"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cvii

axm laang ee cvii | make secret unfair gains from another's money | 侵佔他人的錢
baxcvii | seed money | 覓錢
be bøcvii | sell below cost; to sell below value | 賤價; 賣無錢
befloxcvii | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路錢
biefncvii | free of charge | 免錢
bwcvii | capital; principal | 母錢; 本錢; 本金
bøcvii | out of money | 無錢
bøeflo-cvii | tolls; bribery money | 買路錢
bøeftecvii | money for buying tea | 買茶錢
bøfcvii | principal; capital | 母錢; 本金
bøo pvoaree cvii | not a red cent | 無半的錢; 一毛錢也沒有
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
bøzhae cvii | waste of money (thing; etc.) | 無彩錢; 浪費錢
chiacvii | fare; car fare | 車錢; 車資
chiwbefcvii | money in the hands or possessions of a deceased person | 手尾錢
chiwboefcvii | money in the hands or possessions of a deceased person | 手尾錢
chiwbøea-cvii | money left behind at death | 手尾錢
ciaqcvii | corruption; graft; take graft | 吃錢; 食錢; 貪污; 收賄; 受賄
cibcvii | collect money; call for contributions of money | 集錢; 募捐
cidcvii | a dollar | 一錢
cidee cvii phaq jixsix kad | cheapskate; tight fisted; has to untie knots before he will spend a dollar. (Lit. One dollar is tied up by twenty-four knots.) | 一個錢打二四結; 吝嗇鬼
cidee cvii poah-be taan | One can not fight without an opponent | 一個巴掌拍無響; 一個錢跌未陳
cietcvii | equivalent to so many dollars... (said of an article used in repaying a debt) | 折錢
citpitcvii | this money | 這筆錢
ciwcvii | money for wine | 酒錢
ciøfcvii | not much money; less money | 少錢
ciøhcvii | borrow money; borrow money | 借錢
ciøq cvii | loan | 借錢
cvii aan | hand up for cash | 銀根緊; 手頭緊; 錢緊
cvii bøo nngxee poah-be taan | Both parties share equally the blame for a quarrel. (Lit. A single copper coin cannot produce a jingling sound.) | 錢無兩個跋未鳴; 一個銅板拍無響
cvii teq zørlaang | money makes others feel grateful to the giver | 錢在做人; 以錢度人
cvii | money; cash | 錢
cvii-lozaai | slave of money; miser | 錢奴才; 守財奴
cviuxcvii | to act like a spoiled child; to play the woman | 撒嬌; 撒賴
eeng ee cvii | spare money; idle money | 餘錢
engcvii | spare money; idle money | 餘錢; 閒錢
exngcvii | to spend money | 用錢
gaau khaicvii | spends a lot of money; likes to spend money | 很會花錢
gimcvii | paved terrace in front of a house | 簷前; 砛簷; 涔前; 屋簷; 階前
gincvii | silver currency; money in silver | 銀錢
goxngcvii | to spend or throw money without any thought; money wasted foolishly | 憨錢; 傻錢; 白丟之錢; 冤枉錢
he pwncvii | invest | 投下本錢; 下本錢
heeng cvii | back the money | 還錢
hengcvii | repay; refund; compensate; return money | 還錢
hiauheng-cvii | ill-gotten wealth or gains | 僥倖錢; 橫財
hiauhexngcvii | | 僥倖錢
hiexncvii | cash; ready money | 現錢; 現金; 現款
hoadcvii | be fined money | 罰錢; 罰金
hoatcvii | distribute money- pay day | 發錢; 支付工錢
hoehkvoaxcvii | hard-earned money; money earned with blood and sweat | 血汗錢
hoexcvii | remit money | 匯錢
huiecvii | expensive, costly | 費錢
huocvii | pay money | 付錢
høfzexcvii | much money | 好多錢
iapcvii | give money (things) secretly to another | 掩錢
iaxcvii | waste money; throw money away; spend wastefully; to bribe (buy off) | 撒錢; 散財; 行賄; 浪費金錢
iencvii | money used in the wedding ceremony to show family of bridegroom will care for the daughter-in-law | 緣錢; 結婚用的小銅錢叫
ioxngcvii | with money; spend money | 用錢; 花錢
iøqcvii | cost of medicine | 藥錢; 藥費
jiaocvii | do everything to (even at the risk of life) to make money | 抓錢; 拼命賺錢
jimcvii | take money out; look for money in a pocket | 掏錢; 尋錢
jiokcvii | raise money | 籌錢
jipcvii | rush about on business to secure funds or to raise money | 追錢; 奔走籌錢
kangcvii | salary; wages; cost of labor | 工錢; 工資
kaucvii | make payments or pay bills | 交錢
keacvii | term; price; price | 價錢
kefcvii | counterfeit; counterfeit banknote | 假錢; 偽鈔
khabefcvii | silver paper burned at the foot of dead people as money | 跤尾錢
khaboefcvii | silver paper burned at the foot of dead people as money | 跤尾錢
khaicvii | spend; spend money; spend money lavishly | 花錢
khaocvii | deduct from wages; reduce prices) | 扣錢
khaq-uxcvii | more wealthy; rather wealthy | 較有錢
khiarmcvii | lacking of money | 缺錢
khiaxmcvii | save money | 儉錢
khiøhcvii | collect money; call for contributions of money | 集錢; 募捐; 拾錢
khiøhtiøh cvii | pick up (find) money on the ground | 拾到錢
khiøq tengcvii | collect money for village purposes; plays; at so much a head | 募集丁錢; 拾丁錢
khorcvii | money minted by the government; public money | 庫錢; 公庫的錢
khuicvii | bear one's share of the expenses; Dutch treat | 開錢; 分攤費用
kiarcvii | a remittance, to remit | 寄錢
kiawcvii | hand over money, give in money | 繳錢
kimcvii | money; wealth | 金錢
kimcvii-zwgi | mercenariness | 金錢主義
koafncvii | to take care of money | 管錢
koancvii | contribute; donate (as money) | 捐錢
kofcvii | ancient money; ancient currency; ancient coins; ancient money; old coins | 古錢
kongcvii | public funds; public money; public money (fund); state expense | 公錢; 公款
korngcvii | squeeze money | 槓錢; 敲竹槓
kvoaxaxmcvii | hang money around the neck of a child because he is too young to handle money | 汗頷錢; 用紅線綁錢掛在小孩脖子上
labcvii | make payments | 繳錢
lansan'afcvii | sporadic money | 零星仔錢
lansancvii | small change; petty cash | 零星錢; 零錢
leng'ioxngcvii | pocket money | 零用錢
liafmcvii | hoard money; curtail; economize | 斂錢; 節省錢
liauxcvii | materials cost | 料錢
liawcvii | lose money | 了錢
liefncvii | blackmail for money | 輪錢; 輪子(家具的); 敲詐
lioxngsioxngcvii | surplus money | 冗尚錢
lob cinzøe cvii | invest or lose a great sum of money | 陷真濟錢; 虧了很多錢
lutcvii | swindle money out of a person | 騙錢
luycvii | give in exchange for money; exchange money | 調錢
løcvii | request money; ask over and over for money | 要錢
mxcviacvii | not much money | 毋成錢
mxtadcvii | worthless; of no value | 毋值錢
ngx lauxpe ee cvii | rely on father's wealth | 依賴父親的錢
niafcvii | receive one's pay; draw one's deposit | 領錢
nicvii | eaves (of a house) | 屋簷; 簾簷
nngfcvii | ill-gotten wealth or gains | 軟錢; 容易賺的
oaqcvii | money can make flexible use of | 活錢
oay laang ee cvii | filch (defraud) other's money (property) | 騙別人的錢; (財產)
ocvii | night burglar; also underhand payment; bribery | 黑錢
ofnghuix kimcvii | spent money to no purpose | 枉費金錢
paucvii | tipping; give money as a gift | 包錢; 包紅包
pecvii | compensation money. | 賠錢
phierncvii | cheat for money; cheat a person out of money; get money by fraud | 騙錢
phoecvii | approve money | 批錢
phvaycvii | evil money | 歹錢
piern laang ee cvii | cheat people out of money | 騙人的錢
piexntongcvii | bento money | 便當錢
poahcvii heeng laang | make an effort to get money to pay a debt; e.g.; taking money that was set aside for some less urgent purpose | 撥款還人
poahcvii | allocate funds; appropriation; appropriate a certain quantity of money for a special purpose | 撥錢; 融通; 撥款
poaqcvii | gamble for money | 賭錢
poecvii | suffer in one's pocket; out of pocket; make monetary restitution | 賠錢
poecvii-høex | the goods that will suffer loss in sale | 賠錢貨
pofuxncvii | replenishment money | 補運錢
puncvii | begging for money; distribute money; divide money | 乞錢; 分錢; 發錢
pwncvii | capital for business; capital funds; capital in trade | 本錢
pwnmiaxcvii | life saving | 本命錢
pøecvii | make restitution with money | 賠錢
sacvii | sweep up cash from the table with the hand; borrow money from many sources | 抓錢; 借錢
saikhiacvii | private or hidden money of the couples | 私奇錢
saikhviacvii | private or hidden money of the couples | 私奇錢
sefngcvii | cheap; economical; economical; it requires less money; save money | 省錢
sefsvaafcvii | laundry money | 洗衫仔錢
siesiuo'afcvii | snack allowance | 四秀仔錢
siucvii | collect payments; receive money | 收錢
siøhcvii | care about money | 惜錢
sngrcvii | count money | 算錢
sucvii | lose money (in gambling) | 輸錢
sukhiacvii | private savings of a girl or married woman | 私房錢
sviwcvii | tips (for waiters; servants) | 賞錢
sycvii | inactive or unemployed money | 死錢
søeacvii | rent money | 租錢; 稅錢; 租金
tadcvii | valuable; be valuable; be worthy; worth money; costly | 值錢
tangcvii | coin; copper coins | 銅錢
tecvii | collect money; donate money | 捐錢
tehnicvii | New Year cash gift wrapped in red paper | 硩年錢
tengcvii | the money for village purposes; plays to be collected at so much a head | 丁錢
texcvii | carry cash in one's pocket | 裝錢; 帶錢
thagzhehcvii | tuition | 讀冊錢
thamcvii | covet money | 貪錢
thapcvii | make up the money to meet the needs | 補錢
tharncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
tharntoaxcvii | make a fortune | 趁大錢
thaxn toaxcvii | making large gains | 趁大錢; 發大財
thiapcvii | give monetary assistance; to pay out of one's own pocket ─ especially when one is not required to; as in performing an official duty; replace goods by additional cost | 貼錢
thiaxmcvii | chip in money | 填錢
thuxncvii | save money | 儲錢
thøfcvii | demand money due us; ask one's superior to give him money | 討錢
tiexncvii | the burned paper money for the dead | 奠錢
tiexnhefcvii | electric utility cost | 電火錢
tiexnhoefcvii | electric utility cost | 電火錢
tionglangcvii | commission or money present given to a middle man | 中人錢
tioxngcvii | care about money; brokerage, commission | 重錢; 仲錢; 經手費
tngfcvii | transfer money | 轉錢
toa-tharncvii | making large gains | 賺大錢; 發大財
toarcvii | carry cash; have cash on one's person | 帶錢
toaxpahcvii | large sum of money | 大把錢; 鉅款
toaxtharncvii | make big bucks | 大趁錢
tofcvii | gamble for money | 賭錢
tuo-kangcvii | deduct so much from wages; e.g.; to make up for a debt | 抵工錢
tviaxcvii | earnest money; deposit; deposit; down payment | 定錢; 定金
tøecvii | collect subscription, raise money | 隨錢; 題錢; 認捐
tør laang ee cvii | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的錢; 倒人的帳
uxcvii | have money; be wealthy; rich | 有錢
uxcvii-uxsex | possess money and power | 有錢有勢
viacvii | win at gambling | 贏錢
viucvii | western money | 洋錢
voaxcvii | change or exchange money | 換錢
zaaocvii | give change | 找錢
zahcvii | carry money | 紮錢
zaq cvii | carry money | 紮錢
zauxcvii | give change | 找錢
zefngcvii | advance money to a person; defray a person's expenses | 墊錢; 籌錢
zhaecvii | the money to buy food; money for food | 菜錢; 買菜的錢
zhaocvii | dirty money | 臭錢
zhoancvii | gather money | 拴錢
zhuiecvii | change- money | 碎錢; 零錢
zhuncvii | saving; deposit; have money left; money left | 儲蓄; 剩錢
zhuoseacvii | rent; house tax | 厝稅錢
zhuosoeacvii | rent; house tax | 厝稅錢
zhutcvii | help by donating money; pay money; pay a bill; offer or contribute money | 出錢; 付錢
zngrcvii | take money from weak people | 鑽錢; 利用人家弱點弄錢
zoafcvii | paper money for dead; mock money burned in idolatrous rites | 紙錢; 冥紙
zoafncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
zocvii | rent money, fee for hiring | 租金; 租錢
zongcvii | busy oneself about borrowing money | 量錢; 調頭寸
zuncvii | boat money | 船錢
zuocvii | coinage | 鑄錢; 造幣
zuozhehcvii | registration money | 註冊錢
zuytøxcvii | water bill | 水道錢; 水費
zøexcvii | rich; affluent | 濟錢

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