"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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auxkhiin | logistics | 後勤
baghiin | dizziness | 目暈; 目眩
buphiin | no guarantee; no binding force | 無憑
cipkhiin | to keep guard | 執勤
goaxkhiin | field service; field work involving running around; job which involves activities mostly outside the office (such as that of a news reporter) | 外勤
hiexn inkhiin | flatter; make oneself liked; ingratiate oneself | 獻殷勤
hiin | be nauseated; giddy; dizzy; nauseated; dizzy; dazzled | 眩; 暈眩; 暈; 眩暈
hinhiin | dizzy | 暈暈
ho laang thaau hiin | giddy | 使人頭眩
hogkhiin | work hard; to toil; be on duty | 服勤
huxnhiin | dizzy, giddy | 暈眩
iaxkhiin | night shift; night work (especially referring to doctors; policemen; newsmen) | 夜勤; 夜班
inkhiin | courteous; attentive; courteous; polite; civil | 慇懃; 殷勤
khekkhiin-khekkhiam | diligent and frugal | 克勤克儉
khiin | diligent; industrious | 勤
khinkhiin | deligent, hard working, industrious | 勤勤; 勤勉
khiphiin | not straight | 敧蹁; 壁肩等傾斜
khoatkhiin | lack of diligent; to be absent from work | 缺勤
laixkhiin | indoor service; desk work | 內勤
loexkhiin | indoor service; office work | 內勤
o'armhiin | dizzy, faint | 烏暗暈
oarmhiin | dizzy, faint | 烏暗眩
phiin | to stagger; to stumble | 蹁; 踉蹌; 蹣跚
phinphiin | unstable on feet | 偏偏
svoarkhiin | casual work | 散勤
thauhiin bag'axm | dizzy head and dimmed vision | 頭昏眼花
thauhiin | be dizzy | 頭眩
thauhinhiin | dizzy | 頭眩眩
thaukhag hiin | slight headache; dizziness | 頭暈
thiin ciuo | pour wine | 斟酒
thiin | pour; pour out gently in small quantity from a spout (tea; liquor) | 斟; 倒
thongkhiin | shuttle taking workers to and from work | 通勤; 上下班
thøeakhiin | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
viuhiin | epilepsy; vertigo; epilepsy | 癲癇; 羊眩; 羊癲癇; 眩暈
viuthauhiin | dizziness | 羊頭眩
zakhiin | make the rounds and check officers to see if they are doing their duties during office hours | 查勤
zhengphiin | poor | 清貧
zhutkhiin | go to the office; go on duty; check in | 出勤; 上班
zoafnkhiin | transfer; be transferred to another office; get a transfer | 轉勤; 轉勤,轉任; 轉任
zoankhiin | full attendance | 全勤

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