考
tengkix-piør | registration table | 登記表
teq liefnpør | to gamble with the lian-po ─ a kind of dice | 押輾骰
terng-kørgoeh | last month | 上個月
texngkex-piør | list of fixed prices | 定價表
texngkør | the final draft | 定稿
thaepør | a very high official in ancient China; juvenile delinquents | 太保
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thafntør | lying level; having formerly been upright | 仰臥
thaitør | cut someone down | 殺倒
thanghør | in order to, to | 通好; 才可
tharmthør | to study; explore | 探討
tharnbøextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 賺未倒
thattør kef | glut on the market; numerous; rife; everywhere | 多的是; 充斥
thattør | to kick over | 踢倒
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thaxmtør | to sag; become crooked; (a wall; bottom of an old chair) somewhat concave | 腰垂; 中凹
thaxn y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 趁伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
thaythør | how... ever...; how can ? | 豈有; 豈可; 那有?
theakør | rejection | 退稿
theapør | return a bond; cease to be a guarantor; cancel an insurance policy | 退保
thefunpiør | temperature chart (medical) | 體溫表
theqhør | carry well | 提好
theqtørtngr | to demand back; bring back (a small thing) | 提倒返; 拿回
thernghør | listen | 聽好
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thiap-zørhøea | to overlap, pile up together | 疊做伙
thienky putkhør lauxsied | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 天機無可洩漏
thienpiør | sill out a form; fill a blank | 填表
thienzhør | momordica cochinchinensis (grass) | 天草
thiukhør | select at random a few students from a class for a test; unannounced quiz or test | 抽考
thiw-tørtngr | pull back | 抽倒轉
thiørbie | sell rice | 糴米; 糶米
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thngrhør | took off; fade; iron well | 褪好
thoaf-tørtngr | draw or lead something back to the original place | 拖倒轉; 拉回來
thoankapør | family treasure; heirloom | 傳家寶
thoankokpør | country treasure | 傳國寶
thoatkør | to complete a piece of writing; to speak without script | 脫稿
thoatør | to upset things by pulling on them | 拖倒; 拖垮
thofngkeapiør | statistical table; chart; graph | 統計表
thofngkex-piør | statistical table | 統計表
thogsw pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsw-pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thongkoafn sinkørsw | bill of entry (archaic) | 通關申告書
thongkørsw | notice; circular (archaic) | 通告書
thongzhør | woody plants | 蓪草
thorbør | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thothørhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thuitør | to push down, topple | 推倒
thviaf-kørkae | hear confessions (Catholic) | 聽告解
thøftørtngr | demand back again money or things lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討倒轉; 要回
thør jinzeeng | request a favor or kindness for another; (a person who has some influence or claim on the person asked) makes a request | 討人情
thør khehhviaf | woman seeks a paramour | 討客兄; 紅杏出牆
thør kiuopefng | request relief troops; seek reinforcements | 討救兵
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
thør kynkirn | demand payment urgently | 要得很急
thør phoee thviax | ask for trouble; bring trouble upon self | 自討苦吃
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thør | to demand; to beg for; to dun; manage; to control; quell (an uprising; rebellion); punish; invade | 討; 要
thør-khehhviaf | seek a paramour, look for a man | 討客兄; 找情夫; 紅杏出牆
thør`laai | to demand, request | 討來
thør`tngflaai | to demand back against money or thing lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討回來
thørbea | harness a horse | 套馬; 備馬
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
thørboo | set of molds | 套模
thørcy | (bank) overdraft; overdraught; overdraw | 透支
thørek | saliva, slaver | 唾液
thørguo | polite words in conversation | 套語; 客套話
thørhiap | compromise; understanding; reconciliation; come to terms; reach a reconciliation | 妥協
thørhix | rehearse a play | 排戲
thørhøfhør | plan beforehand; premeditate already | 套好好; 已經預謀好了
thørkhix | spit at; spit on; conspue | 唾棄
thørkngr | sheath | 透管; 套管
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
thørlaang | plan with others | 透人; 與外人共謀
thørlie | put in lining | 套裡; (衣服)
thørlo | to reveal, to disclose | 透露
thørma | to spit on and revil | 透罵; 唾罵
thøroe | gathering information by leading the conversation subjects | 套話
thørpaang | suite; flatlet; suite of rooms | 套房
thørpiexnpien | rehearsed; all ready; prepared | 套好了
thørsi | use a fluoroscope, see through, perspective, take an X-ray study | 透視
thørsien | proper; appropriate; satisfactory (arrangement); properly arranged for; we well managed | 妥善
thørsvaf | put burial clothes (can be a number of layers) on a deceased person | 套衫; 給死人穿的衣服
thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 妥頭; 客套
thørthau'oe | courtesy greeting | 套頭話
thørthiab | safe, satisfactory | 套貼; 妥貼
thørthvy | pass the day | 透天
thørtit | straightforward | 透直
thørtoxng | appropriate; secure; ready; everything right; properly done; on a sound basis; well arranged; safe | 妥當
thørtoxng`løh | I've got it! I am sure of success. | 妥當啦; 很幸虧
thørvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 透圓
thørvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 透圓體
thørzhafn | combo meal | 套餐
thørzhud | to spit | 唾出
thørzofng | suit | 套裝
thørzu | to hitch, to slip on, to trap | 套住
thørzuie | permeable | 透水
thørøee | overshoes, galoshes | 套鞋
tiarmpør | guarantee (for a person's reliability) given by a shopkeeper | 舖保; 店保
tiaupør | bunker | 碉堡
tiauzapiør | record of investigation | 調查表
tiaw putpør sek | morning cannot guarantee the evening ─ in imminent danger of death; precarious; in constant fear | 朝無保夕
tibør | sow | 母豬; 豬母
tiefnpør | boast and brag; to show one's cherish thing | 誇耀; 示寶貝
tientiefn tøftør | constantly stumbling and falling; mentally deranged; lunatic | 顛顛倒倒
tientør | upside down; to reverse; to invert | 顛倒
tientørkorng | say the opposite of what one thinks | 說相反
tientørperng | turn inside out, turn upside down | 顛倒反; 反過來
tientørpvae | opposite | 顛倒反
tientørsvef | baby born feet first | 顛倒生
tientørthaau | upside down | 顛倒頭
tientørthausvef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tiexnpiør | electric meter; electrometer | 電表; 電錶
tiexnpørhuix | cable charge; telegram fee | 電報費
tiexnsi pørsarngky | television transmitter | 電視播送機
tiexnzwpiør | digital watch | 電子錶
tinpør | jewerlry and valuable; preciousness | 珍寶
tinzengpiør | sentiment table | 陳情表
tiofnglør | village elders; elder; senior monk | 長老
tiofnglør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tiongkwn-pørkog | loyal to the sovereign and dynasty | 忠君報國
tiongpør | middleman who stands security; advocate (Catholic) | 中保; 擔保人
tiongsefng-punlør | longevity without being old; immortality | 長生無老
tiongsefng-putnør-iøh | elixir | 長生無老藥
tiongsiw kuxhør | renew friendly relations; reconciliate | 重修舊好
titphiørlut | voting rate | 得票率
tiuxkør | rice stalks | 稻株
tiuxzhawkør | rice straw; rice stalks | 稻草桿; 稻稿
tiwn-pørpurn | recompense the favors of those from whom we spring (our parents) | 知恩報本
tixhør | cure | 治好
tiøh chiørpii | always laugh much | 易笑的; 笑個無停
tiørar | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿; 釣仔; 釣鉤
tiørbie | retail rice | 釣米
tiørhi'afng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørhii ioxngku | fishing gear | 釣魚用具
tiørhii | to fish; to angle; fishing; fish with a rod and line | 釣魚
tiørhii`ee | angler | 釣魚翁
tiørhuafng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørhuu | fishing | 釣魚
tiøriuo | fisherman | 釣友
tiørji | bait; lure; bait | 釣餌
tiørkaw | fishhook | 釣鉤; 魚鉤
tiørkheq | angler | 釣客
tiørku | fishing tackle | 釣具
tiørkvoa'ar | fishing pole | 釣竿仔
tiørkvoaf | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørkøf | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørli | bait | 釣餌
tiørsvoax | a fishing line; a fish twine; fishing line | 釣線; 釣魚線
tiørtaang | float for a fishing line | 釣銅; 浮子
tiørtiaau | stitch on loosely | 釣條; 縫住
tiørtiøh | fishing | 釣著
tiørzhoee | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tiørzhud | fish out | 釣出
tngftør | be in constant and profitable circulation; e.g.; money always invested to good purpose and rapidly making profit over and over; employ capital | 轉倒; 運用資金
tnghør | when the most enjoyable stage; when the scenic spot | 當好; 正入佳境
tnglørløx | have much time | 長高高; 很久
tnglørsøx | tall | 長躼埽
tngxzørkoeh | break to two parts | 斷做截; 斷成兩節
toax-zørhoea | live together; cohabit | 住做夥
toaxhør toaxpai | results maybe very good possibly very bad; uncertain results | 大好大壞
toaxkhør | final or terminal examination; important examination; final examination in school | 大考
toaxpuxbør | the thumb; the big toe | 大拇指
toaxsiør | all sizes, large and small, size, dimension | 大小
toaxsør | eldest brother's wife | 大嫂
toaxtør | big island | 大島
toaxzør | red jujube | 大棗
tong'afsør | father side cousin's wife | 堂仔嫂
tongbør-vixhu | having the same mother but different fathers | 同母異父
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
tongsør bukhy | equally honest with aged and child customers | 童叟無欺; (小孩老人都無欺騙)
tongsør | aged and child customers | 童叟
tongthionghaxzhør | cordyceps sinensis | 冬蟲夏草
toong-hviasør | older nephew | 堂兄嫂
topiør | chart; diagram | 圖表
toxng-tørtngr | block to reverse | 堵倒轉
tubør | sow | 豬母
tuieciaopiør | contrastive or comparative table | 對照表
tuieciørpiør | synopsis, table for comparison | 對照表
tuiekør | proof read; to correct proof | 對稿
tuiepør | investigate and verify the credit rating of a guarantor | 對保
tuithør | demand one's share | 追討
tvaf hør`ar | No more; thank you! Enough of that! | 夠了 謝了
tvaftør | to strike down; to knock it down; knock down; to overthrow; (in slogans) down with... | 打倒
tve kunthaubør | clench the fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
tviwlør | village elders; elder; senior monk | 長老
tviwlør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tvixkhøfkhør | play mean | 滇洘洘
twafhør | just right | 拄仔好
twhøfaftwhør | just right | 拄好仔拄好
twhør | just right; just; exactly | 適好; 拄好; 剛好
twtwafhør | just right | 拄拄仔好
twtwhør | just right; just as it should be; just at the proper time or in the proper quantity or manner | 剛剛好
tøefciør | be deficient, be short, be too few | 短少
tøefkør | draft, manuscript | 短稿
tøfkørhoe | prayer meeting | 禱告會
tøftør | fell; oblique | 倒倒; 斜著
tøftørtiau | throw away | 倒倒掉
tør cidee | which one? | 佗一个
tør laang ee cvii | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的錢; 倒人的帳
tør laang ee siaux | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的數; 倒人的帳
tør | to lie down; fall down; bankrupt; collapsed; fallen or lying flat; island; isle | 島; 倒; 躺; 佗; 那
tør-thafnchiøx | laughing loud | 倒袒笑
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tør-thafnkhab | fall or lie up-side-down; fall face down | 倒坦伏
tør-thafnkhisyn | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧身; 側臥
tør-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧; 側臥
tør-thafntit | lying straight along | 倒坦直; 縱臥
tør-tidtit | lying full length | 倒直直; 躺直直
tør`aq | fell; failed | 倒矣
tøraxn | come before the court; answer a court summons | 到案
tørbin | left hand side; wrong or reversed side of anything; left side | 反面; 左面
tørchiuo | left hand | 左手; 倒手
tørchiuo-peeng | left side | 左手邊; 倒手爿; 左邊
tørchiwaf | lefty | 倒手仔
tørchiwafkaau | lefty | 倒手仔猴
tørchiwafkvoae | left hand | 倒手仔桿
tørchiwafvoaiq | lefty | 倒手仔𨂿
tørchiwkoad | lefty | 倒手抉
tørchiwkoae | lefty | 倒手拐
tørchiwkoaiq | lefty | 倒手拐
tørchiwkvoayar | lefty | 倒手拐仔
tørchiwparn | lefty | 倒手板
tørchiwpeeng | left hand side | 倒手邊
tørciøx | reflect (mirror) | 倒照; 反照
tørhe | to place by turning over | 倒放
tørhietkak | pour out; throw away | 倒擲角
tørhoankhof | go back and start from the beginning; the dying flicker of a man's life | 倒翻頭; 回光反照
tørhoansyn | turn over | 倒翻身
tørhoanthaau | turn around | 倒翻頭
tørhoarn | contrary to what one expects | 相反
tørhviax | backward | 倒向; 向後翻身
tørhviesag | pour out; throw away | 倒擲捒
tørhør | be good on the contrary | 倒好
tørjim | arrive to take up the position | 到任
tørkab | put together improperly | 倒蓋; 倒縫
tørkaw | barb | 倒鉤
tørkhab | turn upside down | 倒蓋
tørkhaf | left foot; left leg; left foot | 左腳
tørkhaw cviarsiaq | speak ironically; satire; criticize in a satirical way | 倒剾正削; 諷刺
tørkhaw | to satirize; satire | 反刨; 諷刺
tørkhaxm | invert in covering | 倒蓋
tørkhia | handstand | 倒豎; 倒立
tørkiw | shrink back | 倒縮; 退縮
tørkoax | upside down | 倒掛
tørkoaxn | flow backward (said of a flood which spills over river banks or dikes on to the adjoining land) | 倒灌
tørkviaa | walk backwards | 倒行
tørliam | repeat backwards | 倒念
tørliao | loss instead | 倒了; 反而虧損
tørliuu | backflow | 倒流
tørlwn | draw straight back (the head or the whole body) | 倒縮
tørma | reviling or scolding others after doing thing wrong | 倒罵
tørme | reviling or scolding others after doing thing wrong | 倒罵; 反罵
tørmng | answer with a question | 倒問; 反問
tørmoar | fill full | 倒滿
tøroad | left turn | 倒斡
tørpaw | upside down | 倒包
tørpaw`laai | upside down | 倒包來
tørpeeng | left hand side | 左邊; 倒爿
tørperng | inverted; reversed; to turn inside out; to wear inside out; on the other hand | 反面; 倒反; 翻過來
tørphag | face down | 倒覆
tørpiin | left side | 左爿
tørsaxng | father | 父親; 爸爸
tørseh | turn counter clockwise; revolve in the opposite direction | 倒轉; (反時針方向)
tørsiaolieen | younger than before | 倒少年
tørsiarnghviax | fall backwards | 倒相懸
tørsviu | reconsider | 倒想; 再想; 重想
tørtah lienhoef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tørtah | step down | 倒踏
tørthaau | turn back; turned in the opposite or wrong direction; the wrong end | 倒頭; 反面; 反端
tørthaau-tiaux | hang upside down | 倒頭心; 倒吊
tørthaau-zay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørthad | kick backwards with the heel | 倒踢; 反踢
tørthaqpvee | shield | 倒疊棚
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørthauthaxn | lose in trade instead of gaining | 倒頭賺; 虧損
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
tørthauzay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
tørthealw | driving backwards | 倒退推
tørtheapo | go backwards; retrogress (as in studying) | 倒退步
tørthex | retreat; become worse than before (in some work; art; or study); to walk back wards from a spot to which we had advanced; to regress | 倒退; 退步
tørthiab | pay out of one's own pocket | 倒貼
tørthoe | old; age; grow older; senile | 倒退; 精神衰退
tørthvoaa | retrogress | 倒彈; 倒退
tørthwn | swallowed by opponent | 倒吞
tørthøex | withdraw, retire | 倒退
tørtiaocie | handstand | 倒吊子
tørtiau | pour out; throw away | 倒掉
tørtiaux | placed with the wrong end up; hand upside down | 倒吊
tørtie | after all, actually, in the final analysis | 到底; 畢竟
tørtiong | oceanic bonito (fish) | 巴鰹
tørtngfkhix | go home | 倒轉去
tørtngflaai | come back | 倒轉來
tørtngflai'aq | back home | 倒轉來矣
tørtngr | inversion; reverse; reverse turn | 倒轉; 回; 反轉; 回轉
tørtngr-sviu | reconsider; think out of box | 倒轉想; 再想
tørtngr`khix | turn around and go back | 返轉去
tørtvi | fill full | 倒滿
tørtvoa | rebound | 反彈
tørtøx-zhutlaai | pour out | 倒倒出來
tørviaa | counter to win | 倒贏
tørzay | fell | 倒栽; 倒身
tørzhud | pour out | 倒出
tørzhux | everywhere | 處處; 到處
tørzuie | pour water | 倒水
tøtør-hae | archipelago | 多島海
u hør bøo bae | totally good; very good | 只有好處; 沒有壞處
uihuizørphvae | do evil | 為非做歹
uikør | manuscripts left after death | 遺稿
unto-piør | clinical thermometer, temperature chart | 溫度表
untoxpiør | temperature chart | 溫度表
uxnbør | simple or compound vowel of a syllable | 韻母
uxsngx-piør | budget table | 預算表
uxsoarnpiør | budget | 預算表
uxsoaxn-piør | budget table | 預算表
viubør | ewe; nanny goat | 母羊; 羊母
vixkhør | a special academic exam | 院考
wlioxngpiør | rain gauge | 雨量表
yoaxn-pørteg | bite the hand that feeds | 以怨報德
yteg pøroaxn | return good for evil; repay injury with kindness; kill'em with kindness | 以德報怨
yteg pørteg | return good for good | 以德報德
zaai khør thongsiin | Money is all powerful. (Lit. With money you can talk with the gods.) | 財可通神
zabkør | berries | 雜果
zabzhørlaang | every kind of people | 各種人
zad-twhør | regulate or arrange it properly | 節拄好; 適度; 適量
zaesefng ee huxbør | an expression of gratitude for assistance in great difficulties (Lit. You are like my reborn parents.) | 再生的父母
zafarmkhørkefng | morning and evening prayer (Catholic) | 早晚課經
zafsie-zafhør | the sooner dead the better (a curse) | 早死早好
zaipør | treasure; treasures of all sorts | 財寶
zaix-tørtngr | return and carry back | 載倒返
zakhør | investigate; examine; ponder | 查考
zao-zørthaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zat'hør | tie up; bundle | 紮好
zek'hunpiør | points table | 積分表
zekpeh'asør | uncle aunty | 叔伯阿嫂
zenghør | pound well | 舂好
zengkør | to solicit contribution of articles | 爭稿; 徵稿
zengpiør | clock | 鐘錶
zengpiør-tiam | clock and watch shop | 鐘錶店
zengpørkiok | Department of Information | 情報局
zengpøroaan | secret agent | 情報員
zengsiin zhørloan | dementia; mental derangement; insanity; paranoia | 精神錯亂
zengthør | to subjugate, go on a punitive expedition | 征討
zengtiofng pørkog | serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty | 精忠報國
zengtør | knock down in a collision; to overthrow | 衝倒; 撞倒
zernggo-piør | corrigenda, errata | 正誤表
zerngkør | rebirth as human; animal reincarnation | 正果
zexciør | many or few; much or little; more or less | 多少
zhafkiørsviaf | noise | 吵叫聲
zhafmkiørsviaf | scream | 慘叫聲
zhahør | check it out | 查好
zhaiciør | cut down | 裁少
zhaikhør | justify | 裁可
zhakhør | investigate, search into, examine, study, look up | 查考
zhamhør | mix well | 摻好
zhamkhør | consult; refer to; use as reference; examine into; compare; to collate; refer to; reference | 參考
zhaukør | make a neat copy of a draft | 抄稿
zhayhofngkør | interview draft | 採訪稿
zheng'afkør | banyan fruit | 榕仔果
zhengkør | fresh fruits | 青果
zhengzhengzhøfzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清清楚楚; 清楚
zhengzhør | clear; without ambiguity; know thoroughly | 清楚; 清清楚楚
zhengzhør`aq | understood | 清楚矣
zhexng'øee tiørboeh | dress up; wear shoes and socks | 打扮斯文
zhexnghør | wear well | 穿好
zhngbør zøx kiehø | birthmark | 胎痣
zhngbør | female spirits that takes cares for infants shortly before and after birth like nurses | 床婆; 床母
zhoanhør | prepare well | 攢好
zhoehør | cook well | 炊好
zhoetør | blow down | 吹倒
zhof-kørkae | first confession (Catholic) | 初告解
zhofkør | manuscript | 初稿
zhokør | first draft (of a poem; play; novel) | 初稿
zholør | awkward, uncultivated (person) | 粗魯
zhornghør | make good | 創好; 弄好
zhu cidtør | slip and fell | 跙一倒
zhu-poaqtør | slip and fall | 趄跌倒; 滑倒
zhu`tør | slip and fell | 趄倒
zhud kørsi | issue or publish a notice | 貼出公告
zhuiechiørbagchiøx | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 眉開眼笑
zhuithør | demand urgently the payment of a debt | 催討
zhuitør | overturn; topple | 推倒
zhurnzhør | inch grass | 寸草
zhurnzhør-putliuu | leave not even a blade of grass; destroy completely | 寸草無留
zhurnzør | fried plum | 寸棗
zhutør | slip and fall | 滑倒
zhuxtør | slip and fall | 跙倒
zhvekør | fresh fruits | 青果
zhwpør | take treasure | 取寶
zhøetør | to blow down | 吹倒
zhøfkør | sketch; draft; rough sketch or draft | 草稿
zhøfzhør | careless; sloppy | 草草
zhøfzhør-liawsu | dispose of a thing carelessly or hastily | 草草了事
zhør | grass; straw; herb; weed; coarse; crude; draft of a writing; to draft; the script type of Chinese calligraphy | 草; 潦草; 楚; 軟木
zhørbie | unpolished rice; unpolished rice | 糙米
zhørbiu | wrong | 錯謬
zhørchioxng | manage; control or manipulate activities or people | 操縱
zhørchiu | cut or fell a tree | 砍樹; 伐木; 剉樹
zhørchiuar | cut or fell a tree | 剉樹仔; 伐木; 砍樹
zhørchiuo | make a slip; injure a person accidentally | 錯手; 失手
zhørcied | discouragement; disappointment; frustration; setback; defeat; failure | 挫折
zhørgo pekzhud | full of mistakes | 錯誤百出
zhørgo | error; false; incorrect; mistake; wrong; a mistake; fault | 錯誤
zhørgoxtiofng | in error | 錯誤中
zhørgvo | mistake | 錯誤
zhørgvoxee | mistake | 錯誤的
zhørhabthea | complex | 措合體; 錯合體
zhørhap | complex (chemistry) | 措合; 錯合; 複雜的
zhørhap-lixzuo | complex ion (chemistry) | 措合離子; 錯合離子; 絡離子
zhørheeng | conduct; behavior; deportment (as in school) | 操行
zhørhvi | deaf | 噪耳; 刺耳
zhørji | wrong words; misspelling; misprint | 錯字
zhørjin | mistaken | 錯認
zhørkag | delusion; false impression (by error due to the senses); false perception; illusion | 錯覺
zhørkoaix | blame unjustly | 錯怪
zhørkoex kihoe | let an opportunity slip by | 錯過機會
zhørkoex | let a chance slip by; to miss | 錯過
zhørlanghi | too loud that might cause deaf | 噪人耳
zhørlanghvi | disturb somebody | 擾人耳; 很吵
zhørliawliao | all went wrong | 剉了了
zhørloan | erroneous and mixed; disorderly; confused; abnormal; distraction | 錯亂
zhørmoo | to harass | 挫摩; 挫磨
zhørpai | frustrate; foil; defeat | 挫敗
zhørsid | mistake | 錯失
zhørsii | terms, expressions | 措辭; 措詞; 表達; 術語
zhørsiofng | to damp, to dampen | 挫傷
zhørsu | wrongdoing | 錯事
zhørsuu | terms, expressions | 措詞; 措辭
zhørsy | measure; step | 措施
zhørtiau | cut it off | 剉掉
zhørtix | to arrange, to manage | 措致
zhørym | noise | 噪音
zhørzap | complicated and confused | 錯雜
zhørzhaa | logging; fell trees for firewood | 砍柴; 剉柴
zhørzhørtiau | cut it off | 剉剉掉
zhørzofng | intricate | 錯綜
zoanbiin kiexnpør | National Health Insurance | 全民健保
zoanhør | all good | 全好
zoantør | everything fell down | 全倒; 全島
zoeaciør | at least; the smallest | 最少; 至少
zoeahør | the best; had better | 最好
zoeasiør konghunbør | least common denominator | 最小公分母
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoeasiør | smallest; minimum | 最小
zoexciør | more or less | 濟少
zofbør | grandmother | 祖母
zofngbu-khørtviuo | General Affairs Section Chief | 總務課長
zoglør | clan elders | 族老
zorng kørkae | general confession (Catholic) | 總告解
zu siim hoanlør | bring trouble upon oneself | 自尋煩惱
zu sit kii kør | reap what one has sown; suffer the consequences of one's own deeds | 自食其果
zubør | my loving mother; my fond mother | 慈母
zulegpiør | qualification form | 資歷表
zunkør | manuscript kept | 存稿
zuohøfhør | predestined | 註好好; 冥冥之中註定好的
zupør | jewelry; jewellery; gem; jewelry; peals and valuables; gems | 珠寶
zusarn huxzeapiør | statement of assets and liabilities | 資產負債表
zuxgvor kiafmthør | self examination; review one's conduct; achievement | 自我檢討
zuxkhiør | to stop talking, shut up! | 住口
zuxlaizuypiør | water meter | 自來水錶; 水錶
zuxpør | protect oneself | 自保
zuxsyn lanpør | unable even to protect oneself | 自身難保
zuyappiør | hydraulic gauge | 水壓計
zuybør | jellyfish | 海蜇; 水母
zuykhør | low tide | 水濃; 退潮
zuykør | fresh fruit | 水果
zuylegpiør | hydraulic gauge | 水力表
zuypiør | water meter; water gage; water meter; water gauge | 水錶
zuysokpiør | tachometer | 水速表
zvoahør | fried | 煎好
zwbør | mistress | 子母; 主母; 元利
zwhør | cooked | 煮好
zwkhør | chief examiner | 主考
zwkør | main draft | 主稿
zwnkhør-zexng | admission card for examination | 准考證
zwntwhør | even; never mind | 準拄好
zwpør ciamlea | feast of one's patron saint (Catholic) | 主保瞻禮
zwpør serngjiin | one's patron saint | 主保聖人
zwpør | patron Saint (Catholic) | 主保
zøexciør | more or less | 濟少
zør | difficult to do or make | 棗
zør-kauhvi | making earrings | 左鉤耳
zørafng | be a husband | 做夫; 做翁
zøraix | make love | 做愛
zøraxn | make a case | 做案
zørbahpviar | make meatloaf | 做肉餅
zørbak | be a carpenter | 做木; 做木工
zørbak`ee | carpenter | 做木的
zørbang | dream; make daydream; to dream | 作夢
zørbee | do puzzle, riddle | 做謎
zørbexkaux | unable to make it | 做袂到
zørbinbang | sleep dream | 做眠夢
zørbor | be a wife | 做某
zørbuun | write a composition, compose an essay | 作文
zørbøo | did nothing | 做無
zørchid | The worship on the seventh day after death | 做七; 做七七忌日; 亡者死後第七天的祭拜
zørchincviaa | become relatives | 做親成
zørchiuo | fake; to counterfeit | 偽造; 玩弄手法; 做手腳
zørchyn | be a marriage broker | 做媒; 做親
zørcidhoea | together | 做一伙
zørcidkhuxn | together | 做一睏
zørcien kati | cheapen oneself, abuse oneself | 作賤自己
zørciøx | an ceremony to celebrate God's birthday; celebrate Taoist rites of thanksgiving to obtain good fortune or avert calamity | 做醮; 大拜拜
zørcviaa | make | 做成
zørexkaux | able to do it | 做得到; 有能力負擔
zørexlaai | can be done | 做得來; 有能力做
zørgee | observe the second and sixteenth of each month with worship of te-ki-chu | 做牙; (拜土地公)
zørgixniu | as a hobby | 做議量
zørgoeqlai | rest and recuperate body and mind after childbirth | 做月內
zørguu zørbea | work hard | 做牛做馬
zørhaux | do filial piety | 做孝
zørhie'ar | performer | 做戲仔
zørhieaflaang | performer | 做戲仔人
zørhielaang | performer | 做戲人
zørhix | act in a play | 演戲; 做戲
zørho | make a mark, sign, or signal | 做號
zørhoad | method; procedure; way of doing or making thing(s) | 做法
zørhoea toax | live together; cohabit | 住在一起
zørhoea | together | 一齊; 一起; 一塊兒
zørhoea`ee | accompany | 做伙的
zørhongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zørhø | make a mark | 做號; 做記號
zørhøea | together; in a body | 做伙; 一齊; 一起
zøri | be someone else | 做伊
zørjinzeeng | do a favor for someone | 送人情
zørkafng | working; work; labor; do work; be a workman | 工作; 做工
zørkang'aflaang | worker | 做工仔人
zørkang'ar | worker | 做工仔
zørkangge | occupy oneself, keep busy (to pass the time on the train or when retired) | 做工藝
zørkanglaang | workers | 做工人
zørkaux | accomplish | 做到
zørkek | perform in a drama | 做劇; 演戲
zørkhaf | making fake legs | 做腳
zørkhafng | digging holes | 做孔
zørkheq | be a guest | 作客; 做客
zørkhiaux | play tricks | 做竅
zørkhie | start from the bottom | 做起
zørkhiernsngr | condemn | 做譴損
zørkhiøx | practice black arts | 做竅; 玩魔術
zørkhongsip | air raid | 做空襲
zørkhylaai | do it | 做起來
zørki | deathday fiesta; worship and feast on the anniversary of a person's death | 忌祭; 做忌; 做忌日; 忌辰祭拜
zørkoex | done it | 做過
zørkui | make a scorpion | 做膭
zørkuie zørkoaix | very crafty and injurious; with pretence of honesty or friendship | 搞鬼作怪
zørkuie | be a ghost or demon; cause trouble secretly; be a bad or evil person | 做鬼
zørkux | make up a sentence | 造句
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔
zørkviar | to be adopted | 做囝
zørkvoaf | be a governmental officer; be a government official; hold a government post | 做官; 作官
zørlaai | do it | 做來
zørlaang cinhør | behave kindly or well; a man of personality | 做人很好
zørlaang cinphvae | behave wickedly or cruelly | 做人很壞
zørlaang | behavior; be a man; act humanely | 做人; 為人
zørli | malaria | 做痢
zørliau | auxiliary material for cook | 佐料
zørlong | teasing | 做弄
zøroe | spread the words | 做話
zørog-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
zørog-zørtok | act very wickedly | 做惡做毒; 為非做歹
zørpai | to frustrate, to thwart, to defeat, to crush | 做敗
zørpeeng | divide in half | 做爿; 成半
zørpefng | be a soldier | 做兵
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørpex | cheat on test, exam | 作弊
zørphae | leftist | 做歹
zørphvae | act wickedly; behave badly; do evil | 做歹; 做惡; (惡)
zørphvoa | be a companion | 作伴; 做伴
zørpien | ready made | 作便; 做便
zørpoee | accompany, to escort, be invited to a reception as company to the guest of honor | 作陪
zørpurn | capital | 做本; 做本錢
zørsaikofng | perform certain Taoist rituals | 做司公
zørseg | perform ceremonies | 作式; 做色; 舉行典禮; 舉行儀式
zørsenglie | eloquence in business speech | 做生理
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zørsid | be a farmer | 做事; 耕作
zørsiefn | become an immortal as some good people are fabled to do | 做仙; 成仙
zørsitlaang | a farmer | 農夫
zørsiu | build a nest | 築巢
zørsoaq | have finished | 做完; 做好
zørsu cyn-løfzhør | do things carelessly | 做事很草率
zørsu khythaau laan | Beginning is the hardest part of any enterprise | 做事起頭難
zørsu kynsin | act with discretion | 做事謹慎
zørsu | do; do things | 做事; 作事
zørsuun | perform regular memorial rites after relative's death | 做旬; 做旬忌
zørsvaf | make shirts | 做衫
zørsvejidki | ceremony of birthday | 做生日忌
zørsvejit | birthday celebration | 做生日
zørsy | compose poetry | 作詩
zørtafng-zørsay | do any old things | 做東做西
zørtaixcix | do business | 做代誌
zørtangzørsay | doing here and there | 做東做西
zørthaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 做老大; 當頭
zørthefge | have as a hobby | 做體藝; 著玩
zørthoo | be a mason | 作土; 做塗; 土水匠
zørthozuie | handyman who specialize in tiling, cements, etc | 做塗水
zørtiau | get rid of it | 做掉
zørtid | did | 做得
zørtin | make up a large company or procession; in company with; together with | 作伴; 做陣; 結伴; 一起
zørtit | make straight | 作直
zørtitlaai | accept the consequences of one's action | 做得來
zørtixnzørtin | together | 做陣做陣
zørtiøh | doing | 做著
zørtoa | perform as the leader; be the head of a group; love to show off | 做大; 做老大; 愛出風頭
zørtoaxzuie | flood; floodwater | 做大水
zørtofng | be host to | 做東
zørtok | make poison | 做毒
zørtuiethaau | counter part | 做對頭
zørtuix | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zørtuy | place together | 做堆; 成堆; 在一塊
zøruii | be a | 做為
zørvoa | drought | 做旱
zørzeeng | lead; go first; lead the way | 在前; 帶頭; 領先; 先走
zørzerng | supporting evidence of one's statement | 做種
zørzex | be a sacrifice | 做祭; 供祭
zørzexng | to be a witness; be a witness | 做證
zørzhaan | farm | 種田
zørzhanlaang | peasant | 農夫
zørzhaolaang | be a bad guy | 做臭人
zørzhat sym hy | A thief has a guilty conscience. One who has done something bad secretly cannot look others in the eye | 做賊心虛
zørzhat | steal, be a thief | 做賊
zørzhud | make | 做出
zørzhutlaai | made it | 做出來
zørzhøx | do (something) wrong | 做錯
zørzngf | as a dealer | 做莊
zørzofng | be the bank while gambling | 做莊; (家)
zørzog | affectation | 做作
zørzuie | flood | 做水
zørzuo | be a sponsor; take charge of; be responsible for; be the boss; take the leadership; decide | 做主
zørzuxnthviax | spasms, pains at intervals | 做陣痛
zørzuyzay | flooding | 做水災
zørzwaq | call the shots | 做主啊
zørzøx | do it | 做做
øef`tør | push to fall | 推倒
øextør | may fall | 能倒
øh hør kw pehpiaq | hard to learn good things and easier to learn bad things | 學好龜爬壁; 學壞容易
ølør | extol; praise | 呵咾; 稱讚; 讚美; 誇獎
ør | mother, mama | 襖
ørbiau | mysterious; profound | 奧妙
ørbuo Cinlykaux | Aum Shinrinkyo Sect | 奧姆真理教
ørgi | sophistigated meaning; hidden meaning; deep and profound meaning | 奧義
ørgiøcie | jelly-fig, seed of a plant | 薁蕘子; 枳蒲; 愛玉子
ørgiøo | Ficus pumila awkeotsang; jelly fig | 薁蕘; 薜; 愛玉; 愛玉子
ørhoea | together | 懊悔
ørkud | Indian peregrine falcon;Shaheen falcon | 沙欣獵鷹; 花梨隼; [*]
ørmiau | mysterious; profound | 奧妙
ørnao | angry, vexed | 懊惱
ørpix | subtle; hidden (secret); mystery | 奧秘
ørzeg | miracle | 奧蹟

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