"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: jiog

ciwtii jiogliim | debauchery on a magnificent scale; unprecedented luxury or wealth (Lit. ponds of wine; woods of meat) | 酒池肉林
himhie-jiogkoong | be beside oneself with joy | 欣喜若狂
jiog zabor | run after women; pursue a woman | 追女人
jiog | pursue; run after | 追; 逐
jiog'ar | mat, mattress, cushion | 墊仔; 褥仔
jiog'iok ee aezeeng | carnal love | 肉慾的愛情
jiog'iok | carnal appetites | 肉慾; 獸慾
jiog'iuo | if (any) | 若有
jiog'iuo-jiogbuu | vague; shapeless; intangible | 若有若無
jiog'urn-jioghien | half-hidden; discernible for a moment at a time | 若隱若現
jiog`khix | run after; to chase; to pursue | 追去
jiog`køeakhix | outstrip; outrun; pass | 追過去; 越過
jiog`laang | chase people | 逐人
jiog`tiøh | catch up | 追上; 追著了
jiogciar | weaker person | 弱者
jioggarn | naked eye | 肉眼
jioggarn-buzw | eyes without pupils--stupid; shallow | 肉眼無珠
jiogjiok-kiongsit | stronger preying upon the weaker; weak falling victim to the strong; the law of the jungle; law of club and fang; big fish eat little fish | 弱肉強食
jiogkafn | some; a few; several | 若干
jiogkoafn | young man | 弱冠
jiogkog | weak nation | 弱國
jiogkuix | Japanese cinnamon; cassia tree; cinnamon | 肉桂
jioglie | young girl | 弱女
jiogma | taunt; hurl insults at; slang; abuse and insult | 辱罵
jiogphog | hand-to-hand combat | 肉博
jiogsex | minority | 弱勢
jiogsiao | small and weak | 弱小
jiogsiao-binzok | small nation | 弱小民族
jiogsiør | small and weak; puniness | 弱小
jiogsiør-binzok | small and weak tribe | 弱小民族
jiogsyn ee hoghoat | resurrection of body | 肉身的復活
jiogsyn | human body, mortal body | 肉身; 肉體
jiogthea | human body, flesh | 肉體
jiogthea-koanhe | sexual relations | 肉體關係
jiogthefteg | as regards the body; physical | 肉體德; 肉體的
jiogtiarm | weak point; weakness; shortcoming | 弱點
jiogzeeng chiongtong | arousal of the carnal appetite | 肉情衝動
jiogzeeng ee khoaelok | carnal pleasure | 肉情的快樂
jiogzeeng | carnal desire | 肉情
jiogzhofng | bed sore | 褥瘡
khofjiogkex | do injury to oneself in order to deceive the enemy | 苦肉計
safnjiogjiet | childbed fever; an infection occurring during the puerperium | 產褥熱
svoaf-jiogkuix | fragrant cinnamon; Cinnamomum randaieuse | 山肉桂
taixtix jiogguu | The wise man looks dumb (because he never shows off) | 大智若愚
thofjiogkuix | soil cinnamon | 土肉桂
tuijiog | chase, pursue | 追逐
zawsiøjiog | chase | 走相逐

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