"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: baai

baai | eyebrow | 眉
baaikirn | bacteria | 黴菌; 細菌
bagbaai | eyebrow; the eyebrows | 目眉; 眉毛
bagbaai-bøea | eyebrow tail | 目眉尾
bagbaai-mngg | eyelash | 目眉毛
bagbaai-thaau | beginning end of eyebrow | 目眉頭
geqbaai | crescent moo | 月眉
goeqbaai | half-moon or crescent moon | 月眉
gøeqbaai | new moon; crescent; brackets; parenthesis | 月眉; 彎月; 新月; 半月形; 月芽; 括弧; 弦月
hoea siøf bagbaai | imminent crisis or emergency (fire singeing the eyebrows) | 火燒眉毛; 燃眉之急
iafmbaai | bury | 掩埋
khiaxbaai | raise eyebrows | 無悅; 豎眉
liwbaai | willow eyebrows ─ eyebrows of a beautiful woman | 柳眉
liwhiøqbaai | willow leaves- like eyebrow shape | 柳葉眉
mngbaai | lintel of a door; beam over a doorway | 門楣; (門窗的)橫木
oexbaai | White's ground thrash, birds | 畫眉; 虎鶇
patjixbaai | sloping eyebrows | 八字眉
peh-bagbaai | white eyebrow- person who invite himself or herself to a party | 白目眉
peqbaai | A small European duck having a conspicuous white stripe over each eye | 白眉
peqbaai-aq | garganey teal, Anas querquedula | 白眉鴨
peqbagbaai | white eyebrow | 白目眉
siubaai | bury; collect (corpses) and bury them | 收埋
uixbaai | draw eyebrows | 畫眉

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