"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciaxm

chimciaxm kongkhoarn | use official money for a purpose not originally intended | 侵佔公款; 挪用公款
chimciaxm | illegal occupation; illegal seizure; occupy or take by force (land; property) illegally; misappropriation | 侵佔
ciaxm iusex | maintain a superior; stronger position | 佔優勢
ciaxm laang ee bor | take possession of another man's wife | 佔人的某
ciaxm pangii | be in an advantageous position; take advantage of a person | 佔便宜
ciaxm sioxnghofng | have the upper hand in a struggle or contest | 佔上風
ciaxm taixsefng | take the first place in a rude manner; assume precedence | 佔先; 搶先
ciaxm texpvoaa | take care of one's constituency or sphere of influence | 佔地盤
ciaxm tøsox | constitute a majority; have a majority | 佔多數
ciaxm | to observe; to occupy; seize; usurp; occupy; take by force | 占; 佔; 調停
ciaxm'eng | temporary use | 暫用
ciaxm'ieen | postpone tentatively to some date; adjourn temporarily | 暫延
ciaxm'iong | use; to borrow for a short period | 暫用
ciaxm'oan | hold for a while; postpone or delay for a while | 暫緩
ciaxm-pangii | to take advantage of | 佔便宜
ciaxmchviar | temporary; provisional; for the time being | 暫且; 姑且; 暫時
ciaxmciam | in process of time; with time; gradually; gradually; little by little | 漸漸
ciaxmciam'ar | gradually | 漸漸仔
ciaxmcixn | to advance gradually; advance little by little; make gradual progress | 漸進
ciaxmciøq | temporary borrow; borrow for a short time | 暫借
ciaxmgoan | temporary vow (Catholic) | 暫愿
ciaxmheeng | temporary; provisional | 暫行
ciaxmhenghoad | provisional laws; temporary laws | 暫行法
ciaxmhoaan | temporarily reserved, reprieve | 暫緩
ciaxmhoan | temporarily reserved | 暫緩
ciaxmhoat | temporal punishment (Catholic) | 暫罰
ciaxmjip kakerng | to be better gradually | 漸入佳境
ciaxmkhoad | vacant for the time being | 暫缺
ciaxmlaau | stay for a short time | 暫留
ciaxmpiet | short separation; to part for a short time | 暫別
ciaxmseg | a lull | 暫設; 暫息
ciaxmsied | temporary setup | 暫設
ciaxmsii | temporarily; for the time being; for the time being; momentary; temporary | 暫時
ciaxmteng | tentatively set on; at such and such a time; tentatively fixed at such and such a number; price or place | 暫定
ciaxmtheeng | to suspend (an action or event); to pause; to halt; stop; halt; or suspend temporarily | 暫停
ciaxmto | pass the times; to be temporarily out of work | 暫渡
ciaxmtoax | temporarily reside at; reside temporarily | 暫住
ciaxmzhux | gradually | 漸次
ciaxmzu | a short stay; a temporary stay; temporarily reside at | 暫住
cirnciaxm | to enter and occupy | 進佔
khiciaxm | to bully; to occupy | 欺佔
khoanciaxm | to draw circles and occupy | 圈占
kiongciaxm | to occupy forcibly; to take (property; one's wife) by force | 強佔
koahciaxm | annex and occupy | 割佔
kongciaxm | attack and occupy | 攻佔; 攻佔,攻取
parciaxm thofte | infringe on territory; occupy territory; encroach | 霸佔土地
parciaxm | take possession by force; to seize; to forcibly occupy; usurp by force; intrude; infringe on; occupy or take by violence | 霸佔; 霸占
suciaxm | private possession | 私佔
thunciaxm | usurp; appropriate; to annex (territory) | 侵佔; 吞佔
toadciaxm | to usurp | 奪佔
togciaxm | monopolize; monopolization; monopolise | 獨佔; 獨占

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