"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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(kofng'oe, zørtaixcix)pud teg iaolerng | (In speaking or doing things) not to come to the point | (講話; 做事)不得要領
Aetegsefng | Edison | 愛迪生
Alegsantai | Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) | 亞歷山大
Auseg | European style | 歐式
Begkaf | Mocian; Mohist School; ink expert | 墨家; 麥加
Begnypurn | Melbourne | 墨爾本
Begse'af | Messiah | 默西亞
Begsekøf | Mexico | 墨西哥
Begsixliok | Apocalypse; the Book of Revelation (Catholic); Revelation of St John | 默示錄; 啟示錄
Begzuo | Mocius; one of the great philosophers of the Warring States period; who preached love without distinction | 墨子; 墨翟
Bexngzofng-teg | Moso bamboo | 孟宗竹; 毛竹
Boghafnbegteg | Mohammed | 穆罕默德
Bykog-seg | American style | 美國式
Byseg | American style | 美式
Gixteg | a city in Chiayi County of Taiwan | 義竹
Gvafkokpeg Sw | The Epistle of James (Catholic) | 雅各伯書
Gvofsiofng laqzeg | Paschal candle | 五傷蠟燭
Hoxzegkie | Numbers (Catholic) Name for a book of the Bible | 戶籍紀
Huylypeg Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians (Catholic) | 腓利伯書
Ialegbyaf | Jeremiah (Catholic) | 耶肋米亞
Jidseg | Japanese-styleJapanese business | 日式
Jinteg | a city in Tainan County | 仁德
Kokzex-tegsiax-zocid | Amnesty International (AI) | 國際特赦組織
Lamkegkhoaan | Antarctic Circle | 南極圈
Legbixkie | Leviticus (Catholic) | 肋未紀
Legtai Cieliok | Chronicle (1; 2) (Protestant) | 歷代誌略 (上; 下卷)
Legtor | Green Island (off the southeastern Taiwan coast; site of a reformatory camp) | 綠島
Legtorng | Green Party | 綠黨
Legtør | a city in Taitung County; Green Island (off the southeastern Taiwan coast) | 綠島
Lidseg | Japanese-style | 日式
Log'eg hongciw | Ark of Noah | 諾厄方舟
Longliim chiegiaxmtviuu | Government Experimental Farm and Nursery | 農林試驗場
Loteg | a place in Taiwan | 廬竹
Loxteg Maftefng | Martin Luther | 路德馬丁
Loxteg | Lu-chu; Luzhu county; Lourdes (Catholic) | 路竹; 露德
Mafkapeg | Machabees (Catholic) | 瑪加伯
Mafkheg | mark (German currency) | 馬克
Maftefng Loxteg | Martin Luther (1483-1546); founder of the Protestant movement | 馬丁路德
Mileghut | Buddha Maitreya | 彌勒佛
Muiseg ee Ludhoad | Mosaic Law (Catholic) | 梅瑟的律法
Pakkeghae | Arctic Ocean | 北極海
Pakkegkhiern | Eskimo dogs | 北極犬
Pakkegkhoaan | Arctic Circle | 北極圈
Pakkegzhvef | Polar Star | 北極星
Patteg | a city in Taoyuan County | 八德
Pegkiofng | White House | 白宮
Peglefngsviaa | Bethlehem; town in Palestine where Jesus Christ was born (Catholic) | 白冷城
Peglerng Goaxhngf Thoankaohoe | SMB: Societas Miss de Bethlehem (Switz) | 白冷外方傳教會
Pyteg Cieen-Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Peter (Protestant) | 彼得前後書
Seg | Sophonias (Catholic) | 索福尼亞; (索)
Segcie | a city in Taipei County | 汐止
Segoaan | A.D.; Western Calendar | 西元
Seteg | West Germany | 西德
Seviuu-legsuo | European history | 西洋歷史
Sexng Jiogseg | St. Joseph (Catholic) | 聖若瑟
Sexng Pyteg | St. Peter (Protestant) | 聖彼得
Siegøeh | April | 四月
Sinteg | Hsinchu | 新竹
Sinteg-koaxnchi | Hsinchu County-City | 新竹縣市
Tangteg | East Germany | 東德
Teg cieen | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians (Catholic) | 德撒洛尼 (德。前; 後)
Teg | Ecclesiasticus (Catholic) | 德訓篇
Teghoarkef | famous business street in Taipei | 迪化街
Texboxteg Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Catholic) | 弟茂德前後書 (弟前; 後)
Thaegvafzok | a aboriginal in Taiwan | 泰雅族
Thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星
Thaepegzhvef | Venus | 太白星
Tiongkokseg | Chinese fashion; Oriental style; a la chinoise | 中國式
Zeg | Ezechiel (Catholic) | 厄則克耳; (則)
aegiog'ar | kind of vine whose seeds can make a jelly | 愛玉仔
aegiogcie | kind of vine whose seeds can make a jelly | 愛玉子
aegiok | a kind of Jell-O in yellow color | 愛玉
aeteg | virtue of charity | 愛德
aklegkex | gripping gauge; hand dynamometer | 握力計
amseg | cover up a lie or error; to conceal the truth | 掩飾
anglegtefng | traffic light | 紅綠燈
angseg | red color | 紅色
angteg | red bamboo | 紅竹
anseg | cozy; rest | 安適; 安息
aoseg | dark color | 漚色
aplegkex | pressure gauge | 壓力計
aplegpiør | pressure gauge | 壓力表
appeg pehsvex | oppress the people | 壓迫百姓
appeg | compel; force; pressure; hard-pressed; oppression; constraint | 壓迫
appeg-karm | pressure | 壓迫感
armjieen-sitseg | to be cast into the shade | 暗然失色
armnaseg | dark blue | 暗藍色; 深藍色
armseg | dark color; a dark room; darkroom for developing photographs | 暗色; 暗室
auxzeg | stepfather | 繼父; 後叔
azeg | uncle (father's younger brother); uncle (father's younger brothers) | 阿叔; 叔父; 叔叔
bagkheg | woodcut | 木雕; 木刻
bagseg khar | quick at understanding or imitating | 目色巧; 眼力好
bagseg | (n) hint or signal given with one's eyes; expression in one's eyes indicating one's intention or wish | 目色; 目識; 眼光; 眼色; 眼力
bagzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bahseg | color of meat; fleshed colored | 肉色
bajiteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
baliteg | a type of bamboo | 貓兒竹
baxnzeg | youngest uncle among father's younger brothers | 慢叔; 最小的叔叔
bayteg zhud høfsurn | Accomplishments of a child can be greater than his parents. (Lit. a bad bamboo tree produces good bamboo shoots.) | 壞竹出好筍
be piernseg | color will not change or fade | 無變色; 不褪色
be theaseg | it won't fade | 袂褪色
bea-legsøq | reins | 馬力繩; 馬韁
beg | tapir | 貘
begbek bugieen | wordless; speechless | 默默無言
begbek putguo | silent, speechless, without a word to say | 默默無言
begbek | silently; unnoticed | 默默
beghie | tacit permission | 默許
begie | riddle | 謎語
begjim | tacit consent or approval | 默認
begkarm | inspiration; inspire | 默感
begkhea | reveal or inspire; revelation | 默示; 默啟
begkhex | tacit understanding; tacit understanding; implicit agreement | 默契
begkoafn | contemplation | 默觀; 靜觀
begkoankitør | contemplative prayer | 默觀祈禱
begliam | recite; recitation; to teach with book closed; silently think of; repeat a passage; read meditatively; silently; ponder or think | 默念
begpid | ink pen | 墨筆
begsi lok | the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse | 默示錄
begsi | reveal; revelation | 默示; 啟示
begsiar | mental writing; to write with book closed | 默寫
begsiorng | meditation; meditate | 默想
begsiuo sengkuy | stick to old rules; conservative | 墨守成規
begsiuo | guard traditional vigilantly; resist change | 墨守
begsixliok | reveal record | 默示錄
begthok | mental reading | 默讀
begtør | silent prayer; pray in secret or silently | 默禱
bengbeeng pegpek | clear; clearly; obviously; evidently | 明明白白
bengkheg | great musical composition; masterpiece in music | 名曲
bengseg | distinct, clear, clearnesse | 明識
bengteg | highest virtue | 明德
beseg | lust | 迷色; 貪慾
bexngzongteg | Moso bamboo, Phyllostachuys pubescens | 毛宗竹
bidngg-seg | honey yellow | 蜜黃色
bidseg | secret chamber; hidden room | 密室
bie-seg | ivory color | 米色
biefn'eghoad | immunization | 免疫法
biefn'eglek | immunity | 免疫力
biefn'egsexng | immunity from infection | 免疫性
bien iuo lanseg | look reluctant | 面有難色
biexnbuu jinseg | look extremely scared | 面無人色
biexnpheg | to face the wall and meditate (Zen Buddhist) | 面壁
biexnzeg | area; square measure; area; surface; dimensions | 面積
bileghut | the Laughing Buddha | 彌勒佛
bin lekseg | grow pale with fear; shame; lose facial color | 面慄色; 臉失色
bin sitseg | turn white from fear | 面失色
binzok ieseg | national consciousness | 民族意識
binzuo teg | democratic | 民主的
bixnseg | facial color; complexion; complexion; countenance | 面色; 臉色
bixnzeg | acreage; area; proportion | 面積
bogkeg | eyewitness; to see with one's own eyes | 目擊
bogkheg | wood engraving; woodcut | 木刻; 木雕
bogteg | purpose; purpose; aim; goal; objective | 目的; 目標
bogtegte | destination | 目的地
bogzheg køchym | unfathomable; inscrutable | 莫測高深
bogzheg | measure distance with the eyes | 目測
bok putseg tefng | not to know a single word; ignorant | 目無識丁
boseg | mode; method | 模式
boxeg-siofng | an importer or exporter, a trader | 貿易商
boxegkarng | trading port; commercial port | 貿易港
boxegsiofng | business of trade or exchange; trader; import export business | 貿易商
boxngteg | act of hope; virtue of hope (Catholic) | 望德
boxseg | dusk | 暮色
bu'eg | unprofitable; useless | 無益
budseg | search for; look for; seek out; search for; look for; hunt up | 物色
bukhurn-seg | isolation ward; germ-free room | 無菌室
bulegkarm | sense of lacking strength | 無力感
bunkeg | culture revolution | 文革
bunseg | the decorations writing of article; whitewash faults of article | 文飾
busii bukheg | every minute and every moment | 無時無刻
but kek zeg hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
butegchiuo | cannot be matched; without a rival | 無敵手
buu ieseg | unconsciousness; unintentional; involuntary | 無意識
buu-ieseg | unconsciousness, involuntarily, mechanically | 無意識
buzeg | without traces; no tracks; no mark left | 無跡
buzheg | helpless; no plan or policy | 無策
bwkheg | dance music; dance tune | 舞曲
byseg | feminine beauty | 媠色; 美色
byteg | a virtue; excellent virtue | 美德
byzheg | paddy rice | 米粟
bø'eg | no good; not good for; not beneficial | 無益
bøchyn bøzheg | without kin or friends | 無親無戚
bøchyn-bøzheg | orphan without any relatives | 無親無戚
bøe-kegtong`ee | stolid | 未激動的
bøexsegchiuo | not familiar; layman | 未熟手
bøhabseg | not fitting, not seemly, not suitable | 不合適
bøiegi | meaningless, without significance | 無意義
bøieseg | unconscious | 無意識
bølangseg | out of touch with influential people, unable to facilitate a matter through lack of contacts | 無人識; 沒有人情
bøo bogteg | aimless; without objective; at random | 無目的
bøo goanzeg | unprincipled | 無原則
bøo habseg | not fitting, improper | 無合適
bøo iegi | without significance , meaningless | 無意義
bøo ieseg | unconsciousness; unintentional; involuntary | 無意識
bøo langseg | without friends or helpers | 無人色; 無人事關係
bøo tøxteg | immoral; unethical | 無道德
bøo zongzeg | disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無蹤跡
bøteg-bøtvia | not peaceful; not steady; is impetuous | 無得無定; 好動; 靜無得
chiahseg | red color; red color; communist | 赤色; 紅色
chiam'ii-beghoax | change and influence unobtrusively and imperceptibly | 潛移默化
chiauzheg | coordinate; dispose anew | 協調; 重新配置; 搜測
chiazheg | side at an oblique angle | 斜測; 斜面
chiefnlamseg | light blue | 淺藍色
chiefnseg | light shade of color | 淺色
chiefnthøo-seg | light peach | 淺桃色
chiegek | rebellion | 弒逆
chiegiagiaa | fierce; violent | 兇巴巴; 刺夯夯
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
chiegiam | test; try; trial; experiment; to experiment; to try; test or examine | 試驗
chiegiaxmseg | laboratory | 試驗室
chiekeg | excitement; incite; stimulate; stimulate; provoke; excite; irritate | 刺激
chiekeg-but | irritant, simulant | 刺激物
chiekeg-sexng | stimulating quality | 刺激性
chien'eg | one thousand billions | 千億
chieteg | thorny bamboo | 刺竹
chimkheg | profound; serious; significant; deeply meaningful; profound significance; penetrating views or comments; deep impression | 深刻
chimnaseg | dark blue | 深藍色
chimseg | deep color | 深色
chinzheg | relatives; relatives on the father's side | 親戚
chiokpeg | urge; to hurry along | 促迫
chiongkeg | brunt; strike against; pound against | 衝擊
chiongpeg | urge | 衝迫; 倉促
chiongtheg | flooded | 充斥
chip'heg | to arrest | 緝獲
chitpheg | seven inferior souls (Taoism) | 七魄
chitseg | seven color of the spectrum | 七色
chiuseg | autumn scenery; autumnal tints | 秋色
chiwseg | ornaments on woman's head and neck; jewelry | 首飾
chiwsudseg | operating room | 手術室; 開刀房
chiwsut ciegoaxnsw | written consent given by the patient for surgery | 手術志願書
chiwsut-seg | surgicall operation room | 手術室
chiwzeg | bugia, low candle with short handle | 手燭
chizhafmlogpheg | miserable and desolate | 飼查某
chizheg | arrange; plan; fix up | 安排; 考慮
chviakeg | Decoration | 成革; 裝潢
chviseg | green color; blue color; blue color | 青色
chviteg | a green bamboo | 青竹
chviuokheg | sing a Taiwanese song; to sing; sing songs | 唱曲; 唱小曲; 唱歌
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
chviuzheg | winnow rice | 颺粟
chvizharm-logpheg | wretched; miserable | 悽慘落魄
chvyseg | light blue; green | 青色; 靘色
chym putkhøfzheg | immeasurable depth or profundity; extremely abstruse | 深無可測
chymseg | bedroom | 寢室
ciam'ieseg | the subconscious; subconscious | 潛意識
ciam'ii-beghoax | imperceptibly | 潛移默化
ciamkheg | acrimonious | 尖刻
ciamzai ieseg | subconscious | 潛在意識
ciamzhuiegveh'ar | sharp plier | 尖喙夾仔
ciaplegsaix | relay race | 接力賽
ciapthai-seg | a reception-room | 接待室
ciapthaixseg | reception room | 接待室
ciaqseg | brilliant; bright; brighten up | 吃色; 顏色鮮艷; 上顏色
ciauthaixseg | reception room | 招待室
ciaux kuizeg | according to regulations or reason | 照規則
ciaxmseg | a lull | 暫設; 暫息
cibsw kofng'eg | canvass various opinions and benefit from them | 集思廣益
cidkheg | a quarter of an hour | 一刻
cidseg | one color | 一色
cidsii-cidkheg | for every single moment; every moment | 一時一刻
cidsikheg | a single moment | 一時刻
ciedkeg | to intercept | 截擊
ciegi | most righteous | 至義
ciegieen | words of utmost importance or significance; the most virtuous or proper utterances | 至言
ciegoan | volunteer; desire; aspire to; volunteer; voluntary; free choice | 志願
ciegoan-kwn | volunteer-troops | 志願軍
ciegoan-sw | written application | 志願書
ciegoaxnkwn | army made up of volunteers | 志願軍
ciegoaxnpefng | military volunteers | 志願兵
ciegoaxnsw | pledge in writing | 志願書
cienzaokheg | prelude | 前奏曲
ciernleg | to tremble, to shiver, to shudder | 顫抖; 戰慄
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
ciernzeg | war record | 戰績
ciernzheg | strategy; ruses of war | 戰策
cieteg | to censure, to blame, to find falt with | 至德
cietteg | temperance (Catholic) | 節德
ciong'ioong putpeg | in an unhurried of leisurely manner | 從容無迫
cirn'eg | beneficiary improved | 進益
cirnhengkheg | march; martial music | 進行曲
cirnhengseg | progressive tense (in grammar) | 進行式
cirnleg | shock | 震慄
cirnteg | make progress in learning | 進德
citzeg | interrogate; a responsibility; demands or responsibilities of office; one's duty and responsibility | 質責; 職責
ciunii ee anseg Misad | anniversary requiem Mass | 週年的安息彌撒
ciwseg koeato | excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 酒色過度
ciwseg zaikhix | wine; women; wealth and power four main temptations of man | 酒色財氣
ciwseg | alcoholism and sex; wine and women | 酒色
ciwseg-cy-too | libertine; debauchee | 酒色之徒
ciwteg | wine ethics | 酒德
cixnkegthaau | end | 盡極頭
cixnzeg | conscientiousness | 盡責
ciøqteg | Thill bamboo | 石竹; 轎槓竹
cviafseg | light color | 淡色
cviarbin kongkeg | frontal attack | 正面攻擊
cviarbin-kongkeg | a frontal attack | 正面攻擊
cviarseg | with a severe countenance; legal wife | 正色; 正室
cvieteg | pachilan bamboo | 箭竹
cviuoseg | sauce color | 醬色
cvyteg | new bamboo shoots; tender bamboo | 嫩竹; 幼竹
cynliauseg | doctor's consultation room | 診療室
cynzhad-seg | doctor's room | 診察室
cynzhatseg | clinical office; examining room (medical) | 診察室
cyseg | purple; violet | 紫色
cyteg | reproval | 指摘; 只得
cytheg | To reprove or criticize openly; refute | 指斥
cyzeg | to criticize; to accuse; to find fault with; accuse | 指責
cyzhuiegiok | alexandrite | 紫翠玉
eg | difficulty; to hiccup; to repress; to curb; to benefit; a yoke; to spill or overflow; narrow; a hundred million; to recall to the mind; the breast or chest; a strategic position; benefit | 厄; 呃; 扼; 抑; 益; 軛; 溢; 隘; 億; 憶; 臆; 阨
eg'iongsut | art of disguise | 易容術
eg'ioong | disguise | 易容
eg'oaan | translator; dragoman | 譯員; 睪丸
eg'uu | to be easy to, to be apt to | 易餘; 易於
eg'ym | sound transcription | 譯音
egbea | post-horse; courier horse | 驛馬
egbeeng | to change a name | 易名
egbiaau | vaccine; vaccin; bacterin; vaccine | 疫苗
egbuun | translation; version; translated texts | 譯文
egchiuo | change hands | 易手
egciar | translator | 譯者
egha | the armpit | 腋窩; 腋下
eghoax | liquefaction; liquefying; fluidify; liquefaction | 液化
eghvox | exchange of commodities | 易換; 易貨
egjieen | also; too; similarly | 亦然
egjit | the next day | 次日; 翌日
egkefng | bathroom | 浴間; 洗澡間; 浴室
egkeng'ar | bathroom | 浴間仔
egkwn | towel, bath-towe | 浴巾
egkyn | towel; washrag; washcloth; bath towel | 浴巾
eglaam | milliary serviceman | 役男
egmiaa | translation name; translated name | 譯名
egphaux | bathrobe | 浴袍
egphuun | bathtub | 浴盆; 洗澡盆
egpiexn | changes | 易變
egpoaq | postal account (for remitting funds) | 譯撥; 劃撥
egpurn | translated version (of a book) | 譯本
egpvi | epidemic disease | 疫病
egsefng | male dancer on Confucius' birthday | 浴生; 佾生
egseg | bathroom | 浴室; 洗澡間
egthaix | the liquid state | 液態
egtharng | wooden bath; bathtub | 浴桶; 浴盆
egthea toxngleghak | hydrodynamics | 液體動力學
egthea zexngleghak | hydrostatics | 液體靜力學
egthea | liquid; aqua; liquids | 液體
egtii | plunge bath; piscina; large bath (as at a hot spring) | 浴池
egtviuu | bathing resort, beach | 浴場
egzeeng | pandemic | 疫情
egzernghak | epidemiology | 疫症學
egzexng | an epidemic | 疫症
egzuo | change owners or masters | 易主
egzux | translate and annotate | 譯註
egzøo | bathtub | 浴槽; 浴盆
egzøx | translate into | 譯做
ekzheg | conjecture, guess, suppose | 臆測
engjiseg | nursery | 嬰兒室
engzheg | poppy; including opium poppy | 罌粟
ezheg | husk rice | 輾榖; 碾粟
gafnseg | eye sign | 眼色
gagkheg | composition; music | 樂曲
ganseg | color; pigment | 顏色
geg'aau | be unpleasant to throat; to stick in the throat | 逆喉; 無順喉
geg'ah | jade box | 玉匣; 玉盒
geg'ar | sampan; gem (usually Jade | 玉仔; 舢舨
geg'ixn | jade stamp; jade seal | 玉印
gegbeng | disobey order | 逆命; 違背命令
gegchiafm | the tuberose; jade clasp | 玉簪
gegcie | against imperial decree; against wish | 逆旨; 違背聖旨
gegee | uncomfortable | 睨睨; 不舒服,怪怪的; 有點討人厭; 無舒服
gegheeng | movement in an opposite direction; conduct contrary to normal rules; proceed in the opposite direction | 逆行
geghioxng | go in the opposite direction | 逆向
geghoad | rebel against law | 逆法
geghofng | go against the wind; be at a disadvantage; head wind | 逆風
geghvi | be offensive to the hearer; be unpleasant to hear | 逆耳
gegkafng | jade worker | 玉工
gegkerng | adverse circumstances; bad fortune; adversity | 逆境
gegkhix | jade vessels; jade utensils; jade wares; jade articles | 玉器
gegkhoaan | jade bracelet | 玉環
geglaihiofng | tuberose | 玉來香; 夜來香
gegliau | foretell; anticipate; foresee | 逆料
geglie | go against the principle; violate human obligation; contrary to reason | 逆理
gegliuu | reverse current; something that goes against the flow; adverse current | 逆流
gegloo | jade stove; jade furnace | 玉爐
gegluun | rebellious to the family order | 逆輪; 逆倫
gegnie | be offensive to the hearer; grate on the ears (of statements) | 逆耳
gegpaan | a jade vial | 玉瓶
gegpoef | jade cup | 玉杯
gegpvoaa | jade plate or tray | 玉盤
gegsad | slaughter, massacre, genocide | 逆殺; 屠殺
gegsexng | go against nature | 逆性; 違背人性
gegsiin | traitors and usurpers; minister who has switched loyalty to another ruler | 逆臣
gegsuie hengciw | boat going against the stream; sail a boat against the current | 逆水行舟
gegsym | in disagreement with what one wants | 逆心; 無順心
gegthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 逆待; 虐待
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gegthiefn | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
gegthvy | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegtiøh | opposing | 逆到; 生氣
gegtui | jade pendant | 玉墜
gegzhaf | deficit | 逆差
gegzhuix | broken jade | 玉碎
gegzoarn | deteriorate; turn for the worse | 逆轉
gegzuie | go against the current | 逆水
gegzuo | an unfilial son; unfilial; disobedient or recalcitrant child | 逆子
gegzw | jade bead | 玉珠
gengkeg | to make frontal attack; to meet enemy; intercept (an advancing enemy) | 迎擊
geqseg | moonlight | 月色
geseg | ivory color | 牙色
giabzeg | sale; gross proceeds; turnover; accomplishments | 業績
giamkheg | harsh; exacting | 嚴刻
giamzeg | reprimand severely | 嚴責
giefnkiuoseg | research laboratory | 研究室
gienzeg | duty of expressing criticism; opinion during tenure of office | 言責
ginhaang lixseg | bank interest | 銀行利息
ginhoeseg | silver-gray | 銀灰色
ginseg | silver color | 銀色
giseg | ritual; powwow; ceremonial; ceremony; rites | 儀式
gixseg | ritual | 議式
gixsuxseg | assembly hall | 議事室
gixteg | volunteer conduct | 義德
goadkofng-kheg | the moonlight melody | 月光曲
goanseg | primary color; primary colors | 原色
goanzeg | principle; general rule; principle (of handling or doing something) | 原則
goanzeg-siong | in principle | 原則上; 在原則上
goaxkaw zerngzheg | foreign policy | 外交政策
goaxzheg | wife's or mother's relatives; connections by marriage | 外戚; 外側
goeqseg | monthly interest rate; monthly interest | 月息
goexzheg | wife's or mother's relatives | 外戚
goxlogseg | recreation room; rumpus room | 娛樂室; 康樂室
goxlok-seg | recreation room | 娛樂式; 娛樂室
gubiin zerngzheg | policy of keeping the people in ignorance under a dictatorship; obscurantism | 愚民政策
guipeg | critical, urgent, pressing | 危逼; 急迫
gulengseg | milk color | 牛乳色
guniseg | milk color | 牛奶色
gunseg | silver | 銀色
gusayseg | feces yellow | 牛屎色
gvexpeg | compel or force; press hard for | 硬逼
gvixpeg | to compel | 硬迫
gvofseg | the five colors(red | 五色
gvofzhayseg | polychrome | 五彩色
gygieen sidgiaxmseg | language laboratory | 語言實驗室
gøeqseg | moonlight | 月色
habseg | suitable; fitting; proper; appropriate | 合適
habzaux-kheg | musical score for an ensemble | 合奏曲
hafngheg | terrify by threats | 哄嚇; 恐嚇
hagseg | knowledge by study; academic attainments; knowledge derived from studies | 學識
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
hangliet-seg | (in math) determinant | 行列式
hatseg | dark brown | 棕色; 褐色; (深)
hauxchiaseg | a waiting room at a railway station or bus terminal | 候車室
hauxcirn-seg | a waiting room at the hospital or doctor's office | 候診室
hauxcynseg | (doctor's) waiting room | 候診室
hauxeg | benefit | 效益
hauxkiseg | a lounge at an airport terminal building | 候機室
hauxtviwseg | schoolmaster's office; principal's office | 校長室
haxieseg | subconscious | 下意識
haxzheg | bad strategy; measure or policy | 下策
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
hayzuie egtviuu | beach | 海水浴場
hayzuie tørkeg | seawater pours in | 海水倒激
hayzuyegtviuu | bathing resort; beach | 海水浴場
heeg | remember | 回憶
heg | black | 黑; 赫; 嚇
heg'oat | bring on disaster | 禍殃
hegbuo | nuclear weapons | 核武
hegciar | or, perhaps | 或者
hegciax | or else; it may be that | 或者; 或許
hegcioxng | delude or confuse the people | 惑眾
heghoad | issued | 核發
heghuieliau | nuclear waste | 核廢料
hegjieen-sexng | probability | 或然性
hegjienlut | probability | 或然率
hegkiux | be rescued or saved from death or disaster | 獲救
hegleeng | nuclear energy | 核能
hegli | to earn profit; get or obtain profit | 獲利
hegsexng | to triumph; to obtain victory | 獲勝
hegsi | or; or it is… | 或是
hegsiax | to be pardoned | 獲赦
hegsym | core; core (of a matter | 核心
hegsyn | flesh, the body | 核心; 肉體
hegtai-hegsiør | either large or small | 或大或小
hegteg | take possession of; obtain; get | 獲得
hegteng | approve | 核定
hegtid | get or obtain; acquire | 獲得
hegtuix | check; check on; check up | 核對
hegzhuo | getting; acquisition | 獲取
hegzoe | to commit a crime or sin | 獲罪
hegzuo hoafn'erngloo | nuke reactor | 核子反應爐
hegzuo texbin chiepok | nuclear experimental explosion on the surface of the earth; nuclear test | 核子地面試爆
hegzuo | nuclear | 核子
hegzuo-bwkhix | nuclear weapon | 核子武器
hegzuo-ciernzefng | nuclear war | 核子戰爭
hegzuo-tvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 核子彈
hegzurn | approve; approval | 核准
hegzwhuieliau | nuclear waste | 核子廢料
hegzwkhiofnghad | nuclear threat | 核子恐嚇
hengheeng-sekseg | of all shapes and colors; great variety and diversity | 形形色色
hengseg zhonghoong | look anxious and tense; be in a big hurry like a fugitive | 形色倉皇
hengseg zwgi | formalism | 形式主義
hengseg | form; format; formality; outward appearance | 形式
hengseg-hoax | become perfunctory, become mere form | 形式化
hengseg-siong | nominally; for formality's sake | 形式上
hengtefngseg | identical equation, identity (math.) | 刑庭式; 恆等式
hengzeg khøfgii | behavior or manner that arouses suspicion | 行跡可疑
hengzeg | one's behavior or conduct; traces | 形跡; 刑責; 痕跡; 行跡
hiabkeg | attack from the flank | 挾擊
hiablegchiaf | bicycle or vehicle powered by two or more people | 協力車
hiabzaokheg | concerto | 協奏曲
hiefnheg | impressive; powerful; outstanding | 顯赫
hiegaam | lung cancer | 肺癌
hiegieen | joking matter | 戲言
hiegiøh | to laugh at, to ridicule, use vulgar language, make obscene jests | 戲謔
hiekheg | opera | 戲曲
hiengaai legmar | rein in the horse on the brink of the precipice; reform before it is too late | 懸崖勒馬
hienteg | virtuous | 賢德
hiet'eghak | hematology | 血液學
hietzeg | bloodstains | 血跡
hiexn keazheg | offer a plan; strategy to win | 獻計策
hiexnzai oansengseg | present perfect tense in English grammar | 現在完成式
hiseg | to dilute, diluted | 稀釋; 虛飾
hiugiabseg | semester closing ceremony | 休業式
hiukheg | shock, depression of the vital process | 休克
hiuseg | rest; take a recess; take an intermission; rest; to rest | 休息
hoafnheg'uxntong | Opposition to nuclear energy | 反核運動
hoafnhegjinsu | Anti-nuclear Protests | 反核人士
hoafnkeg | counter attack; fight back | 反擊
hoafnseg | turn color | 變色
hoan'egciar | translator | 翻譯者
hoan'egkoaan | translation rights for a book | 翻譯權
hoan'egpurn | translation of a book; translated version | 翻譯本
hoan'egsia | translation club | 翻譯社
hoargiam-seg | a loboratory | 化驗室; 化驗所
hoargiaxmseg | a loborator | 化驗室
hoarhak hongthengseg | chemical equation; chemical formula | 化學方程式
hoarhak hunseg | chemical analysis | 化學分析
hoarhak-korzøxseg | chemical structural formula | 化學構造式
hoarhak-seg | chemical formula | 化學式
hoarzofng-seg | medical laboratory | 化妝室
hoaseg liupefng | figure skating | 花式溜冰
hoatzeg | gain fame and fortune; rise to power and position | 發跡; 法則
hoaxnzoe ieseg | guilt feelings | 犯罪意識
hoe'eg | recollect; to recall; look back upon; recollection; memory | 回憶
hoeaseg | kinds; material or quality of goods; stock in trade; description of goods | 貨色
hoeeg | recollect, to recall, look back upon, recollection | 回憶
hoefhuseg | gray; ash colored | 灰燼色
hoege tiefnlarm | flower show | 花藝展覽
hoegok | calyx (flower) | 花萼
hoehseg | red; scarlet; color of the face | 血色
hoekeg | to counter-attack,to rebuff | 回擊
hoeseg | gray; ash colored | 灰色; 花色
hoexkhehseg | reception room | 會客室
hoezeg | painted candles used at wedding; etc | 花燭
hofpheg | amber; electroum; chrysophoron | 琥珀
hofzeg | otherwise, negation | 否則
hogkeg | to waylay, to ambush | 伏擊
hogpheg | to restore to the throne, restoration | 復位
hogseg | dress and personal adornment; furnishings | 服飾; 服式
hokteg zerngsiin | god of the soil and graves | 福德正神; 土地公
hongkeg | style | 風格
hongkofng-uyzeg | high merit and great achievements | 豐功偉績
hongseg | mode; manner; a way; method; way of doing something | 方式; 皇室
hongtheeng-seg | an equation | 方程式
hongthengseg | a formula; equation | 方程式
hongzheg | tentative plan | 方策
horzeg | or else; otherwise | 否則
hoxlie-seg | nursing station | 護理室
hoxnglaai-teg | hedge bamboo; Leleba multiplex | 蓬萊竹
hoxzeg | God of agriculture | 后稷; 農業神
hoxzeghoad | census law; household registration law | 戶籍法
hoxzegkhøx | section of census registration | 戶籍課
huiegieen | to avoid referring | 諱言
huihseg | scarlet; red; blood color | 血色
huixgarn seg enghioong | Discerning eyes can tell greatness from mediocrity | 慧眼識英雄
hunkofng-hunseg | spectroscopy analysis | 分光分析
hunpheg | soul | 魂魄; 魂魄,靈魂; 靈魂
hunseg | analysis; analyze; analysi | 分析
hunzaan huxzeg | delegation of authority; subsidiary | 分層負責
hunzaan-huxzeg | responsibilities divided by levels | 分層負責
hunzwseg | molecular formula | 分子式
huosii-huokheg | on time to the minute | 赴時赴刻; 剛好趕上時刻
hurnkeg | excited | 奮激
hurnzeg | to reprimand; rebuke sharply | 訓斥
huseg | color of skin | 膚色
huxteg | women's virtue (wife; mother; daughter); feminine or female virtues such as chastity | 婦德
huxzeg | in charge of; take charge; with responsibility for; be responsible; bear the responsibility | 負責
huxzeg-jiin | responsible person, person in charge | 負責人
hviuzeg | incense and candle, paraphernalia of worship | 香燭
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
hvorseg | sensuality; lech; amorousness | 好色
hvorteg | aspiring to a higher moral standard | 好德; 積德
hwn'ang'afseg | pink color | 粉紅仔色; 淡紅
hwnseg | present pleasant appearance; cover up; hide faults | 粉色; 粉飾
hyseg | joyful expression; a pleased look | 喜色
hø'eg | What advantage? | 何益
høeaseg | kinds; material of goods | 貨色
høefhw-seg | gray color | 灰燼色; 火烌色; 灰色
høepeqseg | off-white | 灰白色
høeseg | gray color | 灰色
høflwteg | good and refined woman; quiet; understanding (wife) | 好女德; 賢慧的女人
høfteg | luckily | 好在; 好得; 幸好
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
høfzekteg | fortunate (resulting from a credit balance of merit accumulated over several generations or transmigrations) | 好積德; 品德好
høkheg | milligrams | 毫克
hør-bagseg | good eye; sharp eyed; good visual memory | 眼力佳; 好目色
hør-gafnseg | good eyesigh | 好眼色
hør-kiernseg | good knowledge and experience | 好見識
hør-lwteg | good feminine virtue | 好女德
hør-zekteg | fortunate | 好積德
høseg | be reconciled | 和息; 和解平息
iablegsox | chlorophyll | 葉綠素
iafmseg | conceal under a false exterior, conceal by means of excuses | 掩飾
iaugieen hegcioxng | arouse people with wild talk; deceive people with sensational speeches | 妖言惑眾
iauzeg | lumbar spine | 腰椎; 腰脊
iaxkafn-kongkeg | night attack | 夜間攻擊
iaxmseg | bright-colored; the beauty of a woman | 豔色
iaxseg | night | 夜色
ibiin-zerngzheg | emigration-immigration policy; colonization policy | 移民政策
ibu-seg | infirmary | 醫務室
ibuxseg | infirmary; clinic; dispensary; medical room | 醫務室
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
iedlarm-seg | a reading room | 閱覽室
iedpengseg | military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式
iedseg | delightful | 悅色
iegi | meaning; meaning; sense; significance | 意義
iegoa | unexpected; surprising; accidental; an accident; accident; unexpected; unlooked-for | 意外
iegoa-hongphøf | unforeseen trouble | 意外風波
iegoa-pøfhiarm | accident insurance | 意外保險
iegoa-suxkvia | accident | 意外事件
iegoan | aspiration; wish (for); desire | 意願
ienkeg | successive changes; vicissitudes or history (of a system; institution) | 沿革
iernkheg | entertain guests at a banquet | 宴客
ieseg | consciousness; senses | 意識
ieseg-hengthaix | ideology, ideological situation | 意識態學; 意識形態
ihofng-egsiok | change customs | 移風易俗
imseg | timbre; tone quality | 音色; 淫色; 音質; 淫亂
imteg | good acts done in secret | 陰德
inzheg | relative by marriage | 姻親; 姻戚
iog'engseg | nursery | 育嬰室
iogseg | bathroom | 浴室
iong'eg | filled or fraught with | 洋溢
iongzeg | volume, capacity, cubic content | 容積
irnseg | an inkpad; ink used for seals (generally red); (ink) stamp pad | 印色; 印泥
isw-seg | doctor's office | 醫師室
iteg | medical ethics | 醫德
itkheg | a quarter of an hour | 一刻
itkheg-chienkym | One moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold.--Time is precious. (said of newlyweds during honey-moon) | 一刻千金
itkie-liofngteg | kill two birds with one stone; serve two ends | 一舉兩得
itkuo-liofngteg | kills two birds with one stone | 一舉兩得
itpheg-zek'hap | become good friend or partners after brief contact | 一拍即合
itseg | equally; without exception | 一色; 同樣
itsii-itkheg | immediately; in a short time | 一時一刻
itteg itsid | to gain one thing and lose another (Lit. get one, lose one) | 一得一失
itteg | a gain | 一得
itteg-itsid | gain one thing and lose another (Lit. win one; lose one) | 一得一失
itzeg | firstly | 一燭; 一則
iubegkarm | the sense of humor | 幽冥感; 幽默感
iuheg | lure | 誘惑
iukeg | guerrilla attack; hit-and-run attack | 游擊
iukegciexn | guerilla (partisan) warfare | 游擊戰
iuputteg | can't help | 由無得
iw'eg | beneficial, useful | 有益
iweg-busurn | wholly advantageous | 有益無損
iwgarn putseg Thaesafn | fail to recognize a great person | 有眼無識泰山
iwhai-bueg | wholly injurious | 有害無益
iwlegciar | powerful person | 有力者
iwsefng-iwseg | vivid; impressive (said of description or performance) | 有聲有色
iwseg | learned, well-informed, intelligent (person) | 優勢
iwseg-ciar | learned, well-informed, intelligent person | 優勢者; 有見識者
iwseg-jinciorng | colored race | 有色人種
iwsurn-bueg | There is only harm; no advantage | 有損無益; 有害無益
ixzheg | estimate, predict, make a forecast, an estimate | 預測
iønakheg | cradle song; lullaby; nursery song | 搖籃曲
jiafmseg | dyeing; apply color to | 染色
jibbogseg | encoffining ceremony | 入木式; 入殮儀式
jibhagchiegiam | an entrance exam | 入學試驗
jibseg | receive interest (banking) | 入息; 收利息
jidkong'egseg | solarium | 日光浴室
jidzeg-gøeqlui | day after day and month after month; gradual accumulation over a long time; in time | 日積月累
jiedleghak | thermodynamics | 熱力學
jiedleghak-hegjienlut | thermodynamic probability | 熱力學或然率
jin'iefn zoadzeg | no trace of human habitation | 人煙絕跡
jinlegchiaf | rickshaw; rickshaw; jinrikisha | 人力車
jinteg | benevolence, kindness | 人德; 仁德
jinzeg | signs or traces indicating human presence | 人跡
jiogthefteg | as regards the body; physical | 肉體德; 肉體的
jiuu leeng kheg kofng | The soft will conquer the hard.--soft and subtle approach can disarm a man of hot temper; a soft answer turns away wrath | 柔能克剛
jixmseg putciog | recognize insufficiently; lack of knowledge | 認識無足
jixmseg | recognition; understanding; realize | 認識
jixnseg | know a person, understand | 認識
jixzeg | the second young uncle | 二叔; 二則; 字跡
jukaf-suxzheg | as glue and varnish--close and inseparable friendship | 如膠似漆
juseg tioxnghu | feel greatly relieved (after discharging a duty) | 如釋重負
kaegiaam | the state of siege; proclaim martial law | 戒嚴
kaegiaam-khuhek | area under martial law | 戒嚴區域
kaegiaam-sikii | period during which martial law is in force | 戒嚴時期
kaegiamleng | martial law | 戒嚴令
kaegoa | outside | 界外
kaegoaxkiuu | foul ball | 界外球
kaeseg | hold the desire of making love | 戒色
kafmkeg | grateful; feel grateful; be moved; touched; affected | 感激
kafnseg | skeleton symbol | 簡式
kafseg | parole; conditional release | 假釋
kafsuo-seg | driver's seat | 駕駛室
kahseg | make it colorful; make it colorful; make the colors match well | 配色
kakseg | role; character; casting; occupation; a class; the classification of actors | 角色
kam'afseg | orange | 柑仔色
kam'ar-seg | orange color | 橘仔色; 柑仔色; 橘黃色
kamzeg | children's digestive ailment | 兒童消化系統疾病; 疳積
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangzokseg | a workshop; a labor-room; studio; workroom | 工作室
kankheg | gap | 間隙
kansørseg | drying room | 乾燥室
kanzheg | treacherous policy | 奸策
kaoseg | classroom | 教室
kapiseg | coffee-room | 咖啡室
kapy-seg | dark brown, coffee color | 咖啡室; 咖啡色
karmseg | judge; distinguish; discern | 鑑識
kaseg | wife and children; husband and wife | 家室
kauegsor | Exchange | 交易所
kauhiofngkheg | symphony | 交響曲
kauhiorng-kheg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kauhiorngkeg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kaupeg | suppress | 交迫
kauthofng-kuizeg | traffic regulations | 交通規則
kauthofng-tøxteg | traffic etiquette | 交通道德
kaykeg | to reform, reformation | 改革
kayseg | explain | 解釋; 解析
kayseg-kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
kea'egsw | prospectus (of a business setup or factory) | 計劃書
kea'egtiofng | under consideration; in the works | 計劃中
keakeg | price, value | 價格
keaseg | form; structure; form; structure; general shape | 架式; 繼室
keazheg | stratagem; tactics; plan; device; a scheme; a trick; a trap | 計策
kefngseg | scenery; scenery; view | 景色
keg iuosviaf | speak intentionally in a gentle (not natural) tone | 裝柔聲
keg | correct; adjust or regulate; to reach; come or go to; to influence; resist; to attack; to fight; obstruct; to block; study thoroughly; search to the very source; investigate; a standard; a form; a rule; a pattern; a frame; a blank; a trellis | 格; 戟; 革; 釀; 激
keg'aix | to be extremely fond of | 最愛
keg'efng | Arctic yellow willow warbler (bird) | 極鷹; 小鴓
keg'iu | the ultra-Right | 極右
keg'iuo | the ultra-Right | 極正
keg'ix | extremely | 極意
keg'og | extreme atrocity | 極惡
keg-høfgiaqlaang-phaix | take on the airs and appearance of a wealthy man when really not so | 假好額人派; 裝有錢人的派頭
keg-khøkhøo | unwilling to share | 激怐怐
keg-phiphii | feign tiredness | 裝疲疲
keg-sinzheng | vanity; e.g. in dress | 激身穿; 講究衣著
keg-toaxkhafng | pretend to be rich | 裝有錢; 偽大孔
keg`khix | change (and innovate) | 革去
keg`laang | stir up one's emotion | 激人
keg`sie | to be drowned | 溺死
keg`zhutkhix | expel (from a family; village; society) | 革出去; 逐出去
kegha | the worst | 極下; 最下
keghan | limit; utmost; extremity | 極限
kegheeng | extreme punishment; death penalty; death penalty; capital punishment | 極刑
keghoad | polar law | 極法
keghoai | the worst, extremely bad | 極壞
keghør | extremely good | 極好
kegiah | additional quote | 加額
kegiap | family inheritance, family property | 家業
kegkaf | optimal | 極加; 極佳
kegkaf-hoax | optimization | 極嘉化; 極佳化
kegkef | at the utmost; the most; greatest limit | 頂多; 極多
kegkhao zhengzaxn | speak in the highest terms; praise lavishly | 極口稱讚
kegkii | exceedingly, extremely, very | 極期; 極其
kegkoaan-kokkaf | dictatorial nation; dictatorship; totalitarian nation | 極權國家
kegkofng | aurora | 極光
keglat | with the utmost effort | 極力
keglek | with the utmost effort; with all one's strength | 極力
kegliet | violent; acute; severe; fierce | 劇烈; 激烈
kegliong | extreme | 極量
keglok | paradise; happiest | 極樂
keglok-seakaix | Paradise (in Buddhism) | 極樂世界
kegphirn | the best of its kind | 極品
kegpo | with no further resources | 極步
kegpurn | play; scenario | 劇本
kegsiao | smallest; hardly anything | 極小
kegsiør | the smallest, minimum | 極小
kegsiør-hoax | minimization | 極小化
kegsuie | very pretty | 最美
kegtai | greatest; largest | 極大
kegterng | very superior | 極等
kegthaau | the utmost, the limit | 極頭; 盡頭
kegtiarm | extreme (point); climax; summit | 極點
kegtix | extreme | 極致
kegto | extreme; to the utmost | 極度
kegtoa | greatest; largest | 極大
kegtoa-hoax | maximization | 極大化
kegtoafn | extremity; radical; extreme; extremely; excess (used of any extreme action) | 極端
kegtong | excited; agitated | 激動
kegtviuu | theatre | 劇場
kegzeeng | plot (of a play) | 劇情
kegzør | the ultra-Left | 極左
kehseg | format; pattern or copy; proper rule or pattern (as for a document) | 格式
kekseg | proper form | 格格; 格式
keng'iseg | locker room; toilet | 更衣室
keng'y-seg | changing room | 更衣室
kengheg | to scare, frighten, panic, fear, terror | 驚嚇
kenglie-seg | managers office | 經理室
kengsym-toxngpheg | heart-shaking; soul-stirring | 驚心動魄
khaiseg | release a prisoner; explain to a person | 開釋
khanchyn-bafnzheg | seek special favor or help from somebody by elaborating on one's relationship (usually remote and indirect) with him; to try to cement ties or establish connections with an ulterior motive | 牽親挽戚; 拉關係
khawgieen-lexngseg | sweet words and insinuating manners (which are seldom associated with virtue) | 巧言令色
khefhoad-seg | enlightenment format | 啟發式
kheg irn'ar | engrave a seal or a stamp | 刻印仔; 刻圖章
kheg pexbuo | One's nemesis (fate) brings misfortune to one's parents | 剋父母
kheg put'ioong oan | Not a moment is to be lost; most urgent | 刻無容緩
kheg ti | chisel on | 刻在
kheg | crooked; bent; twisted; winding; little known; obscure | 曲; 剋; 刻
khehkoanteg | objectively | 客觀德; 客觀的
khi'ar-seg | persimmon color | 柿仔色
khiefnzeg | denounced | 譴責
khiegak | instrumental music | 器樂
khiegiabkaf | entrepreneur; organizer | 企業家
khiegiabkaix | enterprise field | 企業界
khiegiap | business enterprise; undertaking.; business enterprise | 企業
khiegøo | penguin; rookery | 企鵝
khiepheg | (n) bold vision; enterprising outlook; (n) imposing attitude; spirit; vigor; moral strength; broadness of mind | 氣魄
khiernzeg | accusation; blaming; rebuke; reprimand; to blame; to reproach | 譴責
khieseg | complexion of face; color of the face; complexion | 氣息; 氣色
khieteg | siren, steam whistle | 汽笛
khiethea-leghak | aerodynamics | 氣體力學
khiethea-toxngleghak | aerodynamics | 氣體動力學
khiethea-toxngleglun | kinetic theory of gases | 氣體動力論
khimseg | lute together with a horizontal musical instrument; married couple | 琴瑟
khimseg-cy-lok | pleasures of married life | 琴瑟之樂
khimseg-høbeeng | marital harmony; conjugal bliss | 琴瑟和鳴
khimseg-puttiaw | lutes are out of tune ─ discord between husband and wife | 琴瑟無調
khimseg-tiauhøo | lutes are in harmony ─ felicity of husband and wife | 琴瑟調和
khiofngheg | blackmail, intimidate, threaten, intimidation | 恐嚇
khoafnseg | form; model; pattern; sort. It seems that.. | 款式; (樣子)
khoan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
khoatteg | deficient in the sense of morality | 缺德
khoegoo | tlaa and robust; husky | 魁梧
khofngseg | navy-blue | 空色; 紺色; 深藍色; 藍色
khonglogseg | recreation room (center) | 康樂室
khutzheg | to fall; drop; or go down; on one's knees; to kneel down; kneel down | 屈膝
khutzheg-tiaupaix | kneel down and worship | 屈膝朝拜
khuyzeg | locus | 軌跡
khuzheg | to ruge; to spur; to order (a person) about | 驅策
khvikhor-liabzeg | to work sedulously in defiance of hardship and to stockpile as much as he (or she) can | 纏苦捏積; 費盡苦心攢錢
khvoax thviseg | watch the signs of the weather | 看天色
khwnpeg | be pushed to; press on | 宭迫; 逼迫
khyseg | sign of improvement; sign of recovery; rise in value; improve in value; sign of improvement | 起色
khøegoo | husky; burly; tall and strong | 魁梧
khøfzeg | performance review; periodic examination of employees work; to grade the service (of an employee) | 考績
khøhak-tieseg | scientific knowledge | 科學知識
khørseg | classroom | 課室; 教室
kiafm'eghoad | quarantine (regulations) | 檢疫法
kiafm'egkii | quarantine period | 檢疫期
kiafm'egkvoaf | quarantine officer | 檢疫官
kiafm'egsor | quarantine station | 檢疫所
kiafmseg | use less color | 減色
kiafmzaseg | inspecting office | 檢查室
kiarmteg | sword bamboo | 劍竹
kiauseg | haughty expression; proud look | 驕色
kie'eg | memory; recollection; bear in mind | 記憶
kie'eg-iusyn | memory is still fresh | 記憶猶新
kie'eglek | ability to memorize | 記憶力
kieeg | memory, recollection, bear in mind | 記憶
kiegoaan | epoch; era | 紀元
kiernseg | knowledge and experience; to experience (something new); insight; knowledge | 見識
kiet'hunseg | wedding; nuptials | 結婚式; 結婚典禮
kiet'hwn-seg | wedding ceremony | 結婚式; 結婚儀式
kiet'ngg-seg | orange color | 桔黃色
kieteg | vested | 既得
kietzeg | to berate; to censure | 詰責
kihaan-kaupeg | suffer from hunger and cold | 飢寒交迫
kii hoong tegchiuo | opponents of equal strength; capability; evenly matched opponents | 棋逢敵手
kim'afseg | golden color | 金仔色
kim'ngg-seg | orange color, gold color | 金黃色
kim'ngseg | orange color | 金黃色
kimhviuzeg | refers to paper money, incense and candles | 金香燭
kimkheg | golden song | 金曲
kimky-geghiøh | member of royal family | 金枝玉葉
kimngseg | golden color | 金黃色
kimseg | golden color | 金色
kinpurn kaykeg | radical change; fundamentally changed | 根本改革
kionglegkoo | strong adhesive | 強力膠
kiongpeg | force; compulsion; compel | 強迫
kiongpeg`ee | compulsory | 強迫的
kiongseg | a mansion; wife | 宮室
kiorng'erngseg | supply room | 供應室
kioxngleg | conjugate, conjugated | 共軛
kioxngleg-he | conjugating system | 共軛系
kioxngleg-siangteeng-kiexnkied | conjugated double bond | 共力雙重鍵結; 共軛雙重鍵結
kioxngseg | common consensus | 共識
kipcirn-seg | emergency ward | 急診室
kipcynseg | hospital emergency room; emergency ward | 急診室
kipkeg | rapid and drastic (cf. [[kipkek]] 急劇) | 急激
kippeg | urgent; pressing | 急迫
kipurn-tieseg | basic knowledge | 基本知識
kirn kegkirn | hard to do | 慢極慢; (快極快)
kitør-seg | prayer room | 祈禱室
kiupheg | racket | 球拍
kizeg | miracles; wonders; strange things or happenings | 奇蹟
kizheg | strange scheme; surprised scheme | 奇策
kiøafseg | purple | 茄仔色; 紫色
kiøseg | purple | 紫色; 茄色
kngseg | bright color beam of light, illumination | 光色; 明顯的顏色
koa'ar-kheg | a song; to tune; a ballad | 歌仔曲
koaepheg | unreasonable; eccentric; perverse | 乖僻
koaix-putteg | no wonder | 怪無得
koakheg | popular song | 歌謠; 歌曲; (曲)
koan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
koan'imteg | phoenix bamboo | 觀音竹
koan'ym-teg | broad leaved lady balm, Hedge bamboo, Koanyin bamboo | 高音竹; 觀音竹; 筋頭竹
koankeg | boxing; boxing art; to strike with fist | 拳擊
koanpefng-seg | a military parade before the commander-in-chief or commanding officer | 閱兵式; 觀兵式
koanzeg | power and responsibility | 權責
koanzheg | to observe and survey | 觀測
koatzheg | an adopted policy; decision | 決策
koeakhieseg | past tense | 過去式
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
kofseg | dividends; old style | 股息; 古式
kofzeg | relices; ancient remains; historic sites; historic remains | 古蹟
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin softeg | national income | 國民所得
kokbiin tøxteg | national morals | 國民道德
kokseg | all colors; various colors; each and every color; all kinds | 各色; 各式
kokseg-kok'viu | all sorts; kinds; varieties; various | 各式各樣
kokseg-thienhiofng | beauty of a woman or a peony | 國色天香
kokteg kisor | each gets the position or the result he prefers; each in its proper place | 各得其所
kokzeghoad | naturalization laws | 國籍法
kokzheg | affairs of the state; national policies | 國是; 國策
kong'eg | public interests or welfare; public good; public benefit (interest); common good; the common weal | 公益
kongkeg | to attack; to assault; attack; take the offensive; criticize | 攻擊
kongkheg | one gram; gm; gram | 公克; 攻克; 攻剋
kongkiong lixeg | public interests | 公共利益
kongseg | a formula; formula | 公式
kongsiorng-kheg | rhapsody | 狂想曲
kongteg | an achievement or contribution; achievement or contribution to general welfare; virtuous deeds | 功德
kongteg-sym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
kongzeg | meritorious deed, distinguished service | 公積; 功績
korzøxseg | structural formula | 構造式
koseg | to be indulgen; to be over lenient toward; to be easy with; to spoil (a child); (a policy of) appeasement | 姑息
kuiegu | (a polite expression) your residence | 貴寓
kuiepinseg | VIP room | 貴賓室
kuieteg | Makino bamboo | 桂竹; 臺灣桂竹
kuizeg | regulations; rules | 規則
kunkeg | western boxing; to strike with the fist | 拳擊
kutkeg | bones and skeleton | 骨格
kuxseg | old-style; old-fashioned; out-of-date; old-fashioned; out of date; of the old type; antiquated | 舊式; 舊式的
kuxseg-hun'yn | old-style-marriage; old-fashioned wedding | 舊式婚姻
kuxseg-kateeng | old-fashioned household; old style family | 舊式家庭
kuxthefteg | concrete; concretely | 具體的
kuyzeg | (in mathematics) locus | 軌跡
kviasym-taxngpheg | alarmed; scared | 驚心動魄
kwseg | hold a ceremony | 舉示; 舉行儀式
kynpeg | urgent; pressing | 緊迫
køab-zerngzheg | high-handed policy | 高壓政策
køeakeg | excessive | 過激
kørkeg | excessive, radical, violent | 告擊; 過激
kørpiedseg | funeral; funeral service | 告別式
kørpiet-seg | farewell service, funeral service | 告別室; 告別式
lakseg | fade | 落色
lamseg | sodomy, male homosexual | 男色; 藍色
langzeg | human footprints | 人跡
lanseg | difficult; reluctant appearance, unwilling expression | 難色
lanteg | rare, difficult to get | 難得
laqzeg | candle | 蠟燭
laqzeg-sym | candlewick | 蠟燭心
laqzeg-taai | candlestick | 蠟燭台; 蠟燭臺
lauthuiseg | staircase | 樓梯式
lauxseg | old fashioned, old style | 老式
lefngpheg | lonely; deserted; obsolete; a big or hard (word) | 冷僻
lefpaix-giseg | liturgy | 禮拜儀式
lefseg | a social ceremony; rules of etiquette | 禮式
leg | to shudder; to tremble; sink down ill or fainting; fall senseless | 慄; 摺疊; 癱; 難倒
leg'aix | spoil; pamper; dote on; love too much; love blindly and with partiality | 溺愛
leg'iar | green field; grassy plains | 綠野
leg'iaux | a summary, briefly | 簡要; 略要
leg'iuu | anthracene oil | 綠油
leg'iuzefng | anthracene | 綠油精
leg'ut | green sandpiper | 綠鷸; 白腰草鷸
leg'y-swciar | a mailman, a postman | 綠衣使者
leg`khorkhaf | wrap trousers | 勒褲跤
leg`khylaai | tremble | 勒起來
leg`laang | to humiliate someone | 勒人; 折磨人
legbea | rein in a horse | 勒馬
legbeeng | anonymous | 匿名
legbie | green rice | 綠米
legbyhoax | green beautification | 綠美化
legbø | literally; green hat ─ sign of a cuckold; a wronged husband | 綠帽
legchiuo | green hand | 綠手
legchvy | pitch; asphalt | 瀝青
legcid | fail to do one's duty | 溺職
legciexn | fight with all one's might; highly recommend (someone) | 力戰; 力薦
legcin sinkhor | have experienced all sorts of difficulties | 歷盡辛苦
legcin | to pass through (periods; place); to experience; strength exhausted | 歷盡; 力盡
legciw | oasis | 綠洲
legciøh | gravel | 礫石
leggek | beryl, emerald | 綠玉
leghak | mechanics; study with diligence; dynamics | 力學
legheeng | proceed with determination; act vigorously; practice; perform energetically; to act with might | 力行
leghiarm | experience adventures; undergo dangers; had a narrow escape | 歷險
leghiøh | green leaves | 綠葉
leghoaan | green vitriol, melanterite | 綠磺; 綠礬
leghoad | The calendar; system of determining the beginning; length; and divisions of a year; astronomy; calculation of the stars and times | 曆法
leghoax | plant trees; build parks; lay out lawns in deserts or urban areas | 綠化
legjim | to have held the following posts; have held the following posts; (those who) have held the same post | 歷任
legkaix | all previous sessions; successive previous (meetings; games; elections;) | 歷屆
legkefng | went through | 歷經
legkhaq | green card | 綠卡
legkhix | chlorine gas | 氯氣
legkied | to be exhausted | 力結
legkierntiok | green building | 綠建築
legkiet | to be exhausted | 力竭
legkioong | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
legkiuo | long lasting; long since; for years past | 歷久
legkiuu | make every effort to; do one's best; strive for | 力求
legkud | ribs | 肋骨
legkym | plate with molten gold | 歷金; 鍍金
legkøex | pass through | 歷經; 歷過; 經歷
leglaai | always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time | 歷來
leglaai-legkhix | be busily engaged in | 忙這忙那
leglaixcioxng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 青光眼
leglaixzexng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 綠內症; 青光眼
leglarm | to travel and see | 歷覽
legleng | an imperial decree; edict; command; or ordinance | 勒令
leglieen | year after year; for years | 歷年
leglien | to practice and experience | 歷練
legliong | strength; force; power; strength; force; power; the measure of one's strength; ability; energy | 力量
legloexcioxng | glaucoma | 綠內障; 青光眼
legmiaa | anonymous; record names; pick up names and write them in another book | 匿名; 抄名字
legmoh | pleura (physiology) | 肋膜
legmoqiam | pleurisy | 肋膜炎
legnii ylaai | for many years past | 歷年以來
legnii | year after year; for years | 歷年
legpeg | force (s.o.) to do (s.t.) against his will | 勒逼
legpien | argue forcibly | 力辯
legpoo | soybeans for making sauce | 綠渣; 豆胚
legpoong | the ribs; the side | 肋膀
legpuii | green manure | 綠肥
legpøfciøh | emerald; beryl | 綠寶石; 翡翠
legpøh | weak | 弱薄; 力薄
legsad | to atrangle, to smother | 纏結; 勒殺
legseg | green color | 綠色; 勒索
legsex legtai | ages and generations | 歷世歷代
legsex ylaai | through successive generations | 歷世以來
legsex | pass through the world | 歷世
legsiaux | make copies of manifest; check accounts; keep accounts | 抄數
legsie | be drowned; weary unto death (exaggeration) | 溺死; 累死
legsii | to last (a certain period of time); course of time | 歷時
legsiok | hold for ransom | 勒贖
legsiuo | to guard, to hold and defend | 力守
legsoef | languid | 力虛; 力衰; 慵懶的
legsox | predestined length of dynasty; time of the year | 曆數
legsu | a person of great physical strength; strong man; man of great muscular strength | 力士; 角力選手
legsuo | history | 歷史
legsuo-kaf | historian | 歷史家
legsuo-koafn | historical view or concept | 歷史觀
legsuun | wrinkle in face; dress | 慄紋; 成皺紋
legsw | an old-fashioned calendar with full horoscopic details; an almanac; almanac | 歷書
legswhagkaf | historian | 歷史學家
legswhak | science of history; historiography | 歷史學
legswhe | history department | 歷史系
legswkaf | historian; historiographer | 歷史家
legswsexng | historical | 歷史性
legswsiong | historical | 歷史上
legsøq | blackmail; exaction; extortion | 勒索
legtai | successive generations; through-out the ages | 歷代
legtau | green bean; small green beans in black pods; a type of lentil | 綠豆
legtau-hurn | green bean powder | 綠豆粉
legtau-køf | small cakes made with green-bean flour | 綠豆糕
legtau-pviar | green bean cake | 綠豆餅
legtau-thngf | green bean soup | 綠豆湯
legtauar | green beans | 綠豆仔
legtauxar | green bean | 綠豆仔
legtauxkuie | bad green beans | 綠豆鬼
legtauxkøf | steamed cake made of green pea flour | 綠豆糕
legtauxmoee | congee or rice porridge cooked with lentils | 綠豆粥
legtauxpefng | green bean ice | 綠豆冰
legtauxphoxng | green bean pastry | 綠豆膨
legtauxpviar | type of pie made of lentil jam | 綠豆餅
legte | space reserved for parks; trees or meadows | 綠地
legtee | green tea | 綠茶
legtefng | green traffic light | 綠燈
legteg | green bamboo; common variety of Taiwan bamboo | 綠竹
legteksurn | green bamboo shoot; shoots of the bamboo known as lek-tek | 綠竹筍
legtengho | red-light district | 綠燈戶
legtheeng | process; course; process; step; stage | 歷程
legtiaau | successive dynasties; through the successive dynasties | 歷朝
legtiarm | point of force | 力點
legtoo zuxkioong | plucked up one's strength | 力圖自強
legtoo | try hard to; strive to; strive for earnestly | 力圖
legtorng | green party | 綠黨
leguu | farming cow | 犁牛
legzefng | to struggle hard for | 力爭
legzhefng | asphalt; pitch; another name of resin | 瀝青
legzherng | entreat earnestly; ask with zeal; eagerness | 力請
legzhux | many times in the past | 歷次
legzoxng | robust; vigorous | 力壯; 力強
legzu | to restain, to hold in check | 力持; 勒住
lekseg | terrified; change color; turn pale; pale with fear | 慄色; 失色; 因恐懼而色變
lengleg | give (s.o)hard time | 凌勒; 出難題; 凌辱
lexngzeg | your uncle | 令叔
lexseg | to look angry; angry-looking | 厲色
liabzeg | (v) save or deposit money; (n) one's savings; accumulate small things little by little; lay out | 粒積; 積蓄; 儲蓄; 累積; 聚積
liafmseg | to curb one's passions or desires | 節慾; 斂色
liafmzeg | to stop visiting places | 斂跡; 節儉累積
liamleg'ar | sickle for rice harvesting | 鐮刀仔; 鎌刀; 割稻刀
liaupheg | beat | 嘹拍
liawputteg | marvellous (praise of person) | 了無得
liawteg | settle; complete; also understand | 了得
libkheg | at once; straightway; directly; immediately; upon sight; out of hand; on the instant; without delay; very soon; quickly | 立刻
libzeg | immediately; at once; right away; at once; immediately | 立即
lidseg | Japanese | 日式
liedsegkoaan | right of entry | 列席權
lienciofng khøfzeg | grading of an employee's performance at the end of the year; year end evaluation | 年終考績
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
lienseghoe | joint meeting | 聯席會
limsii kaegiaam | temporary martial law | 臨時戒嚴
liofngteg | double gain | 兩得
liofngzheg | two sides | 兩側
liog'imseg | recording room | 錄音室
liogteg | land | 陸地
liongsym khiefnzeg | feel the pricks of conscience; have a guilty conscience | 良心譴責
liongzheg | good policy; good policy; scheme; or strategy | 良策
liuthea-leghak | hydrodynamics | 流體力學
lixeg kinterng | equal rights | 利益均等
lixeg | profit, benefit | 利益
lixmseg | recognition; understanding; realize | 認識
lixnseg | misery, niggardly, parsimonious, stingy | 吝嗇
lixnseg-ciar | a miser, a niggard | 吝嗇者
lixseg | interest of money | 利息
loadzeg | bad behavior, bad reputation, infamous behavior | 劣積; 壞行為
log'imseg | recording room | 錄音室
logpheg | jobless and listless; down and out; down on one's luck | 落魄
logseeng-seg | dedication ceremony for new construction | 落成式
longbinleg'ar | lunar calendar | 農民曆仔
longgiap chiegiaxmsor | agricultural laboratory; experimental farm | 農業試驗所
longgiap chiegiaxmtviuu | experimental farm; agricultural experiment station | 農業試驗場
longte kaykeg | agrarian reform; agricultural land reform | 農地改革
longzeg | scattered about; profusion; in total disorder or disarray; in pandemonium | 狼藉
longzhunkheg | rural music | 農村曲
loteg | reed; a variety of bamboo; one species of bamboo | 廬竹
loxkheg | hourglass or water clock; a short interval of time | 漏刻
loxngkheg | distort | 弄曲
loxseg | angry air or look | 怒色
loxzeg | to fulminate | 富麗堂皇; 怒齌; 齌怒
luikeg | struck by lighting ─ thunder | 雷殛
luxn'eg | profits; gains; returns; earnings | 潤益
luxnseg | decorate; embellish | 潤色
luyzeg | accumulate, pile up, gather more and more, accumulation | 累積
lwseg | feminine charms; women as sex | 女色
lwteg | feminine virtues; chastity; feminine beauty | 女德
lylegpiør | one's personal history | 履歷表
lylegsw | one's personal history; one's curriculum vitae; resume | 履歷表; (履歷書)
lyseg | venery; pleasure of feminine companionship; female beauty (especially as inciting to lust) | 女色
lyteg | womanly virtues; chastity | 女德
løqpheg | down in one's luck | 落魄
løzeg | the fruits of hard work; accomplishment; merit | 勞績
m-habseg | unfit | 無合適
mafsaekheg | mosic | 馬賽克
mauzheg | an earth-closet | 茅粟; 茅廁; 地下壁櫥
miauxzheg | wonderful plan | 妙策
mngseg | colour | 毛色; 髮色
moateg | big-bamboo; type of bamboo with large leaves and long joints | 麻竹
moateg-surn | big-bamboo shoot | 麻竹筍
muy'sikheg | every moment | 每時刻
napeqseg | light blue | 藍白色
naseg | blue color | 藍色
ng'geg'ar | topaz; chrysolite | 黃玉仔
ngkimseg | golden | 黃金色
ngseg | yellow | 黃色
ngseg-siawsoad | sex novels; pornographic novels | 黃色小說
ngseg-sukhafn | obscene books | 黃色書刊
ngzheg | (millet) | 黃粟; 稷
niawchyafseg | grey | 鳥鼠仔色
niawzhwafseg | mouse color- gray | 鳥鼠仔色
niseg | annual interest | 年息
nngfseg | the soft kind or type (like tennis balls or contact lenses) | 軟式
noazaqseg | barricade | 攔閘式
nyseg | dyeing; coloring; to dye | 染色
oadlafmseg | reading room | 閱覽室
oanbwkheg | waltz | 圓舞曲
oanpheg kuy Tiø | return something intact to its owner; repay debts in full | 完璧歸趙
oanzoaan huxzeg | undertake full responsibility | 完全負責
oaseg | the breaststroke swimming style | 蛙式
ocyseg | dark purple | 烏紫色
oexsefng tieseg | knowledge pertaining to sanitation or health | 衛生知識
oexseg | artist's studio | 畫室
ofngseg | in the past | 往昔
okongzuyseg | lake light | 湖光水色
okzeg | vile | 惡跡; 劣跡; 惡劣
olegbaq | the dark (black) color of a chicken's skin | 烏肋肉; 雞肉顏色是黑的
ongseg | royal family | 王室
ophwseg | dark gray | 烏殕色
oseg | black color | 黑色; 烏色
padseg | different color | 別色
paego | Friday | 拜五
pafnkheg | to engrave, to carve | 板刻; 版刻
pah'eg | ten billion | 百億
paitheg | proscribe; supplant; rejection; exclusion; boycott; expel; reject; ostracize | 排斥
pakkeghiim | polar bear | 北極熊
pakkegkngf | northern lights; the aurora borealis | 北極光
pakkeglaang | Arctic people | 北極人
panteg | mottled bamboo | 斑竹
parnglixseg | lend money for interest | 放利息
paxng-lixseg | lend money to make high interest | 放利息
paxnkofng-seg | office, department room | 辦公室
paxnkongseg | office; office space | 辦公室
peazex kaykeg | currency reform | 幣制改革
pefngzheg | to turn to the side | 側翻
peg buu itsid | There is not a single miss in a hundred tries ─ never a failure in many trials | 百無一失
peg buu ittioong | skilled in nothing; good for nothing | 百無一長
peg buu khøfuii | nothing can be done | 百無可為
peg buu kirmkhi | nothing to be superstitious about ─ no restrictions of any kind here by way of taboo | 百無禁忌
peg hor siongjiin | tiger when pressed will injure a person ─ harass a man until he turns on his persecutor | 迫虎傷人
peg | dry (sthg) at a fire; bake; roast; urgent | 逼; 煏; 急; 迫; 烤
peg`laang | overawe | 逼人
peg`sie | hound somebody to death; constantly aggravate | 逼死
peg`tiøh | under compelled | 逼到; 逼著; 不得已
peg`zhutkhix | to force someone out; to compel someone out | 逼出去
pegbak | idiot; dull looking; stupid | 白癡
pegchiwkhykef | started business from empty hands | 白手起家
peggarn | whites of the eyes, scorn, contempt, disdain | 白眼
peghoatzhongzhofng | gray-haired | 白髮蒼蒼
pegjit | broad daylight | 白日
peglaiphirn | imported goods; foreign goods | 舶來品
pegsiuo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pegsiuo | hairy head ─ old age | 白首
pegthiøo | white hair | 白頭
pehzeg | uncle | 伯叔; 叔伯
pekpeg | urgent, compelling | 逼逼
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pekzheg | to pursue | 逼促
penghwn chiuseg | two sides share (top honors; fame); equal each other in (achievement; scores) | 平分秋色
pengkøfseg | ice store | 冰果室
pengseg honglong | quiet the strong wind and waves | 平息風浪
pengseg | to quell, to calm down, peaceful, quiet, make quiet | 平息
peqhvoar-seg | clay color | 白幻色
peqphwseg | white gray | 白灰色
peqseg | white; white color | 白色
peqsekseg | white | 白皙皙
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
phagzheg | sun or dry rice; place unhulled rice in the sun to dry before storage | 晒穀; 晒稻米
phahkeg | to strike, to lap | 打擊
phahpheg | beat | 打拍
phahzheg | removing grain shell | 打穀
phaokeg | cannonade; bombardment; bombard with artillery fire | 砲擊
phaoteg | firecracker | 炮竹
phaq-iukeg | to fight a guerrilla war | 打游擊; 拍游擊
pharzheg | empty grain | 打穀
pheg | split open; to rend; to rive | 劈
phiaupheg | drift | 漂泊
phienchip-seg | editorial room | 編輯室
phienkeg | prejudice and fiercely | 偏激
phienkheg | compose | 編曲
phienseg | side room | 偏室
phiernkheg | half a tick; awhile; for a moment; little while; brief space of time | 片刻
phikeg | leather | 皮革
phisefng taegoat | travel by night; toil night and day | 披星戴月
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
phoarteg | roken bamboo | 破竹
phoeaseg | make it more colorful; blend colors; match colors | 配色
phoeguo | criticism | 批語; 批判語
phoehuseg | skin color | 皮膚色
phoehw chiegiam | skin test | 皮膚試驗
phoekeg | leather | 皮革
phofthofng tieseg | general knowledge | 普通知識
phokkheg | poker | 撲克
phokkheg-paai | playing card, poker card | 撲克牌
phokseg | knowledge | 博識
phvae-bixnseg | bad face; imply pale or angry | 歹面色; 臉色無佳
phvae-zekteg | no good deeds | 做壞事; 歹積德; 沒有好的積德
phvarzheg | blighted grain; defective rice; unsold rice; empty rice chaff | 打穀; 空穀子; 無實之穀; 無米粒的稻榖
phvayteg zhud høfsurn | Ugly bamboo produces tasty bamboo shoots. Bad parents have good children | 壞竹出好筍; 烏鴉生鳳凰
phvayzekteg | having much demerit; do bad deeds (one's past that will affect descendants) | 品德壞; 失德
phwoseg | gray | 殕烏色
phwseg | gray; gloomy; ash color; gray; grayish | 灰色; 殕色
phykegthaelaai | from; after deep misfortune comes bliss | 否極泰來
phynteg | good character; good behavior | 品德
phøfzheg | unfathomable, unexpectable, impossible to understand | 普測; 叵測
phørheg | to break; solve a criminal case | 破獲
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøtong-leghak | wave mechanics | 波動力學
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
piawzeg | son of grandfather's sister; son of grandmother's brother or sister; father's younger male cousin | 表叔
piebidseg | secret room | 祕密室
pien'egkoarn | compilation library | 編譯館
piencibseg | editing room | 編輯室
pienkheg | compose a song | 編曲
pienzheg | challenge; put spurs to; spur on | 鞭策
piernkeg | to transform; to change; to reform | 變革
piernseg | to change color; to become angry; change color; fading; turn white (from fear); turn red (from anger) | 變色
piexnseg | Identify | 辨識
pinkheg | guest | 賓客
pinseg | to hold one's breath | 屏息
pirntheg | to dismiss, to reject, to expel | 驅逐; 擯斥
pitgiabseg | commencement exercises; commencement | 畢業式
pitgiap-seg | commencement exercises | 畢業式
pitteg | must have it | 必得
pitzeg | one's handwriting | 筆跡
pixgegkoong | masochism | 被虐狂
pixpeg karngløh | forced landing; be forced to land | 被迫降落
pixpeg | be compelled or forced to | 被迫
pixtong-seg | passive form | 被動式
pizeg | sorrow | 悲戚
poah suoseg | bet or gamble with four colored cards | 賭四色牌
poah-simseg | play for fun | 賭心適
poexteg | immoral | 背德
pogkeg | bombing; bombardment; to bomb; drop bombs | 炸彈攻擊
poktheg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
pokzeg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
pongthexng-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviaf-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
portøxseg | sermon room | 佈道室
porym-seg | a studio | 播音室
poxhegbut | prize in warfare | 捕獲物
poxjuo-seg | a nursing room | 哺乳室
pudjieen piernseg | sudden change of countenance; to show sudden displeasure or anger | 勃然變色
put'afn uu seg | having extramarital affairs (a woman) | 無安於室
put'habseg | unsuitable, unfit | 無合式; 不合適
put'iuteg | can't help but | 無由得
put'kuizeg | irregular | 無規則; 不規則
put'seglien | unskilled | 無成年; 不熟練
put'tøxteg | immoral, unethical | 無道德; 不道德
putcixn zeg thøex | either advance or retreat | 無進則退
putkheg | immediately | 無刻
putkiexn-teg | not likely, not necessarily | 無見得
putseg thaesafn | fail to recognize a famous personage when meeting him face to face | 無識泰山
putseg | unwell, indisposed, out of sorts | 無息
putteg iaolerng | nothing to the point | 不得要領
putteg | unavoidable | 無得; 不得; 不德
putteg-iaolerng | pointless, vague | 不得要領; 不得要領
puttegchiwtvoa | play hard | 無擇手段
putterng-seg | inequality (math), infinitive (grammar) | 無等式
puttong-sviaseg | with composure, do not turn a hair | 無動聲式; 不動聲色
putzheg cy zay | unforeseen disaster; unexpected calamity | 無測之災
putzheg | unexpectedly; unfathomable; unexpected (death; disaster) | 無測; 突然
pvexlegpiør | chart | 病歷表
pvexseg | hospital ward; sickroom | 病室
pvieseg | change color, fade | 變色
pvixseg | hospital room | 病室
pvoarkheg | half of a quarter | 半刻
pwnseg | principal and interest | 本色; 本息
pyegniao | spoonbill; loving couple | 比翼鳥
pøfhoxseg | protective coloration | 保護色
pøfkiexnseg | infirmary | 保健室
pøfnaseg | royal blue | 寶藍色
pøfseg | bail; release on bail; get a man out on bail | 保釋
pørteg | repay another's kindness; show gratitude | 報德
saegoa | to the west of Great Wall | 塞外
safngiap zerngzheg | industrial policy (archaic) | 產業政策
samcioong suoteg | three subserviences and four virtues of women ─ in ancient China a woman was required to obey her father before marriage; her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood. The four virtues are fidelity; physical charm; propriety in speech and ef | 三從四德
samhunliogpheg | souls | 三魂六魄
samhuun chitpheg | three spirits and seven animal souls which a human possesses | 三魂七魄
samseg | three color | 三色
sanseg | mountain scenery | 山色
saosegym'ar | thin bamboo branches on the bamboo broom | 掃梳笒仔
saosoegiafm'ar | sweeping broom | 掃梳笒仔
sat'id kerngpeg | kill one as a warning for a hundred | 殺一警百
seazeg | detailed rules (regulations); bylaws | 細則
sefegkefng | bathroom | 洗澡間; 浴間
sefegphuun | bathtub | 洗澡盆; 浴盆
sefegtii | big (common) bath tub; ofuro | 洗澡池; 洗澡盆
seg Taan | married into the Tan family | 適陳
seg | formula; form; pattern; ceremony; ritual; room; ventricle; wife or concubine | 色; 熟; 識; 式; 瑟; 室; 有識
seg'ioong | the setting sun | 夕陽
segagsw | western pharmacist | 西樂師
segak | western music | 西樂
segbad | familiar | 熟識
segchiuo | old experienced worker | 熟手
seggie | idioms | 熟語
seghoafn | aborigines who submitted to Chinese rule and learned Chinese; civilized aborigines | 熟番; 已平地化的高山族
segji | familiar character | 熟字
segkafng | skilled worker | 熟工
segkhaf | familiar person | 熟腳
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
seglaang | acquaintance | 熟人
seglien | practiced; skilled | 熟練
segliuoliux | practiced; experienced | 熟溜溜; 精通; 精湛
seglo | well acquainted road | 熟路
segpaix | worship at sunset | 熟拜; 夕陽禮拜
segphøee | cooked skin | 熟皮
segsai | acquainted; familiar; intimate; acquainted with | 熟似; 熟悉; 認識; 相識
segsaixlaang | an acquaintance | 熟似人
segseeng | cooked | 熟成
segseg | familiar | 熟悉
segsek | acquainted; familiar; intimate | 熟熟
segsiong | on one's seat, one's place | 熟上; 席上
segsip | familiar | 熟習
segsu hag'ui | M.A | 碩士學位
segsu | wise man; worthy scholar; holder of the master's degree; master's degree; M.A | 碩士
segsuxpafn | master class | 碩士班
segthak | read thoroughly, thoroughly acquainted (book) | 熟讀
segthiq | wrought iron | 熟鐵
segthvoax | burning charcoal | 熟炭
segto | maturity | 熟度
segty | familiarise | 熟知
segzhuix | familiar talk | 熟嘴
segzhux | seats | 席次
seng'oah hongseg | way of life; mode of living | 生活方式
senglegkwn | fresh troops | 生力軍
sengseg kuxle | speak in a harsh tone and with a severe expression | 聲色俱厲
sengseg | bear interest, be profitable, profitable | 聲色; 生利息
sengsengput'seg | endless | 生生無息
sengsengputseg | endless | 生生無息
sengzeg | grade; results (of work or study); records established or set; results; achievement; marks gained; average marks | 成績
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
serngteg | saint | 聖德
serngzeg | miracle | 聖蹟; 名勝古蹟
seseg | western style; European style; western styles | 西式
seviuseg | western style | 西洋式
seviuu-seg | western style, European style | 西洋式
sex juu phørteg | Lit. their strength is like splitting bamboo ─ to advance with irresistible force; to push onward with overwhelming momentum (said of a victorious army) | 勢如破竹
sexngteg | illustrious virtues | 盛德; 美德
siakzheg | throw millet | 摔粟
siaseg | lizard | 蜥蜴; 蛇蜥
siautogseg | sterilization room (in a hospital) | 消毒室
siaxhoe ieseg | social consciousness | 社會意識
siaxhoe kaykeg | social reform | 社會改革
siaxhoe tøxteg | social morality | 社會道德
siaxhoe zerngzheg | social policy | 社會政策
siaxkeg | fire a gun; marksmanship | 射擊
siaxtviwseg | president's office | 社長室
siaxzeg | gods of grain and soil, worshipping place | 射責; 社稷
siazheg | obliqueness | 斜測; 斜側
sibkeg | assault; descend; overtake; raid | 襲擊
sid jii hogteg | lost and found again | 失而復得
sid kie'eg | amnesia | 失記憶
sidbiin zerngzheg | colonial policy | 殖民政策
sidgiam-seg | empirical formula | 實驗室; 實驗式
sidgiaxmseg | laboratory | 實驗室
sidtaan siaxkeg | live ammunition fire practice | 實彈射擊
sidte chiegiam | actual tests; field testing | 實地試驗
sidzeg | actual results; tangible achievements | 實績
siexnho-zheg | countermeasure | 善戶策; 對策
siexnteg | good virtue or character | 蟬蟲; 善德
siexnzheg | clever scheme; good plan or policy | 善策
sikheg | moment; time; hour | 時刻
sim'afn lyteg | have achieved a perfect peace of mind; feel no qualm | 心安理得
simlie hunseg | psychoanalysis | 心理分析
simseg | fun; ventricles | 心適; 心室; 有趣
simseksimseg | interesting | 心適心適
simteg | what one gains from intense study; meditation or long practice | 心得
sinseg | new pattern; new model; spirit; new pattern or type; new style; modern; recent fashions | 新式; 神色
sinthea legheeng | practice what one preaches | 身體力行
sinzeg | miracles | 神蹟
siofngseg | appreciate; appreciation | 賞識
siongkheg | mutually destructive | 相剋
sionglegchiu | evergreen trees | 常綠樹
siongpeg | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongseg | common sense; general knowledge; know each other | 常識; 相識
sioxngzheg | the best plan; best stratagem | 上策
sirnseg | news; message | 訊息; 信息
sirnteg | faith virtue, trustworthiness virtue | 信德
siseg | trend of the time, state of affairs | 時勢; 時式
sisii-khekkheg | continuously; always | 時時刻刻
sisikhekkheg | always, constantly, continually | 時時刻刻
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sit-seg sexng ia | The desire for food and sex is part of human nature | 食色性也
sitseg | lose color; turn pale | 失色
sitteg | lose one's virtue; commit some great crime | 失德
sitzheg | faulty policy; poor tactics or strategy; bad scheming or planning; mistake | 失策
siu køf teg tiong | of a ripe old age and great virtue | 壽高德重
siu'eg | gain, profit, to benefit, to profit | 收益
siueg | get the benefit; to profit | 收益
siuhegcied | harvest date | 收獲節
siuhoatseg | office through which official correspondence of an organization is received or sent out | 收發室
siuseg | apparel; dressing; garnish; adorn; beautify; doll up; spiff up | 修飾
siuteg | cultivate virtue | 修德
siuxeg | be benefited | 受益
siwseg | necklace | 首飾
siwzeg | keep a regulation or rule | 修則; 守則
sixlegpiør | sight testing chart; visual acuity chart | 視力表
siøflegthaang | little green worm | 小綠蟲
siøfzeg | brother-in-law ( husband's younger brother); younger brother of husband | 小叔; 丈夫之弟
siøkeg | stir up; provoke or irritate one another | 相激
siøkheg | mutually destructive | 相剋
sngseg | to adorn, to decorate, to embellish | 酸飾
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
soaseg | sand color | 沙色
soeazeg | customs tariff; customs order; customs table | 稅則
softeg | income, earnings | 所得
softeg-søex | income tax | 所得稅
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
sorseg | plain color | 素色
soseg | search for (a hidden man) | 搜索
sox pud siongseg | have never met or seen before; total stranger | 素無相識
sueg | private interests | 私益
suichiuo khøfteg | easy to get; be within easy reach | 垂手可得
suizeg | forthwith, immediately, at once | 隨則
sujiin khiegiap | private enterprises | 私人企業
sun'eg | net profit | 純益
sunpeqseg | pure white | 純白色
sunzengkheg | pure love songs | 純情曲
sunzwciernzheg | Sun Tzu's strategy | 孫子戰策
suokegkorng | a tetrode (in radio) | 四極管
suoteg | chastity; words; manners; and skill | 四德
suozhux hongthengseg | quartic equation; equation of the fourth degree (mathematics) | 四次方程式
suq kionglegkoo | suck glue; sucker | 吸強力膠
surnseg | in the shade | 遜色; 瞬息
surnseg-kafn | instant, moment, second | 瞬息間
suseg | amenity; comfortable; ease | 舒適; 私室
suxbuxseg | office (especially of a lawyer; accountant; | 事務室
suxkheg | overture | 序曲
suxnseg | momentarily | 瞬息
suxseg | light at dawn | 順勢; 曙色
suxzeg | what's what; accomplishments; exploits of his or her lifetime | 事蹟
suyseg | beautiful color | 媠色; 美色
suzeg | an appellation or polite address for younger teachers who are associated with my teacher | 師叔; 私積
svakeg | attack or provoke one another | 相激; 相擊
svapo-kheg | trilogy | 三部曲
svatvoaxseg | 3 stages | 三段式
svef lixseg | produce interest (by deposit or loan) | 生利息
svegyn'ar | give birth | 生囡仔
svoaf-teglaan | Japanese eupatorium | 山澤蘭
svoarseg | dispersion | 散色
svoasaix-teg | Hind's cane | 山塞竹
swn'eg | profit and loss | 損益
swteg | make | 使得
swzeg | the ruin of history; historic events; historic relics | 史蹟
syseg | pale like dead person | 死色
søeazeg | tariff regulation | 稅則; 細則
søefegkefng | bathroom | 洗浴間
tadtiøh bogteg | reach the goal aimed at | 達到目的
tafmseg | courage | 膽識
tafnhauxseg | waiting room | 等候室
tag'sikheg | every moment | 每時刻; 逐時刻
taiseg | Taiwanese style | 台式
taixlegsu | Hercules; muscleman | 大力士
taixzhøx tegzhøx | very serious mistake | 大錯特錯
tang'viuu-seg | oriental style | 東洋式
tangseg | copper color, brass or bronze color | 銅色
tankheg | to impeach, impeachment | 彈劾
tauxzhaegee | bean sprout | 豆菜芽
tawseg | (literary) small room | 斗室
tefseg | bottom color | 底色
teg jinsym | be popular; have won the favor of the people | 得人心
teg pud sioong sid | what one gains cannot offset the losses ─ not worth the effort | 得無償失
teg | bamboo | 竹
teg'afboea | bamboo ends | 特仔尾
teg'afhii | black cardinal fish | 黑天竺鯛
teg'iog cynsor | clinic exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約診所
teg'iog ivi | hospital exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約醫院
teg'iog kieciar | stringer; special correspondent (for a newspaper; magazine) | 特約記者
teg'iog | specially appointed, specially approved | 特約
teg'ioktiaxm | a shop for the sole sale of an article | 特約店
teg'iuo | the only existing, special to the place or person | 特有; 擇友
teg'iw | excellent; extraordinary | 特優
teg'iw-ciarng | special outstanding award | 特優獎
teg'ix | enmity; hostility; antagonism | 敵意
teg'vi-kongleeng | special nature; unusual powers | 特異功能
teg'viaa | enemy camp | 敵營
teg'wn | a special grace; special favor or gift | 特恩
teg-binzhngg | bamboo bed | 竹眠床
tegbeng | extraordinary | 特命
tegbu | secret agent | 特務
tegchiuo | rival; competitor; adversary; an enemy of equal strength | 敵手
tegcid | peculiarity; characteristics; special qualities; characteristics; idiosyncrasy | 特質
tegcid`ee | idiosyncratic | 特質的; 特癖的
tegcie | special purpose | 特旨
tegciorng enggiap | special business operations (such as cabarets; bars; wine houses) | 特種營業
tegciorng | special prize; grand prize | 特獎; 特種
tegcip | special edition | 特集; 特刊
tege | tea art | 茶藝
tegexkoarn | teahouse restaurant | 茶藝館
teghau | special virtue or efficacy (of a medicine); specific result | 特效
teghau-iøh | specific remedy | 特效藥
teghauxiøh | wonder drug; patent medicine; a specific (remedy) | 特效藥
teghiø | behind enemy lines | 敵後
teghuo | special permit; license; patent | 特許
teghwkoaan | patent rights; special privileges; special concession | 特許權
tegiap | tea industry; the tea trade | 茶業
tegjiin | enemy; foeman; foe; a rival; competitor | 敵人
tegjim | special appointment rank; highest of the four civil service grades in the Republic of China | 特任
tegjixmkvoaf | official holding a post of the special appointment rank | 特任官
tegkex | specially reduced price | 特價
tegkhafn | extra edition; special edition; special supplement (of a newspaper or magazine) | 特刊
tegkhiefntui | naval task force | 特遣隊
tegkhiern | specially dispatched | 特遣
tegkhoaan | privilege | 特權
tegkhoaix | special express train | 特快; 特別快車
tegkhw | special zone | 特區
tegkhør | special grade; class official exam | 特考
tegkib sioxngcioxng | five-star general or admiral | 特級上將
tegkib | special class; special grade (of quality) | 特級
tegkoaan kaikib | privileged class | 特權階級
tegkoaan | prerogative; special rights; privilege | 特權
tegkog | enemy nation | 敵國
tegkongtui | commando units; rangers | 特攻隊
tegkwn | enemy; enemy troops; hostile force; the enemies soldiers | 敵軍
tegky | enemy aircraft | 敵機
teglaan | a non-aromatic mint water-willow, eupatorium | 澤蘭
tegle | special case; special instance; exceptional case | 特例
tegliin | enemy | 敵人
tegpefng | enemy soldier | 敵兵
tegphaeoaan | correspondent (of a news agency; newspaper); special commissioner | 特派員
tegphaix | specially dispatched or appointed; commission specially | 特派
tegpiedhoad | special law | 特別法
tegpiet ee serngcid | distinctive nature; individuality | 特別的性質
tegpiet khaicy | special expense | 特別開支
tegpiet khoaechiaf | special express train | 特別快車; 特快
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegpiet khuhek | special administrative districts | 特別區域
tegpiet lyiuu | special reasons | 特別理由
tegpiet pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
tegpiet uxsoaxn | extraordinary budget | 特別預算
tegpiet zengheeng | special conditions | 特別情形
tegpiet zuoix | special notice | 特別注意
tegpiet | outstanding; particular; unusual; extraordinary; exclusive; unique; different from the ordinary; distinctive; peculiar; special | 特別
tegpøx | special edition of a paper; an extra | 特報
tegsafnhaang | specialty shop | 特產行
tegsaix | envoy; special envoy | 特使
tegsarn | special products; products peculiar to any place; unique products (of a place) | 特產
tegseg | special features; unique features; unique feature; special features; characteristics | 特色
tegsex | the strength; morale; of the enemy | 敵勢
tegsexng | trait; characteristics; specific properties | 特性
tegsi | to regard with hostility | 敵視
tegsiar | feature story (in a newspaper or magazine); a close up (in a movie) | 特寫
tegsiax | free pardon; amnesty; pardon; special pardon | 特赦
tegsiuo | chief executive | 特首
tegsoarn | specially selected; carefully chosen; hand picked; win the highest honors (at an art exhibition) | 特選
tegsusexng | peculiarity | 特殊性
tegsuu koanhe | special relations | 特殊關係
tegsuu | special; unusual; particular | 特殊
tegsym | axle, shaft | 軸心
tegtefng | special features; marks; characteristics; unique qualities | 特徵
tegteng | speciallt designated; specific; specified | 特定
tegterng pvexpaang | hospital private room | 特別病房; 特等病房
tegterng | the special class or grade; class just above the first | 特等
tegtiarm | characteristics; peculiarities; special features | 特點
tegtiaw | snapper fish | 特潮; 笛鯛
tegtioong | outstanding; specialty | 特長
tegtiorng | special merits; strong points | 特長
tegtoaxhø | king size; extra large size | 特大號
tegtuix heng'uii | hostile act; hostility | 敵對行為
tegtuix | rivalry; to turn against; be hostile to; oppose | 敵對
tegtyn | special features; marks; characteristics; unique qualities | 特徵
tegzeaphirn | specially made | 特製品
tegzeeng | intelligence about the enemy; situation of the enemy | 敵情
tegzefng | distinctive feature | 特徵
tegzex | manufactured for a specific purpose; manufactured with a special process or extra care; specially made; custom made | 特製
tegzhefng | special description; (in logic) particular as opposed to universal | 特稱
tegzhud | outstanding; distinguished; eminent | 特出
tegzhuo thongty | specially sent for your information (a phrase used in writing a letter) | 特此通知
tegzurn | special permit; to permit; in a special case | 特准
tengseg | program | 程式
tengtoong jibseg | reach the inner hall (of some branch of learning); master a learning or skill | 登堂入室
teseg | tea room; tea house; tea color; tea-brown; greenish brown (rather dark shade) | 茶室; 茶色
texhaxseg | rooms built below the ground; cellar; underground vault; basement | 地下室
texhngf kong'eg | local public utilities | 地方公益
texngliong-hunseg | fixed quantity analysis | 定量分析
texngsexng-hunseg | qualitative | 定性分析
texngzeg | fixed rule | 定則; 規則
thaekegkuun | taichichuan; often referred to as shadow boxing | 太極拳
thaekegtoo | diagram of cosmological scheme | 太極圖
thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星; 金星
thaepegzhvef | the evening star; Venus | 太白星
thafnkheg | military tank | 坦克
tham'iim hvorseg | debauched; viciously sensual | 貪淫好色
thamseg | given to sexual indulgence; have a weakness for women; lewd; lustful | 貪色
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharnseg | to exclaim; sigh; groan | 嘆息
theaseg | color fade | 褪色; 無變色
theeng cidkheg | wait a moment | 停一刻
thefzeg | bulk; cubage; volume; solidity; volume (of a solid); cubic contents of | 體積
theg | animal; to rear or raise (livestock) | 畜; 剔
thegi | propose or move a resolution | 動議; 提議
thekzeg | to rate, to blame, to reproach | 嚇責; 斥責
thengseg | process; program; formula; standard form or pattern; standard procedures | 程式
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片
thienjienseg | natural color; Technicolor; kodachrome | 天然色
thienlamseg | sky blue | 天藍色
thiettefteg | through and through; thoroughly | 徹底的
thihseg | iron or steel color | 鐵色
thiokzeg | accumulate | 蓄積
thiusioxngteg | abstract | 抽象的
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thoanpox-seg | communication center | 傳播室
thoantadseg | information office | 傳達室
thoanthofngseg | traditional | 傳統式
thofte kaykeg | land reform | 土地改革
thogciar bunteg | Reader's Digest | 讀者文摘
thong'egkvoaf | interpreter | 通譯官
thoseg | dirt colored | 土色; 塗色
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thuzeg | to store; to stockpile; in store; accumulated | 儲積
thuzongseg | storage room | 儲藏室
thvialek chiegiam | audiometric test; take an audiometric test | 聽力試驗
thvikhongseg | sky color | 天空色
thvinaseg | lapis lazuli | 天藍色; 青金石
thviseg | sky; color of sky; time of day weather | 天色
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thøangseg | peach color; color of peach blossoms; a bright red | 桃紅色
thøeaseg | fade | 褪色; 退色
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøseg | peach color | 桃色
thøteg | sweet-scented oleander (bamboo) | 桃竹
tiafmzeg | light a candle | 點燭
tiaukheg | carve; engrave; sculpt; sculpture; incise | 雕刻
tiauleng segkae | issue an order in the morning and change it in the evening ─ change rules very frequently | 朝令夕改
tiauseg | adjust; coordination; modulate; orient; regularize; ; mix colors; mix paints | 調適; 調整; 調色
tiautheg | very critical, to find faults | 刁斥; 發現錯誤
tiaxmzegzek | very quiet | 恬寂寂
tiegaam | carcinogenic | 致癌
tieseg huxnzuo | intellectuals; educated people; intelligentsia | 智識份子
tieseg | learning; knowledge; information | 知識; 智識
tieseg-hunzuo | intelligentsia | 知識份子
tieseg-kaikib | educated class | 智識階級; 知識階級
tieseg-kaix | intellectual circle | 智識界; 知識界
tiexnkeg | electric shock; struck by lightning | 電擊
tiexnkofng-seg | X-ray room | 電光室; X光室
tiexnleghak | electrodynamics | 電力學
tikvoaf-seg | maroon color | 豬肝色
tikvoaseg | liver colored | 豬肝色; 紅褐色
timzeg | sink and accumulate | 沈積
tionggien'gegnie | loyalty | 忠言逆耳
tiongseg | Chinese style | 中式
tiorngteg | make a gold; quiver; bull's eye | 中的
tioxngtai iegi | significance | 重大意義
tiuo'ia putseg | never ceasing; day nor night; (to work) day and night without rest or stop | 晝夜無息
tixliaau-seg | treatment room | 治療室
tiøh tegciorng | win the special prize | 得特獎
tngfseg | facial expression turn to pale | 轉色
tochi leghoax | plant trees in the city | 都市綠化
toexhaxseg | basement | 地下室
togzhaai zerngzheg | dictatorship; autocracy | 獨裁政策
tokseg | a lofty idea, an elaborated view | 獨色; 卓識
tokzeg | supervise and urge on | 督責
toløo bueg | toil in vain | 徒勞無益
tosuseg | reading room; library | 圖書室
toxngleghak | dynamics | 動力學
toxngseg | to understand thoroughly | 洞識
tudkeg kiafmzaf | make a search without prior notice or announcement | 突擊檢查
tudkeg | to attack suddenly; to raid; breakout; sally; attack suddenly; make a surprise attack; to raid | 突擊
tui'eg | to recollect | 追憶
tuiegan | opposite shore | 對岸
tuiegoa | for foreign or overseas (consumption; use); resist foreign aggression | 對外
tuiekhofng siaxkeg | ground-to-air firing; to fire into the air (in warning) | 對空射擊
tuiezheg | a measure; a countermeasure; measure (to deal with a problem); countermeasure; counter plan | 對策
tuikeg | to pursue, chase, follow up a victory | 追極; 追擊
tuipeg | pursue hotly | 追逼; 緊追
tuix pitzeg | analyze a handwriting (in an effort to ascertain its author) | 對筆跡
tuizeg | accumulate; to store up; to pile up; stack; store up; to pile; amass; gather together in great abundance | 堆積
tukvoaseg | dark red | 豬肝色
tuxnzeg | accumulate, hoard, store up gradually | 頓積; 屯積
tvafkeg | to deal a blow upon; to give a blow to; to strike a blow; blow; shock; hit; (in baseball) hitting; batting | 打擊
tvafseg | courage | 膽色
tvar-iukeg | engage in guerrilla warfare; (humorously) to use; borrow; or take another's belongings without permission; to board or lodge at one place after another without payment | 打游擊
tviegong | feign madness, pretend to be a fool | 佯憨; 佯戇; 裝傻
tvietientviegong | play dumb and crazy | 佯顛佯戇
tviuxlangzeg | younger brother of wife's father | 丈人叔; 妻之叔父
tvoakheg | single song | 單曲
tvoaseg | play the harp | 彈瑟
twnzeg kikii | store up goods in the hope of selling them at higher prices later; hoard up | 囤積居奇
twnzeg | store up goods in the hope of selling them at higher prices later; hoard up | 囤積
tøeguun | raise money by subscription to help some purpose | 題銀
tøexhaxseg | basement, cellar, underground room | 地下室
tøhaxngseg | polynomial (math.) | 多項式
tøxteg buxntøee | question of morality or ethics | 道德問題
tøxteg ieseg | moral consciousness | 道德意識
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
tøxteg paixhoai | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德敗壞
tøxteg tuixløh | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德墮落
tøxteg | morals; morality; moral; virtue; morals | 道德
tøxteg-phaix | moralist school | 道德派
u ieseg | consciously; intentionally; intelligently; conscious | 有意識
u kiernseg | be farsighted; have an analytical mind | 有見識
u siongseg | having common sense | 有常識
u-habseg | fitting, seemly, suitable | 有合適
u-iegi | meaningful | 有意義
u-ieseg | conscious, consciousness | 有意識
u-khyseg | to be picking up, to be getting better | 有起色
u-langseg | widely known and good in social intercourse | 有人色; 有人情
u-zhutseg | promising | 有出色
uiegieen | dare not to tell | 諱言
uiegviauzhao | fear grass | 畏擽草
uiheg | threaten; intimidate; threat; intimidation | 威脅; 威嚇
uilegmi | cup of noodles | 維力麵
uipeg | besiege and compel | 圍逼; 圍迫
uiteg | power and benevolent rule | 威德; 遺德
uixegsox | pepsin | 胃液素
uizeg | remains; vestige; relic; traces; historical traces; vestiges; relic | 遺跡
uizheg | legacy policy | 遺策
unseg | hothouse; greenhouse | 溫室
unteg | ethical | 恩德
ut'eg | depressed, blue | 鬱抑; 憂鬱
uxseg-jinciorng | colored race | 有色人種
uxsviaf-uxseg | vivid; impressive (description or performance) | 有聲有色
uxzheg | predict | 預測
uyzeg | accomplishment | 偉績
viabuxseg | camp Office | 營務室
viaxzheg | raise the grains | 颺粟
vii-bixnzeg | area of a circle | 圓面積
viuseg | western style | 洋式
viuxseg | type; model; mode; style; example; pattern | 式樣; 樣式
vixseg | different form, strange form | 異式; 異樣
ykvoar tegcioxng | fight a numerically superior enemy | 以寡敵眾
ynloong jibseg | usher the wolf into the house (Lit. bring in a troublemaker) | 引狼入室
yoaxn-pørteg | bite the hand that feeds | 以怨報德
ysinzokzeg | lead by example | 以身作則
ysyn zokzeg | show the way by example | 以身作則
yteg hogjiin | win popular following by dint of one's virtue | 以德服人
yteg pøroaxn | return good for evil; repay injury with kindness; kill'em with kindness | 以德報怨
yteg pørteg | return good for good | 以德報德
zab'eg | 1 billion | 十億
zabhoef-goxseg | multi colored; variegated; variety of designs and colors | 十花五色
zabhoegoxseg | all kinds (of people) | 十花五色
zabseg høex | various commodities | 雜貨
zabseg laang | many kinds of people | 雜色人; 各種人
zabseg | unpure; multicolored; varied; every kind | 雜色; 各類
zaegi | meet and discuss again | 再議
zaiseg | money and women | 財色
zaiteg kiampi | have both talent and virtue | 才德兼備
zaiteg | ability and virtue | 才德
zaixseg | be in attendance, be present | 在室
zangseg | brown; the brown color of palm fibers | 棕色
zangteg | slender lady palm | 棕竹; 棕櫚竹
zaokheg | play melody | 奏曲
zawseg | faded | 走色; 顏色散開; 退色
zawsiøjeg | chase | 走相逐
zeaseg | standard | 制式
zeateng kuizeg | institute regulations | 制定規則
zeatoseg | drafting or drawing room | 製圖室
zefng-eg-kiuzefng | strive for perfection | 精益求精
zeg liab'aflaang | squeeze the pus out of a boil | 擠瘡; 擠疔膿
zeg thiauafcie | squeeze a pimple | 擠青春痘
zeg thiauar | pop pimples | 擠痘仔
zeg | traces; footsteps; track; footmark; footprint; a clue; search out | 蹟; 擠; 責; 燭; 即; 積; 叔; 跡; 浙; 則; 搾; 躓
zeg-kongløo | accumulate credit | 積功勞
zeg`sie | die of asphyxiation | 積死; 窒息而死
zeg`teq | accumulate | 積得
zeg`tiøh | crooked and injure tendon | 躓著; 挫了筋
zegbok | lonely (also siokbok, cibbok) | 寂寞
zegkoaxn | one's birthplace; one's native place | 籍貫; 籍眷
zeglee | thorny medicinal plant | 棘手的藥用; 蒺藜
zegtøe | domicile, place of residence | 籍地; 籍貫
zegzeng | quite | 寂靜
zek'herngkheg | impromptu | 即興曲
zekkek zerngzheg | positive policy | 積極政策
zekkheg | immediately; at once; promptly | 即刻; 即時
zekteg | do good things for years; accumulate merit | 積德; 前世報應
zengsiin hunseg | phychoanalysis | 精神分析
zengzheg | detect | 偵測
zerngkoaxn kauegsor | stock exchange | 證券交易所
zerngseg soanciexn | formal declaration of war | 正式宣戰
zerngseg tamphvoax | formal discussion | 正式談判
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆
zerngseg | official; formal; regular; formal; formally; official(ly); legally or lawfully | 正式; 正室
zerngzeg | achievements in one's official career; administrative achievements of a government; ruler or magistrate | 政績
zerngzheg | policy | 政策
zhaa kheg`ee | wood carving; carved of wood | 柴刻的; 木彫的
zhaeseg | menu (food) | 菜式; 菜餚
zhahkheg | insert music; musical interlude or episode | 插曲
zhaizheg | conjecture; guess; to surmise; a surmise | 猜測
zhakheg | woodcut | 柴瓢; 柴刻
zhaotaseg | burnt color | 臭乾色
zhapseg | mix color | 混色
zhaq laqzeg | put candles in a candlestick | 插臘燭
zhat'seg | paint color | 漆色
zhatgieen-koanseg | gather another's frame of mind through his words and expression | 察言觀色
zhatseg | to color | 著色; 塗顏色
zhawafseg | grass color | 草仔色
zhawlegseg | green grass color | 草綠色
zhawlek-seg | grass green color | 草綠色
zhayseg | variegated colors; to color | 彩色
zhayseg`ee | colour pencil | 彩色筆
zheg hoeasiu | lessen the years of one's life | 縮減歲壽
zheg khaq-khuy | widen a gap or distance | 測較開; 隔開一點
zheg khaq-tea | shorten by adjustment | 測較短; 縮短一點
zheg khaq-tngg | lengthen by adjustment | 測較長; 拉長一點
zheg sikafn | adjust time to one's convenience | 撥時間
zheg | red; bare; naked | 赤; 粟; 測; 穀子; 促; 調整
zheg'afmi | noodles with peppery sauce | 擔仔麵
zheg-jixsox | word count | 測字數
zheg`teq | talk about | 扯得
zheg`tiøh | talk about | 扯著; 觸著; 碰到
zhegtiøh | chuck | 摵著
zhegzhek`leq | move backward and forward | 甩一甩; (含有上下甩勻之意)
zhekkeg | a flank attack | 側擊
zheklegkex | hand dynamometer | 測力計
zhekseg | concubine | 側室
zheng'itseg | uniformly | 清一色
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zheseg | one's legal wife | 妻室
zhoanliuu putseg | constant flow; an incessant flow; continuous flow of traffic; people or conversation | 川流無息
zhozheg | coarse millet | 粗粟
zhuiegiin | broken silver; change | 碎銀
zhuiegiok | jade | 翠玉
zhuiegvi | stubborn | 嘴硬
zhuieseg | emerald | 翠色
zhuipeg | hasten; to press | 催迫; 催促
zhuizheg | guess; inference; presumption; conjecture; a guess; make a guess; supposition; inference; to conjecture; suppose; infer | 推測
zhunseg | spring scenery; spring scenery; joyful appearance or expression; sensual scenes | 春色
zhuteg suotoafn | cardinal virtues (Catholic) | 樞德四端
zhutkeg | leave base or camp; to attack or raid the enemy | 出擊
zhutseg | outstanding; successful in performance; promising person; man or woman | 出色; 出息
zhutsegpho | roll book; attendance record book | 出席簿
zhuyzheg | conjecture, guess | 揣測
zhvegek | emerald | 青玉; 翡翠
zhvegii | feel nauseated, become dubious, become suspicious | 醒疑; 起疑心
zhvegingiin | saucer eyes; saucer-eyed | 撐很大
zhvegoaxsvoax | ultraviolet ray | 青外線; 紫外線
zhvegulefng | fresh milk (not condensed or powdered) | 鮮牛乳; 鮮奶
zhvehoegiaam | green limestone | 青灰岩
zhvemeguu | blind cow (scolding) an illiterate | 青盲牛; 文盲
zhveseg | green color; sky blue | 青色
zhvezharm-logpheg | very miserable | 悽慘落泊; 慘透了
zhwkheg | now; this moment | 此刻
zhwsii-zhwkheg | at this time | 此時此刻
zngseg | adorn; to ornament; to gloss | 粧飾; 裝飾
zoadseg | incomparably beautiful girl | 絕色
zoadzeg | be out of existence; vanish completely; be completely wiped out; extinct | 絕跡
zoanbe teghie | all rights reserved | 專賣特許
zoanbin kongkeg | all out offensive | 全面攻擊
zoangiap-tieseg | professional knowledge, a thesis | 專業智識; 專業知識
zoanli teghie | patent | 專利特許
zoeaseg | make colors | 做色
zoex-kongteg | do good deeds | 做功德
zoex-sinseg | the newest style | 最新式
zoexzeg | responsibility for misconduct | 罪責
zofngkongkeg | general offensive | 總攻擊
zofngzeg | general principles | 總則
zofteg | virtuous deeds of one's ancestors | 祖德
zokheg | suite (music) | 組曲
zokkheg | compose music; composition of musical pieces | 作曲
zokkheg-kaf | composer | 作曲家
zongkaux kaykeg | Reformation; religious revival | 宗教改革
zongseg | adorn; decoration; ornament; ornamentation; doll up; make up; adorn; embellish | 裝飾; 裝備
zongseg-phirn | article of ornament or decoration | 裝飾品
zongzeg | trail; trace; track; a trace; vestige; to follow up clues | 蹤跡
zorngseg | funeral; burial service | 葬式; 葬禮; 葬儀; 告別式
zoxeg | help | 助益
zuangseg | scarlet | 朱紅色
zuiegarn | drunken eyes | 醉眼
zuiegieen | talk while drunk | 醉言
zukeg | nick; snipe | 狙擊
zulegpiør | qualification form | 資歷表
zuojibseg | education spoon feeding or cramming (as opposed to developmental method) | 注入式
zuoseg | explain by commentary | 註釋
zuseg | woman's facial look and posture; looks (of a woman); (female) beauty | 朱色; 姿色
zuxiuseg | free style (swimming) | 自由式
zuxkioong putseg | strive hard without stopping; continuous self renewal | 自強無息
zuxkuun-hunseg | cluster analysis | 自群分析; 聚群分析
zuxpegsw | written confession | 自白書
zuxsatseg ee kongkeg | suicide attack | 自殺式的攻擊
zuxteg | self-satisfied, comprehend by oneself | 自德; 自得
zuxtheg | residence | 住宅
zuxzeg | blame oneself, self reproach | 自責
zuy'aang-seg | light red, pink | 水紅色; 淡紅色
zuyang'afseg | water red | 水紅仔色
zuyleghak | hydraulics | 水力學
zuylegpiør | hydraulic gauge | 水力表
zuynaseg | water blue | 水藍色
zuysarn chiegiaxmsor | fisheries research institute | 水產試驗所
zuyseg | aqua color | 水色; 淺藍色
zwkeaseg | auditing department, accounting department | 主計室
zwnzeg | criteria; rule; criterion; standard | 準則
zwsegthoaan | presidium | 主席團
zwtoxngseg | active voice (grammar) | 主動式
zøeaseg | hold a ceremony | 做飾; 做式; 舉行典禮
zøfhoong-seg | jujue-red color | 棗紅色
zøfseg | jujube | 棗色
zøfsimseg | left ventricle | 左心室
zørseg | perform ceremonies | 作式; 做色; 舉行典禮; 舉行儀式
zøxiaau hegcioxng | cheat, swindle or mislead the people with lies or rumors | 造謠惑眾
økheg | suite (music) | 苛刻
ørzeg | miracle | 奧蹟
lioxngzuo-leghak | quantum mechanics | 量子力學

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