"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kee

bøkee giaa kau'ie | look for trouble | 無枷抬交椅; 自找麻煩
chiwkee | a cangue worn by a prisoner | 手枷
giakee | to feel hopelessly worried or get in trouble for imaginary fears; wear a cangue | 抬枷; 夯枷; 負枷; 自找麻煩; 帶腳鐐
goxkinkee | use the knuckles to tap a person's head | 用拳頭敲人的頭 [*]
he'afkee | pickled shrimp | 蝦仔醬; 蝦醬
hekee | shrimp paste | 蝦膎
kee | cangue; shackles; heavy square block fastened round a criminal's neck; salted or pickled meat, fish or shellfish (the name of the fish or shell-fish is prefixed) | 枷; 絆
kee`teq | stock | 卡著
kee`tiaau | stuck | 卡住
kee`tiøh | hihder | 卡著; 妨礙
kee`tør | trip | 絆倒
keea'kexke | extremely low | 低低低
keeng | If the family is harmonious, everything will be successful, if the family is a mess, all will be in poor shape. | 窮
kekee | feel to be hooked by something | 枷枷
khakee | wooden stocks for the feet | 跤枷
khurnkeeng | poverty, very poor | 困窮
logbahkee | pickled deer meat | 鹿肉醬
svixkee | pickle fish or shellfish | 醬醃
svoatikee | pickled wild pig meat | 山豬醬
tøkee | tool carrier be bind at waist | 刀枷; 繫在腰間的一種刀架
zulekee | zulekøee; pickled snail | 珠螺膎

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