"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciab

Kiet'afciab | juice of a well-sweep | 桔仔汁
bagciab | ink; Chinese ink | 墨汁
bahciab | meat extract; meat juice; meat broth; gravy | 肉汁
bidciab | tightly joined, close | 密接
chiuxciab | sap | 樹汁
ciab y ee khoeq | fill the vacancy left by him; succeed him | 接他的缺
ciab | juice; graft in; eyelashes; to fold; receive; accept; take with the hand; to welcome; piece together string; rope or cloth; set bones; to graft; succeed to | 汁; 接; 睫; 摺
ciab`khylaai | take it up | 接起來
ciab`køealaai | take over; receive; to pass | 接過來; 遞過來
ciab`tiøh | to be continue to next step | 接著
ciabciap | continue; unceasingly; very often; constantly | 捷捷; 絡繹無絕; 常常
ciapciab | juicy, full of juice | 汁汁
ciefnciab | edit or cut a film; film editing | 剪接
cihciab | receive; welcome; receive or wait upon a friend or customer; associate with; negotiate | 接洽; 接接; 迎接; 接待
erngciab | response to; receive (visitors or customers) | 應接
gengciab | receive a visitor ceremoniously | 迎接
gubahciab | beef extract | 牛肉汁
gviaciab | receive as a visitor; to welcome with open arms; to welcome in person | 迎接
hamciab | connect | 銜接
haxnciab | To weld, to solder | 焊接
hoanciab | chelation (chemistry) | 螯合; 環接; 螯合酌
hoeciab | nectar of flowers, flower wine | 花接; 花汁
hoehciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
huihciab | blood plasma | 血汁; 血漿
ienciab | receive (guests) | 延接
iofngciab | chyle | 養汁; 乳糜
jwciab | milk | 乳汁
kafciab | pressing; squeeze; press out juice | 絞汁; 榨汁,絞汁
kafciab-ky | juicer, blender | 絞汁機; 果汁機
kam'afciab | orange juice | 柑仔汁
kamciarciab | sugarcane juice | 甘蔗汁
kanciab | indirectness; indirect(ly) | 間接
kar cin nawciab | rack one's brains | 絞盡腦汁
karnciab | indirect | 間接
kauciab | hand over; adjoin each other; hand (take) over business; make contact with each other | 交接; 交際; 接洽
keciab | broth prepared by steaming chicken | 雞汁; 雞精
kiet'afciab | orange juice | 桔仔汁
kietciab | orange juice, orange drink | 桔汁
koefcyciab | fruit juice | 果子汁
kviuciab | ginger juice; ginger syrup | 薑汁
køefciab | juice; syrup | 果汁
køefcie-ciab | fruit juice | 果子汁; 果汁
køfciab | fruit juice | 果汁
køfciab-ky | fruit blender, fruit juicer | 果汁機
lengborng-ciab | lemon juice | 檸檬汁
lengciab | (human) milk | 乳汁
lienciab puttoan | successively; incessantly; continuously | 連接無斷
lienciab | continuously; adjoin; conjunction; connection; join; connect; continuously | 連接
lienciab-guo | a connective | 連接語
lienciab-suu | conjunction | 連接詞
linciab | to adjoin | 鄰接
liwtengciab | orange juice | 柳丁汁
lofciab | marinade | 滷汁
nawciab | the substance of the brain | 腦汁
niciab | milk | 奶汁
niqciab | squeeze juice | 擠汁; 搾汁
ociapciab | balck juice | 烏汁汁
phutøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phøtøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
pinkøfciab | apple juice | 蘋果汁
pinnngciab | beetlejuice | 檳榔汁
pyciab | negotiate | 比接; 交涉
sengciab | to inherit, to accept, acceptance | 成接; 承接; 繼承
sikoeciab | watermelon juice | 西瓜汁
sinciab | receive and carry on | 新接; 承接
sinku putciab | previous (harvest) used up before the new (crop) is in | 新舊無接; 青黃不接
sitciab | failed to take over | 失接
siøciab | connect (one thing to another); to piece (strings) together; to meet at a certain place (e.g.; two roads) | 連接; 相接
siølienciab | connected | 相連接
soarciab | connect; continue | 續接; 接續
svaciab | adjoining, connected, in close succession | 相接; 連續
svaf-lienciab | be connected, be linked together | 相連接; 相連(接)
svoai'afciab | Taiwanese green mango juice | 檨仔汁
thoanciab | hand on to one's posterity | 傳接
tidciab hengtong | direct action | 直接行動
tidciab hoarnbe | direct sales | 直接販賣
tidciab kaohaghoad | direct method (in pedagogy) | 直接教學法
tidciab kausiap | direct negotiation | 直接交涉
tidciab | directly; immediate; firsthand | 直接
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
tvafciab | bile; bilious; bile | 膽汁
tvafciab-pvi | biliousness (sickness) | 膽汁病
uixciab | gastric juices | 胃汁; 胃液
viutøciab | start fruit juice | 楊桃汁
ynciab | greeting and accommodate | 引接
zaeciab-zaele | forge ahead disregarding obstructions or failures; make a determined effort; undismayed | 再接再勵
zhaociab | stinky juice | 臭汁
zhutciab | juice | 出汁
zhve'ngg putciab | The old grain is used up before the harvest of the new crop A period of insufficiency to tide over | 青黃無接
zoafnciab | transfer | 轉接

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