"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciam

Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Serngbør zhwkied ciamlea | Feast of the Purification (Catholic) | 聖母取潔瞻禮
ciaarm'ciamciafm | very sharp (point) | 尖尖尖
ciam | gradual(ly); temporarily; gradually; little by little; by degrees | 漸; 暫; 暫時
ciam'ab'ar | small needle case | 針盒仔
ciam'afbie | kind of rice in Taiwan | 占仔米; 在來米之一種
ciam'ah | a box for needles and threads | 針盒
ciam'ar | hairpins; lady's ornamental hair pin | 簪仔; 簪子
ciam'ieseg | the subconscious; subconscious | 潛意識
ciam'ii-beghoax | imperceptibly | 潛移默化
ciam'iorng | armature-fish | 潛養; 針鯒; 電樞魚
ciam'iøh | injection | 針藥
ciambong | aspire to; hope for; raise one's head and look far ahead | 瞻望; 精神狂亂
ciamboxngkviax | periscope | 潛望鏡
ciambøea | (adj) most advanced and sophisticated; (adj) highest peak; the best; cusp; point of a needle | 尖尾; 尖端; 針尖; 針尾
ciambøeftøf | sharp pointed knife | 尖尾刀
ciamchiaf | sewing machine | 針車; 縫紉機; 裁縫機
ciamchie | shrew mouse | 針鼠
ciamchix | pin; needle; thorn; sting | 針刺
ciamchix-hoad | acupuncture | 針刺法
ciamciafm | extremely shaped; tapering; pointed; sharp pointed | 尖尖; 尖尖的
ciamcid | knit; knitting | 針織
ciamcie | needle work and embroidery | 針姐; 針線工作; 女紅
ciamcieen korhiø | very cautious (Lit. look forward and backward) | 瞻前顧後
ciamciøh | a aborigine village in Hsinchu County | 尖石
ciamgarn | needle-eye | 尖眼; 針眼
ciamgiorng | to look respectfully; look up respectfully; pay respects to; admire | 瞻仰
ciamheeng | stealth; go secretly | 潛行
ciamhiøh | needle-leaf | 針葉
ciamhiøh-chiu | needle-leaved tree, a conifer | 針葉樹
ciamhiøqchiu | conifers; coniferous trees | 針葉樹
ciamhoad | stitch | 針法
ciamhoef | wearing | 簪花
ciamhofng | sharp attack; pin point | 針鋒
ciamhogkii | incubation period; latent period | 潛伏期
ciamhogsexng | latency | 潛伏性
ciamhok | lurk; dormancy; be in hiding; lie hidden; latent; hidden; concealed | 潛伏
ciamhok-kii | incubation period, latent period | 潛伏期
ciamjip | steal on; enter secretly; slip in; dive into water | 潛入
ciamjoe | sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed | 尖銳
ciamkag | keen-edged | 尖角
ciamkhaf | needle stitch | 尖腳
ciamkhafng liap'viafky | surveillance camera | 針孔攝影機
ciamkhafng | pinprick; hole made by a needle | 針孔; 針空
ciamkhaiuochiuo | tender hands and feet unfit for menial work | 尖跤幼手
ciamkheg | acrimonious | 尖刻
ciamkiux | acupuncture and moxibustion; acupuncture and cauterization | 針灸
ciamkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
ciamkoax | divine; tell fortunes by means of the eight diagrams | 占卦; 卜卦
ciamkux | acupuncture and moxibustion; acupuncture and cauterization | 針灸; 針炙
ciamlea | feast day (Catholic) | 瞻禮
ciamleeng | potential energy; potentiality | 潛能
ciamleftvoaf | calendar of feasts (Catholic) | 瞻禮單
ciamlek | potential; hidden force; unused strength | 潛力
ciamphvi | pinhole; eye of a needle | 針孔; 針鼻; 針眼
ciampog | divination, divine | 占卜
ciamsealek | potential | 潛勢力
ciamsefng-sut | astrology | 占星術
ciamsiw | cultivate oneself in quiet privacy | 潛修
ciamsoafn | acrid | 尖酸
ciamsviaf | penetrating sound, sharp sound | 尖聲; 尖銳聲
ciamsviaf-kiøx | strident | 尖聲叫
ciamsvoax | needle and thread; needle and thread; needle work | 針線
ciamsym giefnkiux | study diligently,and concentrately with a quiet mind | 潛心研究
ciamsym | concentrate on | 潛心
ciamtaang | a syringe | 針筒; 注射筒
ciamthaau | pinhead; sharp point | 針頭; 尖頭
ciamthaq | needle tower | 尖塔
ciamtherng | submarine | 潛艇; 潛水艇
ciamtoafn | jut; acme; cusp; point; tip; high point; climax | 尖端
ciamtuix | in allusion to; be aimed at; contrapose; aim directly at; to focus on | 針對
ciamtun | escape secretly; slip away | 潛遁
ciamtøf | sharp knife | 尖刀
ciamtøo | to abscond; flee secretly; slip away; abscond | 潛逃
ciamzai ieseg | subconscious | 潛在意識
ciamzai lenglek | potentiality | 潛在能力
ciamzai | latent | 潛在
ciamzhaq | pincushion, needle-cushion | 尖插; 真墊
ciamzhuiegveh'ar | sharp plier | 尖喙夾仔
ciamzhuiekudar | small digging tools | 尖喙掘仔
ciamzhuix | pointed mouth | 尖嘴
ciamzhuo | shrew mouse | 尖鼠
ciamzngx | a drill | 尖鑽
ciamzuie zartaan | depth charge | 潛水炸彈
ciamzuie | diving; dive | 潛水
ciamzuie-oaan | a diver | 潛水員
ciamzuylam | submarine | 潛水艦
ciamzuyoaan | diver; frogman | 潛水員; 水鬼
ciamzuypve | submarine sickness; the bends | 潛水病
ciamzuytheeng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciamzuytherng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciamzuyy | diving suit | 潛水衣
ciamzvae | thimble | 尖頂; 針指; 頂針
ciaxmciam | in process of time; with time; gradually; gradually; little by little | 漸漸
ciaxmciam'ar | gradually | 漸漸仔
hudzuo ciamtherng | nuclear submarine | 核子潛艇
khiecid-ciamtøo | desert one's post and take flight | 棄職潛逃
kimciamkof | flammulina enoki | 金針菇
kimciamzhaix | lily flower | 金針菜
siuo ciamlefjit | observe a feast day or holy day | 守瞻禮日
siwciamlea | to observe feasts | 守瞻禮
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
tiokciam | little by little; gradually | 逐漸
toafnciam | transient; brief; short period | 短暫
toaxciamlea | big feast day (Catholic) | 大瞻禮
toaxciamsvoaterng | big mountain top | 大尖山頂
zwpør ciamlea | feast of one's patron saint (Catholic) | 主保瞻禮

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