"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: bay

baybae | something bad, not quite pretty | 醜醜
baybaybae | very ugly | 醜醜醜
baybi | bad smell; odor; stink; bad-smelling | 臭味; 醜味; 味道無好
baychiuo | left handed | 䆀手
baychiwar | southpaw; a lefty | 醜手仔; 左撇子
bayhoex | goods of poor quality; substandard goods; bad man | 醜貨; 無良物品 (人)
bayhøex | bad products | 醜貨; 無好的貨品
baykaau | ugly; very ugly | 醜猴; 無美; 醜陋
baykaukaau | very very ugly | 醜猴猴
baykhoarn | ugly; getting out of bounds; too awful; disreputable | 醜款; 外表難看; 無像樣
baykhuix | unlucky | 醜氣; 運氣無好
baykhvoarsviux | ugly; getting out of bounds; too awful; disreputable | 無像樣; 難看; 醜看相
baykiøhsiaux | bad actor or actress; unskillful worker | 醜叫數; 無合群的
baylo | bad; bad road; ugly; violate law road | 醜路; 粗惡; 犯法的路
baytai | bad affairs | 醜代; 壞事
baytaq | hard to reason with | 難纏
bayteg zhud høfsurn | Accomplishments of a child can be greater than his parents. (Lit. a bad bamboo tree produces good bamboo shoots.) | 壞竹出好筍
bayzhef | ugly wife | 醜妻
bayzvae | ring finger | 䆀指
bayzøx | difficult to do or make | 難做
cibay | vagina; vulva | 芝屄; 膣屄; 陰部; 陰戶; 罵人語

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