"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: giam

Thok'hog zhekgiam | Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | 托福測驗
bin'ix zhekgiam | poll taking; public opinion survey | 民意測驗
bøkenggiam | inexperienced | 無經驗
chiegiam luxnlyhak | experimental logic | 試驗論理學
chiegiam | test; try; trial; experiment; to experiment; to try; test or examine | 試驗
ernggiam | to come true; come true (prophecies | 應驗
giam siofng | eaternal confinement room | 驗傷
giam | to examine or check; test | 驗
giam'ar | temple | 岩仔; 巖; 寺院
giambeeng | stern and impartial (administration of law); hard but fair (said of discipline) | 嚴明
giambeng | a stern order; father's command | 嚴命
giambit | rigid of tight; to the letter stern; rigid discipline; stiff rules; rigid | 嚴密
giamgiaam | strictly, sternly, severely | 嚴嚴
giamgve | resilient | 嚴硬
giamgvi | resilient | 嚴硬
giamhaan | severely cold; severe cold (weather) | 嚴寒
giamhad | severely exercise control over | 嚴轄; 嚴格
giamheeng | harsh punishments; tortures; inflexible administration of justice; severe punishment | 嚴刑
giamhoat | severe punishment; heavy punishment | 嚴罰; 嚴懲
giamhoong | be strictly on guard against; take strict precautions against; keep a sharp lookout for; guard carefully | 嚴防
giamhu | stern father; severe father; father; my father (honorific) | 嚴父
giamjieen | having the true appearance; like real | 儼然
giamkaf koafnsog | exercise strict discipline over (juniors or subordinates) | 嚴加管束
giamkeq | strict, rigid, strictness | 嚴格
giamkheg | harsh; exacting | 嚴刻
giamkhog | cruel; unrelenting; strict and ruthless; cruel | 嚴酷
giamkirn | rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit | 嚴謹
giamkiux | to investigate closely, to examine carefully | 嚴究
giamkixm | strictly forbid; prohibit or forbid strictly | 嚴禁
giamkwn | father | 嚴君
giamle | strict | 嚴厲
giamleng | strict order; strictly order; severe order | 嚴令; 嚴格命令
giamlø'oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giamløo | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅
giamløo-oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
giampan | to punish severely; to clamp down on; deal with severely | 嚴辦
giamsiog | solemn; seriousness; serious-looking | 嚴肅
giamsirm | severe investigation | 嚴審
giamsiuo piebit | preserve strict secrecy; strictly confidential | 嚴守秘密
giamsiuo tionglip | observe strict neutrality | 嚴守中立
giamsuu | stern words | 嚴詞
giamsw | a stern teacher; strict teacher | 嚴師
giamtafng | harsh winter | 嚴冬
giamtiong | serious; seriousness; severe | 嚴重
giamtofng | cold winter | 嚴冬
giamzay | strict fast, absolutely without meat | 嚴齋; 嚴齊
giamzeg | reprimand severely | 嚴責
giamzexng | test; verify; strictly correct or just | 嚴正
giamzuxn | serve | 嚴峻
haglek zhekgiam | examination of scholastic ability | 學力測驗
hauxgiam | effective, efficacious, effectiveness | 效驗; 有效
hoargiam | test; to make a chemical examination; subject to chemical analysis | 化驗
hoargiam-seg | a loboratory | 化驗室; 化驗所
hoarhak sidgiam | chemical experiment | 化學實驗
irngiam | to be fulfilled | 應驗
jibhagchiegiam | an entrance exam | 入學試驗
juo-giamtiong | more serious | 愈嚴重
kaegiamleng | martial law | 戒嚴令
kenggiam honghux | rich in experience | 經驗豐富
kenggiam | experience | 經驗
kenggiam-simlyhak | empirical psychology | 經驗心理學
khamgiam | Inspection | 勘驗
kharmgiam | examine on the spot; officially inspect the state of a place or person (esp. as to injuries) | 堪驗
khøfgiam | test; trial; examine | 考驗
kiafmgiam | to inspect and examine inspection; inspection; examination | 檢驗
kiafmgiam-sw | laboratory technician, optometrist | 檢驗師
kigiam | wonderful experience; a strange experience | 奇驗
køeagiam | inspect | 過驗
lenggiam | prediction; (said of a prediction)to come true; medicine); charm; (a drug) with uncanny or unbelievable efficacy; prophecy come true; with unbelievable accuracy; efficacious protection (attributed to an idol | 靈驗
limzhngg kenggiam | clinical experience | 臨床經驗
limzhngg sidgiam | experimentation (clinical) | 臨床實驗
luo-laai luo-giamtiong | progressive; going from bad to worse | 漸劇; 越來越嚴重
ogiamkag | Black rock point | 烏岩角
phoehw chiegiam | skin test | 皮膚試驗
phørgiam | to hold inquest | 剖驗
put'giamtiong | not serious | 無嚴重; 不嚴重
sidgiam longtviuu | experimental farm | 實驗農場
sidgiam simlyhak | experimental psychology | 實驗心理學
sidgiam | experiment; experimentation; experiment; to test; experiment; test | 實驗
sidgiam-lun | postivism | 實驗論
sidgiam-seg | empirical formula | 實驗室; 實驗式
sidte chiegiam | actual tests; field testing | 實地試驗
sidzex ee kenggiam | practical experience | 實際經驗
simlie zhekgiam | psychological test | 心理測驗
sixlek zhekgiam | vision test; visual acuity test | 視力測驗
siøfsidgiam | small experiment | 小實驗
suxthaix giamtiong | the state of affairs is serious | 事態嚴重
thefgiam | to experience | 體驗
thiugiam | random test | 抽驗
thvialek chiegiam | audiometric test; take an audiometric test | 聽力試驗
tieleeng zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智能測驗
tielek zhekgiam | IQ test; intelligence test | 智力測驗
u kenggiam | experienced; have had the experience of | 有經驗
u-kenggiam | experienced | 有經驗
zagiam | investigate; examine | 查驗
zhagiam | to examine, examination (doctor, customs officer) | 查驗
zhatgiam | investigate carefully | 察驗; 查驗
zhekgiam | test; workout; examination; test; examine; a test or quiz | 測驗

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