"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciøf

angciøf | red banana | 紅蕉
bogkoekengciøf | plantaion, Musa paradisiaca | 木瓜芎蕉
ciøciøf`leq | inviting together | 招招咧
ciøf hoe'ar | gather members to form a private mutual lending association | 招會仔
ciøf kviafsaix | to accept or rather adopt a son-in-law who would live in the wife's home and assume the role of a son | 招子婿
ciøf pøfhiarm | canvass for insurance | 招保險; 拉保險
ciøf | invite; pepper; the banana; banana; plantain | 招; 蕉; 椒; 邀
ciøf-kviafsaix | take a son-in-law | 招子婿; 招囝婿; 招女婿
ciøf`laang | marry with a woman and live with her family | 招人; 給人招贅
ciøfciøfar | a little bit | 少少仔
ciøfciør | a little bit | 少少
ciøfcvii | not much money; less money | 少錢
ciøfhoex | young; only a few years old (said of a person) | 年輕; 少歲
ciøfhøex | young in age | 少歲; 年紀小
ciøfkheq | quite a few; very abundant; very numerous sometimes said somewhat ironically (Lit. few deficient) | 少缺; 多的是
ciøfkhoeq | quite a few; very abundant; very numerous sometimes said somewhat ironically (Lit. few deficient) | 少缺; 多的是
ciøfkhøeq | short of thing; rare | 少缺; 稀罕
ciøflaang | not many people; few people; not many people | 少人; 人數少
ciøfliong | modicum | 少量
ciøfoe | talk only a little | 小話
ciøfsngx | making not enough considerations toward whole situation | 少算
ciøfsox | minority; few of; paucity; handful; few; in the minority | 少數
ciøftiøh | to shine upon, throw light on | 照著
hiamciøf | pepper | 辣椒; 薟椒
hoaciøf | xanthoxylon seeds; a kind of wild pepper | 花椒
hoanciøf | chile; green pepper | 番椒; 青椒
hociøf | pepper; black pepper | 胡椒
hoeciøf | pepper; black pepper | 花椒
hoxlangciøf | marry into the wife's family; taking wife's surname | 給人招; 入贅
hwnciøf | a small kind of banana | 粉蕉
kengciøf | banana | 香蕉; 弓蕉
kinciøf | banana | 香蕉
kinciøf-iuu | banana oil | 香蕉油
kinciøf-zaang | banana tree | 香蕉樹
paciøf | plantains; banana | 芭蕉
peh-hociøf | white pepper powder | 白胡椒; 秦椒
sarm hociøf | sprinkle pepper | 撒胡椒
siøciøf | call for or invite someone to do (or go) together | 相邀; 相招
soaq hociøf | sprinkle pepper | 撒胡椒
svaciøf | invite to accompany | 相招; 相邀
svoaciøf | climbing pepper | 山椒
svoaf-hociøf | aromatic litsea, mountain litsea, Taiwan devilpepper | 山胡椒
urn-kinciøf | ripen bananas | 塭香蕉; 溫藏香蕉使其黃熟
wnkengciøf | a type of banana | 隱弓蕉
zhutciøf | reach agreement; make an appointment | 相約

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