"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Engpong cibthoaan | sterling block | 英鎊集團
awcib | stubborn | 頑固; 拗執
buncib | a collection of essays; a writer's works | 文集
cib | to hold; to compile; to hibernate; hold; to grasp; seize; detain; to arrest; maintain or uphold a principle; hold on to stubbornly | 執; 輯; 蟄
cib'iuu | collect stamps | 集郵; 收集郵票
cib'oar | gather to nearby | 聚攏; 集合
cib'oar`laai | gather; assemble; collect | 集倚來; 聚集
cibay | vagina; vulva | 芝屄; 膣屄; 陰部; 陰戶; 罵人語
cibbok | loneliness; lonely; lonesome | 寂寞
cibchi | a periodic market | 集市
cibcvii | collect money; call for contributions of money | 集錢; 募捐
cibgi | to get agreement by a meeting | 集議
cibhabthea | aggregate (of minerals) | 集合體
cibhap bengsuu | collective noun | 集合名詞
cibhap | gather together; gathering; assemble; gather together | 集合
cibhoe kietsia | assemble and form an organization or society | 集會結社
cibhoe zuxiuu | freedom of assembly | 集會自由
cibhoe | a meeting; hold a meeting; assemble for a meeting; meeting; conference | 集會
cibhuxn | train many people at the same place and time | 集訓
cibjieen | lonesome | 寂然
cibkhoaan | centralization | 集權
cibkied | concentrate troops | 集結; 凝結
cibkirm | collection of heterogeneous passages from various literary sources; a hodgepodge | 集錦
cibkoaan | centralization of state power; concentration of authority; centralization of authority; concentration of power | 集權
cibkor | collect capital in order to establish a business | 集股
cibkør | correct manuscripts for publication | 集稿
cibsarnte | commercial center; commercial port | 集散地
cibseeng | compile, compilation | 集成; 編纂
cibsiao sengtøf | many drops of water make an ocean | 集少成多
cibsw kofng'eg | canvass various opinions and benefit from them | 集思廣益
cibsw-kofnggi | to gather public opinion | 集思廣義
cibthea hengtong | collective action | 集體行動
cibthea longtviuu | collective farm | 集體農場
cibthea tham'ux | collective corruption | 集體貪污
cibthea | mass; collective; all together; collective; collectively | 集體
cibthoaan ibiin | wholesale emigration; emigrant group | 集團移民
cibthoaan kiet'hwn | mass wedding | 集團結婚
cibthoaan | battalion; ring; group; organization; body of people; faction | 集團
cibthoankwn | an army; a military outfit which consists of more than two corps | 集團軍
cibtiofng | concentrate; to concentrate; to center; centralize; gather together | 集中
cibtiong'viaa | a concentration camp | 集中營
cibzeng | quiet | 寂靜
cibzu | collect or gather together | 集聚
cibzw | collect capital for a business enterprise | 集資
hoeflek cibtiofng | concentration of fire | 火力集中
khucib | persistent; stubborn | 拘執; 固執
korcib | obstinate; obstinacy; remain attached to an opinion; insist; stubborn | 固執
løcib | logic | 邏輯
phiencib | edit; editor | 編輯
piencib | compile; edit; editor | 編輯
piencibseg | editing room | 編輯室
siucib | receive and keep (a receipt; license) | 收執
thongcibhoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongcibleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
tiofngcib | the senior generation; seniority; eldership | 長執; 長輩
tiofngcib-hoe | session of elders and deacons | 長進會
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tuicib | stacking together | 堆集; 追緝
zawsvacib | chase | 走相逐
zengcib | argument; conflict; disagreement; dispute; feud; embroilment; contest; argue or dispute obstinately; to wrangle | 爭執
zorng phiencib | editor in chief | 總編輯

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