"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Phvii | surname Peng; P'eng (Peng) | 彭
bøkhvii bøkhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗無吸; 無著力處; 無可依據; 無牽連
chvii | to anxiously run | 急跑而來
chviie'chvi'chvy | dark blue, strong green | 青青青
hefkhvii | fire tongs | 火鉗
hoefkhvii | fire tongs | 火鉗
hvii | strings of instrument | 絃
høefkhvii | fire irons | 火鉗
khvii | hang on; cling; pester | 纏; 拑; 緊纏無放; 鉗
khvii`teq | on the heels of; close behind; immediately following | 擒得; 緊跟著
kiapkhvii | a pincer | 鉗子
kviukhvii | diligent, tireless | 薑纏; 勤勞
phvii | longevity; big; a surname; proud | 彭; 坪; 平
phvii`khuy | evenly spread | 平開; 均開
teng'afkhvii | nail pliers | 釘仔鉗
thihkhvii | iron pincers | 鐵鉗
thvii | to stare at; to glare at | 瞪
thviix | Heaven's purpose or decree | 天意
thøfphvii | get even, take revenge | 討平

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