"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Alysafn | a mountain in Chiayi County | 阿里山
Ase'af | Asia | 亞細亞
Au'af | Europe and Asia, Eurasia | 歐亞
Auløpaf | | 歐羅巴
Ausek'af | Osee (Catholic) biblical name of a prophet | 歐瑟亞
Bafngkaq | outrigger canoe which is Taipei's oldest district | 艋舺
Bagsaf | Mucha district in Taipei | 木柵
Baxn'afn | a place in Chiayi county | 萬安
Baxntafn | a city in Pingtung County | 萬丹
Begkaf | Mocian; Mohist School; ink expert | 墨家; 麥加
Begse'af | Messiah | 默西亞
Boafnciw | a city in Pingtung County; Manchuria | 滿州; 滿洲
Boafnciw-laang | Manchurian | 滿洲人
Boafnjiin | Manchurian | 滿人
Boafnzhefng | Ching Dynasty (1644-1911) | 滿清
Boafnzok | Manchus | 滿族
Boghafnbegteg | Mohammed | 穆罕默德
Bongkofzhafn | Mongolian barbecue | 蒙古餐
Boxng'afn | a city in Penghu County | 望安
Bykaf | Micah (Protestant) | 米迦
Bykai'af | Micheas (Catholic) | 米該亞
Chitniumafsvef | Taiwan’s legend | 七娘媽生
Chitniumafsvy | Taiwan’s legend | 七娘媽生
Ciafm | (surname); excellent; verbose | 詹
Cietkafng | Chekiang; a province of China | 浙江
Cinhog pattoafn | Eight Beatitudes (Catholic) | 真福八端
Cinzu'oafn | Pearl Harbor | 真珠灣
Efng'afn | a place in Taiwan | 永安
Ek'oaf | Eve (Catholic) | 厄娃
Eksuteklaf | Esdras (Catholic) | 厄斯德拉
Enghioong lankøex byjinkoafn | Even a great hero has difficulty getting by a beautiful woman. Many heroes have been conquered by a beautiful woman. (Samson and Delilah) | 英雄難過美人關
Enghog Goxtoafn | Five Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary (Catholic) | 榮福五端
Giogsafn | Jade mountain (Mt. Morrison) in Taiwan; Mount Morrison; highest peak in Taiwan | 玉山
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Gvafkog Sw | The Epistle of James (Protestant) | 雅各書
Gvafkokpeg Sw | The Epistle of James (Catholic) | 雅各伯書
Gvaftiern | Athens; capital of Greece | 雅典
Gyn'aflaang u hvi bøo zhuix | A child should be seen and not heard | 小孩子有耳無嘴; 囝仔人有耳無嘴
Habhoafn Svoaf | Mt. Hohuan | 合歡山
Habhoansvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 合歡山
Haxoaf | Eve (Protestant) | 夏娃
Haytoafn | a city in Taitung County Taiwan | 海端
Hengsafn | a city in Hsinchu County Taiwan | 橫山
Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒腳隨人拂; 自己顧自己
Hong'oafn | a city in Changhua County Taiwan | 芳苑
Hoxngsvoaf | a town in Kaohsiung County Taiwan | 鳳山
Hudkaf | Buddhist; Buddhist faithful | 佛家
Høhoansvoaf | a famous mountain in Taiwan; a mountain in Taiwan | 合歡山
Høse'af | Hosea (Protestant) | 何西亞
Iahøhoaf | Jehovah; Jehovah | 耶和華
Ialegbyaf | Jeremiah (Catholic) | 耶肋米亞
Ioksuaf | Joshua (Protestant) | 約書亞
Iongbengsafn | a resort in suburban Taipei; Taiwan (Yangmingshan) | 陽明山
Iongzwkafng | Yangtze River | 揚子江
Irntexafn | the original inhabitants of the US | 印第安
Isat'ieaf | Isaiah (Catholic) | 依撒意亞
Jiaw'oaf-laang | Javanese | 爪哇人
Jiawoaf | Java | 爪哇
Joaqlanjiaf sviaa | Fort Zeelandia | 熱蘭遮城; 安平古堡
Jukaf | scholars following Confucian thought; Confucianists | 儒家
Kaf | The Epistles of Paul to the Galatians (Catholic) | 加拉達書; (加)
Kafm'uncied | Thanksgiving Day | 感恩節
Kafm'unkefng | Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass (Catholic) | 感恩經
Kafm'wn-zøeq | Thanksgiving | 感恩節
Kafng | surname Jiang; Chiang | 江
Kafngbuxkiok | Harbor Bureau | 港務局
Kafngkiuo | Hong Kong and Kowloon | 港九
Kafnposaix | Cambodia | 柬埔寨
Kanaftai | Canada | 加拿大
Kangzoafn | Engineering Junior College | 工專
Kanyoafliok svoaf | Mt. Calvary (Catholic) | 加爾瓦略山
Kaoiogthviaf | Department of Education (Provincial) | 教育廳
Katafng | a city in Pingtung County | 佳冬
Khafmterng | a city in Pingtung County | 崁頂
Khehkaf | Hakka | 客家
Khunluun-safn | the Kunlun Mountains (between Tibet and Sinjiang; extending to Central China) | 崑崙山
Kiafng | surname Jiang; Chiang | 姜
Kiet'afciab | juice of a well-sweep | 桔仔汁
Kiet'afn | a city in Hualien County | 吉安
Kimmngg-Mafzor | Quemoy and Matsu; two groups of islands off the Fukien coast remaining free from communism | 金門馬祖; 金馬
Kimsaf | a city in Kinmen County | 金沙
Kimsafn | a city in Taipei County | 金山
Kioxngsafntofng'oaan | communist | 共產黨員
Kioxngsafntorng | Communist party | 共產黨
Kisafn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 旗山
Kngftafng | Guangdong; Canton; Kwang-tung | 廣東
Koan'afniar | Kuantzeling | 冠仔嶺; 關仔嶺
Koansafn | a city in Taitung County | 關山
Kofpaf | Cuba | 古巴
Kongkaux Citkafng Zhenglienhoe | Y.C.W. (J.O.C.); Young Catholic Workers Association | 公教職工青年會
Kongsafn | a city in southern Taiwan; Gangshan in Kaohsiung County | 岡山
Kuisafn | a city in Taoyuan County | 龜山
Kunzuo putciah gafncienkhuy | One who overlooks a slight | 君子無吃眼前虧。
Kuxkimsvoaf | Sanfrancisco | 舊金山
Laau Pafng | Gaozu of Han | 劉邦
Lagkhaf | a city in Chiayi County | 六腳
Lam'af | south asia | 南亞
Lamkafn | a city in Lienchiang County | 南竿
Lamkviaf | Nanking; Nanking (Nanjing) | 南京
Lefpae'svaf | Wednesday | 禮拜三
Lienpafng tiauzakiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation; FBI (of the United States) | 聯邦調查局
Lienpafng-tiauzaf-kiok | Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States | 聯邦調查局
Limkaf | Lin's | 林家
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
Liogkwn kunkvoaf haghau | Military Academy | 陸軍軍官學校
Liongkafng | Lunkiang | 龍江
Liongsafn-si | an old temple in Taipei | 龍山寺
Lisafn | pear mountain | 梨山
Loafnloarn | a place in Koelaang Chi | 暖暖
Logkafngtixn | a town in middle-Taiwan | 鹿港鎮
Longlimthviaf | provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry | 農林廳
Losafn cyn-biexnbok | The real appearance of Lu Shan (which is often shrouded in fog) ─ the real appearance (of a thing or person in disguise) | 廬山真面目
Loxteg Maftefng | Martin Luther | 路德馬丁
Lukaf | Confucianism | 儒家
Løchiaf | Nezha (deity) | 哪吒
Løkafng kiogtviuo | The head of Labor bureau | 勞工局長
Lømafhoad | Roman law | 羅馬法
Lømafji | Roman; Roman alphabet; romanization; Roman letters | 羅馬字
Lømafkaux | Roman Catholicism | 羅馬教
Lømafli | Roman letters | 羅馬字
Lømafsw | Epistle of Paul to Romans (Catholic and Protestant) | 羅馬書
Mafkapeg | Machabees (Catholic) | 瑪加伯
Mafkay | George Leslie Mackay | 馬偕; 偕叡理
Mafkefng | Makung; harbor of the Pescadores | 馬公
Mafkheg | mark (German currency) | 馬克
Mafkhekpysw | Maccabees (Protestant) | 瑪喀比書
Mafkheksw zwgi | Marxism | 馬克斯主義
Mafkheksw | Marx | 馬克斯
Mafkhør Hok'imsw | The Gospel According to Mark (Protestant) | 馬可福音書
Mafkoantiauiog | Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895) | 馬關條約
Mafkofng | Makung; harbor of the Pescadores | 馬公
Maflaai | Malay | 馬來
Maflaise'af | Malaysia | 馬來西亞
Maflap | Manna (Catholic) | 瑪納
Maflaqki'af | Malachias (Catholic) | 瑪拉基亞
Maflaqky | Malachi (Protestant) | 瑪拉基
Maflixaf | Mary; Maria; the Virgin Mary | 瑪利亞
Maflixlok Hoe | MM; Maryknoll Missioners (Catholic) | 瑪利諾會
Mafnar | Manna (Protestant) | 瑪拿
Mafnilaf | Manila | 馬尼拉; (菲律賓首都)
Mafnykog Hok'ym | Gospel according to Mark (Catholic) | 瑪爾谷福音
Maftefng Loxteg | Martin Luther (1483-1546); founder of the Protestant movement | 馬丁路德
Mafteklie | Madrie | 馬德里
Mafthaix Hok'imtoan | Gospel according to Matthew. (Protestant) | 馬太福音傳
Mafto Hok'ym | Gospel according to Matthew (Catholic) | 瑪竇福音
Mafzofbiø | Matsu temple | 媽祖廟
Mafzofpøo | goddess of the sea much worshiped in Taiwan and the southern China coast | 媽祖婆
Mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
Mafzor | goddess of the sea much worshiped in Taiwan and the southern China coast | 媽祖
Makhaftao | Makatao tribe | 馬卡道
Moekuiekefng Zabgoxtoafn | Fifteen decades of the Rosary (Catholic) | 玫瑰經十五端
Moesafn | a city in Chiayi County | 梅山
Nafhoong | Nahum (Protestant) | 那鴻
Nafuy | Norway | 挪威
Ngkaf | Huang's | 黃家
Niawchykhafng oea-kaq cviaa oankongmngg | hollow out a rat hole until it becomes an arch ─ make a trifling matter become very serious; make a mountain out of a molehill | 鳥鼠洞挖成拱門; 小事變成大事。
Niko'afm | nunnery; Buddhist nun's temple | 尼姑庵
Oafnlie | Yuanli Township | 苑裡
Oafntofng | the Far East | 遠東
Oafnzuie laan kiux kixnhoea | Aid; if not immediate; is useless. (Lit. It is difficult to put out the fire in one's neighborhood with distant water.) | 遠水難救近火。
Oansafn | a city in Yilan County | 員山
Oliongkafng | Heilungkiang Province, the Amur River | 黑龍江; 烏龍江
Osolaf Serngsym Hoe | OSC: Ursulines of the S. Heart (Catholic) | 烏蘇拉聖心會
Pae'svaf | Wednesday | 拜三
Pafnbuntiaxm | Banmunjeom; Panmunjom, also known as Panmunjom | 板門店
Pafntieen | Sakata | 坂田
Pakkafn | a city in Lienchiang County | 北竿
Pakkviaf | Beijing; Peking | 北京
Panafmar uxnhøo | Panama Canal | 巴拿馬運河
Panafmar | Panama | 巴拿馬
Panafmar-uxnhøo | the Panama Canal | 運河; 巴拿馬運河
Pang'afsvoaf | a city in Pingtung County | 枋仔山
Patkoarsvoaf | Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山
Peqsoaf | a city in Penghu County | 白沙
Phvoaf | surname Pan; P'an (Pan) | 潘
Phøsuoafn | Persian Gulf | 波斯灣
Phøsuxni'af | Bosnia-Herzegovina | 波士尼亞
Pvepohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Pvipohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Pøfsafn | a city in Hsinchu County | 寶山
Sai'afhoe | the Lions Club | 獅子會
Sam'oafn | a city in Miaoli County | 三灣
Satkalixaf | Zechariah (Protestant) | 撒加利亞
Sek'hokni'af | Sophonias (Catholic) | 索福尼亞; (索)
Sekkhiaf | Sa-kya, the clan or family of Buddha | 釋迦
Sekkiaf | Buddha; Shakyamuni | 釋迦
Sengki'svaf | Wednesday | 星期三
Serngbør Maflixaf | Virgin Mary | 聖母瑪利亞
Serngbør niafpøx | annunciation (Catholic) | 聖母領報
Serngkaf Hiernluo Thoantø Hoe | OSF: Catechist Srs of the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家獻女傳道會
Serngkaf | the Holy Family (Catholic) | 聖家
Serngkoaf | hymn, chant | 聖歌
Serngsafm Zwjit | Trinity Sunday (Catholic) | 聖三主日
Serngzhafn | the Lord's Supper (Catholic) | 聖餐
Sexng Katliongpaf Hoe | SSC: Societas Sti Columbani (Catholic) | 聖葛隆巴會
Sinbuun ciukhafn | Newsweek | 新聞週刊
Sincviaf | New Year's Day | 新正; 大年初一
Siongsafn | a district in Taipei | 松山
Siuxsafn | A mountain in southern Taiwan | 壽山
Sohoaf konglo | Eastern Taiwan's High Way | 蘇花公路
Suozhoafn | a Chinese providence | 四川
Sviu-thafm tix kelafm | As the result of covetousness; the thief is caught and covered with a chicken basket (as punishment) ─ The result of greed is complete loss | 貪小失大。捉雞無著; 蝕把米。
Svoatafng | Shantung | 山東
Svoatafng-iu | Shantung pumelo | 山東柚
Svoatafng-peqzhaix | Shantung cabbage | 山東白菜
Swn Tiongsafn | | 中山
Taioankoaf | Taiwanese songs | 台灣歌
Taitafng | a city in Taitung County | 台東
Taitafng-koan | Taitung County | 台東縣
Taixafn | a district in the city of Taipei | 大安
Tang'af | East Asia | 東亞
Tangkviaf | Tokyo | 東京
Tanglam'af | Southeast Asia | 東南亞
Tangsvoaf | a city in Yilan County | 冬山
Tanhiongsafn | Honolulu | 檀香山
Taxmkafng | a college in Taipei | 淡江
Teksafn | a city in Nantou County | 竹山
Tektafng | a city in Hsinchu County | 竹東
Thae'afluo-zok | Tayal (Atayal) tribe (Taiwan aborigines); Tayal tribe | 泰亞落族; ???族; 泰亞魯族
Thae'afn | a city in Miaoli County | 泰安
Thaegvafzok | a aboriginal in Taiwan | 泰雅族
Thaepengsafn | Victoria Peak is a hill on the western half of Hong Kong | 太平山
Thaesafn | a city in Taipei County | 泰山
Thiapsatlønikaf Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Protestant) | 帖撒羅尼迦前後書
Thienzuo Serngsafm | The Holy Trinity (Catholic) | 天主聖三
Thoankoafnkhw | regional administration in charge of conscription and mobilization; somewhat like a draft board | 團管區
Thorngkhor Goxtoafn | Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary (Catholic) | 痛苦五端
Tiauzaf uyoanhoe | Commission of Inquiry | 調查委員會
Tionghoaf Binkog | the Republic of China | 中華民國
Tionghoaf | China (originally; the region along the Yellow River where the Chinese people thrived) | 中華
Tiongkafng | Yangtze River | 長江
Tiongsafn | a place in Koelaang Chi | 中山
Tiongsoafnhoe | a Taiwane election organization established during election | 中選會
Tiongtafng | Middle-east | 中東
Tngsvoaf | mainland China; Tang Shan Mountain; China mainland | 唐山
Tngsvoaf-laang | people in Taiwan came from China | 唐山人
Toaxkongsafn | a southern Taiwan city | 大岡山
Toexkiafmsuo | District Attorney's Office | 地檢署
Tong'af | East Asia | 東亞
Tongsafn | a city in Tainan County | 東山
Tongzefng Maflixaf | Virgin Mary (Catholic) | 童貞瑪莉亞
Tvafkao | Takao; Kaohsiung | 打狗; 高雄
Tviusvaf Lysix | Mr. So-and-so; any one; Tom and Jack | 張三李四
Tøxkaf | Taoists | 道家
Ysaeaf | Isaiah (Protestant) | 以賽亞
Zafn | a surname | 曾
Zaizerngthviaf | Provincial Department of Public Finance | 財政廳
Zatkalixaf | Zacharias (Catholic) | 撒加利亞
Zhasvoaf | Shoushan (Chai) mountain in Kaohsiung | 柴山; 壽山
Zhawsvoaf | mountain in Taiwan now called Yangmingshan; Grassy Hill (hill in Hong Kong) | 草山
Zhengsafn | Aoyama | 青山
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
Zok'og-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
Zwkoafn | a city in Kaohsiung County | 梓官
aarn'an'afn | absolutely safe | 安安安
aau taf zhuix khoaq | parching thirst | 喉乾嘴闊; 口乾舌燥
ab'afpviar | Taiwanese engagement pastry | 盒仔餅
aeoafn | tend to seek a quarrel | 愛冤; 好吵架
aethviaf | love to hear | 愛聽
aezeeng putzoafn | changeable or unstable in love; fickle | 愛情無專
aezhafn | love-feast; simple meal consisting of a couple of dishes which are served promptly in small restaurants | 愛餐
af | initial particle, prefix to names of familiar people, as: A-beng... A-hoat... A-tho... | 啊; 阿
afbøe | not yet | 尚未; 還沒有
afbøo | if not; otherwise | 仔無; 要無然
afkøq | furthermore | 仔擱; 再說
afm bextiaau | unable to cover or hide | 掩無住
afm | or not | 或無; 醃; 掩蓋; 掩
afm'arm | thin and watery; like thin rice-water; flabby; as skin and flesh | 泔泔; 稀薄
afmbear | congee | 泔糜仔
afmbee | rice porridge; rice gruel | 稀飯; 泔糜
afmcviw | starch of rice gruel; porridge | 粥漿
afmmoear | congee | 泔糜仔
afmmoee | rice porridge; rice gruel | 薄粥; 泔糜; 稀飯
afmphoeh | bubbles of the rice gruel | 粥沫; 米湯膜
afmpozee | cicada | 庵埔蟬; 蟬的俗稱
afn kikoafn | set a trap | 安機關; 設機關
afn | peace; press; ammonia; ammonium; saddle; still; quiet; calm; peaceful; silent; comfortable; safe; easy in mind; set at rest; make orderly arrangement | 安; 按; 從; 鍍; 銨; 安置; 氨; 鞍
afncirm | aunt 'father's younger brother's wife' | 嬸母
afng | husband; old man; husband | 夫; 翁; 丈夫
afnglarng | obstinate, ill-tempered, grumpy | 頑固; 聬儱; 乖戾
afnkofng | grandfather | 祖父
afnkviar | my son | 吾囝; 吾子
afnnar | how about that | 按那; 按怎; 怎樣,; 為什麼; 怎麼樣; 如何
afnnef | in this way; so; this (kind of; sort of); this way; such; like this; such | 按呢; 這樣; 如此
afnnef... mxtiøh | Well; then; ... must.. | 按呢; 那麼; 這麼一來 ..
afnniaa | Mother! | 阿娘; 母親
afnniq | thus, in this manner | 按呢; 這樣
afnnisvy | such being the case | 按呢生; 這樣子
afnny | thus; in this manner | 按呢; 這樣子; 如此
afnpaa | daddy | 吾爸; 俺爸; 爹
afnswn | grandson | 吾孫; 孫子
afntiaf | daddy | 阿爹; 俺爹
afnzvoafviu | What happened? | 按怎樣
afnzvoar | how, why | 按怎; 怎樣
afsi | or | 或是
aftiøh | also need | 還得
afu | and; also | 還有
ah'afkviar | duckling | 鴨仔囝; 小鴨
ah'aftafn | skinny ducking | 鴨仔癉
ahchiaf | an escort vehicle; hail a cab, hail a ride | 押車
ahkafng | drake | 鴨公; 公鴨; 雄鴨
ahlafm | basket for ducks | 鴨籠
ahpaf | dried duck | 板鴨; 鴨疤
ahviaf | older brother; the man who carry coffin to bury | 阿兄; 哥哥
aikoaf | mournful song; dirge; elegy | 哀歌
aisviaf | sorrowful sound | 哀聲
akchiuo gienhoafn | shake hands and converse cheerfully | 握手言歡
am'afm-iap'iab | secretly; try to cover up; hide | 鞍鞍掩掩
am'afm`leq | cover well | 掩掩著
am'afniar | collar | 頸仔領; 衣領
amkhafng | underground sewer; subterranean drain | 涵洞
amzafm | dirty | 骯髒
an'afn wn'urn | secure and stable | 安安穩穩
an'afn zexngzeng | peaceful and serene | 安安靜靜
an'afn | peaceful, safe | 安安; 平安
ang'afbin | baby-faced | 尪仔面; 娃娃臉
ang'afbor | husband and wife; husband and wife | 尪仔某; 夫妻
ang'afmih | toys | 尪仔物
ang'afmngh | toys | 尪仔物
ang'afphiaw | playing cards; the Jack; Queen and King in a deck of cards | 尪仔標; 紙牌; 玩的紙牌
ang'afthaau | a puppet head; girl's face; face of a puppet | 尪仔頭; 玩偶頭; 少女的臉
ang'aftoo | drawing; picture; painting | 尪仔圖; 圖畫
ang'afzheq | a picture book; comic book; comic book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書; 漫畫書
angbeftafng | | 紅尾冬
angboeftafng | Taiwanese red-tailed fish | 紅尾冬
anghoafn | American Indians | 紅蕃
angkafm | red orange | 紅柑
angmohoafn | Westerners especially the Dutch in old Taiwan; red-haired barbarians | 紅毛蕃
angpafn | erythema | 紅斑
angsafm | Taiwan yew | 紅杉; 紅豆杉
angsoaf | red snapper | 紅鯊; 鯧魚
angtvoaf | red ticket | 紅單
angzhang'afthaau | shallots | 紅蔥仔頭
anhiarng boafnlieen | enjoy a happy time in old age | 安享晚年
ankaf | settle down; insure the welfare of one's family; to set up a household by marriage | 安家
anpafng texngkog | give peace and stability to the country | 安邦定國
anzoaan pynciafm | safety pin | 安全別針
anzoanpynciafm | safety pin | 安全別針
ap'oafn | to bend | 壓冤; 壓彎
apaf | daddy; father; daddy; papa | 阿爸; 爸爸; 父親
apkviaf | help to get over a shock | 壓驚
armbongsaf | grope 'in darkness' | 暗摸索
armchiaf | night ride vehicles; evening train or bus | 暗車; 夜車; 晚班車
armchiafng | private prostitute | 暗娼
armkhafng | hidden passageway | 暗孔; 暗溝
armpafn | night shift; night work | 夜班
armpangchiaf | last train or bus on the schedule for the day | 夜班車
armsasaf | darkness | 暗挲挲
armtaf | submerged rock in the sea | 暗焦; 暗礁
armzhafn | supper; dinner | 晚餐
arngphvixsviaf | nasal voice; talk nasally and indistinctly | 甕鼻聲; 塞鼻聲
arngsviaf | nasal tones caused by stuffing nose | 齆聲
arnzvoafviu | how about; How? In what way or manner? What happened? | 按怎樣; 如何; 怎樣; 怎麼
asafliq | straightforward; clearcut | 阿莎力; 乾脆
asaflix | straightforward; clearcut | 阿莎力; 乾脆
asafm | Taiwanese spruce | 亞杉; 台灣杉; 臺灣杉
asvoaf | Chinese | 阿山
atiaf | father; father; daddy; papa | 阿爹; 爹,爸爸; 爹爹; 爸爸
au'afkvii | brim of a cup | 杯仔墘; 杯緣
ausviaf | a guttural sound | 喉聲
auxafng | husband (remarried after the death of one's previous husband) | 後翁; 再嫁之夫; 後夫
auxhoafn | next time | 後番; 下次
auxkhaf | behind the foot; rear leg or legs | 後腳; 後跤
auxpafng | next time; another time; the next train; bus; etc. | 後幫; 下回; 下次; 下班車
auxpiahsvoaf kia | said of a person with strong backing or powerful connections | 後壁山在; 靠山大
auxpiahsvoaf | background; said of powerful influence assisting a man | 後壁山; 後背景; 靠山; 後盾
auxsvoaf | rear mountain; east coast of Taiwan; financial or social backing | 後山; 靠山; 臺灣東部
auxtafng | the year after next; If you have poor harvest, there is still hope for the next harvest. If you have a bad wife, it is for life. | 後年
auxthviaf | rear hall | 後廳
auxzafn | molar; molars | 後齻; 臼齒
awoafn | bend; winding; crooked; curved; distorted | 拗彎; 折彎
axm'afkurn | neck | 頷仔頸
axnaf | how about ... | 亦那
azaf | dirty; filthy; soiled; dirty | 阿髒; 腌臢
babuafkngf | the sky of dawn | 貓霧仔光
baf | net | 網
bafn | youngest | 屘
bafn'iøh | to gather herbs | 拔藥; 挽藥
bafn-kviar | youngest child | 萬囝; 屘囝; 幼子
bafnbarn`leq | pluck (those flowers) | 拔起來
bafnbin | face depilation; moult; pluck out hair from a woman's face | 挽面; 修面(女); 修面
bafng | nest | 網
bafng'afhviw | sort of drug burned to drive away mosquitoes | 蚊仔香
bafng'afhwn | sort of drug burned to drive away mosquitoes | 蚊仔燻
bafng'afzuie | pesticides | 蠓仔水
bafng'ar texng gukag | doesn't feel it; only slightly affected; remains unperturbed (Lit. a mosquito to stings a bull's horn) | 蚊仔螫牛角; 無在乎
bafng'ar | mosquito; mosquito | 蚊仔; 蠓仔; 蚊子
bafng'ar-hviw | mosquito coil | 蚊仔香
bafng'ar-hwn | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊仔燻; 蠓仔薰; 蚊香
bafng'ar-zuie | mosquito spray | 蚊仔水; 蠓仔水; 殺蟲液
bafng'azuie | insecticide, mosquito spray | 蚊仔水
bafng`khix | being caught by a nets | 網去; 抓走了
bafnghviw | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊香
bafnghwn | a kind of incense to relegate mosquito | 蚊香; 蚊薰
bafngsut'ar | flapper for hitting mosquitoes | 蚊拂仔
bafngtarlii | ornamental cloth round the top of a mosquito curtain | 蚊帳簾
bafngtaux | a mosquito net | 蚊帳
bafngtax | mosquito net; mosquito net | 蚊罩; 蠓罩; 蚊帳
bafngthaang | mosquito; bugs; insects | 蚊蟲; 蠓蟲; 蚊子
bafnhoee | restore; try to turn back an adverse tide | 挽回
bafnhoef | flower snatch; pick a flower | 挽花; 摘花; 採花
bafnhøee | to recall, to restore, to bring back | 挽回
bafnkefng | stretch shoulder | 拉弓; 端著肩膀
bafnkhie | tooth pulling | 挽牙; 拔牙
bafnkiux | rescue; save a situation or failing concern | 挽救
bafnkoaf | funeral dirges | 輓歌
bafnkoef thiutiin | trace the vine and get a melon; get a clue and follow it up step by step; so as to learn the truth of a matter | 摘瓜抽藤; 追根究底
bafnkwn | spasm; convulsion | 痙攣
bafnkøf | an elegy, a dirge | 輓歌; 挽歌
bafnlieen | a pair of sentences to honor the dead | 挽留; 輓聯
bafnliuu | urge to stay; request to stay | 挽留
bafnmef | convulsions | 痙攣
bafnmeh | shivering; cramps | 挽脈; 打顫; 抽筋
bafnpuu | to pluck a gourd | 採杓
bafnsy | elegy | 輓詩
bafntee | tee leaves snatch; pick tea leaves | 採茶; 挽茶
bafnthøo | steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; steamed bun | 饅頭
bafntngr | recall | 挽返; 挽回
bafnzhaix | pick vegetables | 挽菜; 摘菜
bafsu | bus | 巴士
baftaq | butter; cream | 奶油; 源自日語バター(bataa)
bagciafm | pointed eyes; sty on the eyelid | 目尖; 目針; 麥粒腫; 瞼腺炎
bagciukhafng | the socket of the eyes | 目睭孔
bagciw-khafng | eye socket | 目睭孔; 眼眶
baghafm | swollen eyelids | 目疔; 眼皮
bagkafng | carpenter; woodwork; carpentry | 木工
bagkakciafm | pointed tip of eye's corner | 目角尖
bagkawciafm | stye | 目狗針
bagkhafng | eye socket | 目空
bahkvoaf | sliced and dried meat; cured meat; dried meat | 肉干; 肉乾
bahpviafbin | broad fat face not good-looking | 肉餅面; 大肥臉
bahtiafm | chopping block for meal; meat stall; butcher's chopping block; meat stall (in a market) | 肉砧; 肉攤
bakaf | dishonest; unreasonable | 無老實; 不講理
bakciukhafng | eye-socket | 目睭眶
bakkhaf bakchiuo | can't do much | 沾手沾腳
bakkhaf-bakchiuo | get one's feet; hands wet | 沾手沾腳
baktafng baksay | covered with all sorts of filth | 沾東沾西; 沾這沾那
ban'afkviar | the youngest child | 萬仔囝; 么仔囝
ban'afsi | just a minute | 慢仔是; 稍待
bang lie zafkuy | wish you come back soon | 望你早歸
bang'afmngg | screen door | 網仔門; 網屏
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bangbafng | very small (as rain) | 細小; 濛濛
bangtafng | some kind of vegetable | 芒苳; 蘆葦
batthviaf | heard it | 曾聽
bauqkafng | bid a task; contract a job | 包工; 貿工; 包下工程; 承攬工
bauxkafng | contract | 貿工
baxkhafng | look or hunt for a hole | 覓孔; 找職
baxn'oexkaf | cartoonist | 漫畫家
baxnban'afkviaa | walk slowly; good-bye | 慢慢仔走; 再見
baxnban'aflaai | slowly; Don't rush! Take your time! | 慢慢仔來
baxnban'afsi | slowly; cautiously; Take it easy. Take your time | 慢慢仔是
baxnchiaf | slow car(train; bus); local train or bus | 慢車; 普通車
baxnchiaf-tø | slow traffic lane | 慢車道
baxnchviafkorng | don't speak just now | 慢且講; 先別說
baxnchviafsi | Wait a minute! Don't do it right now | 慢且是; 慢著
baxng'afn | a city in Penghu County | 望安
baxnghiaf | net | 網瓠
baxngkhafng | mesh; net | 網孔; 網眼
baxngtafng | expect winter; sparrow; finch | 望冬; 台灣鷦鶯; 灰頭布袋鳥; 燕雀
baxnkhaf baxnchiuo | slow in doing things; slow moving; sluggish; slothful | 慢手慢腳
baxnpafng | numerous countries; numerous nations | 萬邦
baxnpvoaf | all; various; utterly; extremely; all; every; various; extremely; in many different ways | 萬般
baxnsafn phiern'iar | found everywhere (Lit. so numerous it covers the mountains and the plains) | 漫山遍野
baxntafng | tardiness; very slow; late winter; the second rice harvest | 慢冬; 慢吞吞; 二期作
baxntoafn | all kinds of matters | 萬端
be titthafng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未得通; 無能
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
befafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
befchiaf | horse wagon; horse drawn carriages | 馬車
befchiaf-bea | horse for wagon | 馬車馬
befkaf | mackerel | 馬鮫
befkafng | male horse | 公馬
befkhaf | unintentionally shows; betrayed by a slip; horse foot | 馬腳
befpangchiaf | last bus or train | 尾幫車
befsviaf | end | 尾聲
befvoaf | saddle | 馬鞍
befzafng | horse's mane | 馬鬃
begkoafn | contemplation | 默觀; 靜觀
beng'oafn | make known that one is being falsely charged; redress a grievance | 伸冤; 鳴冤
bengboxngkaf | renown | 名望家
benghoaf iuo zuo | the beauty has already been won by someone | 名花有主
benghoaf | well-known woman | 名花
bengkaf | famous author or artist; noted families; a master in an art | 名家
bengkafn | a city in Nantou County | 名間
bengkoaf | famous song | 名歌
bengkvoaf | officer | 明官
bengpafng | allies; allied country; allies | 盟邦
bengsafn | famous mountain | 名山
bengzaf armhorng | investigate openly and secretly | 明查暗訪
beqafciuo | beer; beer | 麥仔酒; 啤酒
beqafhngg | wheat field | 麥仔園
beqafkhngf | bran from wheat | 麥仔糠
beqafkør | stalk or straw of wheat or barley; without the ear | 麥仔莖
beqafpng | wheat; oats meal | 麥仔飯
beqafsui | ear of wheat | 麥仔穗
beqaftee | wheat tea | 麥仔茶
beqzhafng | Ledebar's garlic | 麥蔥
bexkhafng befkhafng | speculate on stock market | 賣空買空
bexsiusvoaf | can't bring a matter or a work to a conclusion; can't put in order; can't tidy up affairs; unmanageable | 未收山; 無法收場
bextitthafng khix | cannot manage to go | 未得通去; 無能去
bextitthafng | not allow to | 袂得通
bexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
biawciafm | clock-hand for second | 秒針
bidkafm | citrus; tangerine. | 蜜柑
bidphafng | honey bee; honey bee | 蜜蜂
bidzaf | secretly investigate | 密查
biedhøefsoaf | sand for extinguishing fire | 滅火沙
biefnkviaf | do not be afraid; don't fear; don't be afraid | 免驚; 無必怕
biefnkvoaf | strip down someone's official rank | 免官
biexnbien siongkoafn | gape at each other 'in danger, etc, unable to move' | 面面相關
bih'afm | hide | 匿掩
bikoafn | microscopy | 微觀
bin'afau`jit | tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; in later days | 明仔後日; 明後日
bin'afaxm | tomorrow evening; tomorrow night | 明仔晚; 明仔暗; 明天晚上; 明晚
bin'afexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明天下午
bin'afjit | tomorrow | 明仔日; 明日; 明天
bin'aflit | tomorrow | 明仔日
bin'aftiongtaux | tomorrow at noon | 明仔中晝
bin'afzafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早起; 明天早上
bin'afzaix | tomorrow; tomorrow | 明仔載; 明天
bin'afzaykhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上
bin'ar zafkhie | tomorrow morning 'var [bin5-a2-chai2-khi2]' | 明早
bin'ar-zafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上; 明仔早起; 明早
bin'ix kikoafn | people's representative body | 民意機關
binafaxm | toworrow evening | 明仔晚
binbin'afkia | gentle slope | 緩緩仔斜; 緩斜坡
binkaf | among the people; folk; non-governmental; people's residence; households of the people | 民家
binkafn bunhak | folk literature; popular literature | 民間文學
binkafn gexsut | folk art | 民間藝術
binkafn imgak | folk music | 民間音樂
binkafn korsu | folk tale; folklore | 民間故事
binkafn | public; social; folk; popular; civil; in non-governmental circles; among the people | 民間
binkoaf | folk songs | 民歌
binnafaxm | tomorrow evening | 明仔晚
binnafexhngf | tomorrow night | 明晚
binnafexpof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
binnafjit | tomorrow | 明仔日
binnafzaix | tomorrow | 明仔載; 明日
binnafzaykhie | tomorrow morning | 明天早上
binzhngg-khaf | under bed | 眠床腳
binzhngg-pafng | headboard | 眠床板
binzhngpafng | bed platforms | 眠床枋
biqlafm | basket 'made of split bamboo, with short feet to stand on' | 竹籃
bitafmirn | vitamin | 維他命
bixnterng-svaf | exterior clothes | 面頂衫
bixnthafngkex | basin stand | 面桶架
biøfciafm | second hand for clock or watch; second hand on the dial of a clock or watch | 秒針
boaa hof ciafm | sharpen to a point; to point | 磨乎尖
boafn'afn | good night!; good evening!; Good evening! Good night! | 晚安
boafn'an | expire | 滿限; 滿期
boafn'ix | satisfied; satisfactory | 滿意
boafn'oaan | full house; filled to capacity with people | 滿員; 客滿; 額滿
boafn'un | a man's circumstances in old age; spell of good luck; full load | 晚運; 滿運
boafnbin | full face; whole face; all over the face | 滿面; 滿臉
boafnboafnboarn | completely fill to overflow | 滿滿滿
boafnboarn | impletion; fullness | 滿滿
boafnchid | the seven times seven days after death; forty-nine days after death; seventh day memorial for the dead | 滿七; 滿旬
boafnchiw | late autumn | 晚秋
boafnciofng | evening bells | 晚鐘
boafnciog | satisfied; satisfactory; be satisfied | 滿足
boafngiah | filled to capacity; places all taken | 滿額
boafngoat | full month; baby's completed first month | 滿月
boafnhaa | sunglow at dusk, afterglow, the glow of sunset | 滿霞; 晚霞
boafnhak | late learning | 晚學
boafnhaxn | banquet | 滿漢
boafnhoaai | heart full of enthusiasm; sorrow | 滿懷
boafnhoe | evening party; evening party; soiree | 晚會
boafnhwn | marry late in life | 晚婚
boafnjim | completion of a term | 滿任; 任滿
boafnkafn | at night | 晚間
boafnkerng | a man's circumstances in old age | 晚景
boafnkhøx | night prayers (Catholic) | 晚課; 晚禱
boafnkii | full; top full; completion of a term; expiration date; expiration of a given period | 滿盈; 滿期
boafnkoaf | elegy; funeral hymn; elegy | 輓歌
boafnkuix | late season | 晚季
boafnkvii | full up to the edge; filled up to the rim (said of any liquid) | 滿墘; 滿至上限; 盈滿
boafnlefhok | formal evening dress | 晚禮服
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boafnlieen | one's old-age; old; late in life | 晚年; 輓聯
boafnluie | bases-loaded; full base; bases full | 滿壘
boafnpoex | the younger generation; younger generation | 晚輩
boafnpvoaa | overall | 全盤
boafnpøx | evening paper; afternoon paper | 晚報
boafnsefng | self-reference of student | 晚生
boafnsien | evening meal; supper | 晚膳
boafnsiong | evening | 晚上
boafnsoex | person's later years in life | 晚歲; 晚年
boafnsyn | all over body; whole body | 滿身
boafntaai | full | 滿台; 客滿
boafnthiensefng | a plant of the lettuce family, Lactuca indica | 滿天星
boafntiaau | high tide; at full sea; high tide | 滿潮
boafntiarm | full point | 滿點
boafntiu | a late crop of rice | 晚稻
boafntoong | full house | 滿堂
boafntviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
boafnzaix | full load; fully laden | 滿載
boafnzex | evening sacrifice | 晚祭
boafnzhafn | evening meal; dinner; supper | 晚餐
boafnzhud | brim over; to overflow | 溢出
boafnzhwn | late spring | 晚春
boafnzø | a packed house; full house | 滿座
boahtaf | wipe to dry | 抹乾
boakhvaf | grinding bowl | 磨坩
boe'afho | rainy season in early summer when plums are ripening; plum rains | 梅仔雨
boe'afkvoaf | dried plums; preserved plums | 梅仔干
boe'aftee | plum tea | 梅仔茶
boeaftee | plum tea | 梅仔茶
boefafkviar | youngest kid in a family | 尾仔囝
boefpangchiaf | last bus | 尾幫車
boefsviaf | final tone of a piece of music; final or closing stage of an activity or event | 尾聲
boeh'arm'afsii | dusk; night-fall; toward evening | 要暗仔時; 傍晚; 黃昏
boextitthafng | unable to go through | 袂得通
boexzhunchiaf | unable to convince | 袂伸捙
bofngbofng'afsi | do what situation requires; to muddle or drift along | 罔罔仔是; 得過且過
bofngthoaf | temporary delay | 罔拖; 暫且拖過
bofsviaflaang | who is it? | 某甚人
bofsvoaf | background of wife | 某山; 妻家背景
boftafn | a city in Pingtung County | 牡丹
boftafn-hoef | tree peony | 牡丹花
bogkafng | carpenter; woodworker; carpentry | 木工
bogkoaf | papaya | 木瓜
bogsimpafng | plywood | 木心枋
bong'afhaghau | school for the blind and mute | 盲啞學校
bong'afpof | grave yard | 墓仔埔; 墓地
bongtafng bongsay | always at work at various things; so as to have no leisure | 摸東摸西
boxkoafn | collect money; appel for subscriptions; raise money; collect contributions | 募捐
boxng'oafnkviax | telescope | 望遠鏡
bu'iafm | insatiable | 無厭
bu'iekafn | in unintentional; in unintentionally | 無意間
bukaf khør kuy | homeless | 無家可歸
bukafn | no concern of mine or yours; nothing to do with you; me or him | 無干; 無相干
bukoafn | no relationship; no concern; no connection; to have nothing to do with | 無關
bunbun'afchiøx | smile | 文文仔笑
bunbuo pahkvoaf | all the various civil and military officials | 文武百官
bunbwkvoaf | civil and military officers | 文武官
bunhagkaf | man of letters; literary man | 文學家
bunhoax hoattat ee kokkaf | nations where civilization and enlightenment flourish | 文化發達的國家
bunkvoaf | government official; civil servant | 文官
bunsoafn | literal propaganda | 文宣
burnkhafng | go into a hole | 瀵空; 穿洞
busiafng | one and the only | 無雙
but'afhii | whitebait | 魩仔魚
but'afhuu | whitebait | 魩仔魚
butoafn | unjustified; without cause or reason; unjustified | 無端
buu safm putseeng lea | everything comes in threes; omne trinum perfectum | 無三不成禮
buxn poxngkhafng | go through the tunnel | 穿過隧道; 瀵磅空
buxn'afn | send greetings; give best regards; give greeting; ask about health | 問安
buxnbun'afthviax | dull throbbing pain | 悶悶仔痛; 陣痛
buxnliuo simhoaf | associate with prostitutes | 問柳尋花
bwafkviar | mother and son; mother and child | 母仔囝
bwkviafie | high chair | 母囝椅
bwkvoaf | military officer; military official; a military attache in a embassy | 武官
bwphafng | queen bee | 母蜂; 女王蜂; 蜂王
bwthviaf | night-club; dance-hall; dance hall | 舞廳
byafciuo | rice wine | 米仔酒
byafhw | rice bran | 米仔麩
byafkøf | sweet rice cake | 米仔粿
byaftee | rice tea | 米仔茶
bykafng | art | 美工
bykoafn taixhofng | beautiful and dignified | 美觀大方
bykoafn | stylish appearance; beautiful; handsome; beautiful sight or view | 美觀
bynkafmsexng | sensitive | 敏感性
byphafng | puffed rice; rice crispy; confection made from puffed rice; rolls made of puffed rice sweeten with sugar | 米香; 米芳; 米花餅; 爆米花
bysudkaf | an artist; artist | 美術家
bysut tiefnlafmhoe | art exhibition | 美術展覽會
bysut-kaf | artist | 美術家
bø'afkex | hat rack or stand | 帽仔架
bø'afm-bøkhaxm | not covered | 無掩無蓋; 毫無掩蓋
bø'engkafng | very busy; no leisure | 無閒工; 非常忙碌
bø'oafn bøkhiaw | truthful and straightforward | 無彎無曲; 坦白率直
bø'oafn bøsiuu | no grudge | 無冤無仇
bø'oafn-bøsiuu | not a longstanding nor a sworn enemy | 無冤無仇
bøafsym | rubs the heart; great pains taken for something; trouble taken | 磨仔心
bøaftwnzhao | Abutilon indicum | 磨仔䃦草
bøe-siusvoaf | unable to settle | 未收山; 無法結束
bøefafkviar | youngest son; baby son | 尾仔囝
bøefkhafng-bøexkhafng | cheating behavior in business | 買空賣空
bøefpafn | last schedule of transportation (car; train; plane) | 尾班; 最後一班
bøexkhafm | incapable | 未堪; 無能
bøexkhafm`teq | cannot | 未堪的; 禁無起
bøexkhafm`tid | cannot; may not | 未堪得; 袂堪得; 吃不消; 不敢當; 吃不消,
bøexthafng | not possible to | 無能; 袂通; 未通; 未可
bøextid-thafng | impossible | 無能夠; 未得通
bøextitthafng | cannot | 未得通; 無能
bøkafng | fully occupied, busy | 無孔; 沒有空
bøkhafng bøsurn | not important; of no consequence or significance | 無孔無榫; 無關緊要的
bøkhafng | have no money; stingy | 無孔; 沒錢; 吝嗇; 無是辦法
bøkhafng-bøsurn | is bored; no hole and tenon; useless | 無孔無榫; 無聊
bøkiambøsiafm | tasteless | 無鹹無纖
bøkoafn | to have nothing to do with, have no connection with | 無關
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo intvoaf | out of blue; no reasons | 無因端
bøo iøh thafng kiux | incurable; beyond hope; incorrigible | 無藥可救
bøo kafmkag | insensible, unfeeling | 無感覺
bøo oafnkiexn | to lack foresight | 無遠見
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo siafsix | shameless | 無賒勢; 丟臉
bøo simkvoaf | absent-minded | 沒心肝; 沒良心; 無心肝
bøo siongkafn | irrelevant; have nothing to do with | 無相干
bøo sviafmih | not any; not too; nothing; it doesn't matter; never mind | 沒什麼; 無什麼
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
bøo tvafkirn | unimportant; not serious; never mind | 無打緊
bøo viafciaq | not true; disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無影蹤; 無影跡
bøo zhaykafng | wasted effort, in vain | 徒勞
bøo-tvafkirn | without too much importance | 無打緊
bøo-zafmzøeh | indecisive | 無斬截
bøsiaf putseeng tiaxm | shop won't prosper unless it gives credit | 無賒不成店
bøsiongkafn | unrelated | 無相干
bøsu jiafsu | go looking for trouble; raise unnecessary troubles | 無事惹事; 惹麻煩
bøsviaf | voiceless; loss of voice | 無聲; 失音; 沒有嗓子
bøsviafkaang | not unlike | 無甚同; 無盡相同
bøtex-thafng | no way | 無處可
bøthafng hør | not very good | 無太好
bøthafng | not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit; hate to do; hate to part with | 無可; 無通; 沒…可
bøtvafkirn | very affable; compliant; accommodating; not only but also | 無打緊
bøxafkex | hat stand | 帽仔架
bøxafsym | center of grindstone | 磨仔心; 磨心
bøxaftoax | hat lace | 帽仔帶
bøxaftuun | hat edges | 帽仔唇
bøxchiaf | small mill | 磨車; 碾米坊磨粉坊
bøxviaf | tassel of a cap | 墓碑; 帽纓
bøyn-bøtvoaf | no reason | 無因無端; 無緣故
bøyn-tietvoaf | no reason | 空穴來風; 無因致端
bøzafngthaau | have no clue | 無線索; 無頭緒
bøzengzhaf | irrelevant; no differneces | 無精差
bøzhaf | no difference, the same | 無差; 沒有差別
bøzhaykafng | futile; not valid; ineffective; in vain; waste of effort; in vain; wasted effort | 無彩工; 白費工夫; 徒勞
chi phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
chiaafciafm | needles for sewing machines | 車仔針
chiaafsvoax | threads for sewing machine | 車仔線
chiaau soafui | move things slightly; without much alteration of their position | 移徙位; 挪移
chiaciafm | sewing machine | 車針
chiaf porpvy | selvage | 車布邊
chiaf | vehicle; to push forward; extravagant; wasteful; to shout with anger | 吒; 車; 捙; 奢; 搬運; 推
chiaf-purntao | to suffer a setback | 車糞斗; 翻筋斗
chiaf`khix | pushed away | 推去
chiaf`løh | push down | 推落
chiafm iog | sign contract | 簽約
chiafm | to sign; a small sharp-pointed stick to be used in divination.; minute; sign one's name; bamboo slips used for drawing lots or divination | 簽; 籤; 纖
chiafm'ar | fork; fork | 叉仔; 攕仔; 叉子
chiafmbaq | fork meat | 叉肉
chiafmkorng | instrument used for taking samples of rice out of unopened bags | 插管; 驗米器
chiafng | guns; pistols | 鎗
chiafngkex | factory price | 廠價
chiafngkhaf | lame leg | 跛腳
chiafngkholee | kid’s game hopping a circule | 蹌箍螺
chiafngmiaa | call out names | 唱名
chiafngpaang | factory building; workshop | 廠房
chiafngsiefn | ride before the hounds; ride before the hounds | 搶先
chiafngsiofng | manufacturing business firm | 廠商
chiafngtø | advocate, read with a new idea | 搶道
chiahciafm | knitting needle | 刺針; 編織針
chiahkhaf | bare barefoot; bare footed; bare feet | 赤腳; 赤跤
chiahkhaf-siefn | unlicensed doctor quack | 赤腳仙; 密醫; 蒙古大夫
chiahoaf | luxurious, lavish, extravagant | 奢花; 奢華
chiahsafm | red cedar | 赤杉
chiahsoaf | brown sugar; brown sugar | 赤砂; 赤砂糖
chiahsvaf | knit clothing | 刺衫; 織衣
chiahtafn | erysipelas | 赤丹; 丹毒
chiahzafng | sea bream | 赤鬃; (魚)
chiahzafng-hii | red sea bream | 赤鬃魚
chiakafng | a lathe worker; transportation expenses; sewing expenses | 車工; 運費; 針線工資
chialiorng kiafmzaf | examination of motor vehicles | 車輛檢查
chiamtvaf | carrying pole with tapered ends | 扁擔; (長且兩端尖)
chiapafn | scheduled bus or train; number of runs or flights (of a bus or train) | 車班; 行車班次
chiapafng | run; trip (of bus; train) | 車班
chiaphaf-liefntao | to turn a somersault | 車拋輪斗; 翻跟斗
chiapthviaf | eavesdrop; eavesdropping | 竊聽
chiarngkhaf | dance with one foot | 䢢腳; 單腳跳
chiarngsviaf | raise voice against | 試看覓
chiathafng | car window | 車窗
chiatvoaf | (bus or train) ticket; train; bus ticket | 車單; 車票
chiauchiaf | overtake a car | 超車
chiauhoaf | sybaritic | 超華; 奢侈
chiautafng chiausay | turn over everything in a room | 移東移西; 亂翻東西
chie'afchiu | acacia | 刺仔樹
chie'aflii | hedge of thorns | 刺仔籬
chie'afpof | brier patch | 刺仔埔; 荊棘之地
chiechiaf | test run; trial run of a vehicle; trial run of machinery in a new factory | 試車
chied khaikoafn | switch on or off | 切開關; 開開關
chiefnsvoaf | hill; a knoll | 淺山
chiefnthoaf | slippers; loafer | 拖鞋
chiekoafn | crown of thorns | 刺冠; 茨冠
chieløafthaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛仔蟲; 毛毛蟲
chienkafng | delay in progress | 遷工; 拖延進度
chienkoafn | On the burial day to remove the coffin outside | 遷棺; 出葬日棺木移到外庭
chiensafn baxnsuie | a thousand mountains and rivers; distant places; journey from afar.. | 千山萬水
chiensafn-baxnsuie | numerous mountains and rivers; a long and arduous journey | 千山萬水
chiesoaf | a kind of shark | 刺鯊; 尖鰭鮫
chietphvix kiafmzaf | microscopic examination of affected tissue cut into very thin pieces; biopsy | 切片檢查
chiezhafng | prickly-ash; angelica-tree | 莿蔥; (一種樹名)
chikaf | house-keeping | 持家
chimboo oafnlu | think and plan for ahead | 深謀遠慮
chimboo-oafnlu | to think deeply and plan carefully | 深謀遠慮
chimkw-kafnzhud | to have little contact with the world | 深居簡出
chimky kafnzhud | lead a secluded life | 深居簡出
chimsafn | deep in the mountains | 深山
chimsvoaf nalai | in the depths of mountainous forest | 深山林裡
chimsvoaf | heart of the mountain; deep in the mountains | 深山
chin'afng | one's own husband | 親翁; 親夫
chincviakafn | among one's relatives | 親戚間
chinhviaf | real elder brother | 親兄
chiokpafn | freckles | 雀斑
chiongkaf | whore house | 娼家
chiongkoafn | extreme anger that makes the hair stand on end and raises the cap one's wearing | 衝冠
chiongkvoaf | to confiscate | 充官; 沒收
chiornghengkaf | a person able to move unhindered | 縱橫家
chipafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 持板; 舖木板
chirnsvaf | shirts; blouses | 襯衫
chit'afkhoef | drug store cowboy; girl watcher; stagedoor Johnny; gigolo | 七仔花; 喜歡玩弄女人的人
chitkhafng | seven holes | 七孔
chitkharpafng | a seven-piece puzzle; a Chinese puzzle | 七巧板
chitniumafsvy | a goddess birthday | 七娘媽生
chittaf | drying up | 擦乾
chitzafpehzar | early in the morning | 七早八早
chitzafpoehzar | early in the morning | 七早八早
chiu'afhiøh | leaves | 樹仔葉
chiu'aflefng | sap | 樹仔乳
chiu'afoef | branches | 樹仔矮; 樹枝
chiu'ioong moafbin | wear a sad look; look distressed | 愁容滿面
chiuafkhaf | foot of a tree; under the tree | 樹仔腳
chiuafngr | the shade of a tree | 樹仔蔭
chiuafoef | branches | 樹仔枝
chiuo khafn chiuo | made in hand | 手牽手
chiutafng | spring, summer, autumn, winter | 秋冬
chiuxcichiafm | shredded tapioca | 樹薯籤
chiuxkaf | resin; resin; gum | 樹膠; 樹脂
chiuxkhaf | under a tree | 樹腳; 樹跤; 樹下
chiw'oafn | the inside curve or crook of elbow | 手彎; 肘彎
chiwchiaf | rickshaw | 手車; 人力車
chiwcyaftvia | get engaged to someone | 手指仔定; 定婚
chiwkafng | handiwork; handmade; handiwork | 手工
chiwlafn | calluses on the hand | 手繭
chiwphang lafng | one who is not thrifty (Lit. the spaces between the fingers are wide) | 手縫鬆; 手指縫寬; 流財
chiwsiok kafnpien | procedure is simple | 手續簡便
chiwsiorngkaf | palmist | 手相家
chiwvoafkud | carpus | 手腕骨
chixlai-chiaf | city bus | 市內車
chixphafng | raise bees | 養蜂
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chiørsviaf | laughing sound; laughter; laughter | 笑聲
chiøx hahaf | laughing heartily; hearty; loud laughing | 笑哈哈
chvi'afzaang | a rash fellow; a reckless guy; a daredevil | 冒失鬼; 青仔欉
chviaf | clear; distinct; complete; pure; egg white; protein; albumen | 清
chviafban | avast; wait a moment; Hold it! Not so fast! | 且慢; 等一下
chviafcidpvy | this way, please | 請一邊
chviafciuo | treat with alcohol; invite guests to a banquet | 請酒; 請喝酒
chviafhwn | treat with cigarette | 敬煙
chviafiong | please help yourself | 請用
chviafkheq | entertain; feast; treat; invite guests; give a party | 請客
chviaflangkheq | banquet | 請人客
chviafleng | please order | 請令
chviafmng | May I ask; would you please tell me; May I ask you?; Please tell me… | 請問
chviafpien | do as you like; make yourself at home | 請便
chviafput | ask buddha | 請佛
chviafsiin | carry an idol in procession | 請神
chviaftarn | just a second | 且等
chviaftee | please drink tea; offer tea to a person | 請茶
chviafthiab | invitation; an invitation card | 請帖
chviaftoq | invite to a feast | 請桌
chviaftvoaf | invitation card | 請單
chviaftøq | entertain; feast; treat | 請桌; 擺桌宴客; 請赴宴會
chviafze | Please take your seat.; Please have a seat. | 請坐
chviafzhud | please go out | 請出
chviarchiaf | hire a cab or truck together with its driver | 雇車
chviarkafng | to hire worker; hired laborer; hire a workman | 僱工; 雇工
chvihoafn | barbarian | 生番
chvikhaf | (adj) unfamiliar; strange; (adj) unaccustomed; out of practice | 外行; 新人; 青腳
chvikviaf | frightened; startled | 青驚; 生驚; 吃驚; 受驚
chviu'afkhaf | wall worker | 牆仔腳
chviu'ar-khaf | foot of a wall | 牆仔跤
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
chviuokoaf | to sing; sing songs | 唱歌
chviuosy-pafn | church choir | 唱詩班
chviux hoafntiau | air an opposing view | 唱反調
chviux-hoafntiau | to harp on a discordant tune, to sing a different tone | 唱反調
chviuxkaf | rubber; rubber | 橡膠
chviuxopafn | get a spot on one's clothes; get moldy spots on cloth | 生烏斑
chviuxpafn | get a spot on one's clothes; get moldy spots on cloth | 生斑
chviuxsoaf | basking shark | 象鯊; 象鮫
chvizhawaftee | herbal medicine tea | 青草仔茶
chvizhawaftiaxm | herbal medicine tea shop | 青草仔店
chymsit put'afn | restless due to deep worries | 寢食無安
ciaarm'ciamciafm | very sharp (point) | 尖尖尖
ciaf thafng zhøe | can be find here | 此可尋
ciaf | here; this; here; to cover; here | 此; 遮; 這裡; 這裏; 這
ciaf-hiaf | here and there | 此彼; 這兒那兒
ciaf`ee | this | 這個
ciaf`nih | here; over here | 這裡
ciafm | to divine; needle; a pin; a stitch | 占; 一分錢; 占卜; 針; 打針; 抽籤; 尖
ciafmjieen | match; balance; correspond to; be equal to suitable; fit; appropriate; quite; fairly; considerably | 相當; 嶄然; 很
ciafng | to praise; name of a river in Fukien Province | 彰; 漳
ciafng'ab | to control | 掌握
ciafng'ag zerngkoaan | hold the reins of government | 掌握政權
ciafng'ag | under control; grasp | 掌握
ciafnghuun | palm prints | 掌紋
ciafngkoaan | to control | 掌權
ciafngkoarn | to be in charge of; to administer; to command; control; oversee | 掌管
ciafngkui | a shopkeeper; a manager (of a shop); accountant | 掌櫃; 出納
ciafngkui`ee | manager; shopkeeper (respectful term of address) | 掌櫃的
ciafngkym | a prize; a reward; an award; a bonus; bonus | 獎金
ciafngle | bonus | 獎勵
ciafnglie | manage | 掌理; 掌管
ciafngmngjiin | director of a Kung Fu school | 掌門人
ciafngphirn | prize; award; spoil | 獎品
ciafngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciafngsviuo | give a reward | 獎賞
ciafngtiofng | in hand; in one's hand | 掌中
ciafngtiongzw | one's beloved daughter | 掌中珠
ciafngtuu | to cook | 掌廚
ciafngzng | citation of meritorious service | 獎狀
ciah tiafmsym | take refreshments; have tea or a light lunch | 吃點心
ciah-bøextaf | cannot stand; unbearable; be unequal to the task | 吃未乾; 吃無消
ciahthafng | possible | 才通; 才可
ciam'afbie | kind of rice in Taiwan | 占仔米; 在來米之一種
ciamchiaf | sewing machine | 針車; 縫紉機; 裁縫機
ciamciafm | extremely shaped; tapering; pointed; sharp pointed | 尖尖; 尖尖的
ciamkhaf | needle stitch | 尖腳
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
ciamkhafng | pinprick; hole made by a needle | 針孔; 針空
ciamleftvoaf | calendar of feasts (Catholic) | 瞻禮單
ciamsoafn | acrid | 尖酸
ciamsviaf | penetrating sound, sharp sound | 尖聲; 尖銳聲
ciamsviaf-kiøx | strident | 尖聲叫
ciamtoafn | jut; acme; cusp; point; tip; high point; climax | 尖端
ciaokhykafng | according to the rules | 照紀綱; 按規矩
ciaothvoaf | divide expenses according to the stake or share that each has | 分攤
ciapji liensafm | one after the other; continuously; repeatedly | 接二連三
ciapkhaf | married to a husband or wife her or his spouse died | 接腳
ciappafn | relieve another at work; take turns | 接班
ciappafn-laang | a successor | 接班人
ciaptvoaf | orders | 接單
ciaq afnny | if so | 才如此
ciaqcvikvoaf | corrupted officers | 食錢官
ciaqkafng | requiring much time and (or) work; take a lot effort to accomplish | 吃工; 費工
ciaqpien niafhien | easy life not knowing hardship | 食便領現
ciaqpien niafpien | not worry about where the next meal is coming from | 吃便領便; 無需為生計操勞
ciaqpng-thviaf | dining hall, dining room | 吃飯廳; 食飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqpngxthviaf | dining room | 吃飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqsviaf | to make a show of strength | 食聲; 虛張聲勢
ciaqtafng ciaqsay | eat any thing | 吃東吃西; 吃這吃那
ciaqzhengniafpien | easy life | 食清領便
ciartoafn sengsu | stir up trouble on a pretext or excuse | 藉端生事
ciartoafn | pretend | 藉端; 借端
ciauhoaf jiafzhao | lascivious (usually said of a male); wolfish; a seducer of women | 招花惹草
ciaux khykafng | follow the rules, SOP | 照紀綱
ciaux sikafn | according to the determined time | 照時間; 按時
ciawafkhaf | bird's leg (said also of a person whose legs have skinny calves) | 鳥仔腳; 腿細
ciawafnng | bird's eggs | 鳥仔蛋
ciawafsiu | bird's nest | 鳥仔巢
ciawaftah | bird trap | 鳥仔踏
ciawkhaf | bird's feet | 鳥腳
ciawlafm | cage for birds | 鳥籠
cidbea koax liafng'voaf | a woman with two husbands (Lit. a horse with two saddles) | 一馬掛兩鞍; 一女配兩夫
cidciafm kviehoeq | pungent; incisive; to the point | 一針見血
cidciafm | one stitch | 一針
cidkafng | one day | 一工
cidkhaf larng | a basket | 一跤籃子
cidkhaf ti | an odd chopstick | 一跤筷子
cidkhaf | one foot | 一腳
cidkhafng-cidkhiaq | lot of small holes; many small faults | 一孔一隙; 很多小洞; 小毛病多
cidkoafar | a few | 一寡仔
cidkvoaf pvoarcid | unimportant official post | 一官半職
cidpafn | one class (school) | 一班
cidpafng | one trip on the schedule table | 一班; 一幫
cidphyafkviar | very small (stature) | 一痞仔囝; 人很小
cidpvoaf | the same kind, as usual | 一般
cidsiafng | a couple of; a pair of; pair | 一雙
cidsviaf | at a voice, at once word | 一聲
cidtafng | one year | 一冬
cidtiafm'ar | a dab of; a bit of | 一點仔
cidtiafmtiafm'ar | a little bit | 一點點仔
cidtiafmzefng | an hour | 一點鐘; 一個鐘頭
cidtiap'afkuo | for a moment, a very short time | 一霎仔久
cie zhuietaf | quench thirst | 止渴; 止嘴乾
cie-zhuietaf | quench thirst | 止嘴乾; 止喙焦; 止渴
ciekafng | volunteer | 志工
cienchiaf cy kaxm | learn from the failure of one's predecessor | 前車之鑑
cienthviaf | front hall | 前廳
cientoafn | the front end | 前端
ciernchiaf | tank; military tank | 戰車; 坦克車
ciernjixmkvoaf | official of recommended appointment rank | 薦任官
ciernkoaf | a battle-march, a war song | 戰歌
ciernliok-kaf | a strategist | 戰略家
ciernsudkaf | tactician; tactician | 戰術家
cierntoafn | the cause of war | 戰端
cietbogtvoaf | program of a concert or show | 節目單
cietserng sikafn | save time | 節省時間
ciexnkhaf ciexnchiuo | teasing others | 弄腳弄手
cihsvaf | fold clothes | 摺衫; 摺衣服
cikafn | just at the moment | 之間
cinkhongkoarn kiafmphøkhix | vacuum valve detector | 真空管檢波器
ciofngsviaf | applause | 掌聲
ciokkaf | add on | 酌加
ciokpafn | freckle | 雀斑
ciongkhoafn | lenient; be lenient in meting out punishment | 從寬
ciorngkvoaf | officer at the rank of admiral or general; military general | 將官
cip'hengkvoaf | executioner | 執行秘; 執行官
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
ciqciafm | tip of the tongue | 舌尖
cirmkhaf | bathe feet | 浸腳; 足浴
cirnkviaf | to enter into the capital | 進京
cirnsiw-pafn | class of refresher course | 進修班
cit'afhii | a crucian carp; crucian carp; fresh water fish | 鯽仔魚
cit'afhuu | crucian carp | 鯽仔魚
cit-tiafmzefng | this hour | 這鐘點
citciafm | knitting needle | 織針
citgiap goaxkaw-kvoaf | career diplomat | 職業外交官
citgiap soafnchiuo | professional athlete | 職業選手
citkafng | worker; weavers; officers and workers (in a plant, company etc.) workers with permanent jobs | 職工; 織工
citpafn | this class (school) | 這班
citpafng | this time | 此回; 這回; 這幫
citsiafng | this pair of | 這雙
citsviaf | ten percent, a tenth | 這聲
cittiafm'ar | a bit, a little | 這點仔
ciu afnnef | this way | 就按呢; 就這樣
ciu afnny | this way | 就如此
ciukafn | weekdays | 週間; 週內
ciukhafn sinbuun | weekly paper | 週刊新聞
ciukhafn zabcix | weekly magazine | 週刊雜誌
ciukhafn | weekly; weekly periodical; a weekly | 週刊
ciuokhafng | cavity; holes eaten by insects; cavities in decayed teeth | 蛀孔; 蛀洞
ciuthviaf | city hall | 州廳
ciuxafnnef | as a result | 就按呢
ciwkaf | a wine shop; a restaurant; a tavern; a bar; girlie restaurant | 酒家
ciwkaf-luo | mistress of tavern, tavern hostess, bar-mail, prostitute | 酒家女
ciwkafn | wine bottle; wine bottle | 酒矸; 酒瓶
ciwpaf | bar; bar for alcoholic drinks | 酒巴; 酒吧
cixnhoafn jii saxn | leave only after each has enjoyed himself to the utmost | 盡歡而散
cixnzeeng khoafnthai | treat with the utmost kindness | 盡情款待
ciø'afng | to adopt a husband | 招翁
ciøafng | take a husband | 招翁
ciøf kviafsaix | to accept or rather adopt a son-in-law who would live in the wife's home and assume the role of a son | 招子婿
ciøf-kviafsaix | take a son-in-law | 招子婿; 招囝婿; 招女婿
ciøh-boftafn | a kind of sundew | 茅膏菜; 錦地羅
ciøhtvoaf | a written acknowledgement for a debt | 借條; 借單
ciøkhaf | to recruit employee; invite people over for a little gambling | 招腳; 募員; 邀人來賭博
ciøkviafsaix | marry the daughter to a man who will live with her family and bear her family name (said of a family without a male heir) | 招囝婿
ciøqbø'afsym | man in the middle; coordinator; mediator; a person who suffers complaints from both disputants (Lit. pivot bar or center of the upper and lower mill stones) | 石磨仔心; 中人; 斡旋者
ciøqgafm'ar | stone steps | 石坎仔; 石階
ciøqkafmtofng | small stone tablet | 石敢當
ciøqkafng | stone worker | 石工
ciøqkhafng | stone holes | 石孔; 石洞
ciøqkoafn | stone coffin; stone coffin | 石棺
ciøqpafng | slab; flagstone; slate | 石枋; 石板
ciøqsvoaf | stone mountain | 石山
ciøqtaf | submerged rock or reef | 石焦; 暗礁
ciøqthauaflo | stone paved road; a gravel road | 石頭仔路
ciøqthaukhafng | hole in the rock | 石頭孔; 石洞
ciøsefng kafnciofng | brochure sent on request listing the essential points a student needs to know before taking the entrance examination of a school | 招生簡章
cviaa-khinsafng | very confortable, fresh, relaxed, free | 很輕鬆; 誠輕鬆
cviaf | correctitude; red; evil spirit; lean of meat | 正; 精; (瘦)肉; 赤; 瘦
cviaf`geh | January | 正月
cviaf`goeh | January | 正月
cviafbi | flavourless; washy | 淡味
cviafcviar | flavourless; washy; tasteless | 淡淡; 味淡
cviafphiqphuh | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡噗薄; 淡而無味
cviafseg | light color | 淡色
cviafsyn | flavourless; washy | 淡味; 淡身
cviaftiofng | midst, right in the middle | 正中
cviafzuie | fresh water; fresh water as opposed to brackish water | 淡水; 汫水
cviafzuyhii | fresh water fish | 淡水魚
cviafzuyoo | fresh water lakes | 淡水湖
cviakhafng | very hollow; wound | 很空; 成洞; 有傷口; 破孔
cviarhoafn | wild duck | 正番; 番鴨
cviarkhaf | right leg; right foot | 右腳
cviarthviaf | a main hall | 正廳
cviarzhafn | main meals of the day | 正餐
cviasiafng | twinned | 成雙
cvikhafng | The opportunity for making money | 錢孔; 賺錢機會
cvikoafn | money supply; short of money | 錢關
cvisviaf | (n) money amount | 錢聲; 金額
cviusvaf | to put start on the clothing; starch a garment | 漿衫; 漿衣服; 替衣服上漿
cviuxchiaf | get on car; enter a vehicle | 上車
cviuxkviaf | go to the capital; go to the metropolis | 上京
cviuxkvoaf | to take up an official post; to assume office | 赴任; 上官
cviuxpafn | to go to work; grow spots | 上班; 生斑點
cviuxsvoaf | up to the mountain; ascend a mountain | 上山
cviuxthviaf | to enter a hall | 上廳; 進入廳堂
cvix he'afcvix | deep fry breaded shrimp | 炸蝦仔煎
cybeafphvoa | female friends who are very close | 姊妹仔伴
cyciafm | a needle, hand (of clock), an indicator, a pointer | 指尖; 指針
cyhuikvoaf | a commanding officer; a commander | 指揮官
cykviaf | I am only afraid of that...; I suspect that.. | 只怕
cylaam-chiaf | a compass; a guiding principle | 指南車
cylaam-ciafm | a compass; a guiding principle | 指南針
cylamciafm | compass; swords | 指南針; 羅針
cymoeafphvoa | female close friends | 姊妹仔伴
cyn hafnkviaa | rear visit | 稀客; 好久沒有來; 真罕走
cytafng kofngsay | irrelevant; mislead with talk; talk nonsense; try to avoid the main theme by talking about something else (Lit. point to east and talk west) | 指東話西
cythviartafn | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛丹
e-pvoartafng | second half of the year | 下半冬; 下半年
eafzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
efkhaf | short and small | 矮腳
efng'afn | eternal peace | 永安
efsviaf | hoarse | 啞聲; 嗓子啞
eng'afhoef | Taiwanese rose | 鷹仔花; 小金英
eng'afoe | digression; gossip | 閒仔話; 閒話
eng'afphvi | hawk-nosed | 鷹仔鼻
eng'iaf | dust | 塵埃; 坱埃; 灰塵
enggiap sikafn | business hours | 營業時間
engkafng | leisure; leisure time work | 閒工; 閒工夫; 閒暇
engkoafn | crown | 榮冠
engsviaf-iernguo | the pleasant effect of a woman's voice (Lit. like an oriole singing and a swallow talking) | 鶯聲燕語
engzhuix gex køekhaf | nothing to do but lick chicken bones | 閒著啃雞腳
erngsviaf jii khie | raise as soon as the voice was heard | 應聲而起
erngsviaf jii tør | dead on the spot at the first shot | 應聲而倒
exhafm | lower jaw; chin | 下巴; 下蚶; 下眼瞼
exkhaf | undersurface; underside; lower part | 下面; 下跤; 下腳; 底下
exkhaf-chiuo | subordinate, assistant | 下跤手; 部下
exkhaf-zaan | lower level, lower class, lower story | 下腳層; 下一層
exkhaf-zaxn | lower level, lower class, lower story | 下腳層
exkhafm`teq | to be able to stand; to sustain; to withstand | 禁得起
exkhafm`tid | be worthy of; able to bear or to hold | 會堪得; 配得; 值得
exkviaf`laang | will be amazing | 會驚人
exngkafng | to use labor and time | 用工; 用功
expafn | next class | 下班
extafng | next harvest; next year; fall harvest (generally the tenth month rice harvest) | 下冬; 下一年; 下一期的作物
extea svaf | underwear | 下底衣
extefsvaf | undershirt; underwear | 下底衫
exthafng | to be able to; to be capable of | 可以
extid thafng | able to...; it can be.. | 可…
gafn'ab | intraocular pressure | 眼壓
gafnbak | the eye; spy who reports to someone what he sees | 眼目
gafnbok | eyes; serve as the eyes of another; a spy; essential points or parts | 眼目
gafncid | eye's disease | 眼疾
gafncieen | at the present time; before the eyes | 眼前
gafnha | at present; within survey | 眼下
gafnhog | lucky to see; feast for the eyes | 眼福
gafnkaix koaan | have one's standards set high | 眼界高
gafnkaix | ken; scope; one's field of vision | 眼界; 視界
gafnkhof | the eye socket | 眼眶
gafnkhø'y | ophthalmologist | 眼科醫; 眼科醫師
gafnkhøf ivi | ophthalmic hospital | 眼科醫院
gafnkhøf zoankaf | oculist | 眼科專家
gafnkhøf | ophthalmology | 眼科
gafnkhøivi | an eye clinic | 眼科醫院
gafnkhøy | eye doctor (surgeon) | 眼科醫
gafnkiuu | eyeball | 眼球
gafnkofng oafntai | foresight | 眼光遠大
gafnkofng | foresight; vision; discernment; power of judgment | 眼光
gafnkviarhaang | optician's shop | 眼鏡行
gafnkviax | glasses; spectacles | 眼鏡
gafnlek | eyesight | 眼力; 視力
gafnliarm | eyelid | 眼斂; 眼皮
gafnlui | tear | 眼淚
gafnphøee | eyelid | 眼皮
gafnpve | eye disease | 眼病; 眼疾
gafnpvi | eye disease | 眼病; 眼疾
gafnseg | eye sign | 眼色
gafnsiin | expression of the eyes; gleam in one's eye | 眼神
gafnsvoax | police informer leading to culprit's hide-out; eye line; in crime investigation | 眼線
gafntiofng-bujiin | supercilious; take no notice of others; arrogant | 眼中無人
gafntiongchix | the most hated person (Lit. thorn (nail) in the eye) | 眼中刺
gafntiongjiin | one greatly desired and esteemed; the apple of one's eye | 眼中人
gafntiongtefng | thorn on one's side; person hated; thorn in one's side | 眼中釘
gafntøea | the mind's eye; the eye ground | 眼中; 眼底
gafntøea-bujiin | expressions of pride and haughtiness | 目中無人; 眼底無人
gafnzeeng | present, before our eyes | 眼前; 目前
gafnzw | eye pupil; eyeball; eyeballs | 眼珠
gafsuhloo | gas stove | 瓦斯爐
gafsuq | gas | 瓦斯; 源自日語ガス(gasu)
gagkvoaf | prison or jail warden; official who in charge of music department | 獄官; 樂官
gaixkhaf gaixchiuo | be very much in the way | 礙手礙腳
gaixkhaf-gaixchiuo | be in the way; difficult to handle | 礙手礙腳
gegchiafm | the tuberose; jade clasp | 玉簪
gegkafng | jade worker | 玉工
gegzhaf | deficit | 逆差
geqkhafn | a monthly periodical | 月刊
gexsudkaf | artist | 藝術家
gexsut-kaf | artist | 藝術家
giab'uu soafnchiuo | amateur player; non-professional entrant | 業餘選手
giabbu sikafn | office (business) hours | 業務時間
giafmgiarm | uncomfortable | 儼儼
giafmgve | resilient | 儼硬
giafmgvi | fortitude; firm; resolute (of strong character) | 硬朗; 儼硬; 堅韌; 堅忍
giafmjieen | as if, act like | 儼然
giafmsiaau | loath; to hate; be disgusted with; disgust | 討厭; 厭惡; 憎恨
giafng | cool; ring; good | 爽; 鈃; 好; 按鈴; 鈴
giakafng | centipede | 蜈公; 蜈蚣
giamkaf koafnsog | exercise strict discipline over (juniors or subordinates) | 嚴加管束
giamtafng | harsh winter | 嚴冬
gianggiafng`leq | let the bell clang | 鈴鈴咧
giaqciafm | holding a pin | 舉針
giaxmsikvoaf | coroner | 驗屍官
giaxmtvoaf | inspection bill | 驗單
giedkhiet'afoe | idiom | 孽譎仔話
gieen zhud juu safn | A promise is a promise | 言出如山
giefnkiuopafn | post-graduate class | 研究班
giet'afthaang | scorpion | 蠍子蟲; 蠍子
gikaf | be a good wife | 宜家
gimcvikhaf | under the eaves | 屋簷下
gimsy-pafn | church choir | 吟詩班; 唱詩班
ginciafm | silver needle | 銀針
ginhangkaf | banker | 銀行家
ginkhafm | silver shrine | 銀龕; 神龕
ginsvoaf | silver mountain | 銀山
giogsafn | Mount Ali | 玉山
giwauxkhaf | expose another's defects | 扯後腳
giwkhaf-giwchiuo | hold hands and pull feet; pull and push | 扭腳扭手; 拉手扯腳
gixhviaf | sworn elder brother | 義兄
gixkafng | a voluntary worker, a volunteer | 義工
gixkhaf | artificial leg | 義腳
gixkoafn | voluntary contribution; voluntary donation | 義捐
gixsuxthviaf | council chamber | 議事廳
goadkuiekoafn | laurel wreath | 月桂冠
goafnbi | to appreciate slowly; slowly appreciate | 玩味
goafnkhu | toys | 玩具
goafnkhuxtiaxm | toy shop | 玩具店
goafnku | toy | 玩具
goafnlong | toy with; play jokes on; to fool; seduce (a girl) | 玩弄
goafnsiorng | enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
goafnsviuo | enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
goantvoaf | original bill or list | 原單
goaxiafchiuo | outfielders | 外野手
goaxkaukaf | skillful diplomat; expert in diplomacy | 外交家
goaxkaukvoaf | diplomat; diplomatic official | 外交官
goaxkoafn | outer appearance; outward appearance | 外觀
goaxpafng | foreign country; ; foreign nations | 外邦; 外國
goaxpafng-laang | gentile | 外邦人
goaxsvaf | outer garment; coat | 外衫; 外衣
goaxzek løkafng | foreign laborers | 外籍勞工
goeqkhafn | monthly publication; a monthly | 月刊
gongchiaf | carsick | 暈車
gongsvoaf | get lost in the mountains | 傻山; 迷山路
goxhun'afchiaf | narrow gauge railway | 五分仔車
goxhunchiaf | small train | 五分車
goxhwn-chiaf | narrow gauge railway | 五分車; 小火車
goxkhafn | publish something incorrectly | 誤刊
goxmafhoef | entangle and involve | 五馬花; 糾纏無清
goxngkafng | kind of work that you don't have to use brains to do; to work but employer cheats you out of your pay | 憨工; 沒有成就的工作; 工作拿無到錢
goxsiesvaf | dubious; shady; neither one thing nor the other; nondescript; to add thing that have nothing to do with the matter | 五四三; 無倫不類; 無關緊要的話
goxthviaf | mishear | 誤聽
goxzafngthaau | the most important part; the why and wherefore of a thing (Lit. where the plant connects to the root) | 五蔥頭; 植物接近根部處
goxzhaf | difference; inaccuracy; error; error (in mathematics) | 誤差
guafkhox | blue-jean | 牛仔褲
guafkviar | calf | 牛仔囝; 牛犢子
gubahkvoaf | beef-jerky | 牛肉乾
guchiaf | ox-cart; ox cart | 牛車
guihiafmbut | dangerous goods; e.g.; explosives; poisons; inflammables | 危險物
gukaf | glue made from cowhide | 牛膠
gukafng | steer | 牛公; 公牛; 去勢牛
gukhaf | ox-feet | 牛腳
gukofng isafn | determined effort can move a mountain; Where there's a will; there's a way | 愚公移山
guphafng | hornet | 牛蜂
guphoekaf | glue made from cow-hide | 牛皮膠
guphøekaf | glue | 牛皮腳; 牛皮膠
gutvaf | cattle's shoulder pole; yoke for a cow or ox (for plowing or pulling an ox cart) | 牛擔; 牛軛
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
guzhuieafm | mask for cow to prevent eating while working | 牛喙罨
guzhuielafm | muzzle (for calf or ox) | 牛嘴罩; (以防止亂吃農作物)
gvafaix | your kindness; your gracious; graceful love | 雅愛
gvafbong | your good reputation | 雅望
gvafcip | hold meeting of scholars or poets | 雅集
gvafgak | ceremonial music (in ancient China); Chinese classical music | 雅樂
gvafgieen | honest advice; well-intentioned criticism | 雅言
gvafgvar | feel gentle and graceful | 雅雅
gvafhefng | mood to enjoy some quiet pleasure (chess | 雅興
gvafhø | your gracious or poetic name | 雅號
gvafiuo | friends among the poets or scholars | 雅友
gvafix | your ideas | 雅意
gvafjiin | a person of poetic temperament; man of refinement and culture | 雅人
gvafkaxm | for your perusal (archaic) | 雅鑒
gvafkerng | a lovely view; a graceful scenery; a beautiful scene | 雅景
gvafkheq | kindness visitor; graceful guest; refined traveler | 雅客
gvafkhix | elegance | 雅氣; 高雅
gvafkoafn | grace; concinnity; nice appearance; fine sight | 雅觀
gvafkøf | the Song of Solomon; Canticle of Canticles (Catholic); Song of Songs (Protestant) | 雅歌
gvafliong | generous; your gracious; great drinking capacity; magnanimity | 雅量
gvafsiok | elegant custom; refined culture; cultivated custom; the refined and the vulgar | 雅俗
gvafsu | elegant affairs; refined business; graceful job | 雅事
gvaftiern | elegant and classic; refined | 雅典; 典雅
gvaftiong | elegant and respect | 雅重
gvaftix | elegance | 雅致; 雅緻
gvafun | elegant rhymes | 雅韻
gvafzhux | elegant taste; refined pleasure | 雅趣
gvexcviaf | hardy, strong | 硬正
gviakoafn | receive a coffin | 迎棺
gviauqgviauqsoafn | writhe; to wriggle | 蠕蠕旋; 滾動
gvixcviaf | hardy, strong | 硬正
gvofafn | good afternoon | 午安
gvofgek takekvoaf | disobedient to one's father-in-law and mother-in-law | 忤逆公婆; 忤逆乾家官
gvofhiafng | a mixture of various spices | 五香
gvofkoafn toanzexng | pleasant looking face with the five organs in normal shape and position | 五官端正
gvofkoafn | the five senses organs (ears | 五官
gvofzhafn | lunch | 中餐; 午餐
gvoxchiaf | railway sleeping car | 臥車
gwgoaan-hagkaf | etymologist | 語源學家
gygieen-hagkaf | linguist; philologist | 語言學家
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
gymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor--one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
gyn'afhviaf | young boy | 囡仔兄
gyn'afkafng | child-labor | 囝仔工; 童工
gyn'afkhoarn | childlike; childish | 囝仔款; 孩子氣
gyn'afkoaf | kids songs | 囡仔歌
gyn'afkviar | toddler | 囡仔囝
gyn'aflaang | children | 囝仔人; 孩子
gyn'afphie | very young child | 囝仔痞; 小鬼
gyn'afphvoa | children companions | 囝仔伴; 玩伴
gyn'afsexng | childish | 囡仔性
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'aftorng | kids gang | 囝仔黨
gyn'afvef | infant | 囡仔嬰
gyn'afvy | infant | 囝仔嬰; 囡仔嬰; 嬰兒
gyn'afzay | toddler | 囡仔栽
gyn'afzexng | infantile diseases | 囝仔症; 小兒病症
gyn'ar-chiaf | baby carriage; stroller | 囡仔車; 童車; 兒車
gyn'ar-koaf | children's songs; children's folk song | 囡仔歌; 童歌; 兒歌; 童謠
gynnafkoaf | children's songs | 囡仔歌; 童謠
gøafkviar | gosling | 鵝仔囝; 小鵝
gøeqkhafn | a monthly periodical | 月刊
gøkafng | gander | 鵝公; 公鵝
gøxchiaf | railway sleeping car; sleeper | 臥車
hab'afthaxn | a business where the cost is equal to the gross profit; not counting operating cost | 合仔趁
habchiafm | co-signed | 合簽; 連署
habhoafn | happily together | 合歡
habkaf | the whole family | 閤家; 闔家; 合家
habpafn | combine classes into one | 合班
hae-katafng | black mangrove | 海加冬
haf | attempt to do; be adequate for; be a match for; laughing voice | 哈; 冒然嚐試; 呵氣
haf-hof siøf | warm freezing hands with breath | 呵熱; 呵手; 呵乎燒
hafm | clam; coquettish; a section (sugar-cane); jaw | 蚶; 加; 眼皮腫; 憨; 蔗節; 顎; 眼腫
hafm'ar | hammer | 槌仔
hafmhoea | to regret in mind | 後悔
hafmpvie | hammer to flat | 撼扁; 打扁
hafmsie | hammer to dead | 撼死; 重擊致死
hafmuq | ham (外來語) | 洋火腿; 源自日語ハム(hamu)
hafmzhuix | hit into pieces | 撼碎; 打碎
hafn | coquettish | 番; 釬; 頇; 憨
hafn'iong | seldom used | 罕用; 少用
hafn'iuo | very rare; rare | 罕有; 少有
hafn'oafn | grievance appeal | 喊冤
hafng | toast; dry out at a fire; warm at a fire; bake; warm up | 烘; 烤; 取暖
hafngheg | terrify by threats | 哄嚇; 恐嚇
hafngheq | to threat | 哄嚇; 嚇唬
hafnghoaq | intimidate; make threats; to threaten; to menace | 哄喝; 喊嚇
hafngphiexn | to defraud; to swindle; to cheat | 哄騙
hafngsex | position to threat someone | 哄勢; 虛喝
hafngsut | to cheat by a hoax | 哄術; 又嚇又騙
hafngthaau | bluff | 哄頭; 嚇人的態度
hafnhafn'ar | once in a long while | 罕罕仔; 偶而
hafnharn | rarely | 罕罕; 稀罕
hafnhoaf | scream silently | 喊嘩; 無聲叫嘩
hafnhoaq | outcry | 喊叫; 喊喝
hafnhoong | bluff | 罕逢; 稀遇
hafnkiexn | rarely meet with; rarely see; seldom seen | 罕見
hafnkiøx | outcry; vocalise; exclamation | 喊叫
hafnkviaa | rare move | 稀客; 罕行; 很少來; 久未走動
hafnkvix | rarely see | 罕見
hafnlaai | come around once in a great while | 罕來; 少來
hafnmih | rare thing | 罕物
hafnsu | rare event | 罕事
hafntid iong | seldom used | 罕得用; 少用
hafntid | rarely, unusual, abnormal | 罕得; 罕有的; 無常的
hagkaf | scholar | 學家
hagkafm | a proctor | 學監
hahaf taixchiøx | roar with laughter; to laugh heartily | 哈哈大笑
hahaf | sound of smile | 呵呵
ham'oafn | grievance; be wronged; to be the victim of an unjust charge | 含冤
ham'oafn-bogpek | unable to clear oneself of a false accusation or to redress a wrong | 含冤莫白
hamhafm | somewhat swelled up | 腫脹
hancichiafm | grated sweet potato | 甘薯簽
hang'afkhao | the entrance to a lane | 巷仔口
hanghaykaf | navigation; seafarer | 航海家
hangkaf | a professional; an expert | 行家
hangpafn | flight | 航班
hangtaf | dry things by the fire | 烘乾; 烤乾
hansafn | poverty; unpresentable dress or gifts | 寒酸
hansoafn | say hello; to talk about the weather; poverty; unpresentable dress or gifts; very niggardly | 寒暄; 寒酸
hansoafn-khuix | shabby | 寒酸氣
hanzuchiafm | shredded yam | 番薯簽
hanzuu-chiafm | julienne sweet-potato | 蕃薯簽
hanzuu-kvoaf | dried sweet-potato slices | 蕃薯干
haqkhaf | shoes fitting well; fit the foot | 合腳
harnkafn | traitor; a spy; one who betrayed China; traitor to China | 漢奸
harsvaf | mourning dress | 孝服; 孝衫
haux kafmtong thiefn | filial piety can move Heaven | 孝感動天
hauxchiaf | waiting a bus or train; school bus | 候車; 校車
hauxhiaf | dipper made of half a dried gourd | 杓子; 鱟桸
hauxhoaf | campus queen; school belle | 校花
hauxkafng | school worker; school janitor | 校工
hauxkhaf-hauxchiuo | slow | 慢吞吞的
hauxkoaf | school song; college song | 校歌
hauxsoafnjiin | a candidate; candidate in elections | 候選人
hauxsoafnliin | candidates | 候選人
hauxtafnghoe | board of directors or trustees of a school | 校董會
hawoafn | to cry out because of injustice | 哮冤; 叫冤屈
hawsviaf | roaring sound | 吼聲
hawzhafn | weak crying | 呻吟
haxkafng | leave after the work | 下工
haxkvoaf | lower level employee | 下官
haxleng sikafn | Daylight Saving Time | 夏令時間
haxmafuy | enforcing strict disciplinary action when one first takes office; warn against insubordination | 下馬威
haxnsvaf | T-shirt | 汗衫
haxpafn sikafn | closing time | 下班時間
haxpafn | leave the office; off duty; go off duty | 下班
haxsafn | down the hill | 下山
hay'afm | small tarpon | 海鰱; 大眼海鰱
hay'afng | whale, dolphin, porpoise | 海翁; 鯨魚
hay'oafn | bay | 海灣
hayafng | whale | 海翁; 鯨魚
hayhayaf | careless; casual; fair; so-so | 海海仔; 馬馬虎虎
haykhaf | seaside | 海腳; 沿海; 海濱; 海邊
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
haykoafn | custom; customshouse (sea barrier) | 海關
haykoafn-søex | customs due, duty | 海關稅
hayoafn | bay; gulf; bay | 海灣
haypafng | maritime nation | 海國; 海邦
haysafm | a sea cucumber; sea slug | 海蔘
haysafnbee | seafood congee | 海產糜
haysafnmoee | seafood congee | 海產糜
haysoaf | sea sand; sand | 海砂; 海沙
haytea bofng ciafm | impossible to find (look for a needle in the sea) | 海底撈針
haytea tiexnlafmsvoax | submarine cable | 海底電纜線
haythafn | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海灘
haytøea-bongciafm | to grope a needle from the bottom of the sea | 海底摸針
hayzhafng | a kind of sedge | 海茢
he peng'afn | pray for peace | 求平安
he'afkee | pickled shrimp | 蝦仔醬; 蝦醬
heachiaf | truck | 貨車
heafkhag | shell of a shrimp | 蝦仔殼
heafkøo | bamboo basket for catching shrimp with a funneled mouth which allows the shrimp entrance and prevents escape | 捕蝦籠; 蝦仔籠
hefchiaf | train | 火車
hefsiøsvoaf | forest fire | 火燒山
hefsvoaf | vocalno | 火山
hefthafng | stove | 火熥
hegzuo hoafn'erngloo | nuke reactor | 核子反應爐
hengchiaf cipciaux | car license | 行車執照
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
hengchiaf | movement of vehicles | 行車
hengkafng | start construction work | 興工
hengkhafmkud | chest bone; breast bone | 胸坎骨; 肋骨
hengkhafmmngg | chest hair | 胸坎毛; 胸毛
henglychiaf | baggage car; baggage coach | 行李車
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzerngkvoaf | administrative officials | 行政官
hengzerngtviwkvoaf | top administrator in an area or region | 行政長官
hengzexng-kikoafn | administrative organization | 行政機關
hengzexng-kvoaf | executive or administrative officer | 行政官
hesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hi'afchi | fish market | 魚仔市
hiablegchiaf | bicycle or vehicle powered by two or more people | 協力車
hiaciafm | point of the shoe | 靴尖
hiaf | there; ladle, a scoop, to scoop, to ladle, to net something out of the water | 彼; 遐; 那裡; 靴; 瓠; 那
hiaf-ciaf | there | 彼此; 那兒這兒
hiaf`ee | those | 遐的
hiaf`khylaai | ladle out | 舀起來
hiafm | hot; tastes hot like peppers or capsicums | 辛; 薟; 欣; 香; 辣; 辣的
hiafm'aix | steep and narrow place | 險要; 隘口
hiafm'iaux | strategic place able to be easily defended; dangerous yet important | 險要
hiafm'og | malicious; evil; treacherous | 險惡
hiafmbea | dangerous hours | 險馬
hiafmhiarm | almost | 險險; 險些兒; 差一點兒; 幾乎
hiafmhiw | cold to stop | 喊咻
hiafmkerng | dangerous situation; precarious position | 險境
hiafmkex | dangerous plan | 險計
hiafmlo | dangerousness; dangerous way; dangerous road | 險路
hiafmsie | near death event or accident | 險死; 差一點死
hiafmzax | treacherous; treachery; deceitful | 險詐
hiafmzhux | dangerous place | 險處
hiafmzor | difficult to cross | 險阻
hiafmzuxn | (cliff) steep | 險峻
hiafng | village; the country as contrasted with a city or town; rural; a small administrative unit comprising several villages; one's native place or birth place | 鄉; 香
hiafng'exng | echo in support; respond favorably; rise in support | 響應
hiafng'iong | enjoy the use of | 享用
hiafng'iuo | possess; have in possession | 享有
hiafngbea | robber; bandit | 響馬; 土匪
hiafngboefzoaa | rattle snake | 響尾蛇
hiafngbøea-zoaa | rattlesnake | 響尾蛇
hiafngcin | enjoy all of; enjoy fully | 享盡
hiafnghiarng | resonating well | 響響
hiafnghog | enjoy happiness; have blessings | 享福
hiafngkvix | enjoy looking at | 享見; 悅目
hiafngliang | loudness; loud and clear | 響亮
hiafnglok | seek pleasure; make merriment | 享樂
hiafnglok-zwgi | hedonism | 享樂主義
hiafngløo | strike loud of a gong | 響鑼
hiafngnii | natural span of life of one who dies old | 享年; 享壽
hiafngsiu zheng'eeng | enjoy an easy and comfortable life | 享受清閒
hiafngsiu | natural span of life of one who dies old | 享年; 享受; 享壽
hiafngsviaf | sound; an echo; a noise | 響聲
hiafngtø | act as guide; lead | 嚮導
hiamhiafm | pungent | 辛辛; 薟薟
hiamtafng-hiamsay | criticise everything of no exact | 嫌東嫌西
hiangzhoafn | village; countryside; rural area | 鄉村
hiaqkhaf | middle of the forehead just below the boundary of the hair | 額腳
hiarm'oafn | call for justice | 喊冤
hiarmsviaf | shouts and screams | 喊聲
hiauhthafn | warped and deformed | 藃蟶
hiauthafn | break an agreement; go back on one's word; fail to keep one's promise; wood bend | 乾彎; 翅起; 翹曲; (板)
hiaxkafng | people who makes the tiles; bricks | 瓦工
hiekek-kaf | a dramatist | 戲劇家
hien'afkhaf | people who play string instrument | 絃仔腳; 提琴手
hien-kaukoafn | deal in dash | 現交關; 現金交易
hienkoafn | (n) vestibule; entrance (hall) | 玄關
hiepafn | whole company of actors | 戲班; 演員
hiepvekhaf | foot of a stage | 戲台下
hiernkafng | offer one's labor or time | 獻工; 奉獻(時間
hiernkvoaf | offer an official job | 獻官
hiet'ek-kiafmzaf | blood test | 血液檢查
hietvoaf | program menu | 戲單; 節目表
hiexntai zokkaf | modern writer | 現代作家
hihafnkviar | only son; a spoilt child | 稀罕囝; 寵溺獨子; 寶貝兒子
hihoaf | luxury; sumptuous; vain | 虛榮; 虛華; 噪聲; 徒然
hihy-hahaf | laugh and chatter | 嘻嘻呵呵; 嘻嘻哈哈
hihy-hoahoaf | make a great commotion | 嘻嘻花花
hikaf | fish gelatine; glue | 魚膠
hikhafng | vain, empty, meaningless | 虛空; 空虛
hikhoaf | boastful, exaggerative | 虛華; 虛誇
hikvaf | fish glue, isinglass | 魚膠
hikvoaf | dry fish; dried fish | 魚乾; 魚干
hinchiaf | car-sick.; carsickness | 暈車
hinsoaf | sudden cramps and dizziness | 暈砂; 發痧
hinsvoaf | mountain-sick | 暈山; 昏眩; 因登山而暈眩; 眩山
hiofngkoafn | tax office, toll-gate | 薪關
hiongkafn | countryside, country district | 鄉間
hiongkafngkhaf | Hong Kong foot; athlete's foot | 香港腳
hiongkarng-khaf | Hong Kong foot, athlete's foot | 香港腳; 香港跤
hiongpien-kaf | debater, orator | 雄辯家
hiongzhoafn kaoiok | rural education | 鄉村教育
hiongzhoafn | rustic; village; countryside | 鄉村
hiorngkoafn | tax office | 餉關
hitkafng | that day | 彼工
hitkhafng | that hole | 彼孔; 那件
hitpafn | that class | 彼班
hitpafng | that schedule of a airline, bus, or train | 彼班
hiukhafn | stop publication; magazines; no issue (as on holidays) | 休刊
hixkhafng khyn | light ear- easy to be convinced | 耳孔輕
hixkhafng | ear hole | 耳孔
hizhoafn | fishing village | 漁村
hiøhchiaf | stop the car; park the car | 停車; 歇車
hiøhkafng | stop work for a time | 停工; 歇工
hiøhkhaf | rest for a short time | 歇腳; 停腳
hiøhtafng | winter break | 歇冬
hm'afkyn | roots of the gramineous | 茅草根; 茅仔根
hm'afog | thatched cottage | 茅仔屋
hm'afzhao | gramineous plants (belonging to the grass family of plants) | 茅仔草; 茅草
hoaan gvor høsafn | a slogan meaning; Let's restore our lost land! | 還我河山
hoadtvoaf | fine | 罰單
hoaf hvor goat oaan | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hoaf | flower; blossom; varicolored; to spend | 花; 化; 熄滅
hoafn | turn; translate; recondition; unintelligible; unreasonable; ignorant; barbarous | 翻; 番
hoafn'aang | turn red | 反紅; 變紅色
hoafn'axn | reverse the decision of a lower court | 翻案; 反案
hoafn'exng | responses; reaction; feed back; reflect | 反應
hoafn'exng-but | reactant | 反應物
hoafn'ioxng | reflect (like an image in a mirror; or on one's inner feelings); a reflection on one's personality; performance | 反映
hoafn'm | to break a contract | 反無; 違約
hoafn'ngg | turn yellow; changed into yellow | 反黃; 變黃
hoafn'nngr | soften | 反軟
hoafn'oe | talking oppositely; statements that are contrary to what the speaker really believes | 反話
hoafn'of | anti-black | 反黑
hoafn'ui | feel like vomiting | 反胃
hoafn'viax | to reflect | 反應
hoafn-koealaai | turn over | 翻過來
hoafn-lirntngr | turn over | 倒轉身; 翻轉; 翻輾轉
hoafnbi | to develop an odor | 走味; 反味
hoafnbiet | to melt into nothingness | 幻滅
hoafnbin busioong | always changing | 反面無常
hoafnbin buzeeng | fight; to squabble (with a change of facial expression old friendship is completely forgotten) | 反面無情
hoafnbin | the reverse side; obverse; turn a cold shoulder; the back side | 反面
hoafnbok | draw apart; quarrel; fight | 反目
hoafnbuun | radical of the Chinese character for bun | 漢字部首之一
hoafnchvie | (v) realize; dawn upon; become aware of some sort of cheating | 反醒; 復甦; 覺醒
hoafnchvy | turn green | 反青; 變青色
hoafnciaux | be reflected like a light | 返照; 反照
hoafnciøx | reflection of light; to flash back | 反照; 返照; 反射
hoafncviax | to come over from the rebel's camp; in either case | 反正
hoafngek | rebellion; treason; revolt against | 背逆; 反逆
hoafnguo | an irony | 反語
hoafnhauxjit | day during school vacation on which students must attend classes | 返校日
hoafnheeng | to change behavior | 反形; 行動性格轉變; 變壞
hoafnheg'uxntong | Opposition to nuclear energy | 反核運動
hoafnhegjinsu | Anti-nuclear Protests | 反核人士
hoafnhiaw | to violate | 反僥; 變心; 背約; 無認帳
hoafnhiofng | return hometown | 返鄉
hoafnhiorng | an echo, a response | 反響
hoafnhoa | disturbance; uproar | 反譁; 騷動
hoafnhoarn | non-specific | 泛泛; 有若無
hoafnhoea | to regret; repentance | 反悔; 後悔
hoafnhoee | to return | 返回
hoafnhofng | suddenly a wind starts blowing | 反風; 突然間起風
hoafnhog busioong | unstable in mind; inconsistent or changeable (said a person) | 反覆無常
hoafnhog | back and forth; repetitiousness; again and again; change mind; recurrence | 反覆
hoafnhok | repeated, time and again, reversal | 反覆; 反復,反覆
hoafnjii | on the contrary; instead; contrarily | 反而
hoafnkafn | to alienate the enemy coalition; good person turning bad | 反間; 反奸
hoafnkafn-kex | a stratagem of showing distrust among one's enemies | 反間計
hoafnkankex | alienating measure | 反間計
hoafnkantiap | counter espionage | 反間諜
hoafnkarm | antipathy; unfavorable feeling | 反感
hoafnkefng | deny what one has said | 翻供; 反供
hoafnkeg | counter attack; fight back | 反擊
hoafnkhie-hoafntør | not dependable; always changing; fickle; capricious; can't determine things | 反覆無常; 時好時壞; 沒主見; 反起反倒
hoafnkhorngkii | opposition to authority phase of human development | 反抗期
hoafnkhoxng | revolt at; to hit back; to rebel against; resistance | 反抗
hoafnkiong uxntong | anti communist movement | 反共運動
hoafnkiong | anti-communist; anti communism | 反共
hoafnkiong-khornggvoo | a KMT slogan against communist and Russia | 反共抗俄
hoafnkngf | reflected light; light reflection | 反光
hoafnkoax | change mind | 變卦; 反卦
hoafnkofng hogkog | counter attack and restore one's country | 反攻復國
hoafnkofng taixliok | counter attack the mainland | 反攻大陸
hoafnkofng | counter attack; fight back | 反攻
hoafnkongkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反光鏡; 反射鏡
hoafnkorng | reply to criticism | 反講
hoafnkox | look back; to review; reflect; reflection | 反顧
hoafnkvaf | strategy to alienate allies | 反間; 反監
hoafnkøx | to countercharge | 反告
hoafnlaau | turn and begin to flow | 反流
hoafnlierntngr | turn upside down; in a moment | 反輾轉; 一轉眼; 翻輾轉; 倒轉身
hoafnloan | social disorder; chaos | 反亂; 造反
hoafnlun | antithesis | 反論; 相反
hoafnluxn | moist; damp | 潮濕
hoafnløo | turn turbid | 反濁
hoafnlør-hoantoong | regain youth; rejuvenate oneself | 返老還童
hoafnmng | response with a question | 反問
hoafnnor-hoantoong | to rejuvenate | 反老還童
hoafnpag | vomit | 反腹; 吐
hoafnpak | hands tied on the back | 反綁
hoafnpan | reverse | 反辦; 與樣品相異
hoafnpeh | turn white; changed into white | 反白; 轉白; 變白
hoafnphaix | opposition faction | 反派; 反對派
hoafnpiexn | to revolt | 反變; 叛變; 變化
hoafnpo | to repay one's parents when they get old | 反哺
hoafnpoan | to rebel; to revolt; to be in revolt against; revolt | 反叛
hoafnpoe | to rebel; turn the back | 背叛; 反背
hoafnpog | to retort; to controvert; to answer back; confute | 反駁
hoafnpøx | to opposite the news | 反報
hoafnseg | turn color | 變色
hoafnserng | introspection; examine oneself; self-reflection; self-questioning; meditate | 反省
hoafnsia | reflection; mirroring; reflect light or heat | 反射
hoafnsiaxkviax | reflecting mirror; reflector | 反射鏡
hoafnsiaxloo | reverberatory furnace | 反射爐
hoafnsib | turn wet | 反濕
hoafnsie | covert; in disguised form | 反死; 反而糟
hoafnsioong | covert; in disguised form | 變相; 反常
hoafnsioong`ee | preposterous | 反常的
hoafnsiorng | fantasy; illusion | 幻想
hoafnsioxng | a sudden temporary change in character; personal type; temperament | 反相; 性格轉變
hoafnsiw | anti-revisionism | 反收; 反修
hoafnsngf | something turns sour; spoils | 變酸; 反酸
hoafnsox | to resort | 反訴
hoafnsviu | think it over, reflect on | 反想
hoafnsym | heart changed | 反心; 變心
hoafntex | anti-imperialism, to oppose imperialism | 反帝
hoafnthvy | the weather changes from sunny to cloudy or rainy | 反天
hoafntiau | opposing view; sing off key | 反調
hoafntiuo | radius of arm | 反肘; 撓骨; 手臂半徑
hoafntngfnii | next year | 反轉年; 隔年
hoafntngr | turn back; on the contrary | 返轉; 反過來; 反之; (而)
hoafntok uxntong | anti-drug campaign | 反毒運動
hoafntong susiorng | reactionary idea | 反動思想
hoafntong | reactionary; reaction | 反動; 反動(反作用)
hoafntong-huxnzuo | reactionary elements | 反動份子
hoafntong-lat | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoo | rebel, traitor | 反徒; 叛徒
hoafntoxnglek | reaction force | 反動力
hoafntoxngphaix | reactionary party | 反動派
hoafntuix | oppose; come out against; raise an objection to | 反對
hoafntuix-ciar | adversary, opponent | 反對者
hoafntuix-torng | opposition party | 反對黨
hoafntvoaa | rebound | 反彈
hoafnviax | reflect (like an image in a mirror; or on one's inner feelings); a reflection on one's personality or performance; to express opinion to a higher echelon | 反映
hoafnzerng | mutate like plants or animals; plant or animal mutation; hybrid | 突變; 變種; 反種
hoafnzex | counterattack | 反制
hoafnzexng | a disproof; counter evidence; change for the better or worse (political situation | 反證; 病情轉變; 反症
hoafnzhat | traitor | 反賊; 叛賊
hoafnzhuix | deny what has been said | 翻供; 反嘴
hoafnzhvef | turn green out of fear | 反青; 變青色
hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 反拙
hoafnzoarn | to turn back; turn inside out | 反轉
hoafnzof | to ruminate, rumination | 反芻
hoafnzok'iong | reaction | 反作用
hoafnzuo | After the burial the memorial tablet is taken home | 反主; 出葬後神主牌奉回家中
hoahciaf-hoahhiaf | let off a string of invectives; denounce openly | 罵來罵去; 喝這喝彼
hoahoaf kongzuo | playboy; a fop | 花花公子
hoahoaf seakaix | hedonistic and material world | 花花世界
hoahoaf-kongzuo | playboy | 花花公子
hoahoaf-seakaix | the gay and material world | 花花世界
hoahsviaf | calling sound; make a noise | 喊聲; 呼喊; 出聲
hoaisafn | mountain yam as a mediciane | 淮山
hoakoafn | corolla; gaily decorated hat or cap | 花冠
hoan'afhea | matchbox | 番仔火
hoan'afhoea | matches | 番仔火; 火柴
hoan'afhøea | match | 番仔火; 火柴; 洋火
hoan'afiuu | kerosene | 番仔油; 煤油
hoan'afkuie | foreign devil | 番仔鬼; 洋鬼子
hoan'afkviw | pimiento; cayenne; capsicum; hot pepper | 番仔薑; 辣椒
hoan'aflaau | western-style house | 番仔樓
hoan'afmoaf | cloak | 番仔幔
hoan'afoe | aborigine dialect; unlawful talk | 蕃仔話; 蠻橫話
hoan'aftau | flat beans with pod; like the ordinary pea | 番古豆; 番仔豆; 留豆; 蕃仔豆; 鵲豆
hoan'aftiin | morning glory | 番仔藤
hoan'afzhafng | onion | 番仔蔥
hoan'ek-kvoaf | translation officer | 翻譯官
hoanafiuu | kerosene | 番仔油; 煤油
hoanchiaf | come to oneself; come to realize; come to see the truth; wake up to reality; overturn car | 翻車; 省悟; 醒悟
hoanhoaf | ostentatiously prosperous; bustling and flourishing | 繁華
hoanhoafn | be impervious to reason; won't listen to reason; rude | 番番; 無講理; 不順理行動
hoanhoafn-tientiefn | senile; be in one's dotage or second childhood; insane; capricious; whimsical | 顛三倒四; 番番癲癲; 老糊塗
hoankafm | a small sour orange | 番柑; 番橘
hoankafn | the secular world | 凡間
hoanliawhoafn | repeatedly; again; successively; repetitious (writing); redundant | 翻了翻; 重複
hoanpafng | barbarian state | 番邦
hoansafm | imported woods | 番杉; 進口木材
hoansoaf | make castings from sand mold; cast metal forms in earthen moulds | 翻砂
hoansoaf-chviuo | a foundry | 翻砂廠
hoansoakafng | a foundry worker, a foundryman | 翻砂工
hoan’afpeq | the lingo used in trading. 販仔白 | 7921
hoarchiafm | chemical fibre, synthetic fibre | 化纖
hoarhagkaf | chemist | 化學家
hoarhagpafng | beaver board | 化學板
hoarhak hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoarhak-hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoarkafng | chemical industry; chemical engineering; Nature's work | 化工
hoarn'afkefng | cheap; low class lodging house; a flop house | 販仔間; 小旅館 (低級旅館)
hoarn'afpeh | the lingo used by businessmen when trading | 翻點
hoat'hagkaf | jurist | 法學家
hoatbengkaf | inventor | 發明家
hoatchiaf | departure | 發車
hoatkaf | the Legalist School | 法家
hoatkhafn | to publish; publish | 發刊
hoatkvoaf | judge; gownsman; judiciary; judicial officer | 法官
hoatsviaf | to give off sound; phonate; vocalism; vocalize; vocalization | 發聲
hoattoafn | dawn; to make a start | 發端
hoaxnkafn | people's world; this world | 凡間
hoaxnkoafn | a eunuch | 宦官
hoaxnlangkhiaf | speak unguardedly and make things difficult for self | 隨人刁
hoe'afpox | printed cloth; floral cloth | 花仔布
hoeabudchiaf | trucks, freight train | 貨物車
hoeachiaf | truck; van; ; van cargo; motor truck | 貨車
hoeafhoesviu | colorful bird | 花仔和尚
hoeafpox | calico | 花仔布
hoeakhafn | an abolished publication | 廢刊
hoeakuixchiaf | container trailer | 貨櫃車
hoeakvoaf | an abolished officer | 廢官
hoeatvoaf | list of commodities; invoice | 貨單; 廢單
hoebunciafm | paper clip | 迴紋針
hoechiaf | a float; a festooned vehicle; decorated vehicle in parade | 花車
hoeciafm | an embroidery needle | 花簪; 繡針
hoefchiaf poaqløqbea | the train was derailed | 火車出軌
hoefchiaf | train | 火車
hoeflafng | small charcoal stove for warming the hands or putting under one's clothes | 火籠; 竹製小火爐
hoefsiøsvoaf | mountain fire | 火燒山
hoefsvoaf ionggaam | lava | 火山熔岩
hoefsvoaf poghoad | volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
hoefsvoaf | volcano | 火山
hoefthafng | small stove for hands warming | 火熥
hoehhafm | redish clam | 血蚶
hoehpafng | menorrhagia; excessive menstrual discharge | 血崩
hoekaf | to return home; to go home | 回家
hoekafn | flowere vase | 花瓶; 花矸
hoekhaf | flower pot | 花跤; 花盆
hoekhoafn | garland; lei; wreath | 花圈
hoekhvaf | flowery vase; pot; flower pot | 花坩; 花盆 (缸)
hoekoafn | crown of flowers | 花冠
hoekonghoafnciaux | momentary return to consciousness before death | 迴光反照
hoekviaf | return to the capital | 回京
hoepaf-liniaw | overly colored | 花巴哩貓
hoepaf-lyniaw | overly colored | 多斑而醜
hoepafn | brindle; speckle; spot; speckled | 花斑
hoesimzoafn'ix | change of mind | 回心轉意
hoesviaf | an echo | 回聲
hoetvoaf | bill of exchange | 匯單
hoexkhaf | members of the association; supporting member of a mutual loan group | 會腳; 會跤; 會員
hoexkhafm | consultation | 會勘
hoexkheq-thviaf | reception room | 會客廳; 會客室
hoextvoaf | bill of exchange | 匯單
hoexzhafn | have a meal together | 會餐
hofkutkaf | glue made from tiger-bone; very nourishing jelly made from tiger bone | 虎骨膠
hofng'afkef | free range chicken | 仿仔雞
hofng'afkoef | free range chicken | 仿仔雞
hofngzaf | to investigate | 訪查
hofpafn | tiger's striped pattern; marked with long | 虎斑
hofsi tamtafm | gaze with the cruel greed of a tiger | 虎視眈眈
hofsoaf | carpet shark, Japanese bull-head shark | 虎鯊; 班鬚鮫
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthaukafm | large special orange | 虎頭柑
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hogkafng | resume work | 復工
hogsiafky | copier; copy machine or press | 複寫機
hogsiafzoar | carbon paper | 複寫紙
hogzaf | re-investigate; check again | 複查
hokhib khiekoafn | respiratory organs | 呼吸器官
hoksafm | Foochow ceda | 福杉; 福州杉
hokzaf | re-investigate; check again | 複查
holicviaf | fox elf; bewitched female | 狐狸精
holii-cviaf | a witch | 狐狸精
hongchiaf | windmill | 風車
hongciafm | guiding principle; policy; one's course | 方針; 風針; 風向針; 晴雨針
honggafnzoar | paper with squares for calligraphy practice | 方格紙; 方眼紙
honghai tixafn | offense against public security | 妨害治安
honghaykaf | navigator; seafarer | 航海家
honghoaf | elegance and talent; grace | 風華
hongkaf | the royal family; the imperial family | 皇家
hongkafn | on the street stalls | 坊間
hongkaw iafgoa | wilderness; desolate area | 荒郊野外
hongkhafng | blowhole; draft | 風孔; 通風口
hongkoafn | macro | 宏觀
hongkvoaf | to offer official | 封官
hongmoaf | cloak | 風幔
hongpoesoaf | flying clouds of dust | 風飛沙
hongpøesoaf | karaburan | 風飛沙; 風沙
hongsafn-iafgoa | desolate mountain and field | 荒山野外
hongsafn-khorng'iar | wilderness; open field | 荒山曠野
hongsoaf | sandstorm; sandy wind | 風沙
hongsviaf porng'viar | false or exaggerated reports going about against people | 惶聲凸影; 誇大無實
hongsviaf | the sound of the wind; hearsay; rumors; news | 風聲; 謠言
hongtafn | red lead for undercoating | 鉛丹; 洪丹
hongtafng | to prevent winter trouble | 防冬; 冬防
hongthafng | storm window | 風窗
hongzaf | to investigate, to inquire about | 封查
hongzhafng | allium genus liliaceae for medicine | 風蔥
horng'viafky | projector | 放影機
hornghengtvoaf | clearance permit | 放行單
horngkhoafn | to loosen restrictions; relax rules | 放寬
horngkiafm | moreover; besides; in addition | 況兼; 況且
hosviaf | loud cries | 呼聲
hoxhoaf suociar | protector of women; a woman's escort | 護花使者
hoxhoaf | protect women | 護花
hoxkhaf | end of the rainy season | 雨腳; 雨季快結束時
hoxkhao-phofzaf | census taking | 戶口普查
hoxkhao-tiauzaf | census taking | 戶口調查
hoxmoaf | raincoat; rainwear; raincoat | 雨披; 雨幔; 雨衣; 雨外套
hoxngkoafn | a phoenix coronet | 鳳冠
hoxngsvoaf | (N) Fengshan (place in Guangxi); (N) Fengshan (city in Taiwan) | 鳳山
hoxsvaf | raincoat; rainwear; slicker | 雨衣; 雨衫
hoxtexngkhaf | doorway; gate | 戶閬腳; 門腳
hoxtiafm'ar | small drop of rain | 雨點仔
hu'afzuie | water casting evil spell | 符仔水
huafchi | fish arket | 魚仔市
huafzuie | magic words written on a paper then burnt to ashes and mixed with water for curing diseases; water casting evil spell | 符仔水
hudchiwkafm | finger citron; Buddha's Hand; bergamot | 佛手柑; 枸櫞
hudkaf | Buddhist follower; school of philosophy | 佛家
hudkhafm | Buddhist altar | 佛龕
hudzaf | investigate | 核查
hudzuo-hoafn'exng | nuclear reaction | 核子反應
hui'afiøo | porcelain pit | 磁仔窯
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
hui'aftiaxm | china shop | 磁仔店; 陶器店
huiafn | tighten or bind with rope, cord or string | 飛安
huichiaf | roller coaster | 飛車
huiekafng | take a lot of time or work; labor consuming | 費工
huihengkaf | flyer | 飛行家
huihhafm | blood clam | 血蚶; 灰虷
huihuy-safmzøx | capable of every evil | 非非糝做; 胡作非為
huikhoaechiaf | diesel train | 飛快車
huikhvaf | porcelain pot | 磁鍋
hukhaf | a supporting leg; feet | 扶腳; 虛腳
hukhaf-safngchiuo | to serve; attend to comforts of parents; receive guests very graciously (Lit. support by the hand by the foot) | 扶腳扶手; 誇大的招待; 奉侍
hukhafng | vain, empty, meaningless | 虛空; 空虛
hukhoaf | boastful, exaggerative | 虛誇
hukvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 副官
hun'afng | big cloud | 雲尪
hunciafm | minute hand (of watch or clock) | 長針; 分針
hunhoaf | dim-sighted | 昏花
hunkafng habzog | perform a task by division of labor; division of labor | 分工合作
hunkafng | division of labor | 分工
hunpafn | divide into classes in school | 分班
hunsviaf | weight; composition; ingredients; element; makeup; component; (n) stock; company share | 分聲
huntafm | to share responsibility for; undertake different portions of or share the responsibility for the same task or duty | 分擔
hunthafn | to share work or burden | 分攤
hunthvoaf | to share the expenses; share a financial burden or stocks | 分攤
hunti ee kokkaf | nation with a divided government | 分治的國家
huntoafn | high in the clouds | 雲端
huokaf | append; add-on; to tag on; to attach; add to; supplementary | 富家; 附加
huokaf-zwte | children of a rich family | 富家子弟
huokhafn | supplement to a magazine or newspaper | 副刊
huokhoafnjit | pay day | 付款日
huokvoaf | an adjutant; adjutant; aide-de-camp | 副官
huosafnbut | by-product | 副產物
huosafnphirn | by products | 副產品
huotafngsu | vice-executive | 副董事
hurnliexnpafn | training class | 訓練班
husviaf | hisses | 虛聲
hutjienkafn | suddenly; all at once; unexpectedly | 忽然間
hux chiapafng | rush to catch bus; train | 趕車; 赴車班
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
huxluo soafnkwkoaan | female suffrage | 婦女選舉權
huxsafnkhøf | department of gynecology and obstetrics; birth clinic | 婦產科
huxtafm | load; responsibility; obligation; a burden; to support a family; pay the expenses; liability | 負擔
huypafng | a gang of bandits | 匪幫; 匪幫(匪邦)
hvaf | sigh meaning nothing; exclamation | 沒什麼; (感歎詞)
hvafhoong | bluff; to intimidate | 嚇唬; 虛張聲勢
hvafhvar`leq | after scared, after threaten | 唬唬咧
hvafkviaf | to terrify, to frighten, to scare, intimidate, frighten by threat | 唬驚; 嚇
hvaflaang | to scare people, to bluff people | 唬人
hvafsie | greatly terrified, to be frightened to death | 唬死; 嚇死
hvaftay | to be struck dumb, to be stunned | 唬死; 嚇呆
hvafthaau | frighten people | 嚇頭; 嚇嚇人
hvaftør | to astound, to shock, frightened out of wits | 唬倒; 嚇倒
hvafzao | to frighten away, to scare away | 唬走; 嚇走
hvaihvaizhafn | be full of complaints | 哼哼潺
hvehkafng | stop work for a while | 停工
hvehkviaf | terrified frighten; frighten people | 驚嚇; 嚇唬; 嚇人
hveq tiøqkviaf | terrify someone (like a child) by telling something scary | 受驚嚇
hviaa-oafsw | burn gas as fuel | 燒瓦斯
hviaf | elder brother; a senior (used as a term of respect) | 兄
hviafau | stagger back | 仰後
hviafbak | (n) glamorization | 顯目; 惹眼; 搶眼; 起眼; 炫目; 顯眼; 奪目; 亮麗; 醒目; 眩目; 耀眼
hviafhviar | in fine threads; almost none | 顯顯; 一絲兒 [*]
hviafsyn | back down; face up | 仰身; 向身
hviafthaau | conspicuous, eye-catching | 顯頭
hviaftviuu | eye-catching, flurried, nervous, flustered | 顯場; 醒目
hviafzeeng | to fall down face up | 向前; 傾倒到前方
hviahsvaf | carry clothes in the hand | 攜衫; 拿衣服
hviati'aftai | brothers | 兄弟仔代; 弟兄關係
hviukafm | a sour orange | 香柑; 香橙
hviukafn | countryside; rural area; in the country side | 鄉間
hviukhaf | stump of an incense-stick | 香跤; 香根
hviuphafng | small bag of incense worn as a talisman on the 5th of the 5th month | 香包; 香香
hviusafm | blouse with fragrance | 香杉
hviuvoaftøq | temporary altar for worship of an idol passing by in procession | 香碗桌; 香案
hviuzhoafn | village | 鄉莊; 鄉村
hvixkhafng e ky | have a ringing in the ears | 耳孔會機; 耳鳴
hvixkhafng khyn | gullible; ear food; the ear is soft; credulous; credulousness; readily believed | 耳孔輕; 耳食; 耳根子軟; 輕信
hvixkhafng kuyar | eardrum (slang) | 耳鼓膜
hvixkhafng lai | good hearing; sharp ears | 耳孔利; 聽力敏銳
hvixkhafng tang | poor of hearing | 耳孔重; 重聽
hvixkhafng | earhole; ear; inner ear; otic channel | 耳孔; 耳空; 耳朵
hvixkhafng-khyn | credulous | 耳孔輕; 耳空輕; 輕信的
hvixkhafng-mngg | ear opening | 耳孔毛; 耳門
hvoaf | pleased; joy; glad | 歡
hvoafaxm | dusk; twilight; gloomy | 幻暗
hvoafof | secretly; clandestinely | 暗暗; 幻黑
hvoaxtviafzaux | chef | 扞鼎灶
hwn'ang'afseg | pink color | 粉紅仔色; 淡紅
hwnkvoaf | tender (pork) liver; soft part of the pig's liver | 粉肝; 軟肝臟; 豬肝之肉質幼細者
hyhoafn | like; enjoy; pleased | 喜歡
høeabudchiaf | cargo truck | 貨物車; 貨車
høeachiaf | cargo truck | 貨車
høeatvoaf | a shipping list | 貨單
høefchiaf | train | 火車
høefchiatvoaf | railway ticket | 火車單; 火車票
høefhoaf | sparks; a sparkle | 火花
høeflafng | a small stove to warm hands or body | 火爐; 火籠; 手爐
høefsiøsvoaf | a firing volcano; meaning the super high heat in temperature | 火燒山
høefsvoaf pøxhoad | a volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
høefsvoaf | volcano | 火山
høefthafng | handy charcoal stove | 火桶; 火熥; (手提)火爐
høekaf | go home, return | 回家
høesviaf | echo | 回聲
høesym-zoafn'ix | to repent; to relent | 回心轉意
høfafng | good husband | 好尪
høfgiah tintafng | very rich | 好額冬; 非常富有
høfhvafthaau | good outward appearance; dominant (power) | 好嚇頭; 外表威武
høfkhaf | good customer; good partner; good gambling partner | 好腳; 好賭伴
høfkhaf-høfchiuo | good health | 好腳好手; 身體強健
høfkhafng | lucky; good opportunity for getting money easily, have a large income, draw a large salary, be a paying business | 好孔; 好空; 幸運; 走運; 好門路
høflafmsaf cidtoxpar | He'll eat anything so he won't go hungry | 好壞吃無會餓; 好歹搔一度飽
høflafmsaf | eat anything whatever it is | 好攬捎; 壞都吃
høfnitafng | year of abundance; a fat year; bumper harvest year | 好年冬; 豐年
høfsviaf | pleasant sound | 好聲; 悅耳之聲
høftafng | good winter | 好冬
høfthviaf | pleasant to the ear; pleasant to hear | 好聽
høhoaf | lotus flower | 荷花; 蓮花
høhoafn | to united with barbarians | 和番
høkafn | fornication; adultery committed with mutual consent; What has it to do with…? | 和姦; 何干
hør gafnlek | good eyesight | 好眼力
hør khoafnthai | easy to serve | 好伺候; 好款待
hør-gafnlek | good eyesight; good judgment | 好眼力
hør-gafnseg | good eyesigh | 好眼色
hør-gafnsiin | good eyesigh | 好眼神
hør-khoafnthai | treat well, easily pleased | 好款待; 招待好
hør-miasviaf | good reputation | 好名聲
hør-nitafng | good year; year of abundance, a fat year, bumper harvest year | 好年冬
høsafn | rivers and mountains; territory | 河山
høsviaf | harmony; musical chord | 和聲
høxleng juu safn | Military orders are as inviolable as a mountain | 號令如山
høxsviaf | trumpet-call | 號聲
høxtoafn | balefulness; cause of a misfortune or disaster | 禍端
høzhoafn | river; stream | 河川
i juu hoafnciorng | easy as turning over the palm of one's hand--easy as falling off a log | 易如反掌
iafaq | mallard, wild duck | 野鴨
iafbaa | wildcat; shrew; wild cat; harlot (vile scolding) | 野狸; 野貓; 潑婦; 野貍貓
iafbaan | uncivilized; barbarous; savageness; barbarism | 野蠻
iafbea | (n) mustang; wild horse; wild or fierce woman; wild horse; mustang | 野馬; 野或強悍的女人
iafbi | wild game; game (food) | 野味
iafbit | wild honey | 野蜜
iafbøe | not yet | 尚未; 猶未; 還沒
iafciernphaux | fieldpiece; field artillery | 野戰砲
iafciexn | field operations; field operations (warfare); a battle in the open | 野戰
iafciexn-poxtui | combat troops | 野戰部隊
iafciexn-pvixvi | field hospital | 野戰醫院
iafeeng | a camp, camping | 野營
iafgoa | countryside; open field; outdoors; the open | 野外
iafgoa-lwheeng | outing; excursion | 野外旅行
iafguu | wild buffalo; bison; wild ox | 野牛
iafhap | illicit sexual intercourse | 野合
iafhaxn | barbarous (uncivilized) man; (woman's) paramour | 野漢; 野漢子; 情夫
iafhoafn | savage, barbarous, brutal | 野番
iafhoef | wild flower; harlot | 野花
iafhøea | prairie fire; bush fire; wildfire | 野火
iafhøesviu | profligate or unrestrained monk | 野和尚
iafiar | glaring, gaudy | 野野; 冶冶
iafiexn | picnic; outdoor dinner | 野宴
iafjiin | rustic; a barbarian; a savage | 野人
iafkab | wild Eastern blue rock dove | 野鴿
iafkao | wild dog; dog without an owner | 野狗
iafkeafchiaf | illegal passenger transport | 野雞仔車
iafkef | not in the regular lines; low-class prostitutes; pheasant | 野雞; 流鶯
iafkhiim | wildfowl | 野禽
iafkiog | wild chrysanthemum | 野菊
iafkiok'hoef | wild chrysanthemum flower | 野菊花
iafkiuu | baseball | 野球; 棒球
iafkiuu-saix | baseball game | 野球賽
iafkiuu-tviuu | baseball field | 野球場; 棒球場
iafkoeafchiaf | illegal passenger transport | 野雞仔車
iafkuo | yet; still; still a long time to | 還久; 尚且
iafkym | metallurgy | 冶金
iafkøe'ar | streetwalker; an unlicensed prostitute | 野雞仔; 阻街女郎; 流鶯
iafkøechiaf | an unlicensed taxicab | 野雞車
iafkøef | pheasant | 野雞; 雉雞; 山雞
iafkøq | still; yet | 還擱; 尚且
iaflaang | uncivilized people | 野人
iafloong | sugar cane growers | 野狼
iafluu | wild ass | 野驢
iafm | to castrate; castrate; geld | 閹
iafmbaai | bury | 掩埋
iafmbat | cover up, conceal | 掩密; 掩蓋
iafmbien | to cover the face | 掩面
iafmho | to shelter, to protect | 掩護
iafmkaix | to cover up | 掩蓋
iafmmngg | close the door; but not completely | 掩門
iafmnie tøxleeng | cover one's ears when he steals a bell--to deceive oneself (literally) | 掩耳盜鈴
iafmnie | to cover one's own ears | 掩耳
iafmpex | to shelter, to cover up | 掩蔽
iafmseg | conceal under a false exterior, conceal by means of excuses | 掩飾
iafmsinhoad | magic power of making oneself invisible | 隱身法
iafmsyn | conceal oneself; disappear; become invisible | 掩身; 隱身
iafmthor | fill in a grave | 填土
iafng | center; central; middle; to request; entreat | 央; 央求
iafng'ee | foster parents | 養的
iafniaw | fishing cat; Felis viverrina | 野貓
iafphafng | wild bees | 野蜂
iafsafn | wild mountain | 野山
iafsefng | wild; uncultivated; undomesticated; wild (of plants); undomesticated; grow wild | 野生
iafsexng | unruliness; untamed; wild nature; jungle instincts; ungovernableness; untamed | 野性
iafsi | either; perhaps | 或是; 猶是; 還是
iafsimkaf | man of ambition (especially referring to ambition one is not supposed to have) | 野心家
iafsiok | wild and vulgar | 野俗; 野蠻的
iafsiq | coconut; coconut palm | 椰子
iafsiux | wild animal; beast | 野獸
iafsuo | unofficial history | 野史
iafsym pudput | full of ambition | 野心勃勃
iafsym | ambition; ambition (especially of the objectionable kind); greediness | 野心
iaftaihix | wild stage opera | 野台戲
iaftiin | wild vine, rattan | 野藤
iafty | wild boar | 野豬; 山豬
iafu | still some more left | 尚有
iafzerng | illegitimate child | 野種
iafzhafn | picnic; barbecue | 野餐
iafzhaix | vegetable grown in nature | 野菜
iafzhao | weed | 野草
iahkhafng | scrape a hole | 挖孔; 搤空; 挖洞
iamkvoaf | a eunuch | 宦官; 閹官
iaotoafn | essentials | 要端
iaqafhoef | galingale (flower) | 野仔花; 埔姜花
iaucviaf | a wicked spirit; an alluring woman; monster or demon; a siren; ethereal beings; genie; devil; a woman with too much make-up | 妖精
iaupafzhar | Hungry or full; he is still troublesome.--No matter what the circumstances; he causes a lot of trouble | 飢飽吵; 嘮叨無休
iaxchiaf | a night train or bus | 夜車
iaxkafn | during the night; at night | 夜間
iaxkafn-kongkeg | night attack | 夜間攻擊
iaxkafn-po | evening section | 夜間部
iaxkafn-pysaix | night game | 夜間比賽
iaxkafng | night work | 夜工
iaxpafn | night shift; night work | 夜班
iaxsoaf | scatter sand | 撒沙
iaxzhafn | dinner | 夜餐
ibut-swkoafn | materialistic conception of history | 唯物史觀
iefnkafngciar | lecturer | 演講者
iefnkafnghoe | lecture (meeting) | 演講會
iefnkafngkør | written text of a speech | 演講稿
iefnsoatkaf | orator | 演說家
ien'afhii | round flower bonito | 煙仔魚
ien'afhuu | round flower bonito | 煙仔魚
ienhoaf | prostitutes | 煙花
ienpafng | lead plate stereotype | 鉛版
ienpid-kafar | pencil sharpener | 鉛筆絞仔; 削鉛筆機
ienpitkafar | pencil sharpener | 鉛筆絞仔
iensvoaf | along the mountain | 沿山
ientafn | red lead | 鉛丹
ientioong sikafn | prolong the time set (duration) | 延長時間
ihoaf ciapbok | cheat by sleight of hand | 移花接木
ikoafn | clothes and hat; the gentry; gentlemanly appearance | 衣冠
ikoafn-khimsiux | gentleman in appearance but beast in conduct; wolf in a sheep's skin | 衣冠禽獸
ikvoaf | medical officer | 醫官
im'iongkaf | Yin Yang expert | 陰陽家
im'ioong oafnzai | His or her voice and appearance seem to be still with us (a conventional written expression referring to the deceased in a funeral rite) | 音容宛在
imgagkaf | musician | 音樂家
imgagsviaf | sound of music | 音樂聲
imgagthviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imgak-boafnhoe | evening concert | 音樂晚會
imgak-kaf | musician | 音樂家
imgak-thviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imkafn | the land of the dead; the hades; the underworld; Hades | 陰間
imkoaf | licentious songs | 淫歌
imsexng-hoafn'exng | negative reaction; negative result | 陰性反應
imzhaf | tuning-fork | 音叉
imzhaf-iongzhøx | due to all sorts of accidental mishaps | 陰錯陽差
intvoaf | cause; origin; root cause; reason | 因端; 事端
iofng'iok kviafjii | bring up children | 養育囝兒; 養育兒女
iofngkaf | to support a family | 勇家
iofngkhaf | strong feet - strong and powerful | 勇跤
iog sikafn | agree upon a time to meet or to do something | 約時間
iokteng sikafn | appointed time; agree upon a time (for doing something) | 約定時間
iong'ioong taixkoafn | imposing; grand; magnificent | 洋洋大觀
ionghoaf-zuysexng | inconstant woman (character); to have a disposition as changeable as water | 楊花水性
iongkafn | this world or this life; the upper world of light and life as contrasted with im-kan the under-world of darkness and death | 陽間
iongkafng | hired worker, employee | 傭工
iongsexng hoafn'exng | positive reaction; positive result | 陽性反應
iongsvaf thoksix | commission many people to act; ask someone over and again to do something | 央三託四
iorng phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
irmhoaf | extinguish by covering up (as burning charcoal); smother | 蔭熄; 熄滅
irnhoaf | revenue stamps | 印花
irnkafng | printer, labor of printing | 印工; 印刷工人
irnsviaf | an echo | 應聲; 回音; 回聲
isafn tørhae | move mountains and empty the water out of the sea--mighty power | 移山倒海
isafn | to move the mountain | 移山
isvoaf-tørhae | to remove mountains and drain seas; very capable | 移山倒海
it'hoafn | once | 一番
itborng tvafcin | take the whole at one haul; e.g.; one man taking the whole of what should have been shared with others; make a wholesale arrest of | 一網打盡
itborng-tvafcin | to round up all | 一網打盡
itbun safm putty | Supposing you ask him; he knows neither the beginning; the middle; nor the end of the matter | 一問三無知
itciafm-kiernhied | pungent; incisive; to the point | 一針見血
itkaf | a (whole) family | 一家
itkaf-cy-zuo | head of the household; head of the family | 一家之主
itkaf-sorkhao | family of several members | 一家數口
itlafmpiao | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itlafmpiør | chart; table; brief list of contents | 一覽表
itliam-cy-kafn | just at the moment | 一念之間
itliam-cy-zhaf | (full adage: ‘itliam cy zhaf, ciongsyn cy hoex') a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness; a false step | 一念之差
itlo-peng'afn | May you enjoy peace all the way! Bon voyage | 一路平安
itmar taix liofng'voaf | horse with two saddles; said of man filling two offices; doing two things at the same time | 一馬帶兩鞍
itpvoaf bincioxng | people in general | 一般民眾
itpvoaf siaxhoe | ordinary society | 一般社會
itpvoaf | generally; common; general; commonly; as a rule | 一般
itpvoaf-hoax | to generalize, generalization | 一般化
itsii-kafn | momentarily | 一時間
itsunkafn | at lightning speed, in a minute, in a wink | 一旬間
itsurnkafn | a blink of time; very short time; a twinkle of time; twinkling of an eye; in an instant | 一瞬間
itterng sukiekvoaf | secretary first class (of the embassy) | 一等書記官
ittoafn | part | 一端
iu kviaf iu hvoahie | alarmed and happy at the same time | 又驚又喜
iu'efngsvaf | swimming suit | 游泳衫
iuchiaf | old-fashioned oil press | 油車; 榨油機
iuiu'afthviax | a smarting pain; labor pains | 憂憂的痛; 陣痛
iuiuafthviax | a dull pain | 幽幽仔疼
iujiuu-kvoaftoaxn | be peaceable and easygoing but lacking the strength to make quick decisions | 優柔寡斷
iukafm | jack fish | 油柑; 油魚甘
iukafn | oil jar | 油瓶
iulafmchiaf | tourist bus; sightseeing car; excursion bus | 遊覽車
iuokafng | skillful workman | 細工
iuosviaf | small voice; soft-spoken | 細聲; 幼聲
iusafm | Taiwan keteleeria, China fir (tree) | 油杉
iusafn oafnsuie | enjoy the scenery of mountain and water (lake or ocean); mountain climbing | 遊山玩水
iusoaf | spiny shark | 游鯊; 笠鱗鮫; 多刺的鯊
iuxkiafm | also, in addition, besides | 又兼; 而且
iuzhafng | fried onions for seasoning | 油蔥
iwaxn-khøfzaf | can be checked against the files | 有案可查
iwgarn putseg Thaesafn | fail to recognize a great person | 有眼無識泰山
iwkafn | entice into adultery | 誘姦
iwkoafn | to have something to do with; have something to do with; to concern | 有關
iwkoafn-hongbin | authorities concerned; interested parties | 有關方面
iwkoafn-tongkiok | authorities concerned | 有關當局
iwpafng | a friendly country | 友邦
ixkhao tongsviaf | The same thing is said by different mouths. People are unanimous in their opinion | 異口同聲
ixkhao-tongsviaf | with one voice; with one accord | 異口同聲
ixpafng | foreign country | 異邦
ixsafnkii | due date | 預產期
ixtoafn | heresy; strange principles; heresy; heretical doctrine | 異端
izoafn | junior medical college | 醫專
iøgyn'afkoaf | lullaby | 育囡仔歌
iønakoaf | lullaby, cradle song | 搖藍歌; 搖籃歌; 搖籃曲
iøqaftiaxm | drug store | 藥仔店
iøqtafn | prescription | 藥丹
iøqtvoaf | (n) medical prescription; prescription; written prescription | 藥單; 藥方
iøqzaf | second brewing of medicinal herbs; what's left over after the first brewing | 藥渣
jesvaf | wash clothes by rubbing; scrub clothes | 搓衫; 搓衣服
jiaf | cover; to screen; to shade; to shield; conceal; shut off; intercept; to block | 遮
jiafe | bring calamity on oneself | 惹禍
jiafhø | to bring disaster or misfortune; to stir up trouble | 惹禍
jiafhøea-siøsyn | stir a fire and burn oneself--to bring trouble upon oneself | 惹火燒身
jiafkhie | to cause, to stir, to induce | 惹起
jiaflo | to irritate | 惹路; 惹怒
jiafmchviuo | dye-works | 染廠
jiafmcid | tie-dye | 染織
jiafmcie | to put one's finger in | 染指
jiafmpvi | to catch a disease; to be infected | 染病
jiafmseg | dyeing; apply color to | 染色
jiafmsekthea | chromosome | 染色體
jiafmtiaau | dyeing | 染住
jiafmtiøh kafmmo | caught a bad cold | 染著感冒; 感染感冒
jiafmtiøh phvae-sibkoaxn | infected by bad habits | 染到壞習慣
jiafmtiøh pve | infected with disease | 染到病
jiafmtiøh tok | be infected with poison; poisoned | 染到毒
jiafngjiarng`leq | shout aloud | 嚷嚷咧
jiafngnau | clamor | 嚷鬧
jiafsu | bring trouble on oneself | 惹事
jiaftaixcix | court disaster | 惹代誌
jiafzhao liamhoef | have one love affair after another (said of males) | 惹草拈花
jiafzhutsu | cause trouble | 惹出事
jiajiaf`leq | shade them with something | 遮遮咧
jiauafhii | loizai | 鱙仔魚
jibkafngsøex | harbor tax | 入港稅
jibkoafn | have one foot in the grave | 入棺; 入關
jibkvaf | to be put in prison; to be sent to jail | 入監
jibkviaf | go to the capital | 入京
jibkvoaf | to confiscate | 入官
jibsviaf | (phonetics) entering tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 入聲
jibsvoaf | go into the mountains | 入山
jibtafng | beginning of winter; about November 7-21; beginning of winter | 入冬; 立冬
jidgoadhafm | scallop | 日月蚶
jidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
jidkafn | daytime; during the day; day; during the day | 白天; 日間
jidkafng | work paid by the day | 日工; 按日計酬
jidkhafn | a daily publication; daily publications | 日刊
jidkofng-ciet'iog-sikafn | daylight saving time | 日光節約時間
jidpafn | day shift (in factory) | 日班
jih latpaf | blow the (car) horn | 按喇叭; 壓喇叭
jinhviaf | dear elder brother (designation for a friend of the same standing as oneself) | 仁兄
jinkafn | this world; the world of mortals; among the living | 人間
jinkafn-texgak | pandemonium; a hell away from Hell | 人間地獄
jinkafng | man power; man made; artificial; human labor; man-made; artificial | 人工
jinkafng-hokhib | artificial respiration | 人工呼吸
jinkafng-puxnng | artificial incubation | 人工孵卵
jinkafng-sengsit | artificial reproduction | 人工生殖
jinkafng-siuxin | artificial insemination | 人工受孕
jinkafng-siuxthay | artificial insemination | 人工受胎
jinkafng-siuxzefng | artificial insemination | 人工受精
jinkhao kiafmsiao | decrease in population | 人口減少
jinkhao zexngkaf | increase in population | 人口增加
jinlegchiaf | rickshaw; rickshaw; jinrikisha | 人力車
jinsafm | ginseng root | 人參
jinsafn jinhae | great number gathered together | 人山人海
jinsengkoafn | view (philosophy) of life; outlook on life | 人生觀
jinsu-koafnlie | personnel administration | 人事管理
jintafn | pill | 仁丹
jiogkafn | some; a few; several | 若干
jiogkoafn | young man | 弱冠
jiong'afpox | velvet denim | 絨仔布
jit lok sesafn | sunset | 日落西山
jiusviaf | soft voice | 柔聲; 柔和的聲音
jixhviaf | second oldest brother | 二兄; 二哥
jixmkvoaf | be appointed to be government official | 任官
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
jiøxhiaf | a urine ladle | 尿瓠; 舀尿的器具
jiøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
joafnhoax | soften; to become more amenable; go soft | 軟化
joafnkixm | keep under detention in person's house; restrain someone of his liberty | 軟禁
joaqthvisvaf | summer clothes | 熱天衫; 夏衣
joesvaf | wash clothes by rubbing; scrub clothes | 揉衫; 搓衣服
juhoaf-suxgiok | like flower and jade (literal)--(said of a girl) young; beautiful and pure | 如花似玉
jukaf | Confucians; Confucian school; yoga; a mystic and ascetic practice in Hindu philosophy | 儒家; 瑜珈
jukaf-suxzheg | as glue and varnish--close and inseparable friendship | 如膠似漆
jukafkar | messy | 挐絞絞
juxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese egg roll | 潤餅𩛩
juzhafngzharng | chaotic; untidy; messy; in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂七八糟
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
jøesvaf | to clean clothes by rubbing | 搓衫; 搓洗衣服
kabafng-hii | black croaker (fish) | 加網魚
kachiaf | oxbow | 加車
kaciahphviaf | back; part of the back between the shoulders | 尻脊背; 尻脊骿
kaepafng | beggar team | 丐幫
kaf phøx jiin boong | home in ruins and family members dead or scattered (referring to situations resulting from great disasters) | 家破人亡
kaf piin juu siern | be in extreme poverty | 家貧如洗
kaf | jelly-like; resinous; glue; gelatin; add; to increase;-kaf an expert of | 加; 鉸; 家; 膠; 嘉; 剪; 佳
kafaan | twist it and make it tight; twist tightly | 絞緊
kafbaq | ground meat | 絞肉
kafbie | grinding grains; grind rice | 碾米; 絞米
kafbiexnkhu | mask; false front | 假面具
kafciab | pressing; squeeze; press out juice | 絞汁; 榨汁,絞汁
kafciab-ky | juicer, blender | 絞汁機; 果汁機
kafciax | improper use of other person | 假借
kafcie | crank, winder, rod | 絞汁; 曲柄
kafcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kafciøq | borrow | 假借
kafheeng | garrote; gibbet; gallows; death by hanging or strangulation | 絞刑; 鉸刑
kafhunsox | improper fraction (in arithmetic) | 假分數
kafhør | not so good | 假好; 沒那麼好
kafjit | holiday | 假日
kafjuu | supposing; if | 假如
kafkar`leq | twist several turns | 絞絞咧
kafkhao'aq | provisional seizure (in law) | 假扣押
kafkii | holiday season | 假期
kafkofng-zeasw | attain private or personal ends in the name of official duties | 假公濟私
kafle'ar-hofng | tornado; cyclone; twister | 絞螺仔風; 龍捲風
kafleafhofng | tornado | 絞螺仔風
kaflehofng | whirlwind | 絞螺風; 龍捲風
kafli | add interest | 絞利; 加了利息
kaflit | holiday | 假日
kafm | prison; a jail | 監; 甘; 柑
kafm'aftiaxm | drug-store; grocery | 雜貨店; 𥴊仔店; 篚仔店
kafm'ar | shallow bamboo | 篚仔; 𥴊仔; 大竹盤; 淺竹筐
kafm'ar-tiaxm | general grocery store | 篚仔店; 雜貨店
kafm'erngkhix | induction apparatus | 感應器
kafm'erngkhoaan | induction coil | 感應圈
kafm'erngkhoafn | induction coil | 感應圈
kafm'erngtien | induced electricity | 感應電
kafm'exng | reaction or response to some outer stimuli; feel and respond; induction (in physics) | 感應
kafm'exng-sexng | irritability | 感應性; 刺激感受性
kafm'm | would it not be | 感無; 豈不
kafm'oo | shallow bamboo | 篚壺; 𥴊壺; 大竹盤; 大籮筐
kafm'u | have it? | 豈有; 感有
kafm'wn | grateful for favor | 感恩
kafm'wn-topøx | grateful for kindness and seeking a way to recompense it | 感恩圖報
kafm'yn | grateful for favor | 感恩
kafm'øe | perhaps; will it be like that? | 能嗎; 會無會; 感會
kafmbad | have (you) been | 感識; 可曾經
kafmboo | large; round; shallow basket for rice | 篚模; 大型竹製盛物用具
kafmbøeq | do (you) want it? | 感要; 是否要
kafmbøo | don't (you) have it? | 豈無; 感無
kafmchiog | feeling; effect on the mind; mental reaction | 感觸
kafmgieen | put sentiment, mental reaction into writing; what one thinks about a thing; the way one feels about a thing; impression; opinion | 感言
kafmhoarlek | influence | 感化力
kafmhoarvi | reformatory | 感化院
kafmhoax jinsym | move the hearts of men | 感化人心
kafmhoax zoexjiin | convert sinners | 感化罪人
kafmhoax | influence; moralisation; reform; reform (a person); influence (a person) by personal examples of moral uprightness | 感化
kafmhoax-kaoiok | reformatory instruction or training | 感化教育
kafmhoax-lat | moral influence | 感化力
kafmhoax-suxgiap | reformatory work | 感化事業
kafmhofng | catch (a) cold | 感風; 傷風; 得感冒
kafmhok | persuade someone to obey his order | 感服; 佩服
kafmjiarm | infect; be infected with; to catch; contract (disease); infection | 感染
kafmjiarm-siofng | infected wound | 感染傷; 染毒傷
kafmjiin | affecting, touching, moving | 感人
kafmkag | feeling; sense; sensibility; to feel | 感覺; 感到; 覺得
kafmkag-khiekoafn | sense organs | 感覺器官
kafmkag-sinkefng | sensory nerves | 感覺神經
kafmkaklun | sensationalism (philosophy) | 感覺論
kafmkeg | grateful; feel grateful; be moved; touched; affected | 感激
kafmkek | appreciate; bless; thankfulness; gratitude | 感激
kafmkhaix | be melancholy, deeply moved | 感慨
kafmkhaix-buliong | one's heart is filled with deep emotion | 感慨無量
kafmkhib | weeping | 感泣
kafmkngf | sensitization | 感光
kafmkngf-to | degree of sensitivity to light | 感光度
kafmkoafn | sense; sense organ; sense | 感官
kafmkoafn`ee | sensuous | 感官的
kafmkofng | affected by light (as photo-film); be exposed to light; sensitization | 感光
kafmkongzef | sensitized | 感光劑
kafmkongzoar | sensitive paper | 感光紙
kafmliam | gratitude | 感念
kafmliarm | Infect | 感染
kafmlo putkarm gieen | angry but not daring to speak out | 敢怒無敢言
kafmlui | tears | 感淚
kafmmo | catch cold; cold | 感冒; 感冒症
kafmo sviemiaa | falsely use another's name | 假冒姓名
kafmo | counterfeit; assume the identity of somebody else | 假冒
kafmoxzoe | forgery | 假冒罪
kafmpoe | appreciate and admire | 感佩
kafmsexng | geist; sensibility | 感性
kafmsi | Is it possible that | 豈是; 是無是
kafmsia | appreciate; gratefulness; thank; express one's gratitude | 感謝
kafmsiofng | sorrowful, to feel sad | 感傷
kafmsiorng | sentiment; mental reaction; what one thinks about a thing; the way one feels about a thing; impression; opinion | 感想
kafmsiu | experience; feel; receive an impression; be impressed; to pick up (as radio); perceive; to feel | 感受
kafmsiu-thea | the sensory receptor | 感受體
kafmsuo-tui | expendables | 敢死隊
kafmswtui | expendables | 敢死隊
kafmsym | thoughtful; laudable; admirable; praiseworthy | 感心; 值得稱讚; 了無起; 令人讚賞
kafmsytui | forlorn hope; death band; suicide squad | 敢死隊
kafmthaau | a mourning hood of women | 頭蓋; 蕨冠
kafmtharnhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆號
kafmtharnsuu | interjection | 感嘆詞
kafmthauar | woman's mourning head-dress | 蓋頭仔; 首經; (喪服)
kafmthaxn | to sigh, a sigh | 感嘆
kafmthaxn-huhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆符號
kafmthaxn-suu | interjection | 感嘆辭; 感嘆詞
kafmtiaux | inspiration (to do a noble or brave deed) given by religious teaching; great leaders | 感召
kafmtien | receive an electric shock | 感電
kafmtiøh | do (you) need?; catch cold | 著涼; 感著; 感冒; 傷風; 可須要
kafmtofng | dare to be | 敢當
kafmtong | carry away; affect; move; sensation; to move; affect; or touch (mentally) | 感動
kafmzeeng phørliet | fall out (said of friends; married couple) | 感情破裂
kafmzeeng | sentiment; feeling; affection; heart; feelings; emotion; passion; sentiment; devotion (between friends; relatives) | 感情
kafmzeeng-chiongtut | collision of feelings | 感情衝突
kafmzhae | can't say for sure; maybe | 敢彩; 也許; 或許; 說無定
kafmzog-kafm'uii | have the courage to do what one believes should be done | 敢作敢為
kafn | between; among; while; put a space between; block up (keng means a room) | 間; 矸; 艱; 干; 奸; 瓶
kafn'i | simple and easy; plain | 簡易
kafn'i-seng'oah | simple life | 簡易生活
kafn'i-sidtngg | cafeteria; lunch room; snack bar | 簡易食堂
kafn'iaux | brief and to the point | 簡要
kafn'iog | abbriviate, condense, summarize, abbreviation, condensation, summary | 簡約; 摘要
kafn'ixhoax | simplification; simplify | 簡易化
kafn'vi | simplified, made easy | 簡易
kafn-tiexntii | a cell, a dry battery | 乾電池
kafnban | to slight, to treat coolly | 簡慢
kafnbeeng | laconic; simple; yet terse; short and to the point | 簡明
kafncied | simple | 簡折; 簡略
kafnciet | fast and simple | 簡捷; 敏捷
kafnciofng | brief and concise statement of regulations; procedures; abridged regulations | 簡章
kafng cinkiab | work is very pressing | 工作緊迫; 工真夾
kafng | work day; day's work; day. physical labor; work; work; day; long river; the Yangtze | 工; 江; 綱
kafng'iern | oration; a lecture; give a lecture | 講演; 演講
kafng'oaan | lecturer, speaker | 講員
kafng'oafn | harbor; bay; gulf | 港灣
kafng`ee | male animal | 公的
kafngban | myriads | 講萬; 成千上萬; 無數
kafngbeeng | make (a point) clear by explanation | 講明
kafngbu-kiok | harbor bureau | 港務局
kafngcviw | written lecture or sermon | 講章; 講稿
kafnggi | lecture note; lecture; correspondence course; transcript of lectures; a discourse; explanation; deliver a lecture on; give a course in | 講義
kafnggoa | outside the port (harbor) | 港外
kafnghak | teaching; lecture | 講學
kafnghoex | imported merchandise | 港貨; 舶來品
kafnghvoa | port | 港岸
kafnghøo | negotiate peace | 講和
kafngkae | to explain (orally); oral explanation; expository sermon; explain (doctrine; literature etc.); give the sense | 講解
kafngkaux | expound religious doctrine | 講教
kafngkefng | preaching bible; expound Buddhist sutras | 講經
kafngkerng | harbor police | 港警
kafngkhaf | port; harbor | 港邊; 港腳
kafngkhao | port | 港口
kafngkhw | port area | 港區
kafngkiuu | require | 講求
kafngkiux | daintily; refined; be particular or elaborate (about something); (of dress; building; furniture) expensive or tasteful | 講究
kafngkor | tell stories | 講古; 講古,講故事
kafngkvii | riverside | 港墘; 港邊
kafngkør | manuscript of a prepared speech | 講稿; 演講稿
kafnglai | inside the port; inside the harbor; in port | 港內
kafnglie | reasonable | 講理
kafnglo | port road | 港路
kafnglun | discuss; expound | 講論; 談論
kafngmngg | port gate | 港門
kafngpex | Hong Kong money | 港幣
kafngpheeng | review (a literary work; a game; especially in speech); make critical comments on some performance | 講評
kafngpof | port side area | 港埔
kafngpvy | riversides | 港邊
kafngsek | lecture | 講席
kafngsibhoe | session (usually one of a brief series) for receiving instruction; a seminar | 講習會
kafngsibpafn | short-term course of training or instruction; a seminar | 講習班
kafngsibsor | school for short-term training or instruction | 講習所
kafngsip | training; short-term training or instruction course (class) | 講習
kafngsiu | tuition; profess; teach | 講授
kafngsut | explain and discuss (subjects; problems) | 講述
kafngsuu | teach; text of a speech (delivered before an audience) | 講詞
kafngsw | instructor; lecturer; lecturer (at a college or university) | 講師
kafngtaai | podium; rostrum; platform | 講台; 講臺
kafngtaai-tøq | pulpit | 講台桌; 講壇
kafngtee | topic (of a speech or lecture) | 講題
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kafngtngg | schoolroom | 講堂
kafngtof | harbor city | 港都
kafngtvoaa | preaching, pulpit | 講壇
kafngtø | preachment; preach; moralise; preach the doctrine | 講道
kafngtøee | speech subject | 講題
kafngzeeng | lobby | 講情
kafngzhuix | port; harbor | 港嘴; 河口; 港口
kafngzø | a course of lectures; lectureship; professorship; a chair | 講座
kafnhau | A school for cadres | 幹學
kafnhoax | predigestion; simplified; simplify; simplification | 簡化
kafnhunsox | simple fraction (math.) | 簡分數
kafnji | simiplified characters writing; abbreviated or simplified form of a character | 簡字
kafnjim | selected appointment rank (the second highest of the four grades in modern Chinese civil service) | 簡任
kafnkae | to explain briefly; brief explanation | 簡解
kafnkaix | introduction | 簡介
kafnkexng | energy, vigor, drive | 活力
kafnkhurn | bacillus (bacterium) | 桿菌
kafnkied | terseness; chasteness | 簡潔
kafnlien | able, skilful, capable | 簡練
kafnliok | simple; brief; briefly; simplify; abbreviate | 簡略
kafnlo | simple and crude | 簡陋
kafnnar | (v) as if; seem like ? | 假那; 好像
kafnphor | simple musical notation | 簡譜
kafnpi | maidservant | 女婢
kafnpid | simple pen | 簡筆
kafnpien | simple and convenient; handy; simple; handy | 簡便
kafnpo | key persons, cadre | 框架
kafnpøx | briefing | 簡報
kafnseg | skeleton symbol | 簡式
kafnserng | simple; brief; abridged; abbreviated; doing hurriedly or at less expense | 簡省; 簡單的; 省略; 簡略; 簡化
kafnsiar | simplify writing style; write contracted forms; write briefly; abbreviate | 簡寫
kafnsox | unpretentious, simple | 簡數; 樸素
kafnsu | secretary | 幹士
kafnsuo | history in brief; concise history | 簡史
kafntafn | simple; briefness; simplicity; brief(ly); plain(ly) | 簡單
kafntafn-hoax | simplify, make simple, simplification | 簡單化
kafnthea | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體
kafnthea-ji | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體字
kafnthefji | (n) simplified Chinese character; simplified form of characters | 簡體字
kafnthefli | simplified Chinese | 簡體字
kafntit | direct, concise, simple | 簡直; 直接
kafntoarn | short; terse; brief | 簡短
kafntøea | brief, short, brevity | 簡短
kafntøee | subject or topic of a speech | 講題
kafnvi | simplified, made easy | 簡易
kafnzhefng | for short; abbreviated appellation; to be called or known as...; for short | 簡稱
kafpan | disguise; to masquerade | 假扮
kafseg | parole; conditional release | 假釋
kafsexng-thienhoaf | modified mild form of smallpox | 假性天花
kafsie | strangle and kill with a rope | 絞死
kafsied | suppose; assumption; hypothesize; hypothesis; supposition; assumption | 假設
kafsiorng | imaginary | 假想
kafsioxngtek | hypothetical enemy | 假想敵
kafsoad | hypothesis | 假說
kafsoef | luck or fortune couldn't be that bad; that cruel | 絞衰; 運氣沒那麼壞
kafsuo | if; suppose; in case of; supposing that; in case that | 假使
kafsuo-seg | driver's seat | 駕駛室
kafsuu | pseudoword | 假詞
kaftaai | scaffold for execution | 絞台; 絞臺
kafteng | assume; suppose; supposition; on the assumption that...; supposing that... | 假定
kafthog | use the name improperly | 假託; 假托
kafthviax | colic | 絞痛
kaftviuu | place of execution, hanging place | 絞場; 刑場
kafze | not so much | 加多; 沒那麼多
kafzhar | make a noisy disturbance | 絞吵; 吵鬧
kafzhek'ar kekhix | thrashing machine | 絞粟仔
kafzofng | pretend | 假裝
kahzhafm | participation | 合參
kakaf-hoxho | every family and household | 家家戶戶
kakaf`leq | make summation | 加加咧; 鉸鉸咧
kakafng | process; extra work; manufacturing; to process | 加工
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakafng-zhutkhawkhw | export processing zone | 加工出口區
kakciafm | point of a corner or of a horn | 角占; 角尖
kakhoafn | broaden | 加寬
kakoafn | cap a boy as a symbol of his coming of age (at 20) | 加冠
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kalafnphag | put a thing upside down; lie face downward | 伏臥趴; 倒放
kam'afbit | tomato; (in central or northern Taiwan); kam-a-bit (in southern Taiwan); chhau-khi-a (in northern Taiwan) | 甘仔蜜; 柑仔蜜; 蕃茄
kam'afbit-cviux | tomato catchup | 柑仔蜜醬
kam'afciab | orange juice | 柑仔汁
kam'afseg | orange | 柑仔色
kam'afthngg | sweets; candy; orange candy (in the shape and color of orange segments) | 甘仔糖; 柑糖; 糖果
kam'afzay | young tangerine sapling | 橘子苗; 柑仔栽
kamciarpafng | bagasse board; a board made from the refuse of crushed sugar cane fibers | 甘蔗板
kamkafm | sweet, delicious | 柑柑
kamkafm-khofkhor | bitterly sweet | 甘甘苦苦
kan'afswn | grand grand kids; great-grandson | 曾仔孫
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kanggiap-kokkaf | industrial nations of powers; developed countries | 工業國家
kangkhafng | same hole; same problem | 同孔; 同一個問題; 同一個洞
kangsafn | the national territory; rivers and hills ─ the country; the land; the state; scenery | 江山
kangsafn-byjiin | throne and the beauty | 江山美人
kangzog-sikafn | hours of labor; the hours on duty | 工作時間
kannaf | but; yet | 只是; 干焦; 只有
kannaf-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kannafkiuu | football; American foot-ball (because the ball is shaped like a olive) | 橄仔球; 橄欖球
kansin'afchiøx | treacherous smile | 奸臣仔笑
kantaf | only; merely | 干乾; 干焦; 只有; 只
kantvaf | only; alone; no other than; nothing but | 只有; 干焦; 干單
kao pui høefchiaf | worthless (Lit. Dog barks at train.) | 狗吠火車; 無濟於事
kaociaf | stop here; hereto | 到此
kaohiaf | arrive there | 到彼; 到那兒
kaoiogkaf | a person who devoted one's life to teaching; educator; educational worker | 教育家
kaoiok-kaf | educator | 教育家
kaokvoaf | military teacher; military instructor | 教官
kaotvaf | up to the present time | 至今; 到今; 到目前
kapafn | work overtime; overtime; overtime work | 加班
kapanchiaf | extra bus or train | 加班車
kapithviaf | coffee-room | 咖啡廳
kapzhafm | mixed | 合參; 混在一起
kaq thafn'ar | cover oneself with blankets | 蓋毯仔
karchiaf | drag racing | 較車
karmkafng | overseer; foreman; supervise construction work | 監工
karmsiofngkaf | connoisseur | 鑑賞家
karmthviaf | monitor | 監聽
karmzaf | inspection; (to) audit | 監察
kasvaf | cutting; cut out clothing | 剪衫; 裁剪衣服
katafng | Autumn maple tree; Red cedar | 佳冬; 茄苳; 重陽木
kathiafm | add; addition; plus; add to; to double | 加添
katvaf | add load | 加擔
katvoaf | punch a railway ticket | 剪票; 剪單
kauhoafn | get along with one other person very well | 交歡
kaukaf | act upon (something) or to hit (someone) simultaneously with two or more forces | 交加
kaukhaf-kauchiuo | very agile; can do things very fast (Lit. monkey feet and money hands) | 手腳敏捷; 猴腳猴手
kaukoafn | trading; purchase; deal; do business with; to buy | 交關; 採購; 買
kaupafn | to change shift (official duty) | 交班
kausafn | monkey | 猴子; 猴山
kausafn`ar | monky | 猴山仔
kautafng | winter season about to begin | 交冬; 秋冬間; 進入冬季
kauthofng-chiaf | private bus (school, factory) | 交通車
kauthofng-kikoafn | means of communication; traffic facilities | 交通機關
kauxboaqafzhaix | thick mustard vegetable | 厚茉菜
kauxkafng | take a lot of time or effort; tough job; work which requires much time and energy | 厚工; 麻煩; 費事; 費時間
kauxsvaf | heavy clothing | 厚衣
kauxzoafphef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauxzoafphoef | cardboard | 厚紙坯
kauzeahoaf | a social butterfly; derogatory term referring to women who are very active in social functions | 交際花
kauzhaf | decussation; crossed; crossover | 交叉
kawafkviar | puppy | 狗仔囝
kawhviaf-kawti | group of good-for-nothings | 狗兄狗弟; 狐群狗黨
kawkafng | male dog | 狗公
kawkhafng | hole in a door for a dog | 狗洞; 狗孔
kawoafn zabpeh'oad | very crooked; zigzag | 彎彎曲曲; 九彎十八穵
kawsoaf | lip shark | 狗鯊; 狗鮫
kawsviaf khitciaqaau | terrible singing (Lit. a dog's voice and a beggar's throat) | 狗聲乞食喉; 唱歌音色難聽
kaxngpafn | (fellow) classmate | 共班; 同班; 同學
kaykoafn | transform; present a new look; change the appearance of; change its appearance (as a city or building); to assume a new look | 改觀
kazhafn | good meal | 佳餐
ke'afbak | night-blindness | 夜盲症; 雞仔目
ke'afciao | chicks and birds | 雞仔鳥
ke'afkviar | baby chicks | 雞仔囝; 小雞
ke'afm | chicken cover | 雞掩
kea khaf | stepping stone | 跂跤
kea'afng | marry a husband | 出嫁; 嫁翁
keaafng | marry a husband | 嫁翁
keaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
keafbak | night blindness, corn on the foot | 雞仔目
keafkviar | baby chicks | 雞仔囝
keaflo | street | 街仔路
keakhaf | price difference | 差價; 價差
keakoafn | pass | 過關
keathengchiaf | taxi; meter taxi | 計程車; 出租車
keazhaf | price difference | 價差
kefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
kefhoafn | fake aboriginal | 假番
kefkhaf | artificial limb; artificial leg | 假腳; 義肢; 義足; 假腿
kefkhafng | fake hole | 假孔
kefngchiaf | police car; police van | 警車
kefngkoafn | sight | 景觀
kefngkvoaf | police sergeant; sarge; police officer | 警官
kefngkvoaf-haghau | police academy | 警官學校
kefsexng thienhoaf | varioloid; mild case of smallpox | 假性天花
kefsie-kaf | won't have anything to do with anyone (Lit. pretend to be dead) | 假死家; 裝死
kefsviaf | falsetto | 假聲
kefsvoaf | rock garden; false mountain | 假山
keg iuosviaf | speak intentionally in a gentle (not natural) tone | 裝柔聲
keg-toaxkhafng | pretend to be rich | 裝有錢; 偽大孔
kegkaf | optimal | 極加; 極佳
kegkaf-hoax | optimization | 極嘉化; 極佳化
kegkoaan-kokkaf | dictatorial nation; dictatorship; totalitarian nation | 極權國家
kegtoafn | extremity; radical; extreme; extremely; excess (used of any extreme action) | 極端
keh'afsvaf | coat with cross strips; plain coat | 格子衫
keh'afzoar | ruled paper | 格子紙; 方格紙
keh'impafng | acoustic tile; acoustic board | 隔音板
kehtngfkafng | the next day | 隔轉工
kehzafkhie | next morning | 隔早起; 隔天早上
kekafng | do unnecessary additional work | 雞公; 加工; 做吃力不討好的事
kekak'afchiaf | baby walker | 雞鵤仔車
kekbexngkaf | revolutionist | 革命家
kekhaf | chicken feet | 雞腳
kekhalafn | hard areas on a fowl's foot | 雞腳繭
kekkhafng | make things difficult | 激空
kekoafn | cock's comb | 雞冠
kekui'afsiefn | boast; bragger | 雞規仔仙; 吹牛大王
kekvoaf | chicken liver; chicken liver | 雞肝
kelafm | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
kelafng | chicken crate (Lit. fowl basket) | 雞籠
kengkaf | much more; all the more | 更加
kengkhoaf | boast | 誇口; 矜誇
kengmoaf | cape, veil, benediction veil | 經披; 披肩; 祝福語
kengsafnhu | multipara | 經參數; 經產婦
keq cidliap svoaf | separated by a mountain | 隔一座山; 隔一粒山
kerngkaf | much more; all the more; even more | 更加
kexkhaf | be obstructed by one's feet | 低腳
kexkhaf-kexchiuo | in the way | 礙手礙腳
kha'oafn | hollow in the bend of the knee | 腳彎
khaciafm | point of the root | 腳尖
khaciafm-chiwiux | lady of extreme leisure | 腳尖手幼; 嫩手嫩腳 (比喻從沒做過粗活的人)
khaciahphviaf | the back of the human body | 腳脊骿; 尻脊骿; 背部; 背脊
khaekoafn | a general view | 概觀
khaf baa | one's leg is asleep | 腳麻
khaf cintngg | gourmet's luck | 腳真長; 有口福
khaf kiw`khylaai | draw up the legs; sever one's connection with; withdraw from an undertaking | 腳縮起來; 縮腿; 退出某事;
khaf paypae | limping in walking | 腳拐拐; 腳跛跛
khaf phuphuu | unsteady gait | 腳飄浮無力; 腳浮浮
khaf pix | one's leg is asleep | 腳麻; 腳痺
khaf poepoef | feet unsteady; unsteady gait | 腳飄浮; 腳步無穩; 腳飛飛
khaf sngf chiuo nngr | limbs weak with sickness or exhaustion | 腳酸手軟
khaf sngf | legs feeling sore (as after a long walk) | 腳酸
khaf taqtah thaxmtham | totter along; stagger along | 腳踏踏貪貪; 腳步蹣跚
khaf tiam`tiøh | tread on a stone in such wise that a stone bruise may result | 腳硌到; 腳砧著
khaf voay`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳扭傷
khaf zvoai`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳撰著; 腳扭傷
khaf | leg; foot (used as a suffix meaning at or near the foot of) | 腳; 跤
khafbiau | cunning | 巧妙
khafhap | coincide | 巧合
khafm | be worthy, be able to bear, befit | 合適; 堪; 龕
khafm'ar | terrace | 坎仔; 高低處
khafm'oe | silly words | 歁話
khafmhoat | chop down; hag; lop | 砍伐
khafmkhafmkhiedkhiet | bumpy road | 坎坎坷坷
khafmkharm | foolish | 憨憨; 歁歁
khafmkhix | na?ve and silly | 憨氣
khafmlaang | na?ve and silly people | 憨人
khafmmea | abrupt; fast | 緊猛; 快一點
khafmsiefn | na?ve and silly people | 憨仙
khafmsiin | active stupidity; doing absurd and foolish things | 傻氣; 傻神
khafmthaukhafmbin | o scold someone for doing inappropriate and stupid things due to ignorance or lack of knowledge | 歁頭歁面
khafmtør | chop down | 砍倒
khafmzam | paragraph; section; end; stage; phase | 段落; 坎站
khafn hongkui | work the piston of the blacksmith's bellows | 拉風箱; 牽風櫃
khafn sai'ar | discipleship | 牽師仔
khafn tiexnhøea | install electricity | 裝電燈; 牽電火
khafn | drag; to pull; to tug; to haul; involve; affect; to control; restrain; journal | 牽; 刊
khafn-chincviaa | act as a go-between | 牽親戚; 做媒
khafn-kofngkøx | to put an advertisement | 刊廣告
khafn`ee | holding; wife (intimate) | 牽的; 妻子
khafn`teq | hold | 牽著
khafng hvoahie | fruitless joy | 空歡喜
khafng | hollow; empty; vain; false | 空; 孔
khafng-ngrbang | empty hope | 空希望
khafng`ee | empty | 空的
khafnkharn | fluent; open; straightforward | 侃侃
khafoe | a skillful saying | 巧話
khafsu | coincidence; just happen | 巧事
khahchiaf | truck | 卡車
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khaikafng | begin work on an undertaking | 動工; 開工
khaikoafn | switch; a switch (Lit. open-shut) | 開關
khaikoafn-giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein; exhumation | 開棺驗屍
khaisafn | founder of religious sect; cut into a mountain | 開山
khaitoafn | the beginning; starting point | 開端
khak'afhieen | instrument made from coconut shell | 殼仔絃
khalafn | corn | 腳繭
khamkhafm khiedkhiet | rough; rugged; full of frustrations | 嵁嵁硈硈; 坎坎坷坷
khanchiaf | buy a car; to drive the car back after it is fixed | 買車; 牽車
khanchyn-bafnzheg | seek special favor or help from somebody by elaborating on one's relationship (usually remote and indirect) with him; to try to cement ties or establish connections with an ulterior motive | 牽親挽戚; 拉關係
khangchiaf | empty car | 空車
khangkhafng | empty; quite empty; there is nothing in it. | 空空; 空蕩蕩的,空空的
khangkoafn'ar | empty bottle | 空罐仔; 空瓶子
khansviaf | prolong voice; draw out one's voice loud and long (as in singing or reciting) | 牽聲; 拉長聲音
khanthoaf | shift blame; involve (person) in something unpleasant; accuse falsely | 牽拖; 責怪; 帶累; 推諉; 誣賴
khao'oafn | cry for redress of wrong; call for justice | 哭冤; 呼冤
khaosviaf | sound of weeping; crying | 哭聲
khaozhafn | crying | 哭潺; 哭孱
khapkaf | the whole family | 闔家; 闔第
khapoxsviaf | sound of footsteps | 腳步聲
kharchiaf | truck | 卡車
kharm'afkvii | edge of a cliff | 崖仔墘; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharm'afpvy | edge of a cliff | 崖仔邊; 崖緣; 嵌邊
kharmkhaf | cliff; foot of a cliff | 崖下; 嵌下; 崖腳
kharmzaf | examine; investigate | 勘查; 查勘
kharngkafng | stay away from work without good reason; neglect work | 曠工
kharpinchiafng | carbine | 卡賓槍
khataqchiaf | bicycle | 腳踏車; 跤踏車
khataqkhaf | about the same time | 腳踏腳; 片刻之前
khatiafm | footstool | 腳凳
khaxng laang ee liab'afphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的粒仔痞
khaxng liab'afphie | pick the scab off a boil | 揭瘡疤; 揭粒仔痞
khay gafnkaix | enlarge the field of vision; see new things | 開眼界
khazhngf-khafng | the anus, the fundament | 尻川孔; 尻川空
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
kheafkvii | by the stream | 溪仔墘
kheahviaf | male lover of a married woman; adopted brother; male paramour | 情夫; 義兄; 契兄
khefngthviaf | willing to listen | 肯聽
khefzaf | audit; examine goods and collect duty | 稽查
khehchiaf | coach; bus; passenger car or train (as opposed to freight) | 客車
khehkaf | hakka | 客家
khehkoafn | objective; objectivity; objective view | 客觀
khehkoafn-sexng | objectiveness | 客觀性
khehkoafn-zwgi | objectivism | 客觀主義
khehkvoaf | customer | 客倌; 顧客
khehthviaf | living room; reception room; a parlor | 客廳
khek'afng | Her tenacious fate will be too much for her husband | 剋夫
khekhaf | lame | 瘸跤
khekhafng | not get along well; be on bad terms; be at | 無和; 找麻煩; 卡孔; 挑剔
khekkafng | carver | 刻工
khekkoafn | objective | 客觀
khengkaf-toxngsarn | dissipate one's fortune | 傾家蕩產
khengpien-chiaf | push-car on a narrow track | 輕便車; 手推車
khengpiexnchiaf | narrow-gauge hand-car | 輕便車
khengsviaf-seasoeq | speak softly; talk in a soft voice | 輕聲細語
khengthviaf | listen carefully; be all ears | 傾聽
khex khaf | rest your feet | 架跤
khezaf | investigate | 稽查
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khiachiaf | riding bicycle | 騎車
khiaf | rebuke; odd number; one of a pair | 非難; 奇; 單數
khiafm | modest; humble; modest; retiring; lowly | 謙
khiafng | tinkle; deceive; fool; hoodwink; stolen | 鏘; 發叮噹聲; 騙; 清脆聲; 偷
khiakhafng | to pick fault; look for trouble | 騎孔; 故意出難題; 找麻煩
khiakhafng-khiaphang | create difficulties | 騎孔騎縫; 諸多刁難
khiarm'afn | unease; indisposed; be in poor health (a polite expression) | 欠安; 微恙
khiarmkaf | not good; not satisfactory | 欠佳
khiarngkhaf | terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce; unyielding (said of a woman); spirited; mannish | 能幹; 勥跤; 厲害; 精明
khiatafng-khiasay | create difficulties | 騎東騎西; 諸多刁難
khiaukhaf liern zhuiechiw | put one leg over the other and twist the mustache ─ live in leisure | 蹺腿捻鬍鬚; 生活閒逸
khiaukhaf | put one leg on another leg; put one leg over the other; cross one's legs | 翹腳; 曲跤; 蹺腿; 蹺二郎腿
khiautvaf | yoke | 曲擔; 兩端上翹之扁擔
khiaxkhaf | stay at; stopover at | 住腳; 歇腳; 逗留
khiaxm Bitafmirn | vitamin deficiency | 欠維他命
khiaxm cidkhaf | short one hand (for some game or gambling) | 欠一人
khiaxm kiafmtiarm | careless; wanting in method or decorum | 欠檢點
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
khie cidphaf | formed a blister | 起了一個水泡; 起一皰
khie'koafn | organ of the body | 器官
khiechiaf kaytheftviuu | chop shop | 汽車解體廠
khiechiaf | motorized vehicle; car; motorcar; automobile | 汽車
khiechiaf-lykoarn | motel | 汽車旅館
khiegiabkaf | entrepreneur; organizer | 企業家
khiekafng | cylinders (in automobiles; motorcycles) | 汽缸
khiekhafng | air hole; pore (of skin); stoma (on a leaf); spiracle or blowhole (of a whale); vesicle (of igneous rock) | 氣孔
khiekoafn | organ of the body | 氣官
khiekvoaf | resign as an officer | 去官; 棄官
khiernphafng | frying; flavor with onion or mushroom before frying (something) | 譴芳; 芡芳; 爆香
khiesviaf | aspiration; (phonetics) departing tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 氣聲; 去聲
khiethafng | transom; ventilation window; louvers) | 氣窗
khietzhoafn | reveal | 揭穿
khimsviaf | tweedle | 琴聲
khinbu-sikafn | business (office) hours; on duty | 勤務時間; 上班時間
khinkhinsangsafng | easily | 輕輕鬆鬆
khinsafng | fresh; relaxed; free; relaxed; comfortable; easy (as a job or business) | 輕鬆
khinsviaf | soft voice; neutral tone (in phonetics of Mandarin and many other Chinese dialects) | 輕聲
khinsviaf-seasoeq | quiet; gentle voice | 輕聲細語
khinthvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐慌無安; 恐惶不安
khiofngkviaf | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 恐驚; 恐怕
khiptaf | to suck dry | 吸乾; 吸焦
khiuo thauzafng | seize a person by the hair of the head | 揪頭鬃; 揪頭髮
khiøh'angtiafm'ar | car game to gather diamonds and hearts | 抾紅點仔
khiøhkhafng | to pick fault | 挑剔; 拾孔
khiøhkhykhaf ciu kviaa | get up on one's two feet then walk away immediately | 提腳就走; 拾起腳就走
khiøhkhykhaf | get up on one's two feet | 拾起腳
khiøhkviafbuo | midwife | 抾囝母
khoaechiaf | an express train or bus | 快車
khoaechiaf-tø | lane for fast traffic | 快車道
khoaezhafn | quick meal; snack; fast food; simple meal consisting of a couple of dishes which are served promptly in small restaurants | 快餐
khoaf | exaggerate; boast; boast; to brag; feel pride in | 誇
khoafn | large-minded; forgiving; lenient; liberal; magnanimous; spacious; generous; broad | 寬; 圈
khoafn`khylaai | circle it | 圈起來
khoafnbiern | exhort | 勸勉
khoafnhak | encouraging learning | 勸學
khoafnhang | funds; a sum of money; sum; items of expenditure | 款項
khoafnkhngx | persuade and exhort | 勸導; 款勸; 勸勸
khoafnkhoarn`leq | put in order | 款款咧; 收拾
khoafnkøx | advice | 勸告
khoafnliuu | to sincerely try to make a guest stay longer in order to offer greater hospitality | 款留
khoafnløh | put carefully away in order | 收拾; 置於; 款
khoafnpak | pack and tie up | 款落; 綑扎; 收拾
khoafnseg | form; model; pattern; sort. It seems that.. | 款式; (樣子)
khoafnsid | form; model; pattern; sort. It seems that.. | 款式; (樣子)
khoafnthai | to entertain with courtesy and warmth; hospitality; host; treat (well or badly); hospitality | 款待; 伺候
khoafnthea | external look; outward appearance | 外觀; 形式; 款體
khoafntø | persuade | 勸導
khoafnzheq | to put books in order; to tidy | 款冊; 收拾書本
khoafnzor | dissuade | 勸阻
khoan'afsi | to do it slowly | 構構來
khoarkhaf | stepping | 靠腳; 墊腳
khoarnkoafn | persuade one to donate, raise money | 款款; 勸捐
khoeafkvii | river bank | 溪仔墘
khoeahviaf | married woman’s lover | 契兄
khoeakhaf | rest the leg (on a chair; footstool; table) | 擱腿
khoekhaf | deformed or paralyzed foot (leg) | 瘸腿
khoekhaf-phoarsviux | maimed; greatly deformed | 瘸腳瘸手; 殘障
khoex khaf | rest your feet | 架跤
khofaftef | deep fry food (wrap with moist powder); tempura | 苦仔炸; 用米漿把食物包起來再油炸; (外來語)
khofbøkhafng | to feel miserable due to lack of opportunity | 苦無孔
khofkafm | bitter mixed with sweet taste; bitter with sweet | 苦甘; 苦味中帶有甘味
khofkafng | toil; hard labor | 苦工
khofngbengchiaf | bike | 孔明車
khog'afthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 鱷仔頭
khok'aftef | a Taiwanese fried food with bean sprout and oyster mixed with flour | 觳仔炱
khoksviaf-ky | public addressing system, loud-speaker | 擴聲機
khong'afm | cover up | 悾掩
khong'afn | health and peace | 康安; 安康
khongkafn | room; interspace; space (in the sense of dimension) | 空間
khongkhafng | a empty hole; a hollow hole | 空孔
khongkwn-bwkvoaf | air attache | 空軍武官
khonglogthviaf | recreation room (center) | 康樂廳
khongtiofng-laxmchiaf | cable car; funicular | 空中纜車
khoni'afkuq | elephant's foot plant; (transliterated sound from Japanese); having a massive; edible; yam-like tuber (also called Hottentot's bread or tortoise plant) | 蒟蒻
khor cin kafm laai | The happy sunny days are coming after all the hardship endured | 苦盡甘來
khor siong kaf khor | bring additional pain | 苦上加苦
khorkhaf | the bottom of a trouser-leg; trouser legs | 褲腳; 褲跤; 褲管
khorngkafng | miner | 礦工
khorngkhafng | an opening of a mine | 礦孔
khorngkvoaf | to rebel (to civil officers) | 抗官
khorngsoaf | ore in sand form | 礦砂
khorngsvoaf | mountains containing mineral deposits; mine | 礦山
khotvoaf | cackle (as a hen about to lay an egg) | 呼單; 母雞啼 (準備下蛋)
khoxngkhiafng | walk unsteadily | 無穩; 鞏鏘
khudthausvoaf | bald mountain | 𣮈頭山
khuichiaf | drive; drive a car; drive a car; start a vehicle | 開車
khuicviaf | at beginning of the year; the first day of the year; beginning of the New Year | 元旦; 開正; 開始新年頭
khuikhaf | to forward march | 開步; 開腳
khuikhafng | to open a hole; make a hold; button hole | 開孔; 開洞
khuikoafn giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn-giaxmsy | to open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuisviaf | (literally) to open one's voice; to begin telling | 開聲
khuisvoaf | to open a mountain | 開山
khuithviaf | open hall | 開廳
khuitvoaf | to write a bill; to list expenditures or items needed; make out a bill or list; to fine | 開單; 開罰單
khuitøf-kiafmzaf | exploratory operation | 開刀檢查
khukafn | interval | 區間
khukhaf | paralysis | 踞腳; 屈膝; 歇腳; 癱瘓
khunthioong-hagkaf | entomologist | 昆蟲學家
khurnsvaf | pajamas; nightgown | 睏衫; 睡衣
khutkhaf | to bend the legs | 屈腳
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khuxn thafnkhy | lie down on one's side | 睏坦敧
khuxn-thafnchiøx | lie on one's back | 睡袒笑; 仰臥
khuxn-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 睡袒敧; 側臥
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
khuy iaxchiaf | burn the midnight oil; work late into the night; to study at night (Lit. ride the night train or bus) | 開夜車
khuy iøqtvoaf | write out a medical prescription | 開藥單
khuy khoaechiaf | (said of a car; etc.) to speed; speeding; to hasten up with one's work; to catch up with working schedule | 開快車
khuy-tøfchiaf | to back a car; train; cte.; to be old-fashioned or anachronistic; to turn back the clock; to retrograde | 開倒車
khuykex-tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks | 詭計多端
khva'afsiefn | catamite; male prostitute | 坩仔仙; 相公
khvaf | pot; earthen pot | 坩; 鍋; 盆; 坩,鍋,鑵,罐; 坩堝; 缸
khve'afzuie | water flowing through a ravine or valley | 澗仔水; 澗水
khviaf | light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; soft | 輕
khvikoafn | mourning family with coffin | 纏棺; 出殯時孝男孝女捉緊棺木
khvoa'afsi | to delay action; to put off a project | 寬仔是; 慢慢(來); 款仔是
khvoaf | wide; relax | 寬
khvoarhofng-zoafntø | adapt oneself to circumstances | 看風轉舵
khvoarputzai gafnlai | make light of | 看不在眼內
khvoarsvoaf | to practise geomancy (in selecting a site for a tomb or building) | 看山; 看風水
khvoarsvoaf`ee | a person who is special to practise geomancy (in selecting a site for a tomb or building) | 看山的; 地理師; 看風水的人
khvoartafng | watch east | 看東
khvoartafng-khvoarsay | look all around; gawk around | 看東看西; 東張西望
khvoaru-ciaqbøo kantvaf giexn | dreaming impossible dreams (Lit. You see it; but can't have; you just yearn for it.) | 看有吃無只有癮
khwnkafng | truck stevedores; freight-handler who travel with the truck | 綑工
khyhoafn | behaving unreasonably | 起番
khykafng | rules; customs; practices; well-behaved; set to work; commence work; lay down | 紀綱; 開工; 規矩; 起工; 常規
khykhaf thad | lift the foot and kick | 起腳踢
khykhaf | paw; put one's hands on another person (see [[khykhaf-taxngchiuo]]); to set out; to start on a journey; roots of teeth | 起腳; 起跤; 動手動腳; 齒腳; 齒齦
khykhaf-taxngchiuo | (literally) to move hands and legs; to start an action | 動手動腳; 起腳動手
khykhafng | to get angry | 起孔; 生氣; 無事找碴
khykviaf | to be frightened | 受驚; 起驚
khyn-bafngbarng | very light | 輕艋艋; 很輕
khyn-thvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了; 輕撐撐
khypafn | start to have spots; speckles | 生斑; 起斑
khyphaf | blister | 起泡
khysvoaf | to land | 起山; 上山; 上岸; 崛起; 登陸
khytoafn | origin; beginning; origin; genesis | 起端
khøeahviaf | paramour of a married woman | 客兄; 契兄; 情夫
khøeakhaf | serve as a stepping-stone | 架腳; 墊腳
khøekhaf | cripple | 腳跛; 腳無力支配行動; 瘸腳
khøfkhafm | can be | 可堪
khøfkoafn | sizable; be worth seeing; considerable (sum of money; losses) | 可觀
khøfkor-hagkaf | archeologist | 考古學家
khøfkviaf | appalling | 可驚
khøfkvoaf | examiner | 考官
khøfzaf | investigate; investigation; a test in; to check | 考查; 考察
khøhagkaf | scientist | 科學家
khøhak-kaf | scientist | 科學家
khørchiwtiafm | a cushion used as arm rest on couch | 靠手墊
khørsvoaf | a patron; a supporter; a tower of strength | 靠山
khørtaf | dry up | 乾涸
ki'afpefng | popsicles | 枝仔冰
kia'afzaxn | a step of a flight of stones | 崎仔層; 石階
kiafm | combine; take both; hold in addition; serve as well; discharge two offices; also; both | 兼; 緘
kiafm'eghoad | quarantine (regulations) | 檢疫法
kiafm'egkii | quarantine period | 檢疫期
kiafm'egkvoaf | quarantine officer | 檢疫官
kiafm'egsor | quarantine station | 檢疫所
kiafm'ek | examine for communicable disease; examination; inquest; quarantine | 檢疫
kiafm'eng | to reduce the usage; lack of usage | 減用
kiafm'iet | review; be on parade; inspect; review (troops); military review | 檢閱
kiafm'm | Whay not....? | 豈無
kiafm'u | Do you have...? | 可有
kiafm'unkhix | a clinical thermometer | 檢溫器
kiafm'wn | take temperature, reduce in temperature | 減溫; 量體溫
kiafm'øe | Will that be...? | 可會; 殃否會
kiafmbad | Did you ever...? Did you have the experience of ...? | 可曾
kiafmbiern | mitigate; annul (punishment); reduce; remit (taxation.) | 減免
kiafmbøe | Would not be...? | 減無
kiafmbøeq | Do you want...? | 減要
kiafmbøo | Don't you have...? | 豈無
kiafmciah | eat less | 少吃
kiafmciør | to decrease; to reduce; to diminish | 減少
kiafmgiah | reduce the number; amount; etc. | 減額
kiafmgiam | to inspect and examine inspection; inspection; examination | 檢驗
kiafmgiam-sw | laboratory technician, optometrist | 檢驗師
kiafmgiaxmsor | inspection office | 檢驗所
kiafmheeng | to shorten or commute (judicial) sentence; commute a sentence; mitigate punishment | 減刑
kiafmhied | blood test | 檢血; 量體溫
kiafmhoad | (in arithmetic) subtraction; subtraction (in arithmetic) | 減法
kiafmhø | the minus sign (-) | 減號
kiafmke | decrease; reduce; lessen; to lower | 減低
kiafmkex | to cut prices; to reduce the price; lower the price | 減價
kiafmkhuxn | sleep less | 少睡
kiafmkhyn | lto lighten; to lessen; to reduce; to diminish; extenuate; lighten; lessen | 減輕
kiafmkie | lay bare evidence of corruption; inform the authorities of an unlawful act; plot | 檢舉
kiafmkuo | to lay bare evidences of a corrupt official; to inform the authorities of an unlawful act; plot; etc | 檢舉
kiafmlaang | to reduce the number of people | 減人; 人減少
kiafmliao | to cut down lose | 減了; 少損失
kiafmliau | reduce the amount of material | 減料
kiafmliong | loss in quantity (weight); reduce the quantity | 減量
kiafmpuii | reduce weight | 減肥
kiafmsarn | cut production or output; a drop in production or output | 減產
kiafmseg | use less color | 減色
kiafmserng | to reduce waste; to save; to be frugal; to economize; diminish; retrench | 減省; 節省
kiafmsi | Is it...? Are your...? Is he...?; whether or not; yes or no | 是否
kiafmsiao | reduce; diminish; decrease; cut down; decrease; diminution; fall off | 減少; 減小
kiafmsit | to reduce food; to eat less | 減食
kiafmsiw | poor harvest | 減收; 失收
kiafmsngx | to count less; to calculate short | 少算
kiafmsoex | cut down taxes; reduction of taxes | 減稅
kiafmsog | deceleration; slow-up; decelerate; slow down; retard | 減速
kiafmsox | (in mathematics) subtrahend | 減數
kiafmsøq | retrieval; searching | 檢索
kiafmtang | to reduce (weight) | 減重
kiafmteng | to inspect and approve or sanction; inspection; official approval; official sanction; authorization | 檢定
kiafmthafng | whether this is proper (I am eagerly awaiting your instruction) | 減通; 是否可
kiafmthøex | drop; go down; recede | 減退
kiafmthøfhoe | conference held for reviewing and discussing past performances; plans | 檢討會
kiafmthør | to review and discuss (past performance; etc); to make self-examination or soul-searching; review and discuss (past performance); make a self-examination | 檢討
kiafmtiarm | to behave (oneself); to inspect and arrange; check up; roll calling; inspection | 檢點
kiafmtii | diminish | 減除
kiafmtuu | lessen, reduce | 減除; 減輕
kiafmtøea | shorten, reduce in length | 減短
kiafmza'oaan | inspector (as a customs officer); a person authorized to search; check; inspect; examine) | 檢查員
kiafmzaf | to inspect; to examine; to test (a machine; etc.); (physical) checkup; check up; overhaul; examination; inspection | 檢查
kiafmzaseg | inspecting office | 檢查室
kiafmzasor | inspecting office | 檢查所
kiafmzhad | inspect; inspection (archaic); prosecute | 檢察
kiafmzhad-kvoaf | a court prosecutor; an attorney general; procurator | 檢察官
kiafmzhae | may be; in case; supposing; perhaps; fear; I'm afraid...; I fear... | 假使; 檢采; 恐怕; 減採; 也許可能; 說無定
kiafmzhatkvoaf | public prosecutor; prosecuting attorney | 檢查官
kiafmzhatzhux | prosecuting attorney's office | 地檢處
kiafmzoe | to reduce punishment; to cut down penalty | 減罪
kiafmzof | reduce; cut; or lower rent | 減租
kiafn-suguii | think of the time of peril in times of peace; be prepared for possible future perils while enjoying peace | 居安思危
kiamphafng | salty and sweet-smelling; salty and delicious at the same time | 鹹香
kiamsiafm | a little bit salty taste | 鹹瞻; 微帶鹹味
kiapciafm | a hairpin | 夾叉; 夾針
kiapkoafn | rifle a coffin | 劫棺
kiapkvaf | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄; 劫監
kiappafng | wedges; boards for supporting or pressing the sides of anything--as a fractured leg; plywood | 夾板
kiarkhaf | stay at; stopover at | 寄腳; 寄跤; 寄居; 逗留; 客居; 寄宿
kiarsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 寄聲; 揚言(威脅); 放言
kiau'oaf | a beauty | 嬌娃
kiauchiaf | sedan; limousine | 轎車
kiawkhaf | a gambler; fellow-gambler | 莊腳; 筊跤; 賭伴; 賭徒; 賭腳
kiawkvoaf | keeper of a gambling house | 賭官; 作莊
kiaxkhaf | foot of a slope | 坡下; 坡腳
kichiaf | motorcycle; locomotive; motorcycle | 機車
kie'afkhie | teeth of a saw | 鋸仔齒
kieciafsek | seats reserved for the press; press box | 記者席
kied-sy'oafn | engage in a blood-feud | 結死冤
kiedafkøf | miser | 吝嗇鬼
kiedafthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 小氣鬼
kienkvoaf | dried (salt fish or meat); mummified; desiccated | 結乾; 凝乾
kienpaf | to condense; to solidify; to coagulate; clot (of blood); become solid through loss of moisture (e.g.; manure; offal) | 堅疤; 結疤
kientaf | only, merely | 凝焦; 只是,只有,光是
kiernsietthviaf | Department of Reconstruction (of a Provincial Government) | 建設廳
kiet'afciab | orange juice | 桔仔汁
kiet'afkøf | preserved limes | 桔仔膏; 桔餞; 吝嗇
kiet'afpviar | orange, sugar, and ginger mixed cooky | 桔仔餅
kiet'oafn | to contract animus; enmity; hatred; ill-will; etc.; become enemies | 結冤
kietlafn | form a callus (indurated); get a lump; a corn | 結繭; 結趼; 長雞眼
kietpaf | to heal up; to form a scab | 結疤
kietsviaf | piercing sound; high-pitched; shrill voice | 結聲
kikafn | term; period | 期間
kikafng | craftsman; mechanic; workman; technician; skilled worker; machinist; artisan | 技工
kikhafn | periodical publication; periodical edition; a periodical | 期刊
kikhix-khataqchiaf | motorcycle | 機器腳踏車
kikoafn | am prgamozatopm; a machine; a secret; organization; a mechanism; structure | 機關; 奇觀
kikoafn-chiaf | a locomotive; an engine | 機關車
kikoafn-chiuo | locomotive engineer | 機關犛; 機長
kikoanchiaf | locomotive | 機關車
kikvoaf | a flag-staff | 旗官
kim'afkex | price of gold | 金仔價
kim'afseg | golden color | 金仔色
kim'aftiaxm | jewelry shop; gold-smith's shop | 金仔店; 銀樓
kim'ioong-kikoafn | banking organ; financial organization | 金融機關
kimciafm | a day lily | 金針; 金針菜
kimciafm-zhaix | daylily | 金針菜; 萱草
kimgiin-svaf | Sometimes a person is short of money. (Lit. Money has three inconvenient times; when you haven't received it yet; when you don't have any; and when you have spent it all.) | 手頭緊; 金錢三無便
kimgiok-boafntoong | have one's house filled with riches | 金玉滿堂
kimhabhoafn | sweet acacia | 金合歡
kimkafm | cumquat | 金柑; 寧波金柑; 金橘
kimkafng | goldsmith | 金工
kimkhaf | rare visitor; precious foot (in greeting); (Lit. golden feet) | 金腳; (高貴的腳) 用在客氣話
kimkongsoaf | emery | 金剛砂
kimkuafchiaf | beetle shaped Volkswagen | 金龜車
kimsiafmsiarm | golden shining | 金爍爍
kimsoaf | golden sand; Jinsha (place in Guizhou) | 金沙; 金砂
kimsvoaf | gold mountain; gold mine | 金山
kimtafn | pill of immortality | 金丹
kimzoaftiaxm | a shop selling incense or gold and silver paper for worship | 金紙店
kin'afjit | today | 今仔日; 今日; 今天
kin'aflit | today | 今仔日
kin'aftefar | basically; fundamental | 根仔底仔; 底細
kin'zafkhie | this morning | 今早起; 今天早上
kinnafjit | today | 今仔天
kinthvoaf | to share (an obligation; etc.) equally; to spread equally; to divide equally | 均攤
kiok'afhoef | chrysanthemum | 菊仔花
kiongkaf | to impose upon, to force on | 強加
kiongkafn | to rape; to violate; to assault or attack sextual | 強姦
kiongthoaf | to drag with violent | 強拖
kioxngtoong koafnlie | joint control; control jointly | 共同管理
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kip'hengchiaf | express train | 急行車
kirmcie thengchiaf | No parking! | 禁止停車
kirmcie-kikafn | period of prohibition | 禁止期間
kirmkhafn | forbidden edition; a banned publication; forbid publication | 禁刊
kirmkvaf | confinement; imprisonment | 禁監
kisudkaf | technical expert | 技術家
kithvaf | other; else | 其他
kiuhoafn | seek intercourse with a woman | 求歡
kiukafn | a bamboo pole (for tennis etc.) | 球竿
kiukhaf | draw up the legs; sever one's connection with; withdraw from an undertaking | 縮腳; 勼跤; 退出某事; 退出
kiuoho-chiaf | an ambulance; a wrecker | 救護車
kiuohoxchiaf | ambulance | 救護車
kiuu miasviaf | seek a reputation | 求名聲
kixnsvoaf | close mountain; the nearby mountain | 近山
kiøafseg | purple | 茄仔色; 紫色
kiøkhaf | sedan chair bearer | 轎腳
kiørchiaf | hire a car | 叫車
kiørkafng | call workers to do the work | 叫工; 雇工
kiørsviaf | yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals); cry sound; shout sound | 叫聲
kiøxkhaf | sedan chair bearer | 轎跤; 轎伕
kng'afkoax | lid of a jar | 缸仔蓋; 缸蓋
kngfciafm | steel needle | 鋼針
kngfle'afhofng | tornado; cyclone; twister; sand pillar | 捲螺仔風; 龍捲風
kngfle'aføf | an eddy; whirlpool | 漩螺又渦
kngfleafhofng | tornado, cyclone, twister, sand pillar | 捲螺仔風
kngfleafzng | an eddy, whirlpool | 捲螺仔旋
kngfleafzuie | swirl | 捲螺仔水
kngrciafm | steel needle | 鋼針
kngrkhiim-kaf | pianist | 鋼琴家
kngrkhimkaf | pianist | 鋼琴家
kngrpafng | steel plate | 鋼板
koaafhix | musical drama, folk opera, Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koaan svoaf | high mountain | 懸山
koaf | melon; pumpkin; cucumber; squash | 瓜; 歌
koafhu | widow | 寡婦
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koafn | shut (a door); imprison | 關; 關卡; 捐
koafn'ar | a can; a jar; a jug; small wide-mouthed jar | 罐仔
koafncvii | to take care of money | 管錢
koafngak | wind music | 管樂
koafnhad | to have jurisdiction over; to have control over; jurisdiction; control; exercise control over | 管轄
koafnhad-hoaxn'uii | sphere of competency | 管轄範圍
koafnhatkoaan | jurisdiction | 管轄權
koafnhieen | wind and string instruments | 管絃
koafnhieen-gak | symphonic music | 管絃樂
koafnhiengak | orchestral music | 管絃樂
koafnkaux | training; to discipline; direct and teach | 管教
koafnkax | sure to make (a person feel or act in some predicted way) | 管教
koafnkef | housekeeper; run one's home; steward; to keep house | 管家
koafnkef-pøo | a housekeeper | 管家婆; 婆婆媽媽
koafnkepøo | house keeper | 管家婆
koafnkhw | the administrative region; district under control | 管區; 轄區
koafnkhw`ee | police officer who is in charge of the area; patrol | 管區的
koafnkox | to control and take care; watch over and take charge of | 管顧; 照顧
koafnlaang | manage people | 管人
koafnlie | to manage; to administer; to handle; to take care of; management; control; to supervise; take charge of; manage | 管理
koafnlie-hoad | management method | 管理法
koafnlyciar | administrator; caretaker | 管理員
koafnlyjiin | administrator; manager; supervisor; trustee; custodian | 管理人
koafnlykiok | administration department | 管理局
koafnlykoaan | authority over | 管理權
koafnlyoaan | caretaker; keeper; administrator; manager; janitor | 管理員
koafnsiaux | book-keeper; a type of steward who keeps the accounts | 管數; 管賬
koafnsiaux`ee | steward who manages accounts | 管數的; 管賬的
koafnsog | to control; to restrain; to discipline; restrain; to discipline; control | 管束
koafnsu | a housekeeper or shopkeeper; effective; useful; to take care of; to administer | 管事
koafnthai y | don't care about him | 無管他
koafnthai | to pay attention to | 管待; 理會; 理睬
koafntviuo | superintendent; curator; head of a library; institute | 館長
koafntø | religious sect combining Confucian, Buddhist, Taoist features | 管道
koafntøo | (esp. said of a married woman or an employee) to clear up everything and run away; to abscond | 捲逃
koafnzex | to control | 管制
koahtiuafboea | sit back and enjoy the results | 割稻仔尾
koakoaf | tough (of vegetables) | 瓜瓜; 比較老 (菜類)
koankiaqaføee | high-heeled shoes | 高屐仔鞋
koansvoaf | high mountain | 高山; 懸山
koarkoafn | (liteally) to hang up one's official cap--to quit or resign | 掛冠
koarnzhoafn | penetrate; pierce through; understand thoroughly | 貫穿
koartvoaf | (said of a traveling Buddhist monk) to lodge in a temple for the night | 掛單
koasviaf | the singing voice; the vocal part in a performance | 歌聲
koathviaf | an entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers; night club; entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers | 歌廳
koax befvoaf | wear a saddle | 掛馬鞍
koay'oafn | to turn the corner | 柺灣; 拐灣
koe'aftiin | melon-vines | 瓜仔藤
koea khaf | foot rest | 跂跤
koea'exlafng | armpit | 過腋下
koeaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
koeafbak | night blindness like chicken eyes | 雞仔目
koeafkviar | chick | 雞仔囝
koeaflo | streets | 街仔路
koeafnii | pickle | 瓜仔哖
koeakoafn | go through a checkpoint; pass a critical test; weather a crisis with success; run the gauntlet with flying colors | 過關
koealangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koeatafng | pass the winter | 過冬
koefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
koehlangkhaf | armpit | 腋下
koekafng | cock | 雞公
koekak'afchiaf | toy for toddler to learn how to walk | 雞鵤仔車
koelafm | chicken coop | 雞籠
koex gvofkoafn | kind of solitaire played with dominoes | 過五關
kofaftefng | lantern for Lantern Festival | 鼓仔燈
kofkeatvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofkex-tvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kofkhaf | stockholder | 股腳; 小股東; 股東
kofngkørtvoaf | handbill | 廣告單
kofngtafng-kofngsay | chat; talk about many things or about everything and anything; to gossip about others faults (often falsely) | 談天說地; 閒聊; 背後批評
kofsviaf | sound of drum | 鼓聲
kofzaflaang | the ancients | 古代人
kog phøx kaf boong | country defeated and home lost | 國破家亡
kok'hoaf | national flower | 國花
kok'iuo zaisafnkiok | The Bureau of National Assets (under the Ministry of Finance) | 國有財產局
kokkaf anzoaan hoexgi | National Security Council | 國家安全會議
kokkaf ciesiong | National interest is above everything else | 國家至上
kokkaf khøhak uyoanhoe | National Science Council | 國家科學委員會
kokkaf kibit | state secrets | 國家機密
kokkaf koanliam | sense of nationality | 國家觀念
kokkaf zwgi | nationalism | 國家主義
kokkaf | a nation; a country; kingdom | 國家
kokkafn | disloyal to the nation; a traitor to the nation | 國奸
kokkoaf | the national anthem | 國歌
koksafnchiaf | domestic car | 國產車
koksafnphirn | national products | 國產品; 國產
kokthaix bin'afn | country is prosperous and people live in peace | 國泰民安
kokthaix-bin'afn | the country is prosperous and at peace; and the people live in happiness | 國泰民安
kokzex kioxngsafntorng | Communist International | 國際共產黨
kokzex koafnlie | international management | 國際管理
kong'afn | public security; public safety | 公安
kongchiaf | a public bus; an omnibus; a official bus | 公車
konghoafn | to rejoice with wild excitement; to be carried away by wild pleasure or joy; to revel | 狂歡
kongkaf | the nation; government; public etc. as distinct from private; nation; government; public (as distinct from private) | 公家
kongkafng | duty; obligation; volunteer duty | 公工; 義務工
kongkiong khiechiaf | omnibus; a bus | 公共汽車
kongkiong-khiechiaf | city bus | 公共汽車
kongkoafn | rest-house for traveling officials, a residence (polite expression) | 公關
kongmafpaai | ancestral tablets | 公媽牌; 祖先靈位
kongthviaf | common central hall | 公廳; 正廳
kongzhaf | (in math.) common difference | 公差; 數學公差
korkafng | a hired labborer; to hire a laborer | 雇工
korkhiafm | modest; humble (Lit. over modest) | 謙遜; 過謙; 故謙; 謙卑
korkvaf | to look after the prison; to take care of the prison | 顧監; 看守監獄
kotaf | dry and withered; dried up (trees) | 枯乾; 乾枯; 枯焦
kotvoaf | single; alone; helpless; friendless; unaccompanied; solitary; solitary; alone | 孤單; 狐單
kucviaf | turtle ghost | 龜精
kudchiaf | a pulley; a winch | 滑車; 滑輪
kudkhafng | dig a pit | 掘洞
kudzhoafn | to dig through | 掘穿
kuie kafng | how many days? | 幾工
kuiekhafn | quarterly (publication) | 季刊
kuiesamsafm | costly | 貴參參
kuihsoaf | scrape certain parts of the body to obtain relief from nausea or sunstroke | 刮砂
kuikhafng | be wounded; be injured | 負傷
kuipafn | the whole class | 整班
kuipafng | whole country | 整邦
kuisiafng | whole pair | 整雙
kuisvoaf | whole mountain | 整山
kuixcidkhaf | single genuflection (Catholic) | 跪一腳
kukaf | to lead one's life at home; to spend time at home | 居家
kukhaf søo`zhutlaai | reveal one's true form; character; leave loopholes in one's story; said of a matter becoming known | 龜跤趖出來; 露出馬腳
kukhaf | turtle legs | 龜腳
kun'afn | May you enjoy peace (a form of complimentary closse in a letter to a superior); safeness | 鈞安
kunhoatkvoaf | judge advocate | 軍法官
kunkoaf | war (marching) song; martial chant | 軍歌
kunkvoaf haghau | military academy | 軍官學校
kunkvoaf | a military officer | 軍官
kunpafn | (n) attendant; entourage | 跟班
kunthvoaf | to allot equally | 均攤
kuntvoaf | to allot equally | 均單
kunzuo kokkaf | monarchy | 君主國家
kuosoaf | saw-shark | 鋸鯊; 鋸鮫
kuphviaf | woven bamboo raincoat that looks like a turtle shell | 龜背; 龜形雨衣; (竹片和竹葉編成的龜形雨具)
kuxkoafn | former appearance; previous look; former condition | 舊觀
kuxoafn | old feud; old enmity | 舊冤
kuxsvaf | old clothes | 舊衣
kuyafhoea | ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp; swamp fire | 鬼火仔
kuyafhofng | sudden; strange; violent squall or gale | 鬼仔風; 狂風
kuyafhøea | Jack-o'-lantern; will-o'the wisp | 鬼仔火; 燐火
kuychiaf | how many cars | 幾車
kuykafng | how many days | 幾工
kuykex tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks; very tricky; crafty | 詭計多端
kuykhaf | how many feet | 幾腳
kuymngg-koafn | the gate to the land of ghosts | 鬼門關
kuymngkoafn | front door of Hades | 鬼門關
kuyna kafng | many days | 幾若工
kuyoafn | how many | 幾彎
kuypafn | how many | 幾班
kuysiafng | how many | 幾步
kuysviaf | how many voices | 幾聲
kuytafng | how many winters | 幾冬
kuythvoaf | how many stands | 幾攤
kvaf | olive | 橄; 監
kvafbaan | artful and naughty; the number that a gambler consistently chooses when he gambles | 刁頑; 賭博時常壓同一組號碼
kvafbad | as if it has ever happened | 敢識; 敢捌; 像是
kvafeng | dare to use; using money lavishly | 敢用
kvafkorng | Is it possible...?; Do you really mean to say...?Is it true that...? | 難道
kvafmng | venture to ask | 敢問
kvafnar uxsviaf | It seems that there is sound | 似有聲
kvafnar | as if it seems; it seems has happened; look like; sound like | 像是; 敢若; 敢如
kvafsi | perhaps; maybe; can it be possible that; could it be; I rather think it is so; I suppose it is. | 敢是; 大概是; 或許
kvafsie | to defy death; courageous; fearless; dare to die; defy death; bold; daring | 大膽; 敢死
kvafsie-tui | a suicide squad; a death band; a commando unit given a very dangerous mission | 敢死隊
kvafsytui | suicide squad; commando unit given a very dangerous mission | 敢死隊
kvaftiøh | I presume it is right. I think it is necessary | 敢對; 大概要
kvaftngf | to dare to accept (a compliment; responsibility; etc.) | 敢當
kvafu | I think there is some | 敢有; 大概有
kvanafchiu | olive tree | 橄欖樹
kvanafchiuxoef | olive branch (symbol of peace) | 橄欖樹萵; 樹枝
kvanafiuu | olive oil | 橄欖油
kvanafkiuu | rugger; football; rugby | 橄欖球
kvetiøh khaf | be in the way; so as to entangle or interfere with one's feet (ropes; sticks on the road) | 絆到腳
kvi'afkea | salty rice cake | 鹼仔粿
kvi'afkoea | yellowish jelly made of flour together with a little alkali | 鹼仔粿
kvi'afkøea | alkali-treated steam cake | 鹼仔粿; 鹼粿
kviaa-bøexkhuy khaf | regret to leave (with lingering affection or anxiety) | 依依無捨
kviaf bor | henpecked | 驚某
kviaf cide | be frightened; be astonished; have a fright | 嚇一跳
kviaf cidtiøo | be frightened | 嚇一跳
kviaf | fear; be afraid of; lest; to dislike | 驚; 怕,驚; 嚇; 怕
kviaf-kiernsiaux | coy; shy; bashful; blush; shy | 驚見笑
kviaf-phvaysex | embarrassed | 驚歹勢
kviaf-svihun | timid | 驚生份
kviaf`laang | surprising; astonishing; startling; amazing; sensational; appalling | 驚人
kviaf`sie | Frightens badly; frightens to death | 嚇死; 驚死; 怕死
kviaf`sylaang | very scarring | 嚇死人
kviaf`tiøh | to be surprised; to be scared | 驚著; 受驚嚇
kviafjii | children | 囝兒; 兒子; 子兒
kviafjiswn | descendants | 兒女孫; 囝兒孫
kviafkhefng | picture frame, mirror frame | 鏡框
kviafkviar-sunswn | posterity for some generations | 囝囝孫孫; 子子孫孫
kviaflii | kids | 囝兒
kviaflui | children | 兒女; 子孫
kviafsaix | Son-in-law | 女婿; 囝婿; 子婿
kviafswn ong | behavior; conduct; manner of walking | 子孫興旺
kviafswn | descendants; children and grandchildren; posterity | 子孫; 囝孫
kviakviaf | a little bit scared | 驚驚; 有點害怕
kviakviaf-hviahviaa | trembling with fear; very cautious | 驚驚兢兢
kvialo khaf poatpoad | pigeon-toed | 撇著走
kvialoxkafng | money for hard work | 行路工
kvoaf gvexhoax | cirrhosis | 肝硬化
kvoaf | post; rod; flag-staff | 杆; 官; 肝; 竿; 乾
kvoaf-lincy | heparin | 肝磷脂
kvoaf-toxngmeh | hepatic artery | 肝動脈
kvoafbarng | chase away mosquito | 趕蚊
kvoafbun | ill-informed, not well-informed | 寡問
kvoafbuun | ill-informed | 寡聞
kvoafchiaf | hurry to catch the train | 趕車
kvoafgieen | taciturn; not given to talk | 寡言
kvoafhu | widow | 寡婦; 守寡的
kvoafhw | a widower | 寡夫
kvoafjiin | (the royal) we | 寡人
kvoafkafng | to hurry a work; to rush a work; hurry up to finish a job | 趕工
kvoafkaux | to arrive in haste; to come hurriedly; by the time when...; arrive at with top speed | 趕到
kvoafkhuy | to drive away | 趕開
kvoafkib | in a hurry | 趕急
kvoafkirn | in a hurry; immediately; quickly; hurry up!; in haste; make haste | 趕緊; 趕快
kvoafkoong | in haste, in a flutter | 趕狂; 趕忙
kvoafkuie | drive out demons | 趕鬼; 驅鬼
kvoafkw | to live as a widow | 寡居
kvoafli | chase off, drive away | 趕離
kvoaflo | hurry to one's destination | 趕路
kvoafmekafng | hurry work at night | 趕夜工
kvoafmi | use a rolling wooden stick to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳麵
kvoaforng | rush to | 趕往
kvoafpan | hurry work | 趕辦
kvoafsvoax | drive away and scatter | 趕散; 趕散,驅散
kvoafthaau | an oligarch | 寡頭
kvoafthuii | a rolling wooden stick used as a tool to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳鎚; 簳麵桿
kvoafthøex | drive enemy back, rout | 趕退; 打退
kvoaftiok | to expel; to drive out | 趕逐; 放逐
kvoaftuu | drive out and get rid of | 趕逐; 趕鋤; 趕除; 除掉
kvoafzam | hurry to finish a scheduled stage | 趕站; 趕工
kvoafzar | to act before it is too late | 趕早
kvoafzhud | to expel; to drive out | 趕出; 逐出
kvoafzhutkerng | banish | 趕出境
kvoafzof | press for the payment of rent | 趕租; 催租
kvoaikvaf | imprison | 關監; 關監牢; 監禁
kvoaisvoaf | high mountain | 高山
kvoakaf | the emperor; the government authorities | 官家
kvoar chiaf | to drive a cart or carriage; to catch a bus or train | 趕車
kvoar-mikafng | work on into night | 趕暝工; 趕夜工
kvoasvaf | winter clothes; winter clothes | 冬衣; 寒衫; 寒衣
kvoathviaf | government office; the authorities | 官廳
kvoaxthafng'ar | barrel with handle | 捾桶仔
kvuikvaf | imprison, jail | 關監; 入監
kwkaf | the whole family | 舉家
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
kymsiux-høsafn | land of splendor ─ one's fatherland | 錦繡河山
kynkhaf | speedy; fast; prompt | 緊腳; 快捷
kysex busiafng | unique; peerless; without a match in the world | 舉世無雙
kø'afpviar | engagement cake | 膏仔餅; 糕仔餅; 訂婚禮餅
køafhurn | rice-or wheat-flour for making ko-a | 糕仔粉
køafpviar | cakes and biscuits | 糕仔餅
køafthaau | rice cake for gift for marrying daugher | 糕仔頭
køe'afhii | 1: chicken grunt, Parapristipoma trilineatus. 2: common thick-lipped grunt, painted grunt, Plactorhinchus pictus (fish) | 雞仔魚; 三線雞魚
køe'afkviar | chick | 雞仔囝; 小雞
køe'aflo | street, lane | 街仔路; 街道
køe'afthaau | on the street | 街仔頭
køeakhiafm | overly humble | 過謙
køeakoafn | go through a critical period | 過關; 得逞
køeasvoaf | over the mountain | 過山
køeatafng | pass the winter | 過冬
køeh'e-khafng | armpit | 腋窩孔; 胳下空; 腋下
køeh'exkhafng | armpit | 腋下空
køeh'exlafng | armpit | 腋下籠
køekafn | commit buggery, commit sodomy | 雞姦
køekafng | cock; rooster | 公雞; 雞公
køekhaf | chicken claw | 雞爪; 雞腳
køekoafn | cock's comb | 雞冠
køh'exkhafng | armpit | 胳下空
køh'exlafng | armpits | 腋下籠
køhkaf | add more | 更加
køkafng | senior technical school | 高工
køkipchiaf | car de luxe | 高級車
køkoafn | high ranking officers | 高官
kølesafm | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 高麗參
køphafn | climb high; cultivate friendship with the socially elevated | 高攀
køroafn | complain | 告冤
køsaf | Takasago | 高砂
køsafn | mountain | 高山
køsafn-zurnniar | lofty mountains | 高山峻嶺
køsiafng | Senior Commercial School | 高商
køsoaf | Taiwan aborigines | 高沙; 原指台灣; 後專指山地人; 日文 'takasago'
køsoaf-iefnzhuo | Formosan blind mole | 高沙演鼠; 高山鼴鼠; 臺灣鼴鼠
køthoanjiafmsexng ee | virulent; highly contagious | 高傳染性的
la'afthngf | clam soup | 蜊仔湯
laafkhag | clam shell | 蜊仔殼
labkoafn | pay tax | 納捐
laf | to pull; to draw; pull; to drag; to hold; seize to draw | 喇; 自悅; 拉
lafliern | a zip-fastener, a zipper | 拉鍊
lafm | a type of basket | 籠
lafm'an'aan | embrace tight | 攬絚絚; 攬緊緊
lafm'oar | embrace closely | 攬倚
lafmbea | weak horse; horse without spirit; raw-boned trotter horse | 弱馬
lafmboea | engage to make up the deficiency (in a subscription); take over; pay for the tail end expenses of a job | 攬後; 處理善後
lafmbøea | ending; wind up | 收尾; 攬買; 善後; 全包; 收拾殘局; 結尾
lafmchiaf | cable car; cable car | 纜車
lafmguu | weak cow | 弱牛
lafmhaxn | coward | 弱漢; 懦夫
lafmhefng | cross one's hands; fold one's arms | 攬胸; 袖手
lafmjiok | delicate; feeble | 虛弱
lafmkhix | takeaway | 攬去
lafmkoaan | to grab power; be in the saddle | 攬權
lafmkongsøq | cable | 攬綱索
lafmlaang | weak person | 弱人
lafmlafm'afbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏仔馬
lafmlafmbea | weak horse; loser | 荏荏馬
lafmlarm | weak | 弱弱; 無結實
lafmlarm`leq | embrace | 攬攬咧
lafmlo | weak in health; not prosperous in trade; bad workmanship | 羸弱
lafmnoa | slovenly; untidy (said of person); loose; careless; without order | 荏懶; 邋遢; 窩囔; 懶散
lafmphø | embrace | 攬抱
lafmsinmia | weak physique | 荏身命
lafmsyn | delicate (health), weak (body) | 荏身; 身體虛弱
lafmsyn-lafmmia | lazy bone | 懶身懶命
lafmsøq | cordage; thick ropes | 纜繩
lafmtiaau | hold by the waist; usu. from behind | 抱住; 攬住
lafmtiautiaau | embrace tightly | 攬牢牢
lafmtoea | marshy soil | 沼澤土
lafmtør | take over; hold .. down | 攬倒
lafmvoa | lazy; idle; sloth; | 懶惰
lafn | callus; callous (on hands or feet); callousness; corn; lump | 趼; 繭; 研
lafng | loose; sparse(ly); thin(ly); scattered (here and there) | 鬆; 籠; 零零落落的; 櫳; 稀疏,零零落落的; 提; 稀疏
lafng'aflai | inside the cage | 籠仔內
lafng'aftea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'aftoea | inside the cage | 籠仔底
lafng'ar | coop; cage; hutch; cage; basket; bamboo ware | 籠仔
lafngkhoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafngkhox | pull the pant; pull up trousers | 簍褲; 拉高褲子
lafngkoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lafnglarng | every basket | 籠籠
lafngtiautiaau | pull the pant or skirt tightly | 簍牢牢; 拉緊(褲; 裙)
lafngtiongciao | restricted and confined; without much freedom (Lit. bird in a cage) | 籠中鳥
lafnkud | lazy bone | 懶骨
lafnlaang | we people | 咱人
lafnlarn | lazily; spiritless; without purpose or energy; to feel ill; a bit tired | 懶懶; 倦怠,不舒服; 倦怠; 懶洋洋; 無舒服
lafnsie | weary | 懶倦; 懶散
lafnsien | tired, weary | 懶倦; 疲倦
lafnsiin | lazily | 懶神
lafnsikud | lazy bone | 懶屍骨
lafnsilafnsy | lazy | 懶屍懶屍
lafnsy | weary; lazy; indolent; lazy-bones; sluggard | 懶屍; 懶惰; 懶洋洋
lafntø | lazy; idle; sloth; indolent; sluggish; idleness (The term used for one of the seven capital sins) | 懶惰
lafpahciao | hornbird | 喇叭鳥
lafpahsviaf | horn sound | 喇叭聲
lafpaq | trumpet | 喇叭
lafsab | rubbish, garbage | 垃圾
lafsab-chiaf | a dirt-wagon, a dust cart | 垃圾車
lafsab-sviw | a dustbin, a garbage can, a garbage container | 垃圾箱
lafsab-tuy | a dirtheap, a garbage heap | 垃圾堆
lag'afmi | noodle dish | 搦仔麵
laggeqtafng | June winter meaning summer harvest crops | 喇叭
laggoeqtafng | harvest of the sixth moon; the first harvest | 六月冬; 第一期作
lagiachiaf | baby walker | 蟧蜈車
lagkhaf-lagchiuo | take hold of one (as a child does) | 礙手礙腳
lai'afkoef | musk-melons | 梨仔瓜
lai'afkøf | some type of sweet cake | 梨仔膏
lai-kaflai | compound interest | 利加利
laixbin-svaf | undergarment | 來面衫; 內衣
laixiafchiuo | infielder | 內野手
laixkafn | a traitor; a spy within; spy within | 內奸
laixkauafpvy | inner ditch side | 內溝仔邊
laixli'aftea | inner fence bottom | 內籬仔底
laixniar-svaf | shirt | 內領衫; 襯衫
laixoafn | inner bay | 內灣
laixsiafmsiarm | sharp and shining | 利閃閃
laixsvaf | innerwear; undergarment; under clothes | 內衣; 內衫
laixsvoaf | mountain area; inland; deep within the mountains | 內山; 深山
laixtøea-svaf | shirt; blouse | 內底衫; 內衣
lakkhafng | to carve wood; drill a hole; perforate (by drilling a hole with an auger) | 彔空; 鑽孔
lakte'aflai | in the pocket | 橐袋仔內
lakte'aftea | in the pocket | 橐袋仔底
lalaf`leq | talk idly | 啦啦咧
lalun'afsiøf | a little bit warm | 拉圇仔燒
lam'afkøo | cylindrical basket made of bamboo or wire which contains rocks to dam up the stream or to protect the dike | 擋水籠; 蛇籠
lam'aflai | in the cage | 籠仔內
lam'aftea | basket bottom | 籠仔底
lam'afzhaa | a type of hard lumber | 楠仔柴
lamkaf | bridegroom's own relations | 男家
langkafng | manpower; labor power; artificial; manual work; human work (labor); artificial | 人工; 人力; 工人
langkhehkvoaf | guest | 人客官
langkheq-thviaf | living-room, sitting room | 人客廳
langlafng | puffy; few; little; scarce; rare; dispersed; scattered | 櫳櫳; 鬆鬆
langpaf | mummy (preserved corpse) | 人巴; 木乃伊
langsviaf | human voice | 人聲
lankafn | railing; balustrade; banister | 欄杆
lankhafm | (adj) hard to endure; (adj) embarrassing; intolerable; unbearable | 難堪
lankoafn | (n) difficult point; a crisis; difficult to pass over (like a mountain pass) (as when things are burdensome and poverty makes it difficult to pass the new-year season and pay the debts); barrier; obstacle | 難關
lanlansansafn | sporadic | 零零星星
lansafn | fragmented; fractional; not as a whole | 零星
lansafn-boea | mantissa | 零星尾; 零數; 尾數
lansafn-bøe | retail | 零售買
lansafn-bøea | small purchase | 零星買
lansafn-mih | small item | 零星物
lansafn`ee | petty cash | 零星錢
lansan'afcvii | sporadic money | 零星仔錢
laohafm | pitch (fungus) of bamboo or sugar cane | 落䈄
laokhafng | end up in nothing; suffer loss | 落空
laokhangchiaf | bring back an empty car; drive an empty car | 開空車
laotafn | left alone | 落單
lapaf | trumpet; horn | 喇叭
lapkhafng | hole; cavity | 凹孔
laqjidzoafterng | on top of calendar paper | 曆日紙頂
larn-ciaf | here; place where we are | 咱此; 咱遮
larngkafng | skip work; walk out on work | 曠工; 閬工; 歇工; 空閒
larngkhafng | an interval of space or time | 閬孔; 留間隔
latpaf | trumpet; horn | 喇叭
lau'afzhux | a building of two stories or more | 樓仔厝; 樓房
lauafzhux | second-story house | 樓仔厝
laukhaf | downstairs; downstairs; ground floor | 樓腳; 樓跤; 樓下
laukhafng | leaks with holes | 流孔; 留孔
laukvoaxsafmtiq | sweating | 流汗糝滴
laulauafsia | | 流流仔社
laun'afsiøf | not too hot- warm | 拉溫仔燒
laupafng | flooring of an upper story; wooden planks used to build a floor (above the ground floor) | 樓板
lauthafng | windows of a building | 樓窗
lauthuy-khaf | foot of stairs | 樓梯跤; 樓梯口
laux-exhafm | dislocate the jaw (said in scolding someone for slobbering); Liar! | 脫下頦; 說謊; 顎骨脫臼
lauxhoafn | old barbarian | 老番
lauxhoea'afbak | long sighted- old people vision | 老歲仔目
lauxhoea'aflaang | old people | 老歲仔人
lauxhviaf | hey man! | 老兄
lauxiachiaf | jalopy; rattletrap | 老爺車
lauxjinkaf | old people | 老人家
lauxkafn | old; crafty person; great hypocrite | 老奸
lauxkhafng | a small hole through which air or water leaks out; small hole through which air or water leaks out | 漏孔; 漏洞
lauxkoaf | old song | 老歌
lauxkotvoaf | old and lonely | 老孤單
lauxlangpafn | age spots | 老人斑
lauxpafhix | old trick | 老把戲
lauxsiafm | (adj) feeble and old | 老樣
lauxtiaf | one's father; venerable elderly person | 老爹
lauxzhafng | procuress; the Madame (of a brothel) | 老鴇; 老娼; 鴇母
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
lawhoaf | presbyopia | 老花
lawhviaf | my dear friend (used among males) | 老兄
lawpafnniuu | proprietor's wife; proprietress; proprietor's wife; boss's wife; mistress | 老闆娘
laxkhafng | make a hole; drill a hole | 撈孔
laxmlam-zhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 濫濫摻摻; 混淆
laxmlaxmzhamzhafm | jumble up; be mixed together; be commingled; be mingled with | 混混參參
laxmsafmlaai | disorderly; at random; in any way whatever | 濫糝來
laxmzhafm | to mix | 濫摻
laxngkhafng | sparse | 間疏
laxngkoayafhoef | play ? | 弄枴仔花
laxnphaf | scrotum | 陰囊; 𡳞脬
laxpaf | horn; trumpet; speaker | 喇叭
le'afkhag | seashells; shells | 螺仔殼
lefchiaf | limousine | 禮車
lefngkafmzexng | sexual apathy; sexual frigidity | 冷感症
lefngkafngzuun | pilot boat | 領港船
lefngloarn jinkafn | the coldness and warmth of this world | 冷暖人間
lefngsafm | fir tree | 冷杉
lefngsu koafn'oaan | staff of a consulate | 領事館員
lefngzongchiaf | refrigerated car | 冷藏車
lefpaesvaf | Wednesday | 禮拜三
leftvoaf | a list of gifts | 禮單; 贈品目錄
leg`khorkhaf | wrap trousers | 勒褲跤
legsuo-kaf | historian | 歷史家
legsuo-koafn | historical view or concept | 歷史觀
legswhagkaf | historian | 歷史學家
legswkaf | historian; historiographer | 歷史家
leh cidkhafng | split open; make a slit | 裂一孔
lehoaf | pear begonia | 梨花
leng'afsviaf | ringing | 鈴仔聲
leng'afthaau | nipple | 奶仔頭
lengbuo-chiaf | baby-carriage | 乳母車; 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengbwchiaf | stroller | 奶母車
lengbøfchiaf | baby carriage; baby buggy | 嬰兒車
lengbør-chiaf | baby-carriage | 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengchiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
lenggefngchiuxkhaf | under logan tree | 龍眼樹跤
lenggefngkvoaf | dried dragon eye fruit | 龍眼乾
lengkiu chiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
lengkoaf | spiritual song | 靈歌
lengkoafn | emperor's crown | 龍冠
lengkvoaf-hoxngzhøea | rare delicacies | 龍肝鳳髓
lengtafn | a drug with high efficacy; elixir of immortality; wonder drug | 靈丹
lengteng'afkhaf | under pavilion | 涼亭仔跤
lengthviaf | listen to | 聆聽
lesviaf | spiral univalve shellfish sound | 螺聲
lexngjiin put'afn | cause people to feel uncomfortable | 令人無安
lexngkaf | additional | 另家; 另加
lexngkafng | another day | 另工
li'afkhaq | rear car; pull cart | 拉仔車
liab'aflaang | pus from a boil | 粒仔膿
liab'afphie | scab on a boil | 粒仔痂
liab'afthaau | a boil | 粒仔頭
liafm zhanvef | catch a dragonfly between finger and thumb | 捉蜻蜓
liafm | take up a small thing with the tips of fingers | 拈; 跕; 躡; 拿
liafm'oaxn | to accumulate hatred | 斂怨
liafm-zhanvy | to catch a dragonfly | 拈蜻蜓
liafmbien | outward show of honor | 臉面; 體面
liafmbin | prestige, respectability | 斂面; 臉面; 面子
liafmciog | to hold one's steps and not go forward; to go on tiptoe | 斂足
liafmciør | to reduce the amount | 斂少
liafmcvii | hoard money; curtail; economize | 斂錢; 節省錢
liafmhoad | tax law | 斂法
liafmjiaq | to abstain from vice; to be subdued | 斂跡
liafmliarm | not quite enough | 斂斂; 稍無足
liafmpo | to hesitate to advance further | 斂步
liafmseg | to curb one's passions or desires | 節慾; 斂色
liafmserng | frugal; thrifty | 節儉; 節省; 斂省
liafmsiuo | to refrain from doing something | 斂手
liafmtor | fish maw | 膁肚
liafmzaai | to collect wealth illegally or immorally | 斂財
liafmzeg | to stop visiting places | 斂跡; 節儉累積
liafmzoxng | to shroud and bury | 殮葬
liafng | ring; bell | 鈴聲
liafsu | get into trouble | 惹事
liafsuxsenghuy | make trouble | 惹事生非
liaftaixcix | get into trouble | 惹代誌
liaftiøh | to provoke | 惹著
liah-thafnhvoaai | lay down horizontally | 掠坦橫; 橫放
liahzhvoaf | wood has a rough edge; have a hangnail | 落銷; 刺芒; 倒刺 (指頭)
liam'afhii | catfish | 鯰仔魚
liamkaf | glue | 粘膠; 黏膠
liamkhaf | walking softly and noiselessly; walk softly on one's tiptoes | 躡足
liamkhaf-liamchiuo | walking with light steps; walking stealthily | 躡手躡腳
liangkhiafng | sarcasm | 涼腔; 俏皮話
liangseaafliangsex | in ease; piece of cake | 涼勢仔涼勢
liangteng'afkhaf | arcade (covered avenue); passageway; corridor | 涼亭仔腳; 騎樓
liao sikafn | lose time; waste time | 浪費時間
liaqkafn | catch adultery in the act | 捉姦; 掠姦
liaqkhaf-liaqchiuo | grab the foot the hand | 捉腳捉手
liaqsoaf | pinch the skin | 掠痧; 掐
liaqthafnhvoaai | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthafnhvuii | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liau'afhaang | Liaozai people | 寮仔人
liau'afsi | take your time; slowly | 聊仔是; 慢慢的; 慢慢來
liauafhuu | Taiwanese dried fish | 鱙仔魚
liauafsi | take your time | 聊仔是; 慢慢來
liauboxngsvoaf | lookout mountain | 瞭望山
liauxtvoaf | the list of materials; the list of stuff | 料單
liawbefafkviar | useless kids | 了尾仔囝
liawboefafkviar | prodigal son | 了尾 囝; 敗家子
liawkafng | wasting effort; waste effort | 了工; 浪費工時; 白費工夫
liawsiafn | time consuming; lost time | 了時間
liaxmkoaf | to sing songs | 念歌; 唸歌; 唱歌
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libkhaf | to have a footing | 立腳
libsviaf | stop tone | 入聲
libtafng | beginning of winter; beginning of Winter (between Nov. 7-21) | 立冬
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
lidgoadhafm | a Taiwanese special clam | 日月蚶
lidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
lidkafn | day time | 日間
liedchiaf | a train; train | 列車
liedpafng | all nations | 列邦
liedtvoaf | make out list (of goods; invited guests; candidates; etc.) | 列單
liefn'aftea | under the wheel | 輪仔底
liefnsoafn | to swindle; blackmail | 撚旋; 要脅財物; 敲詐
lienhoafn | repeatedly | 連番; 聯歡
lienkoafn | end of a year | 年關
lienpafng | federal union; federation; federation of states; union of nations; confederated states | 聯邦
lienpafng-zex | federation system | 聯邦制
liensør hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liensør-hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
lientafn | duplicate or joint forms for receipt; etc | 聯單
lientvoaf | a document in duplicate; triplicate; etc.; certificate; document (in duplicate; triplicate) | 聯單
liern hvixkhafng | clean the ears (with a tiny brush) | 撚耳孔; 掏耳孔
liexnkoaf | practice singing | 練歌
liexntafn | to make pills of wonder; to practice alchemy; refine the pill (of immortality) | 煉丹
liexntankaf | an alchemist | 煉丹家
liko'afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
likoafm | nunnery | 尼姑庵
likof-afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
limpaf | lymph | 淋巴
limpaf-kiuu | lymphocytes | 淋巴球
limpaf-kngr | lymphatic gland | 淋巴管
limpafn | forest compartment; forest tract | 林班
limsafnbut | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產物; 林產
limsichiaf | extra bus or train | 臨時車; 加班車
limsii phø hudkhaf | expect impossible immediate effect; do something too late and without preparation | 臨時抱佛腳
limsikafng | short term worker; seasonal worker; temporary labor | 臨時工
limtaf | bottom up; drink (a cup) empty | 飲乾; 喝乾
limzhngg kafnggi | clinical lecture | 臨床講義
linbwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
linkafn | world | 人間
linpafng | a neighboring state; neighboring states | 鄰邦
linpafng-zex | federal system | 鄰邦制
lintafn | mouth refresher lozenge | 仁丹
liofngkhaf | both legs | 兩腳; 兩跤
liofngkhaf-khiaa | ride two horses with both legs | 兩腳騎; 兩跤騎; 騎牆
liofngtoafn | both ends; the two extremities; from end to end; from the beginning to the end; two ends or extremities | 兩端
liong'afpox | cashmere | 絨仔布
liongchiaf | imperial vehicle | 龍車
liongkaf huxluo | girl or woman of ordinary family | 良家婦女
liongkaf | good family | 良家
liongkaf-zwluo | children of good parentage | 良家子女
lioxngpid si afnny | I think it must be so most probably it is so | 諒必如此
lipaf | fence; hedge; bamboo fence | 籬笆
liqkhafng | tear a hole | 裂孔; 裂縫
lirn-hiaf | your place | 恁遐; 你那裡
lisoafn | to escape, slip away unnoticed | 離溜; 離旋
liuafn | ammonium sulfate; ammonium sulfate | 硫銨; 硫安
liuar-khafng | a button hole | 鈕扣孔
liuchiafm | to draw lots; v.i.; to draw divination sticks before Buddha | 抽籤
liuheeng-sexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liuhengkoaf | popular song | 流行歌
liuhengsexng kafmmo | influenza; flu | 流行性感冒
liusaf | quicksand | 流沙
liusng'afn | ammonium sulfate | 硫酸銨
liusoafn | sneak away | 溜旋
liw'afkhafng | button-hole | 鈕仔孔; 鈕仔空; 鈕扣孔
liwafbak | button-hole | 鈕仔目; 鈕扣眼
liwafkaw | hook and eye (for button) | 鈕仔; 鈕扣眼
liwafkhafng | button hole | 鈕仔孔
liwafkhiefn | button; fastener | 鈕仔栓
liwsafm | willow cedar | 柳杉
lixchiafm | wordmark for drawy regarding personal life | 字籤
lixkaf | going away from home | 離家
lixkafn | to alienate(allies; etc.); to drive a wedge between; drive a wedge between; alienate (allies); sow discord | 離間; 離間計
lixmngthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁門窗; 鋁窗
lixthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁窗; 鋁門窗
lixthvaf | altruism | 利他
lixthvaf-zwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixzoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 字紙籠
liøxhiaf | urine ladle | 尿桸
liøxzuafkauq | diaper rash | 尿苴仔𩛩
lo'afpvy | fireside | 爐仔邊
loa'afhii | Chinese sturgeon (fish) | 瀨仔魚; 中國鱘
loafn | twin | 孿; 鑾; 欒
loafn'giok | warm jade | 暖玉
loafn'gok | soft palat, velum | 軟顎
loafnbø | nice and warm hat | 暖帽
loafnhoax | melt; bring in submission; soften; weaken; become conciliatory | 軟化
loafnhofng | a warm breeze | 暖風
loafnhøo | warm, warmly | 暖和
loafnjiok | weak; feeble; weak; feeble; languid | 軟弱
loafnkhix | heating, warm air | 暖氣
loafnkud | endochondral bone | 軟骨
loafnkud-moh | perichondrium | 軟骨膜
loafnkøf | a tin; brass or pottery vessel in which food is kept steaming hot with a slow fire burning underneath; a chafing pot | 暖鍋
loafnloarn`leq | rub with the fingers | 揉一揉
loafnloo | a stove for keeping room warm in winter; hot pot | 煖爐
loafnpaang | hothouse; greenhouse | 暖房
loafnsefng | oviparous | 卵生
loafnsefng-toxngbut | oviparous animals | 卵生動物
loafnsexng | soft; mild; bland | 軟性
loafnsiu | a feast taking place on the eve of one's birthday; feast taking place on the eve of one's birthday | 暖壽
loafntong | peristalsis | 蠕動
loaxnkoaf | love song | 戀歌
loaxnsaf | random grab | 亂捎
loexkafn | a spy within; a traitor | 內奸
loexlimpaf | endolymph | 內淋巴
log'afbaq | deer meat | 鹿仔肉
log'afkag | antlers | 鹿仔角
log'viaftoax | video tape | 錄影帶
loghoaf liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream ─ (a person's condition) completely ruined; (of a fight) turn everything topsy-turvy; very miserable | 落花流水
loghoaf-liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream – the saddening state of a fallen family or country | 落花流水
logkag-kaf | gelatin made from deer horn | 鹿角膠
logko'afmoaai | muddy | 漉糊仔糜
logko'afmoee | muddy | 漉溝仔糜
logkoafn zwgi | optimism | 樂觀主義
logkoafn | optimism; donate; donate voluntarily | 樂觀; 樂捐
logtexthafng | French windows | 落地窗
lokafm | ponkan | 蘆柑
lokafng | slave-labor | 奴工
lokkhafng | bore a hole | 轆孔; 鑽孔
long'af haghau | school for deaf mutes | 聾啞學校
long'aflai | inside cage | 籠仔內
long'afzhaa | unsplit stick of firewood | 弄仔柴; 細柴; 弄柴火棍
longge hagkaf | agronomist | 農藝學家
longge-hagkaf | an agronomist | 農藝學家
longgiabkaf | an agriculturist | 農業家
longgiap-kaf | agriculturist | 農業家
longkaf | farmhouse; farming family; household of a farmer; farm family; farmer | 農家
longkafng | farmer | 農工
longlimthviaf | department of agriculture and forestry | 農林廳
longpoe putkhafm | in utter disorder or confusion; be in great distress or embarrassment; very troubled; in disorder | 狼狽無堪
longpoe uikafn | work hand in glove (in evil ways); gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longpoe-putkhafm | to be in great distress or embarrassment | 狼狽無堪
longpoe-uikafn | to gang up with somebody | 狼狽為奸
longsafnbut | agricultural products; farm products | 農產物
longsafnphirn | agricultural products | 農產品
longzhoafn buxntøee | rural problem | 農村問題
longzhoafn tiexnkhiehoax | rural electrification | 農村電氣化
longzhoafn | farm village; countryside; agricultural district | 農村
longzoafn | agricultural course in a junior college; agricultural college (junior) | 農專; 農業專科學校
lorngphoarkhafng | beak with a hole | 弄破孔; 撞破
losikhafng | screw hole | 螺絲空
lotafn | incense ashes; elixir taken from a temple incense burner | 香灰; 爐丹; 爐灰
loxhoad chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮衝冠
loxioong boafnbin | face flushed with rage | 怒容滿面
loxko'afmoee | muddy | 路溝仔糜
loxnghoaf | the foam of breaking waves | 浪花
loxngkhao-hoafnzoad | suffer from being too smart | 弄巧反拙
loxpvy-tiafm'ar | roadside stores | 路邊店仔
loxtengkhaf | under the street lights | 路燈跤
loxzhud befkhaf | the horse's hoof shows ─ the plot is out; reveal one's true form or character; to slip; leave loopholes in one's story; the cloven foot appears | 露出馬腳
luafkviar | colt of an ass; foal of a donkey | 驢仔囝
luchiaf | donkey wagon | 驢車
luisviaf | thunder | 雷聲
luitien kaukaf | thunderstorm | 雷電交加
lukafkar | messy | 挐絞絞
lunhoafn | to take turns; assume duties in turn | 輪番
lunkafn | to rape by turns; violation of a woman by several men in turn; rape a girl by turns; gang rape | 輪姦
lunpafn | on duty by rotation; take turns; in rotation; in order | 輪班
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
lunzoafnky | rotary press | 輪轉機
luo-koafnkef | woman head servant | 女管家
luurnpviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 潤餅𩛩
luxnlie-hagkaf | logician | 論理學家
luxnliongsvoaf | | 崙龍山
luxnpviafkauq | Taiwanese vegetable roll | 潤餅捲
luxthafng | aluminum window | 鋁窗
luykiafmsøex | regressive taxation | 累減稅
luzhafngzharng | take the cloak | 挐氅氅
lwhiaf | lady's boots | 女靴; 女長靴
lwkaf | the bride's family | 女腳; 女家; 女方
lwkafng | female laborers; a girl working in a plant | 女工
lwkvoaf | a female court official | 女官
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
lwoaf | name of goddess who in her fight against another spirit caused a crack in the sky | 女媧
lwsoafn | women's missionary | 女宣; (傳教); 女宣道會
ly'afkvoaf | dried plum | 李仔干; 李子乾
ly'afkøf | plum jam | 李仔膏; 李子醬
lyafchiarm | plum tree | 李仔攕
lyafchiu | plum | 李仔樹
lyafhoef | plum flower | 李仔花
lyafkiaam | dried plum | 李仔鹹
lyafkøf | preserved plums | 李仔糕; (蜜餞)
lyafsngf | plum | 李仔酸
lyafthngg | plum | 李仔糖
lyhengchiaf | station wagon | 旅行車
lyhicviaf | the carp | 鯉魚精
lyhoax hagkaf | physicists and chemists | 理化學家
lykaf | manage family and home; bride's own relations | 女家
lykafng | science and engineering; factory girl; woman working in a plant; women labor | 理工; 女工
lyluxnkaf | theorist | 理論家
lyoong phafng | queen bee | 女王蜂
lysiofngkaf | idealists | 理想家
lyzaikaf | economist; financier | 理財家
løciafm | compass; swords | 羅針; 指南針
løftiaf | one's father | 老爹
løharnkhaf | a bachelor; a single male; vagabond | 單身漢; 光棍
løhaxn-khaf | bachelor | 羅漢腳; 單身漢
løkafng kyliaxmjit | Labor Day (the 1st Monday of September) | 勞工紀念日
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng | labor; factory work; laborers; workers | 勞工
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
lølafng | include; comprehend | 牢籠
løqchiaf | get off | 落車
løqhoxsviaf | falling rain sound | 落雨聲
løqkafng | work out | 落工
løqkhiehiaf | go down there | 下去那
løqlaiciaf | come down here | 下來這
løqsvoaf | go down the slope; come down from a hill; (the sun) sets behind a hill | 下山; 落山
løqtafng | winter | 落冬
løqzhaf | drop | 落差
lørafm | long neck | 高頸
lørkhaf | long legs | 長腳; 躼跤; 長得高大; 高個子
lørsafnkaau | skinny tall guy | 躼瘦猴
løsaf | muslin | 羅紗
løsviaf | gong | 鑼聲
løtong-sikafn | hours of labor | 勞動時間
m kviaf | not afraid | 毋驚
m'afkvoaf | dried plum | 梅仔干
m'afpviar | plum cooky | 梅仔餅
m-kvaftngf | (lit.) I dare not accept the honor; I don't deserve it (your praise) | 無敢當
m-zhutsviaf | keep silence | 無出聲; 不做聲
maf | mother; mama | 媽
mafgong | fool; a dupe | 傻子
mafhw | careless(ly); negligent(ly); in a haphazard way; careless; perfunctory; sloppy; slovenly | 馬虎
mafii | witch; sorceress; female shaman | 媽姨; 女巫; 巫婆
maflasofng | marathon race | 馬拉松
maflengcicvix | French fries | 馬鈴薯糋
maflengcii | potatoes | 馬鈴薯
maflengcitiaau | French fries | 馬鈴薯條
maflengzuu | potato | 馬鈴薯; 洋芋
mafmafhuhw | careless; casual; fair; so-so | 馬馬虎虎
mafmahlaq | mom | 媽媽啦
mafmaq | mom | 媽媽
mafmar huhw | careless; perfunctory; sloppy; slovenly | 馬虎; 馬馬虎虎
mafmar-huhw | careless; casual; just so-so | 馬馬虎虎; 過得去
mafmax | mother; mamma | 媽媽
mafnie-tonghofng | like the wind blowing a horse's ear ─ pay no heed to it | 馬耳東風
mafphid | horses | 馬匹
mafpihofng | diphtheria | 馬脾風; 白喉
mafpoat | threadfins (fish) | 線鰭; 馬?
mafsaekheg | mosic | 馬賽克
mafsef | drunk | 馬西
mafsemafsef | drunk- forgot about oneself | 茫兮茫兮; 馬西馬西
mafsiang | right away; immediately; at once | 立刻; 馬上
mafsiong | immediately; right away; at once | 馬上
mafsun'ar | grand nanny and grand kids | 媽孫仔
maftat | a motor | 馬達
maftøx-sengkofng | to win success immediately upon arrival; to gain an immediate victory; to win instant success | 馬到成功
mafzofbiøxtviaa | Matsu temple front plaza | 媽祖廟埕
mafzofkefng | Matsu temple | 媽祖宮
mafzofkengkhao | Matsu temple front | 媽祖宮口
mafzofkengpvy | Matsu temple side | 媽祖宮邊
mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
mafzor | Goddess; fisher's Goddess | 媽祖
mafzor-kefng | matsu temple | 媽祖廟
mafzor-svy | matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
maixkafn | prostitution | 賣姦
malaflyar | malaria | 瘧疾; 源自日語マラリヤ(mararia)
mamaf | mama; mother; mom | 媽媽
mechiaf | night bus | 暝車
meh'afzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
mekafn | during the night | 暝間; 夜間
mekafng | night work | 夜工
mi'afaxm | tomorrow night | 明仔暗
mi'afky | cotton candy | 棉仔枝
mi'afthngg | marshmallow; spun sugar | 棉花糖
mi'afzaix | tomorrow | 明仔在; 明天
mi'afzoar | toilet paper; tissue-paper | 綿仔紙; 綿紙; 衛生紙
miachiaf | famous car | 名車
miakaf | logicians | 名家
miasviaf cinphafng | good reputation | 名譽很好
miasviaf cinthao | His fame is spread far and wide | 很出名
miasviaf | fame; reputation; reputation | 名聲
miatvoaf | name list; list of names | 名單
miauafkviar | kitty cat | 喵仔囝
michiaf | night car | 暝車
mikafn | nighttime; evening or night (e.g.; classes) | 暝間; 夜間
mikafng | overtime | 夜工
min'afaxm | tomorrow night | 明仔暗; 明天晚已
min'afzaix | tomorrow | 明仔載; 明天
min'ar-zafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早起; 明天早起
mixkvoaf | dry noodles | 麵干
mixpauchiaf | bread van | 麵包車
mixtvarafau | noodle shop | 麵擔仔後
mngciafm | tip of hair | 毛尖
mngftafng | late winter | 晚冬
mngkhaf | doorstep; bottom of hair; middle of the forehead; just below the hair-line | 門跤; 額際; 門下; 髮根; 髮腳; (生髮部份的輪廓)
mngkhafm'ar | doorstep | 門階仔
mngkhafng | hair follicle | 毛孔
mngkngfkhafng | pores | 毛管孔; 氣孔
mngmng'afho | drizzle | 毛毛仔雨
mngpafng | door plank | 門板; 門枋
mngsviepafng | room with leaf of a door | 門扇枋
mngthafng | door and window | 門窗
mngthviaf | hall | 門廳
mngxafn | to give greeting; greet; to ask for someone; pay one's respects (use to elders); wish somebody good health | 問安
mngxtafng-mngxsay | ask many questions about other people's affairs | 問東問西
moa'afzay | eel babies for eel farming | 鰻仔栽
moaafkyn | linen towel | 麻仔巾
moaf | throw a garment over the shoulders; wear a sleeveless garment; put on or wear thrown over the shoulders (an article of dress that has no sleeves) wear without putting the arms into the sleeves; lay one's arms on another's back or over his shoulders | 披; 幔; 勾肩; 披上; 披肩
moaf`khylaai | put on or wear thrown over the shoulders | 批起來
moafbin zhunhofng | the whole face beaming with pleasure; looking happy and cheerful | 滿面春風
moafbin | whole face; all over the face | 滿面
moafbixnphoee | full of skin | 滿面皮
moafciog | satisfied; contented | 滿足
moafgiah | have reached the fixed amount or quota | 滿額
moafgoan | fulfill the wish | 滿願
moafgoeh | month after childbirth | 彌月; 滿月
moafgoeqciuo | wine for celebrating one month old baby | 滿月酒
moafgøeh | completion of the first month after birth of a child | 彌月; 滿月
moafgøeh-ciuo | rice wine for celebrating one month old infant | 滿月酒
moafhwn | perfect score; full marks | 滿分
moafieto | satisfaction | 滿意度
moafix | to be satisfied; to be pleased; satisfied; pleased | 滿意
moafix`aq | satisfaction | 滿意矣
moafjim | complete a term; complete one's full term of office | 滿任
moafkhao | mouthful | 滿口
moafkii | at the expiration of the period; term expired | 滿期; 期滿
moafkvii | fullness nead the edge of a bowl; brimful; be filled up | 滿漧; 滿出來; 盈滿 (滿到邊緣)
moafmoafmoar | very full | 滿滿滿
moafmoafsi | everywhere in great abundance | 滿滿是; 到處都是
moafmoar | fullness; full of; full to the brim; brimful | 滿滿; 滿滿的
moafpag buncviw | very learned; erudite | 滿腹文章
moafpag | bellyfull; wholehearted | 滿腹; (一肚子)
moafpvoaa | whole dish | 滿盤
moafsiekex | everywhere | 滿四界; 到處
moafsiekoex | everywhere | 滿四界
moafsiesvoaf | whole mountain | 滿四山
moafsviaa | whole city | 滿城
moafsviahong'uo | imply bad news spread fast | 滿城風雨
moafsvoa'aang | reddish mountain | 滿山紅
moafsvoaf | whole mountain; full mountain | 滿山
moafsvoaphiern'iar | mountains and plains | 滿山遍野
moafsvoaphviaa | whole mountain area | 滿山坪
moafsym hvoahie | filled with joy | 滿心喜樂
moafsym | have one's heart filled with something; wholeheartedly | 滿心
moafsyn | with full intention; the whole body | 滿身
moaftao | full peck | 滿斗
moafte | all-over; all over the ground | 滿地
moafthvi'e | all under heaven | 滿天下
moafthvia'aang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant; joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moafthvizhvef | gypsophila | 滿天星
moafthvy | all-over the sky | 滿天
moaftviuu | whole assemblage; be full of people; draw a full house | 滿場
moaftøe | the whole area | 滿地
moafzaix | fully laden | 滿載
moafzhuix | mouthful; constantly asserting | 滿嘴
moafzø | full (no seats left) | 滿座
moai'afpviar | plum cake | 梅仔餅
moajiaf | cover with a canopy | 披遮; 蓋上雨遮
moaphviaf | rainwear made of straw (rush) | 披背; 田間工作之防雨具
moasvaf | clothing in mourning; mourning garments worn by the bereaved relatives at the time of a death and burial in the family | 麻衫; ?衫; 披衣; 孝服; 麻衣
moateaflai | inside sack | 麻袋仔內
moeafciuo | plum wine | 梅仔酒
moeafpviar | plum cookies | 梅仔餅
moeafthngf | plum soup | 梅仔湯
moeftiafmzefng | every hour | 每點鐘
moezaf | coal cinders | 煤楂; 煤渣
mokhaf | hairline on a human head | 髮際
mokngfkhafng | pores | 毛管孔; 氣孔
mosudkaf | magician | 魔術家
moxhiafmkaf | adventurer | 冒險家
mui'afkvoaf | dry plum | 梅子干
muie-zafkhie | every morning | 每早起
muihoaf | the plum flower | 梅花
muizaf | coal cinders | 煤渣
muy'tiafmzefng | every hour | 每點鐘
muykafng | everyday | 每工
muypafn | every class (school) | 每班
muypafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 每幫
muysiafng | every pair | 每雙
mviaf | order; command; life; fate; destiny | 命
mxcviaa svaf nng | not amounting to much; of little use | 毋成數; 數目少
mxcviasviaf | regular voice | 毋成聲
mxkafm | unwilling; unreconciled; feel sorry; have a clinging affection for; niggardly | 毋甘; 捨不得; 痛惜
mxkoafnlaq | don't care | 毋管啦
mxkvar køphafn | I cannot venture to equal you | 毋敢高攀
mxkviaf | not afraid of.. | 毋怕; 毋驚; 不怕
mxsi-khafng | it's no joke; precautions should be taken, powerful rival | 毋是空; 一是味兒; 不是玩兒的
mxsixkhafng | precautions should be taken; powerful rival | 毋是空; 很利害; 難纏
mxternglaang-thviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 毋順人聽; 逆耳
mxthafng | do not; must not; ought not; should not | 毋可; 毋通; 勿,不可; 勿
mxthafng`laq | don't | 毋通啦
mxzaiviaflaang | unconscious | 毋知影人
mxzay thafng kviaf | does not realize the danger | 毋知通驚; 毋知危險
na afnny | if that's the way it is | 如果這樣
na'aau-khafng | (n) voice | 嚨喉孔; 咽喉; 嗓門
na'afhoef | basket flowers | 籃仔花
na'afpvy | a city in Pingtung County | 林仔邊
na'aukhafng | stentorian voice, very strong or sonorous voice | 嚨喉空
naafkhvahoe | | 籃仔坩會
naaflai | in the basket | 籃仔內
naafput | guava | 林仔菝
naaftea | in the basket | 籃仔底
naafthay | bamboo sieve | 籃仔篩
naf | how; why; that; those; then; in that case | 那
nafafpoat | guava | 林仔菝
nafbeq | looks like | 若欲
nafbøe | Why can't it be? | 哪未; 怎麼無會
nafbøeq-nafm | be of two minds | 哪要哪無; 又想要又想不要
nafchinchviu | as if | 若親像
nafchiog | catch; arrest | 捉拿; 拿捉
nafchviu | (adv) like; seemingly as if | 若像; 好像; 彷彿; 猶如
nafciøq | to borrow | 拿借
nafe | how come | 哪會
nafexexng'eq | won't be able to use it | 哪會用著
nafexexngtid | won't be able to use it | 哪會用得
nafhør | How can.. | 那好; 怎麼可以
nafiong | to embezzle, to misappropriate | 怎; 挪用
nafkalea | person like a puppet | 哪傀儡
nafkhafm | How can .. | 哪堪
nafkhay | to move away | 挪開
nafkhix | to take away | 挪去; 拿去
naflie | where | 哪裡; 那裡
naflieen | what year, which year (in the future) | 怎年; 那年
nafm | why not...; why isn't there.. | 哪無; 怎麼不
nafpadar | Common guava | 番石榴
nafpan | to arrest and punish | 拿辦; 逮捕和懲罰
nafpat | guava | 番石榴; 林菝
nafphvax | even if | 哪怕
nafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
nafpoat | Common guava | 番石榴; 林菝
nafsae | there is no need; why should; why must...; there is no need... | 那使; 何必; 何需
nafsiao`ee | acts like a crazy person | 像瘋子
nafsinkefng`ee | acts like a crazy person | 像神經病
nafthafng | not suppose to | 哪通
nafthiefn | what day (in the future) | 哪天
naftiøh | why must...; there is no need.. | 那得; 何必
naftong | to move away | 挪動
nafu | Not really! Hardly! Come now! | 若有; 那裏
nafu-nafbøo | faintly discernible | 若有若無
nafzay | don't know | 哪知
nafzhanchviu | as if | 若親像
nafzhud | to take out | 拿出
nafzu | to take hold of | 抓住; 拿住
nafzurn | as if; suppose; seems like | 哪準; 如果; 好像
naføe | how it can be | 怎會; 哪會; 怎會?
naixcichiuxkhaf | lychee tree bottom | 荔枝樹跤
naixzhoafn | durable (cloths), to stand wear | 耐穿
nar thafng afnnef | How is it you can do it (that way)? | 怎可如此
nauxthviaf | make a scene in the hall | 鬧廳
naxafnnef | How come? | 若按呢
naymaf | a wet nurse; a nursing mother | 奶媽
neasviaf | raise voice | 躡聲; 提高聲音
nee bafngtax | spread out a mosquito net | 掛蚊帳
nesvaf | To air clothing; spread out clothes to be dried | 晾衫
ng'iøphafng | yellow hornet | 黃腰蜂
ngf hvixkhafng | cover the ears | 掩耳孔
ngf koaf | yangko; a popular rural folk dance in China | 秧歌
ngf phvixkhafng | cover or close the nostrils | 掩鼻孔
ngfsvaf | take clothes under the arm | 掩衫
ngkafm | the tangerine | 黃柑; 黃皮
ngki'afhoef | yellow gardenia | 黃梔仔花
ngpafn | macula lutea | 黃斑
ngphafng | yellow bee | 黃蜂
ngseg-sukhafn | obscene books | 黃色書刊
ngsng'afho | yellow acid rain | 黃酸仔雨
ni'afbø | a felt hat, felt cap | 哖仔帽; 呢仔帽
ni'afphex | bra | 奶仔帕
ni'afpox | cloth of wool flannel | 哖仔布; 呢仔布
ni'afzeh'ar | New Years Day | 年仔節仔
niafar | lapel; collar | 領仔; 衣領
niafau | received | 領有
niafbeng | receive commands | 領命
niafbie | receive rice | 領米
niafbøo | got nothing | 領無
niafciaux | get a license | 領照
niafcie | accept the order; receive king's order (command) | 領旨
niafcvii | receive one's pay; draw one's deposit | 領錢
niafhoe | lead a meeting, understand | 領會
niafhoee | get back; take back | 領回
niafieen | ornamental border (on cloths) | 領緣
niafiorng | adopt (a child) | 領養
niafiøh | to get drugs, to receive drugs | 領藥
niafiøh-khao | pharmacy window, drug window | 領藥口
niafiøq | to get drugs, to receive drugs | 領藥
niafiøq-khao | pharmacy window, drug window | 領藥口
niafkha'e | under of mountain ridge | 嶺跤下
niafkhaf | under of mountain ridge | 嶺跤
niafkhoarn | receive funds | 領款
niafkhofng | territorial air space | 領空
niafkwn | leader | 領軍
niafkyn | muffler; scarf | 領巾
niaflamlaang | | 嶺南人
niafniar`leq | go to receive it | 領領啦; 領領咧
niafpaai | get license plate | 領牌
niafpafn | leader of a team; headman; foreman | 領班
niafpefng | lead troops; military officer | 領兵
niafpiøf | lead the bid | 領標
niafpoadar | guava | 林菝仔
niafpoat | guava | 菝仔; 林菝; 番石榴; 芭樂
niafpox | amice (Catholic) | 領布; 領披布
niafsea | Baptism of water | 水洗
niafsiu | to receive; receive; accept | 領受; 接受
niafsiw | receive; receipt | 領收
niafsviuo | rewarded | 領賞
niafterng | top of mountain ridge | 嶺頂; 山頂
niafthaau | hilltop; highest peak in the range | 嶺頭; 山峰; 山頂
niafthor | territory under jurisdiction | 領土
niaftiøh | possess | 領著
niaftoax | cravat; necktie | 領帶
niaftui | leader of a team; group | 領隊
niaftvoaf | receipt for delivery; slip of paper which entitles the bearer to get something | 領單
niafu | possess | 領有
niafzao | withdraw and take it away | 領走
niafzeeng | feel grateful to somebody; appreciate the kindness; feel grateful to somebody | 領情
niafzhud | withdraw | 領出; 領取
niauafciah | cat | 貓仔隻
niauafhvi | cat ear | 貓仔耳
niauafhviaf | cat | 貓仔兄
niauafkviar | kitten | 貓仔囡
niauafmngg | cat door | 貓仔門
niauafmof | cat hair | 貓仔毛
niauafoong | cat hair | 貓仔王
niauafsviaf | cat voice | 貓仔聲
niauafsvoaf | cat mountain | 貓仔山
niaucviaf | cat spirit | 貓精
niaukafng | male cat; tomcat | 公貓
niaukhafng | cable car in Taipei suburban | 貓空
niausoafsiu | move frequently | 貓徙岫
niaw-soafsiu | like cats keep moving home | 貓移窩
niawchyafbak | small; protruding eyes | 貓鼠仔目; 眼睛小
niawchyafkviar | baby rat | 鳥鼠仔囝
niawchyafoafn | family feud | 鳥鼠仔冤
niawchyafseg | grey | 鳥鼠仔色
niawchyafzexng | acute mouse bacterial infectious disease | 鳥鼠仔症
niawchykhafng | rat hole | 鳥鼠洞
niawluixhagkaf | ornithologist | 鳥類學家
niawzhuo-khafng | holes where rats hide | 鳥鼠洞
niawzhwafoafn | feud | 鳥鼠仔冤
niawzhwafseg | mouse color- gray | 鳥鼠仔色
niawzhwafzexng | acute mouse bacterial infectious disease | 鳥鼠仔症
nibwchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
nibøfchiaf | milk cart | 奶母車
nicvikhaf | under the eaves; under the eaves | 簷下
niekhaf | stand on tiptoes | 墊腳; 以腳尖提身
niesviaf | raise one's voice | 踮聲; 提高聲音
nikafm | tankan orange of Taiwan | 年柑; 桶柑
nikafn | years | 年間
nikoafm | nunnery, Buddhist nun's temple | 尼姑庵
nikoafn | the end of the year (when all accounts have to be settled); so called because it is like a mountain pass; not easy to cross | 年關
nikof-afm | a nunnery | 尼姑庵
nisvaf | to air (clothing) | 晾衫
nitafng | harvest (year); crop (year); harvest | 年冬; 收穫
nitafng-nisay | take up small quantities of things in the fingers; to pick at this and that | 拿這拿那
niuafchiu | mulberry | 娘仔樹
niuafhiøh | mulberry leaves | 娘仔葉; 桑葉
niuafkarn | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafkerng | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafkhag | cocoon | 娘仔殼; 蠶繭
niuafkiern | silkworm cocoons | 娘仔繭
niuafsy | silk of the silkworm | 娘阿絲; 蠶絲
niuaftau | silkworm chrysalis | 娘仔豆
nngfkhaf | weak; feeble; flabby; having weak legs (congenital or as a result of long sickness) | 腳軟; 軟跤; 兩腿無力; 跛腳
nngfkhaf-pvi | beri-beri | 軟腳病; 腳氣病
nngfphafngpharng | extremely soft | 軟紡紡
nngrcvikhafng | try to earn monty with all means | 軁錢空
nngrkhafng | go into (hide in) a hole | 穿洞
nngxkafng | two days | 兩工
nngxkhiaf | a pair | 一對
nngxlangsvakhaf | two persons with 3 feet | 兩人三跤
nngxtvoaf | eggs (still in the ovary) | 胚卵; 幼卵
noafhør | rub well | 撋好
noafkøea | knead dough for cakes | 揉粿
noafnoar`leq | knead the wet clothes, rub | 揉揉咧; 撋撋咧
noafsvaf | knead and squeeze down clothes in washing | 揉衫
noafzhvoar | vulgar | 撋琖; 粗俗
noafzøx | rub as | 撋做
noaxkauafbee | muddy | 爛溝仔糜
noaxthiauafcie | ulcer acne, pimple | 爛𤶃仔子
noxhoad-chiongkoafn | his rage lifted his cap | 怒髮沖冠
nykafng | a dyer | 染工
o'af | crow; raven; rook | 烏鴉
o'afcvix | fried taro | 芋仔糋
o'afhii | mullet | 烏仔魚; 鯔
o'afhiøh | taro leaves | 芋仔葉
o'afhurn | taro flour | 芋仔粉
o'afpefng | ice cream made of taro | 芋仔冰; 芋冰淇淋
o'khaf sailaam | very black southwest storm | 西南方烏雲密佈
o'm'afciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
oaarn'oan'oafn | extremely bend | 彎彎彎
oadiafchiaf | cross country vehicle (doesn't need a road) | 越野車
oadlafmseg | reading room | 閱覽室
oaf | a baby; a child; a frog; a low-lying-area; crater; puddle; waterhole | 娃; 蛙; 窪; 洼
oafciah | to sponge upon another person; depend on someone for support. | 寄食
oafhaang | registered with a company or organization | 靠行; (計程車)
oafhae | (n) shore; by the seaside; near the sea | 靠海; 近海
oafhayciaqhae | relying on the sea and eating the sea like fishman | 倚海食海
oafho | lean on | 倚護
oafhvoa | rely on (for support; etc); depend on; approach the river bank or quay for tie up | 倚按; 倚靠; 靠岸
oafix | close to the meaning; almost | 近意; 倚意; 差不多對了
oafjiblaai | lean into inside | 倚入來
oafkae | crumble; breakup; crash; disintegrate; fall apart; disintegrate | 瓦解
oafkhix | go near | 偎去
oafkhørlaang | rely on people | 倚靠人
oafkhøx | depend on; rely on; trust | 倚靠; 依靠
oafkin | near to; in the neighborhood; to approach; draw nearer | 靠近; 倚近
oafkun | approach, come near to | 倚近; 靠近
oaflaai | come near | 偎來; 靠過來
oaflaai-oafkhix | one minute support this one then the next minute support another one; one minute rely upon this one then the next minute rely upon that one | 靠來靠去; 騎牆
oaflek | detritus | 瓦礫
oafloa | depend on, rely on | 倚賴
oafn | bay; bend in a river or channel | 灣; 彎; 冤; 爭吵
oafn'ieen | winding | 灣緣
oafn'ioong | pleasant countenance | 婉容
oafn'iuu | travel far | 遠遊
oafn'ix | stuff | 玩意
oafn'yn | remote cause | 遠因
oafn`laang | afar people | 遠人
oafnbong | long-term hope | 遠望
oafnbut | a toy | 玩物
oafnchyn putjuu kixnliin | A neighbor at hand is better than a relative far off | 遠親無如近鄰
oafnchyn | distant relatives | 遠親
oafnciog | picnic; outing; excursion | 遠足
oafncix | far reaching ambition | 遠志
oafng | x-ray | 嚾
oafngieen | plead with soft; tactful words; soft spoken; (to advise with) gentle and ingratiating words; speak tenderly | 婉言
oafnheeng | travel to a distant place; journey to a distant place | 遠行
oafnhofng | (n) distant location; remote place | 遠方
oafnhøea-zuxhuun | If you play with fire you will get burned | 玩火自焚
oafnii | end of the year; near to the new year | 倚年; 年尾; 年關; 歲末; 歲暮; 接近過年
oafnjieen | like; as if; similar; as though; the same as | 宛然
oafnjiok | as if; as though; like; apparently; seemingly | 宛若
oafnjuu | as if; as though; like; apparently; seemingly | 宛如
oafnkerng | distant view | 遠景
oafnkheq | persons coming from a distant place; visitor or guest from a distant place | 遠客
oafnkhu | toys | 玩具
oafnkiexn | foresight | 遠見
oafnkin | (adv) far and near | 遠近
oafnku | toys | 玩具
oafnkuxtiaxm | toy shop | 玩具店
oafnlaai ee langkheq | visitors from afar | 遠來之客
oafnlek | muscular strength; brute force; strength of wrist | 腕力
oafnli | separated by distance; far away from; depart for a distant place | 遠離
oafnlong | resort to; engage in; play with | 玩弄
oafnlu | be concerned about distant future | 遠慮
oafnpiet | long separation | 遠別
oafnpox | spread to far place | 遠播
oafnsi | hyperopia; farsighted; farsightedness | 遠視
oafnsia | decline; to refuse politely; decline (an invitation; a present) with great gentility and courtesy | 婉謝
oafnsiap | distant and hard to get to | 遠涉; 遙遠艱難
oafnsiorng | to enjoy (moon; flowers; etc.); enjoy or appreciate the beauty of something | 玩賞
oafnsiøq | bemoan; regret; regret; deplore; to lament; be unwilling (to part with a person) | 惋息; 惋惜
oafnsuie-kixnhøea | a distant water is unable to put out the near-by fire (entirely inadequate means) | 遠水近火
oafntai | far-reaching; vast; far reaching; far sighted; vast | 遠大
oafntofng | far east | 遠東
oafnviuu | high seas | 遠洋
oafnzefng | expedition; expedition; visit (of a sport team); go on an expedition; visit another athletic team | 遠征
oafnzengtui | expeditionary force; visiting team | 遠征隊
oafnzoarn | tactful; mild and indirect; politely; managing by some indirect or roundabout manner; persuade or state something gently; suavely; without hurting another's feelings | 婉轉
oafoar | close to, quite close to | 倚倚
oafpheng | to lean on; to rely on | 倚並; 倚靠
oafpiaq | near the wall; leaning on the wall of a room (e g; an article of furniture) | 靠牆
oafpvy | lean on side | 倚邊
oafsex | to rely on powerful connections | 倚勢; 仗勢; 靠權勢
oafsuhloo | gas stove | 瓦斯爐
oafsvoaciaqsvoaf | make a living based up where you live | 倚山食山
oafsw | gas | 瓦斯
oafsw-loo | gas-stove | 瓦斯爐
oaftaux | near noon | 倚晝
oaftiong | to rely heavily upon | 倚重
oafzhuix | ear near to another's mouth | 倚嘴; 交頭接耳
oafzoaan | surreptitiously; would rather die for justice than live in disgrace | 瓦全
oafzuie | lean against the water | 倚水
oah-høefsvoaf | active volcano | 活火山
oaisiafzuq | white dress shirt | 白櫬衫
oan'oafn khiaukhiaw | something is very crooked (a person is) deceitful | 彎彎曲曲
oan'oafn oat'oad | winding (path; stream) | 彎彎曲曲
oan'oafn siongpøx | feud continued by mutual revenges and injuries | 冤冤相報
oan'oafn | bent; not straight; not upright; something is slightly crooked | 彎彎
oankafng | workforce; employee; employees (collectively) | 員工
oarnsviaf | murmuring; expression of discontent | 怨聲
oasafbiq | green eye watering mustard like condiment | 芥末; 山葵醬; 源自日語わさび(wasabi); 日語漢字為「山葵」
oat'oafn | turn (around) | 斡彎; 拐彎; 轉彎
obafsarng | an old woman, an aunt | 對不特定年長女性的稱呼; 歐巴桑; 源自日語おばさん(obasan)
obeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round sead | 黑鷦 [*]
obui'afbarng | mosquito | 烏蝛仔蚊
obøeftafng | black-tailed caesio, mountain bass, round scad | 烏尾冬
ociafm | Russell's snapper | 黑魚; 黑星笛鯛
ocyafzhaix | dark purple vegetable | 烏子仔菜
oe'afzhaix | a popular vegetable in taiwan which is usually stir-fried | 萵仔菜; 萵苣
oeaflai | Inside the pot | 鍋仔內
oeaftea | bottom of the pot | 鍋仔底
oeafzhaelui | lettuce | 萵仔菜類
oeafzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜
oefaftangkoef | shorty | 矮仔冬瓜
oefafzaai | shorty | 矮仔財
oefkhafng | dig a pit; make a hole | 挖洞
oefsimkvoaf | sincere, expose my heart | 挖心肝
oethoaf | slipper | 鞋拖
oex-kaq moafsiekex | be scattered all about | 四處弄得雜亂
oexkaf | painter; painter; artist | 畫家
oexkafng | a commercial painter | 畫工
oexkhafn | pictorial magazine | 畫刊
oexkoafn | talk off | 話關
oexpafng | a drawing board | 畫板; 畫枋
oexsafn-oexsuie | say irresponsible things; talk at random; to flatter | 花言巧語; 吹牛
oexsefng kokkaf | satellite (country); satellite nations | 衛星國家
oexsefng-svaf | knitted underwear | 衛生衫
oexzhvef kokkaf | satellite (country); satellite nations | 衛星國家
of simkvoaf | evil hearted | 黑心; 黑心肝
of-beqafciuo | black beer | 黑啤仔酒; 烏麥仔酒
of-hoansoaf | black shark | 黑番鯊; 黑鮫
ofkhafng | dig (scoop out) a hole | 挖孔; 挖空; (洞)
ofsimkvoaf | sincerely | 挖心肝
ohafm | lark; skylark | 烏蚶; 雲雀
ojyafzhaix | black cabbage | 烏子仔菜
ok'afsiefn | bad guy | 惡仔仙
okafm | amber fish | 烏柑; 黑帶參
okawhviaf | handsome guy with sunglasses | 烏狗兄
okhaf | ebb | 烏腳; 退潮
okhaf-pvi | Blackfoot disease is an endemic peripheral vascular disease found among the inhabitants of a limited area on the southwest coast of Taiwan; where artesian well water with a high concentration of arsenic has been used for more than eighty years. | 黑腳病; 烏跤病; 烏腳病
okim'afokym | black shining gold | 烏金仔烏金
oksexng kafmmo | bad cold | 惡性感冒
olanglafng | dark | 烏櫳櫳
omiatvoaf | black list | 黑名單; 烏名單
omoaafhurn | black sesame powder | 烏麻仔粉
omoaafpafn | black sesame spot | 烏麻仔斑
omoai'afciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
omoeafciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
onghviaf-liwti | dubious friend | 王兄柳弟; 無三不四的朋友
ongkaf | royal family | 王家; 皇家
ongkoafn | crown | 王冠
onglaikvoaf | dried pineapple | 鳳梨干
onglog'afsiefn | traveling doctor; quack; or fortune teller; (also said in scolding) a liar; You quack! | 王碌仔仙; 江湖術士; 庸醫
onglog'afzhuix | deceitful lips | 王碌仔嘴; 江湖的人的話; 亂講
oniauhviaf | black cat brother | 烏貓兄
opafn | freckle; dark spots; black specks | 黑斑; 烏斑
opafng | blackboard | 黑板; 烏枋
opafnzhad | chalkboard eraser | 烏板擦
opeqsaf | snatch or grasp things indiscriminately (as a thief in the darkness or as a drowning man) | 烏白捎; 亂抓
osafm | black wood | 黑杉
osimkvoaf | cruel | 烏心肝
osoaf | leopard shark | 黑鯊; 烏沙
osviusi'afzaang | black acacia | 烏相思仔欉
osvoaf | black mountain | 烏山
otaf | languish | 烏焦; 黑瘦; 憔悴
otaf-sarn | dark and emaciated | 黑焦瘦; 烏焦瘦; 黑瘦
othauafchiaf | black sedan | 烏頭仔車
othauafchiaf`laq | black sedan | 烏頭仔車啦
otorang'afotoraang | dark red | 烏𪐞紅仔烏𪐞紅
otvafciøh | black gallstone | 烏膽石
otvi'afotvy | dark skin and sweet | 烏甜仔烏甜
otvi'afzhaix | solanum nigrum | 烏甜仔菜
oxhvoaikvoaf | dry the stem of taro leaf | 芋莖乾
oxmzhafzhar | | 茂吵吵
paang liwafkhafng | hemstitch a buttonhole | 縫紉扣子孔
padafphiøx | returned check | 菝仔票
padafsae | miser; skinflint | 吝嗇鬼
padkhafng | extra fortune | 別孔; 另外之財路
paecviaf | worship at New Year; visit at New Year Day; to celebrate new year | 拜正; 拜年; 賀正
paesvaf | Wednesday | 拜三
paf | papa | 爸; 摑
pafag | seize; take hold of; ability; capacity; to be confident; something one holds in hand; sure; confident; have absolute confidence; have a firm grasp of the situation | 把握
pafah'niq | stomach full | 飽矣呢
pafbie | fully ripened grains; full-eared rice plants | 飽米; 飽滿; 穀物熟滿; 飽穗; 飽穀
pafbiin | to have a plentiful of sleep; adequate sleep | 飽眠; 睡足; 睡得足
pafchii | to control; to monopolize; use undue influence; to control; monopolize; able and confident in one's powers | 把持
pafchiuo | knob, handle, grip | 飽手; 把手
pafciog | To satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully; fully satisfied | 飽足; 充足
pafeq | hiccup | 飽呃
pafhak | well-versed; learned | 飽學
pafhix | jugglery; sleight of hand; idle play; trick; scheme; acrobatics; conjuring trick; sleight of hand | 把戲
pafhofng | a person posted as a lookout; especially; in a robbery or other criminal acts | 把風
pafhofng`ee | a person posted as a lookout; especially; in a robbery or other criminal acts | 把風的
pafiax | bored, tired of | 飽厭; 討厭
pafjiin | a solid and full kernel; full kernel | 飽粒; 飽仁; 飽滿的仁; 內身結滿
pafkui | fully ripened grains | 飽櫃; 穀物熟飽
pafkuy | fowl's crop very full | 飽規; 滿膆囊
paflaa | obese | 吃膩; 肥胖
paflat | stout | 強力; 飽力
pafliin | plump beans | 飽仁
pafmoar | full (of); full-(faced); inclusive; complete; well-stacked; plump | 飽滿
pafn | pull; hold to; drag down; hold on for support; class | 攀; 扳; 頒; 拉; 班
pafn'aftiaxm | coffin shop | 棺木店
pafn'afzuun | banzai boat | 板仔船
pafn'aq | salted duck pressed and stretched like a plate (a specialty in Nanjing) | 板鴨
pafn'ar | a bamboo or a birch for corporal punishment; a coffin usually made of wood; coffin | 板仔; 棺柩; 棺木
pafn'ie | bench | 板椅
pafn'oe | block print; woodcut; woodprint | 版畫
pafn`nih | inside the class | 班內
pafnbin | layout | 版面
pafnboo | a mold for setting up the page layouts before the printing | 版模
pafnchiaf | kind of hand pulled cart for transporting heavy objects | 板車
pafnchiuo | wrench | 扳手
pafng cidkhiaq | part having fallen or have been washed away | 崩一缺口
pafng | fall into ruins; to slide down (e.g.; the earth of a dike; dam); to collapse (like a wall); wood | 崩; 幫; 板; 回; 次,; 木板; 枋
pafng`khix | to collapse | 崩去; 倒毀
pafnghuie | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafngkax | kidnap for ransom | 綁架
pafngpafngthngg | lollipop | 棒棒糖
pafngphiørhoan | brigands | 綁票犯
pafngphiøx huytoo | brigands | 綁票匪徒
pafngphiøx | to kidnap for ransom | 綁票
pafngtoo | kidnaper | 綁匪; 綁徒
pafnhii | golden-skinned pargo | 板魚; 血鯛
pafnkheg | to engrave, to carve | 板刻; 版刻
pafnkhoaan | copy right | 版權
pafnkhoaix | plate | 板塊
pafnkoaan chimhai | infringement of copyright; literary piracy | 版權侵害
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
pafnkoaan swioxnghuix | royalties on books | 版權使用費
pafnkoaan | copyright | 版權
pafnkor | a small drum | 板鼓
pafnkym | gold plated; body work (automobile) | 鈑金; 板金
pafnlaa | suet | 板膋
pafnliaau | the rest and beat of music; orderliness | 拍子; 板眼
pafnparn | expressionless; boring | 板板; 無生氣
pafnpurn | edition; version | 版本
pafnsoex | royalties | 版稅
pafnsøex | publication loyalty | 版稅
pafntexng | wooden stool, wooden bench | 板凳
pafntiaxm | coffin shop | 板店; 棺木店
pafntoo | the territory; the domain; dominion; map; household registers and maps; population and territory | 版圖; 領地
pafnzek | a register for publication | 版籍
pafnzhux | print order of edition | 板次; 版次
pafpafpar | stomach extremely full | 飽飽飽
pafpag | full (of learning) | 飽腹; 飽學
pafpar | full and satisfied; stuffed with food; glutted; surfeited | 飽飽
pafpexng | a handle; a mistake or fault that can be taken advantage of by others | 把柄
pafpii | full; surfeited | 飽脾; 吃得很飽
pafsiuo | to defend, to guard, to watch over | 飽守; 把守
pafsui | solid kernel; large full ear of grain | 飽穗; 飽滿的穗; 穀物豐穗
paftitw | full; satiated | 飽抵抵; 形容吃得很飽
pafto | poorly | 飽肚
paftongtofng | quite enough | 飽冬冬; 很飽
paftuxtu | stomach full | 飽嘟嘟
paftvi | surfeited; stuffed full | 飽滿
paftviux | full; surfeited; swollen; a sense of distension; glutted; surfeited | 飽脹; 飽漲
paftø | to hold the helm, to steer the rudder, to keep the direction | 把舵
pafzuie | the fully ripened crop; filled (fruit or grain) | 飽水; (水果; 穀類); 豐富; 成熟飽滿
pagkhaf | wrap u p one's foot; foot-binding; bound (compressed) feet; bind women's feet | 縛腳; 纏足
pagkhaf-øee | foot-binding shes | 綁跤鞋
pah'iap-thafng | venetian blind | 百葉窗
pahhiøqthafng | Venetian blind; Venetian shutters | 百葉窗
pahkvoaf | all kind of government officials; all officials; rulers generally | 百官
pahkøfsafn | baiguoshan | 百果山
pahpahkhafng | lots of loopholes | 百百空
pahpvoaf | by every means; in numerous ways; all kinds; all sorts; every kind | 百般
pahtoafn | all matters | 百端
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
pai-miasviaf | to discredit one's reputation | 敗名聲
paikut'aftui | skinny team | 排骨仔隊
paipafn | arrange working shift; arrange team of work | 排班
paisafn-tørhae | overthrow a mountain and upset the sea ─ of great ability; over-helming or sweeping | 排山倒海
paithaf zwgi | exclusive; exclusionism | 排他主義
paithaf | exclusive | 排他
paithvaf | parochial | 排他
paithvaf-sym | parochial attitude | 排他心
paixkaf toxngsarn | squander a patrimony and ruin the family | 敗家蕩產
paixkaf | ruin a family | 敗家
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
paksvaf | take off the clothes; peel off one's garments; to strip and plunder of garments | 剝衫; 脫衣服
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
palafng | horse mackerel | 巴郎
panchiaf | run; trip (of bus; train) | 班車
pang'aflai | of the same clan members (relatives) | 房仔內; 同宗族人
pang'afpiaq | wooden partition | 板仔壁
pang'afterng | wood top | 枋仔頂
pang'afzhux | wooden house | 枋仔厝
pang'afzuun | Fangzi Boat | 枋仔船
pangkeng'aflai | in the bedroom | 房間仔內
pangkoafn | house tax | 房捐
pangkoafn-soex | property tax | 房捐稅
pangsvaf | sew clothes | 縫衫
pangsvoaf | a landslide; a landslip; landslip; landslide | 崩山; 山崩
panmafsvoax | pedestrian crossing (marked with stripes); zebra stripe crossing | 斑馬線
panpafn | full of stains or spots, spotted, mottled | 斑斑
papaf | daddy; papa; dad | 爸爸
parnggupafn | class with students that don't plan to attend middle high school | 放牛班
parnghongsviaf | spread the news | 放風聲
parngkafjit | holiday | 放假日
parngkafng | to come or go off work | 下工; 放工
parngkhafng | to create a hole | 放空; 弄一個洞; 沒人看管; 放孔
parngkhoafn | to make wider | 放寬
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
parngsafng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
parngsviaf | send word or warn through a third person | 放聲; 放言
parngsytuaflaau | dump dead pigs to the river | 放死豬仔流
parngzoafhor | black letters or use slanderous flyers | 放紙虎
pasafm | a ginseng | 巴參; 白色人參
patciafngkhef | Bazhang River which is in Taiwan | 八掌溪
patji-khaf | a splayfoot | 八字腳; 八字跤
patjixkhaf | walk inside or outside horoscopes | 八字跤
patjixsafm | Aug. 23, 1966 | 八二三
patkoarsvoakhaf | bottom of Bagua Mountain in Taiwan | 八卦山跤
patlixkhaf | splayed feet | 八字跤
pauafkoea | bun kuih | 包仔粿
pauaføee | soft cloth shoes | 軟布鞋; 包鞋
pauchiaf | a chartered coach; car engaged for one's own use; chartered bus | 包車
pauhviaf | brother | 胞兄
paukafng | contract work; job work; job or project awarded a contractor; job for which payment is calculated on the amount of work done (instead of on hourly or daily basis) | 包工
paukwn boafn'ix | let everyone satisfied (pleased) | 包君滿意
pauzhafm | wrap up together | 包參; 包在一起
pauzhafng | prostitute | 包娼
paxkafng | walkout; go on strike (worker); go on strike; stop labor; stage a strike; labor strike | 罷工
paxkoafn | quit | 罷官
paxkvoaf | dismiss from office | 罷官
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
paxngkiuu soafnchiuo | baseball player | 棒球選手
paxnkofng sikafn | office hours | 辦公時間
paxnkongthviaf | place for transaction of public business | 辦公廳
paykhaf | lame; lameness; crippled; walk lamely; deformed foot; leg; walk with a limp | 跛腳; 跛跤
paykhaf`ee | lame person; cripple | 跛腳的
pe'afkviar | father and child | 父仔囝; 爸仔囝; 父子
peafbuo | parents | 爸仔母
peafkviar | father and kids | 爸仔囝
peatoafn | fault; error; abuses; corrupt practices | 弊端
pefkoafn | guard a gate in a pass | 把關
pefngchiaf | overturn car | 翻車
pefngkalafnphag | sleep on one's stomach | 反佳懶伏; 伏臥
pefngsykawafzay | reflexive | 反死狗仔栽
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngtoxsoaf | abdominal cramps | 反肚痧
peh-boftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peh-zhangzhafng | pale | 白蔥蔥
pehhaf | to yawn | 打呵欠
pehsafm | Taiwan armand pine | 百松; 華山松
pehsvoaf | mountain climbing; hill-climbing; climb or go up into the mountains | 爬山; 登山
pehtiafmtorng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pehtiafmtoxng | TV primtime 8pm program | 八點檔
pek'hoaf zehoxng | All flowers are in bloom | 百花齊放
pekkaf-svix | Book of Family Names | 百家姓
pekkafn | rape | 逼姦
pekkafng | press or urge work | 逼工; 強迫工作
pektiong cy kafn | nearly equal; be fifty-fifty | 伯仲之間
peleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
peng'afkag | ice cube | 冰仔角; 冰塊; 冰仔塊
peng'afn busu | perfect tranquility; in peace; freedom from anxiety; safe and without any mishaps | 平安無事
peng'afn toxjit | lead a peaceful life | 平安度日
peng'afn | peaceful; peace; a greeting | 平安
peng'afn-huo | in peace | 平安撫
peng'afn-zex | peace offering | 平安祭
peng'afsvaf | soldier shirt | 兵仔衫
peng'afviaa | barracks | 兵仔營
peng'afzuie | carbonated cold drink | 冰仔水; 汽水
pengchiaf | sleigh on snow, soldier's vehicle | 冰車; 雪撬
pengkaf | a military strategist; a military commander; person specialized in military operations | 兵家
pengkafng | military ordnance | 兵工
pengpeng'an'afn | safe and sound | 平平安安
pengsviaf | (of Chinese phonetics) the 1st and 2nd tones taken together as a single category in | 平聲
pengsvoaf | an iceberg; iceberg | 冰山
pengtoafn | hostilities; beginning of hostilities | 兵端
pengtvoaf | draft soldier list | 兵單
peqboftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peqchiahsoaf | white sugar | 白赤砂
peqchiuo sengkaf | built up fortune from scratch | 白手成家
peqcviafbøbi | plain and tasteless | 白汫無味
peqliawkafng | waste time | 白了工
peqpafn | white specks; white spots | 白斑
peqphaf | white blister (disease) | 白脬
peqsoaf | sand shark; sand tiger; ragged-tooth shark; smooth dog-fish; white sand | 白砂; 白鯊; 白沙; 戟齒砂鮫
peqsvaf | white cloth | 白衣; 白衫
peqthngzhafng | sticky sugar candy | 白糖蔥
peqzhangzhafng | very white | 白蔥蔥
peqzoafoji | black words on white paper- imply it was written clearly | 白紙烏字
pexafkviar | fathers and sons; master | 爸仔仔; 爺兒
pexbwkvoaf | officers who care of people (like parents) | 爸母官; 縣官
pexbøfkvoaf | magistrate (popular term for); local official | 爸母官
pexhviaf | guardians, Fathers and Brethren! | 爸兄; 監護人
pexlau-kviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
pexlauxkviafiux | an old man that has kid in late age | 爸老囝幼
phaarng'phangphafng | extreamly sweet odor | 香香香
phaf | throw; throw away; to cast; to abandon; to eject; give up | 拋; 葩; 盞; 条; 束; 條,
phaf-chialiern | the wheel turns; forward roll; rolls; turns the somersault; turns the somersault | 拋車輪; 前滾翻; 滾翻; 翻觔斗; 翻筋斗
phafn | pull; hold to; drag down; hold on for support | 攀; 扳
phafng texng`tiøh | bee sting | 蜂螫到
phafng | bees; hornets; wasps | 蜂; 芳; 香,
phafng-korngkoxng | smelling fresh | 香貢貢; 芳絳絳
phafngchiaf | spinning wheel; spinning wheel; spinning machine | 紡車
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phafngcid kongsy | spinning and weaving mill; textile company | 紡織公司
phafngcid | textile; spin and weave; spinning and weaving | 紡織
phafngcid-chviuo | textile mill, weaving mill | 紡織廠
phafngcid-giap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcit-giap | business of textile | 紡織業
phafngcitchviuo | spinning and weaving mill; textile mill | 紡織廠
phafngcitgiap | textile industry | 紡織業
phafngcitkafng | textile factory worker | 紡織工
phafngcitky | looms; spinning and weaving machines | 紡織機
phafngkafng | worker who spins thread | 紡工
phafngkoex | spinned | 紡過
phafngmii | spin cotton threads | 紡綿
phafngse'ar | spinner | 紡紗仔
phafngsechiaf | spinner | 紡紗車
phafngsef | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsef-citpox | spin and weave | 紡紗織布
phafngseky | spinning jenny | 紡紗機
phafngsvoax | spin thread | 紡線; 紡紗
phafngsy | spin silk threads; spin silk | 紡絲
phafngtiaxm | pastry shop | 麭店
phafngzeq | spin | 紡績
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phagkvoaf | dry (eatables) in the sun | 打乾; 曝乾; 曬乾; 食物晒成干
phagsvaf | sun dry cloth; to air clothing | 晒衫; 晒衣服
phagtaf | dry in the sun | 晒乾; 曝焦
phahchvikviaf | scare; shocked | 拍生驚
phahhefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahhoaf | put out the fire (with an extinguisher or water) | 打熄; 熄滅
phahhoefchiaf | fire truck | 拍火車
phahkafng | (going to) work | 打工
phahkasoaf | lose; scatter; penny pincher | 小氣鬼; 弄散; 弄丟
phahkhafng | drill a hole; make a hole; pierce; drill a hole | 打孔; 打洞; 穿孔
phahkiusvaf | sports shirt | 拍球衫
phahkviaf | horrify; terrify; frighten; give a fright; give a start; to scare | 拍驚; 驚嚇; 驚嚇到
phahphafng | hit bees | 拍蜂
phahphwafkngf | gets busy just after dawn | 拍殕仔光
phahsafng | make it softer and less condensed | 打鬆
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahtvoaf | buy a ticket | 買票
phahzhvekviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phahzuaftaai | Pachinko | 拍珠仔台
phak-hof taf | dry in the sun | 晒乾
phangciafm | bee's sting | 蜂針
phangkhaf | webspinners, embrids (insect) | 香香; 紡足目
phangphafng | fragrant; scented; perfume | 香香; 香香的
phanhoaf cietliuo | injure flowers and willows ─ lead a life of debauchery | 攀花折柳
phanzaf | to investigate | 盤查
phao'afkorng | cannon | 炮仔管
phao'afsviaf | sound of firework | 炮仔聲
phaochiaf | gun carriage | 砲車
phaosviaf | roaring of artillery pieces; thunder of a cannonade | 砲聲
phaotvafhurn | baking powder | 泡打粉
phaphaf-zao | to chase about | 拋拋跑
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phauxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phauxkhiafm | apologetic, sorry for | 抱歉
phawchiaf | racing car; racing bicycle; car; bicycle for races; sports car | 跑車
phawmafpiør | stopwatch | 跑馬表
phaykviafzexng | delinquency | 歹囝症
pheafzhao | barnyardgrass | 稗仔草
phek'hied boafnte | dark blood covered the ground | 碧血滿地
pheksoaf | green sand | 碧砂
phengjympafn | cooking class | 烹飪班
phengluxnkaf | critic | 評論家
phephengkaf | critics; censors | 批評家
phextvoaf | bed sheet | 被單
phiafng | high tone noise of hitting something | 乓
phiauchiaf | drag racing | 飆車
phiauchiafm | label; price tag | 標籤
phiaukafn | measuring pole or stick, pole for pole-vaulting | 標竿
phiauzurn sikafn | standard time | 標準時間
phienkiogkaf | playwright; scenario writer | 編劇者; (家)
phienpafn | forming a class; team; formation of classes (at school); assign (students) to the various classes | 編班
phienzhaf | a deviation; an error | 偏差
phintvoaf | receipt | 憑單
phisvaf | spread out clothes to dry | 批衫; 晾衫
pho'afpafng | bed board | 箔仔板; 舖板
pho'aftea | back cover of the node book | 簿仔底
pho'afterng | front cover of the node book | 簿仔頂
pho'afzoar | notebook paper | 簿仔紙
phoafn | fan | 藩
phoahhoaf | extinguish by throwing water | 潑熄
phoaqkhaf | have one leg on top of the other; sit with the legs crossed | 潑腳; 腳交叉
phoaqsvaf | lay clothes loosely over a railing; on the back of a chair | 披衣
phoarkhafng | break open a hole; tear a hole; reveal a secret; wound; cut; hole; opening; slit | 破洞; 破空; 開孔
phoarkoafn | broken coffin | 破棺
phoarkvaf | run away from jail | 逃獄
phoarsvaf | ragged clothes | 破衣; 破杉
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phoatkhaf | pigeon-toed | 拐腳
phoauxkhaf | pull hind legs; make obstacles to slow down | 扶後跤
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
phoea'afng | marry to a man | 配夫
phoeachiaf | allocation of cars; allocate cars | 配車
phoeahoeatvoaf | invoice | 配貨單
phoehiaf | leather shoes | 皮鞋
phoesvaf | a leather clothing; fur coat; fur gown; fur clothing | 皮衣; 皮衫
phoex hoefchiaf | send by rail | 托火車運
phoextvoaf | quilt cover; cotton cover for the coverlet | 被單
phof bixnthafn | putting on the appearance of diligence; goodness when observed; eye serving | 裝表面
phofthofng-chiaf | local train, ordinary train | 普通車
phofthongchiaf | slow train; ordinary train; local (train) schedule | 普通車
phofzaf | investigate on a wide scale; universal investigation; census; general survey | 普查
phog'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phok'afsviaf | clapping sound | 噗仔聲
phokhaf | lay hold of a man's leg in order to throw him down | 抬腳; 鋪腳; 扶跤; 床下; 扶腳
phokhaf-phochiuo | flattering someone; special treatments | 抬腳抬手
phoklafmhoe | an exposition; fair (trade); exhibition | 博覽會
phokphaf | skin bubble | 起泡
pholaarnphaf | flatter | 扶𡳞脬
pholaxnphaf | flatter; curry favor with; fawn upon | 拍馬屁; 諂媚
phoo auxkhaf | criticize and destroy behind one's back | 扯後腿
phoo-laxnphaf | to curry favor with | 拍馬尼; 扶脬
phophothvafthvar | flatter | 扶扶挺挺
phorng'ykhaf | under the sofa | 膨椅跤
phornghong'aftee | bragging tea | 膨風仔茶
phorngkafm | large tangerine; type of tangerine | 凸柑; 椪柑; 橘子
phorngsef-svaf | sweater, knitted dress | 毛線衣; 膨紗衫
phorngsesvaf | knitted woolen garment; sweater | 毛線衣
phosoafui | move to another place | 鋪徙位; 移動位置
phosvaf | spread out cloths | 舖衫; 鋪衣
phoxngsafng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phun'aflai | pots | 盆仔內
phurnbuxchiaf | spray car | 噴霧車
phurnhoefsvoaf | volcano | 濆火山
phurnphafng | to diffuse fragrance | 噴香; 噴芳
phusoaf | floating sand | 浮砂; 流沙
phutøkvoaf | raisin; raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo-kvoaf | raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phuu khok'aftef | deep fried foodstuff | 油炸的食品
phuu zai gafncieen | floating before the eyes | 砍眼前
phvae-khoafnthai | treat badly; maltreat; hard to please; difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; be peevish; be fastidious; difficult to please; give poor service (to guests) | 難侍候
phvae-kviafswn | bad descendants | 歹子孫
phvae-miasviaf | bad reputation | 歹名譽
phvae-nitafng | bad harvest | 歹年冬
phvae-simkvoaf | the heart is not good; evilly reads; bad mind; evil heart | 壞心腸; 歹念; 壞心眼; 心地無良
phvai'aflai | in the back | 揹仔內
phvayafng | bad husband | 惡夫
phvaykhaf | person who is difficult to get along with | 歹跤; 很難合作的人
phvaykhafng | bad thing; evil deed; misdoing; uncanny; haunted; jinxed; tricky | 歹孔; 無祥; 壞事
phvaykviafzexng | illow disease | 歹囝症
phvaykvoaf | bad officer | 歹官
phvaynitafng | tough winter | 歹年冬
phvayseaafphvaysex | a little bit emarassed, and timid | 歹勢仔歹勢
phvaytafng | disastrous year | 凶年
phvaythviaf | unpleasant to listen to | 難聽; 無好聽
phvaythviaf`ee | hard to listen | 歹聽的
phvi'aflai | inside nose | 鼻仔內
phvi'afterng | top of nose | 鼻仔頂
phviaf | throw away | 拋
phviafkikud | throw bone away | 拋筋骨
phviaphviaf | throw away | 抨抨
phvixciafm | point of the nose, tip of the nose | 鼻尖
phvixkhafng | nostril; nasal chamber | 鼻孔; 鼻空
phvixphafng | (v) enhance; beautify; embellish; adorn; do sth only for sake of show; smell; perceive the aroma of perfume; smell odors | 鼻芳; 品味; 聞香; 嚐嚐味道; 嚐鮮; 點綴
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
phvixvoaf | bridge of the nose | 鼻鞍
phvoa kviafsaix | men and women who accompany the bridegroom to the bride's home | 伴新郎
phvoaf | a Chinese family name; a vassal state | 潘; 籓
phvoarkvoaf | judge; a judge in Hades; fierce looking judge in the afterlife court of law | 判官; 法官
phwafkngf | dawn; the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor) | 昲仔光; 曙光
phø-pudkhaf | clasp Buddha's feet- profess devotion only when in trouble; make a hasty last-minute effort | 抱佛腳
phøehiaf | boot | 皮靴; 長筒靴
phøekafng | leather task | 皮工
phøesvaf | a leather clothing | 皮衣; 皮衫
phøexkhafng | bed cloths like bed bag | 被孔; 被空; 被窩裏
phøextvoaf | quilt-cover; sheet | 被單
phøh'afchiu | a tropical tree | 朴仔樹
phøh'afcie | a tropical tree seed | 朴仔子
phøh'afkhaf | under a tropical tree | 朴仔跤
phørsafnciar | bankrupt; insolvent debtor; man of straw; lame duck | 破產者
phøtøkvoaf | raisins; sultanas | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phøxhudkhaf | clasp the feet of Buddha ─ when in distress (used to illustrate getting into difficulties through lack of due preparation and then seeking help at the critical moment) | 抱佛腳
phøxkhiafm | sorry; regret; excuse me | 抱歉
phøxsym-soaf | angina | 抱心砂; 狹心症; 腦貧血
pi ciafng'ag | in one's grasp; within one's power; at the mercy of (used in passive voice with pi) | 掌握
pi'afpvy | pond side | 埤仔邊
pi'afsviaf | ,whsitle sound | 觱仔聲
pi'hoafn lixhap | sorrows of parting and the joys of reunion that life has | 悲歡離合
pi'hoafn | grief and joy | 悲歡
piafng | sharp nose | 乓
piafng`cidsviaf | one sharp nose | 乓一聲
piag ciawafpaf | dehydrate a bird over a slow fire | 烤鳥
piahkhaf | corner of a wall | 壁邊; 牆角
piahkhaf-pvy | corner of a wall | 牆角邊
piahkhafng | holes on the wall; hole in the wall | 壁孔; 壁空; 牆洞; 壁洞
piahpafng | wooden wall | 壁枋
piakkhafng | (of a plot; etc.) fall through and stand exposed; reveal; lay bare | 爆空; 出紕漏; 敗露; 事情暴露
piakpaf | dry (food so as to preserve it) | 焙乾
piao-toaxhviaf | male cousin on the mother side | 表大兄
piarngsviaf | explosion noise | 爆聲
piauchiafm | label; tag; tally | 標籤
piawhviaf | male cousin of different surname | 表兄; 表哥
piawsi boafn'ix | express or indicate satisfaction | 表示滿意
piawsi hoafntuix | express or indicate one's opposition | 表示反對
piekoafn sitai | period of isolationism | 閉關時代
piekoafn | to shut the entry, shut the gate | 閉關
pienkoaf | compose a song | 編歌
pienkoafn | border | 邊關
pienzaf | edit | 編查
piernhoax tøtoafn | changeable | 變化多端
piernsviaf | change of voice (of a person at puberty) | 變聲
piexn pafhix | juggle; do a conjuring trick; play a trick on | 變把戲; 變魔術
piexn-pafhix | play a cheap trick | 變把戲
piexnchiaf | private car | 便車
piexnluxnkaf | apologist; controversialist; polemist | 辯論家
piexnsofkhafng | toilet | 便所空
piexnsvaf | everyday clothes; informal dress; civilian clothes | 便衣
piexnzhafn | potluck; ordinary meal (as distinguished from a feast) | 便餐
pihcviaf | tortoise | 鱉精
pihkhorkhaf | squeeze up trousers | 撆褲跤
pikoaf | song of lament; elegy | 悲歌
pikoafn zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義; 厭世主義
pikoafn | disappointed; pessimistic; pessimism; to look on the dark side of; in despair | 悲觀
pikoafn-ciar | a pessimist | 悲觀者
pikoafn-zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義
pinkhoafn | bandwidth | 頻寬
pinpafng | wooden partition or screen | 屏板; 屏風(木)
pintvaf | wooden or bamboo carrying pole (used by one man over the shoulder) | 扁擔
pintvoaf | certificate; receipt; on the evidence of a receipt or such document | 憑單
pinzuo cixnhoafn | Both the guest and the host are having a great time | 賓主盡歡
pirnkhaf | temples; hair on the temples; lower part of the temple (physiology) | 鬢角; 鬢腳
pitciafm | the tip of a brush-pen or pencil; pen point; point of a writing brush | 筆尖
pitgiabpafn | graduating class | 畢業班
pitgiap-pafn | graduating class | 畢業班
pitkhafng | crack; crevice; fracture | 裂縫
pixluiciafm | a lightning rod; needle gap arrester; lightning arrester | 避雷針
pixluii-ciafm | lightning rod | 避雷針
pixsoafnkyjiin | eligible person | 被選舉人
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
pixzaf | keep for future reference | 備查
piøfafciafm | hand of a watch | 錶仔針
piøfafkhag | watchcase | 錶仔殼
piøfaflien | watch chain | 錶仔鏈
piøfaftoax | wrist watch band | 錶仔帶
piøtvoaf | bid | 標單
png'afchiu | maple; maple tree | 楓仔樹
png'afhiøh | maple leaves | 楓仔葉
pngxkhvaf | earthen pot for cooked rice | 飯鍋; 飯坩
pngxsisoaf | guitar shark; a kind of guitarfish, Rhinobatos schlegelii | 飯匙鯊; 琵琶魚
pngxthviaf | dining room; mess hall | 飯廳
poadafcie | guava seed | 菝仔子
poadkoafn | pull off | 拔關
poafn | move; remove; shift; transport | 搬
poafngoat | half moon, crescent moon | 半月
poafngoat-heeng | crescent-shaped | 半月型
poafnha | a medicinal herb | 半夏
poafnsox | half | 半數
poafnsui | half-side paralyzed | 半遂
poafntoo | mid-point, uncompleted work | 半途
poafntorng | group of rebels, insurgent organization | 半黨
poafntør | peninsula | 半途
poahkafng | take time during the work; suspend work for a little so as to attend to something else; take the trouble to | 專程; 撥工; 撥時間; 抽空
poaqkafmzeeng | emotions | 跋感情
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poarnkhaf | stumbling; obstacle; holdback | 絆腳
poarnpengsafn | banping mountain | 半屏山
poeafterng | top of the cup | 杯仔頂
poeleng'afzhaix | spinach | 菠薐仔菜
poexkaf | to double | 倍加
poextaf | dry by a fire | 焙乾
pofsibpafn | class for supplementary schooling; supplementary school to take care of dropouts or those who cannot make the entrance exams of regular schools; extension school | 補習班
pofsvaf | mending clothes; patch; mend clothes | 補衫
poftafng | a tonic food Chinese use at the beginning winter season; take nourishing food and medicine against the winter | 補冬; 立冬藥補
pofthiafm | fill; to supply (a deficiency); to make good; make up for | 補添
pofzhuiekhafng | filling mouth holes- meaning eating snacks | 補喙空
pogzarsviaf | explosion | 爆炸聲
pokkhafng | something fall through and stand exposed (of plot) | 爆孔; 事情敗露
pokphaf | refute | 駁翻
pong'afterng | on the scale | 磅仔頂
pongkoafn | to be on the sidelines; to observe from the sidelines; stand by; remain a spectator | 旁觀
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pongthviaf | audit a course | 旁聽
pongthviaf-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
porang'afhix | puppet show | 布尪仔戲
porsvaf | cloth | 布衫
portøxkaf | evangelist | 佈道家
poxkvoaf | an officer | 部官
poxngbyphafng | puffed rice | 磅米芳; 磅; 爆米花
poxngciafm | thermometer | 磅針
poxngkhafng | tunnel | 隧道; 磅空; 墜道
poxngzafm | thermometer | 磅針
pu keafkviar | sit on eggs; incubate | 孵小雞
puafbin | bottle gourd face | 匏仔面
pudkhafm | Buddhist altar; niche for the figure of the Buddha | 佛龕
puhiaf | calabash; wooden scoop or bowl made of one piece of wood; (said in jest) a sun helmet; ladle made of dry gourd | 匏杓; 匏桸; 葫蘆瓢
puhphaf | get a blister | 暴泡
puieafhurn | talcum powder baby powder; prickly heat powder | 痱子粉; 爽身粉
puinngfafpuinngr | plump | 肥軟仔肥軟
punhoaf | blow off the flame | 吹熄
punpafn | divided classes | 分班
puntvaf | wooden or bamboo carrying pole (used by one man over the shoulder) | 扁擔
puntvoaf | distribute flyer; distribute; hand out; issue handbill | 分單; 分發傳單
purnsørchiaf | garbage truck; Department of Sanitation truck | 垃圾車
purnsøx-chiaf | garbage track | 垃圾車; 糞埽車
put'af | not inferior | 無亞; 不輸於
put'afn uu seg | having extramarital affairs (a woman) | 無安於室
put'afn | anxious; insecure; unease | 無安; 不安
put'gvafkoafn | awkward, ugly | 無雅觀; 不雅觀
put'hoafntuix | no objection | 無反對; 不反對
put'iekafn | accidentally | 無意間
put'kafmsym | unwilling, not reconciled to | 無感心
put'kafmtofng | You flatter me! I don't really deserve this | 無感動; 不敢當
put'kafnglie | unreasonable | 無講理; 不講理
put'kafntafn | not simple, marvellous, That's tough | 無簡單; 不簡單
put'siongkafn | to have nothing to do with, to be irrelevant | 無相干; 不相干
putkafm sixjiok | unwilling to let the other fellow hold the center stage | 無甘示弱
putkafmtofng | I really don't deserve this; don't deserve it; you flatter me | 無敢當
putkhafm | unbearable; idol niche | 無堪; 不堪; 佛龕
putkoafnsii | anytime | 無管時
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putpek cy oafn | false charge which has not been righted | 無白之冤
putsafm-putsux | dubious; indecent | 無三不四
putsafmsii | anytime | 無三時; 無論何時
putseg thaesafn | fail to recognize a famous personage when meeting him face to face | 無識泰山
putsiongkafn | irrelevant | 無相干
puttan afnnef | not merely thus | 無但如此
puttoafn | not correct in conduct; e.g.; given over to gambling; lust; drink; wickedness | 無端
puun lapaf | blow the trumpet; play the trumpet | 吹喇叭
puxn-chiachiaf | clumsy in movement due to being overweight | 笨車車; 臃腫難以行動
puxnkhaf-puxnchiuo | clumsy-handed; awkward | 笨手笨腳
puyafhurn | baby powder | 痱仔粉
pvaykhaf | lame | 跛跤
pvekhaf | foot of a stage | 棚跤; 戲台下
pvepafng | canopy; shed; shack; build one tent for show | 棚板; 戲棚的木板
pvepeng'an'afn | peaceful | 平平安安
pvepo'afhoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔仔番
pvepohoafn | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔番
pvethvafthvar | level (road) | 平坦坦
pvi thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭髮
pvi'afkag | corner | 邊仔角
pvi'afthaau | at the side | 邊仔頭
pvi-thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭鬃
pviaf | throw away | 拋; 抨; 丟擲
pviaf`khix | throw over | 丟去
pviaf`leq | no more use; put away | 丟置
pviafab'ar | cookie; box; case | 餅盒仔
pviafah | a case of cookies | 餅盒
pviafar | cookies | 餅仔
pviafiuo'ar | crumbs | 餅幼仔
pviafiux | cake crumbs | 餅屑; 餅渣
pviafkauq | Taiwanese crepe | 餅𩛩
pviafkheh'ar | Taiwanese crepe | 餅篋仔
pviafkib | 3rd class | 丙級
pviafkvoaf | biscuit; biscuit; cracker; cookie | 餅乾
pviaflo | cakes; pastry | 餅路; 餅餌
pviafloo | furnace for making cookies | 餅爐; 烤箱; 煎餅爐
pviafmngg | side door; frontier pass | 邊門; 側門
pviafphirn | pastry | 餅品
pviafphox | pastry shop | 餅舖
pviafpvoaa | plate for serving biscuits | 餅盤
pviafsab | cake crumbs | 餅屑
pviafsap'ar | scraps of cake | 餅屑仔
pviafsud | crumbs, fragment of biscuit | 餅屑
pviafsut'ar | small crumbs of bread or cake | 餅屑仔
pviafterng | roughly equivalent to the C grade (in grading) | 丙等
pviaftiaxm | bakery; cake shop | 餅店
pviafva | pastry stuffing | 餅餡
pviafzhuix | cookie crumbs | 餅碎; 餅渣
pviafzof | high school class category which matches with the 3rd college entrance examins category | 丙組
pviarkhafng | empty out | 傾空
pviarmekafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviarmikafng | overtime | 拚暝工
pviasviaf | (phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 平聲
pviax mekafng | do night work | 拼夜工
pviax-hof taf | pour out till quite empty | 拼乎乾
pviekhafng | play tricks; trap somebody; to plot; to plan a practical joke | 搞鬼; 搗蛋; 搞小花樣
pviesvafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pviesviafbarng | what's up | 變啥魍
pvikhaf | under the shed | 棚腳
pvipafng | shed wood | 棚板
pvipohoafn | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔番
pvix pafhix | idle play; (a child) idle and full of sport | 變把戲
pvix-pafhix | to perform magic | 變把戲
pvoa bafng'ar | swat away mosquitoes | 拌蠓仔
pvoa'aftea | bottom of a plate | 盤仔底
pvoachiaf | transfer to another vehicle; to stir up trouble; change trains or cars | 換車; 盤車; 移來移去; 亂翻東西
pvoaf portexhix | have puppet shows | 演布袋戲
pvoaf toaxhix | put on a play (Taiwanese opera) | 演歌仔戲
pvoaf | move; remove; shift; transport | 搬; 演
pvoaf-kalea | put on a puppet show | 演傀儡; 演傀儡戲
pvoaf-korsu | act out a story | 演故事; 演劇
pvoaf`khix | to carry away; move out | 搬去; 搬走
pvoafhii | manfish | 魬魚
pvoafhuu | manfish | 魬魚
pvoakhafng | move everything out | 搬空
pvoapvoaf | move | 搬搬
pvoariafmmng'ar | un authorized prostitutes (not legally open for business) | 半野門仔; 私娼仔
pvoarkafng | half-day; half a day | 半天; 半天工夫
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarkausiaf | buy; sell on one half cash and one half credit | 半刨賒; 一半現款一半賒帳
pvoarlafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarlauafterng | high rise | 半樓仔頂
pvoarnikafn | within half year | 半年間
pvoarpengsvoaf | banyan mountain | 半爿山
pvoarsvoaf | half way up a mountain | 半山
pvoarsvoaf`ee | Taiwanese who has lived in mainland for a long time | 半山的; 住過內地的臺灣人
pvoartafng | half a year | 半年
pvoarthafngsae | half bucket of shit | 半桶屎
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoarthafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pvoartiafmzefng | half an hour | 半點鐘
pvoasoafui | move or remove (one's dwelling or things) to another place | 半搬移
pvoasvoaf koeaniar | cross mountains | 翻山越嶺
pvoasvoaf | cross the mountain; climb over a mountain; cross over a mountain | 越山; 翻山; 攀山
pvoauxnchiaf | van or truck for moving stuff | 搬運車
pvoax tiafmzefng | half an hour | 半小時
pvoax-khafm'ar | half of a storefront | 半坎仔; 半間的門面
pvoax-tamtaf | demp | 半濕乾
pvoazhutthviaf | remove a dying person from the bedroom to the hall | 搬出廳; 將臨死的人移到廳堂
pvytvaf | a flat carrying pole | 扁擔
pwnkaf | a person of the same family name related or not | 本家; 此家
pwnkvoaf | this officer | 本官
pwnpafn | our class | 本班
pwnpafng | fresh-water trout | 本; 櫻花鉤吻鮭
pwntvaf | a rod for carrying things over a shoulder | 扁擔
pychiuo oexkhaf | gesticulate; use sign language | 比手畫腳
pychiwoexkhaf | expressed with hands and feet | 比手畫跤
pykhaf oexchiuo | gesticulate; use sign language | 比手畫腳
pykhaf taxngchiuo | move about one's arms and legs in a boisterous; troublesome manner | 動手動腳
pyn'afkud | a rib | 肋仔骨; 箅仔骨; 助骨
pyn'afmngg | sidedoor | 邊仔門
pynciafm | a brooch; a pin | 別針; 鉼針
pynsvaf | cloth with needle and thread | 針衫
pyntvaf | a rod for carrying things over a shoulder | 扁擔
pyzhuo cy kafn | between this one and that one; between you and me; among them | 彼此之間
pøesoaf | dust | 飛砂
pøextaf | to bake dry | 焙乾; 焙焦; 烘乾
pøezhafn | participate in the Lord's Supper | 陪餐
pøfafn kefngzhad | public security policemen | 保安警察
pøfafn | security; preserve peace and safety | 保安
pøfafn-jin'oaan | security personnel | 保安人員
pøfafn-kefngzhad | security police | 保安警察
pøfafn-liim | protection forest | 保安林
pøfafn-sietsy | security measure | 保安設施
pøfafn-tui | public security corps, public security policemen, security force | 保安隊
pøfafn-zhwhwn | Peace Preservation Measures | 保安處分
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfhiafmhuix | premium on an insurance policy; insurance fees | 保險費
pøfhiafmjiin | underwriter; person covered by an insurance policy; policyholder | 保險人
pøfhiafmkvoae | bumper | 保險桿
pøfhiafmkym | insurance | 保險金
pøfhiafmsviw | a safety box; x; bank vault | 保險箱
pøfhiafmthøx | male contraceptive | 保險套
pøfhiafmtoax | safety belt | 保險帶
pøfhiafmtvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiarm kikafn | period of insurance | 保險期間
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfho tixafn | preserve the peace | 保護治安
pøfkoafnhuix | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoafnjiin | custodian | 保管人
pøfkoafnliau | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkvoaf | keeper of a gambling house | 補官; 睹場老闆
pøfpoea'afkao | baby dog | 寶貝仔狗
pøfpoeaafkviar | baby | 寶貝仔囝
pøfsvoaf | treasure mountain, Golconda', source of great wealth | 寶山
pøftafn | precious pill | 寶丹
pøftvoaf | formal note; document of guaranty | 保單
pøhhvoaxkhaf | revetment | 駁岸跤
pøkoaf | serenade | 唱情歌
pølekafn | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pøqpafn'ar | thin wood panel | 薄板仔
pøqpafng | thin planks; lath | 薄板
pøqpviafkauq | thin wrap | 薄餅捲
pørhoeatvoaf | application to pass goods through the customs | 報貨單
pørkhafn | newspaper and magazine | 報刊
pørkoafn | to apply to the customs; declare at the customs | 報關
pørkoafn-haang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørkørpafng | bulletin board | 佈告欄
pørniawchyafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pøroafn | to seek or take vengeance for injuries or wrongs; take vengeance for a murder or great injury; retaliate | 報冤
pørpeng'afn | report safety | 報平安
pørtvoaf | an entry; an application to pass goods through the customs | 報單
pørzoafsiang | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pøx niawchyafoafn | take a petty vengeance on another | 報小仇
pøx zhanle'afoafn | seize opportunity to retaliation; revenge on account of a grudge | 乘機報小恨
sa'aflarng | cloth baset | 衫仔籠
sabsab'afho | drizzle | 霎霎仔雨
sabui'afsabuy | tiny; unclear; foggy | 沙微仔沙微
saf | sand; tiny gravel; pebbles; sandy ─ not glossy or smooth; granular (said of fruit; especially melons) ripe | 沙; 捎; 攫; 砂
safm put'heng | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
safm | Japan cedar; various species of fir and pine; conifers | 杉; 柳杉; 三
safm'iaam | sprinkle with salt | 撒鹽
safmciah | eat carelessly | 亂吃
safmhurn | spread flour on top of ... | 糝粉; 擦粉
safmzøx | behave in a disorderly way | 散作; 胡作非為
safn beeng zuie siux | mountains are bright; and the waters are fair (descriptive of scenic beauty) | 山明水秀
safn | mountain; hill; island; dry land or the shore as opposed to water; wild (animal or plant); a grave | 山; 刪
safn'au | after childbirth | 產後
safn'ee | skinny | 瘦的
safn'giabhoax | industrialization | 產業化
safn'giap | industry, property, estate | 產業
safn'nngxkii | breeding season; spawning season; rutting time; period of laying eggs | 產卵期
safnban | undisciplined | 散漫
safnbaq | lean meat | 瘦肉
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
safnbut | a product; products | 產物
safncieen oexsefng | prenatal (hygiene) care | 產前衛生
safncieen | before childbirth | 產前
safng | pair; couple; two; double; even (as opposed to odd) | 雙; 鬆; 麵
safngiah | rate of production; output | 產額
safngiap kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 產業革命
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
safngiap | estate; property; industry; industry; property; estate | 產業
safngihgiq | very lean (thin) | 瘦極了; 皮包骨
safngsarng | somewhat haughty | 瘦瘦
safngsex | proud; in vain; upper hand | 聳勢
safngsøfhw | oxygen | 氧氣
safnguu | emaciated cattle | 瘦牛
safnho | postpartum | 產後
safnhu | the mother during maternity; woman lying-in; obstetrical patient | 產婦
safnhuxjiin | pregant lay | 產婦人
safnjiogjiet | childbed fever; an infection occurring during the puerperium | 產褥熱
safnjiok | puerperium; the state of a women during and just after childbirth | 產褥
safnkaau | thin as a beanpole; like a monkey (thin) | 瘦猴
safnkao siax zwlaang | A lean dog is a disgrace to its owner. A skinny dog brings shame on its owner | 狗瘦主人羞
safnkar | maternity leave | 產假
safnkau'ar | skinny guy | 瘦猴仔
safnkax | maternity leave | 產假
safnkhix | hernia | 疝氣
safnkhøf | obstetrics | 產科
safnkii | time of childbirth | 產期
safnkiløqhiøh | skinny branches with falling leaves | 瘦枝落葉
safnkoaan | ownership (of real estate) | 產權
safnkoaq | prune | 修剪; 產
safnlaang | dkinny huy | 瘦人
safnleeng | production capacity | 產能
safnliong | output; the quantity of output; yield | 產量
safnlym | to drink liquor without eating anything | 瘦凜; 喝酒而沒什麼配菜
safnløx | thin and tall | 瘦高; 又瘦又高
safnpaang | lying-in room; maternity room; delivery room | 產房
safnphirn | products; manufactures | 產品
safnphyphie | skinny | 瘦疕疕
safnpipaf | skinny | 瘦卑巴
safnpøo | midwife | 產婆; 接生婆
safnsarn | skinny; skin and bones | 瘦瘦
safnsefng | produce; produce; give rise to; to cause; bring about | 產生
safnsiaupafn | production and sales team | 產銷班
safnsiaw | production and marketing | 產銷
safnsyn | skinny | 瘦身
safnsøex | thin and small | 瘦細; 瘦小
safntat | production value | 產值
safnte zerngbeeng | certificate of origin | 產地證明
safnte | commercial center, commercial port | 產地
safnthiuafsafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽仔瘦抽
safnthiusafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthiw | tall; thin and slender (man) | 瘦長; (人)
safnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽
safnthiøsafnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthoo | bad soil | 瘦土
safntiuhtiuq | skinny | 瘦搐搐
safntoe | origin | 產地
safntø | production path | 產道
safntøe | place of production; production center | 產地
safnzeeng | before child-birth, before confinement | 產前
safnzeeng-kiafmzaf | pregnancy examination | 產前檢查
safnzeeng-thviax | premature labor | 產前痛; 產前疼
safnzhaan | poor land; sterile field | 瘦田; 瘠田
sai'afbuo | lion mom | 獅仔母
sai'afbøea | lion tail | 獅仔尾
sai'afkafng | aaprentice | 師仔工
sai'afkviar | lion cub | 獅仔囝
sai'afphvi | short; flat nose; pug nose | 獅子鼻
sai'afthaau | lion head | 獅仔頭
sai'afthaukhaxm | lion head cover | 獅仔頭崁
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
saihuxkafng | skillful workman | 師父工; 匠工
saihviaf | elder apprentice (said by younger ones) | 師兄
saikhaf | private owner properties of the couples | 私奇
saikhiaf | private property; one's own; secretly owned; private savings of a girl or married woman | 私奇; 私房錢; 私產
saikong'afsixnpoef | bodies who drink together all the time | 司公仔象桮
saikong'afsviuxpoef | bodies who drink together all the time | 司公仔象桮
saikonggiafng | Taoist priest bell | 司公鈃
saisvoaf | western mountains | 西山
sakchiaf | push a cart, push-cart | 推車
sakchiakafng | push-cart labor | 捒車工
sakhafn | lead | 相牽
salafiuu | salad oil | 沙拉油
sam'afhaang | cedar shop | 杉仔行
sam'afhw | cedar chips | 杉仔烌
sam'afkhof | cedar log | 杉仔箍
sam'afpafng | cedar panel | 杉仔枋
sam'afzhaa | cedar | 杉仔柴
sam'afzhux | cedar built house | 杉仔厝
samchitgvor kiafmzof | 375% rental reduction policy: the first step taken in Taiwan's land reform program; under which the ceiling of farm rental was fixed 375 of the yield | 三七五減租
samciafm-paxn | tricuspid valve | 三尖瓣; 三尖?
samhoafn liofngzhux | time and again; repeatedly | 三番兩次
samkoafn | three worlds: heaven, earth, water | 三關; 三官
sampafn'ar | sampan | 舢舨仔
samsafm-gvofgvor | small groups of people scattered here and there | 三三五五
samzan'afbaq | bacon | 三層仔肉
samzhafn | three meals: breakfast; lunch and supper | 三餐
sangsafng | loose; slack; not hard up; light and flaky | 鬆鬆
sankhiim-iafsiux | wild beast | 山禽野獸
santin'iafbi | wild delicacy | 山珍野味
sanzhoafn | mountains and rivers | 山川
saosoegiafm'ar | sweeping broom | 掃梳笒仔
saosviaf | whistle | 哨聲
saothokhaf | sweep the floor | 掃塗跤
sapsap'afho | drizzling rain | 屑屑仔雨; 毛毛雨
sarn-pipaf | very lean (thin) | 瘦卑巴; 皮包骨
sarngcviuxsvoaf | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成山; 送到墓地
sarnsaf | loose sand | 散沙
sasaf | take along | 捎捎
satbag'afhii | milkfish | 虱目仔魚
sathafng | window screen; screen window; screen door or window | 紗窗
sausviaf | loose voice; get hoarse | 沙啞; 梢聲; 沙啞聲
sausviasausviaf | lost voice | 梢聲梢聲
saux thokhaf | sweep the ground or floor | 掃地
saychiaf | drive; drive a car | 駕車; 駕駛車子; 開車子
saychiaf`ee | driver; chauffeur | 開車的
sayhag'afkefng | shit hole room | 屎礐仔間
sayhag'afkhud | shit hole | 屎礐仔窟
sayhag'afpaang | shit hole room | 屎礐仔枋
sayhag'afthaang | shit hole worms | 屎礐仔蟲
sayhag'afthaau | shit hole | 屎礐仔頭
sayhak-khafng | a privy | 屎礐孔
saythafng'ar | buket for dung | 糞桶仔
saythafngkhok'ar | shit ladle | 屎桶觳仔
se'afciafm | spindle | 紗仔針; 錠子
se'afkyn | veil | 紗仔巾
se'afpox | gauze | 紗仔布; 紗布
seafkyn | gauze | 紗仔巾
seafsvaf | gauze | 紗仔衫
seaharnkiøafkao | little one | 細漢茄仔狗
seakaekoafn | world view ─ the big picture | 世界觀
seakaf | old and honorable family | 世家
seakaf-tøea | family | 世家底
seakafn | on earth; the public; people; the world (as distinguished from Heaven) | 世間
seakafn-tiofng | in the world | 世間中
seakafng | world | 世間
seaseasviaf | whisper | 細細聲
sefkhaf | wash one's feet; wash her lower body (said of a woman) | 洗腳
sefngkafng | save work and trouble | 省工; 省事
sefngsisefngkafng | save time and labor | 省時省工
sefoafn | clear somebody's skirts; clear oneself of a false charge; vindicate oneself; avenge a wrong | 洗冤
sefsvaafcvii | laundry money | 洗衫仔錢
sefsvaafky | wash machine | 洗衫仔機
sefsvaf | wash clothes | 洗衫
sefsvaf`ee | wash lady | 洗衣者
sefsvapafng | washboard | 洗衣板
sefvoafzefng | dishwashing liquid | 洗碗精
seghoafn | aborigines who submitted to Chinese rule and learned Chinese; civilized aborigines | 熟番; 已平地化的高山族
segkafng | skilled worker | 熟工
segkhaf | familiar person | 熟腳
segsuxpafn | master class | 碩士班
seh'afkafm | snow orange | 雪仔柑
sehkhafng | wedge | 楔空
sekafng | yarn worker | 紗工
sekkhiaf | sweetsop; sugar-apple; custard apple | 釋迦; 釋迦果; (水果)
selafng | loose | 疏櫳
selangselafng | loose | 疏櫳疏櫳
senggagkaf | vocalist; singer | 聲樂家
sengkaf libgiap | get married and start a business (said of a man reaching adulthood) | 成家立業
sengkaf | marry; establish a family | 成家
sengkvoaf hoatzaai | attain higher rank and acquire great wealth | 升官發財
sengkvoaf | promote in official rank | 升官
sengsafnciar | producers | 生產者
sengsafnhuieiong | cost of production | 生產費用
sengsafnkii | production period | 生產期
sengsafnlek | productivity | 生產力
sengsafnliong | production | 生產量
sengsafnte | production place | 生產地
sengsiafng | form a pair; to match | 成雙
sengtafm | accept responsibility of | 承擔
sengtoafn | accident | 生端
sengtvoaf | accident | 生端; 生事端
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
sengzektvoaf | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 成績單; 成績表
serng sikafn | save time | 省時間
serngkafng | sacred work, holy work, religious work | 聖工
serngkhiekoafn | sexual organs | 性器官
serngkoaf | psalm; hymn; canticle (Catholic) | 聖歌
serngkoaf-tui | church choir | 聖歌隊
serngpai pengkaf cy sioong | alternate victory and defeat is the common lot of soldiers; win one; lose one | 勝敗兵家之常
serngsvoaf | cemetery (Catholic) | 聖山; 墓地
serngtarnkoaf | Christmas song | 聖誕歌
serngthefkhafm | the tabernacle (Catholic) | 聖體龕
sesafn | west mountain | 西山
sesvoaf | west mountain | 西山
setafng | eastern west | 西東
sezhafn | Western-style food; western food; European or American meals | 西餐
sezhanthviaf | western restaurant | 西餐廳
sezngtvafpan | dressing up | 梳妝打扮
si'afboeh | silk stockings or socks | 絲仔襪
si'afkyn | silk scarf | 絲仔巾
si'afpox | silk cloth | 絲仔布
si'afsvoax | silk thread | 絲仔線
si'aftoax | silk ribbons | 絲仔帶
siab tøhkhaf | wedge something under the leg of a desk or table (so as to make it steady) | 塞棹腳
siaf | buy or sell on credit | 賒
siafbeeng | write clearly | 寫明
siafbuun | write a letter | 行文
siafbøo | nothing written | 寫無
siafciaux | portrayal | 寫照
siafcincip | photo album | 寫真集
siafcviax | write correctly | 寫正
siafcviu | write in (book, etc) | 寫上
siafcyn | portrait; portray a person describe something. as it is | 寫真; 相片
siafhoad | writing technique; style of handwriting; penmanship | 寫法
siafhør | finish writing | 寫好
siafix | freehand | 寫意
siafji | write (characters); write characters (not to compose) | 寫字
siafji-tøq | writing table | 寫字桌
siafjip | wrote in | 寫入
siafkhix | to forsake, to abandon, to give up | 捨棄
siafkie ciongjiin | give up one's views and follow those of another | 捨己從人
siafkie | self-sacrifice, to sacrifice one's life or interest | 捨己
siafkoex | have written | 寫過
siafkoex`aq | have written | 寫過矣
siafkuyiaqar | write a few pages | 寫幾頁仔
siaflag`khix | write out | 寫掉去
siaflau | write omission | 寫漏
siafliao | finish writing | 寫了
siafløqlaai | wrote it down | 寫落來
siafm | look at secretly | 瞻; 窺
siafm'iau | flash; to glitter | 閃耀
siafm'oq | stay away | 閃喔
siafmbiq | hide, keep under cover | 閃匿; 隱匿; 閃躲
siafmho | take shelter from the rain | 避雨
siafmhofng | take shelter from the wind | 避風; 閃風
siafmiaa | wrote name | 寫名
siafmjip | flash in | 閃入
siafmkhix | flashed | 閃去
siafmkhuy | to get quickly out of the way; get out of the way; dodge quickly; avoid a collision; avoid being hit; Gang way! | 閃開
siafmkngf | flash, glint | 閃光
siafmkoex | flash by | 閃過
siafmkofng | flash (of lightning) | 閃光
siafmkongtefng | blinking signal light | 閃光燈
siafmkøex | pass without contact, escape safely | 閃過
siafmlaq | stay away | 閃啦
siafmli | avoid, get out of the way | 閃離
siafmphiaq | get out of the way when wanted; be on the run | 閃避; 藏匿
siafmpi | to dodge quickly; to duck; avoid; get out of the way | 閃避
siafmpixkiuu | dodge | 閃避球
siafmpvy | flash edge | 閃邊
siafmsaihofng | avoid; parry | 避西風
siafmsiafmsihsiq | flashing | 閃閃爍爍
siafmsiafmsiq | flashing | 閃閃爍
siafmsiarm | glitter | 閃閃
siafmsid | accident | 閃失
siafmsihsiq | flashing | 閃爍爍
siafmsihtiøh | flashing | 閃爍著
siafmsiog | flicker; twinkle; glimmering; flicker | 閃爍
siafmsyn | avoid bumping into someone | 閃身
siafmtien | lightning | 閃電
siafmtiexnkofng | lightning light | 閃電光
siafmtiøh | strain or sprain a joint; especially in the lumbar region; (sudden temporary) back pain | 扭傷
siafmzao | run away | 閃跑; 避走
siafng tøthaezex | Double Elimination Tournament | 雙淘汰制
siafng | commerce; trade; business; merchant; trader; discuss; exchange views; confer; the quotient (in arithmetic) | 商
siafng-koarhø | special postal registration including return receipt | 雙掛號
siafoaan | finish writing | 寫完
siafphef | write a letter | 寫信
siafphoef | write letter | 寫批
siafphøef | write a letter | 寫信; 寫批
siafpurn | manuscript | 寫本
siafsefng zhwgi | give up one's life for righteousness | 捨生取義
siafsefng | make a sketch; sketching | 寫生
siafsiar | write | 寫寫
siafsinhorngmia | sacrifice one's life | 捨身放命
siafsit zwgi | realism | 寫實主義
siafsit | writing or painting realistically; faithful delineation of life; real picture | 寫實
siafsit-zwgi | realism | 寫實主義
siafsix | give away on charity | 捨賜; 捨施; 施捨
siafsyn | give up one's life (for a cause or principle) | 捨身
siafthiab | write a post | 寫帖
siaftiøh | wrote | 寫著
siaftvakhix | make a mistake in writing | 寫錯去
siafzhud | write out; make out | 寫出
siafzhøx | make a mistake in writing | 寫錯
siafzog | writing; composition | 寫作
siafzøx | wrote | 寫做
siangciukhafn | a fortnightly publication | 雙週刊
siangciw-khafn | a fortnightly publication | 雙週刊
sianggafnkviax | two eyes | 雙眼鏡
sianggoadkhafn | a bimonthly publication | 雙月刊
sianggoat-khafn | a bimonthly publication | 雙月刊
siangkhaf tah siangzuun | try to keep neutral between two courses or parties; double dealing; double dealer | 雙腳踏雙船; 三心兩意
siangkhaf | both feet; the two feet | 雙腳
siangkoafn | ambiguity; quibble; homonymous | 雙關
siangkoafn-guo | a pun, equivocal | 雙關語
siangsiafng | in a couple, bu couple | 雙雙
siangsiafng-tuietuix | in pairs and couples | 雙雙對對
siaolienhviaf | young man | 少年兄
siaosviaf | whistle | 哨聲
siaotvoaf | bills; invoices | 賬單
siarchiaf | unload a cart | 卸車
siarkafm | dormitory supervisor | 舍監
siauhoax khiekoafn | digestive organs | 消化器官
siauhongchiaf | fire engines | 消防車
siauphviaf | deformed in back or side | 挺無起腰
siausafnløqbaq | lost weights | 消瘦落肉
siauxkaetvoaf | introduction sheet | 紹介單
siaw`hoaf | to extinguish | 消花; 使熄滅
siawkuyafkhag | devil's mask | 小鬼仔殼
siawsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
siawsoatkaf | novelist | 小說家
siawthafm | insatiably greedy | 狂貪; 貪而無厭
siaxciafm | hypodermic needle | 下針; 注射針
siaxngkhafng | same hole | 同孔
siaxngpafn | same class | 同班
siaxpeng'afn | thanksgiving | 謝平安
siaxzoat zhamkoafn | No visitors allowed | 謝絕參觀
siciafm | hour hand (of a watch or clock) | 短針; (時針)
sid koafnkaux | ill-bred or spoiled (child) | 失管教
sidbut hagkaf | botanist | 植物學家
sidbut-hagkaf | botanist | 食物學家; 植物學家
sidgiabkaf | businessman; industrialist; an entrepreneur | 實業家
sidhorng zoafnpox | on-the-spot broadcasting | 實況轉播
sidte tiauzaf | on-the-spot investigation; exploration; field survey | 實地調查
sie-høefsvoaf | dormant or extinct volcano | 死火山
siekhaafsiuu | beaststroke | 四跤仔泅
siekhaf | Four wheels (feet) pointing skyward (a car; person; or animal upended) | 四腳; (四輪)朝天
siekhaf-siux | quadrupes | 四足獸; 四跤獸; 四腳獸
siekhaf`ee | four footed | 四跤的; (動物)
siekiet'afboea | dead knot | 四結仔尾
siencixn kokkaf | advanced nations; civilized nations | 先進國家
sienkaf | elf, gairy, genii | 仙家
sientafn | divine pill; elixir; panacea | 仙藥; 仙丹
sienzaf | hawthorn | 仙楂
siepafng | well proportioned (body) | 四邦; 四方; 勻稱
siesiuo'afcvii | snack allowance | 四秀仔錢
siesviaf | the four tones in ancient Chinese (even; rising; departing and entering tones); the four tones of Mandarin (first; second; third and fourth tones) | 四聲
sikaf | impose | 施加
sikafn | time (as opposed to space) | 時間
sikafng | start construction or building | 施工
sikoaf | poems and songs collectively; poetry | 詩歌
sikvoaf | resign public office | 辭官
sim'afheeng | heart shape | 心仔型
sim'afkhuix | heart spirit- tea that are good for your health | 心仔氣
sim'afn lyteg | have achieved a perfect peace of mind; feel no qualm | 心安理得
sim'afn | peace of mind; calmness of emotions; carefree | 心安
sim'aftee | ginseng tea | 參仔茶
simhoaf buxnliuo | seek carnal pleasure (said of a male) | 尋花問柳
simkafthviax | heartburn | 心絞疼
simkhoafn | open mind | 心寬
simkviatvafhviaq | frightened | 心驚膽嚇
simkvoa'afkviar | one's beloved child | 心肝分囝
simkvoaafkviar | sweetheart | 心肝仔囝
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
simkvoaf hvoaxtvia | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 心肝按定; 拿定主意
simkvoaf khaq-gve thiq | heart harder than iron (in the sense of showing no pity or refusing to make up a dispute) | 鐵石心腸
simkvoaf liaqzai | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 拿定主意
simkvoaf parngkhuy | keep one's mind at ease | 心情放鬆
simkvoaf phuphuu | unsettled and inattentive | 心猿意馬
simkvoaf thviax | grief; severe pain about the heart | 心痛
simkvoaf tyntang | become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion) | 心動
simkvoaf | my dear; honey; heart; heart; mind; darling; honey | 心肝
simlie hagkaf | psychologist | 心理學家
simlie-hagkaf | psychologist | 心理學家
simpuaflee | depressed; withdrawn; remote; conduct of one with an inferiority complex | 媳婦仔螺; 孤伶; 羞澀; 愕呆狀
simsviaf | spoken language; heart's desire | 心聲
simthiaosviaf | heartbeat | 心跳聲
simtien kafm'exng | mental telepathy; Extra sensory perception; ESP | 心電感應
sin'oafn | avenge a wrong, vengeance | 伸冤; 申冤
sincviaf | Lunar New Year; New Year; New year's day; New Year time | 新正; 新年
sinhagkaf | theologian | 神學家
sinhoafn | new sweetheart or lover | 新歡
sinkaf lanpør | live in great danger; no safety for oneself and dependents | 身家難保
sinkaf tiauzaf | investigation of one's family background | 身家調查
sinkaf zhengpek | of respectable descent or parentage | 身家清白
sinkaf | family background; ancestry; pedigree | 身家
sinkafngbuun | written Taiwanese created by ministre in early stage | 新港文
sinkhaf | recently added worker to a project still not so skilled | 新腳; 新參加工作者
sinkhafm | shrine for a god | 神坎; 神龕
sinkviafsaix | bridegroom | 新囝婿; 新郎
sinniuchiaf | bridal car | 新娘車
sinniusvaf | wedding dress for bride | 新娘衫
sinpuxafiøf | newly married woman | 新婦仔育
sinsvaf | new dress | 新衫
sinsvoaf | gods mountain | 神山
sinthea kiafmzaf | physical examination | 身體檢查
sintiafmtiarm | very new | 新點點
sinzhoafn | new community; new village | 新村
siofng kafmzeeng | hurt the feelings | 傷感情
siofngsviaf | (phonetics) rising tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 上聲
siogkhafn | continued publication | 續刊
siok'oafn | an old grievance | 宿冤
sioklychiaf | lady's car | 淑女車
siokthafm | crakdown corruption | 肅貪
siong'afn-busu | at peace with each other | 相安無事
sionghoafnsuu | antonym | 相反詞
siongkaf | rosin | 松膠; 商家; 松香; 松脂
siongkafn | correlation; mutual relation | 相干
siongkafng | cost labor | 傷工
siongkhoafn | business district | 商圈
siongkiafm | inclusive | 相兼
siongkoafn | related; correlation; mutuality; relative; connected | 相關
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
siongseaafsiongsex | detailed | 詳細仔詳細
siongsex tiauzaf | investigate fully; examine every detail | 詳查; 詳細調查
siongzaf | investigate fully; examine every detail | 詳查; 詳細調查
siongzhaf | differ | 相差
siongzoafn | junior college of commerce | 商專
siorngciaf-siornghiaf | watching here and there | 相這相那
siorngkhafng | aiming the hole | 相孔
siorngsviaf | crosstalk | 相聲
sioxnghaxpafn | go on or come off duty respectively | 上下班
sioxngkhøx sikafn | during school hours; in class | 上課時間
sioxngpafn sikafn | business (office) hours; on duty | 上班時間
sioxngpafn | go to the office; go on duty; check in | 上班
sipsip'afkvoa | light sweat | 濕濕仔汗; 一點點汗
sirnthien'afng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sisihoahoaf | making noise | 噓噓嘩嘩
sitsviaf | lose one's voice (from crying; yelling) | 失聲; 失嗓子
siu kafmtong | be moved (to tears) | 受感動
siu pie Lamsafn | May your life be as lofty as the Southern Mountain Ranges. ─ a greeting for a person on his birthday | 壽比南山
siuchiaf | a prison van, a prisoner's cart | 囚車
siukafng | end the day's work | 收工
siukhaf | give up; stop doing evil things; withdraw from a transaction | 收腳; 棄邪歸正; 縮手; 收手; 放棄; 洗手無幹
siukhoafnjiin | recipient (of remittance) | 收款人
siukvaf | imprison; commit to jail | 收監
siukviaf | a ceremony to remove scars; quiet the soul of a terrified child by a charm | 收驚
siuliafmzef | astringents | 收斂劑
siuo sikafn | be punctual | 守時
siuociafm | needle for embroidery | 繡針
siusvaf | collect clothes (for washing); take in clothes (after drying) | 收衫
siusvoaf | end; conclude; close | 結束; 完了
siusøeatvoaf | tax bill | 收稅單
siutafng | crop in winter; harvest | 收冬; 收割
siuthviaf | listen in; listen to; listen to (the radio) | 收聽
siutvoaf | recipe | 收單; 收據
siuxkviaf | to get a fright, be frightened | 受驚
siuxoafn | be hated | 受冤; 受埋怨
siuxpafng | coffin | 壽枋
siuxsiuo-pongkoafn | look on without even lifting a finger (to help); to watch with folded arms | 袖手旁觀
siuxtiøh kafm'exng | be influenced by; be moved to do | 受到感應
siuzongkaf | collector | 收藏家
siwkoafn | guard | 守關
siwsek kiafmzhatkvoaf | chief procurator | 首席檢察官
sixafnnar | why? | 是按怎
sixafnnoar | why? | 是按怎
sixafnzvoar | why? | 是按怎
sixafnzvoar`laq | why? | 是按怎啦
sixkoafn | organ of vision | 視觀; 視官
sixlek kiafmzaf | test of visual power | 視力檢查
sixthviaf kaoiok | audio-visual education | 視聽教育
sixthviaf | what one saw and heard; knowledge and experience; audio-visual | 視聽
sixzvoafviu | what's wrong? | 是怎樣
sizhaf | time difference between two places | 時差
siø'ofkhafng | reveal short | 相挖空
siøciapkhaf | continuation; come one by one | 相接跤; 接踵
siøfhoefchiaf | small train | 小火車
siøfkaf | small family | 小家
siøfkafng | unskilled laborer | 小工
siøfkhoafar | a little bit; slightly | 小可仔; 稍微
siøfkvoaf | petty official | 小官
siøfoafn | a creek | 小灣
siøfoaoaf | little doll | 小娃娃
siøfpafn | lowest of the three grades of kindergarten children | 小班
siøfsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
siøfsvoaf | small mountain, hill | 小山
siøftafncide | just a second | 小等一下
siøftvaf | little yoke | 小擔
siøhanghafng | toast | 燒烘烘
siøkhafn | hand in hand | 相牽; 手拉手
siøkhoafnthai | hospitality | 相款待
siøløafsiølø | cozy | 燒烙仔燒烙
siømoaf | put arms around one another's shoulders or necks | 相披; 鉤肩搭背
siøoafpng | rely on each other | 相倚傍
siøpøkoaf | compliment song | 相褒歌
siøsiafmchiaf | shunt one car to allow another to pass; trains meeting at a station | 相閃車; 錯車
siøsiafmsyn | get out of one another's way | 相閃身
siøsvoaf | burnt mountain | 燒山
siøtaf | burn dry, dry by fire | 燒乾
siøtiafmtuq | remind each other | 相點醒; 相提醒
siøzhafm | mix together | 相參; 混合
sng'afky | popsicle | 霜仔枝
sngbui'afsngbuy | a bit sour | 酸微仔酸微
sngkafm | a sour orange | 酸柑
sngkam'aftvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘仔甜
sngkamtvi'afsngkamtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔酸甘甜
snglafm | slightly sour or acid; so as to be pleasant to the taste | 酸罩; 略微酸酸的
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
sngsexng hoafn'exng | acid reaction | 酸性反應
sngtvi'afsngtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甜仔酸甜
soa'aftøe | sandy soil | 沙仔地
soaafhngg | sand garden | 沙仔園
soaafte | sandy land | 沙仔地
soaciøqafchiaf | gravel car | 砂石仔車
soaciøqaftviuu | sandstone farm | 砂石仔場
soaf | sand; tiny gravel; pebbles; sandy ─ not glossy or smooth; granular (said of fruit; especially melons) ripe | 沙; 鯊; 砂
soafkhaf | change one's feet position; learn to walk; shift the position of the feet | 移腳; 徙跤; 換腳; 移步
soafkhao | gargle; rinse the mouth | 漱口
soafkhao-zuie | gargle | 漱口水
soafkhawzef | mouth wash | 漱口劑
soafkhix | push | 徙去
soafkhuy | to move away; move something out of the way | 移開; 搬開
soaflaai | push | 徙來
soafli | remove, move apart | 移離; 遷離
soafloan | chaos | 徙亂
soafn | sour; acid; tart; stale; spoiled; sad; grieved; sorrowful; aching; jealous; envious; stingy; aching pains; feeling of pain and weariness about the bones or in the limbs | 酸
soafn'afng | choose husband | 選夫; 選翁
soafn'ar | garlic | 蒜仔
soafn'iong | select for use or employment | 選用
soafn`khix | escape | 旋去
soafn`laai | came | 旋來
soafnbie taixhoe | beauty pageant | 選美大會
soafnbie | beauty contest | 選美
soafnbiin | those who have electoral rights; the chosen race; voters (of election campaign) | 選民
soafnbu | election | 選務
soafnbyhoe | beauty pageant | 選美會
soafnchiuo | player; member of a sports team or delegation representing a school; area or country | 選手
soafnchiwciorng | player award | 選手獎
soafnchiwkhoaan | contestant rights | 選手權
soafnciexn | election | 選戰
soafncip | anthology | 選集
soafnhang | options | 選項
soafnjim | appoint; designate | 選任
soafnjit | pick a good date | 選日
soafnkhw | constituency | 選區
soafnkhøf | elective course of studies (as distinct from a required course) | 選科
soafnkhøx | take courses; select elective courses in a college | 選課; 選科
soafnkie sorsiong | lawsuits pertaining to elections | 選舉訴訟
soafnkie uxntong | election campaign | 選舉運動; 競選運動
soafnkie zukeq | qualification for election or voting | 選舉資格
soafnkie | elect; to vote; elections | 選舉
soafnkie-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkor | select and make purchases | 選購
soafnkox | shop | 選購
soafnkuo | election | 選舉
soafnkuo-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkwkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 選舉權
soafnkyhoad | laws governing elections | 選舉法
soafnkyjiin | voter | 選舉人
soafnkykhw | electoral district | 選舉區
soafnkytviuu | election field | 選舉場
soafnkøfky | fruit sorting machine | 選果機
soafnpaxhoad | elect | 選拔法
soafnphaix | nominate or designate; appoint to a post | 選派
soafnphiøx | ballot | 選票
soafnpoadsaix | tryout (for athletes) | 選拔賽
soafnpoat | choose, select, pick out | 選拔
soafnsiw | elective; option for; elective course (subject) | 選修
soafntaai | choose channel | 選台
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
soafntek | choice | 選擇
soafnteng | chosen | 選定
soafnthok | study an elective course in a college | 選讀
soafntiøh | chose | 選著
soafntvoaf | election campaign flyers | 選單
soafnzeeng | election polls | 選情
soafnzhud | pick out; to select; to elect | 選出
soafnzhuo | pick out; to select; to elect | 選取
soafnzøx | choose to do | 選做
soafphof | resettlement shop | 徙鋪
soafpo | move steps | 徙步
soafsiu | move net- animal home | 徙窩
soaftang | moved | 徙動
soaftiaxm | moved the shop | 徙店
soafui | flight; flit; move; move; remove (persons or things) to another place | 徙位; 遷移; 換地方
soafzay | transplant | 移苗; 徙栽; 移植
soafzhux | change one's residence | 徙居; 搬家
soahbefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahbøefafkviar | youngest child | 煞末仔囝; 老么
soahkafng | end the day's work | 收工; 停工
soahkhaf | take a rest | 移腳; 休息; 移步
soanhoaf | whoopla; shindy; hullabaloo | 喧嘩
soanthoaan-tvoaf | propaganda leaflet | 宣傳單
soanthoanchiaf | propaganda car | 宣傳車
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
soaq thafng | How? | 煞通; 怎麼可以
soarn'afhoef | garlic flower | 蒜仔花
soarn'afpeh | garlic root and the white part of the stalk; cut down small | 蒜仔白
soarn'afzay | tender garlic shoots | 蒜仔栽
soasoaf | gritty | 沙沙
soasoaf-sapsab | picayune; inconsequential; minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
soat'hoaf | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'oafn | wipe out grievances; vindicate oneself | 雪冤
soat'svoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soathafn | sandy beach; tideland | 沙灘
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatkaf | cigars | 雪茄
soatparsvoaf | a mountain in Sinteg | 雪霸山
soatsvoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soe'aflaang | person be out of luck | 山大人; 倒霉的人
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeakoafn | taxes and surtaxes | 稅捐
soeasviaf | quitely | 細聲
soeatvoaf | bill of tax; tax form; transit pass for imports; tax invoice | 稅單
soefsvaf | wash clothes | 洗衫
soefsvapafng | laundry room | 洗衫枋
soekhaf | wash feet | 洗腳
soezngtvafpan | dressing up | 梳妝打扮
sofngkhaf | enjoy life of ease and comfort | 享福
sokaf | search a home | 疏開; 搜家
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokkaf lok'ar | plastic bags; vinyl bags | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaf | plastic; plastics | 塑膠
sokkate'aflai | inside plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔內
soksengpafn | training class for quick mastery of a subject; course; a crash course | 速成班
som'afkhuix | ginseng smell | 參仔氣
songkaf | the family of bereavement; bereaved family | 喪家
sorhagkaf | mathematician | 數學家
sorhak-kaf | a mathematician | 數學家
sorkaf | several families | 數家
sorngkaf | bereavement family | 喪家
soroafn | make a defense against an unjust accusation | 訴冤
sosafng | crisp | 酥鬆
sozaf | search for; search; investigation; search (a house; person) for (a thing); to rummage | 搜查
su'oafn | personal grudge | 私冤
su-loong-kafng-siofng | scholars; farmers; workers and merchants ─ the social castes of old China; in that order | 士農工商
suafn | peace | 思安
suhoad kikoafn | judicial organizations | 司法機關
suhoatkaf | calligrapher | 書法家
suhoatkvoaf | legal officer; judge | 司法官
suhtaf | carefully use a cloth or paper napkin to absorb the dampness of an object | 吸乾
suhviaf | elder apprentice (said by younger ones) | 師兄
sui'eafsuiee | one by one | 隨个仔隨个
suicioong bwkvoaf | an aide-de-camp | 隨從武官
suie-tangtafng | gorgeous | 媠噹噹
suihofng zoafntoa | take action as the opportunity arises; irresolution | 隨風轉舵
suijieen si afnnef | be that as it may | 雖然如此
suiliab'afsuiliap | one at a time | 隨粒仔隨粒
suixbiin sikafn | sleeping hours | 睡眠時間
sukhafn | books and magazines | 書刊
sukhiaf | private savings of a girl or married woman | 私房錢; 私奇; 私自
sukiekvoaf | clerk of a law court | 書記官
suleng-kvoaf | prefect | 司令官
sulexngkvoaf | commander | 司令官; 司令
sun'afpoex | grandchildren | 孫仔輩
sunkvoaf | police inspector | 巡官
sunløchiaf | patrol car | 巡邏車
sunsvoaf | make inspection of mountain | 巡山
sunzaf | patrol and investigate; policeman | 巡查; (警察)
suohae uii kaf | make the country a big family; achieve perfect unity within the empire (said of emperors); lead a wandering life | 四海為家
suopud-oafnsaxng | Excuse me for not accompanying you farther | 恕無遠送
suosionghoaf | four normalization | 四常化
surnkafn | instant; moment; very short time; in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant | 瞬間
surnseg-kafn | instant, moment, second | 瞬息間
susiafngky | thought branch | 思想枝
susiofngkaf | thinker; man of (profound) thought; philosopher | 思想家
susiorng-kaf | a thinker | 思想家
susviuo-kaf | thinker | 思想家
suthviaf | private hall | 私廳
suxbu koafnlie | office administration (management) | 事務管理
suxbuxkvoaf | administrative official; commissioner | 事務官
suxgiabkaf | enterprising man; man of enterprising spirit | 事業家
suxgiap-kaf | businessman, entrepreneur, industrialist | 事業家; 企業家
suxkafng | affair; undertaking | 事工; 事業
suxkoafn | to be an officer | 入仕
suxkvoaf | sergeant; non-commissioned officers | 士官
suxnsekkafn | momentarily | 瞬息間
suxnsoarkafng | little extra piece of work which can be done conveniently | 順續講; 順便講
suxtoafn | origin of the trouble or the quarrel; cause or origin of some very troublesome affair | 事端
suygianggiafng | pretty | 媠鈃鈃
suykeaflaxnglaau | float up | 水雞仔弄鐃
suysvaf | pretty dress | 媠衫
suytangtafng | very beautiful; very pretty | 媠噹噹
sva'afkefng | clothes rack | 衫仔弓; 衣架
sva'afkex | coat hanger outside using; clothes rack for garments to sun | 衫仔架; 晒衣架; 衣架子
sva'afkhox | coat and trousers; clothes | 衫仔褲; 衣褲
sva'afkui | wardrobe | 衫仔櫃
sva'afkuix | hanger | 衫仔掛
sva'afkuun | blouse and skirt, jacket and skirt | 衫仔裙; 衣裾
sva'afkvii | bottom edge of a garment, hem | 衫仔墘
sva'afkw | corner or the flap of the dress | 衫仔居; 衫仔裾; 衣裾
sva'afky | hem of a dress; border of a garment | 衫仔裾
sva'aflie | inner layer of a dress | 衫仔裏
sva'afm | shirt cover | 衫掩
sva'afniar | collar of a garment | 衫仔領; 衣領子
sva'afphøex | apron or skirt turned up to hold thing | 衫仔配; 衫仔帕; 衣服兜
sva'afsviw | shirt box | 衫仔箱
sva'afte | pocket of a garment | 衫仔袋; 衣袋
sva'aftiaxm | shirt shop | 衫仔店
sva'aftoax | shirt belt | 衫仔帶
sva'aftuu | clothes closet | 衫仔櫥; 衣櫥
sva'oafn nngxoad | again and again | 三彎兩斡; 再三
svaafkefng | clothes rack | 衫仔弓
svaafkhox | clothes and pants | 衫仔褲
svaafkw | hem of clothes | 衫仔裾
svaafky | hem of a dress, border of a garment | 衫仔裾
svaafte | shirt bag | 衫仔袋
svaaftuu | wardrobe, clothespress, clothes cabinet | 衫仔櫥
svaafviu | shirt-like | 衫仔樣
svaf korng six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in speaking | 三講四無對; 每次講每次錯
svaf tngx | three meals | 三頓
svaf zøx six mxtiøh | make mistake each time in doing | 三做四無對; 每次做每次錯
svaf | clothing; dress; garments; to dress; to wear; coat | 衣; 衫; 衣衫; 三; 相
svaf-chinchviu | be mutually like, be mutually similar | 相親像; 相像
svaf-ciøhmng | exchange greeting | 相借問; 彼此問候
svaf-høhør | be in harmony, be reconciled | 相和好
svaf-kekkhix | anger each other | 相客氣; 鬧意氣
svaf-khox | coat and trousers | 衫褲
svaf-kviebin | meet face to face | 相見面
svaf-lienciab | be connected, be linked together | 相連接; 相連(接)
svaf-lienkied | be connected, be linked together | 相連結
svaf-liensoax | be connected in succession | 相連續
svaf-lixpiet | take leave of one another | 相離別; 相別
svaf-oaxnzo | render assistance to each other, support one another | 相援助
svaf-ofnglaai | have fellowship, have social intercourse | 相往來
svaf-pangzan | help each other | 相幫贊
svaf-tuiepie | compare | 相對比; 相比
svafhex | what is it? | 啥貨
svafhoex | What? | 甚貨; 什麼
svafhøex | What? | 甚貨; 啥貨; 什麼事,; 什麼東西?; 什麼東西
svafkhoarn | how about that? | 甚款
svaflaang | who is that? | 啥人
svafmih laang | Who? | 什麼人; 誰
svafmih | What? | 什麼; 什麼東西?
svafmihhoex | what is it? | 啥物貨
svafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
svafmiq | What is it? | 啥物
svaftai | what's up? | 甚代; 甚事
svakakpafng | plywood | 三角板
svakakthafng | corner house | 三角窗
svakhaf | deceitful | 三腳
svaliefn'afchiaf | tricycle | 三輪仔車
svaliefnchiaf | pedicab; three-wheeler; tricycle; pedicab | 三輪車
svaliern-chiaf | pedicab | 三輪車
svalwn'afchiaf | tricycle | 三輪仔車
svasviaf bønai | helpless; without choice unfortunately | 三聲無奈
svatiafmpvoax | 3:30pm that Taiwan's bank close time | 三點半
svatuaflai | shirt cabinet | 衫櫥仔內
svazhafm | mix, pool (money, resources) | 相參; 相混
svebagciafm | eye disease | 生目針
sviaf cinkied | piercing sound; high-pitched; shrill voice | 聲音結實
sviaf | sound; voice; noise; tone | 聲
sviafhex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥貨
sviafhex`laq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥貨啦
sviafhoex | what is the matter? | 何物; 什麼事
sviafhøex | What matter? | 甚麼; 啥貨; 甚貨; 什麼事,何物
sviafkhafng | what? What's matter ? | 甚孔; 甚麼事
sviafkhoarn | how; How are things? | 甚款; 啥款; 怎麼樣; 什麼樣
sviafkhvoar | what do you think? | 啥款
sviaflaang | Who? Which person?; who; whom? | 甚人; 啥人; 什麼人; 甚麼人
sviafmie | What is it? | 啥物
sviafmih | What? What thing? | 什麼
sviafmih'aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmih`aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmihhex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨
sviafmihhoex | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨
sviafmihhoex`aq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨啊
sviafmihkhoarn | what do you think? | 啥物款
sviafmihlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmiq | what? | 啥物
sviafmiqhoex | What is it? | 啥物貨
sviafmiqlaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafmiqlaq | what's up? | 啥物啦
sviafmylaang | who is that? | 啥物人
sviafsiaau | what! | 啥潲
sviafsiauu | what's that? | 啥迢
sviafsu | Why? Wherefore? | 甚事; 什麼事
sviaftai | what? What's matter? | 甚代; 甚麼事
sviagak-kaf | vocalist | 聲樂家
sviakhaf | at the foot of the wall; near the wall | 城腳; 城下
sviasviaf | every sound bit | 聲聲
sviasviaf-kuokux | each word | 聲聲句句
sviatafng-keksay | Lit. to make noise in the east while striking in the west; feigning tactics | 聲東擊西
svibagciafm | pink eye; conjunctivitis | 生目針
svibagsayciafm | pink eye; conjunctivitis | 生目屎針
sviu-sviafhøex | what (you) think ( want) ? | 想什麼
sviuaflai | inside the box | 箱仔內
sviuaftea | box bottom | 箱仔底
sviuafterng | box top | 箱仔頂
sviusi'afchiu | acacia tree | 相思仔樹
sviusi'afhoef | acacia flower | 相思仔花
sviuxkhafng-sviuxphang | try every possible means (as to injure another or get money out of people) | 想孔想縫; 想盡歪主意
sviuxzhaf | consider erroneously | 想錯
svoaafterng | mountain top | 山仔頂
svoaciafm | peak of a mountain | 山尖
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoaf | mountain; hill; island; dry land or the shore as opposed to water; wild (animal or plant); a grave | 山
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
svoaf-cysof | sansakun (Bunun) (plant) | 山紫蘇
svoaf-enghoef | Taiwan cherry | 山櫻花; 緋櫻
svoaf-genggerng | mountain longan | 山龍眼
svoaf-gipee | Taiwan loquat | 山枇杷
svoaf-hociøf | aromatic litsea, mountain litsea, Taiwan devilpepper | 山胡椒
svoaf-jiogkuix | fragrant cinnamon; Cinnamomum randaieuse | 山肉桂
svoaf-khofkoef | Japanese hop (plant) | 山苦瓜
svoaf-khofleng | Asia bell-tree, Formosan ash, Hocker beggartick | 山苦楝
svoaf-kiet'ar | Taiwan lemon | 山桔仔
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜
svoaf-koarzhaix | Taiwan melicope | 山芥菜
svoaf-kwzhaix | a herb of lily | 山韮菜
svoaf-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaf-nataau | climbing screw-pine | 山露兜
svoaf-ngky | cape jasmine | 山黃梔
svoaf-ngmoaa | dense-flowered false nettle, India charcoal tremas | 山冀麻; 大苧麻
svoaf-onglaai | Taiwan adina | 水王梨; 鳳梨
svoaf-pankhiw | Formosan turtle-dove | 山斑鳩
svoaf-peqzhaix | Blumea lacera | 山白菜
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
svoaf-phutøo | porcelain ampelopsis, wildgrape | 山葡萄
svoaf-porcie | Cuming cordia | 山布子
svoaf-pun'nngg | Formosan beauty-berry | 杜虹花
svoaf-sienzaf | Formosan crabapple | 山仙查
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-sorefng | mountain jasmine | 山素英
svoaf-teglaan | Japanese eupatorium | 山澤蘭
svoaf-thotau | a kind of alyce clover, Alysicarpus nummularifolius | 山土豆
svoaf-tibaq | Ceylon ardisia | 山豬肉
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoaf`nih | in the mountain | 山裡
svoafbe | sell retail | 散賣
svoafboe | retail | 散賣
svoafho | individual investors | 散戶
svoafkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoafphiøx | small change | 散票
svoai'afchvy | Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔青
svoai'afciab | Taiwanese green mango juice | 檨仔汁
svoai'afkhaf | under Taiwanese green mango tree | 檨仔跤
svoai'afkvoaf | dry Taiwanese green mango | 檨仔乾
svoai'afzhvef | mango candied | 芒果青; (醃未熟之芒果)
svoakafn | in the mountains | 山間
svoakhaf | the foot of a hill or mountain | 山腳; 山跤; 山下
svoakhafng | mountain cave | 山孔; 山空; 山穴
svoakhiim iafsiux | wild birds and beasts | 山禽野獸
svoapafng | landslide | 山崩
svoarkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoarpafn | dismiss a crew or gang | 散班; 下班
svoarsoaf | loose sand | 散沙
svoasafm | Japanese podocarp, Nankang podocarp | 山杉; 竹柏
svoasafnbut | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoasafnphirn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產品; 山產物; 山產
svoati'afbaq | wild boar meat | 山豬仔肉
svoazafng | Formosan sugar palm | 糖棕; 桄榔子
swkvoaf | official historian | 史官
swn'afkhaf | bamboo shoots | 筍仔跤
swnkhafng | mortise of a tenon | 筍孔; 榫空; 榫孔
swnkvoaf | dried bamboo shoot; dried bamboo shoots (for eating) | 筍干; 筍乾
sy'oafn | serious feud | 死冤; 深仇
sygyn'afpor | dead kid; bad kid | 死囡仔脯
sygyn'afthef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sygyn'afthvef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sykawafthef | back float | 死狗仔䖙
sykhut'afzuie | dead water | 死窟仔水
sykoafn | dead gate- a challenge | 死關
sym kafm zeeng goan | be totally willing; willingly | 心甘情願
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym-soafn | sad, grief | 心酸
symmih voafkøf | What kind of stuff... (always used with sim-mih; unpolite way to ask the stuffsl) | 什麼碗糕; 什麼玩意
symphvoax-kvoaf | judge | 審判官
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
symzaf | examine; to review; investigate; to screen | 審查
symzaf-uyoaan | examining committee | 審查委員
syn-jinsengkoafn | new view of life | 新人生觀
syn-tiafmtiarm | new and bright | 新點點
syoafn | quarrel; have a row; spat frequently | 死冤; 常吵架
syti'afkex | dead pig price- low price | 死豬仔價
sytuafkex | dead pig price- low pric | 死豬仔價
syzhadafpor | dead thief | 死賊仔脯
søeakhaf | tiny feet | 細腳
søeakhafng | tiny hole | 細孔
søeakoafn | customs house | 稅關; 稅捐; 海關
søeasviaf | gentle soft voice, whisper | 小聲; 細聲
søeatvoaf | tax bill | 稅單
søefkhaf | wash feet | 洗腳
søefsvaf | clothes washing | 洗衫; 洗衣服
søefsvaf-ky | washing machine | 洗衫機; 洗衣機
søefsvaf-paang | laundry room | 洗衣店; 洗衫房; 洗衣房
søefsvaf-tiaxm | laundry | 洗衣店; 洗衫店
søehchiaf | sled | 雪車
søehkafm | sweet orange | 雪柑
søf vi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 勸退 (選舉時); 搓圓仔湯
søfsikhafng | key hole | 鎖匙空
søh'afterng | on the rope | 索仔頂
søvi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder decorous | 挲圓仔湯
taar'tataf | extremely dry | 焦焦焦
tadkoafn | optimise | 達觀
taekoafn | coronation | 帶冠
taf | dry; dried; exhausted | 乾; 焦
taf-khokkhog | dry out and harsh | 焦涸涸
taf-tiexntii | dry battery, dry cell | 焦電池; 乾電池
tafcidee | which one | 那一個
tafcidisiefn | which one | 那一仙
tafcidkag | which corner | 那一角; 何方
tafcidnii | which year | 那一年
tafcidui | which person | 那一位
tafkawsviaa | Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan | 打狗城
tafløh | there; that place; where | 佗落; 那裡; 何處
tafm khvoarbai | to taste by licking; have a taste; take up on the tip of the finger so as to see what an substance is like; especially by tasting it | 銜看覓
tafm suviaa | to bear honestly the responsibility of defeat; (by paying one's due; e.g.; what is lost in gambling); pay one's subscription faithfully; bear properly some responsibility that falls on us (e.g.; entertaining guests on some special occasion) | 有擔當
tafm | carries with a pole over the shoulder; take responsibility; undertake; sustain; endure | 擔; 啖; 嚐
tafm'afiuu | asphalt | 打馬膠
tafm'afkaf | asphalt, tar | 打馬膠
tafm'iaam | bile salt | 膽鹽
tafmafkaf | asphalt | 打馬膠
tafmafkalo | street paved with asphalt | 打馬膠路
tafmhaan | fearful, anxious, worried | 膽寒
tafmkhiab | mush; shyness; timidity; eeriness; quail | 膽怯
tafmkvoaf | pickled pig liver | 膽肝; 醃肝
tafmlek | courage | 膽力; 膽量
tafmliim | gallstone, biliary calculus | 膽結石; 膽石
tafmliong | belly; courage; daring; nerve; gut; courage; bravery; guts | 膽量
tafmseg | courage | 膽識
tafmsym | fearful, anxious, worried | 擔心
tafmtarm | timorous; afraid of consequences; nervous about a matter | 膽怯; 擔憂
tafmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tafmtix | courage and wisdom | 膽致; 膽智
tafmzuxn | frightened | 膽慄
tafn koarhø | single registered mail; which does not require the post office to deliver the recipient's acknowledgment to the sender | 單掛號
tafn | odd (number); single; alone; sole; only; simple; check; bill; list; slip of paper; ticket | 單
tafn-koarhø | ordinary registration (mail) | 單掛號
tafnbøo | wait for nothing | 等無
tafnciq | wait to meet | 等接; 恭候; 等迎
tafng | east; eastern; winter | 東; 冬
tafng-pvoarkiuu | eastern hemisphere | 東半球
tafng-say-laam-pag | all directions | 東西南北
tafnghviaq | frighten | 懂嚇; 受驚害怕; 冒失; 莽撞
tafnghviar | hurried and careless; so as to break or spoil things | 粗心; 無穩
tafngkøef | Kora, water cock | 東瓜; 董雞; 鶴秧雞
tafnglo | carry gift when visit someone | 禮物
tafngsu | director; executive; manager; director (on the board of a school; company); trustee; members of a committee | 董事
tafngsu-hoe | board of directors, board of trustee | 董事會
tafngsu-tviuo | chairman of a board | 董事長
tafngsuxhoe | board of directors; meeting of managers | 董事會
tafngsuxtviuo | board of director; chairman of the board of directors or of the board of trustees; convener of a committee | 董事長
tafnhau | to wait for | 等候
tafnhauxseg | waiting room | 等候室
tafnkaux | wait until | 等到
tafnlaang | wait for people | 等人
tafnlo | for presents brought home for children | 禮物; 等路
tafnpan | wait for one's turn | 等辦; 等順序
tafnthai | waiting; wait; await; wait for | 等待
tafnzøee | wait till all have come | 等齊
taftharng | bucket | 打桶
tafthaxm | Inquire | 打探
tafui | where; which place; what place; where; whereabouts? | 何處
tafui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tafzø | build | 打造
tagkafng | every day | 逐工
tagpafn | every class (school) | 每班; 逐班
tagpafng | every trip on the schedule table | 每班; 逐幫
tagsiafng | every pair | 每雙; 逐雙
tagtafng | every winter | 逐冬
tagzafkhie | every morning | 每早上
tahchiaf | take a car; bus or train | 搭車
tahtvoaf | paste a card, paste an advertising poster | 搭單; 貼單
tai'afkhaf | platform bottom | 台仔跤
tai'afterng | platform top | 台仔頂
taichiaf | stretcher cart | 台車; 檯車; 擔架
taigwkoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taigykoaf | Taiwanese song | 台語歌
taikhaf | under the stage | 台跤
taitoafn | You(an honorific in addressing one's equal); you (an honorific in addressing one's equal in a letter); Your Honor | 台端
taixkaf | authority, great scholar | 大家
taixkafng | sit in strike; sabotage; slow down strike | 怠工
taixkekvoaf | everybody | 大家官
taixkhaigafnkaix | eye-opener | 大開眼界
taixkhix boafnseeng | great man will take time to shape and mature | 大器晚成
taixkviaf | big frighten | 大驚
taixpafn | substitute | 代班
taixsvaf | junior | 大三
taixzoafn | colleges and universities | 大專; (學校)
takekvoaf | husband's parents | 乾家官; 大家官; 公婆; 公公婆婆
takvoaf | father-in-law; husband's father | 公公; 大官; 乾官
tamtaf | wet or dry | 濕乾; 濕乾程度
tan'gafnphøee | oriental eyelids; which do not have a distinct fold along the edges | 單眼皮
tanchiaf | bicycles | 單車
tang'afbykøf | Taiwanese food with rice in a bamboo | 筒仔米糕
tangkafng | co-worker, to work together | 同工
tangkofng'afchiaf | copper tube trolley | 銅管仔車
tangpafn | classmate | 同班
tangsviaf | in unison | 同聲
tangtviafar | copper pants | 銅鼎仔
tanluikongsviaf | thunde | 霆雷公聲
tansviaf | stridulation; song | 鳴聲
tantafn | alone; only | 單單; 只有
taokhaf | provide assistance; help with feet | 鬥腳
taokhafng | plot together; conspire together; collude with; make secret arrangement for making profit | 串通; 鬥空; 共謀
taq hoefchiaf | go by train | 搭火車
taqchiaf | ride a bicycle, ride a tricycle | 搭車
taqkhaf | step on foot | 踏跤
taqkhafm | to explore, to survey, to investigate | 踏勘
taqpafng | footboard; footrest; foothold; treadle | 踏板
taqzhaf | to behavior incorrectly | 做錯
tarngsiafng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
tarsvaf | coat | 罩衫
tasafng | dry and comfortable; as after changing clothes or wiping off perspiration; dry and mealy (potatoes) | 乾鬆
tataf | dry | 乾乾
tauafcii | yam bean | 豆仔薯
tauafiuu | oil pressed from beans | 豆仔油
tauafkex | bean frame | 豆仔架
tauafkhag | husks of peas or beans | 豆仔殼
tauafleeng | long raised bed of beans | 豆子畦
tauaflui | bean | 豆仔類
tauafphøq | beans in distilled liquor | 豆仔滓
tauafthaang | bean worm | 豆仔蟲
tauaftiin | long stalks of peas | 豆仔藤
tauafzuu | yam bean | 豆仔薯
taukafng | suiside by jumping into a river | 投江
tauphiøx soafnkie | elect by ballot; elections | 投票選舉
tauviafbo | projection screen | 投影幕
tauviafphvix | slideshow | 投影片
tauxchiafm | noodles made of bean flour | 豆籤
tauxhu-soaf | whale shark | 豆腐鯊
tauxhuxsoaf | huge shark | 豆腐鯊
tauxkvoaf | dry bean curd; spiced and dried bean curd; bean curd that has been pressed in a cloth | 豆干; 豆乾; 豆腐干
tauxkvoaf-cvix | fat fried soft bean-curd | 豆干炸; 豆乾糋; 油炸豆腐
taxngkafmmo | bad cold | 重感冒
taxngkafng | begin work on an undertaking | 動工; 開工
taxngkhaf-taxngchiuo | move one's arms and legs about boisterously or in a troublesome manner; to gesture; gesticulate | 動手動腳
taxngsviaf | weight | 重聲
te'afpox | emery cloth | 袋仔布
te'afsvoax | linen or ramie thread | 苧麻線
te'afsy | ramie fibers | 茶仔絲; 麻紗
tea-sikafn | short space of time; short time or period | 短時間
teafiuu | tea seed oil | 茶仔油
teaflai | inside pocket | 袋仔內
teafzhuix | pocket entrance | 袋仔喙
tefciafm | hour hand (of a watch or clock) | 短針; (時針)
tefkafng | person engaged for a short period of work | 短工
tefng'afthuii | hammer | 釘仔鎚
tefngciafm | top notch | 頂尖
tefnghafm | upper jaw, roof of the mouth | 頂𦜆
tefngkafng | previous day | 頂工
tefngpafn | previous train or car | 上班; 頂班
tefngpafng | on the former occasion | 上次; 頂幫; 上一次
tefngsvoaf | top mountain | 頂山
tefngtafng | the last (previous) harvest time; last year | 頂冬; 去年; 上半期作
tefsvaf | short garment; shirt | 短衣
teftafng tefsay | install odds and ends | 裝雜物
teg'afboea | bamboo ends | 特仔尾
teg'afhii | black cardinal fish | 黑天竺鯛
tegjixmkvoaf | official holding a post of the special appointment rank | 特任官
tegkhafn | extra edition; special edition; special supplement (of a newspaper or magazine) | 特刊
tegpiet khoaechiaf | special express train | 特別快車; 特快
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegsafnhaang | specialty shop | 特產行
tehiøqphafng | tea fragrant | 茶葉芳
tehkviaf | having medicine to calm a person who got shocked | 硩驚
tek'afboea | end of bamboo | 竹仔尾
tek'afkhaf | bottom of bamboo | 竹仔跤
tek'afky | bambook stick | 竹仔枝
tek'afnaa | bamboo forest | 竹仔林
tek'afphvix | bamboo slices | 竹仔片
tek'afsaociuo | bamboo broom | 竹仔掃帚
tek'afsvix | bamboo fan | 竹仔扇
tek'afthaau | bamboo top | 竹仔頭
tek'afzhux | bamboo house | 竹仔厝
tek'hafm | the passage between two bamboo eyes | 竹䈄
tek'ui'aflai | inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔內
tek'ui'aftea | deep inside bamboo garden | 竹圍仔底
tekbiqafterng | top of bamboo strips | 竹篾仔頂
tekciafm | barracuda fish | 日本金梭魚
tekkeafchiaf | taxi sharing service that are legalized | 竹雞仔車
tekkhaf | under of bamboo tree | 竹腳
tekkoeafchiaf | taxi sharing service that are legalized | 竹雞仔車
tekkofng'aflai | inside bamboo tube | 竹管仔內
tekkofng'afpng | bamboo tube rice | 竹管仔飯
tekkvoaf | bamboo rod | 竹杆
teklipaf | fence | 竹籬笆
teknaafkhaf | bamboo forest | 竹林仔跤
teknaaflai | bamboo forest | 竹林仔內
tekthafn | clam looks like Crab | 竹蟶
tekthafng'afpng | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔飯
tekthafng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔
tekzhvoaf | bamboo thorn | 竹扦
teng hongciafm | to plan and act; adjust one's method of procedure; to shape one's course | 定方針
teng'afciafm | pin | 釘仔針; 大頭針
teng'afee | spike shoes | 釘仔鞋
teng'afhea | lights | 燈仔火
teng'afhoea | lights | 燈仔火
teng'afhoef | lantern flower | 燈仔花
teng'afhuun | nail hole; nail marks | 釘仔痕
teng'afkhaf | sidewalk; arcade; covered way | 亭仔腳; 騎樓
teng'afkhvii | nail pliers | 釘仔鉗
teng'aføee | track shoes; shoes with spikes | 釘仔鞋
teng'ar-khaf | arcade | 亭仔跤; 騎樓
tenghoea koafnzex | blackout or dim out (against air raids) | 燈火管制
tengji-soaf | hammerhead shark | 丫髻鮫
tengsafn hiabhoe | alpinist club or association | 登山協會
tengsafn | mountaineer; mountain climb | 登山
tengtengtangtafng | jingle | 叮叮噹噹
tepviafhoe | tea party; tea reception | 茶餅會; 茶話會
teq ciawafkoax | prognosticate by having a bird pick out one or other lot out of several | 卜鳥卦
teq kviaf | cordials or medicine keep up one's spirits and keep down fear | 壓驚
terng-pvoartafng | first six months of a year | 上半年
ternglangthviaf | get people to listen | 釘人聽
terngthviaf | pleasant to the ear | 中聽
tesvoaf | tea mountain | 茶山
tetafng | tea season | 茶心; 茶季
tetiafm'ar | teahouse | 茶店仔; 茶館
texha bwthviaf | unlicensed cabarets | 地下舞廳
texhngf tviwkvoaf | magistrate | 地方長官
texhngkvoaf | officials of local governments | 地方官
texhoafn | place number | 地蕃
texkiafmsuo | local procuratorate | 地檢署
texkiafmzhux | prosecuting attorney's office | 地檢處
texnghøeatvoaf | order form (or blank); list of goods ordered | 訂貨單
texngkii kiafmzaf | periodical inspection | 定期檢查
texngkitvoaf | periodic sheets | 定期單
texngtvoaf | order | 訂單
texsvaf jinzhefng | third person (grammar) | 第三人稱
texsvaf kokzex | the Third World | 第三國際
texsvaf teakog | the Third Reich; Nazi Germany | 第三帝國
texzexng kikoafn | land administration office | 地政機關
thaai cidkhafng | inflict a wound | 割傷
thab cidkhafng | soil) settles; making a depression | 凹一洞
thad hvixkhafng | stop the ears and pay no heed | 塞耳孔
thad zhuiekhafng | give something to eat to a child to keep it quiet; make somebody keep a secret | 堵上嘴
thaepengsvoaf | peaceful mountain | 太平山
thaesafn | famous mountain in Shan-tung; father-in-law (wife's father); Tarzan | 泰山
thaf | he; him; other; another; she; her; it; that | 他; 她; 它
thafkhøx | octopus | 章魚
thafm siawli | covetous of small gains | 貪小利
thafm | covet, covetous | 貪; 垂涎
thafm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thafn | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; divide amongst; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤
thafn'ar | a rug; carpet; blanket | 毯仔; 毯子
thafnchiaa | oblique, angling | 坦斜; 傾斜
thafnchiøx | lying with face upwards; inverted or turned upside down with the concave side up | 仰臥; 坦笑
thafnchyn | show partiality to relatives, practise nepotism | 趁親; 拉親戚關係
thafng iar mxthafng | may or may not? Is it allowable? May it be done? May I? | 可以無可以
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thafng | window; shutter | 窗; 通; 可以
thafng'afkafm | tankan (orange) | 窗仔框; 桶仔柑; 桶柑
thafng'afkhao | window | 窗仔口
thafng'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔框
thafng'aflai | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔內
thafng'aftea | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔底
thafng'ar | bucket; barrel; tub; pail; bucket; pail a keg; a barrel | 桶仔
thafngkafm | tankan (orange) | 桶柑; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkex | stretcher (for the sick or wounded) | 擔架
thafngkhof | barrel hoop | 桶箍
thafngkied | small sour tangerine | 桶桔; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkoax | bucket cover | 桶蓋
thafngkvii | barrel rim | 桶緣
thafngkvoa | bucket handle | 桶捾
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafngsurn | barrel bamboo | 桶筍
thafngtøea | barrel bottom | 桶底
thafnhefng | topless | 袒胸
thafnho | shield; predilection; to shield or protect; give improper protection to; to side with; be partial | 袒護
thafnhvoaai | thwart; crosswise | 橫放; 坦橫; 橫的
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
thafnhvuii | horizontal | 坦橫
thafnjieen | self-possessed; calm; peaceful in mind; fearless; fully at ease | 坦然
thafnkhab | invert so as to have the face or concave side down | 伏臥
thafnkheg | military tank | 坦克
thafnkhia | perpendicular | 直立; 坦徛; 垂直的
thafnkhiaf | perpendicular, upright | 直立
thafnkhisyn | turning sideways to get through a narrow passage or to pass another on a narrow road | 坦攲身
thafnkhy | oblique; lying over; slanting; placed sideways or on the side; listing to one side | 坦攲; 坦敧; 側身; 歪斜; 傾斜
thafnlieen | frankly | 坦然
thafnpeh | honest; frank; make a confession | 坦白
thafnpek | frank; honest; tell the truth | 坦白
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
thafnpvee | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvie | flatten | 坦扁
thafnpvii | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvy syn | in profile | 側面
thafnpvy | sideways; in profile | 旁邊; 側面
thafnsud | frank, candid, open, outspoken | 坦述; 坦率
thafnsut | candid; frankly speaking | 坦述
thafntit | laid or lying straight; lengthwise | 直的
thafntong | contented and composed; straight-out | 坦蕩
thafntoo | a level road, a bright future | 坦途
thafntør | lying level; having formerly been upright | 仰臥
thafnzhoah | awry, crooked | 傾歪; 曲.斜
thafnzhw | tilt; incline; slope; slant | 傾斜
thagzhehthviaf | study room | 讀書廳
thamkvoaf | corrupt officials; malfeasant | 貪官
thamkvoaf-uoli | avaricious government officials and grasping underlings; corrupt officials | 貪官污吏
thang'afcie | perpendicular bars in a window; for keeping out thieves | 窗骨架
thang'afgoa | outside the window | 窗仔外
thang'afkhaf | under a window | 窗仔腳; 窗下
thang'afkhao | ticket window | 窗仔口; 窗口
thang'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔間; 窗仔框; 窗框
thang'aflai | inside the window | 窗仔內
thang'aflieen | window curtain | 窗仔簾; 窗簾
thang'aflii | curtain | 窗仔簾
thang'afmngg | window | 窗戶門; 窗仔門
thang'afmnggoa | outside the window | 窗仔門外
thang'afmngkhefng | window frames | 窗戶仔框
thang'afmngpvy | window side | 窗仔門邊
thang'afphang | window seam | 窗仔縫
thang'afpox | window curtain | 窗仔布; 窗簾
thang'afpvy | window side | 窗仔邊
thang'afzeeng | in the front of the window | 窗仔前
thangkhafng | wormholes | 蟲空
thangkviaf | horrify | 通驚; 可驚
thangsviaf | bug sound | 蟲聲
thaozafsi'ar | dawn | 透早時仔
thapkhaf | fill a vacancy | 塌跤
thapkhafng | fill the hole | 塌空
tharmhiafmkaf | explorer; adventurer | 探險家
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
tharmkvaf | visit a prisoner | 探監
tharmthviaf hisit | verify the facts by inquiry | 打聽虛實
tharmthviaf | to investigate secretly; to try to find out; snoop; inquire about; pick up information; make inquiries about something; usually somewhat secretly; investigate secretly | 探聽; 打聽
tharmzaf | spy out, find out | 探查
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
tharnsaikhiaf | make money for personal usage | 趁私奇
tharnsoafn | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thatchiaf | traffic jam | 塞車; 窒車
thatkhafng | stop up a hole; block up a hole | 塞洞
thatzhuiekhafng | fill mouse with snacks | 窒喙空
thauhviaf | leader | 頭兄
thaukafng kiafmliau | do less work and use less or inferior materials than agreed up upon (especially in a building job); to jerry build | 偷工減料
thaukafng | to skimp on work | 偷工
thaukhafn | steal (a cow or horse) | 偷牽
thaukhak'voafkud | skull | 頭殼碗骨
thaukinkiafmniuo | steal by providing less amount | 偷斤減兩
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
thaumozafng | hair | 頭毛鬃
thaupafn | 1st schedule | 頭幫
thaupafng | the first train; bus | 頭班
thaupangchiaf | 1st bus schedule | 頭幫車
thautafng | 1st year | 頭冬
thauthviaf | listen secretly; overhear; eavesdrop | 偷聽
thauzafng | hair; the queue | 頭鬃; 頭髮
thauzengthafng | front window | 頭前窗
thaw thviaf | eavesdrop | 偷聽
thaxn uii koafn cie | the most magnificent sight of all; an unrivaled sight; a sight never to be forgotten | 歎為觀止
thaxn-sukhiaf | private savings of a married person | 賺私房錢
thefunciafm | clinical thermometer | 體溫計
thekhaf | raise a foot | 提腳
thekhoafnky | ATM | 提款機
themiaa soafnkuo | nominate for election | 提名選舉
thengchiaf | park; pull up a car; parking; stop a vehicle; park a carbelay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停車
thengchiaf-tviuu | parking area, parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaf-zam | bus stop | 停車站
thengkafng | stop work for a time | 停工
thengkhaf | rest for a short time | 歇腳; 停跤; 停腳
thengkhafn | suspend publication temporarily | 停刊
thengkoafn | keep a coffin unburied; waiting till an auspicious site or day be found | 停棺
thengsiafparn | duplicator, silk screen duplicator | 謄寫板; 油印機
thengzun'afhuix | ship parking fee | 停船仔費
thetafng-thesay | refuse with excuse | 推東推西
thetvoaf | a bill of lading | 提單
thiafm hoeasiu | a wish for long life | 添壽
thiafm hoksiu | May you increase in happiness and longevity | 添福壽
thiafm iuhviw | money of sesame oil | 香油錢
thiafm | refill,add, increase | 添
thiafm'aq | tired | 忝矣
thiafmbi | flattery; blandish; adulate; bootlick; gloze | 諂媚
thiafmme | scold severely | 諂罵; 痛罵
thiafmmi | flatter, flattery | 諂媚
thiafmsie | tiresome | 忝死; 累死
thiafmsirmsixm | tiresome | 忝㽎㽎; 累㽎㽎
thiafmthaau | tired; be tired out; be exhausted | 忝頭; 疲倦; 吃力
thiafmthiafmthiarm | tiresome | 忝忝忝; 累累累
thiafmthiarm | tiresom | 忝忝; 累累
thiahtvoaf | to buy a ticket for a ship; train | 買票; 拆單
thiahzhoafn | to expose | 拆穿
thiahzun'afhoex | shipbreaking | 拆船仔貨
thiamkaf | add on | 添加
thiaociafm | damaged record caused record player skipping notes | 跳針
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaopafng | springboard | 跳板
thiauafcie | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 青春痘; 面皰
thiauafkhaf | campaign supporters | 柱仔跤
thiauaflai | inside the column- campaign circle | 祧仔內
thiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 刁工來; 專程來
thiaukafng | set purpose; intentionally | 刁工; 故意
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
thien'giaf | sky cover | 天遮
thienbunhagkaf | astronomers | 天文學家
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thienciaf | cover the sky | 天遮
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thienha itkaf | All people under heaven are one family. The world is a big family | 天下一家
thienhaxkafn | world | 天下間
thienhoaf | smallpox. flowers from the heaven. Melothria mederospatana (flower); have smallpox | 天花
thienhoafn texhog | condition of utter disorder; as if the universe was overthrown | 天翻地覆
thienjiaf | cover the sky | 天遮
thienkaf | heavenly home | 天家
thienkafn | The Ten Celestial Stems ─ used with the Twelve Terrestrial Branches to form a cycle of sixty | 天干
thientexkafn | in this world; in the universe | 天地間
thiet'hagkaf | philosopher | 哲學家
thietzaf | make a thorough investigation | 徹查
thih'afthvoax | iron coal | 鐵仔炭
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thihguafchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔車
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihguchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛車
thihkafng | ironworker | 鐵工
thihkahchiaf | armored car | 鐵甲車
thihki'aflo | railway | 鐵枝仔路
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thihkut'afsvef | skinny but strong (man) | 瘦而結實
thihkut'afsvy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生
thihpafng | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihsoaf | iron ore | 鐵沙; 鐵砂
thihthafng | window with metal gratings; a prison; iron window; iron barred windows | 鐵窗
thihthafng'aflai | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔內
thihthafng'ar | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔
thihtiafm | anvil | 鐵砧; 鐵玷
thihtvaf | iron yoke | 鐵擔; 鐵軛
thiofng'afpof | cemetery | 墳仔埔; 墓地
thiofng'afpvy | cemetery | 塚仔邊
thiofngsvoaf | a hill where graves gather | 塚山
thisviaf | cry (bird) | 啼聲
thiuchiafm | by lot; draw lots (in fortune telling) | 抽籤
thiuzaf | investigate; survey or test a part of a group; take one out for inspection or examination | 抽查
thng'afpviafzhux | candy shop; sweets shop | 糖仔餅厝
thng'afpviar | candies and cookies | 糖仔餅
thngpafng | sugar bar | 糖枋
thngrchiahkhaf | barefooted | 脫赤腳; 光腳
thngrciahkhaf | bare feet | 褪赤跤
thngrsvaf | take off cloth | 脫衣
thngrsvaf-thngrkhox | naked | 脫光衣服
thngsi'afzhaix | species of cabbage whose leaf looks like a teaspoon | 湯匙仔菜; 青江菜
thngtafn | saccharin; glucide; saccharine | 糖精
thngx sva'afkhox | take off all one's clothes | 脫衣服
thngx-chiahkhaf | barefoot | 脫赤腳
thngzhafng | sticky sugar candy in Taiwa | 糖蔥
thoaafee | slipper | 拖仔鞋
thoachiaf | trail car; tow truck; trailer; draw a carriage or cart; trailer | 拖車
thoaf bagbøea | long tip of brow | 拖目尾
thoaf lauxmia | risk life; make death defying effort | 拼老命
thoaf sikafn | to delay; to stall for time | 拖時間
thoaf | to drag; to pull; draw along; procrastinate; (diseases) are chronic; be in constant sickness or pain; involve; implicate | 拖; 拉
thoaf-tørtngr | draw or lead something back to the original place | 拖倒轉; 拉回來
thoaf`khix | drag | 拖去
thoaf`køeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due); to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去; 渡過去 (脫險)
thoaf`køex | drag | 拖過
thoaf`zhutkhix | pull out | 拖出去
thoaf`zhutlaai | pull out (a drawer) | 拉出來
thoafn | rapidly flowing | 湍
thoah'aflai | inside drawer | 屜仔內
thoah'aftea | inside the drawer | 屜仔底
thoahpafng | tart | 挩坊
thoahthafng | sewing machine | 斜視; 挩窗; 斜眼; 拉窗子
thoakafng | day workers; procrastinate intentionally | 拖工
thoanjiafmpve | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiafmpvi | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoankaf | pass on | 傳家
thoankaokaf | preacher | 傳教家; 傳道家
thoantvoaf | flyleaf; handbill; leaflet; handbills; leaflets; circulars; notices | 傳單
thoasoaf | procrastinate | 拖延; 拖沙
thoathoasoasoaf | taking long time to complete a task | 拖拖沙沙
thoatiaochiaf | tow truck | 拖吊車
thoaxsvaf | rinse clothing | 濯衣; 汰衫; 清洗衣服; 沖衣服
thobysoaf | sand and clay | 土米沙; 土沙
thofhoafn | primitives; indigenous or original inhabitants of a place or country; uncivilized natives; a species of crossbred duck | 土番; 土番鴨
thofhuyafsvoaf | bandit | 土匪仔山
thofkeafsviaa | free-range chicken city | 土雞仔城
thofkong'afsexng | bad temper | 土公仔性
thofng-seakafn | whole world | 通世界
thofngkeahagkaf | statistician | 統計學家
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
thokafng | ordinary mason | 土工; 泥瓦匠
thokat'afzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼仔厝
thokhaf | ground; land; floor; earthen or tiled floor; surface of the ground | 地面; 塗跤; 地上
thokhaf-pox | floor mop | 土跤布; 拖把
thokhaf-zu | floor mat | 土跤蓆; 墊子
thokhafng | hole in the earth | 土孔; 泥洞
thokhapafng | floor mat | 塗跤枋
thokkhoafn | acquire a broader (road); to broaden (a road); widen (a street) | 拓寬
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thomaftøq | tomato; (in central or northern Taiwan); kam-a-bit (in southern Taiwan); chhau-khi-a (in northern Taiwan) | 蕃茄
thong'egkvoaf | interpreter | 通譯官
thongchiaf | be open to vehicular traffic | 通車
thonghongkhafng | vent hole | 通風孔
thongkafn | adultery; illicit intercourse | 通姦
thongkhiekhafng | ventilated air | 通氣空
thongkoafn sinkørsw | bill of entry (archaic) | 通關申告書
thongkoafn | pass the customs inspection | 通關
thongkongtvoaf | announcement of death (Catholic) | 通功單
thongtitvoaf | notice | 通知單
thorafbea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafboea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafkhafng | rabbit warren | 兔仔孔
thorafkviar | rabbit baby; kitten | 兔仔囝
thorkhafng | rabbit hole | 兔孔; 兔窟
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thosoaf | sand; grit; sand and soil | 土砂; 塗沙; 土沙
thudchiaf | jump the track, be derailed | 脫車; 脫軌
thudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
thudkhaf | slip in walking | 脫腳; 脫節
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 癡呆相; 傻
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
thuikhaf | bottom of a ladder | 推腳; 梯腳
thunsviaf | to suppress complaints; eat the leek; to remain silent under injustice (Lit. to swallow the voice) | 吞聲
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
thuq thokhaf | loosen and remove dirt on the floor | 鏟地
thuxnsoaf | use sand fill up completely | 填砂
thuxnsvoaf | make a hill or mound by filling | 填山
thvaf | he; him; other; another; she; her; it; that | 他; 捧; 它; 她
thvaf`khix | with the palms turned outwards fend off (an attack) | 托去
thvafkoaan | raise up high with the palm | 托高
thviaboefsviaf | listen respectfully then will know the true meaning | 聽尾聲
thviaf tøxlie | listen to preaching | 聽道理
thviaf | hear; listen to (with the determined purpose or intention of hearing); obey; understand; comply with; submit | 聽; 廳
thviaf-bøbeeng | not able fully to make it out or understand it | 聽沒清
thviaf-bøcyn | make a mistake in hearing | 聽無真
thviaf-bøe bengpek | I don't quite understand; I did not hear clearly; cannot understand (what the other is talking about); cannot hear well or comprehend | 聽無明白
thviaf-bøexbeeng | unable to hear distinctly or clearly | 聽無清
thviaf-bøexhiao | hear; but be unable to make out the meaning | 聽無懂
thviaf-bøextiøh | cannot hear (because voice; sound; is too low or far away) | 聽無見
thviaf-jibnie | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf-koarnsix | get used to | 聽慣勢
thviaf-kørkae | hear confessions (Catholic) | 聽告解
thviaf-løqhvi | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf-mxtiøh`khix | heard wrongly or incorrectly; misunderstood; make a mistake in hearing | 聽無錯去
thviaf`ee | heard | 聽的
thviaf`khylaai | sounds | 聽起來
thviaf`khytiøh | sounds | 聽起著
thviaf`kvix | be heard | 聽見
thviaf`tiøh | heard it | 聽到
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thviasviaf | hear sound | 聽聲
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
thviathviaf | listen | 聽聽
thvikong'afkviar | god's son | 天公仔囝
thvithafng | louver; dormer; scuttle; skylight; skylight; high windows; a fixed window in a roof | 天窗
thvixsvaf | sew; sew cloth | 縫衫; 縫補衣服
thvoaf | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤; 灘; 急流
thvoafpvee | to level slightly and smooth down the surface of a piece of ground; filling up slight depressions with its own earth | 鋤平
thvoafpvii | to spread out even; go snacks | 攤平
thvoafzhao | to hoe up grass and small shrubs | 鋤草
thvoarkafng | coal miner | 炭工
thvoarkhafng | mine | 炭空
thvy auxzafn | wisdom teeth coming in | 添後齻; 長智齒
thvy zhaf te | very different | 天差地; 大無相同
thøafchiu | peach tree | 桃仔樹
thøafcie | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔子
thøafheeng | peech shape | 桃仔形
thøafhngg | peach orchard | 桃子園
thøafhut | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔核
thøafzaang | peach tree | 桃仔欉
thøeakafng | a substitute worker | 退工
thøfkheahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkhehhviaf | wife who has an affair | 討客兄
thøfkhoeahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thør khehhviaf | woman seeks a paramour | 討客兄; 紅杏出牆
thør-khehhviaf | seek a paramour, look for a man | 討客兄; 找情夫; 紅杏出牆
thørsvaf | put burial clothes (can be a number of layers) on a deceased person | 套衫; 給死人穿的衣服
thørzhafn | combo meal | 套餐
ti ciaf | here; in this place | 在這裡
ti tafui | Where? | 在那裡?
ti'afho | pig farm | 豬仔戶
ti'afkviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tiabkafng | a kind of skate fish | 喋江; 老板鯆
tiaf | dad; father | 爹
tiafm phøeøee | mend leather shoes | 修補皮鞋
tiafm | chopper board; stithy; anvil; chopping block; a chopping board | 砧; 砧板; 刺痛
tiafm'aq | ordered (food) | 點矣
tiafm'ar | speck, spot | 點仔; 斑點
tiafm'iuu zøx kiehø | make a mark with oil ─ cherish (a person); a grudge; black list | 點油為記; 黑名單
tiafm'iuu | make a mark with oil | 點油
tiafmchvie | to point out someone's errors and make him realize; awaken | 點醒; 警告
tiafmchviux | select one's desired numbers or songs for the performers to sing or play; request a song | 點唱
tiafmgarn | light statue's eyes (one process of becoming God) | 點眼; (雕像要成為神的一個過程)
tiafmgoaxzefng | over an hour | 點外鐘
tiafmgoaxzengkuo | over an hour | 點外鐘久
tiafmhiet | acupuncture | 點穴
tiafmhix | select from a list the performances one desires to see | 點戲
tiafmhviw | light a stick of incense | 燒香; 點香
tiafmhøea | light a fire | 點火; 點火(燈)
tiafmhøex | count the number of articles; take an inventory | 點貨
tiafmji | Braille (type) | 點字
tiafmkaw | check and hand over; hand over (articles) after a checkup | 點交
tiafmkiarm | check, examine | 點檢
tiafmkimsut | alchemy | 點金術
tiafmkix | put medicine on a mole so as to remove it | 點痣
tiafmkngf | light a light | 點光; 點亮
tiafmkoex | clicked | 點過
tiafmkux | punctuate | 點句
tiafmkvia | count piece | 點件
tiafmliao | clicked | 點了
tiafmmafkalo | asphalt | 打馬膠路
tiafmmiaa | to call the roll; to mention somebody by name; mark the names on a roll; e.g.; those who are present or absent; call the roll; make a roll call | 點名
tiafmmiapho | roll (of names) | 點名簿
tiafmpefng | mark those present at muster; muster troops; mark the roll of soldiers | 點兵
tiafmphoax | give a hint to a man so that he may understand; especially; some secret plot or unseen danger; explain something difficult to understand; to unravel (a mystery) | 點破
tiafmpox | on demand for broadcast | 點播
tiafmpvoarzefng | an hour and a half | 點半鐘
tiafmpvoax | an hour and a half | 點半
tiafmpøx | on demand for broadcast | 點播
tiafmsiaux | count; get the bill | 點數
tiafmsimtvafar | street food | 點心擔仔
tiafmsimtvax | street food | 點心擔
tiafmsiw | check and receive; check and accept (articles that are delivered or handed over) | 點收
tiafmsngx | count those present | 點算; 清點
tiafmsoarn | click | 點選
tiafmsox | the number of points; score; count the number of articles or the amount of money | 點數; 分數
tiafmsym | refreshment; snacks; snack; small hasty meal at any hour | 點心
tiafmsym-tiaxm | refreshment shop | 點心店
tiafmtefng katzhae | with illuminations and decorations | 張燈結彩
tiafmtefng | light a lamp | 點燈
tiafmtengkatzhae | light up | 點燈結綵
tiafmthiq sengkym | transform common metal into gold ─ make a poor writing into a literary masterpiece by skillful retouching | 點鐵成金
tiafmtiafmtihtiq | bit by bit | 點點滴滴
tiafmtiarm cyn | very reliable; everything exact | 精確
tiafmtiarm | bit by bit | 點點
tiafmtiin | through | 點陳
tiafmtuq | give a hint what to do; warn of danger (often secretly or privately) by a sign; wink or hint not generally understood | 提醒
tiafmtøh | kindle | 點燃; 點著
tiafmzefng | hours; o'clock | 點鐘; 鐘點
tiafmzeg | light a candle | 點燭
tiafmzeng | hour | 點鐘
tiafmzeng'ar | an hour | 點鐘仔
tiafmzhaix | order food, select dishes to order | 點菜
tiafmzhud | point out, to number | 點出
tiafmzhvea | warn (by a hint) of a plot or other danger | 提醒
tiafmzong | punctiform, dot-like | 點狀
tiafmzøee | call a roll | 點齊
tiamtiafm | pinch- like sand in shoes | 砧砧
tiaochiaf | crane; hoist | 吊車
tiaohor lixsafn | induce the enemy to leave their entrenchments | 調虎離山
tiaokoaf | hymn of condolence | 慰問; 悼歌
tiaoteng'afhoef | chandelier | 吊燈仔花
tiaotvoaf | writ of summons; subpoena; summons for appearance in court | 傳票; 召集令
tiap'afkuo | a while; a moment; for some time; in just a moment | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tiarm'afkhaf | asphalt | 點仔膠
tiarm'afpvy | shop side | 店仔邊
tiarm'ar-kaf | a song | 點仔膠; 點膠
tiarmkaf | shop | 店家
tiarmkhafng | hide in a hole; cave; be at home don't like to go out | 玷孔; 躲在洞內; 居家無出
tiau'oafn | tie (a tree) so as to make it crooked | 拉彎
tiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 專程來
tiaukafng | set purpose; intentionally | 刁工; 雕工; 故意
tiaukheaf | sculptor; engraver; carver | 雕刻家
tiausafm boxsux | to swindle by a clever trick; inconsistent; whimsical; freakish (Lit. three in the morning and four in the evening ─ This expression refers to the story of a man who promised his monkeys three chestnuts in the morning and four in the evening. They object | 朝三暮四
tiauzaf hoxkhao | census | 調查戶口
tiauzaf uyoaan | investigation committee | 調查委員
tiauzaf | to investigate; to study; to survey; check up on; send for to examine | 調查
tibahtiafm | pork anvil | 豬肉砧
tidjidkvoaf | officer on duty for the day | 值日官
tidpafn | on watch; on duty; take a turn on duty; be on duty; have this shift | 值班
tidsengkvoaf | officer on duty for the week | 值星官
tidtadchiaf | express; nonstop express (train or bus) | 直達車
tiefngagkvoaf | prison guard; prison official | 典獄官
tiefnlafmhoe | exhibition; exposition; a fair | 展覽會
tiefnlafmphirn | exhibit | 展覽品
tienkafn | epilepsy | 癲癇
tiet'hagkaf | philosopher | 哲學家
tiexn'oexsviaf | phone call | 電話聲
tiexnchiaf | an electric tramcar; streetcar | 電車
tiexnhoefthiauafkhaf | street light column bottom | 電火柱仔跤
tiexnkafng | electrician | 電工
tiexnlienchiaf | electric train | 電聯車
tiexntoxngchiaf | electric car | 電動車
tiexnviafhiehngg | movie theater | 電影戲園
tiexnviafkaix | world of movies | 電影界
tiexnviafkoarn | cinema | 電影館
tiexnviafphiøx | movie ticket | 電影票
tiexnviafvi | movie theater | 電影院
tikafng | boar | 公豬
tikhaf | pig's legs; ham; pettitoes | 豬腳; 豬跤
tikvoaf | pig's liver | 豬肝
tikvoaf-seg | maroon color | 豬肝色
tikøcviaf | old boar | 豬哥精; 老豬精
tikøf khafn tuix guhy khix | to bring a boar to the cow market put the saddle on the wrong horse (literally) | 張冠李戴; 牛頭無對馬嘴
timbek kvoafgieen | taciturn | 沉默寡言
tiofng uu kokkaf | be faithful to one's fatherland | 忠於國家
tiofngkvoaf | governor; one's superior in office; a commanding officer | 長官
tiogkaf | every house, house by house | 逐家
tiong'iongsvoaf | Central mountains | 中央山
tiongkafn | in the middle; in the center; midway; between | 中間; 之間
tiongkafng | Yangtze River | 長江
tiongpafn | mid-class | 中班
tiongsoafnhoe | Election | 中選會
tiongzhafn | lunch | 中餐; 午餐
tiongzhanthviaf | Chinese restaurant | 中餐廳
tirnkafng | hinder or obstruct work | 擋工; 妨礙工作
titiafm | block on which pork is laid out for sale | 豬砧; 肉攤子
titucviaf | spider | 蜘蛛精
tiuafboea | rice tail | 稻仔尾
tiuafhiøh | leave of rice | 稻仔葉
tiuafhngg | rice farm | 稻仔園
tiuafkhox | silk trousers | 綢仔褲
tiuafphafng | rice smell | 稻仔芳
tiuafpox | silk cloth | 綢仔布
tiuafsui | ear of rice | 稻仔穗
tiuafsvaf | silk garments | 綢仔衫
tiuafthaau | rice head | 稻仔頭
tiuafzhaan | farm | 稻仔田
tiutuaftiutuu | hesitate | 躊躇仔躊躇
tix chiekoafn | wearing a crown of thorns (Jesus) | 戴莿冠
tixafn kikoafn | public security organization | 治安機關
tixafn | public security; law and order; police; peace; peace and order of a society or a nation; law and order | 治安
tixhiaf | over there | 佇遐
tixkaf | administer; govern or rule a family | 治家
tixliaau-tvoaf | doctor order sheet | 治療單
tixmtang'afthngf | Taiwanese slow cook hot soup | 燖筒仔湯
tixn-sikafn | occupy one's time | 擋時間; 浪費時間; 阻擋
tizafng | hog bristles | 豬鬃
tiøh cidkviaf | become frightened | 嚇一跳
tiøh zhvekviaf | alarmed; scared | 驚慌
tiøhgiafng | ring a bell by pulling a rope | 拉鈴; 擢鈃; 擊鏘
tiøhsvaf | pluck at a dress | 摘衫; 擢衫; 整衣
tiøkhaf zarmtee | leap or dance about in an excited state; to dance with rage; get angry and stamp one's foot | 頓足跺腳; 暴跳如雷; 氣得頓足
tiøqchvikviaf | frightened | 得青驚; 受驚
tiøqkviaf | scare; be surprised; be astonished; be startled; be frightened | 吃驚; 著驚; 受驚; 害怕
tiøqkviafkafm | spoiled kids | 著囝甘
tiøqsoaf | have a sudden attack of severe colic; cholera; or cramps in the stomach | 中暑; 著痧; 出痧
tiøqzhvekviaf | scare | 著生驚
tiørhi'afng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørhuafng | kingfisher | 釣魚翁
tiørkvoaf | fishing rod; fish pole | 釣竿
tng'afiam | inflammation of the intestines; intestinal or bowel catarrh; enteritis | 腸仔炎
tng'afjiet | devoted | 腸仔熱
tng'afliet | devoted | 腸仔熱
tng'afsviuu | mucous discharge from the bowels | 腸仔𣻸
tng'afto | intestines; the inner parts of a man or animal | 腸仔肚
tng'ngfsvaf | long sleeves shirt | 長䘼衫
tngciafm | minute hand (of watch or clock) | 長針; 分針
tngf-iafsiux | trap wild animal | 捕野獸; 設陷阱捕獸
tngfcvikhafng | turnover finance | 轉錢空
tngfoafn | corner, turning, turn the corner | 轉彎
tngfoafn-seqkag | beating around the bush | 轉彎踅角; 拐彎抹角
tngfsviaf | voice changer | 轉聲
tngg-sikafn | long time; long range | 長時間
tngkafng | farm laborer hired for a long time | 長工
tngkofnghiaf | long boots | 長管靴
tngrkhaf | stamp with the foot; stamp one's feet; stamp with rage; impatience or mortification | 跺腳
tngrtvoaf | pawn ticket | 當票
tngsvaf | Chinese long gown; robe or dress | 長袍
tngsvoaf | Mainland China | 唐山
tngtefkhaf | uneven feet | 長短腳
tngx simkvoaf | strike one's breast; when terribly disappointed at losing a good opportunity especially through one's own fault or at finding good news to be false | 搥胸
tngzhang'afkhoghii | crocodile | 長蔥仔鱷魚
to'af | to write badly; to scribble | 塗鴉
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toa-goxngsoaf | whale shark | 大戇鯊
toa-zupwnkaf | great capitalists | 大資本家
toaaftoaxlat | full strength | 大仔大力
toafn | end; take; carry; marge; beginning; extremity; end; correct; proper; upright; modest; sober; decent; neat; well formed | 端
toafn'imkay | minor scale (in music) | 短音階
toafnchiog | short; brevity; briefness; short (time or life); brief; transient; ephemeral; terse | 短促
toafnciam | transient; brief; short period | 短暫
toafnkhiaxm | short of | 短欠
toafnkiexn | short view | 短見
toafnpefng | short pawn | 短兵
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
toafnphao | short distance race; sprint | 短跑
toafnsi | shortsignted; cannot see beyond one's nose | 短視
toafnsiao | lack of | 短少
toafntvar | bunt; to bunt (in baseball) | 短打
toahthafng | open a sliding window | 大窗
toarvixtvoaf | hospital bill | 蹛院單
toaxanghoaf | big red flower | 大紅花
toaxaukhafng | second day after tomorrow | 大後日
toaxchiaf | a cart | 大車
toaxchiuxkhaf | under big tree | 大樹跤
toaxhoatkvoaf | grand justice | 大法官
toaxhviaf | the eldest brother; eldest brother | 大兄; 長兄; 大哥
toaxkafng | skillful workman | 大工; 匠工
toaxkangsafn | big rivers and mountains- implay a country | 大江山
toaxkhafng | generous; elegant and composed; in good taste | 大方
toaxkiafmkex | great reduction in price ─ great sale | 大減價
toaxkiøkhaf | under the big bridge | 大橋跤
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toaxkviaf | great fright | 大驚
toaxkvoaf | ranking officials | 大官
toaxlaxnphaf | big penis | 大𡳞脬
toaxmoaf | cope (clothes) | 大披; 大袍
toaxna'aukhafng | stentorian voice; very strong or sonorous voice | 大嚨喉孔
toaxnawkhaf | cerebral peduncles | 大腦腳
toaxoafn | big fight; bug curve | 大冤; 大灣
toaxpafn | big class; Beijing Opera | 大班; 大戲; 京戲
toaxpan'aftoaxpan | generous | 大範仔大範
toaxsafm | big tree | 大杉
toaxsaihviaf | big brother | 大師兄
toaxseasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoatsvoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoeasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsuhviaf | big brother | 大師兄
toaxsviaf | loud sound; loud voice | 大聲
toaxsviaseasviaf | screaming | 大聲細聲
toaxsvoaf | big mountain | 大山
toaxsøeasviaf | to quarrel; to have a row | 大小聲; 大聲嚷叫; 吵架
toaxthafng | strabismus, squint | 斜视
toaxthauciafm | pin | 大頭針
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
toaxthoaf | agricultural tools for concentrating millet | 大拖
toaxthviaf | a big hall; the main hall; lobby; saloon; main hall or reception room of a large house; parlor | 大廳
toaxto-koafn | eastern cuckoo | 大肚關; 杜鵑
toaxtoaxsviaf | very loud | 大大聲
toaxtoxsvoaf | a mountain in Taiwan | 大肚山
toaxvoafkofng | big bowl | 大碗公
toaxzhafn | big meal | 大餐
toexkiafmsuo | local procuratorate | 地檢署
tofngkafng | the platform of a political party; political party worker | 黨綱; 黨工
tofngkoaf | song of a political party; political song | 黨歌
toggafnlioong | somebody blind in one eye | 獨眼龍
togkaf keng'eeng | engage in a line of business without competition | 獨家經營
togkaf | exclusive | 獨家
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
tokkafng | oversee work or workmen, overseer, superviser | 督工
tokphvixsvoaf | pointed nose | 篤鼻山
tong'afsør | father side cousin's wife | 堂仔嫂
tong'oafnzeq | children's play | 童玩節
tonggoafnzeq | children's play | 童玩節
tonghoafn | do duty by turns; be on duty (archaic) | 當番; 輪班當值
tonghviaf | older nephew | 堂兄
tongkaf | be in charge | 當家
tongkafm kioxngkhor | stick together through thick and thin; sharing joys and sorrows; share bliss and adversity together | 同甘共苦
tongkafng | child labor | 童工
tongkhor-tongkafm | sharing each other's fortunes; share the ups and downs of life | 同苦同甘
tonglok boafnhoe | evening party (held within an organization; school) | 同樂晚會
tongpafn | a classmate; same class | 同班
tongsafn zaekhie | again take up official duties; return to officialdom; be reinstated; stage a comeback (said of a retired person) | 東山再起
tor-gafnlek | exert one's power of sight; as in examining an article before buying; to scrutinize | 賭眼力
torng'afsviaf | brake noise | 擋仔聲
torngchiaf | put on the brake; stop a passing car; traffic jam | 煞車; 攔車; 堵車
torngsoafnjiin | successful candidates | 當選人
torngsviaf | brake noise | 噸聲
tosw koafnlyoaan | librarian | 圖書管理員
toxciafm | thermometer | 度針
toxkoafn | cuckoo; rhododendron; cuckoo; goatsucker; nightjar | 杜鵑; 小杜鵑
toxkoafn-hoef | azalea, ericaceae flower | 杜鵑花
toxkoex lankoafn | tide over a difficulty | 渡過難關
toxngchiaf | motor car | 動車
toxngkafng | kick off the work | 動工
toxngkhafng | break open a hole; lay bare; speak ill of (a person) behind his back; to backbite; inform the police on (a person) | 穿洞; 背後說人壞話
toxngliefnchiaf | motor vehicle | 動輪車
toxngthviaf | eloquent, convincing | 動聽
toxzafm | thermistor | 度針
toxzaikhafng | belly button | 肚臍空
tuafkvar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tuafkviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
tuaflai | in the cabinet | 櫥仔內
tuafterng | cabinet top | 櫥仔頂
tudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tudkeg kiafmzaf | make a search without prior notice or announcement | 突擊檢查
tudlienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tuiciaf | from here, from this point | 從這; 對遮
tuiehiaf | toward there, to that | 對那; 對遐
tuiehiaf-khix | going toward there, toward that direction | 對那去; 對遐去
tuiehøxchiaf | reserved seat train | 對號車
tuiekafngky | walkie talkie | 對講機
tuiekhim'afsvaf | collars | 對襟仔衫
tuieoexsviaf | dialogue | 對話聲
tuihiaf-khie | from there on, starting from that point | 從彼起; 對遐起; 從那起
tuii khaciahphviaf | massage the back by light pounding with fists | 搥背
tuikaf uxsoaxn | additional budget; supplementary budget | 追加預算
tuikaf | to make an addition; superaddition; backhander; make an addition; add to a list something omitted; make a supplementary charge | 追加
tuisimkvoaf | strike the breast; beat the breast (in deep grief) | 搥心肝
tuizaf | to investigate; to trace; follow up | 追查
tukafng | male pig | 豬公
tukhaf | pig leg | 豬跤
tukvoaf | pig liver | 豬肝
tuozog-kaf | author, writer | 著作家
tuozokkaf | author; writer | 著作家; (者)
tuthafng | shop window | 櫥窗
tutiafm | pig anvil | 豬砧
tvaf hør`ar | No more; thank you! Enough of that! | 夠了 謝了
tvaf tiøh hai`ar | darn it! | 糟了
tvaf tiøh sie`ar | darn it! | 糟死了
tvaf | carries with a pole over the shoulder; take responsibility; undertake; sustain; endure | 擔; 今; 現在
tvaf-bøexkhie | too heavy to lift up on a carrying pole; unable to carry the load; too great a responsibility for some individual of for one person | 挑無起; 擔袂起; 擔不起
tvaf-taxngtvax | carry a heavy load | 挑重擔
tvaf-zekjim | bear responsibility | 負責任
tvafab | suppress | 打壓
tvafafmi | popular noodle dish in Taiana | 擔仔麵
tvafciab | bile; bilious; bile | 膽汁
tvafciab-pvi | biliousness (sickness) | 膽汁病
tvafcied | to discount; at a discount | 打折
tvafciøh | gallstone | 膽石
tvafciøh-pvi | chololithiasis | 膽石病
tvafhoad | to dispatch; send away | 打發
tvafhøefky | a lighter | 打火機
tvafiaam | bile salts | 打鹽; 膽鹽
tvafiam | inflammation of the gallbladder | 膽炎
tvafji | to do typing work; to typewrite; to type | 打字
tvafjiao | to disturb; to bother; to trouble | 打擾
tvafjixky | typewriter | 打字機
tvafkag | oblique angle; bevel angle | 挑角; 斜對角
tvafkeg | to deal a blow upon; to give a blow to; to strike a blow; blow; shock; hit; (in baseball) hitting; batting | 打擊
tvafkek | to hit, to beat, to strike, to shock, struck, shocked, a beating, a blow | 打擊
tvafkek'oong | big time hitter in baseball | 打擊王
tvafkeklut | batting average | 打擊率
tvafkhix | pump up with air (c.f.; goan-hong); invigorate; encourage; give a pep talk; (c.f.; ka-iu) | 打氣
tvafkhoax | to crush, to break down | 打看; 打垮
tvafkiab | take by force; to plunder; commit robbery or pillage | 打劫
tvafkngr | bile duct | 膽管
tvafkorsuun | cholesterol | 膽固醇
tvafkvar | brave to do so | 膽敢
tvafliao | disturb | 打擾
tvafliong | to meas | 打量; 測量
tvaflong'iam | cholelithiasis; cholecystitis; inflammation of the gallbladder | 膽囊炎
tvafloong | gallbladder; bile bladder | 膽囊
tvafloong-iam | have cholecystitis, have inflammation of the | 膽囊炎
tvafluii | thunder | 打雷
tvafløo | to salvage, to refloat | 打羅; 打撈
tvafma | beat and abuse | 打罵
tvafmafkaf | chian; asphalt; tar | 打馬膠; 柏油
tvafpai | defeat; to suffer a defeat; be defeated in battle | 打敗
tvafpan | dress up; make up; titivate; to make up (said of a woman; actor or actress); dressed like | 打扮
tvafpax | target practice | 打靶
tvafpaxnzøx | dress up as | 打扮做
tvafphau putpeeng | help victims of injustice; try to redress an injustice to the weak | 打抱無平
tvafphoax | break | 打破
tvafsaux | to clean out; house clean; sweep | 打掃
tvafseg | courage | 膽色
tvafsiaw si'ix | withdraw a resignation | 打消辭意
tvafsiaw | cancel; abolish; give up (an intention) | 打消
tvafsiofng | to wound or injure by beating; contusion | 打傷
tvafsngx | to plan; to intend; to prepare; purpose | 打算
tvafsoaxn | intend; plan | 打算
tvafthaau zai | very courageous | 膽壯
tvafthaau | courage; belly; nerve; gut | 膽頭; 膽量
tvaftharng | seal up a coffin awaiting burial | 停柩; 打桶; 停靈
tvafthaxm | make a quiet investigation, make a secret investigation | 打探; 刺探
tvafthay | to have an abortion on purpose; abortion; intentional abortion | 打胎
tvafthoex | to beat back | 打退
tvafthøex | to beat back | 打退
tvaftiap | maltreat (as a woman does to a female slave); to torture | 虐待; 打揲; 整人
tvaftoan | interrupt, discontinue | 打斷
tvaftong | moved | 打動
tvaftor | make a bet; to wager | 打賭
tvaftø | cystic duct | 打道; 膽道
tvaftør | to strike down; to knock it down; knock down; to overthrow; (in slogans) down with... | 打倒
tvafzah | look after; care for; attend to; support; assist; help | 照顧; 支援
tvafzap | to do odd jobs | 打雜
tvafzaq | beat | 打扎
tvafzerng | to dress up | 打整; 裝飾
tvafzhao kviazoaa | beat the grass and startle the snakes ─ frighten out of cover | 打草驚蛇
tvafzhar | annoy peoples | 打吵; 打攪
tvafzø | mediate | 打坐
tvakafng | workman | 打工; 擔工; 苦力
tvarafmi | danzi noodles | 擔仔麵
tvarafui | a small or booth vendor | 擔仔位
tvazhafng bøexzhaix | to do small business (Lit. carry onion and sell it) | 挑蔥賣菜; 比喻做小生意
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tviaf | to stumble; stagger; totter; to go out and play (a child) | 顛; 蹣跚; 遛蕩
tviaf`løqkhix | person falls down | 跌落去; 跌倒落去
tviafaflai | inside ding pot | 鼎仔內
tviafaftea | ding pot bottom | 鼎仔底
tviafar | pot; pan; small hollowware | 打仔; 鼎仔; 小鍋; 小鍋子
tviafhvi | handle of a pan | 鍋耳; 鍋把手
tviafkhaxm | lid of a rice cooker | 鍋蓋
tviafkoarterng | ding pot cover | 鼎蓋頂
tviafkoax | pan cover; lid of a rice boiler | 鼎蓋; 鍋蓋
tviafkvii | edge of a pan | 鼎邊; 鍋邊
tviafoear | ding pot | 鼎鍋仔
tviafphie | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕; 鍋巴; 鍋粑
tviafphyar | the hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice (pngxphie is more common to use) | 鼎疕仔; 鍋巴
tviafpvisøo | a southern Taiwanese dish | 鼎邊趖
tviafpvy | ding pot side | 鼎邊
tviaftea | ding pot bottom | 鼎底
tviafthuun | carbon incrustation on backside of a pan | 鼎灶; 鍋灰
tviaftuun | the edge of a pot | 鍋緣
tviafzai'øf | center of pot | 鼎臍鍋
tviafzaux | cooking pots and cook-stove; kitchen range | 鼎灶
tviafzhex | scrubbing brush for cleaning rice boilers | 鍋刷
tviafzhoex | bamboo scrubbing-brush or a cooking pan | 鼎搓; 竹刷子
tviarchiaf | windlass for raising an anchor | 鼎車; 絞盤; 起錨機
tviaxtvoaf | an order for goods, an order list | 定單
tvikam'afbidtvy | fruit sweet | 甜甘仔蜜甜
tvikhaf | Chinese foot binding | 纏腳
tvikhaf-tvichiuo | be a hindrance; encumbrance or impediment; (a family) holds one back from work | 纏手纏腳; 礙手礙腳
tviukoafn lytaix | wrong attribution; mistaken identity (Lit. put Mr. Tiu's hat on Mr. Li) | 張冠李戴
tviwkvoaf | an official boss | 官長; 長官
tvixboafnboarn | fill full | 滇滿滿
tvixmoafmoar | very full (of liquid); very crowded | 滿滿的
tvoaf | odd (number); single; alone; sole; only; simple; check; bill; list; slip of paper; ticket | 單
tvoaf-ynhø | single quotation marks (') | 單引號
tvoaftvoar | constantly, over and over | 單單; 繼續地
tvoakhaf | foot of an altar; single foot | 單腳; 壇腳
tvoatafng | having only one harvest in the year | 單冬; 一期作
tvoatvoaf | alone; singly; solitary | 單單
tw'afciaq | just now, just a moment ago | 抵仔才; 剛才
twafhør | just right | 拄仔好
twhøfaftwhør | just right | 拄好仔拄好
twtwafhør | just right | 拄拄仔好
tøe'afsvoax | ramie thread | 苧仔線
tøefkafng | temporary work | 短工
tøefsvaf | short dress, short jacket | 短衫
tøexhngkvoaf | official over a locality or region | 地方官
tøexkaf | additional | 遞加
tøexsvaf | third; thirdly | 第三
tøh'afbin | table surface | 桌仔面
tøh'afkhaf | under the table | 桌仔跤
tøh'afkvii | table edges | 桌仔墘
tøh'afpvy | table side | 桌仔邊
tøh'afterng | table top | 桌仔頂
tøh'afthoaq | table drawer | 桌仔屜
tøh'afui | table seats | 桌仔位
tøhkhaf | under a table; legs of a table; table legs; under the desk | 棹腳; 桌跤; 桌子下; 桌腳
tøhterng ny kafm | As easy as picking up the orange on the table ─ easy as falling off a log | 桌上取柑; (易如反掌)
tør-thafnchiøx | laughing loud | 倒袒笑
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tør-thafnkhab | fall or lie up-side-down; fall face down | 倒坦伏
tør-thafnkhisyn | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧身; 側臥
tør-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧; 側臥
tør-thafntit | lying straight along | 倒坦直; 縱臥
tørchiwaf | lefty | 倒手仔
tørchiwafkaau | lefty | 倒手仔猴
tørchiwafkvoae | left hand | 倒手仔桿
tørchiwafvoaiq | lefty | 倒手仔𨂿
tørkhaf | left foot; left leg; left foot | 左腳
tøsafnhu | multiparous woman | 多產婦
tøsi afnnef | indeed; it is so; everything is just that way; all that way | 都是這樣
tøtiafm | cutting board | 刀砧; 砧板
tøtoafn | many kinds; a great variety; many parts; in many ways | 多端
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃
tøxlafm'oaan | guide | 導覽員
u axn khøfzaf | can be checked against the files | 有案可查
u kafngkiux | requiring a particular skill; has a lot of experience | 有講究
u sviafpo | what can be done? | 有什麼好法子
u tafmliong | have courage or guts | 有膽量
u-gafnkofng | far-seeing, far-sighted, sagacious | 有眼光
u-oafnkiexn | far-sighted | 有遠見
u-pafag | capable, believe to be able to handle | 有把握
u-siongkafn | consequential, important | 有相干; 相關
uichviuafterng | wall top | 圍牆仔頂
uie'afn | comfort, console | 慰安; 安慰
uieafn | to comfort, to console, consolation | 慰安; 安慰
uihoafnciar | offender; violator | 違反者
uihuisafmzøx | do evil | 為非糝做
uii lipaf | put a fence around property | 圍籬笆
uikoafn | onlookers | 圍觀
uisafnsøex | legacy tax; inheritance tax | 遺產稅
uixkafng | work of painting, ornamental painter | 畫工
uixpafng | sketchpad | 畫板
uixphoarkhafng | stomach rupture | 胃破空
uixsvafmiq | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixsviafmih | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixsviafmiq | why? For what? | 為啥物
uixzvoafviu | why? For what? | 為怎樣
ujiafmtiøh | polluting | 汙染著
uliafmgoaan | pollutant | 汙染原
un'afhii | bitterling, round herring, mud carp (fish) | 鰮仔魚; 鱊
un'afhuu | farm fish | 鰮仔魚
un'afsi | be calm | 緩仔是
un'un'afhea | even fire | 勻勻仔火
un'un'afhoea | even fire | 勻勻仔火
un'un'afsi | take your time | 溫溫仔的; 別急
unkafn | clouds | 雲間
unzhaf | temperature difference | 溫差
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
utsvaf | to iron clothes; iron clothes | 熨衫; 熨衣服
uxcidkafng | one day | 有一工
uxhongciafm | vaccination | 預防針
uxkhaf-uxchiuo | healthy; can operate freely | 手腳健全; 行動自由
uxkhafng | have a hole; to have an opportunity; be wealthy | 有洞; 有錢
uxkhafng-bøsurn ee | meaningless; useless | 無意義的
uxkvoaf | reserve officer (military) | 預官
uxnkafng | carrier | 運工
uxnkoafn | transport a coffin | 運棺; 運柩
uxnpvoaf | transport | 搬運; 運搬
uxntong-kaf | athlete, sportsman | 運動家
uxntoxngkaf | sportsman; athlete | 運動家
uxntoxngsvaf | sweatshirt | 運動衫
uxnzhauchiaf | bnknote car | 運鈔車
uxnzoafnchiuo | driver | 運轉手
uxpi-kunkvoaf | reserve officer; officer on the reserve list | 預備軍官
uxsafnkii | due date of baby | 預產期
uxsviaf-uxseg | vivid; impressive (description or performance) | 有聲有色
uxthafng | possibly it can or it may | 有通; 能夠
uyjixmkvoaf | appointed officials | 委任官
veafkhaf | infant feet | 楹仔跤
vi'afhoef | Gomphrena globosa, commonly known as globe amaranth, makhmali, and vadamalli | 圓仔花; 千日紅
vi'afthngf | with sweet or flavored soup | 圓仔湯
vi'afzhex | rice dough | 圓仔脆
vi'afzhoex | rice dough for making rice ball | 圓仔粞
vi'afzhøex | rice dough | 圓仔粞
viaf | a tassel; ribbon | 纓
viaf`cide | flash | 晃一下
viafbak | conspicuous; showy | 顯眼
viafbee | movie fan | 影迷
viafbo-siong | on the screen | 螢幕上
viafchvy | film star; movie star | 影星
viafciaq | shadow | 影跡
viafcip | TV serial programs and sit-coms | 影集
viaferng | picture projection | 映演
viafhix | movie; motion picture; a kind of shadow-graph performance | 影戲; 電影
viafirnky | copy machine | 影印機
viafixn | photogravure; photocopying | 影印
viafjiaq | mark; traces; vestige | 痕跡; 蹤跡
viafkoazhvef | movie star | 影歌星
viafliaq | shadow | 影跡
viafpheeng | film criticism or evaluation; movie reviews | 影評
viafphvix | movie film; movie; cinema film | 影片
viafpiin | projection screen | 影屏; 銀幕
viafpurn | copy | 影本
viafsi | film and television | 影視
viafsia | allude to; to imply; to insinuate; to hint | 影射
viafsiong | image; figure; image; portrait; picture | 映像; 影像
viafsiong-gexsut | the art of photo-taking | 影像藝術
viafsioxngkoarn | TV picture tube | 影像管
viafsviaa | cinema | 影城
viaftex | actor | 影帝
viaftiern | photographic exhibition; film festival; international film festival international exhibition of photography | 影展
viaftoax | film | 影帶
viaftviuu | conspicuous; showy | 顯目
viaftvoaa | movie circles; movie world | 影壇
viafym | audiovisual | 影音
viafzhvef | movie star | 影星
vie'afciao | swallow | 燕仔鳥
vie'afsiu | swallow nest | 燕仔岫
vikho'afheeng | round shape | 圓箍仔形
vikho'aflai | inside the circle | 圓箍仔內
visvoaf | rounded mountain which is a place in Taipei | 圓山
vithafng | circular window | 圓窗
vitøh'afterng | round table top | 圓桌仔頂
viuafbak | eye which does not close completely when the person is asleep | 羊眼目
viuafhiexn | lamb smell | 羊仔羶
viuafkviar | baby lamb | 羊仔囝
viuafsae | lamb shit | 羊仔屎
viuafthaau | lamb head | 羊仔頭
viuchiaf | western car | 洋車
viukafng | he-goat (very young or castrated) | 公羊
viumngsvaf | wool sweater | 羊毛衫
viumosvaf | woolen sweater; wool (clothing) | 羊毛衣
viusafm | ginseng | 洋參
viutøafkviar | baby star fruit | 楊桃仔囝
viuzhafng | onion | 洋蔥
viwafm`ee | historically referred to members of lesser standing in the family | 養粥的; 家中無權力之人
vixpafng | Gentile nations | 異邦
vixpafng-laang | gentile person, foreigner | 異邦人
vixtoafn | heresy; heretical; heterodox; heterodoxy; heresy; false doctrine | 異端
voaf | saddle | 鞍
voafafhoef | ivy-leaf morning glory, Chinese morning glory | 碗仔花
voafar | bowl | 碗仔
voafbø'ar | skull cap | 碗帽仔; (無邊便帽)
voafgoa | bowl outside | 碗外
voafkea | half price, fifty per cent discount | 碗粿
voafkoea | despise, slight | 碗粿
voafkofng | big bowel; large serving bowl | 碗公; 大碗; 大的碗; 海碗
voafkonghoef | morning glory | 碗公花; 牽牛花
voafkud | skull | 顱骨; 頭蓋骨
voafkui | cupboard; kitchen cabinet | 碗櫃
voafkvii | edge of a bowl | 碗緣
voafkøea | rice bowl cake | 碗粿
voafkøf | What kind of stuff... (always used with symmih; impolite way to ask the stuffsl) | 碗糕; 玩意兒; 什麼東西
voafkøkea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
voafkøkoea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
voaflai | bowl inside | 碗內
voafliau | porcelain | 碗料; 搪瓷; 瓷器
voafphied | bowls and plates | 碗碟; 碗盤
voafpox | a piece of cloth for cleaning dishes | 碗布
voafpvoaa | dishes; china | 碗盤
voaftao | bowl | 碗斗
voafthaau | top of the bowl | 碗頭
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
voafthngf | soup in a bowl | 碗湯
voafthoo | clay for porcelain | 碗土; 陶土; 瓷器
voafti | (n) dishware; tableware; bowls and chopsticks | 碗箸; 碗筷; 餐具
voaftu | bowl and chopsticks | 碗箸
voaftuu | sideboard; china cupboard; china cabinet | 碗櫥
voaftøea | bottom of the bowl | 碗底
voafux | anchorage, harbor, haven | 港口; 避風港
voafvoar | every bowl | 碗碗
voafzhuix | the ring of a bowl | 碗嘴
voaxchiaf | change cars; trains; to transfer to another train | 換車
voaxhoafn | change shift | 換番
voaxpafn | change shifts; to change to another class; take turns | 換班
voaxsvaf | change clothing | 換衫; 換衣服
voaxtvoaf | change the ticket or certificate (Certificate of Deposit) | 換單; (如定存到期要換)
wn siong kaf wn | grace added to grace; special favor | 恩上加恩
wn'afhii | sardine; fram raised fish | 塭仔魚
wn'afzhaan | fish farm | 塭仔田
wntafng | second rice harvest; about the tenth month | 溫冬; 第二期作
wtiu-kafn | In the universe | 宇宙間
wtiu-koafn | world outlook, cosmology | 宇宙關; 宇宙觀
wtiuxkoafn | cosmological view | 宇宙觀
yafkhaf | under the chair | 椅仔跤
yafterng | chair top | 椅仔頂
yafzu | chair cushion | 椅仔苴
yliauafterng | bench top | 椅條仔頂
yze'afterng | on top of chair | 椅坐仔頂
zabgøeh-tafng | winter arrived in October | 十月冬
zabgøeqtafng | second rice harvest during the tenth month | 二期稻
zabhea'aftiaxm | grocery store | 雜貨仔店
zabhoea'aftiaxm | grocery store | 雜貨仔店
zabhøea'aftiaxm | general grocery store | 雜貨仔店
zabofgyn'aflaang | girl | 查某囡仔人
zabofkafn'ar | female servant | 查某𡢃仔
zabofkafng | female worker | 查某工
zabofkviafjit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zabofkviaflit | girls' day | 查某囝日
zabsvaf | thirteen | 十三
zabzefng'afkviar | half caste; child whose mother is a woman of ill fame | 雜種仔囝; 混血兒
zabzheafkafng | handyman | 雜差仔工
zad sikafn | make arrangement so as to keep a schedule | 計時
zadhafm | very close together (of sugar cane) | 節密; (有節植物)
zaehøeatvoaf | manifest; bill of lading | 載貨單
zaekafng | delivery (merchants) | 載工; 運貨
zaesafm | repeatedly | 再三
zaesvaf | again and again | 再三
zaesvaf-zaesix | again and again; over and over again | 再三再四
zaethiafm | add more | 再添
zaethviaf | listen again | 再聽
zaetvoaf | load list | 載單
zaf | investigate; to check; seek out; look into | 查
zaf-exhngf | last night, yesterday evening | 昨下昏; 昨晚
zaf-extaux | yesterday noon | 昨下晝; 昨天中午
zafafn | Good Morning! | 早安
zafarmkhørkefng | morning and evening prayer (Catholic) | 早晚課經
zafaxm | morning and night, sometimes early | 早暗; 早晚
zafban | sooner or later; any time; sooner or later; some day; eventually | 早慢; 遲早; 早晚
zafchi | morning market | 早市
zafchiaf | the first train; bus on the schedule | 早車
zafcidjit | at an early date | 早一日
zafcioong | early from, since as early as | 早從
zafhoe | morning briefing | 早會
zafhwn | get married at young age; early marriage; to marry young | 早婚
zafiu | early pumelo | 早柚
zafjit | in near future; ancient time; early days | 早日; 往日; 早期; 先前
zafkafn | morning | 早間
zafkaux | arrive early; arrive ahead of time | 早到
zafkex | girls get married at young age; girl who marries young | 早嫁
zafkhie | this morning; get up early | 早上; 早起
zafkhie-png | breakfast | 早起飯
zafkhie-sii | in the morning | 早起時; 早上
zafkhie-tngx | breakfast | 早起當; 早起頓; 早餐
zafkhuxn | go to be early; go to bed early | 早睡; 早睏
zafkhuxn-zafkhie | go to bed early and get up early next morning; early to bed; early to rise | 早睡早起
zafkhypof | moring | 早起晡
zafkhysi'ar | morning | 早起時仔
zafkhysii | morning | 早起時
zafkhytngx | breakfast | 早起頓
zafkhøx | morning prayers | 早課
zafkii | early period | 早期
zafkuix | draught | 早季
zaflaai | to come early | 早來
zaflit | once upon a time | 早日
zafm | taste | 嚐
zafmbog'ar | sleepers supporting railway track; railway ties; sleepers | 枕木仔
zafmbok | railway tie, mine timber | 枕木
zafmcioxng | behead | 斬將
zafmhek | ingathering; crop | 斬獲
zafmjieen | really; very | 非常; 截然
zafmjien'ar | brand new | 嶄然仔
zafmkoafn | cut off | 斬關
zafmsad | kill | 斬殺
zafmsiuo sixcioxng | behead a criminal and exhibit the severed head to the public as a warning to would be offenders | 斬首示眾
zafmsiuo | decapitated; behead | 斬首
zafmthaau | decapitate | 斬頭
zafmthautaai | guillotine | 斬首台
zafmtiaau | inscription on the criminal to be beheaded | 斬頭; 罪狀
zafmtng zengsy | put an end to a love affair or relationship (Lit. cut off the threads of love) | 斬斷情絲
zafmtng | cut off with one blow of a sword; knife or axe | 斬斷
zafmtuu | cut and remove, clear away, wipe out | 斬除; 剷除
zafmzhao-tukwn | take care of a situation so that it is settled once and for all (Lit. Pull grass out by the roots.) | 斬草除根
zafmzoeh | rapidity and wisdom | 斬截
zafmzøeh | rapidity and wisdom | 斬截; 乾脆
zafn | great (said of something or someone), splendid, grand (slang), neat, nifty, terrific, fierce | 罾*
zafng | low scraggy palm; fibrous bark of palm; horse's mane; topknot of a lady's headdress | 鬃; 騌; 棕
zafng`khix | take away | 提去
zafngthaau | main threads; points; trail; clue of (criminal) investigation | 頭緒
zafngzhao | bundle grass or straw | 捆草
zafnii | former years; early years; some years ago | 早年; 以前的年代
zafpafn | morning shift | 早班
zafpafng | morning shift | 早幫
zafpanchiaf | morning bus | 早班車
zafpangchiaf | morning bus | 早班車
zafpng | breakfast | 早飯
zafpof | morning | 早晡
zafpøx | morning paper | 早報
zafsafnjii | premature infant | 早產兒
zafsarn | born prematurely; premature birth | 早產
zafsek | prematurity; precocity; earliness; be forward for one's age | 早熟
zafsex | to die at an early age | 早世
zafsi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔
zafsiap | premature ejaculation | 早洩
zafsie | die young; early death | 早死; 夭折
zafsie-zafhør | the sooner dead the better (a curse) | 早死早好
zafsiefn | previously | 早先
zafsii | ancient times; early days; morning time | 早時; 早期; 先前
zafsiin | dawn; daybreak; early morning | 早晨
zafsoef | early decrepitude | 早衰
zaftafng | early summer crop of rice | 早冬; 春耕; 早稻; 一期稻
zaftangsii | early days | 早當時
zafthøex | leave office; school; or factory earlier than usual | 早退
zaftiarm | breakfast | 早點
zaftiu | early rice, the first crop of the year | 早稻
zaftngrtiaxm | breakfast restaurant | 早頓店
zaftngsii | early in the day | 早當時
zaftngx | breakfast; breakfast | 早飯; 早頓; 早點; 早餐
zaftongsii | formerly; long ago | 早當時; 很早以前
zaftviuu | a morning show | 早場
zafvoax | morning and night | 早晚; 早晏
zafzar | very eraly morning | 早早; 很早
zafzay | vegetarian breakfast; abstention from any food derived from animals at breakfast | 早齋; 早餐吃素
zafzeeng | formerly; long ago; formerly; in early times; previously | 早前; 從前; 以前
zafzhafn | breakfast; breakfast | 早餐
zafzhantiaxm | breakfast restaurant | 早餐店
zafzhaw | morning calisthenics | 早操
zafzhud-boafnkuy | go out early and return late (often said of a busy person) | 早出晚歸
zafzhwn | early spring | 早春
zafzuxsip | early self-study | 早自習
zah chiaf | stop the car | 閘車
zai'afhngg | plant embryo garden | 栽仔園
zai'afkii | plant embryo season | 栽仔期
zaikhafng | be in on the secret; know the weak points of others; happen to hear | 靈通; 懂門路
zaisafnkaf | a man of wealth (property) | 財產家; 富翁
zaisafnkoaan | ownership of property; property rights | 財產權
zaisafnsøex | property tax | 財產稅
zaitix-liofngkiafm | talented and smart | 才智兩兼
zaiviafahlaq | understand | 知影矣啦
zaiviafbøo | understand ? | 知影無
zaixiaftorng | opposition party or parties | 在野黨
zaixkaf | at home | 在家
zaizeeng zhafmtiong | situation in an afflicted area is serious; a lot of heavy damage | 災情慘重
zaizerngthviaf | department of finance | 財政廳
zakefng-pafn | Bible class | 查經班
zakengpafn | Bible class | 查經班
zanhoaf paixliuo | prostitutes (Lit. faded flowers and withered willows) | 殘花敗柳
zao-bøexkhuikhaf | too busy to leave; cannot leave | 走未開腳; 跑無了
zaokhaf | kitchen; kitchen | 廚房; 灶跤
zaokhafng | stove opening (for fuel) | 灶門; 爐口
zaotiafm | chopping board | 灶砧
zapokafn'ar | male servant | 查埔𡢃仔
zapokafng | male worker | 查埔工
zaqchiaf | hail a cab; hail a ride | 攔車
zarmkhaf | make noise with feet | 踐腳; 跺腳; 醮腳
zarnbykoaf | praise song | 讚美歌
zarnpafng | duckboards; pallet | 棧板
zarnpangkhaf | duckboards bottom | 棧枋跤
zarnsviaf | praise | 贊聲; 讚聲
zauthaf | trample; to spoil; to ruin; to insult | 糟蹋
zawafng | husband ran away | 走尪
zawbexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawboexkhuikhaf | unable to get away | 走袂開跤
zawchiaf | steal a ride; to be drivers | 走車; 偷乘車; 當司機
zawkeafsiefn | warlock | 走街仔仙; 江湖術士
zawkoeafsiefn | warlock | 走街仔仙; 江湖術士
zawsamkoafn | run away to avoid trouble | 走三關
zawsvoaf | hiking | 走山
zawtafng-zawsay | traveling all over the place; constantly on the move | 跑東跑西
zaxhngf-zafkhie | woke up early last night | 昨昏早起
zaxnsviaf | help persuade | 贊聲; 幫忙說
ze-kaq langlafng | there are many vacant seats | 坐得鬆鬆; 坐的人零零落落
zeakoaf | sacrificial song | 祭歌
zeapafn | system | 制頒
zeatafng | worship the winter | 祭冬
zeeng-kaotvaf | up to present, until now | 前至今; 從到今; 目前為止
zefngkahzhvoaf | finger nail thorn | 指甲扦
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zefngthauafboea | finger tail | 指頭仔尾
zefngthauafbøea | finger tip | 指頭仔尾; 指尖
zefngthauafterng | finger tip | 指頭仔頂
zefngthefkoafn | holistic view | 整體觀
zeg liab'aflaang | squeeze the pus out of a boil | 擠瘡; 擠疔膿
zeg thiauafcie | squeeze a pimple | 擠青春痘
zehsviaf | cadence; iambus | 仄聲
zekaf | rule one's household well | 齊家
zekpeh'ahviaf | uncle brother | 叔伯阿兄
zekpehtoaxhviaf | uncle older brother | 叔伯大兄
zeksien-cy-kaf | virtuous family | 積善之家
zeksviaf | cadence; iambus | 仄聲
zeng'afng | former husband | 前夫
zeng'afsviaf | bell sound | 鐘仔聲
zeng-kaotvaf | until now | 從到今; 迄今
zengbit ee kiafmzaf | close examination | 精密的檢查
zengkaf sengsarn | increase of production | 增加生產; 增產
zengkaf | increase; add; enhance; increase; add to | 增加; 僧伽; 和尚
zengkhaf | front hoof; front paw | 前腳
zengkhafn | supplement of a newspaper; an expanded edition on holidays or Sundays | 增刊
zengkhuafkviar | mortar | 舂臼仔囝
zengkoaf | love (amorous) song | 情歌
zengpafng | last time | 前幫; 前次; 前回
zengsiin pafmoar | in high spirit; vigorous and energetic; full of spirit and energy | 精神飽滿
zengsoafnphirn | choice goods | 精選品
zengsviaf | bell sound; toll of a bell | 鐘聲
zengsvoaf | front mountain | 前山
zengthiafm | add on | 增添
zengtiafmhuix | remuneration for teaching paid by the hour | 鐘點費
zengtoafn | cause of dispute; quarrel or fight | 爭端
zengzaf | secret inquiries; inquire secretly | 偵查
zengzhaf | to be different or difference From what is right or standard | 精差; 相差
zengzhuo sikafn | endeavor to avoid wasting time; act quickly; stall for time | 爭取時間
zepvoaf-zepvoaf | and so on | 這般這般
zerngchiuafcied | Arbor Day; March 12; anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's death | 植樹仔節
zernghuo kikoafn | government organ | 政府機關
zerngkafng jin'oaan | political staff officers (military) | 政工人員
zerngkafng | political work (military) | 政工
zerngkhix-koaf | righteous song | 正氣歌
zerngti-kikoafn | political machinery; organ of government | 政治機關
zerngtixkaf | politician; statesman | 政治家
zerngtixkoafn | political aspect | 政治觀
zesviaf | be in unison (singing; shouting) | 齊聲
zexchiaf | take a car; travel by train or car | 坐車; 坐車,乘車
zexkoafn | sit down | 坐關
zexkvaf | be imprisoned | 坐監
zexngkaf | increase | 增加
zexngkhafn | a supplement issue, an enlarged edition | 增刊
zexngkoafn | observe quietly; contemplation | 靜觀
zexngthviaf | listen quietly | 靜聽
zexngtien kafm'exng | electrostatic induction | 靜電感應
zextafng | face east | 坐東
zextafng-varsay | face west with back to east | 坐東俯西
zha'iuu-chiaf | diesel train | 柴油車; 柴油火車
zhaafhang | old ally | 柴仔巷
zhaafky | firewood | 柴仔枝
zhaaftiarmhang | old ally | 柴仔店巷
zhaaftiarmkhao | firewood store | 柴仔店口
zhaaftiaxm | firewood store | 柴仔店
zhachiaf | firewood car | 柴車
zhacidtiafm'ar | almost | 差一點仔
zhadafbak | thief | 賊仔目
zhadafbin | thief | 賊仔面
zhadafchi | market of stolen articles | 賊仔市; 贓物市場
zhadafchiaf | thief car | 賊仔車
zhadafhex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨
zhadafhoex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨
zhadafhøex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨; 贓物
zhadafpof | thief | 賊仔埔
zhadafpor | thief | 賊仔脯
zhadafsexng | thief | 賊仔性
zhadkhaf-zhadchiuo | thief | 賊腳賊手
zhaechi'aflai | traditional market | 菜市仔內
zhaechi'afmiaa | traditional Taiwanese names | 菜市仔名
zhaechi'afoe | market talks | 菜市仔話
zhaechi'afpvy | traditional market side | 菜市仔邊
zhaechi'afthaau | traditional market head | 菜市仔頭
zhaecyafmia | female destiny | 菜子仔命
zhaekvoaf | preserved vegetables | 菜乾
zhaepofafnng | dried radish egg dish | 菜脯仔卵
zhaepofchiafm | dry shredded radish | 菜脯簽
zhaepveafterng | vegetable shed top | 菜棚仔頂
zhaetiafm | a wooden block for cutting vegetable and meat | 菜砧
zhaetuafkhaf | kitchen cabinet | 菜櫥仔跤
zhaetvarafterng | kitchen cabinet top | 菜擔仔頂
zhaetvoaf | menu; bill of fare | 菜單
zhaf cyn-lixkefng | very different | 很離譜; 差真離經
zhaf zøe | differ a lot | 差多
zhaf | fork; a prong; to thrust; to stab | 叉; 差
zhafbøo-loaxze | there isn't much difference | 差不多
zhafchvie | awaken with noise | 吵醒
zhafkelaxtheh | noisy family fighting all the time | 吵家抐宅
zhafkiørsviaf | noise | 吵叫聲
zhafkofphiøx | speculate in stocks | 炒股票
zhafkøenng | scrambled egg | 炒雞蛋
zhafla | annoy, cause disturbance | 吵抐
zhafloan | noisy | 吵亂
zhafm | and (used as a conjunction connecting nouns but not adjectives); with | 和; 摻; 攙; 參; 跟; 加
zhafm'axn | ghastly murder case; tragedy | 慘案
zhafmheeng | atrocity, dreadful deed | 慘行; 暴行
zhafmi | fry noodles; fried noodles | 炒麵
zhafmkek | tragedy; calamity | 慘劇
zhafmkerng | dreadful sight; dire circumstances | 慘景
zhafmkhog | cruel and sadistic | 慘酷
zhafmkiok | dreadful result; tragic ending; wretched circumstances; tragic event; tragedy | 慘劇; 慘局
zhafmkiørsviaf | scream | 慘叫聲
zhafmkiøx | give a blood curdling scream or shriek | 慘叫
zhafmliet | severe; furious; desperate; terrible | 慘烈
zhafmpai | crushing defeat; serious crushing; heavy defeat | 慘敗
zhafmpeh | pale | 慘白
zhafmsad | massacre; cruel massacre; to kill by cruel or violent means | 慘殺
zhafmsie | to die miserably; meet a violent or tragic death | 慘死
zhafmsu | sad thing; tragedy | 慘事
zhafmtam | all gone wrong; difficult (business); pale (face); lacking brightness; dull; miserable; laborious; arduous | 慘憺; 不景氣; 慘淡
zhafmthoxng | deeply grieved; painful; bitter | 慘痛
zhafmtiong | disastrous, calamitous | 慘重
zhafmzheq | miserable | 慘慼
zhafmzhoeq | miserable | 慘慼
zhafmzhøeq | miserable, wretched, repining | 慘慼; 泣不成聲
zhafmzong | miserable condition; tragic sight | 慘狀
zhafn | groan; moan; meal; food; to eat | 餐; 呻; 潺; 呻吟; 孱
zhafn'afkefng | scalion | 蔥仔莖
zhafnau | make a disturbance with noise; create or make a disturbance; be noisy; to quarrel; a clamor; a din | 吵鬧
zhafng | green onion | 蔥
zhafnngxpng | fried rice with egg | 炒卵飯
zhafphafng | seasoning | 炒芳
zhafpng | fry rice; fried rice | 炒飯
zhafsek | fried | 炒熟
zhafsiexnhii | fried eel | 炒鱔魚
zhafsoef | make trouble without a cause; to make trouble out of nothing | 吵衰; 無理取鬧
zhafsviaf | noise | 吵聲
zhaftexphøee | engage in land speculation | 炒地皮
zhafzap | noisy, confused | 吵雜
zhafzhaix | fried vegetables | 炒菜
zhafzhar | fried | 炒炒
zhafzhuix | quarrel | 吵嘴
zhafzhvea | wake a person up by being noisy | 吵醒
zhafzog | hype | 炒作
zhagkhafng | chip; chisel; peck at; make a mortice | 鑿孔
zhahciafm | engage | 插針
zhahpafn | transfer study; place a student from another school according to his grade; enter another school according to one's grade | 插班
zhai ti hiaf | always stay at a place without ever going away like an idle fellow or as a petitioner urgently asking and refusing to depart | 豎在彼; 楞在那兒
zhaihongchiaf | sewing machine | 縫紉車
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaiphvoarkvoaf | judge | 裁判官
zhaisvaf | cut cloth for dress making | 裁衣
zhakvoaf | pork liver (tough not tender) | 柴肝; 質粗硬的豬肝
zhamkaf Misad | attend Mass (Catholic) | 參加彌撒
zhamkaf | join in; participate in; take part in; participation in; participate or take part in; join; join with others | 參加
zhamkoafn | make a tour of; educational tour; make a tour of inspection; to pay a visit to a school | 參觀
zhamsoafnjiin | candidate | 參選人
zhamsoafnliin | candidate | 參選人
zhamzhaf | unequal; not uniform; confused; irregular; mixed in confusion | 參差
zhamzhaf-putzee | uneven | 參差無齊
zhamzhafm | mixed | 摻摻
zhan'afboea | farm end | 田仔尾
zhanchiaf | dining car; dining train; dining car | 餐車
zhang'afpviar | scallions cooky | 蔥仔餅
zhang'afthaau | scallion head | 蔥仔頭
zhang'afzw | chopped scallion | 蔥仔珠
zhanhvoaaflo | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔路
zhanhvoaafterng | rice farm pathway top | 田岸仔頂
zhanhvoaafzhao | rice farm pathway grass | 田岸仔草
zhanhvoaxkhaf | rice farm pathway | 田岸跤
zhankap'afkviar | baby frog | 田蛤仔囝
zhankap'afsiuu | breaststroke | 田蛤仔泅
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanthviaf | dining hall; dining hall; restaurant; mess hall | 餐廳
zhaoheftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhaohiamhiafm | pungent urine odor | 臭薟薟
zhaohoeftaf | burnt | 臭火焦
zhaohøeftaf | burnt; char; scorch | 臭火乾; 燒焦
zhaojiøxhiafm | foul smell of urine | 尿臭味
zhaokhaf | an ulcerated foot | 臭腳; 癩腳
zhaokhafng | rotted out | 缺陷; 東西有洞
zhaoliøxhiafm | smelly urine | 臭尿薟
zhaomiasviaf | bad reputation | 臭名聲
zhaosimkvoaf | always trying to injure people; a wicked mind | 壞心肝; 存心無良
zhaotaf por bøsek | add insult to injury (Lit. substitute uncooked food for burnt food offered to someone to eat) | 截長補短
zhaotaf | scorched; burnt | 燒焦; 臭焦
zhapafng | boards; planks | 柴板
zhapang'afzhngg | firewood room bad | 柴枋仔床
zhapcidkhaf | get involve | 插一跤
zhapkhaf-zhapchiuo | get involved | 插腳插手
zharngzuysvaf | diving suit | 藏水衫
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhatiafm | cutter board; wooden block for cutting things upon | 柴砧
zhaukaf | to search somebody's house and confiscate his property | 抄家
zhaux khazhngf kviaf laang ngf | afraid that one's own secret or fault will be disclosed | 怕人揭瘡疤。
zhauzaf | to confiscate, condiscation | 沒收; 抄查
zhaw'afky | blade of grass, stalk | 草仔枝; 草木
zhawafbi | grass taste | 草仔味
zhawafcie | grass seed | 草仔子
zhawafkea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhawafkoea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhawafky | blade of grass, stalk | 草仔枝
zhawafkøf | grass paste | 草仔膏
zhawafpof | grass ground | 草仔埔
zhawafpoterng | grass ground | 草仔埔頂
zhawafseg | grass color | 草仔色
zhawaftee | herbal tea | 草仔茶
zhawafterng | grass ground | 草仔頂
zhawboefafzoaa | grass snake | 草尾仔蛇
zhawchiøqkoaf | straw mat song | 草蓆歌
zhawmeh'afkofng | grasshopper | 草蜢仔公
zhawphoeafterng | turf | 草皮仔頂
zhawpo'afpvy | turf side | 草埔仔邊
zhawpo'afterng | turf top | 草埔仔頂
zhayhoephafng | men who have always had sex with women and then abandoned them | 採花蜂
zhaykafng | take time | 採工
zhaytekoaf | Hakka folk songs sung while picking tea | 採茶歌
zhe'ahkvoaf | bailiff; process server | 查封官
zhefng'afn | inquire after a person's health; give regards to; pay one's respect to | 請安
zheg sikafn | adjust time to one's convenience | 撥時間
zheg'afmi | noodles with peppery sauce | 擔仔麵
zhehphvai'aftea | backpack bottom | 冊揹仔底
zhehthvoaf | bookstall | 書攤
zhehtuaflai | inside bookshelf | 冊櫥仔內
zhehtøh'afpvy | desk side | 冊桌仔邊
zhehtøh'afterng | desk top | 冊桌仔頂
zheiaqkvoaf | escort officer | 差役官
zheng'afchiu | banyan | 榕仔樹
zheng'afchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔樹跤
zheng'afchiuxkofng | old banyan tree | 榕仔樹公
zheng'afchiuxterng | banyan tree top | 榕仔樹頂
zheng'afkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕仔跤
zheng'afkofng | banyan | 榕仔公
zheng'afkør | banyan fruit | 榕仔果
zhengchiuxkhaf | banyan tree bottom | 榕樹跤
zhengkhieafzhengkhix | clean | 清氣仔清氣
zhengkhietangtafng | very clean | 清氣噹噹
zhengkvoaf | honest officials | 清官
zhengliamkvoaf | an official of integrity | 清廉官
zhengpeh'afchiu | banyan | 榕柏仔樹
zhengphafng | refreshing fragrance; gently and pleasantly fragrant; not too strong | 清香
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengsafn | put on coat or shirt | 青山
zhengsym kvoafiok | purge one's mind of desires and ambitions | 清心寡慾
zhengtvoaf | bill; list; listing; checklist; inventory; detailed list of items which serves as a receipt; statement; statement of account | 清單
zhengzaf | check; investigate; survey thoroughly; thorough checkup | 清查
zhengzhunniafterng | youth ridge top | 青春嶺頂
zherngkhafng | embrasure in a fort or vessel; gun hole for firing; or made by bullet; gun muzzle | 鎗眼
zherngsviaf | sound of gunshot | 鎗聲
zhexngsvaf | dress up; attire; get dressed; put on coat or shirt | 穿衣; 穿衣服
zhngciafm ynsvoax | serve as a go between | 穿針引線
zhngciafm | thread a needle | 穿針
zhngfkhafng | pick a hole in | 尋孔
zhngpafng | headboard | 床枋
zhngtvoaf | bed sheets; bedclothes | 床單
zhoachiafm | draw lots | 抽籤; 撮籤
zhoafbak | oblique eyes | 斜目
zhoafn | bore (a hole); to prick (with a needle or thorn) | 穿; 刺痛
zhoafnbøexli | can't catch one's breath | 喘未離; 無過氣來
zhoafnkhix | breath | 喘氣
zhoafnkhuiekhafng | panting | 喘氣空
zhoafnkhuiesviaf | wheezing | 氣聲喘
zhoafnkhuix | take a breath; breathe | 呼吸; 喘氣
zhoafnphvexphve | wheezing | 喘怦怦
zhoafnphvixphve | breathe heavily; gasp pant; puff | 喘忐忑; 喘得要命
zhoafnpvi | athema | 喘病
zhoafntoaxkhuix | draw a long breath; sigh a deep sigh | 歎大氣
zhoahchiafm | shredded food | 刨籤; 掣籤
zhoahkviaf | scare; affright; spook | 驚嚇
zhoanpafng | let slip something which one has tried to conceal | 穿幫
zhoaqciafm | pointed | 斜尖
zhoaxgyn'afee | babysitter | 帶囡仔的
zhochiuo puxnkhaf | awkward; maladroit; clumsy | 粗手笨腳
zhoexkhafng-zhoexphang | look for an opportunity to extort money or to slander or injure others; look for trouble (Lit. Look for opportunities and place.) | 找孔找隙; 找麻煩
zhokafng | labor worker; unskilled laborer | 粗工
zhokhaf | thick feet | 粗腳
zhokhaf-taxngchiuo | crude acting; rude; violent; wild | 粗手笨腳
zhokippafn | first grade class | 初級班
zhoporsvaf | coarse shirt | 粗布衫
zhorngkhafn | put out the first issue of a periodical | 創刊
zhorngkhafng | plotting; set a snare | 創孔; 玩花樣; 設圈套
zhorngsviaflaq | what's up? | 創啥啦
zhorngtafng-zhorngsay | making odd stuff | 創東創西
zhosiafng | Junior Middle Commercial | 初商
zhosviaf | harsh; rough tone of voice | 粗聲
zhotafng | first winter | 初冬
zhoxng-cvikhafng | make money | 創錢孔; 搞錢
zhuhhoaf | extinguish | 弄熄
zhuie'afm | face mask | 嘴罨; 口罩
zhuie'exhafm | chin | 嘴下頦
zhuieafm | face mask | 喙罨
zhuieciafm | bird's bill, beak | 嘴針; 鳥嘴
zhuiekafng | odd jobs | 碎工; 雜工
zhuiekhafng | mouth; cavity of the mouth | 嘴孔; 嘴巴; 口腔
zhuielafm | animal's snout; muzzle | 口罩; (動物用)
zhuietaf | thirsty | 口渴; 喙焦
zhuihoafn | overthrow a government; prove incorrect a theory or principle | 推翻
zhuilui-gafsuq | tear gas | 催淚瓦斯
zhuimafkapiefn | rush | 催馬加鞭
zhun'afhoef | spring flower | 春仔花
zhun'aflai | inside the village | 村仔內
zhun'aftee | spring tea | 春仔茶
zhunchviaf | very clear | 明白; 清楚
zhunha-chiutafng | spring; summer; autumn; winter | 春夏秋冬
zhunhofng moafbin | smile broadly; cheerful look | 春風滿面
zhunkhaf | stretch out legs | 伸腳
zhunkhaf-zhutchiuo | reaching out | 伸腳伸手
zhunkunbafn'am | stretch tendons | 伸筋挽頷
zhuokhaf | base of a house; tenant of a house | 厝客; 厝跤; 地基
zhuopafn | house shape | 厝辨; 房子形態
zhuoterng-thafng | a dormer window | 厝頂窗
zhuothviaf | hall | 厝廳
zhupafnchiaf | tendency car | 趨板車
zhupafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 敷板; 舖木板
zhut'hoad ee sikafn | time of departure | 出發的時間
zhut'høex-tvoaf | deliver merchandise | 出貨單
zhut'safnte | origin | 出產地
zhut'svoaf | funeral | 出山
zhuteg suotoafn | cardinal virtues (Catholic) | 樞德四端
zhutkafng | do work; to contribute labor | 出力; 義工
zhutkhafn | publish | 出刊
zhutkoafn | carry the coffin to the grave | 出棺
zhutkvaf | be released from prison, get out of jail | 出監; 出獄
zhutpafn | graduate | 出班
zhutpafn'ee | published | 出版的
zhutpafn'giap | publisher | 出版業
zhutpafnbut | publications | 出版物
zhutpafngiap | publishing business | 出版業
zhutpafnhoad | publication law | 出版法
zhutpafnkoaan | literary property; copyright | 出版權
zhutpafnsia | publisher | 出版社
zhutpafnsiofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutsafnte | origin | 出產地
zhutsviaf | making vocal sound; speak out; utter | 出聲
zhutsvoaf | carry a coffin to the grave; funeral procession | 出殯; 出山
zhutthviaf | the bride goes to the dining room to have dinner | 出廳; 結婚當晚新娘出大廳吃晚餐
zhve'afzaang | areca- imply reckless | 菁仔欉
zhveaftii | areca pond | 青仔池
zhveafzaang | betel palm tree (a person dumb as a wooden chicken) | 菁仔欉
zhveangtengkhaf | under traffic light | 青紅燈跤
zhvebeqafciuo | draught beer | 生啤仔酒
zhvehoafn | aborigines of Taiwan; an unruly fellow; unreasonable | 生蕃; 生番; 無講理
zhvehoan'afkviw | spicy pepper | 青番仔薑
zhvekhaf | new hand; raw recruit | 新手
zhvekviaf | be startled at | 驚愕; 生驚; 吃驚
zhvemee mxkviaf zhexng | Ignorance is bliss. What you don't know won't hurt you. (Lit. A blind person doesn't fear a gun.) | 瞎子無怕槍; 初生之犢不畏虎。
zhvepo'afterng | top of the grass field | 青埔仔頂
zhvezhafng | onion | 青蔥
zhvezhang'afthaau | onion | 青蔥仔頭
zhvezhawaftee | herb tea | 青草仔茶
zhvezhawaftiaxm | herb tiaxm | 青草仔店
zhvezhuieafzhvezhuix | verdant | 青翠仔青翠
zhvoaf | clevis pin; stab; prick; a thorn; a splinter | 刺; 扦; 芒刺; 插銷
zhw thafn'ar | spread blanket | 舖毯仔
zhwhoafn | this time | 此番; 今回
zhøexkhafng | seize every opportunity | 尋工; 揣空
zhøfkannafheeng | oliver shape | 草橄欖形
zhøfkoafn jinbeng | treat human life as grass attach no importance to human life | 草菅人命
zng'afboea | village end | 庄仔尾
zng'afgoa | outside village | 庄仔外
zng'afhw | brick dust | 磚仔灰
zng'afiøo | brick kiln | 磚仔窯
zng'afkag | fragment of tile or brick | 磚仔角; 磚塊
zng'aflai | inside village | 庄仔內
zng'afpiaq | brick wall | 磚仔壁
zng'afpvy | brick side | 磚仔邊
zng'aftea | village end | 庄仔底
zng'afthaau | piece of tile or brick | 磚仔頭; 磚塊
zng'afzhux | brick house | 磚仔厝
zngchiaf | to load a car | 裝車
zngkhabin'afzngkhabin | country face | 庄跤面仔庄跤面
zngkhaf | country (as opposed to town or city); rural; village; countryside | 庄腳; 庄跤; 鄉下
zngkhaf-hviaf | farmer; villagers | 莊稼兄
zngkhaf-laang | country man | 莊跤人; 鄉下人
zngkhaf`ee | country man | 庄跤的
zngrgukakciafm | stubborn | 鑽牛角尖
zngrkhafng | make a hole; bore a hole; drill; bore or make a hole like an insect or drill | 鑽孔
zoadkaf | extremely good; excellent | 絕佳
zoadkhafn | cease publication | 絕刊
zoadtuix hoafntuix | positively against another's demands | 絕對反對
zoafab'ar | carton | 紙盒仔; 紙匣
zoafap | paper case | 紙盒
zoafbin | paper face | 紙面
zoafchviuo | paper mill | 紙廠
zoafcvii | paper money for dead; mock money burned in idolatrous rites | 紙錢; 冥紙
zoafcviw | paper pulp | 紙漿
zoafgiap kongsy | pulp and paper mill | 紙業公司
zoafgiap | paper industry or enterprise | 紙業
zoafhaang | paper shop; a shop selling paper | 紙行
zoafhefkøf | Paper hot pot | 紙火鍋
zoafhii | paper fish | 紙魚
zoafhix | paper-slide show | 紙戲; 紙人故事(教學)
zoafhoef | paper flower | 紙花
zoafhoefkøf | paper hot pot | 紙火鍋
zoafhor | paper tiger | 紙虎
zoafhoxsvoax | paper umbrella | 紙雨傘
zoafhuiky | paper airplane | 紙飛機
zoafhuilengky | paper airplane | 紙飛行機
zoafhw | paper ash; ashes of paper | 紙灰
zoafhwn | cigarette | 紙煙
zoafhøh | paper crane | 紙鶴
zoafiuo'ar | shredded paper | 紙幼仔
zoafiux | shredded paper | 紙幼; 紙屑
zoafji | Paper word | 紙字
zoafkheh'ar | paper box | 紙篋仔
zoafkhix | paper container | 紙器
zoafkhoesvix | paper fan | 紙詼扇
zoafkhok'ar | paper bag | 紙觳仔
zoafkin'ar | paper towel | 紙巾仔
zoafkngr | paper roll | 紙捲
zoafkyn | paper napkin | 紙巾
zoaflaang | paper servants (burned in funerals) | 紙人; (陪葬用)
zoaflarng | garbage can for paper | 紙籠
zoafli | paper word | 紙字
zoafliaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoafliau | quality of paper | 紙料; 紙錢
zoafliau'ar | paper strip | 紙條仔
zoafliauar | long strips of paper torn evenly | 紙條子
zoaflog | bag | 紙橐; 紙袋
zoaflok'ar | paper bags | 紙袋仔; 紙橐仔
zoafn | focus on; specialize in; only; specially; solely; alone; to concentrate; to focus; monopolize; specialize; exclusive; special | 專; 耑; 磚
zoafn'ek | translation | 轉譯
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安
zoafn'ii sixsvoax | turn the gaze; divert public attention; draw attention to some other matter | 轉移視線
zoafn'ii tixnte | evacuate positions (military) | 轉移陣地
zoafn'ii | transfer (certain rights; holdings); remove | 移轉; 轉移
zoafn'iong | used for other purpose | 轉用
zoafn'ix | change mind | 轉意; 轉移
zoafn'ngx | turn face to | 轉望; 轉向
zoafn'oafn boahkag | talk in a roundabout way | 轉彎抹角
zoafn'oafn | make a turn | 轉彎
zoafn'oafn-seqkag | talk in a roundabout way; not straightforward | 轉彎踅角; 拐彎抹角
zoafn'un kongsy | forwarding company; a transportation company | 轉運公司
zoafn'un | transport; convey; to forward; be in constant cyclic motion; have a change in luck (for the better) | 轉運
zoafn'uxnkarng | transit port | 轉運港
zoafn'uxnzam | transfer station | 轉運站
zoafn'voa | to exchange | 轉換
zoafn'ym | tone change | 轉音
zoafnbøe | resale | 轉賣
zoafnchiuo | sale; fall into another's hands | 轉手
zoafnciab | transfer | 轉接
zoafnciah | earn for living; cheat somebody out of something; earn one's livelihood; to cheat | 營生; 賺食; 訛詐; 詐騙
zoafnciaqvoar | one's job (slang) | 掙食碗; 飯碗
zoafncied | turning point | 轉折
zoafnciexn | fight in one place after another | 轉戰
zoafncirn | referral for diagnosis | 轉診
zoafncixn | advance backward; to retreat (literally; euphemism) | 轉進
zoafnciøq | lend; what has been borrowed | 轉借
zoafncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoafngarn | soon; one moment; turn the eye; a short time after (said only of things past); an instant | 轉眼
zoafngi | a trope | 轉喻; 轉義
zoafngiap | change one's trade; change one's career | 轉業
zoafnhaang | change one's occupation | 轉行
zoafnhagsefng | transfer student | 轉學生
zoafnhak | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoafnhau | transfer to another school | 轉學; 轉校
zoafnheeng | transformation | 轉形
zoafnhengtiofng | in transition | 轉型中
zoafnhioxng | change direction of wind; turn to the direction of | 轉向
zoafnhoad | send or distribute through another person or office | 轉發
zoafnhoarzøx | transform | 轉化做
zoafnhoax | transform, react | 轉化; 轉變
zoafnhoee | turning back; turn back; to return | 轉回
zoafnhofng | change of wind; sudden change of attitude | 轉風
zoafnhø uihog | turn a disaster into a blessing | 轉禍為福
zoafnjim | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉任
zoafnjiong | transfer ownership or title | 轉讓
zoafnjip | to turn into | 轉入
zoafnkag | turn the corner; go around the corner | 轉角
zoafnkaw | send in care of or by way of someone else | 煩交; 轉交
zoafnkax | a women remarries; pass a tax burden on to consumers; pass the blame or responsibility to someone else | 轉嫁
zoafnkhiin | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉勤,轉任; 轉任
zoafnkhix | turn to | 轉去
zoafnkhuun | transfer to another office | 轉存; 轉勤; 調職
zoafnkiax | forward mail to | 轉寄
zoafnkiu | turn around | 轉柩
zoafnkiuu | intercede for; to petition through someone | 轉求
zoafnky | an opportunity to make change; turning point usually from bad to good | 轉機
zoafnkøx | tell the other party; transmit the message | 轉告
zoafnlaai | turn around | 轉來
zoafnlaai-zoafnkhix | walk back and forth; change one's residence frequently; go from company to company; pass from hand to hand | 轉來轉去
zoafnlextiarm | turning point | 轉捩點
zoafnlim | transfer | 轉任
zoafnlip | transfer in | 轉入
zoafnlok | transcription | 轉錄
zoafnloo | a converter | 轉爐
zoafnluntaai | transmigration of souls wheel in hell (Taoist term) | 轉輪台; (陰間)
zoafnløo | a converter | 轉羅
zoafnniu | to devolve, to transfer | 轉讓
zoafnpiernzøx | change to | 轉變做
zoafnpiexn | change; transform; undergo change; a change or shift of attitude or thinking | 轉變
zoafnporzam | relay station | 轉播站
zoafnpox | relay a broadcast or telecast | 轉播
zoafnpvoaa | turntable | 轉盤
zoafnsaxng | forward a letter or something to another address; send on in care of | 轉送
zoafnsex | reincarnate; transmigrate into another body (of the soul); reincarnation (Buddhism) | 轉世; 轉生
zoafnsiaux | transfer accounts (banking) | 轉數
zoafnsiuu | resell | 轉售
zoafnsog | rotational speed | 轉速
zoafnsoxng | to send on, to transfer | 轉送
zoafnsurnkafn | suddently | 轉瞬間
zoafnsyn | to turn around (body); turn the body; turn around | 轉身
zoafntaai | change the channel; revolving stage | 轉台; 轉臺
zoafntat | transmit through another person or office; convey | 轉達
zoafnteeng | To petition; present or communicate to superior | 轉呈
zoafntek | an axle, a shaft | 轉軸
zoafnthea | swivel | 轉體
zoafnthoaan | repost | 轉傳
zoafnthog | request through another; entrust to another | 轉託
zoafntiau | modulation (in music) | 轉調
zoafntngr | turn back, turn over, turn upside down, turn inside out | 轉動; 轉過頭
zoafntong | revolve | 轉動
zoafntoo | jobhopping | 轉途; 換職業
zoafntuix | turn face toward | 轉對; 轉向
zoafnvi | transfer | 轉院
zoafnvoa | change; transform; transition; to change | 轉換
zoafnvoaxkii | transition period | 轉換期
zoafnvoaxzøx | conversion | 轉換做
zoafnzaix | republish from other newspaper or book; reproduction; reprinting; reproduce or reprint from | 轉載
zoafnzoarn | change | 轉轉
zoafnzof | sublease; sub let | 轉租
zoafnzog | change the crop | 轉作
zoafnzøx | convert to | 轉做
zoafpaai | playing cards | 紙牌
zoafpafng | cardboard; pasteboard; cardboard | 紙板; 紙枋
zoafpai'ar | playing cards | 紙牌仔
zoafpang'ar | pper factory | 紙枋仔
zoafpaw | package wrapped in paper | 轉包; 紙包
zoafpex | paper money; notes | 紙幣
zoafphef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphiøx | paper currency; banknotes | 紙鈔; 紙票; 鈔票; 銀票
zoafphoef | paper letter | 紙坯
zoafphvix | scrap of paper | 紙片
zoafphøee | paper cover (of a book) | 紙皮
zoafpid | pen and paper | 紙筆
zoafpoef | paper cup | 紙杯
zoafsiong taam pefng | impractical schemes; theoretical; empty talk; academic talk | 紙上談兵
zoafsviuar | cardboard box | 紙箱仔
zoafsvix | paper fan | 紙扇
zoafsyn | paper | 紙身; 紙質
zoaftang'ar | paper tube | 紙筒仔
zoafte | paper bag | 紙袋
zoafte'ar | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftear | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftefng | paper lantern | 紙燈
zoafterng | paper top | 紙頂
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zoaftiaau | slip of paper | 紙條
zoaftiau'ar | a small piece of paper | 小紙仔
zoaftiauar | note | 紙條仔
zoaftiaxm | paper store | 紙店
zoaftøf | knife for cutting folded paper | 紙刀
zoafviu | paper pattern; sample of paper | 紙樣
zoafy | paper clothes | 紙衣
zoafzhux | paper house (burned funerals) | 紙厝; 陪葬用
zoafzuun | paper boat | 紙船
zoafzøx | paper made | 紙做
zoakhafng | snake pit | 蛇洞
zoanchiaf | special bus; reserved bus; special vehicle for a particular purpose | 專車
zoankaf | the whole family | 全家; 專家
zoankafng | wholly for the special purpose; take the trouble to; purposely | 專程; 專工; 特地
zoankhafn | special issue of magazine | 專刊; 特刊
zoankog hoxkhao tiauzaf | national census | 全國戶口調查
zoanlaan-zokkaf | columnist | 專欄作家
zoanpafn | entire class; the whole class; the whole squad | 全班
zoanthea hoafntuix | unanimous opposition | 全體反對
zoanzoafn | specialized | 專專
zochiaf | car rental | 租車
zoea'afng | be a husband | 做夫
zoeakaf | the best; the superlative | 最佳
zoeakafng | work | 做工
zoeakafng`ee | worker | 做工的
zoeakhaf | be a worker | 做腳; 當工人
zoeakhafng | conspiracy | 做孔; 陰謀
zoeakvoaf | to become governmental officials | 做官
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zoeasafnkhuix | flirt | 做瘦氣
zoeasvaf | make cloth | 做衫
zoeasviaf | speak out | 做聲
zoeasvoarkafng | part time job | 打線工
zoex-moafgøeh | celebrate one month old newborn | 做滿月
zofkhafm | ancestral niche | 祖龕
zofkong'afsae | inheritance | 祖公仔屎
zofkong'afsarn | inheritance | 祖公仔產
zofngkafm | director | 總監
zofngkaokvoaf | head of the military instructors in a school | 總教官
zofngpaxkafng | general strike | 總罷工
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngtvoaf | total order | 總單
zokkaf | a writer; author; writer | 作家
zokkheg-kaf | composer | 作曲家
zoksukaf | lyricist | 作詞家
zongkaf | banker in gambling games | 莊家
zongkahchiaf | armored vehicle; a tank | 裝甲車
zongkaokaf | religious person | 宗教家
zongkoafn | general and comprehensive view; view the whole situation | 綜觀
zongphoex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongphøex-kafng | a fitter, an assembler | 裝配工
zongsukaf | book collector | 藏書家
zongtafng-zongsay | work ambitiously | 撞東撞西; 為生計奔波
zorng soafnkie | general election | 總選舉
zorng-kiafmzaf | general examination | 總檢查
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zorngkoafn | grand outlook; grand sight; great (beautiful) view | 壯觀
zoxsafnhu | midwife; maternity nurse | 助產婦
zoxsafnpøo | midwife | 助產士
zoxsafnsu | midwife | 助產士; 產婆
zuafciøh | beads | 珠仔石
zuaflien | beads chain | 珠仔鍊
zuaftefng | needle with one end is bigger for knitting | 珠仔釘
zubui'afzubuy | a little bit ? | 滋微仔滋微
zuchiafm | bookmarker | 書籤
zuciafm | magnetic pointer | 磁針
zuie pangsvoaf | mud slide | 水崩山; 土石流
zuiupafn | gifted class | 資優班
zukeaaflai | inside bookshelf | 書架仔內
zun'afpvy | boat side | 船仔邊
zun'afterng | boat top | 船仔頂
zunhoeatvoaf | inventory of goods | 存貨單
zunkheq miatvoaf | ship's passenger list | 船客名單
zunleafsviaf | the sound of boat | 船螺仔聲
zunpafng | boat gang | 船幫
zuntvoaf | certificate of deposit; receipt issued by a bank to a depositor; against which payment of interest and; or capital is made | 存單
zunzaf | keep (a business letter; document) for future reference; to file (papers) | 存查; 存照
zuokhaf | footnote | 註腳
zuosia-ciafm | hypodermic needle | 注射針
zuosiaxciafm | injection needle | 注射針
zupurn-kaf | financier, capitalist | 資本家
zupwnkaf | capitalist | 資本家
zurnkafng | finish work on building | 竣工
zurnkhaf | kegs shaking | 慄腳
zurnsviaf | tremulous voice or sound | 顫音
zusafnkaf | bourgeois | 資產家
zusien kikoafn | charitable institution | 慈善機關
zusien-kaf | a philanthropist | 慈善家
zusiexnkaf | philanthropist | 慈善家
zuxafnny | as a result | 自按呢
zuxciaf | from now on | 自此; 從這裡
zuxgvor kiafmthør | self examination; review one's conduct; achievement | 自我檢討
zuxhengchiaf | bicycle | 自行車
zuxioxngchiaf | private vehicle | 自用車
zuxiuky-hoafn'exng | radical reaction (chemistry) | 自由機反應; 自由基反應
zuxkaf | home | 住家
zuxkafm tuixløh | abandon oneself to wanton ways, indulge in debauchery out of one's own free will | 自甘墮落
zuxkhiafm | humble oneself, be modest, modesty, self debasement (as a gesture of politeness) | 自謙
zuxkhoaf | boast, self praise | 自誇
zuxliefnchiaf | bike | 自輪車
zuxnsvaf | wring out clothes | 捘衫; 擰乾衣服
zuxntaf | twist tight, to wring | 擰乾
zuxseeng itkaf | create a school or style of one's own (said of a creative writer, painter) | 自成一家
zuxtoxngchiaf | automobile; motorized vehicle | 自動車; 汽車
zuxzhafn | get together for luncheon or dinner | 聚餐
zuxzo-zhafn | buffet lunch or dinner, cafeteria meal | 自助餐
zuxzo-zhanthviaf | cafeteria | 自助餐廳
zuxzoafnchiaf | bicycle | 自轉車; 自行車; 腳踏車
zuxzog-zuxtoafn | arbitrary decision; arbitrarily; at one's own discretion | 自作自端
zuxzokzuxzoafn | self-made | 自作自專
zuxzoxzhafn | buffet | 自助餐
zuyang'afseg | water red | 水紅仔色
zuychiaf | water-wheel; water-mill; water wheel; water turbine; a (water) mill | 水車
zuygoankiøkhaf | under water source bridge | 水源橋跤
zuykaf | hide glue; glue | 膠水
zuykafm | sweet orange | 水柑
zuykafn | water gangue | 水矸
zuykauafpiaq | ditch walls | 水溝仔壁
zuykauaftea | bottom of ditch | 水溝仔底
zuykeafsiuu | breaststroke; frog stroke | 水雞仔泅
zuykhut'aflai | water cave | 水窟仔內
zuykuyaftui | marine corps | 水鬼仔隊
zuylausviaf | sound of water | 水流聲
zuylengchiaf | fire-engine | 水龍車; 救火車
zuyliongchiaf | fire engine (with pump) | 水龍車; 救火車
zuyphaf | blister; bubble | 水泡
zuyphøafsviaf | blister sound | 水泡仔聲
zuypuichiaf | sewerage removal tank truck | 水肥車
zuysafngiap | fishing industry | 水產業
zuysafnhak | fishery science | 水產學
zuysexng-ionghoaf | women fickle and lascivious | 水性楊花
zuysviaf | sound of water | 水聲
zuytengchiaf | water lamp car | 水燈車
zuythafng'ar | bucket | 水桶仔
zuyti'aflai | in the pool | 水池仔內
zuyti'afpvy | pool side | 水池仔邊
zuyzhafng | welsh onion | 水蔥
zuyzhayoexkaf | watercolorist | 水彩畫家
zuzhafng | chopped onion | 珠蔥
zvaftiuafbea | cut ricegrass end | 斬稻仔尾
zvaftiuafboea | cut ricegrass end | 斬稻仔尾
zvafviu | why, how | 怎樣
zvoaf iøqar | brew Chinese herb medicine | 煎藥
zvoaf kapy | brew coffee | 煮咖啡
zvoaf kwnzuie | boil water | 燒滾水
zvoaf tee | make tea | 煎茶
zvoaf | boil, decoct, infuse, extract by boiling | 煎; 燒
zvoaf`ee | brewed | 煎的
zvoafviu | how; how | 怎樣; 怎麼樣
zvoafviu'ar | how so | 怎樣仔
zvoafviu`aq | what's wrong? | 怎樣啊
zvoafviu`laq | what's wrong? | 怎樣啦
zwgvofciafm | meridian needle | 子午針
zwjinkaf | host | 主人家
zwkaf | the host family | 主家; 主人家
zwkhøfkvoaf | chief examiner | 主考官
zwkoafn ee khvoarhoad | subjective view | 主觀的看法
zwkoafn ee phøepheeng | subjective criticism | 主觀的批評
zwkoafn | subjective; subjectivity; subjective point of view | 主觀
zwkoarn-kikoafn | the authorities concerned; the agency which is in charge of (a program) | 主管機關
zwlangkaf | host | 主人家
zøeakafng | work | 做工
zøesviaf | chorus | 齊聲
zøfafchiu | jujube tree | 棗仔樹
zøfafkii | jujube, date season | 棗仔期
zøfkhaf | left foot | 左腳
zøq-jidkafng | working dates | 作日工
zørafng | be a husband | 做夫; 做翁
zørhieaflaang | performer | 做戲仔人
zørkafng | working; work; labor; do work; be a workman | 工作; 做工
zørkang'aflaang | worker | 做工仔人
zørkhaf | making fake legs | 做腳
zørkhafng | digging holes | 做孔
zørkvoaf | be a governmental officer; be a government official; hold a government post | 做官; 作官
zørog-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
zørpeng'afphvoa | comrade in military | 做兵仔伴
zørsvaf | make shirts | 做衫
zørtafng-zørsay | do any old things | 做東做西
zøx-mekafng | do night work | 做夜工
zøxhoaf | artificial flowers | 造花
zøxsvoaf | orogenic | 造山
zøxzoafchviuo | paper mill | 造紙廠
ø'afciefn | fried egg and oyster confection | 蚵仔煎
ø'afcvix | deep fried oyster | 蚵仔炸
ø'afmixsvoax | vermicelli with oyster | 蚵仔麵線
øafciefn | fried egg and oyster confection | 蚵仔煎
øafmixsvoax | oyster noodle soup | 蚵仔麵線
øe kviaf`laang | cause people to scare | 會驚人
øe'afzhaix | lettuce | 萵仔菜; 蒿仔菜
øefkawsviaf | having a dull sound, having a hoarse sound | 倭狡聲; 啞口聲; 沉悶的聲音; 沙啞聲
øefkhaf | shorty | 矮腳; 矮而腳短; 個子矮
øetiafm | shoemaker's last | 鞋砧; 鞋楦; 鞋砧,
øexkaf | a painter | 畫家
øexkhafm-tid | can bear, can stand, in a position to, fit for, worth of | 會堪得; 配得; 禁得起
øexkhafm`teq | be able to sustain | 會堪得; 禁得起
øexkhafm`tid | can bear, can stand (physical stress, cold weather, hard work) | 會堪得; 配得; 禁得起
øexkviaf`laang | frightening | 能驚人
øextafng | next year, next harvest of rice | 下冬
øexthafng | possible; maybe; to be capable of | 能處; 可以; 能夠
øextitthafng | attainable (hope, desire). can, able to (circumstances permit) | 會得通; 可以; 能
øh siafji | practice handwriting | 學寫字
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山
øhthviaf | difficult to get accurate information (from variety of reports), difficult to understand when heard, difficult to hear | 學聽; 無容易聽
økaf | work with full effort while ignoring other people's criticisms (Lit. bury one's head in a book) | 薁家; 存放贓物者; [*]; 窩藏匪徒者
økvoaf | dry oyster; dried oysters | 蠔干
øqafsiefn | pedantic intellectual | 學仔仙
bafnbeh | Shivering; cramps | 挽脈; 打顫; 抽筋

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Cut and paste ø or Ø for searching, if needed.
Searching is case sensitive, except when you select English as an input.
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Buttons: Partial, Exact, Front, and Back:
Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

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"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

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