"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: baan

awbaan | dour; arrogant; haughty; break one's promise on some pretext or other; obstinately and injuriously in the wrong; e.g.; unjustly defrauding | 拗蠻; 蠻橫; 不講理
awbaan-awtag | truculent ad unreasonable | 拗蠻拗觸; 無講理
baan | Fujian province of China; indolent; neglect one's duty; barbarous | 閩; 慢; 蠻
baang | boundless and indistinct; uncertain; busy; awn; dim; deceive; maze | 芒; 茫
baarn'banbaan | very insensible, dull | 悶悶悶; 蠻蠻蠻
baarng'bangbaang | quite vague | 茫茫茫
banbaan | insensible, dull | 蠻蠻
bangbaang | vague; euphoric; drunk | 茫茫; 醉酒
iafbaan | uncivilized; barbarous; savageness; barbarism | 野蠻
kvafbaan | artful and naughty; the number that a gambler consistently chooses when he gambles | 刁頑; 賭博時常壓同一組號碼
kvoabaang | Themeda triandra; a coarse grass (used for making brushes; brooms; etc.); stalks of the reed used for brooms | 菅芒; 蘆草花
lambaan | southern barbarian | 南蠻
longbaang | the busy season for farmers | 農忙
pangbaang | aid; help; assist; help; assistance; to help or assist | 幫忙
peqbangbaang | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
put'hofng-putbaang | leisurely; unhurried; with full composure | 無慌不忙
simbaang | bewildered, perplexed | 心盲; 迷亂
taopangbaang | help | 鬥幫忙
thiaubaan | obstinate | 挑蠻; 刁難
tiaubaan | obstinately disobedient to orders; refusing to pay money due | 刁蠻; 刁難
zhongbaang | hurried, hasty, haste, busily, hastily | 匆忙
zuiebanbaang | unconsciously drunk | 醉茫茫
zuiebangbaang | dead drunk | 醉茫茫

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