"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciin Syhoong | the founder of the Qin dynasty and first emperor of a unified China | 秦始皇
Ciuo hoong tikie chienpoef siao | You feel like drinking more with a bosom friend. (Lit. When drinking with a bosom friend, a thousand cups will still be too little.) | 酒逢知己千杯少
Gioghoong taixtex | the Jade Emperor; supreme deity in Taoism | 玉皇大帝
Gioghoong | Jade Emperor of Heaven; various Taoist gods | 玉皇
Kaohoong | Pope | 教皇
Nafhoong | Nahum (Protestant) | 那鴻
Senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
Thienhoong | Japanese Emperor; Tenno | 天皇
ahciqhoong | kind of motherwort; Lindernia ciliata; Borreria hispida; Lippia nodiflora | 鴨舌黃
angmngthoo | cement | 紅毛土; 紅毛塗; 水泥
angmothoo | cement; cement | 紅毛土; 水泥
angthoo | red clay; red clay or earth | 紅土
armhoong | secretly prevent | 暗防
awhoong | throw up blood | 嘔紅; 吐血
baxncie chienhoong | vast array of dazzling colors (said of flowers) | 萬紫千紅
beqsuixhoong | a kind of water-willow, Justicia procumbeus | 麥穗紅
bihoo | tailed monkey, a member of the family Cercopithecidae 'in Taiwan only Formosan rock-monkey, Macaca cyclopsis | 獼猴
bogmahoong | casuarina | 木麻黃
bogmoahoong | beefwood | 木麻黃; 番麻黃
bohoo | vague; indistinct; fuzzy | 模糊
buhoong | fine; OK; may as well; might as well; just as well; doesn't matter; unimportant; does not constitute an obstacle or obstruction | 無妨
bøhoong | why not; might as well; not important | 無妨
chiahthoo | shovel dirt with a spade | 赤土; 挖土
chiauthoo | mix mud or clay into a mass; mix mortar | 攪土
chienjidhoong | Gomphrena globosa (a small plant which blossoms in fall with spheric flowers of red; purple and white) | 千日紅
chiogthoo | to play in mud; work clay or mud with the hands; play with mud like a child | 觸土; 玩泥巴; 搗拌泥土
chiwhoong | germs on the hands | 手惶; 手上的病菌
ciernzeg huihoong | brilliant combat performance; extraordinary battle achievement | 戰績輝煌
giamhoong | be strictly on guard against; take strict precautions against; keep a sharp lookout for; guard carefully | 嚴防
giuhoong | bovine bezoar | 牛黃
giwhoong | bovine bezoar | 拉簧
hafnhoong | bluff | 罕逢; 稀遇
hamhaam-hohoo | (of a statement) vague; ambiguous; confusing | 含含糊糊
hamhoo | inattentive; uncertain; obscure; muddled | 含糊
hatthoo | drab soil | 棕土; 褐塗
hayhoong | coastal defense; coastal defenses | 海防
haythoo | sea soil | 海土; 海底之土
hengseg zhonghoong | look anxious and tense; be in a big hurry like a fugitive | 形色倉皇
hiabhoong | help defend a place | 協防
hiauthoo | dig | 撓土
hienhoo | suspend | 懸浮
hiexnhoong | to make a living in sailing | 硯航
himhoong | happy to be present on a joyful occasion | 欣逢
hinhoong | realgar; red orpiment | 雄黃
hionghoong | realgar; red orpiment | 雄黃
hiongthoong | thorax | 胸部; 胸膛
hoad-ciwhoong | to get drunk and behave irrationally | 發酒廣
hoahoong-liwlek | luxuriant and colorful (said primarily of vegetation) | 花紅柳綠
hoanthoo | to turn the soil | 翻土; 翻塗
hoanzhanthoo | turn the soil from farmland over | 翻田土
hoat'hoong | inflammation; irritation; inflammation | 發炎; 發癀; 紅腫; 紅腫長疹子
hofnghoong | to be anxious; at a stand; oscillate | 彷徨
hohoo-totoo | muddled; confused | 糊糊塗塗
honghoong | flood-control; anxiety; fear; trepidation; agitated | 惶惶; 防洪
hoo kar hor uy | bully the weak because of one's relation with the powerful (behave like the fox that borrowed the terror of the tiger) | 狐假虎威
hoo | reckless; wildly blindly; disorderly; confusedly (general name of the northern tribes in ancient China) | 胡; 撈; 蝴; 瑚; 壺; 糊; 侯; 鶘; 狐; 弧; 醐; 鬍; 喉; 下腮鬍
hoo-labsap | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍拉碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
hoo-luieluix | muddy | 糊瘰瘰
hoo-narsvaq | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍拉碴; 亂七八糟; 雜亂無章
hoo-svakag | reuleaux triangle, spherical triangle | 弧三角; 勒洛三角
hoo-zhezhef | (idiom) in a mess | 鬍碴碴; 一片狼籍; 雜亂無章
hoo`khylaai | scoop or net something out of water | 撈起來
hoong | sew; to hem; a hem; border of a dress | 隍; 凰; 惶; 妨; 徨; 騜; 簧; 虹; 宏; 皇; 衣服邊緣; 逢; 弘; 洪; 縫; 磺; 防
hootae | bandage | 繃帶
hoxnghoong u'huy | happy marriage; pair of phoenixes on the wing | 鳳凰于飛
hoxnghoong | phoenix; bird of wonder; the secular bird; male and female phoenix | 鳳凰
huhoo | vain; empty; unsubstantial | 虛浮
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
huihoo | Formosan flying fox | 飛狐; 狐蝠
huihoong | resplendency; glory; magnificent; splendid; glorious; brilliant | 輝煌
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
hunhoong | to give bonus; distribute; divided in business | 分紅
huole tonghoong | majestic; grand; splendid; magnificent | 富麗堂皇
huxngengthoo | concrete | 混凝土
hvafhoong | bluff; to intimidate | 嚇唬; 虛張聲勢
hwnthoo | clay; yellow soil | 粉土; 黃色粘土
høethoo | mortar made of lime and clay; plaster; dust; dirt | 灰土; 灰塗; 灰泥
høhoong | why not; what is preventing; may as well; What's the harm? | 何妨
ienhoo | pharynx | 咽喉
ixhoong | prevention, precaution, keep off | 預防
jibthoo | burial of corpse | 入土; 入塗
kaohoong | pope | 教皇
kazhat-lanhoong | It is hard or impossible to guard against a thief within the household | 家賊難防
kenghoong | lose head from terror; be frightened and confused; to panic | 驚惶
khawhoong | lipstick | 口紅
khenghoo | frivolous | 輕浮
khihoong | ride stitch | 騎縫
khiofnghoong | fear; suspicion | 惶恐; 恐惶
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐慌無安; 恐惶不安
khoanhoong | open-hearted; broad-minded; magnanimous; benignant | 寬宏
khoanhoong-taixliong | magnanimous; open-hearted; broad-minded | 寬宏大量
khonghoong | air defense | 防空; 空防
khorngthoo | wilderness; waste | 曠土
khvikhoo | to be frugal; to practice austerity; to economize | 依附; 節儉
khwnhoong | to reclaim wasteland; [[khwnhofng]]? | 墾荒
khyhoong | (v) become inflamed from infection or injury; (n) inflammation | 起洪; 發炎
khythoo | to break the ground (for a building project); to start construction work | 起土; 動土
kii hoong tegchiuo | opponents of equal strength; capability; evenly matched opponents | 棋逢敵手
koanhoong | the seal of a government agency; a military position at a strtegic point on the border; oblong official seal | 關防
koat'hoo | parenthesis; bracket; brackets; parentheses | 括弧
kok'hoong | national defense | 國防
konghoo | the first and second of old China's fivergrad of nobility; old Chinese official rank | 公侯
konghoong | air defence | 空防
kudthoo | dig the ground | 掘土
kviahoong-sitzhox | terrified and not know what to do; to panic | 驚惶失措
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
lienhoong | join defense; mutual defense | 聯防
liuhoong | sulfur; brimstone | 硫磺
liwlek-hoahoong | green willow trees and red flowers ─ enchanting sight in spring time | 柳綠花紅
liwthoo | dig up earth | 挖土
lormthoo | muddy soil; soft muddy fields (ground) | 沼土
lwhoong | women's needlework; empress | 女紅; 女皇
lyhoong | empress | 女皇
løqthoo | sits on the floor | 落土; 落塗; 呱呱墮地; 生下
mahoong | (med.) ephedrine | 麻黃
muyhoong | every time it comes to be | 每逢
ngthoo | yellow soil, loess | 黃色; 黃塗
nithoo | soil; dirt; clay | 泥土; 泥塗
nngfthoo | soft soil; If the earth is soft, people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured, people will take advantage of (tease) him. | 軟土
nngfthoo-chimkut | If the earth is soft; people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured; people will take advantage of (tease) him | 軟土深滑; 得寸進尺
noaxhohoo | muddy | 爛糊糊
noaxthoo | soft or mashy soil(mud) | 爛土; 爛塗; 軟土
oefthoo | dig dirt | 挖塗
ofthoo | to excavate | 挖土; 挖塗
othoo | black dirt | 黑土
pahjidhoong | lagerstroemia | 百日紅
pekjidhoong | crape myrtle | 百日紅
peqthoo | white soil | 白土
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phiefnthoo | scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻土
phoarthoo | break the ground | 破土
phoo auxkhaf | criticize and destroy behind one's back | 扯後腿
phoo | to support with the hand; the sacred tree of the Buddhists; a cattail; lift up; raise up; to support; prop up a weight with both hands; to flatter; curry favor with; fawn; to flatter obsequiously | 扶; 菩; 蒲; 拍馬屁
phoo-laxnphaf | to curry favor with | 拍馬尼; 扶脬
phoo`khylaai | lift up | 抬起來
phoong | fluffy | 蓬
phophoo | flattering | 扶扶; ,拍馬屁
piahthoo | picture on the wall | 壁土
pienhoong | frontier defenses or garrisons; border defense | 邊防
poadhoo | domineering | 跋扈
pornghoong bukex | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨無計
pornghoong | agitated; not knowing what to do | 徬徨
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
purnthoo | dung and earth; something of little value; things of not much value (Lit. manure or dirt) | 糞土
put'hamhoo | really good, not ordinary, unambiguous, unequivocal, explicit | 無含糊; 不含糊
put'hoong | might as well; may well; no harm in trying... | 無妨; 不妨
putthoo | scrape earth together | 鏟土
safnthoo | bad soil | 瘦土
samhabthoo | mortar made of sand, lim, clay | 三合土
sangthoo | loosen soil | 鬆土
sanhoo | coral; coralline | 珊瑚
seklai zonghoong | indoor decoration | 室內裝璜
senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
serngtarnhoong | poinsettia | 聖誕紅
siauhoong | fire-fighting; fire fighting; prevention and extinction of fires | 消防
siauhoong-tui | fire brigade, fire department | 消防隊
siauhoong-tuixoaan | firemen; fire fighter | 消防隊員
sienhoong | ex-emperor | 先皇
siet'hoong | fortify; set up defense installations | 設防
simhoong | cautious | 心防
sionghoong | encounter; meet each other | 相逢
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
siøfhoong | small rice grasshopper | 小蝗
soanhoo | coral | 珊瑚
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
sunhoong | patrolman; watchman; to patrol (especially in civil defense) | 巡防
suokuiehoong | four seasons red | 四季紅
tahthoo | to touch the ground with hand or foot | 貼土; 觸地
tailøqthoo | to place or bury in the ground | 下落葬
tanhoong | spring; springs (for absorbing shock); shock absorber | 彈簧
tathoo | dry land | 乾土
tawphoong | a cloak, a mantle, a blouse | 斗篷
thaesioxnghoong | father of the emperor | 太上皇
theahoong | detumescence; subsidence of swelling | 退腫
thefhoong | to guard against, to take precaution against, to watch | 提防
thehoong | bank; dike | 堤防; 提防
thien'y buhoong | perfect (secret); flawless (workmanship) | 天衣無縫
thienhoong | Mikado | 天皇
thienphoong | canopy | 天篷
thiet'hoong | withdraw a garrison | 撤防
thoathoo | to drag along a long skirt or pant leg in the mud | 拖地; 垂地
thofhoong | plant buds; shoot up | 萌芽
thoo | mud; mire; clay; soil; earth; to daub; to fail; lose completely | 土; 塗; 暗晦; 糟透了
thooaan | mud ball | 塗丸
thooan'ar | mud ball | 土丸仔
thoong | sugar; candy | 糖
thoor'thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 土土土
thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 遭透
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thuxnthoo | filling; fill up with earth | 填土; 坉塗
thøeahoong | reduce inflammation or swelling | 退洪; 退癀; 消炎
tiaohoong | apply ointment | 吊癀
tiexnthoo | carbide | 電石; 電塗; 炭化物
tihoong | take precaution | 知回; 持防; 預防
tionghoong | reunion | 重逢
tonghoong | imposing; impressive; stately; grandiosity; the winter curfew (imposed annually to guard against undesirable elements); take precautions against thieves at the end of the year | 堂皇; 冬防
unhoong | pestilence | 瘟磺
uxhoong | prevention; precaution; keep off | 預防
uxhoong-ihak | prophylactic medicine | 預防醫學
uxhoong-zuosia | immunization; vaccination | 預防注射
uxhoong`ee | prophylactic; a preventive | 防病的; 預防的
voafthoo | clay for porcelain | 碗土; 陶土; 瓷器
ynzuyhoong | because water got into the wound it got infected | 傷口因水而發炎
zhaihoong pofsibpafn | training class for tailoring | 裁縫補習班
zhaihoong | to tailor; a tailor; needlework; tailoring; tailor or seamstress | 裁縫
zhaihoong-chviu | tailor | 裁縫匠
zhaihoong-ky | sewing machine | 裁縫機
zhanthoo | siol of rice farm; soil of rice fields | 田土
zhaothoo-hiexn | strong smell or taste of mud and earth | 臭土味
zharnlan-huihoong | brilliant and magnificent | 燦爛輝煌
zhayhoong | rainbow | 彩虹
zhof-sionghoong | meet for the first time | 初相逢
zhohoo | crude | 粗糊; 粗暴
zhonghoong | in hurry; in confusion | 倉惶
zhoong | scab | 藂
zhoor'zhozhof | very rough | 粗粗粗
zhuiechiw-hohoo | thick and coarse beard | 嘴鬚糊糊; 腮鬍
zoeathoo`ee | handyman who work on tiles, bricks, cemen | 做土的
zonghoong | decoration; adorn; upholster; decorate room | 裝潢
zuhoo | vassal | 諸侯
zuohoong | canton; defend | 駐防
zuxhoong | garrison (a place) | 駐防
zuyhoong | wound infected by water | 水洪; 傷口因觸水而發炎
zøeathoo | be a mason | 做土; 做塗
zøfhoong-seg | jujue-red color | 棗紅色
zøhoong | meet with, vicissitudes in one's life | 遭逢
zøq thehoong | build a dike | 築堤防
zørthoo | be a mason | 作土; 做塗; 土水匠

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