"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cvie

Giogcvie | a city in Tainan County of Taiwan | 玉井
Liongcvie | (N) Longjing (city in Jilin) | 龍井
chimcvie | deep well | 深井
cvie | immature; tender; unripe; inexperienced; young | 嫩; 井; 幼; 茈; 年幼
cvie'iuu | fry deep in fat | 炸油; 糋油
cvie'thaau | arrowhead | 箭頭
cviebaq | deep fried meat | 炸肉; 糋肉; 煎肉
cviehofng | head wind; against the wind | 逆風
cviejip | pile in | 爭入; 爭擠而入
cviekøea | deep-fried rice cake | 炸粿; 煎粿
cvieliau | frying materials | 煎料; 油炸物
cvielo | frying technique | 煎路; 油炸技術; 煎的食物
cviepax | a target | 箭靶
cviesie-cvieoah | to argue angrily or disruptively | 爭辯到底; 爭死爭活
cviesiofng | injure from arrow | 箭傷
cviesw | to lose the argument; message sent by arrows | 爭輸; 箭書
cviete | arrow bag | 箭袋
cvieteg | pachilan bamboo | 箭竹
cviethaau | an arrowhead; an arrow tip | 箭頭
cviezhuix | to argue; to dispute; to debate | 爭論; 爭嘴
haxmcvie | snare | 陷阱
hiongcvie | one's native district | 鄉井
hoefcviephaux | bazooka; rocket launcher | 火箭砲
iamcvie | salt wells | 鹽井
iucvie | oil well | 油井
iuocvie | young and lack of experience; tender | 幼嫩; 細嫩
khuicvie | to dig or drill a well | 開井
kiongcviechiuo | archer | 弓箭手
kocvie | a dry well | 枯井
kofcvie | ancient well | 古井; 鼓井
kudcvie | to dig a well | 掘井
lauxcvie | the young and the old | 老幼; 老嫩
lixhiofng-poexcvie | to travel to a distant land | 離鄉背井
ofcvie | to dig a well | 挖井
tacvie | dry well | 乾井
thiaocvie | jump into a well | 跳井
thuxncvie | fill a well | 鋤井; 填井
thvicvie | skylight | 天井
tøcvie | clean out a well | 淘井
zuxlaicvie | artesian well | 自來井
zuycvie | (water) well | 水井
zvoacvie | artesian well, spring | 泉井

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