"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: goxng

goxngbak | useless eyes | 憨目; 笨眼; 眼光遲鈍
goxngbin | dumbo | 憨面; 傻面; 傻臉; 呆子; 呆戇
goxngchiøx | laugh like an idiot; idiotic laughter; silly smile | 傻笑; 憨笑
goxngcvii | to spend or throw money without any thought; money wasted foolishly | 憨錢; 傻錢; 白丟之錢; 冤枉錢
goxnggong | foolish; silly; naive; ingenuous; open and sincere; stupid | 憨憨; 戇戇; 傻傻的
goxngguu | foolish; stupid; silly; naive; ingenuous; open and sincere | 憨牛; 憨愚
goxnghog | good fortune without attempting; happiness with simple-hearted; good fortune coming on a foolish fellow | 憨福; 傻福; 愚人之福
goxnghor | idiot; foolish | 憨虎; 戇虎; 傻瓜
goxnghvia | silly talk; absurd story | 失神
goxngjip bøo goxngzhud | careful and detailed calculation of how to make money but doesn't like to spend it | 精打細算; 只收入無支出; 憨入無憨出
goxngkaau | fool; dumb monkey | 戇猴
goxngkafng | kind of work that you don't have to use brains to do; to work but employer cheats you out of your pay | 憨工; 沒有成就的工作; 工作拿無到錢
goxngkhix | be dumbfounded | 憨去; 呆若木雞
goxngkiao | gambling that you can't win at | 憨賭; 笨的賭博法
goxnglaang | idiot; foolish | 憨人; 戇人; 傻瓜; 笨人
goxnglat | has brawn no brains | 傻力; 蠻勁; 憨力
goxngsiin | dumbo | 憨神; 出神而顯得呆呆的; 發愣
goxngsoxng | do nothing all day; to have nothing to do; a stupid person | 憨頌; 無所事事; 傻瓜
goxngsu | foolish affair | 憨事; 傻事
goxngsviu | vainly or vain attempt; crazy or absurd idea(s); daydream | 憨想; 戇想; 傻想; 妄想
goxngtay | stupid; a stupid person; idiot | 憨獃; 戇呆; 戇獃; 癡呆; 呆子
goxngthaau-goxngnao | foolish; stupid-looking | 憨頭憨腦; 傻頭傻腦
goxngthud | foolish or stupid person | 憨禿; 憨傻
goxngthuii | crass | 憨錘
goxngtiefn | foolish and mentally deranged | 憨顛; 愚顛
goxngtit | simple; stupid; naive; rather too blunt and simple | 憨直; 戇直
goxngtoaxtay | big fool | 憨大呆; 大笨牛
goxngtvar | silly; stupid | 憨膽; 戇膽; 愚蒙輕率的; 魯莽
goxngzabor | foolish woman | 憨查某; 傻女人
khygoxngbin | going crazy | 發神經; 起憨面
korng-goxng'oe | say absurd things; Nonsense! Don't be silly! | 說傻話
toa-goxngsoaf | whale shark | 大戇鯊
toaxgoxngtay | idiot; mentally retarded person; simpleton; fool | 大呆子

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