"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: -hof

haf-hof siøf | warm freezing hands with breath | 呵熱; 呵手; 呵乎燒
hviaa-hof kurn | boil | 燒開; 燒沸
hvixpvy-hofng | rumor; hearsay; to be disregarded | 耳邊風
iet-hof tøh | fan a fire into flame | 搧火; 搧乎燃
jih-hof pvee | press something so as to make it flat and smooth | 壓乎平
joee-hof søex | break up into small pieces with the palms; fingers or the sole of the foot | 揉乎細
kafle'ar-hofng | tornado; cyclone; twister | 絞螺仔風; 龍捲風
kar-hof aan | twist or writing tight | 絞乎緊
khia-hof zai | stand firmly | 站乎穩
khurn-hof aan | bind tight | 綑緊; 綑乎緊
kngfle'ar-hofng | a tornado; a cyclone; a twister | 捲螺仔風; 龍捲風
kngflee-hofng | whirlwind, tornado | 捲螺風; 龍捲風
koaxn-hof zuix | get a person drunk | 灌醉
kuiecied-hofng | the konsoon, a seasonal wind | 季節風
kuun-hof noa | boil very soft | 燉爛
liongthaam-hofhiet | dragon's pool and the tiger's den ─ dangerous places | 龍潭虎穴
liongzefng-hoftaux | fierce battle between giants | 龍爭虎鬥
nih-hof aan | grasp firmly | 握緊
phak-hof taf | dry in the sun | 晒乾
puih-hofchiw | lotto | 拔虎鬚; 抽籤
puun-hof sid | blow out (a candle) | 吹熄
pviax-hof taf | pour out till quite empty | 拼乎乾
pviax-hof zhengkhix | clean up (a room; house) | 拼乎清氣; 打掃乾淨
siab-hof bat | fill it up (a crevice) | 塞滿
simthaau hvoa-hof tvia | set determinedly to a task | 心頭扞定; 心意立定
sngf-hof aan | tie very tight | 勒緊
taxng-hof cih | pluck off (a flower) with the finger nail | 用指甲摳斷
tea-hof tvi | fill quite full | 裝滿
thad-hof aan | stuff up tight; seal off securely | 塞緊
thad-hof ba | block up; stuff tight; hermetically seal | 塞緊
thad-hof bat | stop up tight | 塞密
thak-hof sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
tiarm-hof tøh | to burn; to light; kindle; light a fire | 點亮
uy'uie-hofhor | to echo others | 委委命命; 唯唯??
zhoaan-hof pien | get materials or people ready | 預備好
zun-hof aan | turn tight | 栓緊; 絞緊
zuo-hof noa | stew something until it's tender | 煮爛
zuo-hof sek | cook thoroughly | 煮熟

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