"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: bofng

armbinbofng | very dark; deep black; pitch-black | 暗眠摸; 漆黑的
armbongbofng | very dark; deep black; pitch-black | 暗摸摸; 漆黑的
bofng | touch; grope; feel; sense by touch | 摸
bofng-bølo | not to find the road in the dark, find no solution to a difficult case | 摸無路; 摸不著路; 摸無著門路
bofng-bømngg | does not trace the method | 摸無門; 摸無著門路
bofng`tiøh | touched | 摸到
bofngbofng'afsi | do what situation requires; to muddle or drift along | 罔罔仔是; 得過且過
bofngbofng'ar | barely adequate; not too bad | 罔罔仔; 還可以
bofngchi | feed with feeling lost or disconcerted; temporary feed without hope | 罔飼; 姑且養之
bofngchviar | temporarily | 罔且; 姑且; 從權; 暫且
bofnggøo | turn; move in a circle | 打轉
bofnghab | chat | 閒聊
bofnghoee | work aimlessly | 罔回; 做這做那
bofnghw | a bumptious fellow | 莽夫
bofngjieen | disappointedly, at a loss | 罔然; 惘然
bofngkhix | not too bad; can get through | 罔去; 姑且去
bofngkoex | just getting on so and so | 罔過; 得過且過
bofngkorng | talk with some reservation; talk without purpose; just talk on and on with little purpose | 罔講; 姑妄言之; 隨便說說
bofngkviaa | walk casually; walk informally or randomly | 罔行; 隨便走走
bofngkw | hanging around; no place to live | 罔居; 茍且居住
bofngkøex | not too bad; can get through | 罔過; 過得去
bofngliau | temporary conjecture; informal guess | 罔料; 暫且推測
bofnglurn | just bear it as well as you can | 罔忍; 姑且忍之
bofngløf | beg | 罔囉; 常常向人要
bofngsviu | crazy or absurd idea or ideas | 罔想; 妄想
bofngsøo | walk slowly and casually; walk slowly and informally; walk about | 罔趖; 無事走動
bofngthoaf | temporary delay | 罔拖; 暫且拖過
bofngto | informally transition; temporary transition; just getting along; put up with; be satisfied with | 罔渡; 暫且渡日; 得過且過
bofngtong | recklessly; dash or drive recklessly | 莽撞
bofngtorng | hasty; rash; impetuous; coarse; rude; hurried; reckless; careless in action; rude in manner | 糊塗; 懵懂; 鹵莽
bofngtorng-haxn | recklessly fellow; dash or drive recklessly fellow | 莽撞漢
bofngzoaa | a boa or python | 蟒蛇
bongbofng`leq | touch a bit | 摸摸咧
haytea bofng ciafm | impossible to find (look for a needle in the sea) | 海底撈針
i'iøh bofnghau | incurable; medical science can do no more | 醫藥罔效
kebofng | chicken legs and the part connected to the body | 雞摸
khoahbofngborng | vast, broad | 闊莽莽
khoaq-bofngborng | loosely | 闊莽莽; 一望無垠
khoaq-bofngtoxngsi | vast; broad | 非常廣大
koebofng | chicken legs and the part connected to the body | 雞摸
piernbofng | feel all round | 變摸; 遍摸
tix jiok bofngbuun | to treat with indifference; act as if one had not heard; turn a deaf ear to | 置若罔聞
toaxbofng | measure of size; a very large volume | 大摸; 體積大
zuxbofng | self-touch | 自摸

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